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tv   News  RT  February 24, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the, the for the, the, the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. relief for locals, enough to have enough the russian forces take the city following years of life under ukrainian control, such as russia reports more advance as old as long as it's on. yes, with public funds like a private piece but still includes all the is ready. 5 minutes to unveiling his post conflict game plan regardless of the palestinian authorities role is not in the scripts and apparently the idea of will have free right across the england. the yeah, looking good right. the emanuel met cronum getting more than he bought them for the
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international agricultural affair and powers french farmers storm the expo mit outrage of the rising costs and regulations. the court before joined by our special guests in the studio who happens to be straight from new guns. we have an awful lot of talk about during this live our from so straight to the crating and coffee now to kick it off way russian troops. i said to be advancing all along the don't yet front lines. that's of course, after they kept it the key city of idea of just earlier in the week now of the month solving and fighting ukrainian forces withdrew from the city by secret ruptures, defense ministry, estimating the key of last over 1500 troops during the retreat alone. and we heard from locals who were relieved to see most goes forces of the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you
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. don't cry. it's okay. it's okay. there's just too much goes for who it was. it's calm down a little bit now. the showing continues, but it's far away. we have nowhere to hide here. the ground water is close. there is no cellar, nothing. it's scary. the seriously, when our guys came and did the inspection and clean up here, it became much easier. notice scary as it was in previous days. at the moment you can hear it as bombing far away, but not so much that you look out of your window would have seen houses pulling apart. would have had to think about whether to run to the basement or hide somewhere else. over just the last few days, russia is carried out to heat 7. precision guided strikes against you crate in the military infrastructure. the defense ministry saying it's intended targets were o, successfully hit the west and made military hardware. also a finding itself on the cross has this video footage, for example,
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released by the russian m. o. the shows the moment the components of an american made patriot surface to air missile system. i hit it's launcher, imo and transporter old said to have been destroyed. so today marks 2 years since the start of the conflict can do quite well. peace thoughts were held in the early days. they soon broke down with a rush hour later blaming the new case, boris johnson for deliberately torpedoing any hopes for a peaceful resolution. it's absolutely true, by the way, have a good look at this is all these shot the difference? it could have been over in weeks, but instead the war in ukraine is walking another grim anniversary. so what went wrong at the fail? the piece talks all the way back in march 2022. most going kids had sat down at the same table they thrashed out to do. the ink was drying. despite that the west continued to troll russia. everybody wants peace,
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including the united kingdom and we, we need to this, this thing if this thing could be solved, that would be fantastic. i've got to tell you that i'm not optimistic that vladimir preaching really wants that. i think he's decided to double down. we see no sign to date, the present to the serious about meaningful negotiations if he is, and if the ukrainians engaged will support that a ceasefire now is again, a said we'd eradication of russian conquests when if that recognizes rushes gauge, and it suggests toddlers made his territory by force, allowing russian troops to continue to occupy sovereign planning a territory. but at the new go staging table, ukraine said it was willing to accept russia's clear red line on the trial, se if western nations offered the binding security guarantees. both sides have since admitted the trust agreement had the green light that was until boss strong
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seemed to then you k p. m dash stick. yes, i'm go to that. when we return from mr. kimball forest, johnson came to key. evans said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just find the item. joe smith said to be the messenger of the west. walton ukraine to fight on. i was a bit worried at that stage. i could not see for the life of me what the deal could be, and i thought that any deal with boots was going to be produced sorted, president pitching, explained his shock that decision to pull the plug on the do, let's just wasted on the port out part because we have never refused to negotiate. we have always publicly said that we are ready to continue the dialogue. let me remind you that in fact, the draft of disagreement was agreed upon. but after the withdrawal of our troops from care of and we were asked to do this in order to create conditions for concluding a final agreement, the key of authorities abandoned on previous agreements or of hundreds of thousands
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of soldiers will last to could have kept their lives with keywords, you need to say to also me thing that those top had been fruitful. yeah, it was a member of the stumble. persistence is elizabeth age will be, it was the most profit. i agree i'm produce, that's agreement. so we can test these even close to very, very dangerous for you create in previous agreements like it means go on. and mr tool and disagreement can contain, even the question will pay me up to $10.00. yeah, so with this customer 15 years of discussion for stuff as a premium then doesn't mean security for lakes region 4 where you have to put them in. but why did it not happen? i don't know, nobody knows because we need agreement. and this is some bull came from big for the key if i'm enough to butcher. we heard from president, we still did, i guess change next to next meeting. have to be in the 9 of april and it's of 2 or
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3 april that sort of sorta or secondary part of the was declined as allegations swirled around defense that boucher ukraine fully stepped away from the peace process. present selected ski late to sewing the decree declaring the prospect of any ukrainian torques with preaching impossible. russia continues to say it's open to a settlement, i'm told, but only if russia's conditions all taken into account. unless they put it into the we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement based on our legitimate interest. given the lack of serious proposals from those who declared more of us and their unwillingness to consider our interest or the realities on the ground. reaching an agreement at the negotiating table remains unlikely. there are no viable options as the west continues to spinning the taylor most crew is unwilling to negotiate a full not advise it, since the landscape has a different tale to town. this is because web solution,
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i'm going to say an absolutely terribly suspicious thought of all 3 involved in this story. so really only put in one speech today. to me is all i know that it looked like it was about to become a stalemate. a scene russia up the anti recent games on the battlefields of c most goes when playing the strategic city of updates as keeps men's guns for silent, locking the munition on the 8th promised by the west. in 2022 ukraine had the chance to push its own interest to sue for a quick pace and to end the blood shed now bloodied and bruised, locking almost from the west. is it finally ready to sit down again? well, it is time to learn much, much more as we are now joined by a tale and john list on wall correspondent under that. would you be joining us here in the studio? as i understand, you've spent 15 hours on a bus going from little guns here to moscow. you've just arrived here at moscow.
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but i also understand that you've been a resident in new guns since november 2022. and here we are 2 years on into the conflict. if you been living in lou guns canals since november 2022, what have you been witnessing and what do you know today? well i so my name, i think some during this times, i remember uh so well, how can i explain what my experience 1000000 this year is very, very estimate. because uh mm hm. so i chose a little bit to coming, a little bounce could because with guns cal was um, under the media then from during this year of the almost conflict and the so i chose to stay there because i thought that was also there were a lot of things to put that in the west to the west. this and this was that all right, because of, for example, i make a lot of interviews to the civilians in there today. if we fees from the city like
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say, better than the ask like it'll be from there. and the i am on the one on the 1st interview, one on who the woman told me about the what's the ukrainian harmon done to her to have family when you can install their came in, they're flat shoots, so the door send the say to now we are here, you need to go on the space i. i told how is this possible? i asked, i remember about the, the provides for and have a question for you. no, definitely. no. it's just, it's just on a real cause. you know, this story, the telling me now is one of potentially 1000 stories like this. we, you know, ever since the us focus right at my dying to 2014, in kito from the day they kicked out a demick democratically elected president. then we have the, you know, these,
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these, um, separate as movements essentially and the east it's the innocent civilians that have been repeatedly caught up in this call today when you talk about new guns for public and, and don't, yes, because well what, how the stories where they telling me, you know, during this time that the, that to know of the 3030 of the gums, people republic. i understand how big is the double on the west and accept play about the well, i think you said so. science 20 uh, 2014. we saw a lot of things i remember when the west the media, the tell you on media for example, spoken about what's happened and this was something yeah. about the deal is a malicious that the coming for search on on things the on see, might have done protested and it needs to ukraine and
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a novel science since february of 22. nobody wants to speak about it. nobody wants to. so what's, what's in 2014 happened in cuba and ukraine, about some items. nobody wants to, to, to route it's about 50 item on the, maybe you just, you, me a, so what's happened and he fell in march 23, 22, sorry. when uh there was a big shredding go for the next guy, and the one newspaper, a 1000 years, paperless thump, ah, publish the 1st page who with the photos of the netscape and the t thought it was a crash from bombed on the bonus, could arrange on me and emma said i shall number so then i hit the la and so it was make an extra against against this, this newspaper. and the so i wish i could because this,
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this newspaper last time was the same. and your paper that in 2014 probably for a lot of articles about the as of but the on the neo nazi as well. yeah. on the ac . they see that. so please this battalion is a know nothing about them. so a now always forget, yeah, yeah. put me put 4 points. got the reasons of course, i don't have um and one interview that i make here. the next day i said that the europe needs an enemy and they send them in need to be, are from me after 2 years. i can come see him my words. yeah. yeah, yeah. there is now like i like more piece of very similar to the cold war. now we are the they said we are on the right in the right spot to history. yeah. we have the guys and there is a bet guys, and delta side on the delta side of the front. and the unfortunately,
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i can see it says it's due on my list. i'm forced on say also the media in the west and your opinion of either the with this resume that the, it's not, it's not really useful for the, for the people that's a want to be informed about the effects. but the thing is on the, you know, when you talk about the, the west and media and the mainstream media, you know, i used to work for them. i live in america, i work for cnn that i defected and came to russia to work for all. i'd see, and i'm really, really glad i did. but when you monitor what's being said in the western press, for example, quite often, if you crazy and missile defense, if it missed all goes off calls or doesn't reach as intended, talk it. and let's say this, you credit and resolve accidentally, it's a kindergarten nurse school or a hospital or a clinic. the western press immediately cool. is it a russian missile? immediately? they blame russia immediately. and this is, this makes sense to you. is this something that you've seen as well?
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yeah, yeah, yeah. of course. yeah, definitely. and definitely every time, every time um that there is an explosion. really important for someone maybe your yeah, yeah, yeah. or might be this episode of the silent hold on one to 5 months was die. you have to dismiss size. yeah. and the west, the media, the thunder media, and any tell you that are out a lot of journalists that are supporting their so the key if they know, okay it's, it's okay. so i can understand that you, you agree with cube, okay, it's good for me. but the, you cannot criticize me if i understand the reason. know for actually in this conflict. yeah. yeah, yeah. well, this is the end of this, this is why it was just kind of blows myself. is off when i, when i watch western news present as weston john list and they just stick to a narrative. they just stick to an hour. if they never do that due diligence of doing their own homework to understand the facts, because frankly, if any boy with a truly do that homework and go back to 2014 the might on qu,
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they would start to understand the disc. it's like started nearly 10 years ago. it didn't start a couple of years ago and you credit and by that point was already owned by so many of it's west and patriotism. let me ask you this. a andrea, you live in little guys, good public. you'd be living there since november 2020 to new guns on yet. we know that ever off of this might on to key of the key of regime did rolling blackouts across the regions, a cut of power, the cut off gas for heating and cooking. they cut off volta, they also shelves civilian areas. why do people in the western audience not know about this? this is a good question. i, i cannot understand. and uh, i can reply to your question because yeah, for me is, uh no, it's not normal. yeah. ready you know now a lot of, uh, media. so we can say a lot of media. uh they are, uh, so inside today you can not do that. they can say no, this is not true. you know,
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it's not, it's not through that the netscape. so without the water, i remember the 1st time i wasn't done yet, so i will truck up because i'm on the city of the residence of don't ask her. she said we have the will, the only one or 2 times 4 weeks for 3 hours. yeah. and we need to choose maybe if it's the right moment for make what's machine if it's the right moment to work the dishes. yeah. because we have our lead me that the best course of what the yeah, yeah, it's probably like a lot of friends in ukraine who have said enough for the past couple of years. the toilet hasn't worked properly for the past couple of years. a shallow doesn't work, they don't have running water. so, so when it comes to just basing or washing yourself, watching your play, i mean, good luck. it's absolutely tragic. well, the people that have been going through and the people in the west, they cannot the major who is the live without the water. how is the life without eating? how is that life without a fall? where electricity, especially in the winter. yeah. but he will, you know, he, we,
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all to years on the end, it never needed to get to this point. it was 2 years ago, they were peace talks already on the way between moscow and t. as in fact, as put him said, and this massive dossier, a number of the pages were already signed by the russian on the ukrainian side. but the u. k. full, but prime minister boris johnson, he destroyed the thoughts. what do you know on that? i remember this moment very what, because i was an invalid and i full with on this board. okay. in the news that i remember for me was a very big will about piece because, you know, uh i for the conflict science, the 2015. yeah. so after all this time i thought now maybe these people that are leaving there in the, in the boss and then it's getting around so they can have peace, you know, they can leaving in security without any problem to from your opinion site. yes.
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and this booking gave me a lot of hope. matson bought maybe someone in the west, someone maybe in washington, maybe long or maybe in berlin, maybe in a room. i don't know me. don't want to to move on to the piece, but yeah, gotcha. and the west because it's important to amount to a mind that the in december 2021, president fulton ask to the west, we need to sit on the table now. we need to have uh, talking about a new box for security in your the ends. what's what say, what, what does that apply to the west? certainly there's no, we cannot accept such agreement that we cannot accept the support about this puppy to where they twisted under the way they twisted proof. and it has been saying, for months, we remain open to negotiations. the western press says,
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putting, wanting to go, she put in says no, he wants war, he wants to invite you to one of the western europe. i mean, i'm sorry, i can't say the word i want to say, but it's b s. coming out of the western press when they talk about food and i'm so tired of it, man, but you may, you know, that we're on the front lines of this. so we've got, we've got to take off the gloves and push back. so when you see the sheer amount of b s lies and lunacy coming out of the west impress. i mean, is it landscapes, former advisor saying i'm saying now the present and food in might be interested in peace, but why has no one else be interested in piece, sofa the quest. and of course, the war for the, for the west, for a lot of or what's on surprises and put portion is a big deal. i so not to not to many times i go the stalks of a run without it, for example, of somebody for most the general company that are producing the bank level. but,
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and i saw how science since uh, february 2022. mm. uh, their stock are going up. mm. of course of course, but i mean, the business of what was a racket. right. that's what you know. that's. and this happened also for a 1000 company little not of the. yeah, yeah, yeah. well, the company in the west so that they are working in the fence now and they are shooting a lot of money. yeah, yeah, ends in a 30 for example. we have the ministry of a of the fence. we don't reset the that is um involved, but also in the company. well you have to have all these politicians aligning that focus. i'm it all the american guys with that stop to raise the on that unlocked key to know you know, all that kind of crap. let me ask you this. you have been put on the ukrainian pill list, the middle products. you are a journalist, you are a war correspondent and you have now had your life been put on an assassination hit list. how did you get the icon in the front?
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by the way, it's the key of government documents. yeah. portal 9. 09. 0 uh for me to really was not a surprise to, to be in this list because uh, you know, um we save in our, um, groups of uh, work orders for month in the month. if you're going, if you're doing a good job, you will. you will go in this list. yeah. but uh, i was talking about the direction of the west. so what's the quote it goes to them . they say the maybe it's the correct that the ukranian government puts you in this list because it's a, can you maybe it can be a problem for the national security on because you are and you are a nation of this information. you are an agent of this information, that's what they were wanting and the yes, so they are really yesterday. i. so that's a another you can imagine c make uh file about to me at the center against the center oil come through the information of you can go and month is on auto stock or
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under the control of minutes till the information off give. uh huh. and uh they say the on the, to the full, the conflict on the fee of the assigned. so 2020 to the tracking you all that. yeah, yeah. there is, i can go and that's a, that's a key of government is another key is not my thought. and so for troll a government agency of kids because they are incentive site is a dot com the above. yeah. and i, i mean, you know, i just go to the, to see you and i guess so that, that makes me make me thinking about my situation. i was a little back in my thoughts what the flight to what was the old slip. it was on the 1st floor. uh huh. and uh, was the evening and i saw the uh, the co fire. uh um a car in front of my windows with the lights on. so it was there. this car was nothing on my because it was really mm. hm i, i live in australia without
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a big profit. so and this car in front of my window at the 1st floor with the light though. so it was a little discouraged. yeah. and the, so i thought maybe they can shoots. maybe they can lunch or they need. okay. yeah, my window because i was working. and so i stayed like 10 minutes from the corridor because of between the window and then my position and they told me that it was the toilet. so i thought maybe i can stay here if something happened, i can go out from the, from the flat the bottom. so this moment i thought maybe there can be a 1st on that. so my file and this can list the middle for the front and all that in front of sites. yeah. and think of the maybe i can find for you. okay. and q this agent. but what, what have i done today? what happened? nothing for me. nothing happened. oh thing go, nothing special about us scan. yeah. why? because your name has now been posted on 2 different ukrainian government websites,
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essentially quoting for you to be taken out. i mean, andrea, just go to wrap up this conversation, but i just want to let you know just to remind you, not only all you a job unless you are a war correspondent. your job has never been more important. you must stay strong, keep doing what you're doing. push back against the narrative, and make sure you keep telling the world the truth coming out of ukraine on the frontier. lucida, it's been a pleasure. thank you very much. thank right to see you. thank a bye to a god now where a israel has laid out his plans for the future of the ink life, a governance by the palestinian authority. well, this apparently no role for that thing. gaza and the idea. well, it's essentially going to be given cod belongs to continue doing what i want instead. so all according to nathan, yahoo, who's blueprint about surprisingly enough, is not going down to well with the countries closest ally, a certain basic principles that we set out many months ago. that we feel are very
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important when it comes to guys as future, including that it cannot be a platform for, for tourism. there should be no, it's really reactivation of gases. the size of gases territory should not be reduced. it's been longstanding us policy, under republican and democratic administration, so like that new settlements for counterproductive to reaching a during peace. they're also in consistent with international law art. ministration maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion. and in our judgment, this only weakens doesn't strengthen israel security. so on thursday, prime minister benjamin that's in the whole world out a plan for its control over gather some the plan says that is or have a freedom of control over the entire guys and strip without any time limitations attached. and also in addition to that is it will also establish the so called south closure. that would probably be when corporation was either at egypt and the u. s. in order to make sure there are no and for
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a patient of meditations or arms intake as a strip and also power to that is for over continue to act in the west bank. and it will also speak to what's policy of immunization of gaga in order to weaken the element that to threaten is of security. and this plan also, it touches upon a hot issue which is mainly the day after that. then, you know, it says that the governments of the has, this chip will not be given to any party that has any connection to terror. and who also vows that fuels is take a thorough over a hole in the strips. educational and religious institution, and help with moderate arab countries to make sure that the radical elements are taken onto the system. and also find the latest and the whole plan is rejecting any for an interference of its affairs. seeing that israel cannot be forced to accept the establishment of the part of sydney and states to and he says that such is an ocean will only be seized by negotiations. however, also like this plan,
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as you said, it has already done because i'm from as of mean alley, which is the u. s. we have the u. s. secretary of state to enter the blank and already spoken against this plan. think that the strip should not be resized and also that another occupation of the strip by israel is out of question. however, for is, will, it seems that the criticism and concern of lincoln is just a back on voice for their goal is to curb the threats of terror. and so here is what the official document says on this subject. these really army will maintain operational freedom of action in the entire gaza strip without a time limit to prevent the renewal of terrorism into 4th threats from gaza. the security buffer zone established in the gaza strip in the area bordering israel will exist as long as there is a security need for it. restoration of the strip will only be possible after the demilitarization is completed and the de radicalization process begins. israel will
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continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a palestinian state. what's interesting also here that we have heard before about the immunization of gazda and also the massive precedence in the in place. but the whole has health of discussion regarding this topic, especially the so called they after the war. because the for that, that with the lead to a split into coalition, especially with some boys, we politicians for one to suddenly control garza but also we have other cabinet ministers who understand that such talks and actions would lead to that vision of israel's remaining support in the west, but here we are. where else of feel very grouping. and this to plan that to spend that the now said that uh god, that will be under local officials. but who are those local officials are the posting and administration because it's definitely not going to be a mess, but nothing. you also didn't specify so so raises the question,
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who will govern guys? and also we have the statement from the to the has office said that the bad, the whole plan was based on the principles broadly accepted by the public. but what about the mass of process that we have seen in the, as you're all since the beginning of the war? and also in people calling on b. b to design for elections and also for leaving the guys and stuff. but also have that americans are far from being the only party who raises uh, browse at the revealed plan. we also have have mass official establish him. that's who to that distance. i mean, i hope plan will still unrealistic. and we've never succeed. meat on yahoo presented a plan that includes many of his repeats ideas. however, these plenty will never become a reality or have any practically impacts. so as the phone, he absolutely refuses to recognize that palestinian stage or and to see these problems. the question of whether he and all of us like him by qualified for political talks with the police deviance. secondly, he is.


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