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tv   News  RT  February 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the the russian forces gain more ground along the front lines coming just days after taking the keys pretty off off. do you have car? we've got an explicit report coming up as kids last is raising questions of the west. how the conflict can and in favor of you pray either be won't killed a voice to render. will they try to run and sleep? most of them chose the latter. those who didn't. well, they remain under the debris. i would just wish that with such that besides our american colleagues would not show at their democratic tables. some gone, major models from the russian foreign minister has a lot of mumps. i'm american foreign policy and it's late and it will proceed
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towards the following. international law, this is the board of extermination and a war family and this is not a world. this is our 9 lation of honda grove. blood supply that straight to the u. n. cuts off a deliveries to the old but destroyed northern guys that become duffy's really officials phrase. the idea of diverse station will be angry. i am personally proud of the ruins and gaza, and that every baby, even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren. but the jews did the bell, continued coverage of the latest try and shape in the world right now. welcome to our team to national i a michael fletcher now would begin in the natural public where the rich russian forces of cap to the village of pop it out. according to the
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nation's defense minister, ministry argues egos died of father. this report. one thing to understand about that is a small village just outside the city of the desk where i am right now it's capture has become possible off to russian forces liberated another town to even close to, to where i'm standing right now. and that's the town of money in case used to be one of ukraine's major struggles where they basically they turned it into a bass the end of defense. so why did russia decided to make the bed? it's next target off to liberating martin. even though the village itself has maybe 3 or 4 streets, basically this village is seen as one of the key points towards the town of oakley dot, which is another stronghold of ukraine. you know, i mean, he didn't ask for public schools who are very, very close to the city of dentists see, is located on a dominating high, surrounded by open fields. so taking a good job with a stupid in stopping the upfront attack is really impossible. and that even if it
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is possible, it would ensue heavy losses. so the capture of the town of the village of the bed that is one small step towards flanking oh, good. on cutting supply lines to this town for the training forces. this is the say, the tactic that we have seen in of day of the latest big victory with dog u. b. it is bigger than the capture of the bed. and we were among the assess tv crews to visit the town of dave. and we have, we had been bringing you exclusive reports. this is our latest one. as we have been observing some, a trophy vehicles that fell into the hands of russian foods and speaking with the locals. this is the high rise district enough to have cuz this was supposed to be the main stronghold, at least one of the main strongholds of its garrisons. but when the russian troops cuts the main supply, audrey well,
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they will simply left with the rather well unpleasant choices either of these they and will either be wont killed or surrender or they try to run and sleep. most of them chose the latter. those who didn't well, they remain under the debris. russian troops the reap the spoils of the soldiers salute as they tow a ukrainian tent right past us. an infantry fighting vehicle that lays on its side and the massive crater is pulled out and towed a way to of gave good ease of sophie to say, feel free. everything from nature may bradley's too small, the weapons in demo for the for the ford escape. since the city of i'm going to get off of the as
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much as food, i mean, is it already deep troops didn't bother with digging trenches inside of town, making themselves comfortable in houses and basements, rightful homeowners had no shame. this one of the, the crating troops hate mdf cane retaliation to fight is on the front line. they find tanks near the front, free 1st on my comes to bed straight and they fall sole civilians leaf and then the military took over and then when they were on depression themselves, they started spreading around the city. despite all this, we see a staggering number of locals while driving around of dave got all of them chose to live through how and booms and bullets were only a part of it. one elderly woman tells me how you crane town humanitarian aid into a tune for bending people's will the people responsible for distributing and give it out there? well, i'm russian. so the ukrainians were giving me human, tearing and but not all the time. wherever to get the a,
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do you have to write an application at the end you had to ride glory to ukraine. it frustrated me. yet she refused to be evicted on key terms. ukrainian troops offered to evacuate for their way from the front line, but i refused. i'm a russian, a citizen of russia. why should i move there? i have a son living and then yes, but they didn't allow me to go there. many of leaving, even now the look at somebody who, but the real beers, they're all those cities that russia is building a new in hopes that their homes and lives will be revitalized to make is done and proposing from of d. c. now they handle the dentist ministry of defense says that the country will transfer all the fuss, f 60 vidas, the ukraine. this somebody will the old jacks to be the much high game changer with the complex we provide all over i to our g dot com the and to gather now whether you,
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when will. busy food program is suspending a deliveries to the northern parts of the enclave. that decision leads to accomplish palestinians they're facing common. now the age pop, actual reportedly remain in place until it's possible to be safely handed out of the w. s. b. i could have called the said that the new p. busy is, is due to quote the collapse of civil order during distribution that recent times of seem chaotic situations as delivery trucks brought to the 2 locals spot, the so called civil this order is not the only threat there earlier crowds of displace policy unions who had gathered to get food aid at fox in, in, in gather city were forced to flee when id of. busy has opened fire in them. what we've heard from residents who said that the attack equates to ethnic cleansing is become very hard. i've been trying to get you monetary night for several hours.
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this is a bore of extermination, and a war famine. this is not a war, this is our night elation to do the north of guys that is suffering from poverty. banks have come in, displaced people, and we, the palestinian people are on the arm. the display stuff from our homes were hungry and were inevitably approaching death. this isn't just this, this is ethnic cleansing. now the, you and all these ation, the relief of was agency has seen its finances drastically. they called after a number of western countries, stop their funding that follow these really allegations that enhance the photo, the bodies that were involved, and they had mass attached in october, the world health organization have a size that no one should be denied access to aid. what type of, what do we leave when people cannot get food and water? or when people who cannot even walk are not able to receive cash food,
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not reaching northern hudson, which is we the circumstances of the most dia, and most catastrophic when it comes to food, water, shelter, security. without those things you, we just going to see even more kind of simians die, not from the 30 bombings and bullets, but from starvation from malnutrition, from the fact that they are not accepted in water or medical supplies or anything to survive. as a human desperation of you, decide who to support because there's just so many and dying needs. so you know, we try our best, but it's just feels like it's in a very nice agencies, extracting themselves to get trucks in, into concepts. so even if we raise quite a bit of money, aid is being blocked. as we've seen, the military assistance and food and water and medical key should be given and kind of way across the board to whoever needs it shouldn't be approved by any body. let
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alone the person who's committed in the walk right now over 2500 participants from a 115 nations around the world have descended on the indian capital. india is premier conference on well, the politics on economics raising a dialogue 2024 is on the way. archie is runjun. charmaya is in new delhi and brings us best report of the biggest diplomatic gathering thing. yeah, this is why so not dialogue in new delhi was around 2500 in so some thoughts of the funds have come from oh wow. 100 fantasies now, in the us flagship fall conference, rice and dialogue, it looks at your politics and your economics, but also how to work on some of the challenges and the international community is facing as one would expect in a geo political setting. and the focus has been full to the russia. you queen conflict many are being asked on what side they're on. and then that's side of the
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question. we in latin america or in africa, perhaps good ask why you're not on the side of ukraine overtly. and openly, perhaps, as because through cove it, the 1st back sees that we saw were from china and russia, while the west was hogging the vaccines. and then post cobit when the money was flowing in europe and the us saving hotels, airlines, or what have you. we're still going through those phase and we have not seen the amount of money and help that needed to do happen. and the last point is, had been couch and ukraine in terms of uh for serving territorial integrity. that's something we would understand in africa and latin america. when it's a talk with seeing as democracy in nato and what have you or the west versus the rest, then you lose some goodwill in other parts. but she is guess the stein is the prime minister of increase in spoken about in the as go with the russia ukraine conflict in the country that has time and again press that dialogue and just on the see is
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the key. none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines and i'm convinced of your coupon ukraine and has an important role to play. it has a voice that should be heard. so today and tomorrow is divided into several sessions. and 5 just to while ago, dr. x j sean course in the us foreign affairs minister for keys spoke about how g 20 on the india presidency. because india, diplomatic balancing act was such a success in india has in fact gone. lead us off from both the blocks from uh, from russia, as well as china, from uh, from the west on the one umbrella. and of course, india takes a lot of pride in that. interestingly, the sessions that are divided and the father is the patient that we are seeing from around $115.00 on fees with loss and we see minnes to us, but it also see form a heads of phase heads of government, military. c'mon,
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those experts academics also i think that can be does the next 2 days are going to be funding and we're going to keep a track as all the action on full is here at the rice and on dialogue in new jersey . now we've heard from the indian parliamentarian sha csr all who spoke about india's position on the ukrainian or russian conflict. a beer has a very influential voice and a long track record. a good relations of both sides. but no one volunteers to mediates until the 2 sides both seek it under both ready to talk to a common policy. i don't think that india was put itself forward from what i've gathered there waiting to see both countries. we'll decide that they're ready to, to piece for the longest time for 2 years. now, both countries seem to have an impact on the 4th full, and they haven't found a common ground yet. so my expectation is that if they tend to india and say, well,
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you help communicate with each with us, i'm showing that would be very, very happy to do that. but i don't see and give volunteering to do it until such time as the circumstances are typically right. but i would say as an indian, what these really want is for both boys to and we want peace for the sake of the people in those areas. and also one piece of the rest of the world talking about traditional vanity according to of like them to put in there are shared by people across the globe and health did by a russian. now his comments came during a farm titled strong ideas for new times the task of lead me thing and they say things are to show that our detractors, we're pursuing as obviously failed. but it's also clear that we have more and more supporters all over the world, especially concerning what we call traditional values, etc. it turns out that they are not only ours,
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and these are traditional values for any same person. the support to hold onto these traditional values turned out to be quite large and reliable, not only and friendly but also in on friendly states. and we also have many allies, they actually of the other russian president also supported the proposal of fund italian students to simplify the procedure for foreigners who wished to relocate to russia. i'd share its traditional values. vladimir put in on the line that russia needs to attract more highly qualified professionals, adding that emigrants coming to russia needs to respect the national, all the nations laws, traditions and then the, the language as well. you should have with a few minutes and now to discuss what life is like for foreigners in russia, i'm joined in here in the studio by archie, contribute that chris and chris is good to have you in the studio. lovely to best buy. now speak to me generally, when did you come up with the idea of moving to russia?
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that's a really great question, mike. so i guess the idea was probably the 1st time i visited russia, which was back in 2018, i believe. and sort of all these and preconceptions, i'd seen on the news in the u. k. you know, where i'm from. i just went through, i came to the city of moscow where we live and which is, you know, really amazing to visit as a 4 and a great night live good restaurants, i was younger then. so the night life was more repeating to me than that it is now . but nonetheless, that was probably the best experience and just the meeting russian people, i realized that they was the bottom, the villains from the movies, that they're actually very nice people. so i guess that's when the idea of fest popped into my head as it is riding up the piracy back time. did you, did you have any biases about russia, you know, one so on. yeah, i don't know if it was there was a bite the set in a way to which way we brought the top uh, in the k to, to see russians in general, which is the sort of scary people that you know building nuclear weapons and trying
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to attack the west, which obviously isn't true, but that's the thing. that's a preconception that a lot of people in the west have about russia. would you? and i both know is completely untrue. is the same thing. i see it because of course, it's not coming into russia myself. you know, we used to watch movie is missing, and russians will always be the bad guy. you know, the web it towers. they're the ones that have the drugs, the ones with a, you know, so there is this thing. yep. so coming into a rush, i was like, wow, i was a thought landing at the airport. i was going to see people, you know, all the bad guys, but it's all the wonderful human beings. yeah. i'm still not taught to be what role did you think that that the media outlets, social media, do you know what role did you think big played in creating the narrative around what russia is? you know, to, to all the parts of the world. yeah, i think look, i think that there's one big thing this, this one narrative that have that we can bring up, which i'm sure a lot of other kids use. i may not know that this whole thing with the time about
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the how would you be to issue have in russia that you know, predominately most, most people in the west think the russians off, for example, hypothermic. that's absolutely not true. in the middle top, we showed that the, the speech put together, he actually addressed this point directly to the presence on homeless. i think that all day people in there all day people living with each other in russia. the only difference is haven, russia, there's a sudden volume system which says look, it's fine to be gay. it's fine to date. as my grandmother, one sites, me, whatever someone gets up to in the one bedroom is their own business, and that's fine. it's just as a cultural values that hey, which, but that personally, i find very refreshing the idea that you know, and when my, my, my son is born in april, i wouldn't have to worry about what he's watching on the television. that he's being told that what a man and woman is and that he can identify his adult, that sort of thing here. so i think that's the, that's the biggest thing that scared the people seeing is a different kind of body system. the respects those norms and values opposed to the ones which that pushing on the majority of the west and populations that doesn't shed the values of the leads,
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i think is the same thing that said most of african countries that come home with that one days because the dog man, man, woman, woman has been there for centuries. yes. the fund moves. that's your personal is the same thing with the idea of religion. uh huh. well, tell me what you believe, how you think give how you feel it's skipping within your button the moment you want to put it out there and then you want, you want other people, either your menu selecting, the more casually them, you know, into that video. this is going to be a problem. absolutely not the pond a stuck to of how has your perception changed since you came in? had you been living here, you've been interrupting and going around? yeah, i mean, i mean like, you can speak to this as well. you know, russia is a multi ethnic i inside the multi religious country where, you know, i've got, i've got russian friends, the muslims that got russian friends that off. uh. both adults, christians, catholics, even. um my actual uh my my, my wife's uh uncle is a solomon in siberia i. they utilize these these these far,
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easton village advice. i think it's a real melting pulse of the coach. you know, i come from from london which is a very diverse multicultural city. which, which i love with, i proud of that as long as i think here that that's even most of it's mike the 5 by 100 percent. you can eat best food from all over the world and most go pretty much anywhere in russia. and it's a really refreshing place to live and i walk in and play and, and, and, you know, do do everything that we do every day here. but let's talk about traditional finding that this is one thing that russia has in it and whole is very d as in the mind. and then you coming from the british, you know, that setting. yeah, we all know that britain have send to an amazing, you know, traditional value of itself. we flag, it seemed like everybody vol movie that we watch it. i need to have that british setting trying to show you did all of that. but what does that mean to you coming from the bridges setting that has very deep rooted national values and coming to
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russia with its own maybe could be a little different, but i know the very deep, you know, rooted tradition and society. sure. what does that mean to? yeah, and so it means that huge amount seem like because the, the, the button, the i grew up in, i don't think he just, just in the same way. and i'll, i'll give you an example. so i believe, you know, russians and, and british people, the majority of people, we share the same values, the families of family life, the value of, of life. and the would be what people called traditional bodies. but i didn't think that tradition of my, i think that common sense value. and i think what's happened really in the west, but even in, in the u. k, that it's been a road. it's the point that people don't really know what they're thinking. i can give you a quick kind of data might kind of, we don't have that much time in a very good friend of, of, of mine. i'm actually go father to her son, him at school right now. he's going to school in the u. k. and his mother has had to put him out the clause because they decided to teach him that much and a 6 year old boy and telling him that you can identify as anything you want,
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i think because that confuses him. so he said it comes home to his mom and says, mom, i think i'm a boy, my boy. i mean it's, it's perfectly date of birth. yeah. there's, you know, those values, the respect to them, we aren't going to put that in childrens has, i mean putting those they said that we please don't touch the children. yeah. and he meant he meant that. and so yeah, i think if i honestly requested that side of that where i get so much statement from like them to put in and resonated a lot on the african continent where the field to that you don't allow children to be to grow up, you know, simply the window all sure. yeah. you know, sent, allow them to grow up. just don't put things in their mind. yes. let them good. naturally up to the go up. what about the want to do when the adults find? let's go back to let me them up. so not much come, okay, i guess i've been told we have to leave it here and then we can go on and on and on about what we would. but of course we have to leave you here. now. thank you so much for the time. thanks. so much. all right, not moving on, sir again. love rob the hell, the press conference out. the g. 24 and ministers in rio de janeiro meeting it is
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remark. see one, washington's appetite for head. somebody can lead to choking the notion that was before our meeting here, there was the munich security conference where we stopped participating a long time ago. it goes in recent years, it has it generated into such a inter nissan affair, where the west convinces itself. but it is always right everywhere and that it will be live space forever. but i was also sitting there in front of some of the media that were covering this event. i, mr. blinking said there, i even wrote it out. i quote, for which it, under no circumstances divide the world into separate blocks, it seems like the right idea which he made of the can see in it without any pause. of course, 1st of all, we will cooperate with democracy, those and then you for the most beautiful thing is the statement that all countries i quote, there was a choice to be at the table of the international system or to be on the menus that it is here you have the approach of representative of us foreign policy to those
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who disagree with that. and i would just wish that with such that besides our american colleagues would not show at their democratic tables to see and now let's cross a live to r t for us, but, and also not believe that i was going to have you join me now. can you give us more details on what else is there? gabrielle said of the uh well uh, i think this uh phrase about the no choking at the democratic table. uh perhaps was the, the most the day that the one the but i have to say that this is not just the rushing sire sarcasm. this attitude is a shared by the majority of the g 20 members. in fact, uh, according to sort of a level off. uh, this is something that the brazilian holes tried to make the main theme of the presidency because we, and now the point where i do apologize is, so this is the, there's a huge gap. it's been retorted co uh, pull it taking or do pull it,
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taking the ability to do practical, substantive work and the brazilians, uh, try to make sure that this forum remains the place where people are not only throwing rhetorical dirt at one another, but also discuss certain issues of mutual importance. now uh, this is something that uh, is uh at heart, uh and uh, very much pursued by the majority of the world but is being opposed by the west. because the west wants to preserve its privilege, the privileges that it has accumulated and financial and your political, military spirit and uh, the brazilian cost were trying to make sure that this is not interfered with the practical normal development. just what you discussed with your previous guest, uh before that, you know, the majority of people on this planet are interested in running the normal lives and seeing that centers of living, improving in organizing the affairs in
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a common sensical way. this is ultimately what b g 20 was created for to pursue economic projects to create mutual seen is just to make sure that they are there added benefits in mutual cooperation and the brazilian tried to, as i say, i've tried to insure it and there they've been some results coming out of it because they talked about reforming. so governance not only the united nations, but also the global uh, governing infrastructure like they are math and other financial institutions. they also talked about inclusivity and sliding power to they talked about sustainable development in the economic, social and uh, a logical sense. and this is how it sort of deal a bit of some that the, the, the prevailing attitude among the majority of 2 types of members. what are the issues this them in developing countries have actually emphasized the need to move
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away from artificially narrow opportunities to attempts to achieve geopolitical goals, which for the most part have nothing to do with international law. and they're designed to defend the interest of only one narrow group of countries and the attempt of some of our western colleagues at the meetings of the group of 20 ministers. to divert the discussion from considering these key issues on the topic of support for the key for game unfounded accusations of russia and in every possible way to ukraine eyes the agenda by developing countries which most countries of the global south and stuff not supported. and this was proven by the discussion that took place here that the westwood had been the wes basement. didn't try to hijack this uh forum as well. um, a number of ministers including the u. k. 4 and secretary drummond, foreign minister, the american secretary of state, brought up the issue of the death and full exciting of all need this palm and the critic of the russian president in one of the russian prisons. now the causes of
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the of these death are still unknown, but as to the gala, rudolf faced questions about the fate of alexander bottom. they. she also said that if you are truly concerned about, you know, human lives, the value of human life. if you're concerned about the rule of law or about freedom of speech, then you would be concerned about all those cases across the board. then you would not pick and choose, you know, cases that are suitable for your ideological. i've done that and ignore something that happens in, in your own country. here he's specifically ma'am the, the death of the american journalist, a recent death of the american journalist in, in a ukrainian prison who died of pneumonia and, and them and being denied repeatedly denied medical treatment even though his father was continuously petitioning that, petitioning for that uh, from the u. s. embassy. now here's what sort of gain levels have to say about
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double standards. and it's important to keep in mind that you've used apple centers not as just a moral failure, but it's actually a way of doing politics a way that expresses or that views certain countries of certain people as a super people uh under met with super mention or others as a somewhat interior with the the studio group of people do ask for the history about the valley staff. i don't even want to comment in detail. these people have no right to interfere in our internal affairs, especially since they themselves have such a log in their eyes. with julian assigned with gonzalieras who died of torture in the ukraine in prison. and neither the americans nor any other western figures in any way, even commented on it. i'm just making sure once again that the nazis can do anything . this is a very serious thing. and if we talk about the demands that are being made now, we demand open and independent investigations. well, it's a shame. remember,
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when he became ill on the plane, the plane was the mid of we landed, an ambulance was already wage and bear arms. conductors began to provide him with all necessary assistance. the germans, at the request of his wife, asked to pick him up urgently. it was all done within hours one day. and then when he ended up in germany, nothing was found in the civil and clinic there of what they accused us about of the states and brought him to the buddhist, where a military clinic, where they determined that some kind of novel chuck was found in his body, we asked to see the results of the tests, but we were told no, it's none of your business. we accuse you of poisoning him, but we won't show you the analysis. we won't give it to the organization for the probably be sion of chemical weapons. we went there, they tell us, yes, we were given this analysis, but they told us not to show it to anyone. that's it. the circle has closed and these people are still trying to make some accusations that we are not.


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