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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the same design or the police didn't know the name here you'd see a gap of, of thousands of farmers halting the match to do daily a comes of the working cracked in that price guarantee for food. so they are labeled the, the equation needs to be clear, and it will think of a solid red balls with as much as goss at 11 on the wrong. these are all about to continue with cells on gather, operates, read on rob, or killed holder off on deposit opinions to save a pair of hostages, to my sense of the idea of attack. killed 3, eas, ready captives in the process of africa,
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asked stage national court of justice. 3 exam the these rules activities in gaza. k being it didn't reach all the genocide convention and the court order to prevent further crime. we speak exclusively to the start off again. just to, to manipulate the, it's midnight in moscow. welcome to a global news update on our 2 international. i am michael portrait now police of deployed to a gas in northern india and a bit to stop thousands of protecting farmers from marching on new delhi. as a ring of still has been thrown up around the capital. archie is really doing shop my files and this report of
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the quite a situation here in north india, that's where the farm was off for testing this to test a scroll saw almost to test 2 points. the last time phone was suggested, it went on for your from 2021 and it had become the largest full test in the system. now as we see, the phone was on my team to the side, some distance off. nothing due. now the ones that lead to new day d o 4 to 5 with advocates at 4 to 5 with phones in new simply because all these thousands of families. this is at least $200.00 family unions for talking about that. i'm lucky to would to daddy on not able to wire farmer marching towards
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new jersey city because you, denny is still willing to take cook capital of the country and the pharmacy that the government when listen to, the demands on the, when they come to know as far as the demands that concerned this is being put to name a few the want the need to gather the d for minimum support, fries, the costs. that's m a c, b will. so want the debt we bought from the phone with 0 to one dimension for almost above the age of 60. and so when, so for now, why is the government having a tough time here to stick as a government has to balance what the farm is asking for with what the consumer needs are. so that's beautiful problem to balance that out out there that i own between family use. i'm the government of the 1st talk which lasted for about 5 hours yesterday. that did not materialize, but have been given to understand that the government is to indulge with the farmers. we can expect few rounds of all the thoughts of the government is able to
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finally reach a decision. but it's not just of, almost in india, its farm was in different thoughts of the world that for you, the b r b, priced out by big companies, buy cool rates. and we all seen farmer products because in different thoughts of the world, we've seen it happen in the us. we've seen that happen full and very little to seeing it happen in frosts and spin. ah, so really easy is momentum that fall most of the world are moving to was but of course the focus right now is you that the next few days are going to be crucial and then see how it plays out. and now it's a guys out where apollo scene is picking up the peasy is that the devastating so called cover strikes by the idea of a and the rescuing a pair of these are the hostages and the solve and say to you of rafa of the policy and reg, crested in society, said that the attacks claim to lots of more than 100 gallons. we have children and
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women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the streets are 10, doesn't have a roof, it's made of night long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly. i've used 50 strikes, destroyed housing blocks, and mosques in the most densely populated area. how band claim people say that they have nowhere else to go over the last ease, roles, defends administer as, as of the lasting legacy of the entire operation. she'll be a destroyed gaza to match them off this action rush screen. the hostages created the robustly nothing cake and also in the thinking of time us that will be more operations on our existence. it depends on its errands. the symbol of this event should be destroyed. garza destroyed con eunice underground above ground, dead terrace. this is the symbol to her mas has said that the idea of rage not only killed dozens of palestinians, but also claims the lives of threes riley hostages. and it has yet been no verification of that claim. yet however, if proven,
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it will be another case of ease or killing captives held by him. us either put the broader ease, ready, move, manage all, multiply by perspective. an idea of kept him put a new spin on the i for on i knology we've shown that rest we shall know stopped me until we achieve the eradication of the tyra. the extermination of our enemies of the equation needs to be clear. well, the little thing of a sound revised, and i was as much as goss 11 on the wrong need. i'm not staying in solving gas. this video circulating online appears to show idea of forces max in the northern gauge of some units, a largest medical facility that's the nasa hospital. people sheltering in the area had been ordered to evacuate area. there were reports of heavy gunfire near the complex. a local journalist chrome also tarry has details. when did not
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submit to converse with them, not for a different complex has been subjected to frequent the past 5 years, at least her hair and your brown sausage people who are off to the knots over to them. compass with talk because when they're starting for these 16 people were injured, separate people to work and, and the ones who are now on the ground, no one consistent the one to a sense, the victim last night, 5 days. and these type of position a balance of all the areas that should start this is few yards away from the system has been targeted cold. so and it has no bergman's and the slaves. i think i'll just from that one to move out. trying to escape are also short on the or is that the turn the doors are and if it thing and live it into that and destroying the world, a dozen lazing gas up to the amount to potential war crimes charges against the usual off of the i c, j. her claims of these really genocide,
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the international criminal court in the hague, has expressed deep concern about reports of bombardments and potential grounding cushion in the south of the enclave. have real concern over the reports coming out to rough or the possibility of for the ground in cushions by is ready troops. the report of bombardments, there is not 2 investigations at all. people, all parties are on notice. these royal government is on notice the officials, members of the military on notice that we are investigating. if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have our judges also here the i c. c. to make sure that there's no room for impunity, but that's tolan gas that has passed 28000 according to local health professionals . it comes as much of the us needs, a national community continues to push israel to stop. the blogs said pakistan is one of the countries that condemn the bombing of rafa plays. that has become michelle, the for nearly one and half
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a 1000000 people policy unions or israel suites, involvement and offensive. and rafa is deplorable and the great violation of international law in human rights, doctor's done, condemns these active violence against innocent boasting ins and goals for an immediate cease fire. the world cannot afford to look away from the southern, very clear that, i mean, it will say to people that we think he's getting is, is beyond the limited snow and it must be stop. and what do you guys doing? they must be held accountable for that and by themselves, support the cause by this time. and if you want to believe that it is the uh biggest uh, honestly at the moment on this planet. and it must be the tri state is the $500.00 and box is done in a few years uh for the last 70 years. but this is, he says, i see, i mean this visa often the 7th uh, you know, doing what the, uh, what they are doing is,
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is absolutely unacceptable. is not on the general side. rather it is, it is a question for the entire humanity. is that what people are like ladies drink and what are the acting? no, i think it is an invitation at google get should do the do eat or read in the know and there is going to use fire. so i think it has a dress the international court of justice urging the body to be examined easily. decision to launch. it's the oppression in rafa. all right, happy tory, i had filed a case against easel, alleging that he had committed genocide in gaza and now sees the plant idea of offensive as a continuation of what the v was ordered to stop. of the unprecedented military offensive against rafa. as announced by the state of israel was already led to and will result in the large scale, killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and irreparable breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order of 26 of january 2024. to tell
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me, it has indeed written to the international court of justice, urgency, all scheme for additional muses as a result of the announcement made by ease or all that prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as oscar. he's copying it to approve a plan for the evaluation off of alpha and the destruction of how much forces the so that she can be exact. and these draws rough offensive may lead to if we can, so by a nation off of the ride soft palestine using guys that the genocide convention. and of course, the course pulled off between the 6th of january 2024. and the 3rd is the court of justice to intervene in order to prevent any further breaches going forward. we understand that about half of causes population, which is about more than 1000000 people are reportedly coming in. and i found many sheltering. they're often slipping from the homes in parts of guys in the old as of
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israel's evacuation before you also remember that it's been less than a month since the international court of justice austin boarded is all to take home is, is, would see its power to prevent its foods from committing genocide at so um again for this dean using guys uh it was, it was a landmark case before device of africa as well. and so it was so that you can see the seems lost in submission, cannot be found within the chambers of the political organs of the united nations, as well as the security council, which has also become sort of dysfunctional solutions that advocacy is a must be sold to elsewhere in the case of is covering tools as well speaks to exactly that kind of narrative, but so i think that is running with and i think also very important to notice that all of this comes as visual and commerce of reportedly in twiggs towards a deal that aims to bring about as these 5. yeah. because not too long ago with ria,
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didn't report that to those talk. so moving forward even often is, well, i'm intensified it's offensive in the southern guys. often i find out what the prime minister ordering his ability to prepay appliance to evacuated rough, despise of repeated warnings from agencies and the likes of south africa. and the you is the sort of the wait to see how the courts of justice will respond and take this matter forward and an exclusive comment to our te set off because the justice minister ronald, i'm all last spoke about the next step of the court while considering the situation on folding in rafa for long to some people.
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moscow has reacted to these ready strikes on rasa with russia as far administer highlighting the crisis during a speech of all the discussion farm. he says that the increasing the step below position to shows that he's will, doesn't want to compromise. and the policy and people are being collectively punished or somebody just is more what's due to the events of october 7th, rock the entire middle east. and indeed, the whole world, russia immediately condemned demoss attack on his really civilians stressing that we do not accept any terrorist attacks. but we categorically oppose using this attack to collectively punish the palestinian people, taking into account the uncompromising attitude of these rarely leadership. we see this uncompromising attitude towards continuing the military action and gaza now extending it to rafa. we do not see prospects for the rapid stabilization of
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a situation in the sector. it's 1st and foremost so. so the level of smoke at the 13th middle east confidence at the ball by club edwards. she touched upon a variety of issues concerning the region, but special attention was given for palestine corps. he pointed out that russia did suggest to the un security council to adopt is seized by a resolution in gaza that was vetoed by the united states. he emphasized that the us is trying to not only prevent a ceasefire in gaza from happening, but it's also actively trying to cancel rushes efforts in peaceful resolutions in the region. these new officials in the middle east, the americans rely on their dominance in the region, and they are already working to exclude russia from various international efforts aimed at creating conditions for the establishment of lasting peace and stability. they impose, including in the current situation, they impose solutions, so to speak, their recipes and those recipes are far from reality. they are taking one sided
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solutions that do not take into account the specifics of either countries or regions as a whole. where this short sighted course, a selfish course, i would say let the americans and their allies is obvious to everyone. we need to look for a way out of this catastrophic reality. a way that would prevent a catastrophe. palestine in israel and the middle east are being pushed into a catastrophe by our american colleagues. the size that what is happening requires effort to create reliable conditions. he also says that the ramifications of the turns escalations could be seen beyond all is fine and beyond because they could be a rock, syria, and yeah, man, he also pointed out that the situation in the rest escalating the, what you showed me, the general terms of i understand a scheme for a comprehensive settlement was agreed upon. however, the military adventure of the united states and its allies in the waters of the red sea, can negate all these developments, all these prospects, and instead of
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a collective effort to de escalate the situation. washington and london begin to bomb. yeah. and once again, they have chosen the neo colonial option of responding militarily to what is happening. and he mentioned the russia initiative to bring different policy infections to gather because as he says, follow, seen in unity lays in their own hands. and that was the fire space, a priority for russia. no russian, he mentions is work in a constructive manner with countries in the region, and he's actively cooperating with are the ones that we spoke with a former policy administer before and if as an ex member or the for tom has been central committee, nasa alcord why and he said that the most devastating times may lie ahead. the one thing is very clear. that means i email it to me at that. so that's why it's going to be amazon and it's going to be even worse then that gets us for free. we have an
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ads now if one can believe that, because you'll see now things beyond description of the less, my guess was continue is april. and by the way of the story they, they, they spread the last 2 days about the 18 innovation of the 2 hostages. seems very problematic you know, situation where invites questions about what's happened and at least at least one of them says that these to also mean that what is different and situation and that's probably him them, i'm going to plan vandalism. and this person story with us is not, it is not the most, probably lot of going to see some kind of an agreement on the exchange is going to
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be limited to agreement. probably the 1st one that deals with the old and, and the children. and maybe people with special needs things like that. but the most problem you are going to see is that in exchange for open ended access to humanitarians assessed or what wouldn't happen after this is more problematic, more difficult to, to dig. we would see what's going to happen, but i guess that the most probably is 5. 12 the all settings, you know, next weekend positions most from a new one. going to see the 1st to the united states has seized the venezuelan bullying 747. imagine 2 that fighting export breaches related to one of your around in the transaction. watson's in claim to, to ron sold the plane to cut off. cuz obviously correspondent, you said, july the has the details. we can down the legal action of the united states in
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season and transferring the $747.00 cargo plane out of an as well. and just said company, the action is a legal and is the result of a hijacking in line with the unit actual cause of measures by the united states and a violation of the basic principles of the united nations charter and international law. these lemme group all big over on the glass and sco simple for that as well as legal and diplomatic efforts and measures to restore ownership and access to its property and assets. hijacking. that's how it run this crime. the united states, the seizure of event as well and own, played on monday, the boeing 747 cargo play was underneath ownership of the venezuelan and stress or company by the us. government says it was previously sold by sanction to give on an airline doc, my hot air to the state on that as well. and firm and washington views this as a violation of american export control laws. mahoney, air itself has for yours is subject to us sanctions,
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as the treasury claims that provide support for it runs as long as the revolution bar score rewards for us. however, they're wanting. airliner has denied any connection to this latest sees aircraft. carriages has also condemned the us measure while also rebuking argentina for its role when the confiscation of the play and calling the action act of saft. with this illegal decision, the origin time states submits to the powers of us imperialism and flagrantly violates the law of international civil aviation, and other agreements relating to international air navigation and human rights. in this regard, venezuela alerts the international community and especially latin american countries that any illegal measure that allows overflights and lend support to consummate this robbery will be duly interpreted as a hostile act in support, a vandalism behavior against a sovereign country. the plan was detained back in june,
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2020 by argent. type of law enforcement. several weeks later, the west exposition of, at the argentine officially transferred custody of the plane to. but this is not the 1st time the wire scares out such actions against both venezuela and iran. while both facing sanctions imposed by washington, it has on different occasions seized or blocked oil tankers carrying fuel from iran to the american nation. in most cases, us actions were a reciprocated by iran, with the ross, using american ships in the persian gulf in response. that's not caused live to co director of the midwest and max institute. no attractive a no, it is good to have you join me now. the how, how legal are washington's actions and kind of countries simply sees and other countries explain in a 3rd party nation. well, i think you were having me and i think the short answer would be no. but isn't the
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legal re ever get ramifications? here are to be honest, something of a non issue, it least for the time being, the american government does what it wants when it wants, regardless of what international law states, it'll use it towards benefit in one context and then disregard it entirely in a different one like right now, however, i think this time being is limited, but as well is in an integral part of this new polarity rising as is it wrong? and the, uh, the, at the cool ram of occasions though, that's what i buy more interesting what it was, mega conglomerates of the west. the right to tell a run, we can sell airplanes do in the 1st place. regardless, i think that amount of time they'll be able to do so. again, is limited right now the us justice department says that the plane has arrived in florida have will be disposed of. one legal ave to use those kinds have to be to
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this point. there are many, i mean they can uh, take this to the international courts. i don't see that is a viable option. however, as of the experience they just had with british keanda can sort of give us an idea of how that would go against the american government. going to do what it wants, what it wants, what i think is a little more pressing is a political ramifications of what a legal avenue, whatever it is, would look like. right? this would be reported all over the world. and the rest of the world is kind of sick of the way the american government actually. all right, if we create a scenario where the, the, the case is taking to the international court of justice, like you said,
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and the case goals in the, in the way of in is what, how likely is it that they will be compensated for the, for national office of their, their there's a president and it goes either way to tell you the truth. i doubt it's very likely just in the way the us government. it's true to venezuela in the past, but you never know it. i mean, we're speaking in a hypothetical here. and really i think the entire thing would fade by the point that anyone would even care. so maybe something would be given, but it wouldn't be a pity. but what, what's, what do you think is behind washington see being obsession with the way through. right. and that, and it has a wide house providing any evidence of the claims that is making. so file, what's your assessment? how far? no, there's no, there could be something i think the ron is involved. it could be an excuse,
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right to enact. there's certain law that they're using, but also a ron is they're trying to, i don't want to to imply more than it could be. but this isn't really about just venezuela or as or around it sucked right. things never exist on their own. just egg strictly, but in a particular context, them right now that particular context is iran in relation to the ongoing genocide of the palestinian people being carried out. be the route is really state and backed by the us. we have to consider that and any attempt to sort of incorporate a run into this needs to be considered as it least possible to lower them into some sort of escalation. all right, we have to leave you here now into our products. big have core director all the me
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the west and match institute. thank you very much for your insight. i ukraine is switching to a defensive post job and will abandon positions rather than the allowing soldiers to die. that's the message coming from and keeps newly appointed military commander in chief, alexander csp. let us look here. the enemy is advancing all along the front line and ones we have moved from an offensive to a defensive operation. the aim of this operation is to exhaust the enemy's forces, damage and flicked maximum damage, and use defensive fortifications. and technical terms are advantages include the use of drone aircraft and for electronic warfare and the strengthening of frontline defense. i would rather leave a position that allow the death of all soldiers. starsky served as the head of the trains ground forces, which of us all at last year has failed, defends all the trade and city of item of the as well as the loss of the boss of in
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the boss. back in 2015 when fighting against ali, den yes. forces the under his guidance key is all me has sustained massive losses with some of the generals own troops dumping him the butcher. but let's now cross live to author and war correspondence almost through it. but it's, it's good to have you join me right now from st. petersburg stuff. what's your take on you create a new military command and do you believe that he will really power ties? so just safety of a potential progress on the front. i don't think so. um they call them the bunch and if the you are who except the ukrainians, know that the that the defense law as, as love you, we know this for 4 weeks, i'm honest, even since they are so called a fence of a failed. so nothing really new in this interview from my point of view it and
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effect. but of course is what's interesting for, for media to talk to him. but i didn't hear any new information in what i've seen seen here. on march of noon about assess keys. buffalo field fate is in audrey mall sky. he sped, no soul just lives to win at today. the same is happening. why? why should ukrainians trust the general and how will he affect the conflict so far? and that's as far as i see from ukrainian a news. um that more of the saul just went down now for the change of the of the come under the soonest. the is not very popular is that literally was popular, so for tomorrow i'll see of the troops. this was i think, yeah, yeah, not a good and useful for you. credit side. we have to see in general of costs know here, store to try to form is image giving interviews, terry, but he will take care for the lives of soldiers. but we haven't seen anything that this also i'm doesn't lose me with his assault or offensive that killed so many
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ukrainian soldiers and lost so much material that they had health now have for lack of everything. so that this will change right now. i have no reason to believe that all right, ukraine's previous commander receive is i lose the cold for very similar defensive tactics. why change the generally, the tactics are the same. what was this a political. busy strategic move, what, what's your, what are you assessing here? yeah, i see a political move um, uh, there is no success at the front line and, and i'm, well, they had to make somebody responsible for that. so let's try to make, so lose me. responsible change to come under, hoping that this will give some moral some whatever prevent the effects. but as you said, i don't see any real difference of this strategy. this was a, this was a political show. and i think that's the best, all of the reasons. all right and then now is that louis deep.


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