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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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or illusions, going underground, can the police and all the media use to a gas on thousands of farmers halting the marched in new delhi. it comes as a working class, denied 5 guarantees, but the fruits, the valet bought the equation, needs to be clear. the little thing of a soldier hall's closet. these are all vows to continue a soul for me to gather off a raid on drop. i killed over a 100, want a few minutes to save a pair of hostages and mass as though the idea of fantastic killed. 3 is ready, captive and the process and so the applicant has to be international court of
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justice to be made these roles activities in guy that saying that the breached all the genocide convention and the 4th order to prevent the drive. the head of the. busy kevin, so the global news update on all the international i a might call ports right now. police have deployed to a gas in northern india, in a bed to stop thousands of protesting farmers from marching on new delhi. as a reno still was been served with all around the capital. r t is a room, joe and shaw my 5. and this report or the is quite a situation here in north india. that's where the farm was off for testing this
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to test a scroll, saw almost to test 2 points. the last time phone was suggested, it went on for the yellow from 2020 to 21 and it had become the largest full test in the system. now as we speak, the phone was on marching towards new day on side, some distance off. nothing. yes. now, the ones that lead to the abl fortified, we advocate several to 5 we phones in new simply because these thousands of farmers disabilities that a mokesha would see daddy on the why. i didn't see that this is the capital of the country. i'm the pharmacy for the government to listen to the models on the when they come until now. as far as the demands are concerned, existence being put to name a few,
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the wanted me to guarantee for minimum to full size of the cost. that's and that's the deal. so want the death we bought from the phone with 0 to one dimension for thomas. i'm the age of 60 and so one. so for now, why is the government having a tough time here? it's because the government has to balance what the family's off the full with what the consumer needs are. so that's a beautiful problem to balance that out. now they don't that our own between finally you news. i'm the government of the 1st talk which lasted for about 5 hours yesterday. that did not materialize, but have been given to understand that the government is to indulge with the farmers. we can expect few rounds of all the thoughts of the government is able to finally reach a decision. but it's not just of almost india if i was in different thoughts of was that for you? the b r a b prize out by big companies buy corporate said we all seen
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farmer products because in different thoughts of the world we've seen it happen in the us. we've seen that happen full. and we've also seen that happen in frosts and spin. ah, so really ages, momentum that fall most of the world are moving to was. but of course the focus right now is you that the next few days are going to be crucial. and we'll see how it plays out and now it's a guys a way of policy. the ends up picking all the pieces out the devastating soccer. busy will cover strikes by the idea of a, the rescue, and a pair of these ready hosted is in the southern city of rafa of the policy know reg, preston, society sides of the attacks claimed the lives of more than 100 gallons. we have children and women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the street. our 10 doesn't have a roof, it's made of night long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly. at least 50 slides destroyed. housing blocks in boston, in the most densely populated area, how be engraved. people say that they have no where left to go. that but the last
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is roles defense ministers, as of the lasting legacy of the in time operation should be a destroyed guys that to match them up. this action rescuing the hostages, created the reversal enough intake, and also in the thinking of how much that would be more operations for our existence. it depends on it's aaron's ugly symbol of this event, should be destroyed. guns destroyed, con eunice, underground above ground, dead terrace. this is the signal that they have mass has said that the idea of rate not only killed thousands of palestinians, but also claimed the lives of 3 is ready, hostages, that has not yet been a verification of the claim, but however, if proven it will be another case of israel killing captives held by him as of the broad i. e's real mouth motive in perspective. an idea of captain put a new spin on the i fraud i a knology. i shall not rest. we shall know,
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stopping until we achieve the eradication of the terra, the extermination of a and the reason for the equation becomes really clear what the middle finger of a sound rojas and i was on. she has gone 11 on the wrong need. i'm not staying in solvent, gaz at this video, speculating online appears to show ideas forces smashing the northern gate. i'm trying to get the largest medical facility back to nasa hospital. people sheltering in the area have been ordered to evacuate. all right, yeah, the reports of heavy gun, fine, and you have the complex local don't this a crumb also. it's already has details one to not the different, most within nasir, but different complex has been subjected to frequent the past 5 years. at least the fair and your ground forces. people who are off to these not feel free to come complex with talk because when they have time for these 16 people were injured, separate people to work and, and the ones who are now on the ground,
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no one can fix them. the ones who have time to pick them arsenide by dates and these type of which is just a bounce of all the areas that should start this is few yards away from those within husband's target. there also, and it has no burden and understands of getting out of control. that could be the one to move out, trying to escape or also shot until the or is, or the turn of the bump doors or if it thing and living in that and destroying the wall. that's a nice thing. gas cooled amount to potential war crimes charges against diesel. after the i c j head claims of these really genocide, the international criminal court in the hague is expressed deep concerns about reports of bombardment at a potential ground incarcerated in the south will be in place. i have real concern over the reports coming out to rafa. the possibility of for the ground in cushions by is ready, troops, reported bombardments. there is not 2 investigations at all. people,
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all parties are on notice. these rail government is on notice the officials, members of the military on notice that we are investigating. if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have out judges also here the i c. c. to make sure that there's no room for impunity on the desk building gather has passed 28000 . according to local health professionals, i comes as much of the international community continues to push these role to stop the bloodshed. practice on is one of the countries that condemn the bombing of rafa plays that has become a shelter for nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians of israel suites in bowman. inoffensive. and rafa is deplorable and a great violation of international law in human rights doc has done condemns. these acts of violence against innocent boasts unions and goals for an immediate cease fire. the world cannot afford to look away from southern style and very clear that
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i'm in the same people that we're getting is, is beyond limits now, and it must be stop and what do they is doing? they must be held accountable for that and by themselves, support the cause by this time. and if you don't want to believe that it is the. 2 biggest, uh, honestly, at the moment on this planet, and it must be, is on the tri state is the 500 and box is gonna be just uh for the last 70 years. but this is the same pricing. i mean this the set up in the 7th uh, you know, doing what the uh, what they are doing is, is absolutely unacceptable. is not on the general side. rather it is, it is a question for the entire amenities that what people are like these ladies drink and what are the acting? no, i think it is any relation to google, it should do the do eat or read in the know if there is going to use fire. so if i
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think it has a dress the international court of justice urging the body to exam the needs role, decision to launch it's operation in rafa already operate tory, i had filed a case against ease roll alleging that he had committed genocide in gaza. and now sees the plant idea of offensive as a continuation of what the hell a v was ordered to stop of the unprecedented military offensive against ralph, as announced by the state of his ro has already led to and will result in further large scale killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and a repeatable breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order of 26 of january 2024. to tell me, it has indeed written to the international court of justice, urgency all seem for additional reasons as a result of the announcement made by ease or all that prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as oscar. he's coming into a plan for the evaluation off of alpha and the destruction of some us forces the so
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that we can use that these draws rough law states as may lead to if we can. so my a nation office, right south palestine using guys that the genocide convention and of course the course pulled off between the 6th of january 2034 and the 3rd to the court of justice to intervene in order to prevent any further breaches going forward. we understand that about half of garza's population, which is about more than 1000000 people are reportedly coming to in. and i found many sheltering day off to fleeing from the homes. if in parts of guys in the wood is off as well as evacuation before, you also remember that it's been less than a month since the international court of justice austin boarded is all to take home is, is, would feel its power to prevent its feeds from committing genocide as against christine using gaza, which was a landmark case before the advice of africa as well. and so it was so that you can
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see the things lost in solution can not be found with in the chambers of political organs of the united nations. as well as the security council, which has also become sort of dysfunctional solutions that advocacy must be sold to elsewhere and it gets is covering tools as well. speaks to exactly that kind of narrative but symmetric is running with. and i think also very important to notice that all of this comes as case one income, most of reportedly in twiggs towards a po that aims to bring about as these 5. yeah, because not too long ago, we really didn't report that to those 12. so moving forward even often is wrong. i'm intensified it's offensive in the southern guides us often i find out what is the prime minister, ordering his ability to prepay appliance to evacuated rough despise of repeated warnings from agencies and the likes of south africa. and the you is the sort of
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the wait to see how the courts of justice will respond and take this and that. so forward in an exclusive comment to our te set off against the justice administer. i run a lot more last spoke about the next step of the quote while considering the situation on folding in rafa. for long extending weeks to some people in moscow has reacted to the ease ready strikes on rasa with russia as far as many stuff, highlighting the crisis during his speech at the fall by discussion farm, he says that the increasing destabilize ation shows that he's real doesn't want to compromise,
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and the policy and people are being collectively punished. a sub with 0 sigma was due to the events of october 7th, rock the entire middle, easiest. and indeed, the whole world of russia immediately condemned the mazda attack on his really civilians at distrusting that we do not accept any errors to thomas. but we categorically oppose using this time to collectively punish the palestinian people . taking into account the uncompromising attitude of these rarely leadership. we see this uncompromising attitude towards the continuing the military action and garza now extending it to rob us. we do not see prospect for the rapid stabilization of a situation in the sector. the 1st and foremost deliberative spoke at the 13th middle east conference at the fall. the club in which she touched upon a variety of issues concerning the region, but special attention was given to paula's fine course. he pointed out that russia did suggest to the un security council to what stopped is seized by a resolution in gaza that was vetoed by the united states. he emphasized that the
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west is trying to not only prevent a ceasefire and gaza from happening, but is also actively trying to cancel rushes efforts in peaceful resolutions in the region. reasonable suspicion of food in the middle east. the americans rely on their dominance in the region, and they are already working to exclude russia from various international effort into creating distributions for the establishment of the last 2 pieces facility they impose, including in the current situation, they impose solutions that are sort of speak their recipes and those recipes are far from reality. they are taking one sided solutions that do not take into account the specifics of either countries or regions as a whole. where this short side of the course of the self. there's course, i would say let the americans and their allies isn't obvious to everyone here. we need to look for a way out of this catastrophic reality with a way that would prevent a catastrophe. palestine and israel in the middle east are being pushed into
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a catastrophe. by our american colleagues machine, you know, and emphasized that what's happening requires effort to create reliable conditions . he also says that the ramifications of the current escalations could be said beyond all is fine and beyond because that they could be seen syria, him as he also pointed out, that the situation in the red escalate in the eve of just, you know, general terms of i understand that a scheme for a comprehensive settlement was agreed upon. however, the military adventure of the united states and its allies in the waters of the red sea of tennessee, all these develop all these prospects and instead of a collective effort to de escalate the situation. washington in london began to bomb us. once again, they have chosen the neo colonial option of responding militarily to what is happening. events of the initiative to bring different policy infections to gather because as he says, file is seen in unity lays in their own hands. and that was the fire space,
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a priority for russia. now russia, he mentions, is work in a constructive manner with countries in the regions, and he's actively cooperating with our actually we probably heard from research director of the on cry institute, a ta hot oregon. and he says that the middle east has a long history of wars. and if it's nations united in support of palestine equal will find itself in a tough situation. in this region has problems for negative 4, n s g for plus 25 peers starting by boot r q a patient if you want to goals of a badge. the goal for an american attack in rock and us. so there is a huge negative water damage that could easily channel itself into progress thing and calls which, which is a very just caused by doing it. it's very indigenous issue. and it's the question was impatient throughout the region within the people. at
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a certain extent for them the states are plus, there's a new set of your own with exp, global power competition is taking place. flushing the russian ukraine war created that needs see why us china rivalry is taking place. and also even within the western government. and the nation that is essential plus 3. so to invest some capitals out of full white color and start representing empire with different directions and they have public opinion. so this is not going to happen immediately, but all the funds are telling us we're not in the past times as is right and do whatever they want to do. they may even does that. but then we'll be conclusions on state side now who with thousands of protests that's due to the streets of manhattan to voice their support for the people of guys that the module is held onto the slogan for not having full rasa.
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the a powerful words in the heart of new york city. as a general theme cease fire now free pala sign and silence is completed. these are some of his words that is very catch you that did not to my dream to spade more of the same as the voices echo across the atlantic. stop the genocide in guy, the read the headlines banner locals took out the aim at the government officials and didn't bins would set another policy. now if the government is not going to do anything for palestine, at least keep your mouth shut,
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staples and don't. so arms to israel don't be completed and have them killed ballasting and children who are the oldest children. there is no one left for the k o u m a secular stuff. young boys that were here because of the massacre. the fees real has scary down today. against the people of guys and the pals team and people we're for these because of these are me because no one. yeah. who is a murderer? it is an army of cowardly murders because they are killing children and they know they're going to kill showing their wants to drive the palestinians out of their places like they did in 90 on 48. i'm to offer to now web demonstrations of spiraled into valens. as people pass the streets of the democratic republic of condos and capital, any series of anti western protests, protest, harris fatigues from king salsa as government straight is said by, as in police, try to keep it low. in order for us, locals gathered outside many western ambition,
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slaves as west lock in control over one of the issue here is that the one that report at least supports the m 23 revo group funding de receive for the nations east legation, new one that denies and don't list the whole to the past more on this course has come as hundreds of people off lead. yeah. home in the city of must see sleep in the eastern bridge. a of combo go to the top of and i'm going to tell you right above what of the i'm groups with you this correctly talking that to be part of after the test. now on monday, the police in the republic single fire goes into the people just to this present process, those who are pressing. yes, we can says all over the west to called nowadays, which is a rising from 50, some parts of the country to here to demonstrate for the cause of our country. but the police are firing to get some boots at us. like it's nothing we're
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demonstrating for our country what the police are doing makes no sense to us. we're dying in the east are also our brothers, the long story, dying least or outcomes of these brothers where i am, my headaches. it hurts is so much so, but walk by medicare, about prostate or the americans, the french, an entire international community watching us getting killed the same. and that's the model. now also in the countries the also the lines is less with so much resource of mineral resources. and this is why the i'm doing is trying to take control of the law. now the process does while expressing you agree, best needs front tire. so us clause, and that's all the belgium. and so the grievances and the process, they're coming up to the keys to say that's why is the was not given the support. why is the was supported for not using the input was called the file names which is
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arising in the eastern part of the country a message to those who deb question, the american resolve. that's how the us senate majority leader trump show a my describes a new bill that includes foreign aid for ukraine, eas role and tie one. if we want the world to remain a safe place for freedom, for democratic principles, for our future prosperity, then america must lead the way. and with this bill, the senate declares that american leadership will not waver, will not falter it will not fail. today we make vladimir put in regret today he questioned america's resolve and we made clear to others like china as president, she not to test our determination. and we send
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a clear bi partisan message of resolve to our allies in nato. well, as you just heard, that was us senator chuck schumer and in his remarks he blamed to russia for undermining faith and america is leaders around the world. he didn't seem to know so many foreign policy failures that the united states is overseeing. one takes a look at libya, one takes. ready look at afghanistan, syria and iraq, it would make sense why some would doubt the capacity of american leaders and their ability to carry out effective operations and bring justice to the world. however, he didn't mention that one of his remarks. it. ready all simply russia that has worked to undermine the united states credibility. now, in his remarks that he called this bill that was just passed by the us senate providing funding for israel and brain as well as taiwan. he called it the most important deal in the history. he said that passing it was
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a huge achievement. however, sen, rand paul, of kentucky, strongly disagree with chuck schumer. this is what the republican senator from kentucky had to say. opened the champagne pop the court. the senate democratic leader and the republican leader are on the way to to have. they've got $60000000000.00 they're bringing. i don't know if it'll be cash in pallets, but they're taking your money to give that he didn't have much time really no time and no money to do anything about our border. were being invaded. a liberal invasions coming across our border, 800000 people, came illegally the last month. and all they had time to do in the senate was get the money, get the cash pallets load the plains, get the champagne ready, and slot. a key of now there has been back and forth debate between democrats and republicans in the us senate surrounding this bill for months. now the original
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bill did have of funding for the us border and border security. however, that funding was removed to add. many republicans were anger that seemed more funding is going to ukraine, them to protecting the american border and securing the of safety of american citizens. now, funding for taiwan was added to the bill, but it went forward without funding for the us board. now republicans would have agreed to the bill much earlier. the funding for the border had been given priority over the bottomless pit of funding they have piled on crank. however, that was not something democrats seemed willing to negotiate on. and democrats blame everyone but themselves for that died. the result of it seriously from russia is the result of treason from republicans that they consider to be against the country, market republicans, etc. they don't seem to acknowledge the real failures of
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u. s. foreign policy and real revelations about the u. s. funding of ukraine and the results of that money pouring into the country and what that is, man, uh, they don't want to acknowledge that may be part of what has delayed this bill from passing the bill. now house, they have to go to the us house of representatives. they will vote on it next. and after that, it passes the house of representatives, which is certainly not guaranteed, as there is expected to be quite a bit of debate around it. just as there was in the senate, then it will end up on the, the seat or the desk of jill by who will then have to sign it into the law. so this is the process. many expect this bill to pass a long time ago. it's taken quite some time as to date value as foreign policy and continued funding for in crane escalates. many in the united states just don't feel really to be spending lots of money on for and wars around the world piling weapons into foreign countries. while the situation at home deteriorates particularly on the us border, so that's what's just occurred on capital hill. the senate has passed,
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the bill will be waiting. see what happens next? wild job i didn't, has his eyes set on the 2nd time. he might want to take a pick. yeah. the latest polls. 86 percent of americans saying that he's not fit to lead again. is with this seems just not with him anymore. and the other reason press conference where they do they need and king, the big guy claim there was an american ministry outpatient being raised in gazda. as i said, just a military operation of rockland, they're under the major military operation, rough rough, or should not proceed without a credible plan. but it's not just that his pro until leaving a trail of flaws when he is simply speaks audience. donald courted takes us through the story of the mental and physical decline in washington. the bargains gone bananas. you can't even remember when he was vice president, or when his son died had yet to visibly alien presidents. attorney is saying
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nothing at all is the matter. does the president have any memory problems? he does not. i was in the interview room and, and let me tell you one other than yet from the interview room. there were a couple of occasions when the special council, who had flags at the beginning, but sometimes he asked him precise questions. right after i was like, i went to the ecology 72000. and i sat down, i said america's back later on, german, me from france was to me and said, said no way that i think that uh you know, initially present mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in even kamala harris has stated publicly,
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she's ready to take over the reins from by the worst. for washington though, is that the leadership health crisis extends beyond just the white house. because defense secretary lloyd austin's got bladder problems and they're so serious that he was hospitalized in the critical care unit. tonight, after a series of tests and evaluations, the secretary was admitted into the critical care unit at the walter reed national, military medical center for supportive care and close monitoring. at this time, it is not clear how long secretary austin will remain hospitalized. the current bladder issue is not expected to change. event disappeared as full recovery. at least this time, the pentagon had the courtesy to offer an explanation. when lloyd austin disappeared for days on end of last month, there was nothing but silence, outraged politicians even called for his resignation over the incident. but the pentagon announced lloyd austin would not resign. and he even said, sorry, we did not handle this. right. and i did not handle this right and i take.


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