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tv   News  RT  February 23, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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it is blowing against the west, the russian navigator, stripe choppers taking a but ukrainian drone and control positions in the don't ask republicans as a clearing of the recently captured key city of, of do you have got continues. we are reporting from the ground. this is the, the net worth of filtering plants, the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here, the 1st order of business for them. he was to strip citizens of the nets, of something as basic as the rice, as the access to tap water is not improved in vows. more advances in strength, fitting rushes and forces, as was coming on the defender of the fatherland national holiday. and just the day after he took to the skies co pilot thing, the fastest strategic farmer in the world he is already connected,
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fails to house to a fellow m p over his public support for south africa's genocide case against israel. we hear from the mine of, of the center of attention who highlights low may cause a turning a blind eye to the atrocities being inflicted upon the guns. the vast majority of only the 120 members of the can estates. it just, you know, tell them, it's the whole, oh, even me, i'll us find a, just to be jim ship. what's going on, you guys up and the in the, it's in spring for, for me as a human being the, you wouldn't be hearing any mainstream narratives on this channel. perhaps the reason why you are with us today, of course, it's not straight to ukraine. we go where russian forces are set to have the car without a wave of stripes on ukrainian drone control operators. tockets were in the north,
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so there's like go ahead script public. what keeps forces us to have partial control in that area of a k, a 52 helicopters known as the alligators. that unique with the dual wrote a design. they were used in the attack. the russian defense ministry says the strikes were launched from close range and tough weather. and we heard from one of the pilots, sooner than will up with a little budget today, the task was set to destroy the enemy's you a, the control points i know the flight took place without any special features. the targets have been destroyed. the helicopter did not let us down. upon finishing the attack of that one more defense system, notified the crew about the launch of this thing. the onboard defense system then launched heat traveling and the inverted the mason at the middle of gilbert and moving to the south of the gwinnett square public. specifically the recently captured city of idea of all things that you could have done off. now bringing us this exclusive report as he looks at how russian soldiers to back the main water filtration facility during the ukrainian retreat. this is the, the nets quote of filtering plants and until early 2022,
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it used to provide fresh wood safe use to provide access to fresh water for the entire city in early 2020, to kind of switch sides. it used to be in the grey zone, kind of the no man's land according to the mask agreements and the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st thing they did, the 1st order of business for them here was to deny was to strip citizens of the nets of something as basic as the right as the access to tap water. the station hasn't been a safe place for years. it's operating company would have to repeatedly implement shut downs to ensure workers safety back then all hopes were pinned on the o is c, and it's you and backed monitoring mission, alex peace making skills. now the stations that provided water for over a 1000000 people looks like this. the
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you to call was that we took your up. dave got read the scripture on the wall left by the units who entered the territory of the basset station 1st little because there were no significant battles here. but it's an interesting story. we're preparing for these thoughts and how to make our way through the tunnels. here in the end, everything happens so spontaneously with our drill and dropped leaflets, calling for surrender in the red. we won't kill you and had the phone number of our division commander. they called and said that they wants to surrender. we gave them half an hour. so they jumped out of their positions and then
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a chain reaction began them. then emmys fled from of they ask of that is there were no harsh clashes. they simply fled and were shot as they ran away, throwing their weapons to assist. it won't be sued until this facility will be able to pump the water to people's kitchens and bathrooms. ukraine still holds hostage the river of saber ski. the next. the main water supply of the don't pass rusher has to claim control over its up stream too. so the issue, clues of black smoke rising on the horizon show that it is doing just that one is done of approaching from the dog boss. ok, see a lot of my food and has vile to beef up rushes, military capabilities is probably coming out of the of this friday on the defender of the fatherland national holiday. so what he meant in the media email, it wasn't, it was of it is, there are many allow me challenges and risks in the modern world. but the powerful capabilities and combat readiness of our army and navy guarantee russia security.
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and it's free suffering development, such as incorporating our real combat experience. we will continue to strengthen the armed forces in every possible way, including ongoing re equipping and modernization. today with the share of modern weapons and equipment and the strategic nuclear forces has already reached 95 percent. while the naval component of the nuclear triad is at almost a 100 percent. we have begun serial production of news or college hyper sonic missiles. trials of other offensive systems are nearing completion. last december, new strategic submarines were added to the navy just the other day and because in 4 to 160 minutes, all carriers were transferred to the home forces. fortunately noise, but to just give everyone his comments are coming on the heels of his trip to the cars on aviation manufacturing facility, offer pre flight inspection president booting took to the skies. the co pilot is one of the nation's modernized strategic moments. before funding on board, he personally inspected for if the upgraded across around us on his flight,
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lost it for a good 40 minutes smell of the 2160 m, as a russian strategic bama known as the white swan domestically and the black jack by nato countries. as part of the countries nuclear triad, it's got a range of over 12000 kilometers without refueling. it's ammo, pretty varied. ms. aisles guided munitions, a nuclear capable weapons, even the ability to deployed c mines as well. they can also carry the fab bottom that have been use extensively during the ongoing conflict in ukraine, the f a b, the 5 is a high explosive burial bomb development actually began back in the soviet union. but these days, their old modernized with wind kit signed a satellite navigation, which allows precise targeting and the ability to deploy them fall from the front lines. they were used in high volume during the strikes. one of jessica meanwhile, is that important, gave his review when the aircraft carriers yes, we are receiving advanced military hardware and it's excellent. it's really of the
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next generation. as i told the aircraft commander in the hands of the defense ministry, of course, it can be accepted into the service of the russian armed forces. it's a new aerial vehicle. it is handled very well, and which is visible to the naked eye. it's very reliable. quote, traditional values are shared by people across the globe and help via by russia. those are the key takeaways most speech. why is that important for him? cold, strong ideas for the new times. as i mentioned, the task of lead me thing and they say things, that's what i show, that our detractors we're pursuing has obviously failed. but it's also clear that we have more and more supporters all over the world, especially concerning what we call traditional values, etc. it turns out that they are not only ours and that these are traditional values for any same person. the support to hold onto these traditional values turned out to be quite large and reliable because not only and friendly,
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but also in on friendly states. we also have many hours there, julia, the russian president, those are appraised and italian students suggestion to simplify the procedure. if a foreigners wishing to emigrate to russia, we the out of the must go, needs to attract more highly skilled workers highlight. i think that old you come as must respect the countries, laws and customs, and special representative and envoy of the russian foreign ministry actor stevens set goals says the us has betrayed russia as the bad guy. 4 years old, but with my grandparents were from russia. there from the far east and quickly as a child, i realize that there's politics going on because i was told i don't see question and my parents were saying yes to the grandparents wants to crush into stephen. and we don't want him to speak russian because we are in the middle of the cold war . so cold war goes back a long time. united states of america has their own agenda,
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and they have their own narrative. and one of the things that they have wanted to do, going back and way back from, from the beginning of after world war 2 was to be able to paint russia as the bad guy 90 percent of the people who america believed. whatever they saw in the internet, whatever they saw in the newspapers, whatever is on the magazines. and as time went on, they started to wise enough and realize that, you know, oftentimes are being manipulated and lied to. but in the beginning it was oftentimes a pretty terrible and pretty r on some like meets because i love the dry show and i can see that these people didn't know. and i, you know, sometimes you were here crazy, crazy lies and propaganda. one of the things that happened recently
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was the world cup, and i think was genius because he invited the world here at all. a sudden noise came here and sorry, wait a minute, rush is a beautiful place. mazda is an amazing city is very cultured. technological advances are higher here than most places. restaurants are some of the best honors. the culture is some of the deepest and most, you know, beautiful culture on earth. you have amazing literature, amazing history. and oh it's, and you have the bullshit by laying amazing musicians and music institutions and amazing science. you know, really, some of these are really some of the best in the world. and so i don't want to say that russia is the greatest country on earth. but for me, it is members of the is ready, parliament have again rejected the idea of a palestinian state and then move,
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being celebrated by the country's prime minister. the kinetic came together in an overwhelming majority against the attempt to impose on us the establishment of a palestinian state, which would not only fail to bring peace, but what also in danger of the state of israel. this is not the 1st time that israel has dismissed the 2 state solution which was 1st proposed by the united nations all the way back in 1947 for years now is ready settlements on occupied territory in the west buying have expanded despite most in the global community considering them all to be a legal, pat listing and for manager to condemn. the latest vote by israel saying the global recognition does not require israel's permission. meanwhile, within his route itself, the opposition has branded the prime minister, the main obstacle to peace, even accusing him of brain washing the public this and you who has been the main obstacle to peace for sure. and he certainly has prevented peace or any political
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solution into one of his e as in politics. one of the reasons for cultivating him us was to make sure that there's no peace because that would mean a palestinian state, which is a big no, no for him. it's more likely that he will not go for peace, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt, even though he does not deserve any benefit. that may be a miracle can happen in a separate video and please try but fail to oust an opposition. m p, who openly is backing the south africa's claim that israel is behind the genocide and gaza offer cast safe was accused of siding with how much well we actually spoke with castillo himself. he said to her master techs in october were inevitable . he also called them blow back for his really policies. the demand sucks though that didn't jump in bench is is that w o himself and his government down the main venture to the very existence of the
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state of reserve, the pro fees. we cannot ignore that. the conditions that enabled the data of the car from age of 7 before to been created by nathan jo in his government's while the use and my soccer is to stop the blood ship. i don't want anyone to be cute and neither philistines, nobody's a lease that's it is, of course cannot be investigated. so like any other guns we, you know, to investigate. it stands. so the part is john appropriate in the financial institution, which is recognized by use this way, by the way, you guys to check and then talk to us, be multi multi vague ship my book division in signing this petition. and by the way, the feature was built against the state, the freezer, that it was against the government of the site. so the e u has expanded its list of sanction targeting those who they accuse of ating must
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go when it's conflict with ukraine. as it stands, more than 2000 names of individuals on entities are labeled as a, quote, fred, to ukraine's independence. by the luck of the expansion of the measures commons as a part of a so team package of sanctions against russia. new names added on the list of subject to have their assets frozen in the u. travel balance implemented as well as various barriers on trade list includes not only russian companies, but something from india, a straight line to china. so be a thailand protocol yet. and catholics dawn and according to india is foreign minister. the west is not doing itself any favors by shutting the door, and i can see the reality of that. but i think it's very much in the suddenly an indian national interest. but i would suggest, actually, in global interest when russia, you know, what's happened today with russia is essentially
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a lot of doors have been shocked to rush on the west. i think it's makes sense to give brush on multiple options. if we, if he really rolled restaurant the single option and say that, you know, that's really bad because that's the outcome then you are making. it does kind of a self fulfilling prophecies. well, india is just one of the agent countries has deepened cooperation with russia despite most goes so cold i solution by the end of the last year must go into jelly, reached the historic higher trade volume. both nations emphasizing the need to move away from you using that to the american dollar and trade and robin use national currencies well bus. well, i think what kind of to use to form an indian passive to the netherlands. now joining us live from the deli at about 7 45 pm on friday evening. it's great to get you on the program. thank you very much for joining us today. what are your thoughts? you find my us, the, you continuing to expand its sanctions against russia. now we've got more than 2000
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names including companies and entities, many from india as well. what do you think is the goal of this new round of science? i think they are being union forget the advice that they do is to give them do, which is the country cannot speak, not it's history and it's jobeth is on wheels to be door about on hostile neighborhood. perhaps you european union needs to understand that it's history and geography is inexplicable, ending with that greek go to the civilization, which is the russian coincidence, immunization of country. that is both europe. in addition, a country that has deep roads into continent ad your cannot possibly in the middle and also provide the dog trade with russia. links with joshua is common, got it, and that is the one i thought is sending the business to
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a deposition. so eloquently said, it the one to shut the door, didn't many other doors available to issue because i should i just to your, to be in the country. it is not just a european civilization. it's also an issue of an edition with very deep link chalicia as it very deep links to india. it has been india did foss, brendan supporter, add india address. you have a relationship which indian can never forget. who i sure came to read when we would be we're isolated by the, with the word facing. and it's essential that we could not forget that i now have a list for that. behind we have developed a relationship with russia, which isn't russia national interest at all. and mashed inches, and that is what foreign policy and security policy is all about. if the west one
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shot the doors to the issue, when there are many, many doors which were or with the russia and many more doors, which we opened to russia because russia is a great follower. and it's also agreed it should follow as well as being agreed your info. it's a very well very well rounded coming from a former investor. i appreciate you saying that it well, i'm also like i'm grateful. the brought up john carter as well. i mean, india as far administer as foss cutting into a rock star. i mean that the guy who, you know, he speaks, he speaks brilliantly, really measured statements. he pushes back against pressure. i mean, i'm a big fan of his hairy, very quickly. let me ask you, if i kind of russia is calling, these are these new sanctions a full list, attempt to put pressure on most go and it's partners your thoughts on that but instead of the fact that it's done, you know, 6 to invest you. so i cannot compete with them and that, but as far as the action doesn't fund, these sanctions, in our perspective,
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do not come from this to go to concert. the only called the only sanctions which have an impact on those the judges to, according to international, by this, the godaddy concert. and the us, these are, you will need that from sanction which i, being in for in the mistaken belief that the love is not connected, but it is, it is connected and globalized. so you want essentially the country you might end up by damage in your own economy, which is exactly what has happened. yeah. as part of the sun, we have not been a single section. we have utilized the existing law to the trade with russia in accordance with international, nobody going to use in deal or having broken a single function. we have done what is permitted by know and what it's permitted by law is what we have done to increase phenomenally, all the trade value with josh. yeah. and that does this good. it's a for, it's
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a comment. it's a fair comment, but, but as, as you know, uh, a good friends in washington they, they lied. so kind of walk around the world with a bull whip in their hands with thing people to stay in line with a line, maintain the narratives, and the, and, and also allow the hedge onto basically stay in power. this is, i think, you know, we entering dangerous times because of this multi polar. well, that is continuing to blossom in the old school. the old empire does not want to lose its grip on the world. and so father, you sanctions, they have an influence to all states to be against you. i mean, asia and africa, we talk and she was part of the world's originally deepening, that ties with russia these days. why do you think that is because for the most part of the was the one not to be connected to the on opinion in big conflict between your grant and russia is
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a very sort of interest. as many consider euclid and russia to be brothers and her father in a box or need to, to make up and find a peaceful solution between them. says that is what parts of the wood always from russia and ukraine. consider secondly, most parts of the line and that such as in the continent of issue are also view that joshua is too important the country chose to strategic to be ignored or to be pushed into a corner because it's done in the distance it. if you leave the show me the only one door open that is not booked for international thesis to guarantee it certainly is not good for the yes and election, but we don't want to have only one door open. we want, right? you have to have many doors open so that you, i sure can exercises options in accordance with this national interest in
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accordance with what rushes in, just like it's open deals inches. so i think that these are really not true. sanctions have actually proven the point that the uni latrell sanction actually damage the country from which is involving the sanction. yep. and then the country of one who does the sanctions of the board because the world is globalizing interconnected. and there are many, many different ways of getting it off essentially. now i think that is the problem . what has happened to the over the last 2 years? not just not do you deal with not like the conflict between the 2. and we would like to conflict when we would like to have a peaceful solution. but we don't believe that sanctioning russia in this matter is going to have any effect of door. in fact, countries with abroad history go to the nation, react very badly, the forms of expression because they haven't,
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the thoughts suffered from external specialist. exactly, and they didn't do such countries with growth. gotcha. this isn't as issue. don't appreciate either the you just bought me all the questions about the that you're not the way to do this, but this is the state of affairs of a fast today is me. i mean, as you say that these unilateral sanctions damage the countries that are issuing the sanctions, i mean, personally was warning years ago. you guys, you'll sanctions a gonna boom. all right, and that's exactly what's happened even russia is surviving. it's, it's actually on the more than 15, the old and sanctions right now that several times mold on iran. and yet the russian economy is in the positive. it's going up by 2.6 percent. europe is going down the drain right now, and you've got to wonder, you know, with this american native proxy war against russia and ukraine, who's actually faring the was to because economically speaking is the united states and the u that are really halting these days. and yet,
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here they are arguing about more money. i'm more wet buttons being sent to ukraine . i mean, if i can ask you about the, what the, with your experience is being a former ambassador here. what would you do? and i'm, so i'm going to give you 30 seconds for this, but what would you do to try and resolve the confidence in ukraine? how would you approach it when i would approach it by setting up. um, i'm immediately making isn't by which 1st was parties would speak to a trusted mediator find comment on the trusted video at the speak to the 2 parties . and eventually when that is gone, gone, then the 2 parties will speak to each other. this is all to the city in the u. n. mean, one of these been given to me did when that is the inductive and so for the intractable monthly you find it. so i just need you to who can speak to both, both parties that individuals find some common ground and then it'll be then you'll
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bring them to. then i think in this is i, when i was growing up, i always thought there was no difference between you when i'm not sure the same language been, but just in the vision, same religion. the people of the night, the women are beautiful. it is really fancy to see so many russians are being killed. so many, many i'm thinking as an indian, i really would like to have a feasible solution. so that to a strange the can live in peace. one brother has been, has changed from the other because of external buffy indicated that the brother should understand that his destiny was a nice in being at peace with this strange brother. yeah, that is what that is of that is a very beautiful comment to wrap up our interview here. our conversation with best buy table 100 the full the indianapolis center to the netherlands. joining us live from new jersey. it's been a great pleasure. thank you very much. the well, the growing list of bite and bloopers as gain the brand new entry as off of the us
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president mistakenly called the wife of the late russian political activist election of albany, yolanda or instead of julia just hours off to meeting up personally. it really was flashing around a wife and daughter the god is even gonna find the doorway out of that place. meanwhile, politicians, the media, even celebrities, in the west of jumping on the valley bandwagon. are you surprised? is all these shape as well as anyone taught a little irishman called paul houston, better known as pano, couldn't get any more annoying. it looks like they were wrong. well,
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she uses nick named bondo, comes from adult, and hearing aid shop. the aging you to front mine direly of the us labor lead remains told death to the reality of the issues he insist on blundering into. most recently it's been is raising mass killings and gaza, where he decided to remember these ways, but ignore the guys in the light of what's happened in israel and g as a song about non violence seems somewhat ridiculous, even laughable. but our prayers of always being for peace and for non violence. so the october 3rd is right. that is the
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sign for the not everyone with a global musical audience agrees with the how you deal, where you know, irishman pink floyd front bonnen assange campaign or roger waters didn't hold. but when it came to the queen, give me self important on a anybody who knows how to should go pick him up. i have some shame actually stops being said, oh, a s h. i see, you know, we have it starts patients. these people say you're finish. oh disgusting, that degree and you. when you stand up for this on his day, that's what he did in the spirit in las vegas. couple of weeks ago singing about the status of the day before all the most is gusting things i've ever seen in my life. and of course it bills and stuff there, but it was predicted be rolled out front and center whenever the us state department needs to push
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a narrative. and what better platforms on the stage. and although the results look, embarrassingly contrived, the showman always delivers this time. it was an awkward chunk of racist antics stream. is alexi novalis named after yet another uninvited political lecture on the audience would never have worse. so i believe, and we must say it and you are thinking the self appointed lecture in international affairs with stopping there out. another thing call me bonnell, went on to pedal. the natal fantasy narrative, the vladimir putin was stopping in ukraine even suggested the russian might invade the long, deformed east germany. but demonstrate to the extent of his geopolitical knowledge for his captive audience.


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