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tv   Direct Impact  RT  February 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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as the non being massacre claimed, the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, many foreigners advance of the atrocity phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non seeing operation freezes, yasu eco, a socket was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration. the the hey, i'm rick sanchez. i've been doing news now version 30 years, 2 languages all over the world. here in the united states interviewed for us, presidents world leaders working for the us as major television networks. i don't like what they do. i think news should be honest, direct and impactful. this is direct impact
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the i want to talk about china's shoes and this is a man suddenly confronted with 2 things at once. one planned and one unplanned, both big present. and she is trying to continue his legacy of well, his signature project, the belt and wrote initiative. what is the be really? well, it's china is self described way of creating economic growth in age of the pacific rim africa as well as central and eastern europe of the
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various she, along with the russian president vladimir putin. at the summit, commemorating 10 years of the b. r i developed wrote initiative the optics of those 2 leaders together is an error to the western politicians like, you know, the u. k. in the united states. more on that is coming up in just a little bit, i promise. but stay with me for a while. because i want to talk more about just the b r i summit right now. she was also joined there by leaders from all over the world whose support is initiative and the loans and the infrastructure expertise that they hope to receive from the b r. with it, they helped to build power plants for their countries or rail roads and highways and uh, what else? so shipping boards and fiber optics networks that kind of stuff to be fair, not all of the b r i's infrastructure projects. i've worked out well. still most
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global south and non western align countries. they're still in most of them all in they want to be, they want to be a part of this africa. yes, middle east. same that more than 20 countries in latin america are saying see to she to easy. but there are the countries who refuse to join even the one that recently dropped out, talking about italy here. i don't know if you've heard it only the only country who was both part of the g 7 and the b r. i was a no show at the summit. of course, it will come as no surprise to you to hear that the country that most despises b r i in china and put pressure on others do not join or quit. is you guessed it, our country, the united states. in fact, this morning is from the us based thing. tech. it's called,
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pacific rim. could look them up. they're telling countries interested in joining the b r i not to like don't because it will result they say in the chinese having access and control over their communications, their surveillance, their media, and at the book they're going to spy on them. that's not all effective. that's not scary enough. there's this. now, remember the image of the presidents she and putting together. let's go back to that. the us media is tv networks and newspapers have been pouncing and then use that as a bludgeoning tool against the b r i. even the wall street journal, good newspaper chimed in with this very, very, very critical report. it's not a ringing endorsement, right? nor was one expected. but something happened on the way to the this year's
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b r i summit, that suddenly shifted the world's focus elsewhere. it also puts she in a very difficult role of playing both summit host and participate in a world conflict a. ringback v how mosque attack and israel's heavy handed response seems to have created both a destruction and an opportunity for the chinese leader. and the move right out of machiavelli is the prince. she took advantage of the opportunity and used to try and differentiate themselves from president joe biden. first, let's go through how he did this. first. he made it a point to meet with a leading era leader egyptian president, the l. c. c,
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who is on his riley detractor. then she called on israel to declare, receives fire, and warn them against the ground invasion. then he refused to call her mazda of terrorist organization. and instead. busy for a 2 state solution. in fact, here's she's spokesperson, model name. did you buy it from to hume when the for the total say you know, sure. now both on trees on file, this is catlin, pete, so you can go to them to function she and trim yet torsion. teach you it should go from the clique. once you go down to the phone down to choose from what you so who you don't, which is or to machine let's stay on this. but let me ask you this. what is it behind the geo politics of? she's reaction. in other words, what is she real play here? here it is. israel is the united states biggest ally. china's allies are on the
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opposing side. among the biggest be iraq. by the way, china has tried to build relations with israel, but washington has always intervene, pressing as well to keep china away, keep china out and forcing use real to always let them know whatever china talked to them about. so israel is not a bad that has paid off well for beijing, which is why she is instead turning to the error of countries. and especially the gulf states like the saudis, who now are once again pulling away from israel because of the attacks on guys are because they feel they need to because of the images, the optics. so given all that, and given the us attacks on his pet project, you know, about road initiative. what is she's message right now to the error and gulf states?
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it's simple, right? it's this, it goes like this. we would say she, we are supporting palestinians. father, you, us is helping israel and the israel is bonding palestinians. that's his argument. it does the same brilliantly mock of alien but it's not a hand he could also overplay and i'll tell you why. because she cannot afford to have this conflict escalade into an all out war, nor is he likely to support iran call for an oil embargo. the reason is china is among the world's largest consumers of oil. a major war would make oil more expensive. so here's the upshot for, she's avoiding more is important, but taking an easy victory lab against as most art in co credit us in the battle
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for p r. that one. that one. and that's not one, he can pass up. all right, let's talk about this now. with and gosh, she's a host and reporter for c g t and radio. she's also a, a geo political commentators. so she talks about the whole lives, a lot of all the things that are going on in the world, studies it and has conversations on it all the time. and a thanks so much for joining us. thanks for having me. haven't made the honor to finally talk to you in person. oh, that's very nice for you to say. i was taking it back by the president. she and his handling of the recent belton road summit and, and doing so. but. busy the way, well, the whole world seemed to become a good part because of what was going on in the middle east. how do you think he was able to handle that? and i think when we talked about the post, spanning is really conflict of ever seeing the beginning of the conflict. actually, china has repeatedly said that all violence and attacks against the siblings are
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sure to be condemned. and any violation of international law should be rejected. in fact, in a human, a security draft or resolution supported by china and the majority of members of the mito to by the united states. back on october 17th of the countries collectively expressed a similar stance. and clearly rejected and condemned the terrorist attacks by hama as that took place in israel, starting on october 7th. what you just said is the antithesis of the u. s. position, which makes me immediately have to ask you, and i apologize for interrupting. it looks like at least when it comes to this, china is taking a position which is completely the polar opposite of the united states position. and they're doing so. i think you tell me if i'm right or wrong in such
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a way cuz they want the era world to hear that 3rd staking a position that's different from the us position. kind of like public relations and marketing. now you're absolutely right. i think that's the point i want to make here. the car in the city ration is clear and should not be mistaken. these thoughts, 2300000 in as soon as the buildings in gaza or lecturing amazed in discriminates of bombardment even in hospitals and schools. of refugee camps and a huge facilities, they are not spared a water or electricity food and a few supplies. having cut off before almost a month, starving children in desperate mothers can be seen everywhere. to code a secretary general could tell us the people in gauze of face and a r, r r, suffering and to end these. and actually china cause on all parties to seize all hostilities. these engage immediately and a putting place of human tearing,
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choose specifically cause on israel as of all to paying, occupying power to leave, to is full siege on god's immediately and is emergency evacuation not or, and to restore the supply of basic necessities. that's interesting. and i have to say, um, and as ever we don't you and i were gonna are supposed to be having a conversation, right? not about belton road initiative. you can have a conversation about anything in the world right now without referring to the elephant in the room. the elephant in the room is what's going on and guys are right now. so i don't mean to, you know, detract the conversation and turn it into a conversation about as rarely some palestinians. but, but i did want to start there because as that's happening, the chinese are essentially reaffirming the 10th year anniversary of the belt road initiative. they're making more contacts with more countries. they're making inroads in latin america, in roads, in africa. and they're still trying to convince countries and g 7, for example,
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to join them as well. while they're doing that, italy says, no, hell, no, we don't want to be a part of it. the united states is doing everything possible. it seems to try and convince countries not to talk into belt and road initiative. what do you make of that? of that tit for tat? that consternation that's going on between the united states, the west really and president she, china and the mountain road. so 1st of all, want to say b r i caught a initiative is not about a one country or a lines is an id or a vision, shared by countries and organizations around the world was no political agenda and a screens attached as long as one find a vision or even some projects attractive. one could have seen player joint, including all the you're paying and to us companies. tony sophie shows have emphasized many times that the b r ice door is wide open for the us. any european
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countries. the essence of the b r. i isn't about dictating terms, but encouraging partnerships. so increasingly, if we luke closely europe, the us have already become part of this initiative in many ways a several eastern european countries have signed a, b, r i agreement. and the china as a year of a free trend project, which has length of time directly to 25 europe in countries, including major cities like hamburger a wrote, wrote her them and linda email united states had made as a mark waves seem to be all right, framework a take of pakistan, for example, where one of the largest hydro electric projects operates a general electric and conic american company has to apply to generators. so for this project, a showcasing active american participation, i want to ask you when we come back, we're going to take a short break. but when we come back, i want to ask you about what some of the us think tanks are accusing china and
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about road initiative of doing and what they're exactly telling countries why they shouldn't in your mind. because if you know this is going to happen to you, that's what they say, but i want to get your reaction. we're talking about ada. we're talking to an, a guy, she's uh, host and reporter for c g t m radio, also a geo political commentator. and it's a, it's a fascinating conversation. we'll be right back. hey, by the way, we can continue this conversation. you and i, all we gotta do is go over to twitter because i have a handle there. it's rick sanchez, tv. and i'll see you there on extra twitter or whatever. they're called. i got these days i'll be looking for you. when we come back though, breaks seems to be the new kid on the block, as we've discussed before. what role does the b r i now play the
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of the bottom i'm not getting the to the part of proof. they'll show you what it was because they might need to file for them to you not to be at the bottom. you did
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load the brother product, the ocean, and that's the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distorted by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better wills,
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and is it just is it shows you frustrated images presented as 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground? can the, hey, welcome back. you know, there's no question that the present she finds himself in a new role. he's not only now being considered a counterweight to western ideology, along with some other leaders. but he's also engaged in the hostilities that are developing in places like israel ad ukraine. how and this is important, how does the manage both roles to add were joined by once again by anna got. she's a host with see g t and radio you can listen to are there also. she is a geo political commentator, an analyst, and it's a delight to talk to her because she's explaining things from
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a perspective that sometimes we here in the united states and in many parts of the world do not get for example. and i don't wanna throw this at you right now. this is a report put out by pacific rim. pacific rim is essentially, i think that it's an american thing tech where they are essentially doing the following. they are trying to warn countries not to join the belgian road initiative or any of the initiatives that are being offered by china on economics. and here's what they say. they say that the chinese will have access and control over your communications. your intelligence, your media, your communication systems, and on top of that, they're very likely to spy on you. so that's, this is what they're, this is what they're saying. the country is so that they don't join the, the, this initiative on the part of china. how would you respond to that?
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are they right? or are they making it up? is it fair commentary as always, to give me a sense, god, how come the sending of these reports and those people in the think tank are? and because they don't believe that besides the united states, other, any, any other countries or any people in other countries can make their high choices for themselves. i think those conspiracies, or those accusations, just serve as a pure piece of propaganda against china, against the development of china and any projects that china promote a to, to, to a, even though it, the, the outcomes are a bank stating for a, a lot of countries and i think if we make a comparisons between the west, the west, the us led to us in china and the are a to kind of a to other countries. one of the most of the significant differences that tony said
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including b, r i projects comes with no political preconditions. but western a to, to a large extent on the other handy sometimes tied to conditions related to democracy, human rights or governance reforms. and try this approach is seen by some developing countries as less intrusive and a more respectful of their sovereignty. and i think they are making based assumptions or making those conclusions based on what they have done to other countries, but not based on their real, real evidence of, from china, the real facts from china or the cooperation. all companies that can china and other countries is there though you just said something that makes me think i agree with you by the way, and i think most sane people do one countries. democracy is another country's, you know, all the darky or a far authoritarian system. so it all depends on,
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you know, what you look at, you know, we, we constantly, here's your, even here in the united states. you know, the republicans say that democrats are communists and the, and the, and the repub and the democrats that the, the, the, the democrats there, pardon me. the republicans are all fashion. so it just depends on where you stand. however, so there are countries that do go too far and that are shown to do things they shouldn't be doing. should some countries be off limits? should chip, should you make sure they straighten their their house up before you go in and, and do a economic deal with them? i think the you raise the very good question to us. are that what i do? it's what i do. i mean, in the past there were all kinds of different of civilizations. but in more than times, after europe took the lead in industrialization and a more denied station, a claim that it was the only civilization in the world and civilization change of
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the from t rowe to single or, and became universal in other countries can only follow their example, but the real world, a stats, we need to respect the diversity of, of rooms to go live stations. and every country needs to find self confidence. not simply of follow the western way, the western eyes, ation and alert from the west in the promotion of western democracy, caused the many such troubles to such as the civil war. and let's see, let's see a lot of troubles, a lot of crises nowadays. in today's road. a lot of the problems are actually come from dots. therefore, i think china to make a single believe, reform and opening up, shoot a star with economic foundation and economics reform 1st, and then promote
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a political and a social reform. i think that's why the b r. i a, which aims to provide alternative to western colonialism. attracted a lot of countries. um, you know, it provides alternative to be had monic system of origin times. yeah. no, of course. i mean, it makes sense, but i have to ask you a question and then um, you're there in beijing. man, i'm wondering what it, what is it like when you hear constantly american politicians, not all of them, but generally speaking, most of them are really stupid. but so they have the way they speak the way they see the world is almost simplistic. it's not that they're bad people. it's just that they don't read enough or see enough, but you hear them when they refer to china. and you know, it's not to say china is perfect, is trying to make some kind of mistakes and china has its own issues. but the way they vehemently describe china that there's nothing would sneaky, horrible commune is bent on destroying the world and our economic system. you know
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what i mean? those may not be the exact words, but they use such profound, vehement, apoplectic language. when describing china, the insults are not just criticism their insults of the worst degree. how does it sit in beijing when you hear those things? i think at 1st is very, we'll hear all those kinds of us mirrors and, and those accusation allegations without any improve it. without any proves you feel very angry. but when you really loot a, if you look closely of why they making big such moves is very sing, hold is very easy to understand because the united states nowadays have faced a number of a serious internal problems like installation, right, is very serious today. and the federal data problem, the,
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the domestic crime rate is rising sharply and the immigration problems, etc. i single to deter ration of the external inter, a international environment of the united states phase is also a cd or for, for a country like the united states, a decline of the influence of the united states. the united states alliance even have repeatedly expressed the different of paintings on policies. for example, to west china against the united states. i think all of which have forced the united states to change some approaches in order to realize east own interest. i mean, meanwhile, and i'm looking forward to having another discussion with you because we're out of time. but i mean there's, there's the taiwan issue. there is the chip or issue that you alluded to. there's uh, you know, united states military exercises in the south china sea. there's the build up of
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some of the islands on the south china sea and that hey, a pacific rim discussion is a fascinating conversation for another time. i will look forward to, to, to having that with you and a guy is a host and a reporter for c g t a radio. it's a delight to be able to have this conversation with her so that we can all learn perspectives that we don't often take into account. thank you so much and it's a pleasure talking to you. rake is, as i, as i earlier, our mission is a great honor to talk to you and i learned a lot as a host from you. oh, that's nice to you to say, i appreciate that. thank you very much. thank you. hey, before we go i, i want to remind you of our mission and simple really. i want to the silo the world . we've got to stop living in these, these little boxes to start live in boxes too. so everywhere i'm rick sanchez. i'll
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be looking for you again, right here, where i help to provide is a direct impact the, the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best english. i'll send some of the same assistance to progress be the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck team and our video
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agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request, which is the like, anybody else i watch all the manage the news media and that was it is one sided completely one sided tab as to the other side. doesn't flip have venue when they kill, they mention them by name. even the claim that is very presented as it is the the
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new and security council, at least in new york, to log in to the out of us. it rushes for some of the feel verizon power in the british represent those statements or some process is that most of the laws of special racing. so as long as the queen classes say to the representative of the british puppy tears of the key of regime, ask in this hall whether it was a pity for us to send our sons to fight in ukraine. of course it is, but the british representative and the traditional western hypocritical manner kept silent about the fact we did not do this 2 years ago to start the war. but to stop in for things a rustle, they impose the new wave of science is not only on the field on individuals on entities around the world.


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