tv News RT February 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST
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the the washer to take full control of the key don't. yes. with public safety of the following month, the 5th vassals, that sol ukrainian troops retreats suffering not also had the kind of babies grips by furious protests. we gains for nothing. yahoo governance has thousands of his ways to mazda and use the plants as present as swaps deal with guns that was also calling from new election. politicians on media clicked to play most close to the death of confidential political activists. and next thing around the in prison, even before the incident is put a investigation. the
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hello and welcome. you're watching the weekly on, on the international. when you the latest world news update, along with a round up of the stories that dominate, took a week. it's great to happy with us, but we begin the outlet and the don't. yes, with pop lake where the russian military has officially taken control of the city of the as the russian defense. when history has published footage of the ukrainian on a k all sickly fleeing the city, even before the newly appointed come on during chief, alexander csb, gave the order to leave. he have troops, saucy moving along roads on the cons to the fire by the russian army, and our abandoning weapons and military equipments. you could also see russian tongues policy with cities, boundary mancha, and what remains also be heavy. fighting in the strategic location in training and troops who have suffered thousands of casualties and were forced to flee in this array according to moscow. the because local, the literal through creating on forces commander in chief, serious key to bending the city was issued only day after you creating troops
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became lean on control from of the measures are currently being taken to finally clears the city of the military and blocking trainings we need staff left to city and hold up at the difficult chemical plant celebration of deep joy has made it possible to move the front line away from the nets, thereby significantly securian from the terrace attacks by the criminal receiving key. the information on the defense of our troops was not transmitted until the cannot be completely defeated and the student had been taken under control center. this is a big deal. it's a very strategic point as well. and the ukranian forces have been if not withdrawing, they've been fleeing of difficult. what can you tell us what it is from what we gather? we've spoken to fred is the colleagues over that and say they say the among the opinions there is chaos. a huge number of the troops would be the band and, and update. what will they be told by radio and radio is of the job. they never even heard the will this, the retreat? of course there's, there's no way to retreat because maybe you need more or less what can be described as a route as i update isn't for russian fall control in. this is called cynthia always
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under attack, so that they had to groups tried for the absolute chaos which is backed by the number of the be put deliberation of, of div good has made it possible to move the front line away from the nets, thereby significantly protecting it from terrorist attacks by the criminal key of regime. as a result, an area of 31.75 square kilometers, was liberated from the ukraine and nationalists the enemy's losses in the battles for of div code during the past day amounted to more than that was 500 soldiers. the russian minister of defense of your show who has the heads uh tow. i'm full black. may i put in a victory interview because he was also given us some details. you know, a very of the size of what fits you to so i can help with this is be liberated quite a incredibly quickly again, because the parents get the will to, to retrieve robin with solvents upon thousands of the troops being that encircled over the past 24 hours more than 800-8500. you couldn't to fly. they
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killed. taken captive with the vase that it isn't over. let me tell you. it isn't over this still carrying out the the, the red wreckage. the theories of the multi story apartment buildings there is also, it must be said about of do an underground safety. it is an underground safety. without the exaggeration of the past. a key is the premiums realizing the importance of, of the candidates physical tube estates. this would change it importance of update because it could that sort of the rooms pull the railroad track, pull tabs. it also has a, the subtraction system, the multiplication plot that supplies drinking water to move in to 1000000 people in. so it is a huge loss for you. great, because it has been preparing the div that's for 8 long years. you'd have thousands of thousands of submitted to use to make bunk goods. pullover of dave around the
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gave a very secure location. now that they've pulled out the re really isn't any way for them to hold the line as effectively because no way out they didn't expect of the of the full. we also know that they waited with the announcement of the capture of data until they were absolutely sure because the bachelors a get k all 6. they're all so many crazy and so trapped in the re about had advancing brushing a sort of troops as we've heard from you, craig. and they said they've elected to save people's lives, which, you know, is a little late to be saying that you're claiming that you're trying to save people's lives. they won't have to say that. so just love a $1500.00. last and a single day. they would it be more organization to it, they will to trying to blame the weather. you get a general when to and as a little ways to, to try this credit rush and fix it. cost is hodgin. so this is this positive deb, which is relatively little for this, this top of the also it must be said,
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you have units and out the way you put it in the face. so say you get it. this is all because of you. this is all because you didn't give us enough shelves. that isn't true. 2 weeks ago, i was just sort of safety in mind. the more you created and shouts, cluster munitions being fired out to us. so at the russian. so i said by the russian sites in that stretch while i was embodied for the front there, there is, there is, there is less there. we should be no shortage of shells and um, being provided with school with you. great. so blaming these on the shortage of weapons, or the weather is, is an attempt to navigate and his government to offer blame for the loss of updates . one of the toughest factors of this will. yeah, i mean that is going to be a bit of a humiliating retreat withdrawal for their landscape areas at the munich security conference. right now it's heading all these west and politicians. everything is going a ok. send me more weapons in cash. and when we're gonna win this conflict with doing absolutely, finding it here we have as you say, this huge withdrawal from
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a very strategic city of the after that or that now we, we can talk about on, i understand that it was, it was a part of the front line that people were not really supposed to talk about, we gotta keep it pretty much hot shots right now. look, this is, this is the, this is the facts of it. and it was very difficult to look in when you observe. because new creative intelligence west and intelligence would track not only, and this is what we were told about phones, either journalist when we went to we spoke to. but if we say cold a, an office, they could track he's location. anything we showed. even if we check to double check, triple check could be used to gets back and forth. and so we would, we wouldn't age of people's lives by 5 by showing certain things that have different examples of an operation that was long in the making long. it was very valid, it was costly, but that has to be that. now of course,
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what restrictions have been lifted and hopefully my, my good friend and colleague, he goes, donald is over there. hopefully you'll be enough to you soon again to show that you didn't fuse. fog isn't amounts evaluation where noonish job and the encompasses as well as of the guy that missed all systems ministry vehicles abandoned the left side. by the way, the military as they retreat. yeah, and it's a big retreat as well. it reminds me when you go back to it was out of film, off a bach mood as well. that was another significant frontline of the seats city. this is the full in the same in the same way. there was, of course, but do, but that was possible. that was sort of that, that was niecy jobs. you know, each time russians would come close to a encircling in new brand new way since the last moment. you would have zillow. escape on that saying below that the last so never take this and then they give the fact the good the, the retreat through thousands and tries the most that have by blaming the when i
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hear the description of a baby behind all these munitions is un weapons and americans supplied weapons in droves as they were treat. it sounds kinda like the withdrawal from afghanistan was applied to administration left up by hundreds of millions of websites. maybe tomorrow is over there, instructing them on how the retreat because it sounds like the same sort of thing we saw on afghanistan. the bizarre thing i think is that you have a zalinski and munich the mandate not requesting dot, asking doc cd for more weapons. and munitions mandate that the u. s. provides a more weapons or he will no longer consider the us this procedure partners. it almost sounds like a teenage girl doing a break ups arrest, which is maybe in line with his mentality these days. and then the top it off the top, he talked to the unit conference that somebody should consider the assassination of president vladimir with the chaos going on inside ukraine with him replacing his
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top general with people's again protesting the continued construction of their size and, and, and uncles and brothers and sending them to these front lines where there were there killed. maybe zelinski shouldn't be given anybody in the i that's plus live now to down cuz i like human and labor rights lawyer many finds the doing the products on down is good to see you today. i want to stop by discussing the situation with ideas because you know, some your payment due with the officials along with the landscape, claiming that russia is losing its positions in ukraine. and then we have the russian defense minister in mountain saying, the big takeover of this case is a why is the west the king. so this narrative, despite this evidence to the contrary, well, i mean, they have to because of course, to convince their populations to keep sending billions of dollars of to arms and munitions to ukraine. they have to try to say that ukraine is winning, or at least as a chance to win. despite all the evidence to the contrary, you know,
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right now congress's considering, in other words, $60000000000.00 a package to ukraine. if, if the american people realize ukraine is losing and will lose this war, i think it will be very hard to loosen up their money. it would be, the white house has released um readouts of the buyers into the landscape phone call, which stated that ukraine's failure and of the of the is quotes a result of congressional and action. what do you make of that? i think that's just silly. you know, again, is, is your report already pointed out this fee to the russians is very similar to a number of defeats that ukraine has had in this war. they're losing, for a number of reasons. nothing to do with congress. they've gotten plenty of aid from around the world. the fact is that they are not as well. try me as
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the russians, of course, at this point, they're conscripting elderly man and disabled people to fight because they have almost no soldiers left. which is another reason they're losing um, there's nothing to do with congress. but again, this is just propaganda to try to convince congress to do something and send them more money. the significant do think best ukrainian would truthful not the outcome is what, what would it mean for the situation on the front line and, and do you think losing this strategic territory might suffice? you find the ability to hold its other positions was on yes. for public. well yes, of course i think they're not going to hold any territory and that on bass, they're not getting these republics back ever. so again, they could go to a pc. oh, i guess in may of uh, starting march of 2022, but the us new case startled that they're not getting those back. i think this
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shows that they're on the road to being defeated in a very big way. i'm going to come, i've had to be the munich security conference now, which has just concluded on, on the sidelines of the conference, the training and presidents directions that washington with news, the strategic, the so called strategic partnership. if it doesn't provide another package of age, i a to welcome to landscaping hoping to achieve by making such statements. well, it obviously shows this desperation, right? you create needs, the us more than the us need you crate. but start with that product so that it is that a thread he's making or a problem is a lot of people must be thinking, right. so, but it just shows his desperate be has to bag. no, i know position because if he doesn't get more or nation c williams at the sooner than later and he is getting a resolution sooner or later,
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but he would lose just yeah, yeah. you know, we, i'm getting is a germany economy and a slump. the french government is monitoring numerous domestic protests over the situation that and yet believe is that these countries are pushing financial aid to care of both having patterns by last well, security pox. why such this does fall, suppose a new trade when it clearly appears to be not doing very well. and also with all this, this, the, of this problems on the home front as well. they're doubling down like a gambler doubles down because they don't want to lose. they don't want to be seen is losing this conflict date, convince their populations and billions of dollars. this gets them and to come up empty handed is going to be politically devastating for the leaders in these countries. biden, of course, is a, is going to, is facing the election in november. these port is presidency on the line for you, right? and a number of other leaders you're done, the same to 50,
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they decided they can't give up. now the stuff was done by speaking with you as always that we've been talking to human labor rice lloyd down cuz alex, thank you. thank you. mickey thousands of take into the streets of tel aviv to process the next and yahoo governments handling of the war in gaza while calling for new elections and as well. or the content is mounting and as well as some hostages remain in her mouth. tongues will
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go on, johns and wages don't protest is the old so demonic a new see spot in prison. this won't deal with the palestinian militants. is where the police scrambled to break up crowds blocking a main tenant beach city street in jerusalem. hundreds, ronnie bounce our department is residence, solving similar to mountains as well. some of the demonstrations told us i can. i'm here because after experiencing the terrible catastrophe we went through in october, it cannot be that this government remains in power without asking the people what they want. and we want to the elections here and now our economic security is dropping. prices went up by tens of percentages when it passed on their, on our credit ratings dropped by the name, which means damage for years to this government needs to benefit period. the things are only getting worse with everything that's happened since the done and
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it's been time to take them out of prison years ago. every day we are reading and this is the strong as well, literally in terms of people dying. and also the stereotype as well, the values of this country people are leaving, people are dying. what else can happen that would need to prove that this is a dangerous government, the worst government, the best and most of it's really important for me to bring down to is go and because they are damaging the concept, everything they do is for their own benefit they're politically the same and the only way in my opinion to bring them down is ms. pruitt is. that's why i'm here. watching over ortiz are investigating the southern death of political activist, alexei novelle, and the in prison on friday. the penitentiary service phase missed in a valley, became l. off to awoke and lost consciousness of to which magics were unable to revive him. he was 47 years old. the west was quick to play most go brushes.
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foreign ministry responded that it has no time for playing games. the death of alexi, nevada, and he has once again demonstrated their her parker seat cynicism and unscrupulous sniffs to blame russia. and every situation scheme is in action in a short period of time within 2 hours from $1419.00 western politicians and the media who are at their beck and call managed as if to obtain the results of a forensic examination that had not yet taken place to conduct the investigation accused moscow and render a verdict. cremeans bugs paused and dimitry pass. golf has denounced premature assumptions by wisdom. politicians regarding the quote was in the found these death as an inquiry is still under way the statements of western leaders a quite obvious look. there is no statement for medical experts, no information from medics, and no information from forensic experts. there's no definitive information from the f as i end. so there's no information about the cause of death. and there are
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these statements. it's obvious that they're completely outrageous. we consider such statements to be absolutely unacceptable. they're unacceptable, and that's how we feel about them. well, there's a lot of information out there right now, but very little of it is confirmed. basically, the stuff we have confirmed is from russia's penitentiary service, who was the 1st organization to say that no only has indeed died political activist . and also we, we should mention political extremist and russia from and from 2022 on word according to the russian government. and the service says that uh, what happened essentially was that he lost consciousness after going for a walk and medics arrived at the scene of forwarding to a local hospital 7 minutes after being called. and they tried to re recess to take him for a whole 30 minute. so 30 minute for 30 minutes. yeah. and uh, but to no avail. uh, so there are reports, also unconfirmed ones that he had complained about feeling bad, but according to rushes social monitoring commission,
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this is an organization that's responsible for looking at for human rights in the country. no official complaints in connection to a state we're actually recorded. we do have one source, is that our team says that that he died from a blood clot, but this again, yes, it has yet to be confirmed by the authorities of penitentiary service said that permission was already on its way to the penal colony where this took place and the last piece of information that we do have is that and of all his lawyer has refused to comment on the situation. specifically per the request of all of these families . like i said, we have so little confirmed information and already we're seeing across the western media, people pointing the finger at the russian government. we've seen also the norwegian for administered the lot the and president, the head of the european commission. all saying that the russian government is to blame for and of all these death, even though an official investigation hasn't even been conducted yet. the you holds the russian regime for sol, responsible for this tragic death. alexis,
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of all the paid with his life for his resistance to a system of oppression. his death and a penal colony reminds us of the reality of vladimir putin through jean redfield news about and of all me. if the report about his death in russian prison is true, it represents another terrible crime by putin's regime. this is something that rushes for administrative spokeswoman marizza harvest said is really revealing about the wes true attitude to fax and situations like these. the immediate, the reaction of need to leaders to nobody needs death in the form of direct accusations against the russia itself revealing there are no results of the investigation yet. but the conclusions of the west are already here. and you know, like i said before about an official investigation, that's obviously going to be really important in terms of establishing what actually happened. but unfortunately, i think it's very likely that it's going to be ignored in the west. like many times before. when we seen similar situations like when and of all need felt deal in 2020
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western pressed was saying that he was poisoned by the russian guy in russian governments. and the medical professionals in russia conducted their own investigation and determined that there was no, there were no chemical substances involved. the system that was completely ignored . and unfortunately, it's likely we're going to be seeing a similar situation. now. how many banks a company, hey, on, on the international that so from me, but my colleague will be here at the top of the hour. all the very latest. thanks for watching the, the other way. not the right. it says the brother printer was or up at one of this is just simply slippers associated with me. the last name was name is read,
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it comes to movies too much. and we have some more for someone who has this, we went to the, the, the russian states never as tired as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians today, and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior said this was what question did you say a request which is the last 11? 2011. literally just escalate ever recorded it in japan is we're interested. 14 me to to nami devastates the focus. fema each in nuclear power plants. the, the nuclear we inches are flooded, sparking, and her risk. this stuff and the vision id is
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the motion of the nuclear above seeing those words isn't like a new live muscle. if you look on the initial do while of course, significant dealer per se, the certainly while it be almost getting used to put value when you do oil change, but you also still versus done the supreme gall. nobody's supposed to, but you do what i see these the buses. the little gear limitation says this tutorial on both of the
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take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you, right? j. the image is presented as 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground can the in the 9 to 6 days in the libyan part of this, the hard, desolate foliage,
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i can take water reservoirs with discovered, containing many thousands of cubic kilometers of the purest, was a deal of don't stuck on that's gonna stop advertising is associated with it. i joined the navy and keep the so done each other. good job. he was tough inconvenience. and forthright he built a stage in which the death penalty was why they use the truly for wrong thinking. the bills that cause a person ality even larger than stalled in, but he truly cared about his country. why the invasion and destruction of the rock and for the killing of a 1000000 new rockies that our american friends answer the question why a rock wants the reason? he's been logged in a rocky. no, he's not. with those who attacks new york, iraq is no one else. with those who attacks the pentagon iraqis, no along comes of foreign bella occupies in our country and hangs its president. and we'll sit on the sidelines laughing. any one of you might be next to the discharge. instead of going to pneumonia, this lovely on these up with them are obviously posted. you to the volume explain
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you see, gave to me the in the soonest of all mania. got the fortune was the citizens, gosh, desk. who have, i know what i list have in the past and still one thing of it is i look through the questions of it. so seem just got the model is a lot of people conducting a vocal jania, russia trying to correct this mistake. in march 2011 russia, china. and curiously, germany abstain from voting for the u. n. s. the resolution on this stablish and a no fly zone. and further invasion, but it was too late then prime minister of russia. id me a boot soon. round lake condemn the west. we spoke with that's the your scheduling . putting him i would say you've seen yeah. voting the meal with the into the media . we're best letting you feel good at nation little by stuff we're. we've been use the fucking loved ones. yes. and those who look on video as of yet i didn't
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know which is really what the logos they shoot. they need to know when the city opened in. let me see in your phone book, pull that up for the 30th. give you the gives us all you good utilities. when you do need the, when you're over 18 countries, don't punch in the invasion of russia. couldn't prevented any better real escape libya, a little help by sending in miller treat specialists unofficially. the operations conducted by the us as usual, playing the role of hospital was the odyssey don't view as, as strikes stats in libya, 136 cruise missile attacks since the beginning of the assault. but an estimated cost of $136000000.00 more than 50 a tanks were made from combat aircraft be to still almost dropped more than 40 tons of bones. on march the 19th 2011, the us.
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