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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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on the go ready to launch the stuff they look at each case. that's the breaking news from iran pipeline in foster care on says a huge claw still one of the main gas supply routes in the country for sabotage. and so it had the right to the rule pain overall, a furious palestinian struggles to comprehend the tasks of his whole family tilden recent his raising attacks. i'm talking about the unofficial results in indonesia as presidential election show, the incumbent defense minister way ahead of his opponent. as the result that he'd have enough support for an upright victory and
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a liberal invasions coming across our border. and all we had time to do in the senate was get the money, gets the cash crouch loads of planes get to the champagne ready, and slot, a key out. bipartisan intentions, regional boy named points in washington as democrats pushed through funding for 4 and 8. and the senate was complete. 8 overlooking the port, a crisis pass code the and still struggle 1 pm here in moscow. whatever time it is, where you all wheel drive and i'll be taking a moment to join us here at alt international a welcome. well, starting with news from air, ron, which is that a huge explosion, one of the country is main gas pipelines will sabotaged. that's according to tyrone bought a code earlier claims by the company that runs the network with all the details his all to use use of july
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a while exactly to massive explosions ripped through uh, 2 different provinces. um and there wants southern regions at the same around the same time, the early hours of the wednesday. initially we heard about the 1st explosion that took place in not go to jane county and as long as the south western tr hard my heart. and back to you all ready problem is targeting a high pressure gas pipeline there in that county. and then um, i, a few hours later we heard about this 2nd explosion that reportedly came shortly after the 1st explosion. but in another region, in the province of fars in southern iran, of course about both the explosions came around the same time in the early hours of wednesday. and both targeted the major arteries of iran's national gas pipeline, which transfers not a natural gas from the main hub of it was gas production in the persian gulf,
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all the way to it was northern and central regions, including the capital one. shortly after the fire broke out, my was a mazda 5, of course, on the last was huge. and based on eye witnesses, i would, as a said, that the sound of the explosions could be heard from as far as 60 kilometers away from the main side of the incident. but for now, um the, the fire has been put out by firefighters and the coast is clear now based on reports released by or forward using both provinces. uh, of course, uh we have heard from the iranian authorities that the incidence, both incidents have led to no casualties. but the cause of the incident is still under investigation. the head of the gas network or our control center site. our a be immediately said that it was an act of sabotage, a wanting a specialist, and they did not on point the finger of blame at any entity or any person or any
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country. but such industrial incidents are not uncommon in iran, of course. uh, yvonne has um, in the past experienced such um, industrial incidents or accidents, but usually those incentives were blamed on israel. um and then there been um, several incidents um and targeting it runs on nuclear facilities or as long as um um, arms production factories in the past and everyone usually blaine's those incidents on is really intelligent services. but whether or not this latest incident have anything to do with israel or the wide or regional comp, and that's the unfolding in that region between as well. and how much all these questions remain to be answered in the following days and hours. the woods, sabotage and pipeline is oak memories of north stream, one back in 2022, the pipes supplying natural gas from russia to jeremy,
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through the baltic sea. what damage and a series of powerful explosions, the gloss, the card, and the economic sightings of sweden and denmark, meaning both countries launched investigations into the incident. but despite rolling expressions is deliberate and no one has officially ever been like academic, i'm political on the site and how much more on the shad his take on the possible perpetrators behind this latest explosion in a wrong. and i would say that's probably the is rarely use on americans or both because most of the era times that do take place in iran are funded by this way. these are the americans, it's either a v, a they come in from the northern iraq, the territories or they come in from the foreigner on alongside. they progress on the border with the run around syria and government are actively supporting the
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people in cars, the resistance, enabling them to defend themselves. so these res, definitely seek revenge. that's why they regularly attacked syria. that's why the us and that is right. and the british heart attack and yeah, means of doing it to support it as well. in case if you run, it really is will try to do whatever they can, but their capability is against the wrong, increasingly limited. israel has so many problems and crises now that it's really unable to do anything serious against the country. so i would say that if it was a terror attack, it's not it, wouldn't it? it's not impressive. all the southern golf and now when it fits continue to mount over an anticipated full scale is really assault on rough uh the 2 goals, but you can see right now behind me also draw um says on how soon those were killed on monday in his way to us right from the city. they died together with 6 of the
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members. hope that somebody fairly survive. that was abraham has sue not he lost both his parents, 2 brothers, 2 nieces, nephew, abraham record. the moment he had to identify some of the bodies. and just when i saw them, there were 3 on identified people. i was scared to open the body bag and see what's inside. i opened it and i found my mother. my father had visible marks, identified him from his clothes, my brother, his children, and his wife. i was able to identify them from the small pieces of their clothes. this footage has also been circulating online since they is really attack it purports to show one of abraham's nieces. they can be seen hanging out of the window with of the how many heard the mind spoke about the tragic moment. he also found some of his relatives among the russell excuse me and the targeting was
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direct. i found them torn apart. they were killed in cold blood with no mercy. i am talking to you now amid the debris between the pieces of my family members and their clothes. i was extracting them and i saw the remains of our house. all of them were torn into parts. the day to day lives of many palestinians now is simply a bottle for survival. medicines are and thought schultz supply known cues of forming at distribution centers. but many people still leave empty handled. the situation hasn't been helped by some age. convoys haven't been hit and strikes some of those displaced in sharing that tales. upon ship, the muscular and the horn and my brother in law juma was among thousands of people with cancer in the gaza strip. had they all stopped receiving treatment after the targeting of hospitals and gaza, so there is no place for treatment, no pain killers. my brother in law was placed on a waiting list, but he didn't travel due to the long procedures used by the occupation. you must obtain many approvals to flee and receive treatment abroad,
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and now he's gone. he died due to the lack of medicine. we'll treatment and low chance to travel abroad. we even struggle to find oxygen for him to breathe his condition worse. and after the war started, when the disease was discovered, it was in its early stages. it could have been treated with 4 months of fierce war on our people, and no treatment available. a condition worsened and led to his death and i'm out of my home is gone. a 4 story building destroyed completely. i have 6 sons and 4 daughters. each had an apartment, they were living in my building, but now it's gone and my children and i are displaced. i was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 6 years ago and i've received treatment since then in gaza in jerusalem. and in ramallah today, there is no treatment. i'm dying sitting here, my children went to search the hospitals to find pain, killer pills for me to get by the disease. i feel it affecting my whole body. i lie in bed in pain. i sit in pain, there is nothing but living on pain killers. i can walk 10 meters before the
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disease. i was 97 kilograms, and now 30 kilograms are gone. widespread condemnation from many countries on human rights organizations off as well. the latest, just from the head of the arab league, he says it is for his actions and goals will have serious, long term consequences. i had this, these ready? i 0 forcibly moving palestinians out of bed territories, whether in gauze, the old of westbank, and that's emptying these territories for the is ready. people means that a 1000. yeah. confrontation is ahead of us. i think it's crucial and vital for the united states to or the israel just don't these policies, otherwise the middle east would explode in an unprecedented way. meanwhile, form a c. i, a direct to mike on, peo has res. moving a few eyebrows on a trip to as well when he was pick. just singing, i'm doing the same with the idea of souls is wanting a solvent. garza people are mourning the death of that children. john copy from the us. national security council has at washington county schools as well to reduce
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the number of civilian casualties to many of the many thousands of people killed in the guise of conflict of an innocent civilians. too many. and we have been very, very clear about our concerns with ours rarely counterparts, about that. it's not like we give them a homework assignment and they have to then turn in their plan to us for grading. we have said that from our perspective as a friend of israel and as a supporter of their efforts and to defend themselves, we would expect that any plan for going into rafa would have properly account uh for the now more than 1000000 civilians that that are seeking refuge down their families, all is really hostages on that way to the international criminal court in the netherlands to lodge a case against a mass. meanwhile, south africa's arch in the international court of justice to investigate as well as the decision to launch its operation. in rafa, victoria argues defensive. it renewals the have previous order to prevent any
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genocidal action in golf. of the unprecedented military offensive against ralph as announced by the state of frees ro has already led to and will result in the large scale killing home and destruction. this would be in serious an air repairable breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order of 26 of january 2024 for too long to. so let's get all the latest news from golf on pools elsewhere as well. if not, it says be sure to head on over to our website. okey doke on the
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a message to those who dag question, american resolve sounds, how us senate majority need a chuck schumer has described a new bill that includes billions in for an aid for ukraine as well and tie one if we want the world to remain a safe place for freedom, for democratic principles, for our future prosperity that america must lead the way. and with this bill, the senate declares that american leadership will not waver will not fault or will not fail. today we make vladimir put in regret today he questioned america's resolve and we made clear to others like china as president, she not to test our determination. and we send a clear bi partisan message of resolve to our allies in nato. well, as you just heard, that was us senator chuck schumer and in his remarks he blamed to russia for
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undermining faith and america is leaders around the world. he didn't seem to know so the many for and policy failures that the united states is overseeing. one takes a look at libya, one takes. ready look at afghanistan, syria and iraq, it would make sense why some would doubt the capacity of american leaders and their ability to carry out effective operations and bring justice to the world. however, he didn't mention that one of his remarks. it was all simply russia that has worked to undermine the united states credibility. now, in his remarks that he called this bill, that was just passed by the us senate providing funding for israel and ukraine as well as taiwan. he called it the most important bill in the history. uh, he said that passing it was a huge achievement. however, santa ran paul of kentucky, strongly disagree with chuck schumer. this is what the republican senator from
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kentucky had to say. open the champagne, pop the court. the senate democratic leader and the republican leader are on the way to, to have, they've got $60000000000.00 they're bringing. i don't know if it'll be cash in pallets, but they're taking your money. give them that much time. really no job and no money to do anything about our border. we're being invaded, a liberal invasions coming across our border. 800000 people came illegally. the last month and all they had time to do in the senate was get the money, get the cash pallets load the plains, get the champagne ready, and slot a key of. now there has been back and forth debate between democrats and republicans in the us senate surrounding this bill for months. now the original bill did have of funding for the us border and border security. however,
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that funding was removed to add. many republicans were anger that seemed more funding is going to ukraine, them to protecting the american border and securing the of safety of american citizens. now, funding for taiwan was added to the bill, but it went forward without funding for the us board. now republicans would have agreed to the bill much earlier if that funding for the border had been given priority over the bottomless pit of funding. they have piled onto you crank. however, that was not something democrats seemed willing to negotiate on. and democrats blame everyone, but themselves for that guides of the results of the conspiracy from russia is the result of treason from republicans that they consider to be against the country, mazda republicans, etc. they don't seem to acknowledge that real failures of u. s. foreign policy and real revelations about the u. s. funding of ukraine and the results of that money pouring into the country and what that is, matt,
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they don't want to acknowledge that may be part of what has delayed this bill from passing the bill now. house to have to go to the us house of representatives. they will vote on it next. and after that, if it passes the house of representatives, which is certainly not guaranteed, as there is expected to be quite a bit of debate around it, just as there was in the senate. uh, then it will end up on the uh, the seat or the desk of joe biden will then have to sign it into the law. so uh, this is the process. many expected this bill would pass a long time ago. it's taken quite some time as debates about u. s. foreign policy and continued funding for in cranes escalates many in the united states. just don't feel we should be spending lots of money on for and wars around the world piling weapons into foreign country as well. the situation at home deteriorates particularly on the us border, so that's what's just occurred on capital hill. the senate has passed, the bill will be waiting. see what happens next. full, my packs on prime minister shutout should be set to return to power for bring last
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week selection. i talked to his party confirmed it would lead a coalition of junior parties to form a majority of parliament was unlikely to go down while with him run. com, the i was to no child for my premier. his party had 5 schools of independent candidates who ended up winning. most votes is outright refuse to take any part in a coalition. peachy, i will never compromise on people's will. and i've categorically instructed my party against engaging with any political party that has robbed people's mandate, including p, p, p m l, n, an m q m. no assembly or parliament can function without a more in con, no democracy can function and no government can be formed without imran cons. so read yourself of the misunderstanding that by minus and iran they will be able to operate a democracy or the government. you will have to bring in more than come back a slice of the car named prison cod won the most states in the lower house of
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parliament and lost the states election was a short outcome given the obstacles his practice to on terry. good stuff, policy was banned from holding campaign. raleigh's had no pulling agents on election day and faced internet restrictions. the other 2 mainstream policies left by cons rifles also failed to secure enough seats to form a government on there. and they started co edition folks. once it became clear that conroy list had taken a need. well that's cross slide now to member of the national assembly full the p p . p. parting of the site, now the come off. very good to have you on. thank you for your time. i mean, so now it looks like for my pm sharif set to resume the role of the party is guaranteed a coalition, like i said, that going to have the majority. how does the p p p politics feel about that? then the bergson people's party has decided that it will load for 5 minutes
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to ship. i assure you not a 100000. it's becoming a part of the government because the any alternative would mean a constitutional crisis. neither the independence back by t t i o run from nor, uh, the mainland or any other party has any majority on it. so and so the coalition of it has been supported by pvp in order to not getting into contribution with prices and a log disassembly to function. uh and uh, do things forward. we sold the condo, but she couldn't run that will restrictions to the part to the back to numerous independent candidates and they were quite successful. why do you think that the folks who are attracted to these independent groups as well? uh, i think uh uh, possible uh in the phase,
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but reacting to some of the menus taken by the interim government, which would to prevent iran con, from being able to open the campaign. and that through duncan productive and the people that ended up voting in larger numbers for him in the image is have other bodies. and secondly, i think they've been a different kind of a campaign through social media in order to attract, to, especially with the young voters directly. and that resulted in the kind of a numbers know that they managed to get it in by them. but more do you think it is the p t i rejected any proposal to form a code less and they said they wouldn't be part of a government without a cons present. i mean it would not be a win win. so the,
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so everyone on the piece you would remain in power perhaps not with the need is that they want to, but still but one fails to understand. i think that is there a lack of understanding of how a bottom and true democracy. ringback works eventually in order to make a government they would need to get the, the magic number of 169 in december, the big ticket not get on. it's on their own and which bus needs that they have to talk, go to any number of parties that have a substantial number of besides them, at least the interviews to do so that in the sense of what it is you to do with one, the searching the opposition, which is fine because obviously uh, democracy really functions menu of both the government and opposition. but the whole of low. uh, it has to be positive to mean things the economy, the defense of the country. so given the situation,
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all of those things required and national consensus, and by taking a negative attitude towards any kind of adult political pollution i, i think they will only be disappointed is this over rather than being part of the solutions on obviously we just one more question i do want to ask about a com specifically. um you talked to him to see about how back stones of parliamentary democracy we sold. the vote is cutting out. we saw obviously, these political parties trying to find a way in order to avoid a constitutional crisis, as you said, at the same time. and we're in con, does remain behind balls. so what would you say to those critics who would argue that there's very little democracy when you've got a full melita on quote, trump top charges in jail. and unfortunately in this country, we have seen a leaders of almost all the major barbies being in jail at one time or the other.
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and so, and particularly is that the government doesn't run the dubious and putting their political opponents in games so, so they should not be surprised at that. uh, the, uh it, it is at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who's leading visually. they have the numbers that you quickly a know somebody is the game in parliament and then the drive up to date through parliament, broad. then you're trying to disrupt things outside of it. um, on the final thing just before, before you go uh, the us has criticized the elect work process. impact is dawn st. getting to judge. i'll go to court and you restrictions on freedom of expression association. i'm peaceful assembly. is that a side claim or is it a smell? what are your thoughts?
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it's a little bit of both because the us itself is notorious for the way that a lot of certain kinds of, with the needs do appear on the media. and some of the opinions that restricted, however, a yes, one would improve but a 3 year election, especially the election day. suspension of all communications including internet, was viewed it to more confusion amongst the voters and the end of voting process. otherwise the, the electronic media generally uh does operate on the to be pre, i know dense of the switch and me, well, we appreciate your honesty and of course your, your insight. um that was a member of the national, somebody for the party said. and if he'd come off, thank you so much for your time. thank you. and find
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a more than 200000000 people in indonesia have been costing the pallets and local parliamentary on presidential elections. proposed to be unto has a substantial need over his opponents. as, according to the unofficial count, the, when it does need to secure more than 50 percent of the vote. now if the result doesn't stand and no one gets an outright victory, the boat will go to a runoff in june. let's take a quick close look at the content just for the top job. so 54 year old on he has a bus. why that is a full academic, previous governor of jakarta, he's the only counselor not to box the current president's project to move the capital from to call to, to borneo, as he believes that a more pressing issues. next stop, we have 55 year old gowns, all print. oh, he's had a long career in public services. the former governor of central java. he's faced criticism for promoting mind development that i'm fine me who looks to be the front
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runner development proposed down to 72 years old, full a minute to general and the current defense minister. he's previous faith based obligations that he denies of human rights abuses. this is his thought attempt at taking the top job. well, let's see. have the presidential parents were supported in parliament ahead of the vote, spelled with numbers come your way as was backs by 3 political parties. that's a $167.00 states in total, 29 percent of the parliament sabean to supported by full parties which makes up 45 percent of the house. printer has the backing of the 2 parties, 25 percent of the seats, but this distribution is likely to change off to the count for the new parliament is complete. as folks pass in for the cooper on power and is confident about right victory in the fast round. we are very confident that we're going to come to see if this election was just one route. and we really think that this is for the best for our country. we can move on and
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a focus on the development of the new capital. and you know, what's the date on the policy? both parties that has been separated because of the election. and one more thing is that we really value the piece and the serenity of the people off to indonesia. so i think with all the dynamics in social media and also media that the have been going on since the election started. uh we can um you know, um start to move on and focus on the radar things. um that is the development of the, the danger the results are shown clearly um on the quick count that we're leading at the moment. and this is a clear example of how the young generation and the older generation could collaborate. and you know, result in a lot of innovations that will be, that will bring a better one off with the nation. well, voting has finished
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a pulse of closed accounting is underway. in the meantime, all to correspond to rebecca enough to purely brings us the latest. the police stations have closed and now it's time to count the votes. and that's remaining who will be the next in the nation, has to that i am currently reporting from one of the most guarded calling stations in the nation. because earlier today has put in jo cole. we do, together with the 1st lady, tested their votes. in this particular appalling station, the appalling station has opened since 7 in the morning local time, and closed at one. in the afternoon. we talked to some of the voters earlier today . we've seen a lot of young people came to the appalling stations, even though they had to admit that there are some uncertainty. there are some
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doubts, but with a lot of informations and also news that's been gathering around, especially on social media. and social media is also a platform that's been used a lot by all of the kind of beans in all their different ways the voters have decided their mind. and later today, we might know who's going to be the leader lost the election and the result of the election by the quick count and also the exit polls that's been organized by some independent organizations. but the real official results will be announced by the election commission next month. and it may kind of be the bull reporting from jakarta for our team. not as uh, signing off of this hour. and by for me, for the day, no set worries to shay is ready and waiting.


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