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tv   News  RT  February 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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use the bus is the little gear license as this done by the pressure take full control of the key don yet so republic, city of, of the following months of fierce battles that saw ukrainian troops retreat after suffering massive losses. also this hour. yeah. another week of deadly idea of strikes on the posting in enclave including a devastating brand that killed more than 50 low bolts for the elected sake of saving. 2 is rarely hostages. plus western politicians and media are quick to blame off, though for the death of controversial political activists. alexi knows all me in prison, even before the incident is fully investigated. the
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good afternoon from the russian capital and welcome to the weekly with the top stories of the hour and week. i'm fairly, isabel, the russian military has officially taken full control of the city of, of the, of the, in the dawn yet. so we're public, the strategic location has the months of relentless bottles with ukranian troops, suffering thousands of casualties and be forced to flee in disarray. according to moscow, the because local, the order of through creating on forces commander in chief, serious key to bending the city was issued only day after you create intrudes became lean on control from a thief. measures are currently being taken to finally clear the city of the militants and block ukrainians. we need staff left the city and hold up at the difficult and chemical plant deliberation of div to has made it possible to move the front line away from the nets, thereby significantly securian from the terrorist attacks by the criminal regime in
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key information on the defense of our troops was not transmitted until the enemy had been completely defeated and the city had been taken under control. this is a big deal. it's a very strategic point as well. and the ukranian forces have been if not withdrawing, they've been fleeing of difficult. what can you tell us, what it is from what we gather? we've spoken to fred is the colleagues over the and say they say the among the opinions there is chaos. a huge number of the troops of being abandoned and update, but will they be told by radio, with radios of the job, they never even heard the will this, the retreat? of course there's, there's no way to retreat because maybe you need more or less. what can be described as a route, as i did, isn't that for russian fall control in this is constant, the always do attacks the lives they have to. groups tried for the absolute chaos which is backed by the numbers that we put. the liberation of, of div go, has made it possible to move the front line away from the nets, thereby significantly protecting it from terrorist attacks by the criminal key of regime. as a result, an area of 31.75 square kilometers,
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was liberated from the ukraine and nationalists, the enemy's losses in the battles for of div code during the past day amounted to more than that was $500.00 soldiers, the russian minister of defense. so here we go, the hubs, the toll and full bloods, may i put in a victory in a difficult. he was also given us some details. you know, a very of the size of what fits you to supply condolences. it'd be liberated quite a incredibly quickly again, because the presidents get the will to, to retrieve robin with solvents upon thousands of the troops being that encircled with a pause 24 hours more than 800-8500. you couldn't to fly either killed or taken captive with a date that it isn't over. let me tell you, it isn't over the still carrying out the, the, the refuge, the theories of the multi story apartment buildings. there is also,
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it must be said about a do, an underground safety. it is an underground safety without the exaggeration of the past. think he is the pinions realizing the importance of the candidates, physical tube of state. this would change it importance of, of data because it could that sort of the roads to the railroad track, pull tabs. it also has a vocation system. the wonderful tracing plot that supplies drinking water to move in to 1000000 people it. so it is a huge loss for you. great, because it has been preparing up div that's for 8 long years. you know, thousands of thousands of segments use to make bug cuz over of dave, around of do you have a very secure location? now the, the pulls out the re really isn't any way for them to hold the line as effectively because no way out they didn't expect of the of the full. we also know that they wasted but the announcement of the capture of dave dental, they were absolutely sure because the battle is
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a get k all 6. there are so many grading and so trapped in the re about had advancing brushing a sort of troops as we've heard from ukraine. the they said they've elected to save people's lives, which, you know, is a little late to be saying that you're claiming that you're trying to save people's lives. they won't have to say that. so just love a $1500.00 last and the single day they would it be more organization to it. they're also trying to blame the whether you to general winter and as they always to, to try this credit. russian victory of course is holidays. and so that there's this positive deb, which is relatively little this, this top of the also it must be said, you have units and out the way you created an official say you get it. this is all because of you. this is all because you didn't give us enough shells that isn't true. 2 weeks ago, i was just south of a 50 in money. the more you creating shelves across the nation, seeing far as us, so at the russian. so i said by the russian sites in that stretch while i was
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embodied for the front there, there is, there is, there is less, there was certainly no shortage of shells and um, being provided with support with you. great. so blaming these on the shortage of weapons or the weather is, is an attempt to navigate and his government to offer blame for the loss of updates . one of the toughest baffles of this world. yeah, i mean that is going to be a bit of a humiliating retreat withdrawal for their landscape areas at the munich security conference. right now it's heading all these west and politicians. everything is going a ok. send me more weapons in cash. and when we're gonna win this complet with doing absolutely fine and it here we have as you say, this huge withdrawal from a very strategic city of the after that or that now we, we can talk about on, i understand that it was, it was a part of the front line that people were not really supposed to talk about. we go to keep it pretty much hot shots right now. look, this is, this is a, this is the facts of it. it was very difficult to work in when you observed.
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because new creative intelligence west and intelligence would track not only, and this is what we were told about phones, either journalist when we went to we spoke to. but if we say cold a, an officer, they could track his location. anything we showed, even if we check to double check, triple check could be used to gets back and forth. and so we would, we would in the age of people's lives by 5 by showing certain things that have different examples of an operation that was long in the making long it was very valid. it was costly but, but it has to be a little bit. now of course, what restrictions have been lifted and hopefully my, my good friend and colleague, he goes, donald is over there. hopefully, you'll be enough to you soon again to show that you didn't fuse. fog isn't amounts evaluation, west. i'm not the initial job and the encompasses as well as all the guy, the me,
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solid systems, ministry vehicles, abandoned and left behind by the credit ministry as they retrieve. yeah. and it's a big retreat as well. it reminds me when you go back to it was, are to come off of a bach mood as well. that was another significant frontline, the seats city. this the full in the same in the same way. there was, of course, but do, but that was possible. that was sort of that, that was niecy jobs. you know, each time russians would come close to unsettling in the venue way since the last moment. you would have zillow to escape on the table, hold the last the level, take this, and then they give the fact the good, the, the retreat through thousands and try to watch that have by blaming the when i hear the description of a baby behind all these munitions is un weapons, and americans supplied weapons in droves as they were treat. it sounds kinda like the withdrawal from afghanistan was applied to administration left up by hundreds of millions of weapons. maybe tomorrow is over there,
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instructing them on how the retreat because it sounds like the same sort of thing we saw on afghanistan. the bizarre thing i think is that you have a zalinski and munich the mandate not requesting dot, asking dot, pleading for more weapons. and munitions demanding that the u. s. provides a more weapons or he will no longer consider us this procedure partners. it almost sounds like a teenage girl doing a break ups arrest, which is maybe in line with his mentality these days. and then the top it off the top, he talked to the unit conference that somebody should consider the assassination of president vladimir with the chaos going on inside you crate with him. replacing his top general with people's, again, protesting the continued construction of their funds and, and an uncles and brothers and sending them to these front lines where their wizard kills maybe zelinski shouldn't be given anybody in the i earlier
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this week, more than 50 civilians including children were killed in a night time idea of stride on rough up, according to the gods of health ministry is rough claims that use the assault as cover to rescue 2 hostages. you might find the following footage, disturbing. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the fund i'm looking at is, this is what happened. these are the 2 monitors right here. and there are injured people to my relatives got injured. my wife got injured and they were all taken to
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the hospital. these to remain here. they were the displaced from con eunice and all the tents here for the displaced. it's like a refugee camp. houses and mos were demolished by dozens of strikes according to accounts from local media, rasa, which is on the border with egypt, is now the most densely packed city indian battles palestinian enclave. with more than 1500000 civilians sheltering their as a result of the deadly raids. the idea of set had managed to rescue 2 hostages overseas by her mos on october 7th. israel has vowed to continue using force to return more of the seas from gaza. that's 2 more hostages. hold on 134 still to got israel remains committed to the pledge, but there will be no one left behind. we will continue applying military pressure to release the hostages by full square if possible, and to create the conditions for the release. otherwise,
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the idea of finishing that is really security agency, had been working on the move for several weeks. the operation was postponed twice and started at 1 am local time on monday. as soon as the opportunity popped up, as the army says, if less than an hour. and as a result, 2 hostages were indeed rescued and released these ro says 2 soldiers have been wounded from these really side as well. the countries air force has conducted heavy strikes in rough us to provide cover and support for the troops. the hostages were then taking to and is really hospital and their condition is reportedly stable. also pensions of brewing between israel and egypt ha, the lumen large scale operation in the rough, fine southern parts of the gas. those 3 things real and see the reason urgent need claiming the rossville full battalions, ultimate stations in that area that have to be eliminated. these will also believes the roster dozens of tunnels that connect gather to age of 10 to collapse them is real,
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needs to intensified smoke through average. the problem is that at least 1200000 gallons are currently located in that area. and israel still does not have any clear plan on where to move them or how to protect them from being hurt. these really get them in spokesperson earlier get a very vague answer to that, claiming the res, plenty of space and gaza for people to really move, let's say, can listen. how long are you going to give them to leave? and where are they going to go? you still haven't explained where they're going to go, given that so much is garza now is lots of as well there. open spaces in garza, there are places where it is possible to set up tempting complements so that civilians can get out of homes way and not allow from us to use them as human shields. while it takes, or rather a surprise and cynical statements by and his randy official giving dia, conditions, people are held. and here's what the you,
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when reports about the situation in southern parts of the guns as 3 bride now in rough uh, southern gaza there a 1400000 people. tons of kilometers of people living in the streets in plastic, make shift shouts as a military offensive in the middle of these completely exposed vulnerable people is a recipe for disaster. i'm all must be coming wordless. the question now is whether israel launches all day or is to launch its large scale operation and rough phone. we heard clear statements about preparations earlier this week. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the idea of to get ready for actions. the request was also sense to elaborate a plan for potential evacuation of guidance from the southern part of the 3. but it's really is also hesitating theory into edgar egypt. official cairo's as any potential operation at its boulders, will put relations with israel to a challenge or t spoke to an official involved in the mediation process were confirmed that indeed the relations between the 2 could potentially crack in case of the operation.
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israel's allies in america also warning against the moves while some mass claim that the operation in the south of gaza will stop all negotiations. and that means that the fates of $134.00 hostages still remaining inc of to between gaza will be unclear. we are now at nissan, of both the crossing between israel and egypt with dozens of protest or is that you can see behind me came to try to prevent human hearing aids from going to the guys us 3 of the does. he had another riley of these kind to organize in recent weeks. they were stopped twice really police a bit before this check point. they left their cars and walked here early on monday . by the way, there was another similar gathering planned as kept him shut long crossing another major entry of the age to the palace student in place. i'm 50 kilometers from here is really forces blocked the road, leading to that check point explaining the area was declared and military zone and
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didn't allow protest or is on media to pass through. most people believe food, water, and medical and shelter supplies send from these really territory go directly to have mass supporting the militant group is rarely spied to the gainst, in gaza, says left over more than 10000 trucks and to the guy who has 3, carrying around 140000 tons of food and water, about 14000 tons of medical aid and also stream really needed equipment and materials for shelter is the un says more than 85 percent of gas is $2300000.00 population happening internally displaced in full months old, these really offensive with more than a 1000000. now crowding around the rough up in southern parts of this 3 for israel is now when intensive, military activity raising concerns about the safety. of course, all civilian guidance there the, the west should admire. india for sticking to multiple options in dealing with other countries. that's what new dollars for administer side of them, unit security conference,
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straight to the faces of his us and german counter par to try to grill him about and just booming trade with russia. your questions, do we have multiple options on says yes. is that a problem? why should it be a problem if i'm smart enough to have multiple options? so it should be on my end. you know, you shouldn't be criticized. it's very hard to find a you need, i mention relationship. now again, defend countries and defend relationships have different categories. so i agree, but he wants to talk to tony said, which is a good clock most provide choices, swap populous, take some of those choices. but sometimes there will be choices on which you will say, well, you know, i think a lot of lots up on that let's, i'll discuss this with indian political scientists. silver will come,
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i'll do tough joining us from new delhi a welcome to broke a mile. so the foreign minister takes quite a job at his american, in german colleagues for their attempts to criticize his country's policies. how do you expect his statement to go down in the wes and then the good afternoon and happy to meet you all part of your news channel. the politicians are part of part of the load time now, and we have to go ahead and click save time in the game that be, i mean, depends on the country. we have the right to choose ok though, so we have the right to choose the most bar part in relation as well as far right of each nomic population. externally, life is minister in the unit cost each. obviously, confidence has to be targeted to the best, all vision one such as we have done that many years on. so the boss and we shall
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between this and, and the game as and then take lives. if you remember, you're going to teach went to watch some and also in the valley there was some catchy body, cummings answers, ramsey with some kind of face trying to, uh, you know, really, uh, kinda see in relation to hopkins, taught a relationship, russia, our relationship with russia is the time that's been relationship, it's the relationship reduce that on uh you know, 70 to 80 years old and rebuild not in chapel time spent a relationship for the re incentive fantasy in solving any of the country. and we have been very clear on this. we do have a game, ma'am. again, said beth of ross, she and your call walk. if something needs to be resolved to dine up to be a sort of means. and our prime minister has been many times that give, given the jobs that need be off the boss, our prime minister would be very happy to be the peacemaker. because it's,
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we have the top of the spot which happens often be show 2 per 2nd. and then the links, the job at the conference also it gets to back to the united states of america as well as the germany dates side do in slaves or minister in relation to off relationship with russia by yes, uh, uh, bottom. and it's still very get the thought it was very easy and it does say any time he was very, very faded. bob was on the know got be should be i'm going to talk a lot of the pressure far far be nice desktop. any other and we shall not best try our relationship with russia. we just, this dog can be to stop this. while you talk about india is independence stance. why do you think western officials appear to assume that they're in a position to criticize in his choice of trading partners and do you think new delhi has ever done the same to them? you know,
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new tele has never done this ever read any best of the countries in the past. and we do not do that because we believe in big concepts or even dependence on any country in relation to any formulation. all the countries foreign policy and the cannot mean policy. we have never ever dictated to off thompson, competition on any with some off, far better relationship with any other thing he needs. india does not have a good relation or might not have a good relation. we have never said that, i mean, you know, they need to introspective relationship. and why on the, on the, because fed ex and white country, but gotta stop and try and go through relationships. people offices, which we have never heard about the agent back. i mean the same we every how
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category totally sense that like the we do not do divisions to others. we also don't belong to dictations from those in relation to lot. choosing the most in relation to why shouldn't be in our relationship with the rescue or the any of the rest of the country, are we less than limited or with friends that are funded? matter of installed is space. yeah. like the big thing might be maybe in the simple model t lecture elizabeth, that'd be awesome. and that's in that model. the lexical eliza ops relationship with united states of america, or people canada, or with germany upfront and started a new game. really not the dictated by our production plans are really not getting blamed by our relationship. be for us here in the span, be our relationship with russia and i get off the phone. the mission bread bratia cannot be influenced or cannot be dictated by germany all by not just states of
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america or by canada or australia, or u k. s. by the bel air and the follow lighting defensive to, you know, relationship randy palms to offer less than 2 or 3000. and we do not expect any kind of documentation from jimmy one from any point. well, as we mentioned, the world is moving towards multi polarity and it's no longer uno pull or do you think that this is going to affect the west and how much of a problem is this for the us and its allies? and i've been so united states of america as then this airlines also should realize that it is a lot of people that are involved and the world is moving to a monkey or a time and makes therefore, i guess if this is nice, they need to be prudent to not part of united states supplemented by s n. c m. i.
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to next step is starving 3 entity back. it is no longer read. you need for the ball darby to store the lot of people who are beautiful. this is a monte pro level thinking model t folder was spelled out many fall or something, but there are many important kind of frames there are many significant cod please care off. i mean, honestly, it's one of them and we have lots of sweet and the last up in puffins in town. so in the past, so big and potter cannot be to not anymore now. so back to something that united states of america plan to august 10th, as well as the rest. some humphreys has to understand the need to understand that there are many pop up notes in this month. and that sort of logged up to be that is india, that is the china, there is the rest of the out. there is germany, that is japan. that is united states of america. that is the okay. but it's also
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fairly a. so the country, it's a very important thing this month, people that walked up to be and didn't respond to the folder. so now your and i guess there was some copies, b, l, i saw the united states of america as well as us as also more or less understood this. and i think they have also accepted this reality and i think we are moving ahead with this. we s t interesting to watch and new delhi that was indian political scientist overall come on through to thank you. thank you so much. the russian authorities are investigating the sudden death of political activist, alexi, nevada, only in prison on friday the penitentiary service. as mister, no vom, you became ill after a walk and lost consciousness after which medics were unable to revive him. he was 47 years old. the west was quick to blay moscow, but russians. foreign ministry responded that it has no time for blame games. the death of alexi, nevada,
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and he has once again demonstrated their pocket se cynicism and unscrupulous blame russia. and every situation scheme is in action in a short period of time within 2 hours from $1419.00 western politicians and the media corps, a 3rd beckoned called, managed as if to obtain the results of a forensic examination that had not yet taken place to conduct the investigation accused moscow and render a verdict. now you as president joe biden has personally blamed the russian leader for nevada, is that who is responsible for and of all his desk putting is responsible for 3 years ago in the meantime, the chase to hell, a lot of consequences problems, folks are sun, dimitri pest coff has been now,
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it's pretty much our assumptions by western politicians regarding the cause of all these steps as an inquiry is still under way the statements of western leaders a quite obvious look. there is no statement for medical experts, no information from medics, and no information from forensic experts. there's no definitive information from the f as i end. so there's no information about the cause of death. and there are these statements. it's obvious that they're completely outrageous. we consider such statements to be absolutely unacceptable. they're unacceptable, and that's how we feel about them. well, there's a lot of information out there right now, but very little of it is confirmed. basically, the stuff we have confirmed is from russia's penitentiary service, who was the 1st organization to say that nobody has indeed died political activist . and also we, we should mention, political extremist and russia from and from 2022 onwards,
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according to the russian government. and the service says that uh, what happened essentially was that he lost consciousness after going for a walk and medics arrived at the scene of forwarding to a local hospital 7 minutes after being called. and they tried to re recess to take him for a whole 30 minutes. a 30 minute for 30 minutes. yeah. and uh, but to no avail. uh, so there are reports, also unconfirmed ones that he had complained about feeling bad, but according to rushes social monitoring commission, this is an organization is responsible for looking at for human rights in the country. no official complaints in connection to a state we're actually recorded. we do have one source, is that our team says that that he died from a blood clot, but this again, yes, it has yet to be confirmed by the authorities of penitentiary service said that permission was already on its way to the penal colony where this took place and the last piece of information that we do have is that and of all his lawyer has refused to comment on the situation. specifically per the request of all of these families . like i said,
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we have so little confirmed information and already we're seeing across the western media, people pointing the finger at the russian government. we've seen also the norwegian, foreign minister, the lot the and president, the head of the european commission. all saying that the russian government is to blame for and of all these death, even though an official investigation hasn't even been conducted yet. the you holds the russian regime for sol, responsible for this tragic death. alexis, of all need paid with his life for his resistance to a system of oppression. his death in a penal colony reminds us of the reality of vladimir putin through jean rental news about nev only if the report about his death in russian prison is true. it represents another terrible crime by putin's regime. this is something that rushes for administrative spokeswoman marizza harvest said is really revealing about the wes true attitude to fax and situations like these. the immediate, the reaction of need leaders to nobody needs death in the form of direct
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accusations against the russia itself revealing there are no results of the investigation yet. but the conclusions of the west are already here. and you know, like i said before about an official investigation, that's obviously going to be really important in terms of establishing what actually happened. but unfortunately, i think it's very likely that it's going to be ignored in the west like many times before. and we seen similar situations like when i, nev only fell ill in 2020 the western press was saying that he was poisoned by the russian guy in russian governments. and the medical professionals in russia conducted their own investigation and determined that there was no, there were no chemical substances in the volume. the system that was completely ignored. and unfortunately, it's likely we're going to be seeing a similar situation now. all for now, but be sure to head over to r t dot com for 247. use and updates and don't go far. my colleague, nicky aaron will be taking over at the top of the hour


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