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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  February 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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of the way are in moscow, standing in this one to one of russia's most iconic symbols in bodies, greece elegans and articles on a variety of scale theater. the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. as for so the funder lion likes to say,
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we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have a very quick propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the one of the things that i admire most about members of the millennial generation, is there a need optimism? they are optimistic about their futures, that careers, their families. it reminds me of when i was young before a life of whistle blowing needed out of me. still, there are some people who have such an in green need a natural desire to do right? that they global whistle on myriad issues throughout the course of their lives. no matter what the personal cost, i'm john kerry onto welcome to the list of loans the
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the. 2 2 2 2 2 and is really psychologist once told me that whistle blowers have a far better defined sense of right and wrong then does the general population. some issues are just clearly black and white right and wrong. oftentimes the general public doesn't understand that. certainly it's no surprise, but sometimes governments don't understand that, but it describes our next guest, whether it's international banking, commercial, real estate or even bitcoin. there's been something to say our guest today. busy is pest kindly daddy. pascall was born and educated in switzerland. he worked 1st in public relations before moving into the management of mutual funds from 1993 until 2003. he served as a management board member addressed in her bank in london. and was in charge of capital markets covering central europe, central asia, the russian federation,
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africa, and the middle east. after the assassination in malaysia of his father, prominent behind the banker, was saying the jetty plus called a veteran of this with air force begin his whistle blowing, and it has covered the gamut. and we're happy to have them with us today, plus call. welcome to the show. ridge on agreed to breeding. so nodded states all the wonderful people in the audience. and of course, all the people around the world. we're following you and there's a tremendous amount of them i don't. uh, thank you very much for that. pascal, i would like to begin with what might have been a trigger for your whistle blowing. you come from a very important behind the family and your suicide is equally important. you're a direct descendant of a former as with president. as a matter of fact, you are headed towards quite a predictable career in international banking, and that's how things started up for you. when and why did that change? what exactly was the trigger?
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you mean creating the industry or raising hell about what's happened to all of us on call with 19 sales. right. and one led to the other didn't look, i realized in 2004 in london. and was something between new york quite often, especially before that i was middle lynch, uncle. those were the last 2 years of investment banking, then things went haywire, corrupt to make it simple. and the investment banks, one of the toppled over tripped over and then they called this things too big to fail. and that realized that this whole thing is, is organized crime. looking at a central banks looking at the inflation in people's pensions a way, what's wrong. but what's really got me going on that is my rights and my duty based when i learned that like a poisons by the coal re 19 se ups to evaluate the injection. that's in my case,
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the size of shots 2 plus one booster that was state sponsored through our texas and was we were lied to liked with the file g s due to your president, trump into it as safe tested and effective 3 lies in one sentence. and what they have done is beyond typical. and if i have some time left here on this planet, and this dimension, i will do might want to make sure that these can never happen again. to humanity. very simple. and before you, but before the the coven outbreak, you had already started focusing on other issues of import that, that governments, that the media were ignoring. can you tell them, tell us what led you then away from banking and into this truth telling? i think uh this reset collapse and switzerland was that's
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a good point. i was not involved as we said at all anymore, and it just collapsed under our feet. the richest country or one of the richest countries in this is world. i couldn't pay the fuel prices for the, for the flight from zoe to loved. and then the whole thing collapsed equals, been reviewed, covered up. and then i went to work with a field team. go to invited as a producer because i brought 60000 secret protocols from meetings, board meetings, card documents, and with those we could write the true. right? yep. so drew, if he's now, if i some, and we start the film is called rounding suites and i'm a feeling that we've launched it in 2006 in switzerland and safety center. most of the same time, it became one of the best, both the best diverse weights, movies ever done. yes, because we told the truth, yes, we were able to accuse the perpetrators by name that is new b s credit suisse,
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and the totally totally incompetent suisse government at the time. i wouldn't say corrupt there was probably stupid and from now that was covered up already on the, from the swiss people, the taxpayers, the taxpayers were paying the damage and the bonds to go to way. we said, okay, so that was not the right. we had 40 people, $40000.00, excuse me, people on the streets, chop less long term job plus $40000.00. there's nothing for an added state statistics. but for that time, 5000000 suite population. that was a lot in one events, even though the damage to our economy was $50000000000.00. and today again, you say that's nothing in 2001 for switzerland. again, taxpayers, money, 50 billions. it could be admin fee is a lot of money. it is and waste that we also love to face in
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front of our own people in front of our own respect. but more importantly for switzerland to the out site, there's the $18000.00 passengers around the world. there's tickets stranded. no compensation. if that's what sweets it was all about. no, no, that's not what we do. so i started to little between the lines. now i'd be advising heads of states, administer levels, hold my life in crisis, and sometimes it goes to peace and war decision was not the joy either. i was not the private wealth management at all. i did financing strategies, the big stuff for the big boys. and you know what? i saw a lot of stuff happening. recorded switzerland, deisel forces flowing up in front of a pharmacy without mentioning the f word. and when i saw that spew between organizations blige,
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the i am as to world bank. and then you have the vesting pulled out his ation developing its own dynamics, which were completely harmful and threatening to the respect difficult to childrens around the world democratic constitutions. i didn't degree anymore was the system, right? but you know what? i was lugging the entry point to go. that's that i that's down the roads. sure. to clear up the things and the do the cold came when i found out what they have done to us and a lot seems 2020 or on the, by the way, i have observed this as least not on the switzerland going down the drain. unfortunately, you have to observe that sentence me. i locked in the united states of america going down the train. i'd be coming even secure the last what the world wants. it's an insecure united states. you need be need a strong healthy well, she says competence. not war mongering, united states to bring peace,
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the way your president is managing things, but doesn't drum, that is you've done much of your public outreach on social media, especially on twitter now known as ex, before it on musk took over control of the company. you were repeatedly suspended. why did that happen? and i'll, i want to add one thing. i don't know really what to make of it on, on the us part, but just about every friends that i have with suspended from twitter for one reason or another. the reason is never being clear. so why did that happen to you? and are you active on the platform again? now? you know, not stuff look a strew. i'm when this whole revelation started to come to, to uncover the infamous. we suspect the 1st the call we'd say of the crime,
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the demo site. i think it one said the, the also be josh then should be executed in guantanamo bay. that's what i said about voice bad and sick people. that's what they wrote and then x or that kind of twitter suspended me. you know, it's a, i, i right, sure. and then i went back in as an a job before just this. when i started to go to the next level, this was just these, that'd be clear to us, i'm reliable. you're president. trump has different words, right? corrupt i, i join you mean that by the codes i'm reliable is equally bad. and then i published on the 26th of october, a diagram where we have the size for the so called w choking dynamic agreements. federal states or criminal fake dr. teigel's to general secretaries plan to make included uh around the world to go with the others . all depends on mac, so plan that makes and i posted those diagrams would show dead the not the,
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the health emergency and vigil will then control your execute teeth and legislative branch does not state switzerland, germany, britain, funds and i called it out. and i said, you know what, mr. federals, i said the space for us knows when you go to the toilet, you better be careful. and then i got suspended for life by the see you by the ceo of twitter, which is a lady who used to be in play plus plus schwab. and i'm saying right on your program, ellen mosque, i trusted you a long way, but you know what? this confuses me. i don't want to accuse you. but either you have got the deep mold faith in your organizations from class. how can you hire from the west? a see you. it's. i don't get it your financial independence. supposing lee, you don't need that. an $6000000.00, right for that lady, she doesn't know,
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get the young american student, a geek from, from silicon valley. uh, from the beach and something monica, they can do a better job. that's nice of spending for publishing the w h o, a type plant on humanity occluded down. your constitution. you must be kidding me. so i told him that also in, you know, this is a known to social by the way, this present drums platform. i'm very happy and no, no, no issues and people following me there now. so is it i don't need, that's the points. we don't need started. nobody likes, sorry. we don't, i don't need you. don't get me wrong. so i don't talk about you. i said, we don't need, i don't need your likes. i don't need them anymore. i'm dying diagnose, dying from feed sizes on the side seconds. i'm doing something about that. and i've been helping as a mission messenger of lights to inform you that they are finished. and i don't
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need to be like for that's, it's not my job as no association. no. um, you know, fundraising campaign them, but politically, i decided i couldn't care less. this is not about whether you like or hate, your present actual president trump today or not, or where you hate till the last me i don't care. we present it was faxed some dare so bad. the fact so bad. we are speaking with whistle blower and former swiss banker, us common a jetty. thank your pass code, please stay with us right there. we're going to take a short break, and when we come back, we're going to talk about some of pascal's detractors. he has responses stay tuned . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the the,
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i guess it was a pleasure for spouses people's the best way and will cause a mutual report. and then you click on that. i mean, if i give them the spending those electrons, but i'd like to bring your opportunity. what i needed was also for leslie and i wish all of my friends are so very simple. most of the most fun with me for some, some video writing, these will still open them, shape the machine you're in a solution, you're supposed to use those cookies. yes, last we did on the and i just get brush up and take a little bit of an easy phineas or another car, the size of the lamb, just for millions, from the by the name of the visible units introduced to your worship image.
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the acceptance, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new shells. seriously. why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go as like change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the welcome back to the whistle blowers. i'm john kerry onto we're speaking with swiss was of lower pass college. howdy. good. have
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you with this press, kyle jones. thank you very much for your time. and again, greetings to all the brave men and women, especially those serving your military right now. oh, thank you for that. thank you very much. pasco, tro, review of your whistle blowing would not be complete without admitting that you have some detractors out there. i'd like to get your reactions to some of the things that some of these people have said. first of shows, as was blogger says that you were suspended from twitter. not because of your whistle blowing, but because you claimed to be under the protection of the, the us military, specifically the space for us as well as a tweet that you wrote saying that donald trump was still the president in 2023. and that he had mobilized a 1000000 national guardsman on us soil. what can you tell us about that that i know about the space for us on the my of them on president drum has funded them in 2019 i believe like a center i've never said that i'm protected by the space for the american,
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but it to the office and well, in a sense we all by then, but they come to that later. but no, i'm not. linked formally to the us assess, but i admire them and i have my email address wisdom, so they send me updates. that's anybody can do that on the website. is this the track, the reason own retrace them. you sitting in london, you know, maybe there's a vpn as soon as somebody is booked up might be could be the page. i haven't done that. this person. believe it. somebody could be woman, we don't know these days, right. so i started to vandalize to page. well, yes, i said, president, trump is your president, the commander in chief and such as the wartime president, go and check. and it is absolutely true and verifiable. also, by the way, ols verifiable, subject. the president trump has mobilized 1000000 national guards,
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soldiers and officers into, at the, for duty officer. he federalized your national guard. so i'm a suisse military. as far as veteran telling of this mountain you're so and i'm not burying military secrets. i don't, i don't want to be so verifiable. facts. i wrote this to johnny since with some 2 days ago on his blog. he didn't publish. mike comment is a coward call him tomorrow. i'll tell him off, because i understand these people are maybe distracted and one to debunk to me. and they tell me if i talk nonsense, yes, please do so, but i won't for the media. also have had questions about a lawsuit that you filed against pfizer related to the deck scene. and you, you touched on this a little bit earlier in the show. what can you tell us about that case and is that suit still pending? no, it's not. okay, in fact, being thrown out of court,
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i had to find that out later. this was a, a person who contacted me from new york from twitter. um said that she can domesticate my suites criminal charges against mice with presidents here in new york. and she filed a case, me as a complaint if that's whatever. yeah. me again, pfizer ink in new york state. i mean in the, sorry, supreme court of the new york state in manhattan and i think it's 60 west street. that's the court house i, the jobs jobs in charge of trustees onto the justice, laurie septa and things get out of hand with this person. i gave a raise money for this stuff on us. if i transferred over $35000.00 to her, out of $40000.00 raised. and then she started to fade me on twitter spaces, was my now ex wife. i had to filed from the charges against them here in
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switzerland for defamation. that's articulate. 174 of this was penal code. it's a crime. and, and then of course, in my view for fraud, because i called the court myself finally in new york and said, hey guys, is my case, my claim as a victim of pfizer, violates i said, no, no, no stuff has been thrown out in april. so yeah, that's where this comes from so fast. i must say one thing through this process. and this lady is not that stupid. and i don't say that we learned that us corporations, pfizer, more than uh, astra johnson johnson. not. it cannot violate any amendments of the constitution of the united states and or federal and state orders or laws. they have done so they made money abroad and in apartheid regimes.
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switzerland made an unconstitutional law. vexed on vac states, a violation of our constitution wide. everybody easy put in front of the law like united states, and they made money in the pod type rushing. they cannot do that. they can. and the whole thing collapsed and as you know, the injections were stopped, but they were stopped because of president trump was want speed. she challenged the whole machine has made a trip over. and now we have to result, it's coming out in the open, the cause of lice, dots destroyed, by putting one card under both your president. he pulled the cards off to being lied to by his advisors. he's not the doctor, he's not the toxicologist, he's a business man, and a peace maker after all. he got lied to us high treason, and the consequences will come very soon. i a political fact criticized you for a claim that an emergency injunction and try beautiful order had been served on the
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w h o and others, ordering them to cease and desist. what is called a, a criminal conspiracy to commit war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and to. ready arrest incarcerate these criminal offense, unquote. among these, these village criminals where people like bill gates, the founder of microsoft, for example. yeah, doctor anthony file chief from the national institute of allergy infectious diseases. and everybody was working for an interview with joe joe biden. even the tv talk show host, uh, oprah winfrey and the state it was attributed to you, but identified as judge pascal in the jedi. and you said that they would all be arrested as soon as possible. military in law enforcement worldwide are preparing for this to happen. um, you're not a judge to the best of my knowledge and no such an emergency order was, was issue of what was that all about? this is, this is a, the,
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a tribunal of natural law. this refers to the law of the universe and this quoted simple cause and effect. it's in chemistry, mathematics in all models that you have in science cause and effect is valid, at least in our dimension. let's see for the 3rd dimension. um, because we know there's other general sites at the time i was a big night. it's a demo site. a general site is against race, gender. you know, whatever. this is the demo site, the 1st ever executed against the human species demo from demographics. still born babies died guild, like my mother, 82 now dying of 83 shots. some of them you've called the universe for help. that's what we did. we made mistakes, and i want to correct them right here, right now when you show the tribunal of judges, i was just the speaker. i was not the guy who did all the decisions i decided to
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put on the fusion list and that's some mistake. and i want to correct that by recording dr. immediately that would the president putting up a president, trump on their complete nonsense? they are the ones who certainly are totally not guilty of anything regarding colby's ty, ups and injections, not guilty, but all the rest of the long list, w h o w e f, best they will, they can make for them. oh ro, underlying traits is 2 hours of respective constitutions. government officials parliamentary in stock. this will push the screen. just, all of those prices are more then all of those people will face justice, westcan, and johnny. thank you so much for joining us today. was a pleasure to have you. i thank you and thank you to our viewers for being with us . the great reverend dr. martin luther king junior one said every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice suffering and struggle. the tireless exertions
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and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. that is absolutely true. and that's why the world needs people who are willing to fight for justice. thank you for joining us for another episode of the whistle blowers, i'm john curio and i look forward to seeing you next time the. 2 2 2 2 the, [000:00:00;00] the have games dan has attracted conquerors attention from time a memorial in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view,
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the afghan lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict independence. the mere of a dentist in the us blue homage turned for help the russia waste the rate is considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18. 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their henchmen to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance, thus, is deli. they slaughtered all ask in man who had reached adulthood and raped hundreds of women. seeking to humiliate the muslims to 1841 general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone last couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from google made it to
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the british position in jello. but the defeat of the royal army caused in norm is damaged to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important events in the history of the arrest people's resistance to the colonialists. it just failed the race estimate of the european invincibility. the, the yeah, the city, the one that says go for a good. it's on there. a cause really been was you don't get, you should buy some of the creators opinion. ok. and they are supposed to be with them one day go $5.00 thing. and i'm gonna have to just have one that is special out and they have the mean guy, the guy, the person that we use, the motors which technical for me to pursue. she knew we would have probably she up in a good today just across from a contracts,
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hard to on the beach. so were you in the most coveted vision? that's boy, it's a video which is just off the scenes to show you know, we story is 1st, 2nd driving that those numbers are usually a garage. let's look at osha godaddy for most the most people could you just take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really was a better wills, and is it just as it shows you, fractured images, presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground can the worst stops were breaking news. the rush of defense minister confirms that russian forces of taking full control of the city of, of the after months of peers, bottles washington gives up to send more weapons to israel as well as $14000000000.00 a package. even as the american president seemed helpful. the idea of what installed a new offensive in the region and the us intelligence community all for each side agencies is available $26.00 of donald trump's associates in the run up to the 2016 election. that's according to a bombshell report on subsections website public those are the


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