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tv   News  RT  February 21, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EST

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themselves wells, the parts we choose to look so common ground the the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers that scattered across the streets of dave we reported exclusively from the house of, of the gulf of the russian forces, won the battle for the strategic stillman bus. 15 with ukraine using 2400 troops there as it were treated that is according to most go west in direct cape provides applicant, terrorist fruit weapons recently flooded with confidence. not the timing accusation from the defense chief of blood julia in the fights we have would so. but while on the swap on the bi limits, we also have to be able to recombine little we points on the content we fall into the country. this before we get into the wrong hands,
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and you can call me tricks. and it's the final day of june this on to the legal battle against expedition to the us as a symbol which is raleigh, outside the u. k. hi, coach in london. demanding. and then to the 13 year long persecution, all the drilled woods of blower. i've seen a man who would strong and so i don't think i'm ready to change the world with true to a mom who's calling this to press the . it's just gone. 10 am, hear me most good. this is the news hour on. now it's in to national, 13 minutes of news and views on the stories that you need to know. a pleasure as always, have your company. well we're going to start now and of the of co, russian forces, ards violence thing, and of taking another key location on the front lines of the case and region.
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that's the cool thing to defend. so when a specific issue, as reported to president vladimir putin at the kremlin, i couldn't cause addition, the village of cranky has been cleared. our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed, they're operating at maximum efficiency. some individual enemies soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that they are being offered a chance to surrender. this comes just days off the rush or nose to complete the liberation of the don't that school public over the city of up the which would be the occupied by caps troops were almost 10 years. the decisive battle full, the strategic gary took many months with the crane taking massive losses and being forced to withdrew his some exclusive footage. now from a news crew inside the city showing me off to most of the brutal fighting that the
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defense minister says. he has lost at least 2400 soldiers during 2 days of retreat from last day of co aflac, my preaching emphasizing the heroism of russian service men who pushed the ukrainian garrison after pulling through several kilometers this underground pipes . all these a ghost download is enough disco right now, and has been hearing from some of the russian troops who were involved in that battle for the key city. we must warn you though, that his report does contain some very graphic images that you may find distressing, which is the way down the road was clear just 2 days ago we went through and removed 3 anti tank mind barriers, including foreign french made mines with magnetic target sensors, as well as quite a lot of unexploded cluster munitions. what this app is saying may sound worse them,
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but he's confidence is contagious. our filming crew is heading into of dave, got embedded with the viking. special task force, the march to the oven. god of rush is offensive here. now one of the primary objectives is the more about the operation, the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers. scott said. across the streets of, of dave, you can see the blue tape. it's the same signature mark of ukrainian soldiers under bracelet with the something that resembles a pentagram right now we are working with a special forces units with a rush and special forces units. of course the viking and not so far from us. they are still finding those ukrainian soldiers who did not make it out of the town. so all these sounds that you here is what is happening. they are clearing the streets of game. could you make sure that every nook and cranny is under the control of russia? he,
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a key believe troops were meant to loosen the deadly new surround the towns garrison, white of russia's fighters with the 35th brigade, tells me how they denied the enemy. this would shoot it to the book. the fortifications in this area was serious that they couldn't get across the road, a sniper and the machine gunner worked over on that side, and on the other side as well. the machine gunners was sitting there, and on this side of the flame throwers in grenade launches, somebody, here are the, as all fighters for the documents say they were from the sold brigade. the ukraine has a hard time lifting up. do you have to go? well, it has on the ground is a handful of left for that units. abandoned. last confused. so key of has polluted control and violets to work
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good for the about the so this is the of the of a railway station and that was one of the positions held by the as all new nazi battalion or rather the new inclination over this was where the premium come on was hoping to still brushes advise literally hours before you realize that one of its efforts were futile. but right now it is sending its drones devices here, the a listening for the buzzing, the because if the drone is so if it's one of the larger one of the, of the cultural rooms, there is a good chance that they will be able to shoot it down outside of town,
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rushes armies working hard to capitalize on the gains. so just behind me is the of dave koch and chemical plant. it's the dominating heights in this area. and so the craning forces, they fell back that way. so the russians, they are moving in from the heights into the valley, and this is exactly the sports that the russian commodities hoping will make the advance of the russian troops towards last. well move smoove, i've more seamless there's plenty of work and have dave good for the viking task force and other russian units from the mining to uncovering potential energy hiding spots locos, enjoy. what for them feels like a low in the fighting and brace for a storm. you cranes fiery retaliation of every artillery caliber that they've got? somebody has done up reporting for all of the of the oxy. well,
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following the latest ukrainian loss is on the front lines, the pentagon says kia could be in even bigger trouble, not so unless you actually will make is approve the far ne package that's being stuck in congress from if we don't get more, if we don't get the supplemental i outlined that at the very top. but if we don't get the funding needed from the senate or started from the house to pass the senate supplemental, we will not be able to provide these critical p da packages. and ukraine will have to make choices and decisions on what cities, what towns they can hold with what they have and what partners content can continue to supply them. well, that was a well, this comes as republican lawmakers, the projected another offer from the democrats to approve a $95000000000.00 for an a bill that would include money for ukraine. do be wants the best at the low border security with mexico 1st from
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a pen to con. unless to michael, my aloof says ukraine's defeat enough to have good give see americans one less reason to keep giving cash stick. yeah. in passing half this guy is a turning point. it's the beginning of what i would see as a cascading effect of a russian offensive to finally route ukrainians out of a areas that they've long held. and they, they are totally on the defensive male. and if you hit in a number of areas, at the same time, it disperses their, their concentration of forces even more. and because they're already depleted and they claim to have little very addition, this makes their task even more arduous. i think people are seeing that with the have the skill and everything else with others is going to be throwing good money after bad. and, and, and they,
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that even the europeans are seeing this. now. they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give to the, to, to, to buy equipment for ukraine. the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks. and when it comes back on the 28th february on march 1, this partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress will only have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding. it has to be any before parts of the government shut down. so the congress, the, the, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now. in the us congress. with the nigerian defense chief is called that western countries, citing their in direct involvement in providing weapons to terrorist groups in the west african country. general chris, develop new success. the items are increasingly pulling into the wrong hands that
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sees compare the situation to what's been happening in ukraine and gauze a in the sites we have would sample while i'm the swap on the bottom it's we also have. ready to take away a little, we points on that content we falls into the country. and so it shows that it will require in a, an international corporation collaboration for us to be able to address this issues . most african countries don't produce this, we phones, this will phones get into the wrong hands and they become a traits. because uh, like you mentioned in the ukraine level, we pause. i mean, i know this, we both i meet for most with technicians and that's why we use this opportunity to hold on them to take it as a responsibility to ensure that they put tomatoes in place. but this before we get to wrong hands full of the do we have a little peeling mouse and you had these directly to use them. i guess it was sensitive and for nearly 2 hours to nigeria and to of of defense stuff. major,
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general kristof i most of spoke to charlie's interview with you about the prevailing security problems in the country and the west oregon region. the defensive set of bodies are making efforts to address in securities, but noted thoughts. these efforts are hampered by the lack of weapons to carry out military operations about african militaries compared to very counterparts abroad struggle to get the weapons. they need to fight in security territories everywhere . and the most part in africa, the old fortunately where do you want to get into bronze? unfortunately, we don't to do is we follow that we're using fighting them. i think what happened is we for making extremely difficult for us to even get the reform to be able to address this issues. and so we also happening to them to cost you that if only we can get one percent of the weed funds that we're giving to you free, i can show you and joe, but peaceful like julia is facing numerous security problems,
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including and islamic insurgency in the northeast kidnap and surround some deadly farm. i heard a process in the central belt and separate east and gang falling in the south east . the defense you also raised concerns about alms proliferation in africa. he said the trend is worse than for security tallies. for fridays, he also said climate change had excessive pay that hunger and premium ology in the region made a general most of said by julia, is taking measures to tighten border patrols to control arms smuggling, but noted thoughts, the international communities and countries that produce weapons. also must be more accountable tennessee of easy r t boned material the it's the 2nd and final day of hearings that the u. k. hi quote on whether to extra don't jailed whistle blow a judy in the songs to the us on espionage charges. the session is taking place
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behind closed doors that but speaking outside the court house in london, incumbent editor in chief folds which he likes should his critical assessment of this landmark trial. what i am on the whole is the most important part of the video. the different word is what are you calling open? just you know, i don't know what was cool is of a solid you support is rallying in london to demand his release. his family members, friends and colleagues say that he's being persecuted for, revealing the truth that says the which he makes found to himself is reportedly feeling unwell and didn't appear in court. on tuesday. i've seen a man who was strong and they got ready to change the world with truth
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to a man whose colorless, depressed really very, very low on, on terrified that really what's going on is all stars is a prosecuting julian until he ends his life through his health, through his domino to keep fighting, to keep that candle lit he's been criminalized, have been committed, no offense, the crime for which she is being punished about what crime in inverted commas is doing journalism. we would like to about why we went to war and a rock. we would lied to about why we went to war and i've got his thoughts on information was given to us via which he likes through june in the sand. his efforts that helps to expose those lies lies the rest of the journalistic refreshing. what tacitly covering up the sand cases expose the lie and shot the is
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wasted levels of all we have low fee price. as long as the sun, we have low fee, sweet london is the only city where a saw, which is simple, which is all taking to the streets, crowds of also being rolling in rome, the lane and paris demanding freedom for the wiki makes found some demonstrators, civil since owned orange seats, department isn't of course of those one by detainees at guantanamo bay. which song should also published expos, a is about well the u. k. hard, cool, which is hearing the wiki leeks found this final appeal before against this expedition to the us on espionage charges. julian, the songs published thousands of pacified documents, exposing us military atrocities in countries like afghanistan and a rack. and that from the table in the most wanted list in america, where he races up to a 175 years is he's found guilty. he's been
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a lot of stuff in belmont prison in the u. k. since being arrested that in 2019 for failing to appear in cool. meanwhile, another renowned whistle blower, edward snowden, who exposed extensive us government efforts to legalise filed civilians as pointed to the fact the result is extradition from britain to the us would actually contradict a treaty between those 2 nations and pink floyd co founder roach and waters as also spoken as against the persecution of a song. here's what, what is told us when we interviewed him back in 2022. and all of these charges have been shown to be completely without merits. the hacking charge was based finally, on the testimony of a convicted criminal. and the,
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the file so much lend to the gold 20 or something. and who has since recounted his test to me, saying that he was paid to say that he was paid to give evidence against julian a search julian. hassan should not have spent a single day either in the ecuadorian embassy, where he was on sort of locked up for about 8 years, or certainly not in march 1st and the high security prison because he has committed no crime. how many times do we have to explain this to the rest of the? well he is one of the most important human beings on us. why is that? because he is one of the few prop journalists on of what he has done is expose inconvenient cruise to the powers that be to the ruling clause. he has exposed that they are entirely happy. and i'm talking now about the government at
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the united states of america. and the government of the united kingdom, the, the supply please with may, the supporters with the real news, the supports us with the great news that just apologise with wonder what the substances with all the small news directed pub cause the exist all over the internet, but probably only for now because that is under attack by the same people who weren't julian massage dead, the we march to be on straight an embassy. the 2 columns squared made speeches in february last year, 2020. and at that point, i thought, you know, had how, if they've got the tools to just keep doing what they do a bang the most is in washington dc. well, now and finding out how they do it,
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they do it because it feds as the and asked as well. and i really don't know what else to say. i'm time consuming ways holler or what's going on. the west and mass major is not to be trusted, and they, and they appear entirely disinterest, didn't the room on the floor. most of them probably never heard back that cultural habeas corpus, or any of the basic tenets of english law that developed in searching century and that we've been trying to abide by ever since and is all being thrown out of the window. now, some of the world's most famous and expensive volt works will be destroyed. dave julian, his own style, is in prison. a russian office has threatened to just do that. she's looking up some $45000000.00 worth of max to pieces in
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a rig container that is wired to destroy the all that's and that's a song is reported to be alive every single day. the decay of it because sodium brand and uh was sold and communion and as i did these things to create them to create the platform, it seems kind of if we can discuss the culture platform, resolved, a new policy can resolve the idea of which the
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east side there is like a designated speech which came to the test so that he stopped paying for the 24 hours these these times to be not that he stopped so they can still be destroyed. the deeds at the it's, he'll be never destroyed because i believe that the assign to be will be pretty. that being uh,
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what time we have so many will. and i truly believe that i would find the the most teachers if read most explanations, there will be no 3 progress. well, one of the sponsors of the old project at the new woodman spoke. ringback me on tuesday and he explained his donation of a piece of work by m d will hold saying that aunt is an expression of the very freedom that julian this own deserves. i gave a 100 well the outward. so which is one of my biggest bottles, my production freedom is very important at ox. he's an expression of freedom. you can, if not, you, i exactly like and other people you don't do anything. so optic is a way to express what is your defense and the ad. so that's the, on the well obviously i make them to you the best way to, to participate to is the section as opposed to what i'm really talking about. hey,
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is the legacy pieces like this? it must be people who would be shocked at the idea that you would donate a rule whole piece that could potentially be destroyed if junior, in his own, dies as a result of being in prison. oh, expedited to the us. so how to vision the legacy of the conditions you set forth in donating, not piece for it. i think it's, it's a shopping, you know, is for me is shouting these 2 meg, just somebody dying. it's not giving a piece of how to, i don't care about eh, people shopped by my and by what i did, i care about to as far as like, i care about to treat them as soon as it gets, it seemed, or the existing build up for them well, we'll keep you updated on that development. so in that 2nd and final hearing of the quotes, a u. k. hi, quote. more details, analysis and reaction of course,
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can always be found on our website or see don't com, the well, the us has one small failure to approve an immediate cease by initiative garza, the country was the only un security council member to vote to gain. so jerry is proposed piece resolution his house in north africa nations on bass it up as well as the russian employee have reacted to the american v to remind us of. unfortunately, the security council has failed once again to rise to the goals and aspiration of the people. this faith view doesn't absolve the security council of shoulder in its responsibility and doesn't absolve the international community of its obligations
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to bothers and people whose fate it doesn't absolve the occupying power of its obligations to implement. the precautionary measures ordered by the international court of justice. all these people, the rules supposed to have been through the old jewelry and draft, was capable of reversing the situation and ending being i, elation of palestinians in gaza. unfortunately, the latest and now 4th us veto prevented this from happening and due to the fate of another 1000 peaceful guys of citizens, it is a destructive policy of a single member of the security council. namely, the united states to a wild dog area demands an immediate and full truce. the u. s. wants a limited and temporary spot on the conditions on hostages. all release from goes the both motions reject the fullest displacement of policy opinions and cool for humanitarian assistance across the own place. but the proposed us reservations
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fails to mention the implementation of the provisional measures by the international court of justice. washington's representatives have called you all cheering, draw detrimental to piece torques. we have made incredibly clear that's a resolution before the council would not achieve the goal of a sustainable piece. and may in fact run counter to yet a proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible. and so while we cannot support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy, we look forward to engage them on a text that we believe will address so many of the concerns we all share. a text that can and should be adopted by the council. the us position is exactly and completely and endorsement
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a support of israel's war and gaza every criminal aspect of it. and they are the major blockade of any agreement being reached internationally through the un. this is the 3rd detail and it is, crum. no, there's no other way to put it to us is determined to put no pressure whatsoever on israel. instead, they are continuing to send arms money and every form of political and diplomatic support that they can rally around the world. although that is now a totally isolated position assist you in both shows, it will strictly one vote against and that will see us. they are for this war totally completely. israel is their strategic partner. is there destructive force in the area? it is a threat to every other country in the area and it's not only
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a support for israel in this a media more in gaza. but at the same time, the us as bombing young men rack syria. a gas line is in a ran were taken out. i mean, they are seeking to widen the war not to bring it to an end. that's important to know and well, the us books and the peace proposal for goes across in latin america. the venice william president is back statements from brazil. is he condemned, as well as devastating assaults on the palestinians comparing it to the holocaust? the lead, hitler was a construct, a monster created by the western awaits. today the criminal military apparatus of israel has the same encouragement, funding, and support. as president lula said,
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what the israeli government is doing is the same thing that hitler did to the jewish people. the what they don't realize that guy is that he's not a war, but a genocide. what's happening in gaza with the posting and people. does it exist in any other time in history? in fact, it only happens when people are decided to kill the jews, brazil, recall that some bass that are from israel and but as well as leader express strong support for brazil's position for other latin american countries, colombia too late on the us and bolivia. have also pulled in passengers from israel over the idea of actions in gaza. in total 8 countries world wide have taken steps to withdraw their in bassinger from tel aviv further back in october of last year, gustavo petro, the 1st left wing president of columbia double down on his condemnation of israel, describing its options as genocide.


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