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tv   Documentary  RT  February 17, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EST

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is and, and throughout the impeachment of donald trump related to his phone call was the landscape. it was all kinds of false statements. all kinds of lying that was done. but at this point, only this, alexander smear knob individual has been charged. so that raises suspicion about the balance of forces in washington dc and the one side is most of american justice now on terabyte and will be testifying before a congressional committee before the end of the month. and that is something that many critics of the binding ministration are very happy about. they are hoping that a 100 buying will be phased with some tough questions about his business dealings that for his, my holdings and other corruption people look at from his laptop and from other reports that have come out. uh, but it appears that there is very selective enforcement of this law regarding lying to the, the i or ms representing the truth to uh, federal investigators and inform. and so the fact that smear knob has been charged but christopher steel, james clapper, and so many people who said so many false things throughout the trump presidency
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and its aftermath remain at large spacing, no charges. it points to a certain bias and how to laws being enforced or the we had from the highest of all these 360 view schools. he now hughes. she says that despite the latest indictments, the bottom families still have major questions to answer of the republicans investigation. and the appeasement joe biden is completely hedging a lot on this case. so today in the west, if you're a democrat and you're a part of by the administration, you are celebrating this, this latest thing that has come out about alexandra smart off his arrest when he landed in the las vegas here for the heard read airports, your celebrated because now the f, b i, by the way, i was gonna sort of was an informant. so they can just arrested their own informants for information that he gave them. that supposedly they did some sort of action on, but they didn't valves, they didn't verify it before they put it out in this either shows that we have
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a very inept f b. i or what is more likely happening is they're trying to cover up their own tracks and everything going on. there are hard fact hunter, binding himself joint bereavement in 2013 and between 20132018. took in $11000000.00. that is a fact how many, thanks for your company this out. it's always appreciated. you can find plenty more news. awesome. how that stays on the website. the all the dot com and some more the latest you can do. i mean 30 minutes saving the in the 9 to 6 days in the libyan part of this, the hard deserts phone, which i can take water reservoirs were discovered,
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containing many thousands of cubic kilometers of the purest water bill of don't still got that finished out the advertising is associated i joined the navy and keep the so done each other. good job. he was tough inconvenience. and forthright he built a stage in which the death penalty was widely used. the truly for wrong thinking, the bills that causes us now to say, even larger than stollins, but he truly cared about his country. why the invasion and destruction of the rock and for the killing of a 1000000 iraqis, that our american friends answer the question why a rock wants the reason? he's been logged in a rocky. no, he's not. with those who attacks new york, iraq is no one else. with those who attacks the pentagon iraqis, no along comes of foreign bella occupies in our country and hangs its president, and we'll sit on the sidelines laughing. any one of you might be next. when i turn to this judge, instead of going to pneumonia, this lovely on these up with them are up seriously, posted you to the volume explain you see, gave to me the initial list of all media thought watching listed of good of shape.
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gosh, desk with i know what a list of in the past the suit, one thing of it as i look through the pictures of it. so tim just thought as a model is a lot of people conducting a vocal jania. russia tried to correct this mistake. in march 2011 russia, china. and curiously, germany abstain from voting for the u. n. s. the resolution on this stablish and a no fly zone and further invasion. but it was too late. then prime minister of russia id me a poor soon round li condemn the west. you spoke with that's the your scheduling. putting him. i would say you've seen you voting the meal with the into the media. we're best letting you build it. nation little by stuff. we're, we've been use the fucking uh for the one of yes and those who look on video as well. you got to get it now. it shows you what the logos they shoot. they need to
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live in the city. let me see in your phone book, pull that up for the 30th. give you the thing. it only gives us all you good useful lives. you need the, when you're over 18 countries to punch in the invasion of russia, couldn't prevented any better. real escape libya, a little help by sending in miller treat specialist unofficially. the operations conducted by the us as usual, playing the role of hospital was the odyssey. don't us strikes stats in libya? 136 cruise missile attacks. since the beginning of the assault, but an estimated cost of $136000000.00 more than 50, a tanks were made from combat aircraft. the 2 still almost dropped more than 40 tons a bonus. on march the 19th 2011, the u. s. navy on u. k. forces using tomahawk missiles, surprisingly b as main ad defend spaces,
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bias donated oil storage facilities. a cardiology center was destroyed on roads and bridges damaged on the night of may, the 1st good of his youngest son and 3 of his grandchildren were killed in a bombing attack. the last major confrontation was the battle of safety. in 2011, the on the eve of the final assault was captured and executed officially by the so called opposition. you may have beautiful as that me, but she wouldn't have showed you guys use it with guys. and the guys in the city is going to love what you've got is do what is the key, the seminal again because they, they just get able to send you some time with collection to go sticks about the mother, the reaction to stuff,
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which is what we did with the the worst case she has to guthrie or as b, there is going to meet any score item if that, but you, god bless that is going to be anything submitted ganske you closer because you proud the schedule. so that uses that. yeah. and you had bridges that was beach hatamio got that you had the motors deal with the doors and the downs. get out of it for the more gotta do good. the guy that goes with the bus unloading it though, but it's kind of why we just made it. so you said you have us on there for sure. was that that you say yes. your girl know it though for you to do it. what time are you an open quote that could be more game? yes, that's the whole issue of the pony and that some were stuck at all. you made it so it's not fully in good shape. another little boy got a team to shipment. pick it, i'm going to see them pop up. keyboard. join them up game. got dory. what am a slow i'm while load? yeah. smart 3. what is the real value?
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the desk of the c o 2 was comp should mass executions of good job is to apologize. took place, most courses have their hands tied, and it'd be shot in the head. but i didn't get off his desk. nato's military operation was wound down. the government authorities ceased to exist, and libya descended into terra and the chaos of civil war. hostilities only holds it in 2020. once a day, the unified libya is known existence. the main similarity between libya and syria that i would immediately pinpoint is that of course uh, goes off fee. who is mad it's uh, by the west. um actually was one promoting a time or a business. and tom are freaking out some southern unity of arab states and the unity of african states. he was also uh,
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progressive leader in his country. and actually, his country in africa was probably the most developed prior to the destruction of libya by night term in the states. and in a very similar way, syria under president charlotte side in 2004, president assad announced the grandiose energy plan. the policies designed to united syria took a error on iraq and as a by sean with a single oil and gas transport system with access to the mediterranean sea, which was to make syria the hub for trade globally. in other words, to create a multi polar wealth um with syria as the hub for the supply of energy and food resources and economic resources. and if you've seen the american defense budget
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just continues to rise and rise and rise. we need conflicts to justify this. so when the cold war ended, we no longer had the soviet union as a threat of russia was weekend. so we, we had to go in search of enemies in search of wars, and this is why you get the, the iraq war. you get the libyan conflict, you get the syrian conflict, you get tensions with the rom. now we're getting tensions with uh, with china and in the south china sea and taiwan. and of course now, after afghanistan, the failure of afghanistan, we have the new or the newly resurrected crisis, with russia. that is now manifest itself in the conflict in your train, where american defense manufacturers are bringing in all time profit. so i mean if one takes a look at the salaries of the ceo's of these companies, you know, they're making $2325000000.00 a year. that doesn't come for free, doesn't they need to produce things to get this money. from the end of world war 2
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to 2001, the united states initiated the 201 out of 248 on the conflict. breaking out in $153.00 regions accounting, some oldham, 80 percent of all was that took place throughout that time the america was leading the world. we are the one indispensable nation that we have unique capabilities that nobody else has to. america's army is the best for us on the planet. the us knows already collect data on strategy, weapons, intrude numbers for each of the targets, but also studies that come on in detail. this happened in syria, olivia and iraq. russia also found itself in the crow, says tom sylvie and i got to, we're going to see me like right here. so i see. think, i gotta say, go with the me. you're going to know right in the, you're going to the, i know what i'm established shots to double up. richard operative for oral sky. army is supposedly prophy. i was thinking it all across the board and you just know
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i see joe of the not much noise to me in a near. i'll a book or and you can spot it or for each of us to bring you foot. you always? oh, that's good to natural wear. you look at an a c h and tell them that the internet. right. and then you're supposed to do this like our dressing up up. oh dear, will i be going to teach, get this on your circles, get craig year at all, or change your dining design your door, you uh, the reserve, i mean number one, you for you to get to it for i need to do you and your uh, which the to a mom your to your door, yet are she with back with, with dock, with some bullet prostrate julia for the city. well, i should be more than that, but unused a couple of months from smoke. it means you're more of us got you. i think you're like a modern yet. those are the looping it done. they actually did. you set the story a portion you could look at the notes of bringing up, etc. but also where you stand. this found that comes through preparation. so with russia unbearable, he retired from the us on a move to russia, again,
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a new life, a girl. and so the world map is enough for even the school child to answer a few simple questions. who cover the world with military bases? who's building up, it's a nuclear capabilities who overthrows regimes and establishes its mind going over the planet who threatens and destroys with impunity, so called undesirable people. ok, just for voice to shows and that children are pretty well school just kind of would work. so that's really a bunch thing because then you're going to have problems in the some of the sheets they go out in that same way. good because a lot, no rush to the story for the future screen. it can, i may just barely yang and i'm going here. so to let you go to sydney and then you're starting the goal is just to sort of any swaim. so you have a 0. so interesting you agree? so the 0 for this is a very useful learning stuff like that. but you've done this this moment. the other thing is that he seems to step in the go when we can apply that if citizen and what
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else support me please. a copeland from freak them know that the meal can despite outcome probably can we flip 6, dop into overland again. with the sheep i'm going to cost because gosh, the expressing a democracy divided busted ideas. our nation is working for more freedom, more dignity, more, more peace, not just in europe and everywhere. hi, i'm acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please. as you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't watch my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you
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the i cannot plan it, take any more, the american peace of the afghanistan, syria, libya, iraq and ukraine. who's next in line for democracy and freedom. we are
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ready, we are united and that's what we did. we stayed united states of course. okay. i ups and not the only special graphs that yeah, this will be the on the or on them because stephanie bone but need a at the doctor. but this to not, i think, finding the document not initially like dollars, fully satisfied anybody needs done this. i've traveled home the world with us missions, the sub in gym and a macedonia, and bosnia, a commodity to a tank. but soon in the us itself, before becoming a military advisor in georgia, all this time, he watched complex breakout boasted by american propaganda. my original thoughts, my face, go to 3 or 4 guns go. uh, cause you much, you might go through. uh, we're going to put you on the trail for with a blow up or you just go to report. that's a good idea of a film on the upper got the vinyl for different. i see it, i much, i do fission, but i've still got ready to continue with the rules of life to the court. nobody up in uh to move to floor available. so this up,
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i'm going to assume go video where you are doing capital. definitely be useful for to get there, but if i use a couple of different vehicles and there's somebody not pretty doing it, all right, nothing to do with moment per slot off the returning home. it's done as love and his wife opened a small b, syria, which he kindly invited all film crew, perpetrators, or fraternity as no other business for the town i'm with a lot for, and that's what i would go forward or more but tributes. any. but stand this love husbands. a garden military affairs is now a well known ministry ex but this retired american office is now helping the russian army. pretty much to sure the we're not going to do any work the separate. i'm are going to do the front uh, getting you power to the funny and over with a couple of measurable from are you such a mortgage unit or starting from a button to an escrow that you're quoting your adult? it's just due to any part of get done if it's done with her. would you mind if,
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when you think of living so much of one's life in the usa, speaking english perfectly. russian with an accent moving a house, making friends and connections. it's still impossible to remain russian here and you have any stolen music on some house. the thing curious, i assure you that you're promising you familiar at all saying if they've done the government orders over it also governments, which of course need to have a thank you. cool on today is still true. ready for the cold water new you know what it means you to do it kind of good. what else? the control panel people let's look them was the problem. we what's on that find me to contact them with the who are you to couple of 4 more because i'm not sure to use it to the the slide you the most and you shifted that session just give it a glitch in our system. yes. i mean was reading level still a little bit your personal or for great. and that was, that's natural because i feel like you said, you have some good unless you have one beach you. i see interview those my well from on, you know, a little from the session will the see if, if there's a chance that sort of either of these, let me use the, even though it's got sort of the way here. well, i mean
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a couple more that was that way he tested one year or something simple of teaching years or some sort of similar course or what, what did you say? oh, for sure, i'm not really. you do a physical when people see it is up to show minutes about them like next around was 5, it was is only thing. anti government results, supplying weapons and ammunition and training militants, even the most of us isis the year at the ends. we split about turned out to be leading to the main sciences against terrorism. allows me to say, and you want me to go on. speaker needs a sort of bring it in the way she does reading it and you like education. let's see if we're picking up additional stuff to go out by making good morning as long as your district about some more or less tonight. for this to me to do, let me know. but i, let's meet them. philip. extremely wake up with a deal of the jump they were sending me up. was the police, let me start thinking only start with a shot to really good. so that's to mr. rock either based on the deal. and that's what the issue related to kind of the group it'll get images or thought to police really and see if i should have another month in 1997 in his book,
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the grand chessboard, this big me a vision escape road to the us would lead the is lemma zation process and promote the spread of radical islam. chaos in the middle east for then take the dump. the arrows spring spiraled out of control in 2012. the muslim brotherhood sees power in egypt, while groups that defeated the in libya or the among themselves, abbas or syria, and the rug have become hot beds for international terrorism. same thing, we moved into syria. we promoted an uprising by al qaeda militants. the same group that had mom the twin towers on $911.00. now, we were allied with them supporting them to over throw the legitimate government, the president, bashar our side. and it's always been was great deception. we went
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into iraq, under those under the guise of weapons of mass destruction. and you have to people who promoted that, that narrative know at the time that there was, there was nothing to it. so we have, we've done this, we've promoted more after war after war. none of it has really benefited the american people, but it has benefited a global elite boma bodies, phone sacrifice. a david made a band and confirm that the emergence of isis was facilitated by the ministry operation in the rack. launched by the u. s. and the u. k. former british prime minister, tony blair, admitted in interviews of the us and allied invasion was the one of the key reasons that triggered the in the juice of isis the. but i can say that i apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong. i also apologize for some of the mistakes in planning and certainly all mistaken understanding of what would happen
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once you remove the regime. the us president barack obama was also forced to confess to the us invasion of iraq and mistakes made during this process. well, one of the causes of the emergence of isis toilets, always remember, i cicada all new straw die. they're all forms of the hobby of fanatical elements that are easily bought off purchase train from saudi arabia, guitar and elsewhere. and they've been used in afghanistan against russia in the 1980s. they were used as the dominant of scape goat for the 911 attacks, which of course been have been completely false. they were then used for applications against syria against libya. more americans alfie. so the all new shred dies show kind of the habits that are used by the united states train within the united
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states are certainly amplified by drug use. they are given, capt gone. they're given methamphetamines. they are given all sorts of other inducements. michael, president obama and hillary clinton, the founders, devices by physical hands, them the most valuable play a reward by a super bowl. going to both of the when you was just shooting me to us, since we have slides. but if you want to call me, i need to meet you and you may be cutting out of the socks. you know, sheets should have them near the condition of what the work can you just have the space that i need a considerable amount of weight, but it really kind of scared get the new vista and as simple as a new screen is jewish. somebody's new question. no, but i was just a whole nice bushnell middle, the, the, the, the web page is old, view it from the village, and it always come back as well. i also google my just to show my gmail address
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does that we, what do you think you might have said not for way too, cuz i need you guys to meet on the trulia up to his address. if there's the little fight for the police, waive he's putting it in with a stretch for me to go for the to the position. i mean, you can play an easel attempting to send a letter back from vist. there's the letter for my fields. so it was clear from the beginning that the west was involved in the let's say supports on a court thing and arming of these terrorist groups extremist groups. i'm secretary and groups. we had the mysterious disappearance of weapons that were sent to the freezer in on me, and that somehow ended up in my hands of groups like isis fusion, usually is the floor pushing with the stuff, go theater or excuse me. uh, excuse us, you uh, ski the video should take you. uh, i think the,
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as i said, a new or fortunate unit during the time you said your list of premier to get the garbage latest option for diploma. there's little doesn't raise money or whether it is like you to, to, to go to posts from the stuff the was warner from the federal chas unplugged to do the photo shut the door to step on is dealing with founder of cable companies that much. and so from one of the good news, i see the doctor below shopping. what you what digital go to was that you are the ones that i need, the triple for 3 is us to get that us full of goods. that's fortunately, which is really cool. and looking for the doctor right, and it will go to the small table here, pick the channels the story for further further utilities. because the, the things you may have started pushing, you didn't get headquarters in the lead areas. general, a supplies of weapons and money, global terrorism, this comfortable existence depends on the support of the most prominent pfizer
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against terrorism in the world. you, it's not the best, not to what logan you spend here. uh took of something that you do not show you a really deal up phone cuz i didn't that she was go home but yeah, sure. distributed it and deal with me is just sit mean, i mean if i ask you wait and they tell you what is useful when it's done semester, and if you want one of the mississippi videos, luckily, it's crushed and you may have some good news of that sure, on your side, just as soon as you get those it's and you can, you can use all the, just the videos. you have a friend who is you have screen or respond to the sort of i'm not sure what it is, but so good. now what would x be of the mission? are you, what do you then you will be surely that genius bustle don't have to really watch a video chat. sure, but i see we'll do
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a review on the best of your finals. and that's for me. yeah, that's, i mean, the concert was yeah, the part of the fact that i'm still here with you as i showed a city of city as you just took it is a subset of north composer that's called annual for sale. who may have to stay part of the need to keep us void and they'll be like this funk this of this one and be able to bring up just test the solution and help her of dining garden each store shirts say for jacob is not causing for him which i think during if a 1000 great at the thought of me and me see, find that democracy is so important for me. but at any rate, if the forced somebody to administer to columbus against the on the
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screen of the boss can do either. steve and see what was it the key at the washington state, the girls and he was full of cash as to phone of send 2 professional men to keep the list of all but huge, but they used the every spring and summer. the melting optics move reveals a band of machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories
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. yes, i used to move, so take off my bill if that is a simple someone from you. louis. at the post the beach on has an issue calling to ask for a clean optic travel to heis island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land archipelago. sierra really asked me for our laws and that was the more you have to do should. so it means if you wouldn't be able to in we see that's one way. and i'm familiar with this. i'm gonna stay on the old stuff. awesome. i feel like very embarrassed, almost a little more. c means membership when you to i've got the serial no boys to the middle of please to join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and they can see kids remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so who even needed somebody at the course your system was a multiple and you have a couple of templates. you and the deal is deficient the
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ukraine military cave confirm st. with all of troops from the case that the of, of the, of the, of the month, the 5th fossils or president the landscape towards europe and a big to do a lot of financing for filtering more assets. also this out washington is set to provide as well with more weapons, is a $14000000000.00 a package lose even the american president to express his hopes, the idea of the new offensive in the region as us are these plots down on an s b i a pullman to electrical being 5 and finally took 100000000 dollars in private during business savings in your prey. the.


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