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tv   News  RT  February 22, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the the top headlines 0 and i'll see international russian forces gain more ground along with on its front lines coming just days off taking the t city of of deer. we have an exclusive report from the stronghold lock key of losses. raising questions in the west about how the conflict from possibly and, and ukraine despite the b will killed, will surrender, or they try to run and sleep. most of them chose the latter. those who didn't well, they remain under the debris. this is a war of extermination and a war famine. this is not a war. this is our 9 lation. as 100 rose food supplies are when you and cuts. so a deliveries to the old but destroyed northern gaza. come because it's really
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official frames the ideas devastation, hopefully and i'm personally proud of the ruins in gaza and that's every baby, even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren what the jews did also in the program, fighting for freedom as human rights groups argue that extra, i think julian s on shortly you okay to america violates a treaty between the 2 countries, such as a judges delay right now and immediate ruling on the whistle blowers type, the right the video is set to go with the correspondence and guests standing by to go live, it's always your near 0 not to get. so beginning in the don't ask the people's republic where russian forces have captured the village of pop data that's according to the nations ministry of defense. pop data in english means victory. this report now
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without to use equal to start off. one thing to understand about that is a small village just outside the city of the desk where i am right now. it's capture has become possible off to russian forces, liberated another town to even closer to where i'm standing right now. and that's the town of money in case used to be one of ukraine's major struggles where they basically turned it into a bass the in the of defense. so why did russia decided to make the bed? it's next target off to liberating money. and even though the village itself has maybe 3 or 4 streets, basically this village is seed as one of the key points towards the town of olga dot, which is another stronghold of ukrainian. i mean, he didn't ask for public schools who are very, very close to the city of dennis. c is located on the domain 18 high surrounded by open fields. so taking a good job with a stupid and stopping the upfront attack is really impossible. and even if it is
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possible, it would ensue heavy losses. so the capture of the town of the village of the bid, that is one small step towards flanking oh, good. on cutting supply flies to this town for the ukrainian forces. this is the said, the tactic that we have seen in of day of the latest big victory with dog u. b. it is bigger than the capture of the bed. and we were among the 1st t v crews to visit the town of dave. and we have, we have been bringing you exclusive reports. this is our latest one. as we have been observing some, a trophy vehicles that fell into the hands of the russian fruits and speaking with the locals. this is the high rise district enough to have cuz this was supposed to be the main stronghold, at least one of the main strongholds of its garrisons. but when the russian troops cuts the main supply, audrey well, they will it simply left with the a rather well unpleasant choices either these pay. yeah. and will either be,
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will killed or surrender or they try to run and flee. most of them chose the latter . those who didn't well, they remain under the debris. russian troops reap the spoils of the soldiers salute as they tow a ukrainian tent right past us. an infantry fighting vehicle that lays on its side and the massive crater is pulled out and towed a way to of dave good, is it so see the say, feel free. everything from nature may bradley's too small. a weapons in demo for the for to the uh, ford escape. since the city of the market off of uh, moving insurance through them, it already keep troops didn't bother with digging trenches inside of the
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town, making themselves comfortable in houses and basements. rightful homeowners had no say in this. one of the the crating troops hate mdf cane retaliation to fight. he is on the front line, stay 5 tanks near the factory 1st on my co scrimmage street. and they forced all civilians leaf and then the military took over and then when they were on depression themselves, they started spreading around the city. despite all this, we see a staggering number of locals while driving around up. dave got all of them chose to live through how and booms and bullets were only a part of it. one elderly woman tells me how you crane town humanitarian aid into a tuneful bending people's will the people responsible for distributing and give it out there? well, i'm russian so the ukrainians were giving me command terran a but not all the time. wherever to get the a do you have to write an application at the end you had to ride glory to ukraine?
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it frustrated me. yet she refused to be evicted on key terms. ukrainian troops offered to evacuate for their way from the front line, but i refused. i'm a russian, a citizen of russia. why should i move there? i have a son living and then yes, but they didn't allow me to go there. many of leaving, even now the look at my to open the box for beers that will do cities that russia is building a new in hopes that their homes and lives will be revitalized to make is done up proposing some of the oxy. meanwhile, ukraine claims at last of jessica, due to insufficient supplies of western weapons, the country's tor administer made the claim and an interview with cnn 2 days off the key, it retreated from. that's, that we wouldn't have lost and have to have got if you crated received only on send re, i munition that we needed to defend it. well that's, i think this conversation further here at all to international without
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correspondent we're going to close the river and full my us army reserve. scott bennett, are joining us here. both of you are very welcome. great to have you both in the studio at the same time. and here we are looking at more continue to russian offensive. as of the russians, they keep making progress that keep moving west and the territory that of the go was very, very recently is a, is a very significant capture of that city. but it seems to blame game is really well on the way to just quickly if you remember, was it last summer during the failed counter offensive, and the british ministry of defense, blaine ukraine's failed counter offensive on bushes and shrubbery. now we have of the erica forwarding and the blame game is already in the full effect. marine of course it was bushes, bad weather conditions, you name it, they were coming up with all sorts of because now they're saying that they don't have enough money. they don't have enough weapons from the west, but so far when we seen the west sending them all these weapons that didn't manage to do much, much on the counter offensive, for example, failed the didn't achieve much. and even in west or media,
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we are now seeing reports stating that the crane is looking, facing to lose this war because it's not advancing. it's not making any progress on the battlefield. and as we're seeing this being written in the west, ukraine, the key of regime is now sudden to attack even western media. because for example, like a set of disco was a significant loss. even though in some media, we're seeing that they're down playing the significance of losing, of desktop, but still nonetheless, we have west for me to report and i'm, we're all is low. and without the west help ukraine will not be able to continue forward. but what's interesting is up in new york times now reported that after the kale took retreat from of dev guy, that there were up to a 1000 soldiers that were captured by russian forces right away. she was adamant saying, well, this is slaves, news and new york times is fine. and so russian propaganda what is happening. let's have a look up. what they said about the sources. the new york times are 1st 2 are totally
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untenable because there are no such people. yes, we have said that they are prisoners, but their number is by no means in the hundreds. the statements of russian propaganda on hundreds and thousands of ukrainian prisoners are complete misinformation. and there are sources of new york times article or 2 ukrainian soldiers, apparently, and american officials. and they are also in this article stating that, like i said, more all is low. they're struggling recruiting additional solar just before this, before we're seeing people being snatched from the streets. also the size of the top calander was like gold up there and that helps someone else that apparently printing and folders don't really like. so this is all not looking good and they know it's what i mean. it just gets messier and messier by the day. i mean, scope what, what do you think about this? i mean, is it fair for the ukrainian forces? who, who frankly, we know that nato troops, all the helpings or choreographing coordinate, everything the ukrainian soldiers are doing. but that's not talk about that very quickly. what about this school? what about, you know, for example,
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the lack of abrams times will the inability of the bradley fighting vehicles is the hardware all the luck. they're all of making such a difference for the gradient side. well, i think putting ukrainians in charge of some of these advance weapons are like putting chimpanzees on a piano, thinking that they somehow can play mozart and they can't when i was in the net. so when i was a gone, when i was in mariel, i saw a war crimes. when i went back to the united states, i reported that i sent very efficient letters to rand paul to marjorie taylor green to a variety of conservative republicans telling them, do you realize you are committing war crimes by giving money to this nazi zalinski and these right wing sugs that are going around carbon swastikas and to women's bellies and killing them. is that what america has become? and of course, that terrifies a lot of the american political leaders. so i think you're seeing the american republicans trying to split away from this funding of zalinski. they've used ukrainians. of course, in the past to work
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a straight some disruptions on capital hill. for example, january 6, you had a lot of ukrainian mercenaries wearing orange cats. i was there, i was part of trump's analytical team. so i know just how c i a uses the ukrainians . and right now you're seeing ukraine completely fall apart because this was never war that was going to win. this was a tragic experiment for the u. s. has destroyed 500000 the british have destroyed 500000 ukrainians. that never had a chance against russia. so i think russia is going in and liberating the people of ukraine. where is the west is only sought to destroy them for me. yeah, yeah, go, i'm are, and i think it's interesting is that there the was defending all these time so, so that you mentioned the broadband just in january there now, so that would be sending more bradley tanks. but what's interesting is that they know that ukrainian soldiers don't know what they're doing with them just now. there was, there was a report by the defense department watchdog agency. and they said the big ticket
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weapon systems sense the ukraine could be rendered useless on the battlefield. because look for indians don't know what to do with them. yeah, and i think this is also an interesting point. and we've already seen the footage of a graveyard, as they said, all the abrams tanks and even bradley's as well. we've seen this posted online by russian soldiers, but they find them to say, hey, here's what happens with the west support that ends up here. and also what's interesting about this report is that it states, again, a d o d report, and it states that basically the united states will have to make a decision between sending more weapons to ukraine at their own expense. yeah, for this, i mean, this is just a bottomless pit. now, isn't it? i mean, the end of the day, you know, you have the announcements, all the bradleys on any abrams times. these are all supposed to be game changes the, these weapons were supposed to change it all the, all right, we hard games where in your or those as well. nothing happened. a just saying we're going to send f sixteens, we're going to say, you know what, send the 16th and see how quickly they wind up on the black market. because so many
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of the weapons that have been sent to you crazy have just been sold off one to the by market. that's why you found all these western weapons being used in gaza back in october about how much attack i mean, i mean, it's got, you know, being an american union for many of the, the us military yourself. i mean, i just asked you for one person to another how, how bad you feel of it isn't, was cringe. well, the watching the way the us government operates a new credit. and i, i feel like i'm covered in blood in the sense of wickedness in deaf stains, me and every officer in the united states. that's why officers like scott ritter and myself and doug mcgregor and others have come out going. this is a ridiculous betrayal of the constitution of the american people. this war was created by lies, and the bite administration is falling apart the by the administration is in civil war right now. and all of these weapons that they've sent to ukraine are going to be used by mexican drug cartels against the se, border southwest border of the united states, california, new mexico,
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arizona. all of that flood of immigration coming across this country. i think they are setting the united states up for massive kinetic operations, massive civil war, and the most disruptive time in american history in 2024. so you're seeing a great split in america right now. yeah. you're seeing 25 states declaring independence from biden. yeah, because there is nothing but chaos in deaf that is been exported for online allies as well and just lies. i mean, you know, the, i'm sorry, but the b s that comes out of the white house every single day. i mean, that's why when people watch vladimir putin speak, they get, they get, wow, they're almost, and i'm with the n d or indeed by him because he speaks logical measure statements where you've got this guy in the white house. he doesn't even know what he has a breakfast today. i don't want you to say something. yeah, i was about to say that they're more and more americans a wondering hey, where are we going with this? these are the questions are, are arise and also as press conference, is that the pencil going just a day ago?
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there was a question as well. ok, right now ukraine. last of desktop, there is no more money going in because us for public consult blocking the additional age. mm hm. so we'll ukraine, lose more cities. we've heard from joe biden saying, well, he can guarantee that more cities will fall, and then we have the pencil going also saying that they can guarantee that more cities will basically go into russian hands. let's take a lesson. it's a deep got unfortunately, was the strategic withdrawal that ukraine made in order to conserve their own artillery in ammunition and look, if we don't get more, if we don't get the supplemental, i outlined that at the very top. but if we don't get the funding needed from the senate, or sorry, from the house to pass the senate supplemental, we will not be able to provide these critical p da packages. and ukraine will have to make choices and decisions on what cities,
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what towns they can hold with what they have and what partners content can continue to supply them. so what we have is a, with the west support to ukraine, as we've seen, is losing without the west support. again, it's also losing and doesn't even stand the chance. and we're not seeing us republicans and democrats being able to come to any sort of a conclusion, a decision in a way to release those extra funds. so right now it seems that it's a lose lose situation. yeah, frank. yeah, yeah, i mean, the certainly is, but the, you know, the western allies thing we're with you to the very end we're going to stand by it, no matter what happens and how quickly have they turned tail and basically bail to, marine it's, i mean it's, it's you know what it is? it's, it's, it's a sad case of a fast, i mean, what, what, what's that? what's it, kissinger? kissinger, who said, what did you say about being a friend of america? being an enemy of america is even worse, being a friend, as a man, what the answer is more dangerous than anybody. because as we've seen, they've been supporting you cry. they're saying we're behind you,
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they've gotten us taxpayers funding this all along. your brain is not making progress. west or media are no longer hiding. the fact that hey, this is a stalemate, nothing's happening. we're sending all of this. what they keep calling it, at least one of the stalemate and it's like no, no, no, no, it's no just the size of attorney. it was a decision to go. yeah. it wasn't because there were lose and uh, and also soldiers. oh no, no, no, no, they were there teach at victory. they called it. oh yeah, teach it, retreat. your strategic victory score. let me ask you another thing. i'm sorry. they're saying that this is about some propaganda will back propaganda is uh, i don't know. yeah. it just doesn't work at all. i mean, you know, the thing is right, just just quickly, scott, you know, you're, you're us citizen, you're an american taxpayer. so, so thank you for helping to foot this conflict right now. i just want to say, you know, in america the narrative is, rush are invaded to great. russia invaded ukraine and we will know the, the war. the conflict started in 2014, but just quickly scott, i wanted to gauge your opinion on this, in an interview with subordinate ukrainian opposition leader victoria amendment judge said the western countries were building military bases in ukraine in
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violation of the banks because he is a go free foreign military bases were built, then they had 4 to 5 tunnels of the bunk who was 2016 the u. k. started training, ukrainian troops getting ready for a war. why is it that the western narrative is so different from what is actually the fact based truth and it's, well, the western narrative is being populated by pathological liars. so i was at the state department. i was in the pentagon, i was in various agencies and i can tell you one thing that the us as well as exceptionally live, they've lied to their own people. they've lied to europe, look at what's happening in europe, tractors, and farmers are, are going apoplectic because ukraine has become a cancer dumping all sorts of their internal goods and of europe in market. ukraine under the landscape regime is nothing but a bunch of knob to use the torture women and children and kill civilians. i've seen the bombs, i've seen everything, and that's, it's an abomination. and the fact is, the american people do not want this war. they do not want to fund this war. they
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don't want politicians little from this war. but yet the us through its own media propaganda has been constantly selling democracy. ukraine is nothing close to democracy and i think tucker carlson is in his brain interviewing boot and prove that. and thank god for president putin who was initiated a rescue of the people in ukraine. not an invasion. if it wasn't for put, and you'd have more people in ukraine, dead by torture under zalinski foot, and the russians went in and saved ukraine, and they need to continue a free in that country. and only one that is free from the nazi sod zalinski can there be any hope of peace, but what do you think would be an exit strategy at the same time? because it was also interesting is that for the past 2 years, we've heard, well, how will proofs and come out of this, even if he would want to, how would he say face right now? the conversation is changing and everyone's talking about nato and washington the want to come out of this conflict. but they, it feels like they can because they need to say face. so how do they exit pollutant
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has to be in lab or offering? zach, a robo all have to be the peace makers, right. blessed sort of the peace makers. they shall be called the children of god. the more they are peaceful, the more they are bringing bread and salt and healing to ukraine. the more the european people and the american people will go, that's the right thing to do. and they'll find the us politicians and the bridge politicians and these idiots and the you are completely out of touch with the sentiments of their people. yeah, so i think russia is not only going to militarily when, but they're going to diplomatically pub correlational, least strategic communications wise, go in and win the hearts and minds of the european people saying the long term agenda of peace is going to be achieved when we come in and in seal ukraine of the scars in the, the wound is that the, you and the united states cause me, but it's not, i mean, it just, just briefly, just as we were, as we wrap this up here, you to, you know, there were these voices on capitol hill and region of weeks and months, even savanski when he was visiting washington, saying, if you don't look out your american children, your american boots will be on the ground in ukraine. and you won't be fighting in
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ukraine. but just quickly, from the latest military news week, a newsletter, 77 percent of americans are either too fat, mentally ill, or on drugs to actually join the us military. you know, i don't know what world of what dimension some of these politicians live in because it's not in our reality scope. bennett, formerly of the us ministry, autism or, and the cause or a both of you. thank you very much. thank you. ok as well. the head of the danish ministry of defense says that the country will transfer the 1st f 16 pipe address to ukraine this summer. after the form of credit of the rush over to the steps of the west was taking my trigger, a nuclear will be posted covered right now for the off the dot com the well, they are un well, the food program is pausing. it's a deliveries to northern gaza. it's a decision that basically leaves hundreds of thousands of palestinians facing summit, or the aid stopping to apparently remain in place and so as possible to be safely
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distributed. deliveries that on the resume last week following a previous suspension. in fact, the, the wilson program said the new polls is due to quote, the collapse of civil war, the during distribution. sadly, recent times, i've seen several cases of trucks being loose at by desperate locals. but you know, civil disorder is not the only threat to the crowds of the desperate and displaced with got to get food from a trucks and gaza city was forced to flee. when is ready times open fire on them. some of the residents we spoke to believe that equates the ethnic cleansing is become very hard. i've been trying to get humanitarian aid for several hours. this is a bore of extermination, and a war famine. this is not a war, this is our night. elation the good the north of guys is suffering from poverty. banks have come and displaced people and we, the palestinian people are on the on the display stuff from my homes were hungry
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and were inevitably approaching death. this is injustice. this is ethnic cleansing . pulling up the un organization, the relief on works agency has seen as finance is drastically cut off for a number of western countries stopped. the funding that followed is really allegations that a handful of the you and stuff. what allegedly involved in the, how about the attacks and october or the end of the day, the world health organization says no one should ever be denied access to humanitarian. what type of work do we leave? when people cannot get food in water? or when people who cannot even walk are not able to receive care food, not reaching northern hudson, which is we, the circumstances of the most dire and most catastrophic when it comes to food, water, shelter, security. without those things you, we just going to see even more kind of simians die,
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not from the 30 bombings and bullets, but from starvation from malnutrition, from the fact that they are not accepted in water or medical supplies or anything to survive. as a human desperation of you, decide who to support because there's just so many in dire need. so you know, we try our best, but it's just feels like it's never enough agencies extracting themselves to get trucks in into headsets. so even if we raise quite a bit of money, it is being blocked, as we've seen, the managerial assistance and food and water and medical key should be given and kind of the way across the board to whoever needs it shouldn't be approved by any body. let alone the person who's committed in the walk right deeply flawed. that's how i miss the international, has labeled washington as reasoning to reject julian a sondors extradition appeal. human rights group was speaking in the immediate,
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off them off of the 2nd and final day of hearings that the u. k. hi. they were 1st the arguing, but it doesn't matter whether or not this case was political. that actually the u. k. is applies to expedite either way. this is really a deeply filled document for 2 reasons. one is but turned into so i'm just doing something that publishers and journalists do all the time. they receive classified materials from a confidential source that exposes will crimes, crimes against humanity. torture really great ish is in the public interest, and they publish them and to prosecute the journalist under the guise of an espionage acts for doing something like this is inherently looks of. the 2nd reason why this is really quite a fluid document for the us to make it as an agreement between the us and the u. k . as a mutual extradition agreement. and it's absolutely clear that political defense is called be the subject of extradition requests. a sondra is support as monitoring on downing street demanding his immediate release of the case, the high cost of 52 year olds,
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final attempt to appeal this expedition. states sideway has wanted on espionage charges. however, judges of good against making any immediate decision. we've not reach the end of the to day cool. henry interfered in his own. just pretend to expedition to the united states where he probably said 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team, his lawyers all getting cold. not say the judges in the original case have not taken properly into consideration other legit call cooktop in the white house. the with the say i to assassinate the service owns on the streets of london. they said that this call serious bounce over the insurance is given by the united states about his health and wellbeing. should he be expedited? these assurances have been dismissed by obviously in some not so as not with the paper the say, all written on. now there's been, there
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a speech is taking place now behind us from a, a range of a sound. you suppose? as we've heard about, the judges have deferred. that decision said, not taking that decision, say so that verdict will be announced a late today to we're having, so that could possibly be more so forth. but of course, we'll keep you updated with all the light, just using developers as we get what it's not hiding. you'd imagine that assigns wanted to attend to post the days of his hearing in person. but according to it, the lawyer, julian has been feeling rather on. well, get more details on that and let us updates as well. our website is on teach or comp. the by the way, did you know that the main judge set to rule on the assigned case has reportedly
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represented the interest of the new case by agency and my 6? i'm the u. k. ministry of defense. these activities, by the way, we're actually exposed by wiggly. so got this, the very judge rolling on the fate of a song. she was already exposed with each state's high spite. mister assad's. yep. that's the world we live in today. and this is your and use for the audience, the public sentence, and i'm going to play with you, whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed
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and whatever you do, don't my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne say the
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the . so i used to be starting the school curriculum. that's why i decided not let me set itself up. one was in which is spoken, the truth of what really happened yet, and he's off of the, the demons. so just bear with the, with the one with taking the picture. they were proud of the most like us.


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