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tv   Documentary  RT  February 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the estimate of the so healthy and with offices before the benefits and i'm real familiar with them onto that heavy. what time i had a lot of the them, i looked at them the open concept belmont effect. as you had the little blue, 41 and one box. i don't know so much. i've done as an independent lebanese journalist during his career. he's produced hundreds of reports on was intimately he's met with is i'm going to head as late as many times and knows exactly how
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weapons get into their hands. because she home on it you see in the system is kind of a way to sleep on the, on the home and getting the new. so the, the home mom and that is what i mean, but only feeling that a lot of mean the events can take them off the menu. so to use drugs on was shown to the arms of traffic to the middle east, mainly from ukraine. is findings that corroborated by the largest dealers in the region, let us not model. so for some of the staff we, i'm about to look at the easiest, you know, mean? so what are the easiest number mobile number? uh sure. well, nice that i'm kinda confused on what i'm using. i know my some of the pilot
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uh somebody because i think of them in the some of those old paint them the best we can see them and it was a lovely to play and some of them move them for the movies. show that the arms dealers set up a meeting in a small town on the lebanese border. one of the main um, as traffic on routes in the middle east passes through here a lot of hands on the on the top of the facility. so the sides of the above on the flat level, a lot of them on the slash, the, the lebanese town is a 30 minute drive from the syrian border. a meeting is arranged here with a guide who will take the journal is to
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a major city less the an unremarkable grey house on the outskirts. but this mode is the exterior. hines. what resembles and as the warehouse tom smuggling is big business for the locals and sometimes it's the only way to survive. and that was due to the total was $100.00 a month on the motion for the month of device sheet. and i'm officially on those numbers this to you from the, for the farm on my machine, on the on the other student, most of these images were taken a year before. the palestinian israeli conflict escalated
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a time when must have arms. but just as daunted across the agent isn't the only, that's the thumb noting the straightforward democracy. i'm the most of the, in the female feeling a little less than the default. do you see that form in this, by the public about the videos? she prefers and stuff you know what to work for, at least for the partnership. so the new future manageable. probably. gina. ringback probably some of the one that would probably be better off on the, on the, on the truck, on the block and fee on the, on the time it off with that off. but what i me just for monday, the saw your back because the job, i'm not bothering those, most of us here for a few the quote of the principal above others, the bottom this is used to the left of so that
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is the, the so the system if you look through the, through the book, the quality level draws the quantity. obviously you can above average the questionnaire for me to see what need you to do to probably come up to the the, to move the target into. and what should have moved to which was a positive on your about to be for me. oh, by the shock moment somebody will probably focus, show me with what sort of a bit to say with most of the the mobile muscle
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to muscle was the oldest from the saw really come up on the, on the my, for my food for the housing and the mission field, i'm stuck with them on some of the most of the, all of the shares when funded. i'm using the book. why don't you, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world to turn this country into a major arms hub onto these questions? we need to go back in time to 1991. the on december, the 26. 1991 sylvia news. broad costs reported to us. what you wish to do is to
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set a bushing. it is for ricky bush and develop these continuum. grozis done bulky, if i do not want you to do this, that the thing is every single go. so this you will, will show, i'm going to send you the glove the semester is. i got a draft, but i need this. but i need say, well, that, that's going to take me, you can throw it as a, as a new, but it was a new me immediately step through to implement. come on the when you what was on the see, so can i. yeah, it's a basically the to the, it's out there with the company. yeah. that's the of the she's teaching easy to let me ask you at the time. so code code was those were held in ukraine. the world's largest warehouses of homes and military equipment stood in case of a conflict with the united states. a girl named must see we're still going to lose or the other only just you the leach know us as fella and yesterday, so green bruce and room them must see with a router as citizens ocean and that's close. that's most of for that, put on the email was where you leave the sheet that. so that's the permission. yeah, for the $100.00 really total shake for
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a little bit of to july the 1st 1991. when it was salt tag dissolved, the honest, most grew even bigger. the a nation, eastern european blogs. these mission have been to maintain peace in postwar, europe was abolished weapons from all service military units, re pantry agents. the border that deal with the local that i send the where they're stuck with it, but for most of the weapons was sent to ukraine. the super slow i q indeed was an idea of some of the system to deviate from it. or what is she previously? so essentially the original research i think, is a really important shift that's a whole of martha. he's here and those are the 3 of which was the last of the soviet union collapsed ukraine. now independence came into possession of, according to the most conservative estimates, 9000 tanks, 11000 vehicles,
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18000 artillery systems, 4000 aircraft, and helicopters in addition to tens of millions of small alarms and billions of rounds of ammunition. london's international institute for strategic studies said, ukraine's ministry prophecy was worth around $90000000000.00. if soon the jewish themselves, my pity that we might see him with him in them now. okay. and it will, it, there were, some should keep some, what are the, let me start slipping, the one that they were ready. but what we were able to get at the boot was just you to know what she did, the weight that there were some ship at the store, but the ex sealed them give you that sort of when you come in. but it should be at the, at the done within a month. so the us as a collapse, the new ukranian states loans the global sell off of soviet weapons. the business contracts was signed shortly off the and in 1991, a series of civil wars broke out in yugoslavia
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the . 6 delore bosnia and herzegovina was the largest of the conflicts video, some aspect of a slide view, which is false. um, what are the other generals? non your voicemail states? also, i'm a talk, i'm a boy. no. good. ok, cool sub has been most you got to me is on a poncho. we're going to push the ball some of them people getting it all on whether or not, but i could show the, in the early 1990 g of a guy younger than she was an intelligence officer and those now the so how within
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budget into the former yugoslavia which i think the federal dollars really soon was really my whole thing, but i was for fairly my own photo for the stuff. i mean, you're not in the odms of all the dollars. we certainly would orders here. those little blown them were slipping. lead to the of you only my question, do you mean that us blog and while these individual unbundle drive to the view emails, so probably what could i use? keep you a lot of things going on. the front of your no, but am i? you're so busy, so pretty cool things please play these unit. i like ways to say is only the other option. you can escape loss the, the police and the color on the porch. me personally the door as we do what do you mean steps for what i give a has kemp some of the documents to confirm the weapons. ukrainian origin told me on the unless the police difficult but it's not something i see it on your fellow. he is most often has looked to miss novels in cheerful books. so in your boss and luckily pretty much for about one of those are contributing
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a set of we may talk cuz i need to feed them, ask them and they'll show you a space. but they'll show you elected screen for your thought bill to see if that the effect that clip track fictional model of the email. does that make sense? yes. ok not hold directly to your email with the little by give them post all of what kind of box the the
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the on march the 11 some 2011. the largest us, great ever recorded in japan is really just it. a 14 me to to nami, devastates the focus. she must each and you have pallets on the the nuclear reenters are flooded, sparking, and her risk disaster. the vision id be of any time in june is living in japan. this nice to go to the area of the
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museum mailed down config. ashima immediately drove me to the for ya investigation stats. watch on t the l. look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with artificial intelligence we have summoning with him in the
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robot most protects his phone existence. with alexis, the the heavy weapons were delivered to bosnia by sea from odessa, the cargo went through the creation towards the rear and split small arms and now munitions were often delivered by aircraft, piloted by ukrainians. somebody made a list from other this space. there's one each in bottle now was order was, you know, for the which is to for the. yeah. and, but of course we are the and i see it so slightly majority for flex time. but it will need to be a simple steel off those miles told 5 super important because the entire unbundled ok, you see? so it'd be long uh from that value if you could give me is that enough? so i might call the pressure my you squared, that time of the day on file sy,
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i'll be on funds on want to use that to us for any of the for you when we saw this go solve this issue of it. what was that? that's a cube you that you sort of us give us the place, so he's going to buy it on my you the 2nd, a copy of the computer quite a little, but it was the photos you will need to pay the mostly must be courts. they all need mean an entrepreneur close. did you find the company to ship? was one of those who over. so, um, shipments these rand footage shows, i mean, in launching a small um, demonstration with colleagues. we'd never have loaned the existence of this major traffic or a desk if it hadn't been for one of the incidents. i forbid, i'll prove it. that is on bad ago. actually is that little basel, a good deal for somebody of the i mean last week, the students out in to be out your seats and sat down on the platform, stay laugh at all. that's why expensive. so i'm
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a cup of stupid because people stop by and grab a minute, feel free to load up one of the ways they normally start the bike alpha city volt automotive c o, it's ok. hello. the city capital of x rays to mean cool that i was going to assume that that was how the arms banner and was told by the attending police. in this room, they found piles of cocaine, $150000.00 in cash, diamonds, and documents in a briefcase with allie, while it is still on the same level, it has nothing to do with the lecture me i've done left at the belie or subsequent thoughts on the can we have the video is the weather. so he's gonna, she's gonna have some way. is one of the documents from that briefcase. i'm sort of signed by the code div was eunice drew defense. 5000000 rounds of ammunition, 10000 grenades, thousands of automatic rifles and coordinate drawing ships for the coming costs that are cut off. so you allow us the crew to come and currently be these come on export to critical expos whenever could assist with ongoing book in the
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process of the 80 to show to the . 6 cmo how they did see is the legendary will journalist we specialize in reporting on conflicts in africa. maybe i must go back to was to practical, can we, can we mean phone getting use of i don't look like, you know, people i for the food at the out of me. i everybody said i see it on the order of a have so you were looking at even thoughtful, replacing the, the extra the baby. and could we, the lovely be the child? one of those meanings company is called e t t, the, which stands for exhausting and tropical tim, the enterprise. officially and conducted logging operations in liberia. but in fact, is confirmed by the un special commission misapplied alms to president charles taylor,
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a real estate trying to get fee of genocide against his country citizens your personal and that's what i'm on or all the anybody there sort of abuse you thought it. i thought pretty got the right outside of the length of 289. it lost or something for the for the or the me eh, you may leave the room for. i thought i have so many of the 01 and then but i see the in the, the bay area and a lot of this is not a 1000000 terry this is the fuse civilian of rising using dummy companies, meaning in the quad width and through the space export cooperation, a government entity which in the early 2 thousands was the main supplier of width of this, the african dictates is especially useful and who cares, but it's expert to put you over corner with it. we've mentioned you'd, those are use of diamond is near. it's pretty i network, there are, these aren't seen, let's do the school. we definitely get you is going to split school when they
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should be set upset and it was easy or it was a bad she. so even you can practice the payments for the deadly kind of goes where usually made in ways uncommon. so government entities, the income bill for you, you park, i mean through the political is it pull sort of a new the corporate, the audio. but as a, if you don't the bible. okay. sure. in in the low monthly bible going forward, if we were up to 30 to 43, your mind to 43 now from all the tasking business. so clients give me a lot of rain and, and we'll say as i'm other, cuz i'm the kind of o l mazda 6 you're competing with, is the 2 for you with managing. i'm just kind of looking to ship to meet all of the push to month towards a lot of things going on. okay, let me get on this to get on the of last month for law and siblings of whether it was the printing war veterans job in cross which was registered in also is the most um shipments were carried on the b a c $111.00 own bind is writing the businessman
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of ukrainian origin. the engagement in registered in the caymans. it was operated by the mud. i'm registered in mama coast. these are photos of one of the lines that arrived in liberia circumventing the you n, as in dog. oh, it started full of weapons boxes. the plane was owned by the and in the 1st the ends by meant in, in march 1999 was a cargo of $68.00 of military equipment including $3000.00. okay, i'm a so the 1st 1000000 rounds munitions 25 at the jews, sevens under the latest ordinance. estella fees and method systems and a few related besides the ons was way to vote from the canadian arms marketing company. you can fits export meanings on these business partners names and then baldwin and who goes fed exports,
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homes deliveries. so if is doing investigations into um the link in the middle east payment's sort of a shipment. so the global nature of the arms, the advanced by minute italian persecution or so, this is where directed reportedly by men and himself to and guardian bank account owned by a company, allegedly related to men. and the payments from the same amounts were made to various companies including us, but export. busy to us by con the service for next us in on uh for june, the technical boy guerria the scale of the trade is as the machine hundreds of thousands of tons of contraband, wept line between the confidence. for some odd reason, it went unnoticed for many years. the 2nd arms delivery outraged by minimum was
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what it via clubs was. rather than working of fossil the arms, the consisted of 150 testing and phones of arms. but all codes for it was a canadian state's own company and included some thousands, 500, a k 47. i saw 3 fellows, $125.00 per guns, $100.00, the getting a launcher night vision equipment and $8000000.00. so if i'm going to ship a portion of these arms was delivered in july 2000 at the entry this then for codes, it was using an m use of certificates signed on may 26th, 2 thousands by a senior officer of the ministry or the funds the officials mentioned in the documents that patients and can't even been in and these friends didn't seem to be on intelligence agencies. radars been in today's they obtained numerous international possible. it's found doing the rate on these hotel room and it's
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a very possible for the day is coming for support for so when, when you send the weight up, as opposed to great, you know, most of, most of the ship features are the queen. every blanket we're looking for some parents, they're 80 percent of july. they want to put your name in or you, you currently have the that bought it, bought it in for the employee and kelly and these are the fed. okay. i've it should that super, super simple to deploy a new job. i know that, um i you, is this gonna be on my end or the foot for support for each of you during his investigation, the journal has concluded that without the support of us top ross, it wouldn't be an impossible to implement such a can last source rite of ukrainian um, through the black market, they managed to solve some sensitive issues of the i'm all may 40 bodies requests are the main ones that you go over and something to me. so the company us, they put all this only reveals, they probably is only 5. i mean, they probably still on they, they actually go to the bank or federal just allowing people to get up or thinking
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about it until the 1st step is sort of the the find a lot of i fi fi to evaluate the capital easily got it. and they out of me and enough calls particularly the got a louie the problems with, with the, for my stuff to. and i see, i see here, let me pull the, the, the, the request of entity out of the mac, eh, normally a era and click where it all came from sending about a policy. so when i say that you've got a few come to that to be a better assume people might of creech proposals or if you come to the, me get a see i thought the clean the new to be joining it as well as the day and set meetings, billionaire, lifestyle dalliances without freaking terrace and connections with the politicians and government officials all around the world. even in spite hollywood feeling the story is quite accurate. but on like nicolas cage is kind of like the cops didn't go off to meet in despite overwhelming evidence. newtonian court only charged him
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with possession of drugs and diamonds. true tv thought, yeah, you'll see that people still own got you. so let me pull it out to get space shuttle. yeah, i mean it just eats. yeah. i mean, it's, you know, what mean i mean, your show of a lot paid look it or you lack of stuff, see on it. so it'd be an esl, full eating that may not do that very so, and then they will do a cage of cam on the computer. you'll see that fossil notes is updating and see that for us. so the vagaries of each of these judicial system can be explained by one thing only. then it was a link in a chain of interested and very powerful parties, so powerful the jumps for them ukrainian parliament a don't get special loans for instance, loan number 1919299 is and that is because they weren't sure it was the new months i fixed the model was your computer is a piece of what was your conclusion for us because somebody for us, the city is full. could i ask who i'm speaking with the address of this concern?
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the think he's looking at the interested but he's doing the menu that ukraine traded arms on a statewide scale. the true sales volumes were uncovered by accidents. when in 2008, some money power had seized the cargo to ship the m v fi enough. there quick didn't okay, when we looked it up, i've been away fighting as captain victor nicole ski is no retired, but these photos on the was a newspaper clippings remind him of past events that prominently displayed them so that his family doesn't forget the hell captain nicholas gay had to endure what sort of a deal for this message, no mistake you left was admittedly no video link to flip initiative. can you do that as much of a little kind of the list of the show us that it was
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which it was like when it's difficult because that's what the block or both. and that's not going to police a number of students that i picked could or they have in you get the belief system, most of the insurance them over though we still isn't burger. so them full of water proof most and the to the bought the federal that also brought up north and it was out of wells. or is it the way it was? i don't want to be over with you migrate it up is not corrupted. it but it was so good, but that was, that is the book and years natalie took a little more college stuff sort of jumped if it was unable to use our spring just in those to visit business. don't settle for 2nd with them. what for what, what is deal with me just a 2nd. me go to them to new or india for serious it they don't. this month really can yesterday and was at the front of this as it listed in the girlfriend. you covered any of
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the, i guess it was a pleasure plus balance of people's the best way and what cause a shift restorative for them. then you said something that i mean, if i give them the start of those electrons, but i'd like to bring up with you what i needed. it was also for listening closely with much on the so most of the most find out what that means for some muscle video, but i think it was still open. i'm shipping a mission. you're in a solution. most of the last yes last we did on there and then just get brush up and think o s. and i'm just a little bit of music and you saw the was, i'm just from williams, from the,
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by the name of the visible eunice introduced to your worship by manage. the police didn't know the media used to be a gas of thousands of farmers, whole thing, the launch to new delhi, you becomes, of the working class, the bad prize guarantees for their food. so the labor the equation needs to be planned. the little thing of a sold recalls as much has gone to 11 on the the usual vows to continue a solves on gaz after its raid on rafa killed over a 100 policy unions save apparel, hostages that have biased as of the idea of attack. killed 3 is ready captives,


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