tv News RT February 21, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST
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ality with lower faces, which is fashion, the upsetting images from the garza where the remains of victims. that being recovered from a cost bye. and he's really strike callback in the us, the congressman say, the old how the city is should be killed, pc further across the streets of dave. the report was exclusively from the hearts of vs cut off, the russian forces. one of the thoughtful for the strategic going by city with ukraine losing 2400 troops. but as it retreated,
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according to the west, indirectly provides us were good terrorist groups with weapons that recently flooded the confidence. that's the explosive accusation from the defense chief of nigeria. in the fights we have would serve with wire on the swap on the bottom. it's also how be able to take away little reforms. when that content we fall into the country. this will fall into the wrong hands under the comic facts. and it's the final day of julian astrology of legal bonds for like getting fixed for addition to the u. s. as opposed as riley outside the u. k. hi, quote. in london, the mountains are going to end to the 13, the loan pacification all week j. o, the hello and welcome. this is on the international with the latest news from across the globe. it's a pleasure to have you with us. and we start the out in gauze where the bodies of 2
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victims have been recovered from a call that was hedge. fine is wally striking the city of rafa. and you might find the following images. obsessing off to the heavily charged corpses were pulled from the bloodied wreck of the vehicle. they were taken to a nearby moke for identification. locals lined up to look inside the body box to check if the relatives were among the dead. several other bodies were seen being taken away for burial. more than 29300 palestinians have been killed in gauze us since october. the 7th, according to local officials. meanwhile, in the west and activist has grilled a republican lawmaker on why washington is arming is well, despite the spiraling civilian deaths, to congressmen on the ovals delivered to a shocking response. you see footage
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i think we should well, this comes as the international court of justice is hailing a case against as well as occupation of palestinian territories. a number of lots of the american countries are speaking, get the hate today. early of the venezuelan president store and his presenting and talents of pods and condemning as well as devastating themselves on the pallet and in, in the least most definitely was a construct, a monster created by the western awaits. today, the criminal military apparatus of israel has the same encouragements vehicle funding and support. as president lewis said, what the is really government is doing is the same thing that hitler did to the jewish people you for the for they don't realize that guys that he's not a war, but a genocide. what's happening in gaza with the posting and people? does it exist in any other time in history? in fact, it only happens when people are decided took you to jews,
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brazil. recall that some bass that are from israel and but as well as liter express strong support for brazil's position for other latin american countries. colombia she laid on doris and bolivia. have also pulled in passengers from israel over the idea of actions in gaza. in total 8 countries worldwide have taken steps to withdraw their in bassinger from tel aviv further back in october of last year, gustavo petro, the 1st left wing president of columbia double channel known as condemnation of israel, describing its options as genocide. it's called genocide. they do it to remove the palestinian people from gaza and take it over the head of the state who is carrying out this. genocide is a criminal against humanity. their allies cannot talk about democracy. no democrat in the world can't accept guise of being converted into a concentration camp. concentration camps are prohibited by international law and
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those who create them become criminals against humanity. bolivia went a step further severing ties with israel for the 2nd time since 2009 under then president. evelyn morales who's recently stated he stands by brazilian president lou louis comments as we stand in solidarity with our brother, a little of the silver unjustly declared as a persona non grata for defending the life and dignity of the palestinian people. in the face of a genocide in gaza and that is being carried out by the state of israel being declared as a persona non grata by a genocidal government that carries out massacres against children. is a privilege that reaffirms the commitment to life and peace before the international community and the people of the world. a cuba currently under a 60 year us and borrow go, severed its relations with israel back in 1973 while then as well it did so in 2009
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except for panama, almost all the region recognized as palestine as an independent state. well, many have sent a 2 goals up as of last year, 17 nations in the region recognized palestine with colombia becoming the latest in 2018. today it's estimated that there are 700000 people of palestinian origin, living across 14 countries in the region which truly having the largest posted in community outside the middle east and brazil having at least 16000000 citizens of arab descent. this large diaspora has had significant political influence across the re did with era politicians holding top positions and many governments and with 11 presidents and latin america being of error of origin and contrasts latin american jews who support israel have no local equivalent to the powerful u. as in his lobby groups like the american israel public affairs committee,
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which will reportedly spend 100000000 dollars next year to try to push out of office certain lawmakers advocating for a cease fire and gaza. the growing chorus of solidarity seems like a part of a rising trend towards peace sovereignty and multi polarity in the world to my jerry and lawyer and the veterans politician assigned me assigned i, s k o d. so he's been developing well, should you nice against as well, and it's us bonuses who are trying to cling onto jail, political head, gemini, it is time for us to come together as a people for nationwide stuckey nations like russia, nations. i. so i've, i've heard that they shall vipers like my chariot nations like china, all of us to come together, sit down and see. and the arabs seats, by the way, to create a situation whereby the jews themselves that as these readings themselves, are subjected to palestinian,
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who are we establish what i would describe from the rivets? let's see. probably the, probably the streaming people will be free and the must have published city and state in which these really people are living as equal citizens. the americans and the allies, the smoking and everything simply because they want to impose and they want to perpetuate or they want to ensure they have their own state, which is that's up to like in the middle of the me least to ensure that they control what you everything that is that they have on june in front of, oh, well not for most of the arab regimes in that part of the world. softly. most of them are intimidated by the americans, therefore become a result. i started off to choose the realities, the one of the private students, a saw foot in terms of do not have self determination and being forced to the open president. cause that's over the is unacceptable. and they know it's what they just don't care. and what is this all about? it's about the imposing. they had too many insurance and have a colonial somebody surplus state in israel trade show that the interest of protected. this is a country that is muscle,
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green women and children. hundreds of thousands of people have been injured over 45000 people, women and children, maybe 15000 true. and so far as people have been, i've been killed in the last 4 months. that's a world report. and this is nothing less than a hold of bullets. we'll the last for the course in the 2nd world war, ironically mostly perpetuate to they get to choose why the germans, the rest of the world and do something about it. i believe strongly. that's the angle rises, we'll get to a point the result as well. so the worst of the world will start up and decide to do something about it. i can't wait for that. the, despite the support unreasonable, irrational mine support the americans are giving to these really is to kill people, especially with policies are advancing, kind of taking a not the key location on the front lines of the chemist on region. as according to defense, witness to say that gay shore do, as he reported to president vladimir putin at the kremlin, couldn't cause it to issue the village of cranky has been cleared. our forces are
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standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed, they're operating at maximum efficiency. some individual enemy soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that. they are being offered a chance to surrender when it comes to stays off the rush right now say complete liberation of the don't. yes, we're public safety about the go, which has been occupied by kids troops of almost 10 years. they decisive basel full the strategic area to many months with ukraine, taking massive losses and being forced to withdrawal the tail take retreat from the city last weekend. so kids trip the band and plenty of i munition on the west and supplied equipments. one such strong that vehicle was an american made and one's 13 ahmed personnel. carrier is seen here being towed away by russian forces. the a pc is among 2 such units that have been because it didn't of the sofa, the russian defense, which is the safety of last at least $2400.00 soldiers during 2 days of its retreat
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from the f o. r t z goes down off, is that right now and has been hearing some of the russian troops who fries the case that a, that we must warn you that this report contains some graphic images that you might find distressing is not over to sort of the way down the road was clear just 2 days ago, we went through and removed 3 anti tank mind barriers, including foreign french made mines with magnetic target sensors. as well as quite a lot of unexploded cluster munitions. what this app is saying may sound worse, but he's confidence is contagious. our fielding crew is heading into of dave got embedded with the viking. special task force, the much to the oven. god of rush is offensive here. now one of the primary objectives is the more about the operation, the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers. scott said, across the streets of dave car, you can see the blue tape. it's the same signature mark of ukrainian soldiers under
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a bracelet with the something that resembles a pentagram right now we are working with a special forces unit with the russians. special forces units, of course the viking and not so far from us. they are still finding those ukrainian soldiers who did not make it out of the town. so will the sounds that you here is what is happening. they are clearing the streets of game, could to make sure that every nook and cranny is under the control of russia. he, a key volley troops were meant to loosen the deadly new surround the towns garrison, part of russia's fighters with the 35th brigade, tells me how they denied the enemy. this which units available. the fortifications in this area was serious that they couldn't get across the road, a sniper and the machine gunner worked over on that side, and on the other side as well. the machine gunners were
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sitting there, and on this side there were flame throwers in grenade launches. here are the, as all fighters was the documents say they were from the, the salt brigade. the ukraine has a hard time lifting up. do you have to go? well, it has on the ground is a handful of left for the units abandoned. last confused. so key of has put in control and violence to work. good. well the, the, so this is the of the railway station. and that was one of the positions held by the as of neo nazi battalion,
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or rather the new inclination over this was where the ukrainian combined was hoping to still brushes advance literally hours before it realized that one of its efforts were futile. but right now it is sending its drones devices here, the a listening for the buzzing, the because if the drone is so it's one of the larger one of the, of the cultural roads. there is a good chance that they will be able to shoot it down outside of town rushes armies working hard to capitalize on the games. so just behind me is the of dave koch and chemical plant. it's the dominating heights in this area. and so the ukranian forces, they fell back that way. so the russians, they are moving in from the heights into the valley. and this is exactly the spot that the russian commodities hoping will make the advance of the russian troops
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towards last as well. move smoove, i've more seamless, right? there's plenty of work and have gave go for the viking task force and other russian units from the mining to uncovering potential and to be hiding spots. logos, enjoy. what for them feels like a low and the fighting and brace for a storm. ukraine's fiery retaliation of every artillery calibre that they've got a make is done and reporting pro update. ok. see the jerry and defense chief on his coat out western countries. the only thing that in direct involvement in providing weapons to tell. 6 or a scripts in the west african country general press to st. louis as easy on increasingly falling into the wrong hands. the as he compared the situation to what's been happening in ukraine and gauze in the fights we have would sample. while i'm the swap,
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i'm the bi limits. we also have be able to take away little. we points on that content we fall into the country. absolutely shows that it will require in a, an international cooperation collaboration for us to be able to address this issues . most african countries don't produce these refunds, this will phones get into the wrong hands and they become make tricks. because uh, like you mentioned in the ukraine level, we pause. i mean, i know this, we both i meet for most was technicians and that's why we use this opportunity to hold on them to take it as a responsibility to ensure that they put tomatoes in place. but this one, before we get the wrong hands full of the do, we have a little peeling mouse and you had these down and ready to use them. i guess it was sensitive. and so for nearly 2 hours, the nigerian chief of defense staff major general christopher most of spoke to charlie's interval with jeff about the prevailing security problems in the country and the west african region. the defensive set of bodies are making efforts to
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address in securities, but noted thoughts. these efforts are hampered by the lack of weapons to carry out the military operations about african military's compared to very counterparts abroad struggle to get the weapons they need to fight insecurity. tell rooms everywhere, and the most part in africa. unfortunately where one getting the brunt. and unfortunately we don't produce the we fall that we're using, fighting them. i think what happened is before making extremely difficult for us to even get to reform to be able to address this issues. and so we also happening to them to cost you that is only so we can get one percent of the which ones that were given to you claim i show you men, joe, but peaceful. my julia is facing numerous security problems, including honestly, i mean insurgency in the northeast kidnappings, around some deadly farm. i heard of classes in the central valley and separate east and gang falling in the south east. the defense to also raised concerns about alms
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proliferation in africa. he said the trend is worse than for security challenge for parties. he also said climate change had excessive pay that hunger and premium biology in the region. made a general most of said by julia is taking measures to tide in florida patrols to control arms smuggling. but noted thoughts, the international communities and countries that produce weapons also must be more accountable tennessee of using r t boned material. just by the way, the weather in london protest as have gathered outside the u. k. hi quote. building . it's the 2nd and final day of hearing style on whether to extradited jailed whistleblower julie, the songs to the us on espionage charges. the 1st session took place behind because those on tuesday speaking outside the quote house, the incumbent editor in chief the all would cubic feet of a diamond assessment to belong to mock trial was
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in the middle of a book, the most important part of the video audio a different word i don't want to serve schools. that astrology supposes while eaten, long did on the 1st day of the trial demanding his release. his family members, friends and colleagues, said he's being passed a cute table revealing the truth that solves the wiki, the expound, that himself has reported. they've been feeding on well, which prevented him from a pay. we're getting close on tuesday. and i've seen a man who was strong, and i don't think i'm ready to change the world with truth to a man who's colorless, depressed, really, very, very low. and i'm terrified that really what's going on is our authorities
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a prosecute. takes julian until he ends his live through his health, through his stamina to keep fighting, to keep that tumble like he's been criminalized. having committed, no offense, the crime for which he is being punished about what crime in and back to comment is doing journalism. we would lies about why we went to war and a rock. we would like to about why we went to war and i've got his thoughts on information was given to us via which he likes through june and assigns his efforts . that helps to expose those lies lies the rest of the journalistic refreshing. what tacitly covering up the sand case, expose the lie and shot the is wasted levels of all we have low fee price. as long as the sun, we have no free speech or along that isn't the only city wide julian, his own. just support is a taking to the streets. crowd. symbols are rallied in rome,
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bowden on paris devolving freedom folder with unique, found some demonstrates of don't the orange suits, reminiscence of those will invite, attain these at guantanamo bay, which of songs had also published expos hayes about steve k. hi coles is hearing the which he leeks found his final appeal against expedition to the united states on espionage charges. judy massage published thousands of clause to find documents, exposing us military atrocities. and countries like has done histone under well, and that's landed him on the most won't take list in america where he faces up to 175 years is found guilty. he's being locked off and found last present in the u. k . since being arrested there in 2019 full savings, who will pay in quotes? among the revelations, the atlanta, judy, the songs are filed of the us military where the details of a massacre and the rocky city are felicia back in 2004. we can be exposed
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intelligence that proved to be american troops are sold to the city well knowing the civilians were in the line of fire. hundreds of locals were killed during the paso ortiz, steve sweeney field. i followed an in depth report from the scene last year, a it was just a must killing of arabs. that's how the us massacre influenza has being described. the city of the military and tell us by the war, the old bombing aside. the old chains, when for us, most of these were killed on base grids, that bodies with bones on home is a warning to others. but washington promised to take its revenge. the enemy's gotta face is cold sage, and he's in felicia, and we're going to destroy him. if this was one of the worst atrocities of the us led invasion with eye witnesses reporting, the indiscriminate shooting of women and children, washington was a case of war crimes. as a city was held them to see us troops slow to the approximately 600 iraqi civilians,
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including more than 300 women and children along with 200 and such. and during the 1st bottle of flu, j, a code named operation vigilance results the bottle was launched in april 2004 to offend. the depths of full black water contract is $27.00 us soldiers were killed during the retaliatory siege saluted was effectively punished for resisting the us occupation. with as many as 50000 people held the men age between 15 and 45 were brought from leaving while medical support was unable to enter the city the closet . the events took place at the beginning of the occupation in 2003, especially in the city of fallujah. as resistance fighters were there, they considered their occupies policy as a violation to the dignity of the rockies and the seizure of your ex territory. the occupation forces committed crimes against innocent civilians killed destroyed homes and people were left homeless. the resistance abuse because of
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a tex committed by the americans against the civilian population. as a result, the population was caught between a rock and a hard place. american forces and the resistance washington covered up the extensive, his crimes. blocking reporters from reporting what took place here. they find me admitted to using white phosphorus, a substance similar to nape home, which bone skin to the bone is legacy of using depleted uranium continues to effect those bone off to 2003. perhaps on surprisingly, washington, i need to finalize, have tablets to find the use of depleted you right and human wolf at on have denied a link to kansas. i'm both defects, but evidence is not on this side. the 2010 study by leading medical journal found it for lou just showed a full fold increase in all kansas and a 12 fold increase in childhood. comes in under full teens. it found a 10 fold increase in female breast cancer and significant increases in lymphoma.
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i'm brain tumors, the not olds research just found a 38 fold increase into key media. they succeeded the figures for rush them up with the volumes of the atom bomb attack. so the 17 fold increase in new came yeah. the medics on the ground agree. but they were reluctant to appear on camera, saying they were under pressure from the us not to speak out, is no surprise at west empowers, want to deny the cause a link to do so i would leave them open to war crimes charges. but once again, they continue to avoid accountability as iraqis leave with the legacy of the war. we will, of course, be keeping you fully updated on the developments on the 2nd and final day of hearings that the u. k. hi quote in london. and as always, you can find more details, analysis and reaction on our website. all the don't. com, the
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complex in gaza and ukraine are expected to dominate the agenda with the g. 24 administer so much in brazil. russia's psych, a law for office the to attend the top flight to on wednesday, he's been touring latin american countries to develop suppose for a multi polar front and defiance of western pressure. here's what was said off the level opposite. sit down with his counterpart in caracas on tuesday, a sylvia. so venezuela is also suffering from these barbaric plundering policy of the united states and its satellites. venezuelan money, state reserves, as well as russian stake reserves are frozen in the number of western countries and business, of course, the most brutal violation of international law. and of course,
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this undermines the system of international finances, which the united states has constantly for many years presented as optimal. they discredited themselves and the principles of globalization that they professed, as in general, the best emission in the world economy, both foreign ministers, today's trust that their relationship has a long history of, uh, solar structure, as does, does not depend on the absence. most of your political or electron games, uh, it is based primarily on the commonality of, of, of use on how the international system should be structured on how it should be operated with the primacy of the un charter. and particularly the principle of equality of southern states. now, as you know, both russian, minnesota have been on the receiving end all western sanctions for particular american sanctions. and both ministers spoken very strong terms against the use of
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the unilateral legislative move to undermine other countries. a case in point would be the seizure over and then these ellen cards are playing in argentina and just a couple of days ago and argentina. and george made a decision to handle martha washington simply because of the wave was purchased from iran. and according to the united states, according to the american view that violated american functions, the less your flag venezuela has denounces flagrant violation in various international forms. and in the specific case of the plane in the international civil aviation organization, the theft of the aircraft is an active international piracy. and it is nothing more than a demonstration of how far the united states to get in its desire to attack venezuela . then as well as putting pressure on international organizations, in addition to
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a panel for the truth, for justice, and for that we will use all our allies, all our partners to be able to demonstrate this to both minnes trust trust, the country physician, a gas unilateral sanctions is driven not only by the horn and very concrete farm that those sanctions inflicts on the economies and on the people of those countries . but also because they ultimately undermine the very nature, the very basis of international law. because the law is only a law when it's universally, when teens and respected when it's applied uh, single handedly, when it's applied only by some countries against others and becomes a tool of individual countries pulses. and this is something that can not be sustain many things for the company on the us international this wednesday with, with more of today's latest updates and 13 minutes hope to see you. then the
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so shorter that conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than to the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the, in the soft must protect his phone, existence was only exists. the
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