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tv   Documentary  RT  February 16, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EST

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and she says that it's clear that he is, is not in control of what's happening. he said, actually, even prior to the euro might in true back in 2014, the west was already, you know, using you quite enough. it's puppets, a global mr. i think just the main thing, an award strategy and a strategy is not being decided in cuba and all europe is trying to do something as quickly as possible to end is wrong with rushes to feed. it is essentially serving the interest of the united states, not caring at all about its own interest. look at the economic indicators, look at the negative growth recession, leading your opinion, economies, and every single probably become clear. but all of this is cumulative. it is accepted without complaint, no objection to erased it. remember how after the north from explosions, which were announced by bite and in advance, schultz went to washington to take about were apparently she was told not to make a fuss and returned back without any press conference. and you heard that all of this has been to the detriment of ukraine, the detriment of its economy. he said essentially the west is sort of pillaged
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ukraine and used it for wolfy won't. so he said, when it comes to people in the west being informed about the current conflict, he said that the ill informed and he said that's because the west have a policy of dissemination of information. and that is causing an issue. and that's perhaps why it was so important for president black, made preaching to give that interview to us during list, talk a call soon. just a week ago for to lease rushes point to be to be unabridged and to be put to people in the west. so they can make up their own mind in regards to best of it in again, in relation to those relations with the west. he also suggested that russia may have reached its limits in terms of the gestures. it's may, as i mentioned before, the bull is in back, which he said, i'm the other thing that he talk soon. bye. so it was quite interesting. were reforms to the un security council. he said that in the world where we all know
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this kind of multi polar world where, you know, countries on around the world have as much say is the former old colonial powers. there is reform that needs to be made to be reflective of that on the u. n. a. c. all right out to you. so charlotte, they're going to be thank you. we start breaking news just in here. i see international as we understand russian political activist, alexi, novelle in the died in prison. the federal penitentiary service said he became ill after a war and then lost consciousness. he was 47 years old at the end of the day. this is very bad news for moscow because it's something like this of the western press and the western political establishment will pounce on those think that teeth into this and use it to push the n c. russia narrative. we've got more details coming up with this breaking news here on our to international. do bear with us if you can.
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the mean time here on the program, thousands of global use leaders are set to descend on the russian black sea result of soft chee next month. the gathering for the 2024 world use festival. but it had to be of, in the us delegation called a press conference at the you, when the big concerns over potential ramifications for tending why. that's because 3 american citizens have been charged with espionage for taking part in a different international event in a rush at back in 2014 lots. he's kind of off and who heads up the us team for the us for him. he raised the issue at the un jesse novel, penny has, and no molly, i should tell her, i have been indicted by the us department of justice. biden administration has charged them for doing what we are about to do for going to an international conference in russia. this indictment is a huge attack on freedom of speech. a huge attack on freedom of assembly if the letter of the law as they are trying to enforce it,
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stands in court. all kinds of international delegations, all kinds of political activism and discipline speech would be rendered illegal. and in light of the indictment, we're already hearing wider calls. there's been calls to indict people for pro palestine demonstrations. there's been calls to indict people for alleged links to china, and they are anxious to start prosecuting individuals who put forward views like the views that we put forward. we oppose war. we want a better relationship with russia and china, and venezuela and all the countries that are currently being sanctioned and attacked by the american government. well, we convene the press conference to say that we as american citizens have the right to travel to russia. and we have the right to participate in the world use festival, and that we want to make clear that what biden is doing by prosecuting the who remove many. you who 3 penny has a malia, should tell a and adjusting novel. what they're doing is an,
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an attack on all americans and on our civil liberties, and that we will not be intimidated. and we're looking forward to going to this international gathering and meeting with young people from all over the world. because we want to build bridges where we are very concerned and we've given orientation to the members of our respective organizations about how to prepare for the api i coming and knocking on their doors. we are prepared for intimidation and it must be opposed. i mean, the african people socialist party, the peoples democratic, you who remove and what they are facing right now in federal court, possibly 15 years in prison, for allegedly acting as for an agent simply because they attended the anti globalization conference in russia in 2014 is an outrages attack and it could open the door to all kinds of suppression of civil liberties. and we've all ready, you know, the trial is set to take place in september, but we've already got calls to prosecute pro palestine active is nancy pelosi said she wants the up. the i to look into pro palestine active is we've got calls to prosecute people for alleged ties to china. this could open the floodgates of all
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kinds of persecution, of anti war activists and dissidents in america. in this case, that mainstream u. s. media is largely ignoring, isn't vitally important via who are 3 and what they are facing is something that should be on the front page of every newspaper. every american and everyone in the world is concerned about civil liberties. to be paying attention to this case and demanding that the bodily ministration drop the charges immediately. they have no right to lecture the world about human rights when they threaten support. a group of people that have been protesting for the rights of african americans in prison for allegedly being russian agents just because they had some web conferences just because they went to a conference just because they publish them articles. uh, they, you know, they alleged their spreading russian propaganda well, they weren't doing that. they were speaking up and giving their perspective. but even if they were right, according to the american constitution, we can spread whatever kind of propaganda we want. right? freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to travel, the by new ministrations, efforts to intimidate people like us that are going to be attending this important gathering. it needs to be a pose,
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and that's why we were very happy to have the opportunity thanks to the russian mission, to highlight that at the united nations and the lead up to are very important trip people that breaking news and coming right now, here are the are the international mothership in moscow, reportedly the russian political activist alexi and a valley has died in prison. so very quickly on a cold or rushing it lets you to, to give us the data latest on this side shopping news. what do you know so far? well, according to russia's penitentiary service, uh, like you said, i would say end of all me has died. and this is something that we don't have really any can. i'm the information about this. you know, this is developing story, minute by minute it's board. i understand that all explain of all ne, officially, and russia is considered an extremist in his organization. the for fun, for the struggle against corruption. it's also an extremist organization. but what we do know in terms of unofficial information is that uh the volunteer had lost
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consciousness after going for a walk. apparently he was complaining that he was, he wasn't feeling very well. and then uh, according to one of our sources. again, not officially confirmed information yet to the side of a blood clot, and apparently emetics were able to get there and they tried to revive him, but to no avail. so we also have that information from the officials that they're trying to establish official information and come out with some sort of a statement to uh, to clarify the situation is the reasoning behind, you know, is that i guess on the, on the, on the p. r. optics from this is going to look really bad for russia or specifically most good because i mean, you know how to, how it is done. you may be living here for years, right? we know how the west impressed and the west. some political establishment reacts to something like this, if they can find any story possible to bash boot and bash the kremlin and bosh rush as policies. this is a juicy one for the western establishment right there. cuz because in the valley is being that, what pro democracy dialing for any number of years, right. he's got quite a background. yeah. that's right. even though you know his,
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his organization has been actively supported by the west. one of the reasons why it was labeled an extremist organization in russia and like many times in the past, whatever official investigation is done in russia, it's very likely the west is just going to ignore it and say, watermark put and killed him. exactly, exactly, and that's i think that's exactly what we should expect from the western pressing political establishment as just breaking news story is just now, making the headlines. don't go to thank you that what you're thinking is or not. so you will get back to the breaking news in just a moment, but for now from what you cannot make powerhouse to powering down, germany's sponsoring economy is continuing to flatline. it's revised down when it's g d p for this year. it's almost 0. it's of course, it's off the back of spinning cheap russian energy of the country's economy minister, summed up the grim outlook, is dramatically bad. we can't go on like this. overall,
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we need to invest more in this country again and get economic growth going. now that the wind is really blowing across the country, it becomes clear, but we have failed to address. and the last few decades qual, it really sounds like somebody is economy is hurting. it must be that one to the entire you targeted for implosion by wearing turtlenecks, taking short cold showers and denying europe russian stuff through sanctions. i mean, it's only been a couple of years now, so it's high back and is european counterparts have been talking about quotes provoking the implosion of the russian economy to quote french finance minister between the man back in march of 2022 or quote. bring the russian economy to its knees, as he said in july of last year, that was the refrain that was bringing from pretty much every corner of the you, including from germany and how back himself a conversation between him gave the russian economy as collapsing, putting you still getting money, but he can hardly spend it, and time is not working for russia. it is working against russia. nobody wants to
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invest in russia anymore. put in, can't keep this up for much longer. this war will eventually come to an end by hitting the russian economy to the core, and we're in the process of doing so. know mentioned a couple of years ago when the european lease had this grand plan to sink the russian economy, even germany, we just end up showing moscow how it's done. while moscow stood there going like, what's this guy's major malfunction? hey, what sky is this is how you drown someone then, then then these things plug blood blood just because someone wishes you l doesn't mean that you have to participate has russia has evidently shown journey and the rest of the you took their fantasies for reality. not just when it came to russia, but also to their own economic situation. in light of all of a sudden moves, they made an effort to stick it to protein, which as it turns out, as large a delusional last year the german government figured that it would to manage to grow 1.3 percent this year. but the latest monthly report suggests that next week's
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annual economic assessment may end up being about as much of the cold splash of the face as the water temperature of some of germany's public swimming pools. amid the current energy, austerity regime, negative factors such as weak foreign trade demand strikes in public transport high sickness rates among the labor force and geo political tensions with delays and supply chains could lead to a further delay in the expected economic recovery. so the german national statistics office qualified the economic environment as quote marked by multiple crises. ya think with the g d p last year, shrinking by 0.3 percent with inflation high energy prices and weak external customer demand to blame, which is all particularly striking when compared to the russian economy. that the you was so sure that it was successfully tank as a result, mainly by brow beating its own citizens into accepting insane cost of living increases or believing that some kind of
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a just staff or would be watching over their shoulder or to see how hot or cold, they were keeping their homes all for you pray. and of course, russian president vladimir putin has site into a 3.6 percent economic growth rate for russia last year. comparing that to a global average of 3 percent. and 1.5 percent for developed countries, specifically they cite high military spending and domestic consumption. ironically, because those are 2 things that obviously are a response to western actions, whether it's dumping weapons and ukraine necessitating demilitarization on rushes far or western sanctions, resulting in greater demand for things made in russia within russia. the military spending as an economic booster. that's kind of interesting, it would certainly explain why german chancellor all i show is currently really hammering defense spending right now. look at some signs of a panic for a gesture buttons from the current situation that the country faces. but still it's
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important. remember that germany is still the 3rd largest economy in the world behind the us in china with japan recently having slipped into 4th place, which means that while there's still a lot more damage left to potentially do. so that's good news, news i guess. and the german people seem to have a lot of confidence in their own government's ability to seize the opportunity and to somehow involve you prayed, which would explain why 52 percent of germans are now against ukraine. joining the you to which germany contributes the most as the blogs, largest donor, and the 69 percent of those surveyed in germany thinks that the eventual rebuilding of ukraine will be more of a burden than an opportunity. meanwhile, 59 percent of german surveys think that the anti russian sanctions are useless. so it looks like they have a better idea of what's really going on. and the direction of the things are
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actually headed in their own country than the german economy minister does. any about to are breaking news for you this our hit live on all to international as we understand the russian political activist alexi. no valley has died in prison. the penitentiary service said my son, the valley became ill after a walk and lost consciousness. he was 47 years old and not a source saying a blood flowed is believed to have caused the death. we're here at all to the international way of photo and investigating this breaking news. we'll get you all the details the moment we get. so i sure think it is now to iran quickly where the tourism industry apparently doing well that's according to the countries administer of cultural heritage. and this will limit the backdrop of the largest event in the industry. the 17th tyrone international tourism exhibition is where a corresponding reports from the most rich tapestry of diverse ethnic groups. the
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persians, arabs, curves and better cheese each have their own distinct traditions, languages, a tire and full music at the international tourism exemption. visitors from all corners of their own cultural mosaic have come together to showcase their unique heritage and the on tap tours and treasures of their regions or thinking on your province and the city of rushed is known as the city of foot credit city. and this title has been given to the city by unesco. we have more than 300 types of indigenous votes regarding go and stores the directions. it's also popular for it's less greenland. this exhibition can help boost towards them in different parts of the country. you can also lead to stronger national conversions between various a rating and f, and this is days. we can see people from different parts of a ron attending the experts. and this represents the carolina skype is asked mr. tease and outcome crates have also.
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6 4 seasons, this rigorous falls short of expectations to save this on the on investment. and it was for some sort the restrictions have discouraged international businesses from invest thinking of on leaving the tourism industry heavily under invested here at the exhibition guests from china, russia, brazil, and malaysia. i'm and other countries seek to explore investment prospect and your boss tours as well as, you know, of course, the essential not fix it. our country is, you know, q 2 is under assumptions. and every time there is a lot of countries that rush out to is that essentially in many countries and coming under assumptions about it, we need to close these kind of a politic store. our countries, in order to facilitate def, i, the conditions in order to the people come in here to invest. and the case if we don't, of course, is a great country funding best. they have a lot of potential to be going to be quite a few. we see that's
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a good opportunity for our countries. uh and uh we will uh, met the tourist from around in the russia and iran wilmot will met the taurus from russian. and i think that the, sorry son's getting stuck upgrade was our con, present at the ration it was our kansas sanctions hubble so negatively affected. it was image globally putting golf for and travelers, especially europeans, and one has now waived visa requirements for citizens of $28.00 nations across the globe to stimulate the visitor flow. and officials optimistic that the measure will lead to us part in 4 and arrivals. if one has already implemented a similar initiative with one shot, the 2 way visa free agreements means groups of up to 50 tourist can travel between the countries for up to 15 days. and the exhibit from a special section has been dedicated to exhibitors from the russian city of cause on to showcase it stores and potential cause that can divide it instead of seeing
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new and unique destination for design is to travel for a holiday for vacation. the point is that top of our population, in fact that's done that, that, that us and they confess you slum. and the other house data shows and they confess christianity in which we're fully measures work for live single reason. our requirements are just for remedies, tourism industry in order to offset the east, what's happening to partnership such as you organizers. so this exhibits inside the industry holes the potential to generate a substantial $25000000000.00 annually. but only if everyone can successfully navigate the challenges imposed by the existing sanctions. usability are to step on the 4 wheel continuing to update our breaking news for you. that's how i hit live for most, go it all to you to nationally. it's just now about 10 minutes to 3 o'clock in the afternoon on friday. as we understand the russian political activists alexi. no
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valley has died in prison. we can get more details now with all these donald quartet, joining us for details on this. a very fluid situation here. i mean, i'll say it shocking news here. i've no idea this will be on the, on the run down to this friday program today. already the western press victory, alec, at best, i mean that really going off the food and the most de quoting this a stain on the leadership of russia. what do we know so far? well, it's definitely caught everyone by surprise. this information that i would say involved the has passed comes directly from russia's penitentiary service. uh, but that's pretty much the only officially confirmed information we, we have. we've got a lot of um, and verified information for vet, from various sources. uh, according to one of our sources that are t actually he, he was his death was caused by a blood clot. but like i said, this has not yet been confirmed by authorities. unconfirmed reports also say that he lost consciousness. after going for a walk,
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he had apparently been complaining that he wasn't feeling very well and then eventually ended up losing consciousness. medics there tried to revive him, but unfortunately he died a about, about an hour after falling unconscious, according to these unconfirmed reports. and as we speak, the penitentiary commission has said that it's the, it's deploying a, an investigative committee to go there and get to the bottom of what happened. we even have some official commentary, very short official commentary from the the, the kremlin kremlin spokesperson, dimitri pest golf. he says that when he was, he was asked about what happened. he says that the official steps are being taken to establish the facts. and also that this information about the uh, i would say no volume these deaf has made it to put in vladimir, put, and is aware of this now. and it's also important to understand for our viewers that alex involved in his organization. the anti corruption foundation were declared at extremists in russia back in 20 to 20. 22 is that's important.
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important to keep in mind. and also we have words that the volume these lawyer has refused to comment on the situation. specifically, on the request of nicole and his family. mm. i wonder if perhaps they're waiting for some sort of um, you know, medical tests and then and bios to take place. and so you know exactly what was the cause, potentially what was a blood clot, as we understand right now, of course, the western price is already basically putting the blame on putting the blasting rusher right now. and then the saying this, the stain on must go with a stain on boots and dependent century service is investigating the thing. but at the end of the day, i, i mean, to me personally, my personal opinion, it doesn't matter what the investigation times of the west and politicians impressed. they've already made up their mind about this. they're already costing blame so early on. and it's just been announced to, i mean that the investigation take its course if, if you wouldn't mind me. and if i only was a darling of the west,
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they talked about him like he was a freedom fighter. he was a democratic beacon of light. i mean, he really was a darling of the western press establishment. tell us more about what you know about missing development. well, it's also tied into again, what you said like it shouldn't be any surprise if we see the west, completely ignoring any sort of official investigation into what happened. because this is what happens. you know, it's happened throughout and have all these history as a, as an opposition activist and russia. i mean, uh, the big events that took place on the eve of his finally being put in prison after my day reminds our viewers breaking the law many times in russia, receiving suspended sentences. being able to, uh, you know, walk around freely and continuous political work at the activities even after several instances of breaking the law. and then came this moment where he was said
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to have been poisoned in russia on, on a plane. the west was saying he was poisoned by some sort of chemical agents. meanwhile, the um, the, the russian investigation into that showed up that, you know, if it's, it showed that there was no such chemical agent in the system. and eventually, you know, he, he was allowed by russia to go to germany on his request to receive medical treatment. and upon his return, that was when he was finally arrested and eventually sentenced and put in prison because he had violated the terms of his probation at that time. and that's because he, once he had already recovered, he could have easily come back to russia to fulfill the terms of his probation. buddy, i guess, decided not to do that. and so with all of these, you know, suspended terms given to him. and it seems like moscow was essentially being very nice to him, almost using velvet gloves with this guy. cause i think most of the years has been well aware of the western establishment has chosen,
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had chosen the volunteer as the darling of the freedom of the beacon of freedom democracy represented in russia. we've got to get this guy and the valve. i mean that they wouldn't allow me to be in the crime and for goodness sake them, they wanted him to be the next guy because that's how the west does this thing. they get the guy and they put it, put him where they want the valley. he's been in prison, he had a number of suspicious spend a sentences here. now he's apparently drop dead off for a walk early results suggesting that the penitentiary service saying it's a blood clock at this point. but your expectations for how the western press and politicians are going to react to this is already making headlines. yeah, absolutely. i mean, i wouldn't be surprised if they say it was poisoned or something like that because like you said, the, you know, it's not really a good look for any government. the government is going around repressing people who criticize it. and i think that's why the russian government to really has given i would say of only so many chances in terms of when he's given this, when he's broken, the law has been given suspended sentence after suspended sentence. yeah. and put
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on probation. not fitting that. he wasn't put in prison until many different violations of the law. and also, another thing to keep in mind is that, you know, in the volley and his organization had been widely criticized for receiving, not only praise from the west, but also, you know, monetary assistance, everyone's getting money. he was getting money from his, i guess profit mazda is. yeah, across the atlantic, and i'm sorry, but if, if you don't know this or you don't believe, i'm sorry, but it's true. west them, players pick, know, validate to be one of the guys to upset putin in moscow. and it's just the end of the day, isn't it? that's right. and, and you know what the is is something that also has to be mentioned to the recent, the interview between tucker carlson, vladimir, put in vladimir, putting spit, said plainly in that interview that the, that see, i had told russia, yes, we are working with your political opposition and we have no gripes about it. yeah
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. so yeah. who's the biggest the opposition? the most popular one in russia for the west and i was involved in his intake perhaps. yeah. meantime, julian, assault and languishing, a belmont prison dad for doing what, but telling the truth in exposing the secrets of the us, deep state and intel establishment on whatever it was a pleasure. thank you. my thank you. all right, we're going to continue this program and just a moment here now to international way back in about 2 minutes. the on march, the 22nd 1943. doing the great petri. i'll take all the shirts and munch fatality and 118. run down the belly, mercy and village of cartoons, or uh, just ship us on the do wish the load into the luxury. is that or yes the,
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this one most of the stuff i'm to pony you to you. $149.00 people died, including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the law. new blue loves are a little bit lit option. could of charlie was, you know, in june we used to dispose, oh, shoot was hard really. i really usually don't you feeling, you know, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukrainian national is from west and you write the picture. all right, and so i'm see what, okay. and so far as the new e phone, this allows us to the you just for assuming you're up. assume um with them us customers de classified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules shut the light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that
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have remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy. the destruction of gaza and its people continue unabated by the administration shows no meaningful interest in stopping israel's genocidal assault. at the same time, there is much talk of a ceasefire in this one side in conflict. it would seem, it is just that just on the watch and it was and why in this country, what if i give borrowed money in the store in this shed? and i showed order for not imagine just the last name scale when i knew what the subject georgia style session that's just shiny or just is funded by on is going you sit on what's in the the
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near the, the it is breaking news this out here on off the international life of moscow, as we understand, the russian political activist alexi valley has died in prison. he was serving a sentence or fraud and extremism among other charges. a live discussion is coming up in about the fortunately we're getting unfortunately, ukrainians that the situation is critical. also, the white house is everything that keeps forth as a struggling on the battlefield, them at a lack of support from washington. and that's not enough for him on during the politicians are also raving about a new russian nuclear spaced, read those details up and coming as well, while as well claims it's fighting for its survival and god. so not everyone at home agrees. middle east corresponded and bureau chief speaking to fatigue.


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