tv News RT February 16, 2024 8:00am-8:28am EST
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it all to you dot com just quickly you, you may remember you may recognize chevy opens. that was almost exactly 11 years ago. i thought yesterday, 11 years ago was when that enormous meteor right flew over to the off ends, can blew up. and everyone's dash, can videos went online, and you saw that, that a teddy happens to meet your white blowing up in an altitude of a 23 kilometers. anyway, back to our breaking news for you right now. here on the oxy international, as we understand the russian political activist alexi, no valley has passed away in prison. if we have comments, we can touch it right now, the kremlin spokes person dimitri pest golf. a said, an investigation is on the way. as far as we know, in accordance with all the clickable rules, the federal penitentiary service is conducting an investigation. there is no need for special orders in this case because there's already a set of rules that the institution must abide by. there was information that a blood clock was responsible. is that true? i don't know medical personal must determine that time to discuss this. take it
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a bit further here with all these, i don't know quarter. i know you're really across the store. you're trying to dig for you little bit. you can get to come out here. the continuation of operating use at this point and what 4 pm local most good time here. what do you know? well, there's a lot of information out there right now, but very little of it is confirmed. basically, the stuff we have confirmed is from russia's penitentiary service, who was the 1st organization to say that and of all. and it has indeed died political activists then also we, we should mention political extremist and russia from and from 2022 onwards. according to the russian government of a service says that uh, what happened essentially was that he lost consciousness after going for a walk and medics arrived at the scene of forwarding to a local hospital 7 minutes after being called. and they tried to re recess to take him for a whole 30 minutes a 30 minute for 30 minutes. yeah. and uh, but to no avail. uh, so there are reports also on confirmed ones that he had complained about feeling
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bad, but according to rushes social monitoring commission, this is an organization that's responsible for what the looking at for human rights in the country. no official complaints in connection to his and condition in connection to his state were actually recorded. we do have one source at archie who says that that he died from a blood clot. but this again, yes, it has yet to be confirmed by the authorities. and just about an hour ago the penitentiary service said that they were going to be sending well that a commission was already on its way to the people telling me where this took place . so it's very possible that they already got there and are, can texting an investigation as we speak? and the last piece of information that we do have is that, and of all these lawyer has refused to comment on this situation. specifically, up per the request of all of these families. and i mean, maybe maybe that's going to the autopsy or something along those lines. i really couldn't say, but, you know, i mean, right now you've got the munich security conference going on in germany. and so let
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the skis already gone to the podium to comment on the valley that lensky starting next old off shelves. and zalinski said, pushing doesn't care who dies. he just wants to maintain his position of power. so let's keep saying, pretending must lose everything for what he has done. so clearly a lot of people already making up their minds as to what's behind this desk. the mission of all the what about what about the, the narrative you being across the west and press, what are they saying about in about and these positing, well, like i said, we have so little confirmed information and already we're seeing across the western media. people pointing the finger at the russian government, we'd seen also the norwegian for administered the lot, the in president the head of the european commission. all saying that the russian government is to blame for and of all these depths, even though an official investigation hasn't even been conducted yet. and this is something that rushes for administrators spokeswoman murray's a harvest said is really revealing about the west. it's true,
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attitude to fax and situations like these. let's take a listen to what you said. you know, of the immediate reaction of native leaders to nevada. these depth in the form of direct accusations against the russia itself revealing there are no results of the investigation yet, but the conclusions of the west are already here. and you know, like i said before about an official investigation, that's obviously going to be really important in terms of establishing what actually happened. but unfortunately, i think it's very likely that it's going to be ignored in the west. like many times before. when we seen similar situations like when and of all me, fell ill in 2020 western press, was saying that he was poisoned by the russian guardian, russian governments. and the medical professionals in russia conducted their own investigation and determined that there was no, there were no chemical substances in the bottom. the system that was completely ignored. and unfortunately, it's likely we're going to be seeing a similar situation now. and as you're, as you were saying the med accept this penitentiary,
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they try for 30 minutes to do cpr to try and recessive statements in the valley. obviously it didn't work, but we're getting reactions coming in from what all over the western hemisphere. all you've got the nato secretary general yet and still in the book saying that the russian must autism. very serious questions over this. you council president charles michele of sending his condolences that holding russia entirely responsible and as you just showed the quote from arrears, a honda about the form industries, folks both on the thing a forensic examination as not even concluded yet. and yet already the blame has already been costs because of that, you know, so it's, it's, it's really, that's odd, be surprising. but i would, i would say this is almost like a belated new year's gift for the west and establishment. they love this kind of stuff, anything they can sing that to you it it into to bloss putin and the must go administration . well, they must be lovely. best right now. yeah. he's on a quarter, appreciate the updates on this breaking news. i hope to see you soon. thank you. let's take this uh conversation further now with an independent induction john list
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of sonya thunder. then now joining us here or not. so you international sonya goodness to me on mind. it is a shocking story. there's no doubt about it, we're all caught off guard by this and, and such little information as well regarding his death. but of course, western political and media establishment immediately. i mean, i'm not even waiting immediately costing the blame reactions from norwegian laughed for you in german and british politicians. they're all basically saying putin has done this. what do you make of it? sonya to yes, it's because it's great for that. i mean, today if it's the munich security conference and the you is somehow desperate because, you know, ukraine is losing and the us doesn't want to pay money anymore as opposed to let's get it's, it's, you know, it's great for him because he doesn't care about i mean the home the i think maybe does, but okay, we don't know that. but you know, i also read in the docs media for instance, pregnant is no ex prime minister. ok. also he's in j. o, you know,
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that russia is to blame, come to is to blame sumac from the u. k. also make the same statement as you mentioned from the you also to say, without any age, that's the gave him the, you know, straightaway lame, you know, russia, russia, and these are put in the like to, to put the name. so this is in your own use data with all the time ever move everything. what happens? you know, a russia has to blame without any interest. he goes to and if it's like this one dies or it's uh, somehow a ton of things over the same same story all over again. unfortunately, and i don't know this of course. yeah, it will be great. they also read some russian experts. they also blaming uh, yeah, straight to me, russian. straight away. yeah, yeah. i mean, as i, as you,
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as you say that as a lot of us as best be no forensic, an investigation unit, that is this. but it's wrapped up as we know, official explanation of this. but, but it's almost like you have a composer in front of an orchestra to is telling old west and politicians ready ready to play and put in $3.00 to $1.00. i'm go and they all jump on that blasting portion. and of course, the investigation is only now just getting under way. you talk about the munich security conference as a lensky back in europe, trying to get more money, more weapons, because they all say that's more dest is the way to peace in ukraine. now this is going to latch onto the whole n, c, rush an hour or 2, because uh, the white house just recently admitted ukraine is basically lost on the battlefield . is just about wrapped up now, rushes in, total control that i then when they put out that information they sent me say, oh, don't, don't, don't forget. russia is trying to put nuclear weapons in space. and now they're going to have this narrative and prove it. and has just killed know, found the, i mean, the western press must be having a field day with this of course, that
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a lot. i mean, hey, well, imagine i yeah. what the story is will be tonight tomorrow. and what you said at the munich security conference at the if i took a lot of republicans from the u. s, it's what i heard. because, and the republicans want to, to block the, the 8th grade or the 8th, monday for women. so the weapons for peace, so they want to book this, i know of course they have all the opportunity to, to speak with them to move in with them and tell them you seem to know what content is doing, what the versus doing. they killed opposition. member, so you have to do something, they need weapons, they have to destroy in russia. this is service to rick and it's, we know it is, and this is already 2 years where maybe even longer. so it's, it's great for them. and it's, it's very sad that the west has become like this, this day. there is no room for, you know, common sense. there's no room for diplomacy in the early days. maybe they wait it
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and say, okay, let's wait for the left hand. an instigation that of the un or something. so organization who has somehow an investigation with dental brakes, they straight away in the press and the even worse the politically, politically, shouldn't petitions himself or say this is even worse than because we know the press is lying. but the politicians, they should be, you know, remind the people okay, we have to wait for you, mid more diplomatic, but that's gone the way. yeah. it's no and it's, it's long a long gone sonya, but i appreciate you're saying that you know, the valley was always presented in the west as, as, as a, as a freedom find to the amount of democracy. he was a real darling of the west. and he was guessing funding from certain western players, we know this for a fact, and yet the western press one to look about at the west and political landscape.
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they wouldn't talk about this. i mean, look, just just briefly go the 1918, september 1918. the read revolution in the us, i saw trotsky and legend trotsky. i'm lenin were getting financed by western banks on western interest. come over now a 100 years later, more than a 100 years later here we are in 2024, no valley getting financed by western puppet monsters. and yet the western press as always described him as a darling of democracy. why do you think that is? sonya as well, i think it's because they want somehow to make it all positions either. that's what they do with older color, with that group data that actually does the same. they did now, and you kind a chosen extra kind of call him like death because he was an extra then made him president or they financed him. the only thought that in ukraine financed him. so this is the play of the west they are taking. so how position leader is how they
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pull them, financed them and put them there as a puppets. and of course it has to be said to them as mazda, and that's usually the us and the west mesa, you. so a, we know already all these organizations like yours. so most open the, you know, society foundation and lots more. they are financing these opposition. members say economic form was also, you know, financing, i think, cause i've said more than half of your western government are penetrated by the rule economic form. yeah. so they, you know, that, that's how this into with that there's no democracy if we ever had it and where you're talking about charles schwab. so it's a school school for global leaders. so and yeah, i mean, you think just guys, i'm sorry, it's sorry to kind of dive up for a moment, but klaus schwab, the well, he couldn't wait for him about 4050 years ago. he called the guy the with henry kissinger. and they both came up with the idea of creating these schools for global
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leaders all around the world. and you wouldn't believe how many just intruder who's on the likes of them have, have graduated from the schools, from global leaders, and have been put in a parliament in a position of power somewhere in the world. you're absolutely right for bringing that up. it is. um, it says it's basically a case now all of the west darling opposition figured approved and he's now passed away in prison, which means the west is going to blame prudent for this. continue will continue it with this full full, what's leading top. so raising unseat russia, narrative is a great distraction for the western community. when you consider all that money in weapons have failed. the american and native proxy war and ukraine has failed. so this kind of event now with the death of a so called opposition leader of the food and it's going to give the west old a need for headlines and stories and pundits and comma trees for the next god knows how many days sonia, of on demand as an independent dutch journalist joining us live during this
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breaking news. thank you so much for your time. thank you. have a nice day, bye. what's gonna have your company for this program live from moscow? the situation for ukraine, you know, i'm a, an expertise accepted and the don't ask for public as well as sending by the minute washington has claimed, go through, we say, admitted the key of failure on the battlefield. and of jessica is due to a lack of munition among other things being sent to your client. i want to share a few words about the battlefield situation and ukraine, where the fighting is incredibly intense in the east, particularly in a city called f. difficult to city that we've talked about several times before. unfortunately we're getting but fortunately ukrainians that the situation is critical. in very large part, this is happening because ukrainian forces on the grounds are running out of artillery ammunition because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill. we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian cells. the western media outlets the previously appraised
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ukraine, have been quick to change the narratives. then our pointing out key of space is on the battlefield, especially concerning of the west. a news report say that ukraine will soon lose its grip on that key strategic city. and jessica is considered a really strategic points in the bottom of the reach and have a look at the map. losing control over the city would push keeps trips farther away from the regional capital done yet. but is also not the only point on the front line. so the situation has now become basically critical and untenable for ukraine's troops that's lot more now fussing. while i do, on the way, it's almost always in the americas low professor at the university of south africa and a very well welcome to you today. so the white house is claiming that one of the reasons for ukraine's retreat from this key town of, of the, of the, of, it's a lack of that munition for kids forces. i mean, some might say there's more to it and the, than just that. but how big of an impact will this have as congress is still
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debating whether or not to send more crates of cash to keep? well, we, we know from the past the lessons, we know, the plane loads of cash that were flowing into a rock, achieved absolutely. nothing bit with just the stolen and redistribute that. so a cash or loan of costs cannot change of the fatal to the destiny of ukraine. and i believe less than the munition problem. the biggest problem is the lack of people wanting to fight, willing to die, willing to be sent into impossible emissions. the new chief of the defense falls just present to the point that is known as, as a butcher. as a man who completely without any trace of conscience a sacrifice thousands by sending them into into dens. i'll tell the read fire and machine gun fire to their desk. so it is definitely
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a huge increase in the discussions. there is a huge increase in the number of men that are running away. i would guess that find out once the ukrainian population prefers to live on the very difficult conditions in exile and not just in comfortable germany button exotic in many other countries that are less affluent and less welcoming. and um, and we also see of a recent statistics that the bus right to a new crime as a cheap, the rock bottom that is not the lowest in the world simply because the conditions for, for having a family and for, for having children. i have, i have become basically intolerable. i think you make very good point that what one of one of a methods to the russian federation military is using and ukraine is it's, we keep coming across. these events colby's coal drums are essentially as the
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russian forces continue moving westwards in ukraine. they kind of blow about in a sense, and then they surround these pockets of ukrainian soldiers. they surround these sections. they called cold drums. and essentially the crating of soldiers keep getting trapped in these cauldrons with russian soldiers around them. and hooting, told, already moving story. i think it was during the talk of calls and interview when he talked about the brave it to you the coverage between both the ukrainian soldiers and the russian soldiers. he did say in a sense that a bit of a civil war happening here because you have slavic brother fighting slavic brother . but he did say in one of the latest defense of a, of a culture. and with all these ukrainian soldiers encapsulated and trapped the russians who had the guns pointed down into the colt and shouted, you must surrender. now. a new cranium shouted back with a russian would not surrender. showing that both acknowledging the coverage of both sides. it is a tragic time that he can, we continue to see,
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but it does seem like the backbone of the us and nato proxy minutes reading. ukraine is being broken. how much longer do you think this military conflict is going to go? wonderful. i've heard some sources saying they expect it wrapped up in the spring as well. yeah, definitely. um people that speak the same language and people that actually went to the same military academy. one of the new chief for the defense was into crime when to the most common electric government. that's right. they, they are discreetly communicating. they're talking they, they have to say in my, to entity in the same profession. and they're beginning to, to worry about where you're crying in politics is taking them and where it is taking the country. because more seriously than the then the military predicament and the maybe meltdown of the, of the or the ukrainian military resistance is what is happening to the country. the country is no longer a democracy, it is no longer
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a mountain state. it is in both aquatic state, but she all is central freedoms have been abolished, including oldest fundamental right in the world which is religious freedom. and then followed by the freedom to use your language and to practice your culture. and the opposition parties have being bound the, the free or critical or opposition news outlets have been shut down. so the, the west is no longer defending democracy as they pretend. they all know, trying to, to pop up a regime, but that has failed for whatever reason. and it is very tragic because it is part of the very large group of putting slavic nations. it has always been a link to him to, to russia. and although slavic nation and to break up this huge cultural, a very strong culture of humanity, that, of course, was
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a plan that the west edge in 1997 and religion skews book on this topic that to break russia to we can russia, essentially it was important to draw i, if i went to 3 in russia and the price, so really took off that and then pops the bolt. but this, i don't think it can, it can last longer than the end of this year. so i think it's a very good point. you said, you know, make meantime ukraine is being piece meal off, sold off the pennies on the dollar to black rock month son. so as long god, all these west money, managing corporations out there, who are now digging into own what's left of ukraine to andre thomas house and the americans little professor at the university of south africa. great to have you on the program. thank you very much. thank you. good afternoon sherry some exclusive footage here now with our russian forces conducting operations in the northern
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possibly a transcript region, a ground a sold. so i'm withdrawn operations being carried out in the coming i a direction the city of a lot of to him, off schools and on his back moved his way. i'm a former veterans of the wagner group now fight as part of another unit. open now to our correspondence in the region. it's a city in ruins. it's crumbling. facades are a testament to possibly the bloody is battle of the ukraine war, which wants this place to this day. that, that most below me is the city over to almost. and arguably, the biggest menace here is not artillery, not tanks, but come because the drones and when the visibility is this good, this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground. the soldiers that we are imbedded with, they are, they keep telling us constantly listen,
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listen for the bus because well, everybody understands. we can spend much time on this roof tough. we are here on borrowed time. the streets are all too familiar for the fight is where with the people though, for those who are daring to speak out as i'm at least bureau chief now explained of late in the afternoon after work. diane's 23 year old is really jewish, anti war activist. from hyphen israel's 3rd largest city and the biggest in the north is waiting for her friend and other activist. hey yon comes soon. the to start discussing what would be the best location for today's defend. any odds bag signs and posters in hebrew and english with various calls including to stop genocide and gaza and to refuse joining these really military. the 2 together with 7 other protesters here for a silent picket dripping by an irresistible urge to speak out. this war is the
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products of the freshman of the occupation, of 48th and the end of the 6730000. so simians are murdered the same government. this supposedly wants to represent to me and my interest. it's in the endless cycle of violence. if we want this, we must stop. so it's a faucet for me to, to go out into this story to tell the world. so the israel is that we exist onto our activities, and these will exist even if it's, if it's a single cost or free them, they call it $15.00 protests. the idea is to say one place for around 20 minutes and then move on, skipped to another location, not to be quotes by police. on these the years do have grounds. guy a has been detained twice. and that is only after the war started to the police or violent towards us. always. if it's in a process they'll, they'll come to try to fix you up a little bit. push you to put you through the floor into the you'll be in
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a police car for a couple of hours. we thought this wasn't good experience to see get to be seen by a police officer and know that you can do anything. so just to defense yourself, because if you'll defense yourself, he'll be talks with um, will texting the police officer when did detain you today please? charger and they try to charge me with the excitement with disturbance of the public order. they'll say that you are a treat to have the country that you're putting the public risk to tell you many, many things the bus eventually those, the only do to scare you. and it's not the only police that the anti war protests are. is who pressure from what do we film a young man passing by stops to express his disagreement with slogans minutes later the car stops new, the cry test. the
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how you feel about your fellow is really is just like this woman. now. like putting shame on you is this is going genocide drive out. got the most people in isabel. they don't really realize that's because you really don't understand that they are very much they believe it was just the funding itself. they don't really think about the fact that as i was killing tens of thousands more than a 1000000 people were pushed away, of their lands again is really the self defense is what i was trying to defend. it's called colonial presence. in that sense, it is defending itself. people as told that costs of limited civilities, law enforcement division stops, lights flashing the police. they are responsible for maintaining public order and safety. they leave. so if the,
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the activists are aware they may return and detention could fall as they rush to fold and hide their posters. preparing to make a quick escape. i think the officers coming to us. so let's see how is gonna end today. they're coming. sorry, who's speaking this with someone, the anti war protests? the small one is the problem. it's not legal. what they need permission. you mean? even if it's just 5 people according to is really long on the protests with over 50 participants requires a permit to proceed. which we did not august the i don't know when we were waiting for you. they just run away in fear of the tension. although it is not in the
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