tv News RT February 24, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EST
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and can the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. the relief at last, the locals and the recently a captive city of off day of the following years of life on the ukrainian shutting out. so i was rushed to report more advances on the sign you up front lines to you is on since the start of the war, special sessions are held up being un in new york with most codes and for say, it's not just to create the europe suffrage pump no matter how hard it may be for our european colleagues to accept this conclusion is that they are not the only losers of this conflict because the european union itself is nearly the main one.
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the fact in the door is rouse once again, the pool, the ice, the chase hate cold. this time appears quite into the nature of doing everything i can to prevent pink in golf. the call. good morning from moscow on a tab here in the russian capital, as always, thank you for choosing ashan on what we are getting. so with the lights on the wall in you, praying why russian troops all said to be a fun thing on the money. upfront lines not is off to they kept to the city of, of the desk of the month of intense lighting, ukrainian surface finally withdrew. counts simply from the city, like russia's defense ministry estimates, capital 1500 troops joining the retreats we heard from locals who had to enjoy. yeah, so for a lot of the showing of the home of the boys are
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liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. please don't cry. it's okay. it's okay. and this has to be much goes because it's calm down a little bit now. the showing continues, but it's far away. we have nowhere to hide here. the ground water is close. there's no cellar, nothing. it's scary. because the seriously without guys came and did the inspection and clean up it. it became much easier. notice scary as it was in previous days. at the moment you can hear it as bombing far away. and not so much that you look out of your window would have seen houses folding apart. would have had to think about whether to run to the basement, to hide somewhere else. and i'm moving up the last few days. washington armed forces have carried out such a southern precision guided strikes, gains, ukrainian military infrastructure. the defense ministry says will targets was successfully hit west and made minute 2 hauled was also being targeted. this video footage with these by the i know the shows,
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the moment to us made patriots sizes to a missile system was hip for example. it's launch munition on transport was said to have been destroyed in the strike today of coal smocks, 2 years since the start of the war in ukraine and well peaceful looks what held in the early days of the conflict, they soon broke down with russia later, blaming b, u k, for torpedoing any hoops for a resolution onto shot at defense can break sound that story for us. it could have been over in weeks, but instead the war in ukraine is walking another grim anniversary. so what went wrong at the failed piece? talks all the way back in march 2022. most going kids had sat down at the same table. they thrashed style to view the ink was drying. despite that, the west continued to troll russia. everybody wants peace,
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including united kingdom we. we need to visit this thing if this thing could be solved, it would be fantastic. i've got to tell you that i'm not optimistic that that impeach and really wants that. i think he's decided to double down. we've seen those sign today. the president put in the serious about meaningful negotiations if he is, and if the ukrainians engaged will support that a ceasefire. now, is, again, the fact that we to ratify occasion of russian conquests with if that recognize russians gauge. and the subject of powers made his territory by force, allowing russian troops to continue to occupy sovereign planning a territory. but at the new go staging table, ukraine said it was willing to accept russia's clear red line on neutrality. if western nations offered the binding security guarantees, both sides have since admitted the draft agreement had the green light that was
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until bar strong seemed to then you tape and dash the key. as i'm going to that, when we return from this dental forest, johnson came to key. evans said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just fight joe smith said to be the messenger of the west. walton ukraine to fight till and i was a bit worried at that stage. i could not see for the life of me what the deal could be. and i thought that any deal with boots was going to be pretty sorted. president pitching, explained his shock that decision to pull the plug, going to do this is wasted on the part here because we have never refused to negotiate. we have always publicly said that we are ready to continue the dialogue . let me remind you that in fact, the draft of disagreement was agreed upon. but after the withdrawal of our troops from cave and we were asked to do this in order to create conditions for concluding the final agreement, the care of authorities, abandoned all previous agreements or of hundreds of thousands of soldiers will last
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2 could have kept their lives with t as in new to say to also me thing that those talks had been fruitful. yeah, it was a member of the stumble. persistence is elizabeth age will be it was the most profit i agree. yeah. and produce that's agreements that way we can have made even close at to very, very dangerous for creating previous agreements like news go on. and mr. tool and disagreement can contain even the question of pray, media to attend the. so the discussion of 15 years of discussion of stuff as a premium then doesn't mean security for lakes region 4, where you have to put them in. but why did it not happen? i don't know, nobody knows because we need agreement. and this is some bull came from big for the key if i'm enough to butcher, we heard from president we stopped and i guess jason's next to next meeting have to be in the 9 of april and it's of 2 or 3 april. that sort of sorta or secondary part
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of the was declined as allegations swirled around defense that boucher ukraine slowly stepped away from the peace process. present zalinski late to sewing. the decree declaring the prospect of any ukrainian torques with preteen impossible. russia continues to say it's open to a settlement, i'm told, but only if russia's conditions all taken into account unless they put it into the we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement based on our legitimate interest. given the lack of serious proposals from those who declared more of us and their unwillingness to consider our interest or the realities on the ground, reaching an agreement at the negotiating table remains unlikely. there are no viable options as the west continues to spinning the tail most go is unwilling to negotiate a full not advise. it says the landscape has a different tail to tao. this just because it looks a newton,
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i'm going to say an absolutely terribly suspicious thought of all 3 involved in this story. so really only put in one speech today to me is all i know that it looked like it was about to become a stalemate. a seam, russia up, the anti recent games on the battlefields of c most goes when clayton, the strategic city of, of differ as keeps men's guns for silent, locking the munition. on the 8th promised by the west, in 2022 ukraine had the chance to push its own interests to sue for a quick pace and to end the blood shed now bloodied and bruised, locking alms from the west. is it finally ready to sit down again? altamont. the 2nd anniversary of the outbreak of the rules, special sessions have been held at the united nations in new york. rushes on boxes about told the chain by that ukraine never needed to pay such a high price. the story is a good thing, it's a great,
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what has this year brought to ukraine, who are hundreds of thousands of census victims, the impending collapse of the economy. and the deepest crisis of state had as the complete incapacity and lack of independence of the leadership. and key of become more and more obvious to the people of ukraine, most of the young and now not young generations are being rounded up on the street like cattle and thrown into me grinders designed to show the western sponsors that their investments are paying off. because it is obvious that no european futures and site for the corrupt criminal ukraine was its impoverished population, which the current puppet leadership has turned into a frag basket representative of the british public tiers of the key of regime. ask in this hall whether it was a pity for us to send our sons to fight in ukraine. of course it is a pity for the unfortunate ukrainians for being sent to die for the geo political interests of the west. but the british representative and the traditional western hypocritical manner kept silence about the fact we did not do this 2 years ago to
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start the war, but to stop it. so do you, in general, assembly meeting was followed up by a meeting of the united nations security council. the 15 member body leads the us and the security council meeting, also focused on that 2 year anniversary of russia, special military operations, now russian and bask there. and eventually it took to the floor of the security council and laid out the reasons for the special military operation. how it was a result of long standing efforts by the united states with the stabilize ukraine and keep ukraine a conflict. the north, ignoring of the mens green as other factors. he also emphasized that ukraine is losing before, but they're not alone and taking these losses. those pleasures of sage interior. so she's going to see what you're paying for their interest is what the lives of today's native ukrainian says. i believe the west, the lead by the united states with success neo colonial traditions is trying to
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solve it's jill political problems. and prevent washington from losing itself a pointed wrong of worlds hegemon, or to strength and other powerful and self sufficient poles in the world. if it could be that as it may today, it is already obvious that in this proxy war of the united states, the european union, and nato against russia, with the hands of ukrainians. ukraine is losing. and what is no less important, no matter how hard it may be for our european colleagues to accept this conclusion is that they are not the only losers of this conflict. because the european union itself is almost the main loser. does the population of european countries need it? i would like to believe that they do not. a public opinion poll conducted in january and 12 european countries shows that only 10 percent of europeans believe that ukraine's can defeat russia. european farmers are revolting not wanting to lose their agricultural markets due to dumping by ukrainian ex borders. now the u.
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s. and u. k. representatives repeated their usual monitor of blaming russia for the entire conflict. giving us a very simplistic explanation of how the concepts began. blaming at all, squarely on russia, now to non permanent members of the security council representing african nations, algeria and mozambique spoke very differently than the us and the united kingdom and their remarks. they emphasized the need for negotiation to, to resolve the conflict. what was the big firm the ad will k, does a political end and negotiated solution? is the most viable wait when the conflicts d's is the solely to pause for a lasting and sustainable peace between the 2 countries and the 2 neighboring kansas. it is high time to deploy the necessity,
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diploma to care for diploma, take her forth to achieve these escalation host pension because the fontes must show their willingness and bridging us to engage in men and clauses and constructive dialogue. 6, it wasn't just the united nations security council in general assembly to commemorated the 2 year anniversary of these special military operations. in addition to that, the white house and toes, a huge news, sweeping round of sanctions under russia in response to the 2 year anniversary of the conflict. however, these sanctions, while they were targeting russia, were not only impose on that country, they were not only imposed on russia, they were imposed on a number of different countries that were affecting us department of the treasury's office of foreign asset control. targeted 26 3rd country entities and individuals
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and 11 countries, including the people's republic of china, serbia, the united arab emirates, and lichtenstein, china speaking before the security council, specifically called out these sanctions and how they are getting in the way. the casually building a road toward peace and better cooperation between countries. china had a rather negative assessment of this recent move by the white house, your own level. then here's a whole the situation in which europe finds itself today is directly related to the constant expansion of nato. since the end of the cold war, we call on nato to analyze and move away from the mental psychology of war and to refrain from fueling regional instability and provoking problems. we oppose the illegal sanctions that have been imposed on chinese companies by the united states . the united kingdom and the european union because they use the ukrainian issue as a pretext which it is necessary to actively advocate for the multi polarization of our world and a fair one at that. the cold war ended more than 30 years ago down. so if i change
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a special anniversary to year cents, the special military operation of russia began in ukraine. however, russia and its diplomats made a point of pointing out the true causes of the conflict. the conflict is routed and big efforts by the united states to return the sovereignty of ukraine and turn the ukraine to approximate through wish to harm russia. there was the euro made and 2, there was the disregarding of the men's good agreement to the ongoing bombing and shelling of don, asking. we've got skin. all of this lead to a situation where russia felt that the situation required a special military operation. and it was unavoidable that they move in, recognize the new republics and protect them from ukraine's ongoing aggression rush . i made a point of highlighting this version of events and not letting western leaders with their very simplistic and one sided narrative go on a how stuff russia made
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a point of telling the world what western media has refused to let the world now. and using this particular anniversary to spread the troops a mid, lots of deceptions regarding the conflict and ukraine. almost 2 years to the day later, the, you have slapped even move sanctions on russia. as it stands, more than 2000 individuals on entities now ground branded by the blog, because quote, threats to ukraine's independence. the new measures make up the sub team functions package against russia. the latest name is added to the list faced asset freezes, travel bonds on trade restrictions, and they don't just target russian funds either. the companies, india for like china saw bit tied in context on even nature like took keels so affected in response most goes by and several you representatives from the country . the european union continues its fruitless attempts to put pressure on russia
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through unilateral restrictive mattress on february 23rd. you countries adopted the next 13 sections package. we consider such actions of the european union, illegal, undermine the international legal prerogatives of the united nations security council. so you might be asking why this 13th anti russian sanctions package from the well, because queen ursula borderline, i mean elected european commission president isn't here this week yet to mark the anniversary of the create conflict. and she could just show up without a gift. so apparently the gift this year is 40 you to take yet another wealth swing at rush side to prove its loyalty to ukraine and end up getting pushed in the face right back. so what do you have left for the you just mentioned this time? well, about a $140.00 companies and people apparently, and not just rushing though because, well, it seems like you're running out of rushes to section. so now they're hitting the north korean defense minister with the travel about an asset freeze. i'm sure he's already broken up about that not being able to leave the country and making sure beat and dies to begin with. and also they're targeting companies dealing in
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electronic components that aren't even russian. but they are indian catholic studies, serbian by 3 large and, and turkish and well are also going to hit 17 actual russian companies making, drove parts along with some bellow russian ones as well. meanwhile, western allies are literally shipping entire drones straight to yeah, canada's most recently sending over some drones that it's, i guess, paying for made it america. and apparently that's totally cool to ramp up the work that way. but no, no components in drones. those are going to be tackled by the you also 15 people and 2 entities that the you accuses this quote, military indoctrination of ukrainian children. and they're saying that these people are in fellers to do is he forced mobilization of ken fodder is apparently just
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fine though, but it's still treating kids for more zones is actionable. well, and that's it for stations they shot their shot to impress o n e. again, maybe it will work this time. we have to admit that those 13 sanctions packages. the 13th not yet implemented, basically had a very limited impact on the russian economy. as we can see from its macro economic indicators, it is necessary to strengthen the secondary consequences in ways to circumvent these sanctions, which are so far fetched that they practically make the sanctions mechanism itself ineffective and empty. look, it doesn't really matter if it's all actually counter productive or if the you in reality has been feeling rushes coppers by russian fuel anyway, despite the bands that couldn't place itself specifically an estimated 35000000 barrels just last year. however, indirectly, that's according to western and g o analysis of shipping data. so one might wonder what the point would be of rummaging around that the couch cushions define more
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stuff to sanction that isn't even russian in many cases in an attempt to have strict moscow. when the you itself is effective, we still buy stuff from las go. well don, it's because it's the ideological virtue, seagly, there really counts for the you. what else is new? which means making these big declarations. grand gestures of love to hear of while playing around to get its own needs met on the down low. everyday ukraine is facing the constant, brutal and indiscriminate as attacks of its aggressor. more than that, we remain united in true to a promise to suppose you great for as long as it takes for the people of ukraine for peace and security in europe and for the rules based international order to prevail. so what does brussels get in return from russia? in the wake of lady itself, on fire for ukraine, for the 13th time. just to get bosco's attention?
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well, sounds like about much more you citizens, of entities involved in anti rushes. actions are on the verge of finding out as to phrase, to the rush for our ministry, fagley mentioning in a statement post, bring them to justice in that tit for tat response to these latest used sections. so it sounds like there's more to come up on the task, but all this drama must at least be worth it to satisfied you. right? that would imply that care for the advert actually be satisfied. it's national security council chief just told you to give all of their heavy weapons right over to you for only adding that they'll just be quotes, scraps in the future. anyway, he said, just did that. he could make better use of the weapons right now. if i quote, destroying the russian federation. whoa, might, was your role there? how do you think you have had enough warner to play right now to stray european farming by flooding the you with keep ukrainian products like rain about the only thing you create is destroying right now is your or what we thought reaction to
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these latest measures for america is professor of economics at the university of massachusetts, which in tables as well as from vice child to shanghai sent for impact on international studies. most wong, both believe the restriction so far have failed to have the desired impact. after 2 years, even since the beginning of the conflict to the us government and together with this, bob knows a europe have a leased out over $10000.00 sanctions against russia. but look at what has happened. the centuries didn't to work at all. and the 2nd place as a conflicting party because they are not new to the us. the united states of america is not a neutral party in this conflict. what right to do, but you have to stop sanctioning company using other countries or other countries
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to for, for doing business with russia. we are already in this 21st century. and if people can behave in a more civilized, a way and not messing up with other countries, internal affairs of business is least the ukrainians low to solve their problems with russia. we wouldn't most have arrived at where we are today. well, the most reasonable expectation is that these new sanctions will have more or less the effect of the less groups of sanctions. let's remember that russia has been the object of sanctions by the united states by e u r. they were promised when they were 1st started, particularly after february of 2022, that they would bring russia to its knees,
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make the ruble collapse, and make it impossible for russia to persist in the war and ukraine. every one of those predictions proved to be false. it did not happen. the sanctions did not succeed. and the only real question, it is why you are continuing with it even more of a policy that did not work as it forces every one in the world to wonder whether this is done for domestic political, public relations to look tough. when, in fact, the war is going badly for you, great on the west. russia is able to function very successfully. and the sanction simply don't work on finding a v i d f most with towards troops from casa. and that's the demand of indonesia, which is the latest country to take as route to the international court of justice
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and the hague. to call to says the suffering of palestinian civilians must stand. there is no valuable piece process to be under mine. this is riley has been consistently ups truck things, a negotiated to spit solution, negotiation with someone holding a gun. a guns have. it's not a negotiation at all. is l has never been interested in any piece, process mediation for in minnes, the moment of so deep love her g, 20 meeting. i believe the general brazil to stand before the international court of justice to express the solidarity of seeing a nation people in defending just as for palestine against as are wearing a policy means car. not a cd. begin to statement underlining that is or out only has been pursuing one
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sided solution without engaging palestinians, let alone addressing their interest this action seen by indonesia as a confirmation that is or l has never been interested in any piece process, an endorsement already cook nation of israel as policies of practices, the ups truck, the right to self determination of the policy team in show, be on law for the operation has been pro and enabled, but is a series of breaches of its obligation under international law including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, as a companion power is, is legally or blanche to keep its occupation. tim pottery, this has been violated by is the l,
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as it has been attempting to make its occupation permanent. and also to next part of the, of the part territory is the else 1st to meet the djinns, the demographic composition october's. so this policy demonstrates, it's not as complete this regard of international law must, would it also stated that no states should be granted free reign to act against weaker state. that's as a deadline for is or allison brown operation in the south is expected to happen in march. she also stated that the court re assorted the pull a senior and right to self determination. adding that annual recognition of israel's policies are practices that ups truck the right to self determination of the palestinian shelby on law for not us would. you also highlighted that the case of israel is not a self defense,
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a be an offer statement might of city underline that this demonstrates is, are all disregard of international law and desire to make situation error. first of all, she also stated the innovation put their whole on the court as the guardian of justice . or that is how well such a run down to 50 so fall. but we want a full for your open development to say kind of throughout the day. for now, the option were times we sat down with think ford's and watchable for money, who shows business $700.00 as i'm, that's enjoying the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, i'm action or time. so you're welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the u. a on the 2nd anniversary of the beginning of russia's defense of the people of what was eastern ukraine, subject to ethnic cleansing up to the u. s. e u u k. back made, and qu, in 2014. it's also been a week when the usa, a game, vetoed a un security council resolution to ends of the nato nation of genocide in gaza. and that there is one publication that is synonymous with exposing global war crimes. it is wiki leeks, the subject of an appeal in london court. this week will our interviews with its found a julie and assange before his torture by british authorities in london are available on our rumble channel. joining me from the caribbean is friend and supporter of
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julian assange, legendary pink floyd front man. roger ward is roger. thank so much for coming on. it's a sad time since i think we mentioned in person so many of us on just the pauses of have died as mentor, gavin mcfadden, vivian westwood. most recently, our friend john pilled, you your reaction to this week's judgements in london or non judgment in london as well. yeah, we don't know. we don't know if there's going to be any kind of a church. well we, we wait to say, i've been taught under besieging says guys here so i can give them the, it's in a tiny cool room in that huge building code number 5 is the smallest go room that go out there. there's only 50 the books of the public about in thank goodness, one of them is craig, i'm already there is writing 30 detailed reports. the one i read yesterday and it
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