tv News RT February 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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the, the great can use this, our own oxy, the russian army, takes the village of cranky in the east and it gets on region that has been a system. okay, so goose as the news in a meeting with the russian president present about the conflicts and ukraine. sugar also stresses that brush has no intention to deploy nukes in space despite the western media reports. it says the remote was a misguided attempt by western powers to secure more funding for ukraine unemployment center. it's an attempt to testify. so just and congressman, in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly dedicated, not only for ukraine, but also in order to confront russia and inflict us to, to say on its hundreds the campaign is the supporters of which he makes profound. a
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duty and a phone gathered here outside the high cool. send to london a little bit according a di x. and we bring you the latest updates on joining us. funds is the final bucks of adjusters kicking off a little bit on tuesday. this is a gerald with the lo fi us next edition on espionage charges. his family gathered outside the cold peace treatment and this case is closed. the case of julian has the u. k. and the us i'm embarrassed to that on the world. the feel watching all the international money is pete to scott done to wherever you joining us from wealth consist of 2 minutes often use on an honest which is a defense minister, has delivered a ministry status report to president putin. instead, the russian forces have taken of the strategic location, the village of cranky,
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and they've got a song region which is on the left bank of the river. i couldn't cause this issue. the village of green gate has been cleared. all forces are standing all alone david bag. it's not just an observation point or troops, a station, the or put a heat at maximum efficiency. i don't want to give the impression the cream cheese, the small, unimportant settlements. it was a target for an enemy break through last summer, some individual enemy soldiers to remain on the left bank of the nearby river in forests and folks holes. we're working on that. they are being offered to surrender . the have southern region of the front over that did of course come into spotlight . but well, there was no doubt that the main events they were happening over here with the net screeching. and in fact, to me at kilometers away from this city of the net square, i am standing right now. have enough time, lucian, the weekend it out are unique corporation using undergrads. communication,
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sweet organized foothold behind enemy lines. in the course of the alteration we liberated the coal processing plants, our troops started moving westward. the world continues in a day of got the enemy, left alone, a weapons, leaving behind a load of personnel and wounded. this fortified area had been created over 9 years . it is an unconditional success circuit showing go revealed plenty of details of the operation that led to the liberation of dave can. first and foremost, he did say that russia paid the minimal price when it comes to human life, that russia suffered minimal loss, is liberating. this down full, so he reveals that at a certain point, there was a certain point in time when russia would drop some 460 heavy forms of dave come to king 508500 kilograms kilogram booms here. full. so he did reveal that the overnight uh, the garrison,
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the ukrainian garrison in of the last uh, well last thousands of people and that was the night when ukraine that gave the order to retrieve. but arguably, the biggest operation that was held was the operation that started the tool that was the beginning of the down full of kids garrison in of dave cohen, russia special forces, had to pull several moments as through an underground pipe. and she, she did our guys activities, cottage and hero is the diameter of these pipe. as i was informed by the commander of this unit, is just 1.2 meters. our guys are big. they didn't know where they were going. they reached an unknown place and seized 19 buildings at once. for several days, they held the line there and incurred losses. of course, this is a special page in the history of russia, as the country defended its interests. as chris also realized,
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the key was building up defense as an update or rather digging them into the ground for years. and so breaking those reduce. there is a sizable milestone of full russia here. and of course, speaking of this milestone, well, a lot of my food and i said that he did congratulate the russian army with this a chief wen. but he did say that, well, the have to uh, well capitalize on this end. to take more tara tree under speaking of russia's operation and update, basically, ukrainian come on the did try to disguise the withdrawal well, basically as a planned withdrawal, as something that they had sold through make the decision. and then woke, carried out as planned. but according to the russian black president, that was on the ground, the situation was nothing of the sort. and that it was an absolute mess. note to you, it's ukrainian units got the order to have to do so on the ground. again,
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it was complete, made him virginia from the show. the enemy had begun a key to take retreat from of the gun when the ukrainian military ordered the withdrawal of its forces and they were already on the move, fleeing from the location. as i understand this was done for political reasons, to cover up that retreat and give it an appearance of an organized withdrawal. we know that it wasn't so it was an escape in every sense of the word. according to the russian minister of defense, the russian troops here are already moving ahead. they are taking more and more land to the west of, of dave. and this is just the beginning, apparently, uh, a quote again, according to the russian defense chief of course out where rush, he's going to strike next. we'll have to see our crew will be standing by 2 reports and to provide you more coverage from the ground. was you could in case we to you from the city of, of the, of care they left behind,
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weapons and vehicles that have not been captured by russian soldiers this exclusive force. it shows the aftermath of the buffalo for the city, but some troops have evacuated more than 2 dozen. when did you find service men left behind in the retreats mind sleeping operations? laconia underway. russian forces say they are cleaning out any remaining pockets of resistance. most goes also claimed to the farm this nobody's were involved in the fights for up to have come. the russian defense ministry has released voltage of what it says is a former stronghold of the as obligate inside the city where russian forces uncovered a certain part of supplies including western made equipments that were abundant and produce as the am x rays. if i'm kind of to and georgia inside the building, we had phone versus old yahoo! to approximate box. it seems a point of those sales life. it was a serious stronghold. some of the buildings here dated back to as far as times, the walls are thick and when meet are sick. the enemy had no intention of retreating. that 1st hour or so,
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troops pushed through their defenses. the enemy afraid of being surrounded sled as off was here. we took a captive, he told us that canadian mercenaries had participated in the fighting. here we discovered a lot of interesting information about the location of the enemy and began to act further using this data. to me, while i must go, says to the west has no reason to worry about potential russian nukes in space, because most goes no intention of deploying them. the most according to comments by versus defense minister said again, showing good during meeting with president putin. bruce concerns another question, concerns the noise that has been raised recently in the west, including in the united states about the, the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. our position is clear and transparent, showing of course i see it and we have no blast to deploy nuclear weapons in space or use any other elements of nuclear weapons on satellites. for example, they know we don't have such plants, but they're making
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a fuss. nonetheless. what surprises me is a different aspect. everyone knows what we have and you open the state of this in 2018 in the message to the federal assembly. in fact, to the whole world, they know that we are in the final stages of developing new weapons for some reason . they don't talk about it, and that's what really should be fields. well, it all started when word went out, the members of a congressional committee had been given some classified information about a so called national security threat. and based on that mainstream us media in the united states, i went crazy years. some of the response us has new intelligence on russia's efforts to deploy a nuclear anti satellite system in space. russia recently showcased a new capability in space. washington. i was wanting to do a p and allies about russian efforts to develop nuclear weapons based in space to
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target the centralized. and it involves a russian military capability. something potentially serious that might target satellites, but it's not an immediate threat. and now sources are telling us it has to do with the russians wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space. after that media buys never became clear what these members of congress had actually been grieved on. however, at that point, it's been confirmed by russian that they have no such plans, but us media has continued to kind of spin into an overdrive about and so let's face reference, what else did the russian presidents on defense ministers say about the the false that western powers of making about the so called russia threats. well, they did offer an explanation about why a main stream us media is going in to this over drive and making these claims that are contrary to reality. this is the analysis. they put forward preaching and we'll get to the point, you know, opinion. there are 2 reasons behind this fuss 1st. it's an attempt to testify. so
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this and congressman, in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly dedicated, not only for ukraine, but also in order to confront russia and inflict us to teach you to fit on it. and secondly, visits and assets, perhaps a clumsy one to try to encourage us to use humans, the cost of teaching stability. so it appears that there is a desperation coming from the white house to keep the ukraine money rolling. yeah. that of that played a role in the use hysterical clay. quite interesting analysis there, but at this point, russia is out of it as no such plans for these fictional outer space weapons. we heard from former us security policy unless to michael muller fund, he dismissed the reports as a rouge to fabricate a need for more funding for ukraine. this is something that, uh, this, this latest thing with nukes and in space. well, but it was uh all the roofs anyway. and uh if,
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if the notion was to put nuclear weapons in, in space, that could be a complex now. and, and orbits corporate satellites that could be in effect, nuclear weapons. i think people are seeing that with a have difficult and everything else that they're just going to be throwing good money after bad. and, and, and they, that even the europeans are seeing this. now. they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give to the, to, to, to buy equipment for ukraine. they're using this as a roost to, to, to stimulate the need for more funds. the ukraine. it isn't going to work and fell flat in the congress. by the way, there were, there were a congressmen who had have been around for some time, who got the briefing from the intelligence. you know, they lift their hair on fire and then they put it out with a frying pan. they just basically says that there's nothing new here. nothing. so
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it was a very, very poor effort to try and get those funds moving. that's just not going to happen as it is. the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks. and when it comes back on the 28th february on march 1, there's a partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress will only have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding. it has to be any before parts of the government shut down. so the congress, the, the, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now in the us congress. when we want to of the news this a tuesday, i failed to release june and assigned with a stain. both the u. k. and the us left a message from the whistle blowers, brother not see, correspondent steve sweeney was outside. the high colton london for the final appeal against expedition on espionage charges is now in session. behind closed
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doors is once as long as the family members have to say, this is friedman, and this case is closed the case with julian has the u. k. and the us. i'm embarrassed and it on the world side. simply by letting julian go and re establishing themselves as human rights advocates, the can be powerful around the world. 3 julian, a sorry it's k is an admission by the united states, but they now criminalize investigative journalism. it's an attack on all journalists all over the world. it's an attack on the truth, and it's with an attack on the public right to know, hundreds of campaigners and supporters of which edicts pro found a duty in the phones of gathered here outside the high quotes and send to london
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coding a di x. now, this is the critical food i have been told you didn't a sanches potential expedition to the united states. now this cool case, like smart to 2010 in 2011 when june, amazon's published i trove of documents which were available real crimes or legible crimes, which is i was committed by the united states in both iraq and afghanistan, campaigners and for the press freedom organizations ah, hey, uh, this is a chris, a cool, cool case. this is a cool case. it is not just about to didn't it sounds what it is about the rights for people to publish. information by is in the pro, the public interest. that's nice. i can, but this is an attack on press freedom, exposing things which might be the old lady in the world doesn't go onto here business, really journalism. and so on supporting the case of julia saws, i me,
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i came here to london to inform both people in london about the about you name is always, but also my people at home in germany for campaigners. this is a heidi political case that maybe heidi charged with the in bozeman, all to big powers like britain and the united states. monroe lee said assigned to expose the war tribes of the united states. his case was exposed, the corruption of amazing price cannot send over to the survey and they cannot settle on fire political plus for federal song studios wife. this is a matter of life or death i'm. she has this right. and once more the if julian is expedited to the united states, where he says 175 years in prison onto the espionage on a day to piece of legislation, introducing 9 to 17. this would be the 1st time the publisher has been charged under the if he is expedited,
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he will die in prison now that have been paid for his votes, his mental and physical health. this is even being reiterated by a un special russell to describe the conditions of duty and is held in, in belmont try security prison. as to not forget the judy, the phones has not been convicted or charge with any crime by britain he was. but of course, he's all 3 in the ecuadorian embassy, letting 2019 police also be removed him on funds for them to as a high security prison use me was a full dose of committed acts of terror. now the dates these next 2 days, tuesday and wednesday are going to be absolutely critical. this will determine whether june is going to be expedited to the system could take place very, very quickly. now, sellers as own have said that should be high, co ruled in favor of expedition, not civil appeal or potentially appeal to the you are paying coal of human rights
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the next 2 days where we absolutely vital in determining whether it's necessary or whether it will happen for another round around whistle blower, edward snowden, who exposed the extensive us government's efforts full spying on civilians as punched in the fight. this hassan has pending expedition from britain to the us. what contributes a treaty between those 2 nations, the outrages part of the u. k. is years long trial to condemn julian assigned to die and then the american dungeon is that the victim of his crime. journalism is a state rather than a person. the definition of a political offence, which the u. s. u. k. extradition treaty explicitly forbids. we heard from at least experts, a careful on must be on who's found the online channel seriana analysis. and he says the us case against us on is minstrel journalists around the world that exposing washington's crimes will have grave consequences. hey, my opinion,
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this is the most important case for free press entry. journalism assigned is main message and main motivation was to stop the wars by exposing the true motivations and multi it's of the invading powers. and after world war 2, most of the invading powers were from the west and word b, the united states or the u. k, against navy, against syria, against iraq, against i've gotten a son in different regions of the words. and this was terrifying projects for the united states because for the 1st time the public can see the to a multi is up. they pull additions, a waging this destructive wars and spreading may hammer around the words, and couldn't get spreading democracy and spreading human rights, et cetera. therefore, if a scientist expedited to the united states, which by the way plaza to poison him to assessing a team, he is likely to survive the american dungeons. in my opinion, this means also the joyless around the world will be seated with the following
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message from the united states. behave or bay or similar destiny is awaiting you, if you will, try to expose our crimes. while the us promote yourself as a bust in a free speech, washington's treatments of doing this on a past due course of dates that's image. let's take a closer look. a kangaroo shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech and of the price. he should be treated as an enemy combatant, but not to the duck. thanks. only want to do it illegally shoot to sort of of what he likes, walks like a hospital intelligence service and talks like a hospital intelligence service. the journalism is not a crime. the julian assigns is no
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journalist. this is made blaine by the fatality of his conduct as the last and then died. the, some senior officials inside the c i a and the trump administration even discussed killing assange going so far as to request sketches or options for how to assassinate him. the loss of the artist under a my loads can, is pushing a price on freedom of expression and calling attention to the julian sons' case. and how freedom of speech is central to of its place. $45000000.00 with
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a paintings in jeopardy, depending on whether song stays life the because the, because sodium brand and uh, warm sullivan menu now is that i did see seems to pretty aides in the creative platform. it seems kind. if we can discuss the culture platform, resolved that anybody can resolve in the idea of which the
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piece of dying there. it's so like a distance reach, reach came to fix this so that he stopped paying for the 24 hours each time has to be know that his thoughts so they can still be destroyed. yeah, the tv's at the it so you'll be never destroyed that because i believe that the son should be will be pretty keen on what time you get so many will. and i truly
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believe that i think i would find the most speech as if freedom of explanations to be will be not through the press. one of the donors fabian norman, sold all to you shall davinsky the no oswick is worth more than a person's life. and i gave a 100, well, the artwork here, which is one of my biggest problems makes addiction. freedom is very important at ok is an expression of freedom you can, if not you why exactly like and other people you don't do anything. so optic is a way to express what is your defense and uh, add to that to on the well or who is american. uh, is the best way to, to participate. choose the section. i suppose what i'm really talking about, hey, is the legacy pieces like this? it must be people who would be shocked at the idea that you would donate a rule whole piece that could potentially be destroyed. if junior, in his own,
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dies as a result of being in prison, new expedited to the us housing vision, the legacy of the conditions you set forth in donating that piece. but i think it's, it's a shopping, you know, is for me is shouting, needs to make sure somebody dying it's not giving a piece of how to i don't care about eh, people shopped by my. and by what i did, i care about to as long as likes, i care about to treat them as long as it gets, it seemed or it is the same build up for them. let me bring you the latest on the julian a sons' case as we follow the hearings of the high courts in london over the next couple of days. more details analysis on reaction can be found on our website oxy dots from the
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the column is known as the new arts took the best land from day one. the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited this cause and as discontent. the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriot managed to induce france besides these negotiations in 1962
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heavy and the cords were assigned 40 l. jerry on the bass warrants independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights, is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the debts of one and a half 1000000 algerians. the election to subversion stealing of classified documents has money fraud for our president, donald trump's legal troubles are not only costing him precious time on the campaign trail, but could cost in his wealth as well. i'm sorry now here's it on this episode of 360 view, we're looking for a 91 felony cases across tuesday, cords and 2 different federal districts against donald trump. and if they are politically motivated and attempted to rail the former present presidential bid,
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or they solid cases, which could land the former president bankruptcy or even worse in jail. let's get started. the poor president, donald trump, is facing 91 indictments between 4 criminal cases. but the cases are not running smoothly, and some might even believe beginning to fall apart. now 1st the verdict in terms of new york civil business fraud trial was delayed at the judge arthur under on. where did to find the details about alan weiss and berg, the trump organizations, former cfo, p d. o. and if he actually lied under oath. now attorney general leticia james 6 define shop more than $370000000.00 over claim. see miss represented the value of the company's assets to ensure more favorable business loans and.
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