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tv   News  RT  February 25, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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the the cry put freedom supposes of wasteful good to you in the falls. mesa feelings play outside the u. k. as high as a hearing takes place into his final appeal. again, expedition to the west. boston full says, take our key location on the bottle field of the house on rancher following the law screams capital, all vast desktop pushing new print farther back on the fund. scrapping the sanctions. the echo, as the block of west african states says it's lifting restrictions against malia latino faso on this end of the month of tension. it comes off to the true have and threatened to quit the group, the
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hello and welcome to the weekly i will take on the big stores of the last 7 days. welcome. it's good to have you with us while starting us off the faith of wistful pro. truly an assault remains in limbo. judge is something you case high cool. have yet to make a ruling on his final appeal against extradition to the us. the way to expound a is wanted states side for publishing, secret, military and diplomatic files. now if convicted, he faces 175 years behind boss. to protest is crowded outside the pool as a non didn't demanding date and meet you. it really so 52 year old street in a sounds was issued to the scene and well preventing him from appearing out the hearing. on tuesday, his place family members joined
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a make shift stage outside the building, claiming he's being hosted 17 for rosie and how to set up the us pace is online. the policy, they say, don't questing these lines because that will defend our online. they have to admit that what they're doing is criminalizing journalism is personalizing the truth, and they're persecuting the journalist who exposed the julia has over 14 years in one form of incarceration, or, and of, are you good with all of julian's human rights suspended? are you good with you this afternoon?
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let's see. steve sweeney was outside the high colton capital where the appeal hearing was taking place behind high schools. we've not reached the end of the 2 day co hearing st. interior data sondra is potential expedition to the united states where he places 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team, his lawyers, all heating cold, not say the just isn't the original case, have not taken properly into consideration. a legit call cooktop in the white house? the with the say i to assassinate with us all and all the streets of london. they said that this call serious bounce over the insurance is given by the united states about his health and wellbeing. should he be expedited? these assurances have been dismissed by obviously international as not worth the paper. that's a all written on. now they're saying there is free to taking place now behind it
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from a, a range of a sound. you suppose? as we've heard about, the judges have deferred that decision that not taking the decision space so that verdict will be announced late today. so we're hearing that that could possibly be more so forth. but of course, we'll keep you updated with the latest using developments as we get with his on his expedition bustle now entering the final straight full, a us intelligence officer and host of the whistle that is told to reaku visits the which makes place on the is convicted, it will endanger any jotting this time to expose uncomfortable trans. i think that the, that the role that assigns you and we can weeks played in the, in the reporting, the war logs reporting in afghanistan and iraq was positively heroic. we wouldn't have any idea what the american government was doing, ostensibly, in our name, in the name of the american people,
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had wiki leaks not told us. we wouldn't know the details of war crimes and crimes against humanity that were committed by american soldiers and uh, and service men. so we oh, we get leaks at a debt of thanks the debt of gratitude for telling us what our government was doing . that's why i believe that said julian assigned you and we can, each should be celebrated, not prosecuted, not targeted, not assassinated in broad daylight in the streets of london. this is something that all americans should get behind is perfectly something that all american media outlets should get behind and they have not yet done. so if juliet assigned is convicted, then every national security journalist in america is liable to be prosecuted under the espionage. they're not committing espn, i, they're committing journalism. so what's the goal there? is the goal to lock up your journalists in direct contravention of the constitution
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and the justice department has become to vociferous candidates in its attempts to go after people that they deem to be losers. now i think where the justice department is in danger of losing the case is they've also accused julian, a subject computer hack it. and there's literally no evidence that he asked anybody to hack into anything. i think it's clear that julian is a publisher and a journalist, and that's what's going to come out of the trial. i'm sorry to say that i don't believe anybody will be brought to justice. the decisions have already been made, for example, not to prosecute the the army personnel involved in the killing of reuters journalists and iraqi civilians in baghdad in what became known as the iraq war video, the, the, the killing video. now the statute of limitations has expired. similarly,
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for higher ranking military officials, people at the general officer level, they've committed war crimes and they haven't been prosecuted for those war crimes . now we've gone through another what 3 presidents, if they haven't been prosecuted by now, they won't be prosecuted. well, west and ages have been declined, the loss of the russian plus walk to the static st and phone me hailing him the hero. they haven't shown such sentiment tools. julian assaults, a person who risk is nice for the freedom of press. let's take a look. he bravely stood up, the corruption, the violence, and all the bad things. if you have them arrested, prosecuted for forever to crimes. says the prison yourself with nice solutions. the prison. she was a powerful voice for the truth. the
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alexis of all me, has been a brave leader who stood up against corruption and a talk or sing. he died pretty close to what she dedicated his whole life freedom. the world has a lot of extraordinary brutality and his government. the
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i would argue that it's closer to me in the high tech terrorist massages and nurses who has created nothing of value utilize on the dirty work of others to make himself famous. he has to answer for what he, how it has done is this guy is a traitor, a treasonous. i'm not for the death penalty. so if i'm not the only way to do it illegally shoot to some of the or the russian forces are advancing and have taken another key location on the front lines of the house on reason was according to the defense minister. so okay,
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sure it goes here. for, for to, to president boots and that the problem that i couldn't cause issue, the village of cranky has been cleared and our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed, they're operating at maximum efficiency. some individual enemies soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep a river. we are working on that they are being offered a chance to surrender as problems. just a is off. the rush announced it has kept it of this guy and that done yet for public. a city which has been under the control of cubes. full system with a decade. the bottle for this procedure, gary, i took many months and claim money live before you. quiting in full says fine land tail to play with true. the retreat from the city full t of stream savant and munition on all the west and supplied equipment among them. was this us made on with personnel. tar ya seen being towed away to search vehicles have been recovered enough to have the sofa most co planes, kia,
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most of them is 3000 soldiers during its retreat. russian forces also took back the main route to watch which supplies a large number of cities and the roof population, including the regional capital done yet on teasing goes donald pas best experience it for both on the site. so this is the, the net school to filtering plots. and until early 2022, it used to provide fresh wood safe, used to provide access to fresh water for the entire city in early 2020, to kind of switch sides. it used to be in the grey zone, kind of the no man's land according to the mask agreements and the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st thing they did, the 1st order of business for them here was to deny was to strip citizens of the nets of something as basic as the right as the access to tap water. the station hasn't been a safe place for years. it's operating company would have to repeatedly implement
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shut downs to ensure workers safety back then all hopes were pinned on the o is see, and it's you and back to monitoring mission alex peace making skills. now the stations that provided water for over a 1000000 people looks like this. the you to call was that we took your up dave car reads the scripture on the wall left by the unit to enter the territory of the basset station 1st little because we're no significant battles here. but it's an interesting story. we're preparing for the
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salt and how to make our way through the tunnels. here. in the end, everything happens so spontaneously with our drill and dropped the leaflets calling for surrender in the red. we will kill you and had the phone number of our division commander. they called and said that they wants to surrender. we gave them half an hour, so they jumped out of their positions. and then a chain reaction began them. then emmys fled from of they ask of that is there were no harsh clashes. they simply fled and were shot as they ran away, throwing their weapons to assist, or it won't be soon until this facility will be able to pump the water to people's kitchens and bathrooms. ukraine still holds hostage of the river of saber ski the next. the main water supply of the don't pass rusher has to claim control over its upstream too. so the issue, clues of black smoke rising on the horizon show that it is doing just that one. how much is done of approaching from the dog boss?
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ok, see for missing a security policy unless about the fence, the michael move believes that the law solve off to have come. might monica point of over time on the battlefield? few points versus i have to ask is a turning point. it's the beginning of what i would see as a cascading effect of a russian offensive to finally route ukrainians out of a areas that they've long held. and they, they are totally on the defensive now. and if you hit in a number of areas, at the same time, it disperses their, their concentration of forces even more. and because they're already depleted, and they claim to have little very edition, this makes their task even more arduous. i think people are seeing that with the have the care and everything else, the other just going to be throwing good money after bad and, and, and they,
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that the, even the europeans are seamless. now. they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give to the, to the, to buy equipment for ukraine. the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks. and when it comes back on the 28th february on march, 15th partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress, well, we have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding. it has to be any before parts of the government shutdown. so the congress, lately, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now in the us congress. stringent sanctions, laptop multi bochita fast. so by the echo, as group of west african states have suddenly been lifted, the broken recently made a similar concession towards misha. it comes off to the truth, threatened to quit the group, medical reports of sympathy at the us,
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who has more. yes, already of heads of state and compliment of course said the decision to lift economy expanse was imposed on these. there was based on humanitarian consideration, siding, the hoss imparts of assumptions on citizens and regional economy. and for us to spend that the closure of light, an airport as between its members states and these are the freezing of assets and all service transactions, including utilities and for travel ban on government officials and their family members and reversed the suspension of these are from regional financial assistance and transactions for the regional upsets target. individual santo's and political sense has like limited access to the airport summit and minister of sessions will hold. firm. political sanctions has not been lifted. portables have been lifted on commercial sanctions have
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been lifted, but they are targets. it sanctions, as well as political assumptions that 3 made in force, of course, also called for the immediate and open base with all release of all sudden missouri and president mohammed pursued the ordinary summit pumps based off a general. yeah, people got one like serious former head of space and one of the founding fathers of the regional block made of lead to the block to reconsider its measures to restore constitutional order in the region for the sake of regional integration. but the decision to lift the band comes out of the critical john to for it posts on january the 20th, the newly formed alliance of the hell, which includes molly, missouri, and for 10, across the announce withdrawal from the bluff on the grounds at airports had viewed it from its founding ideals and was found the range of foreign towers airport denies these allegations. my dear in president paula suitable, who also doubles as equity said the commission is put in it citizens 1st and sadly
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sir molly and 14 apostle also not perceive the commission as the enemy demo. chris is nothing more than the political from work on the pads. so addressing the basic needs and aspiration of the people. this is why we moss the exam in a quarter of the approach to request for post solution for that info over i mean by states. as you have full arch requested at the division of these 3 nations to exit. oh, i'm not sure by steve, i've got a nice ation. as the n f horse was traded in 1975 to
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promote economy prosperity among member states. but it has been struggling to deal with a wave. of course, in recent years, the block was criticized for being heavy handed on these are off of the july also president assume. last week, the alliance of the house, they said it was working to create a confederation and may soon welcome a new car and see known as the house. but for now, it is not clear what may happen next august. the lifting sanctions can restore the trust in the regional block, which may have been broken. timothy or peasy are to apologize my to re well to talk about all of this on mall. i'm joined by ken perrera canyon independent unless cadillac to, for joining me here in, in moscow. i mean, let's talk about the echo us, the thing for us. we echo a seemingly caving to pressure say no, we don't want you guys to leave. we're going to make this concession. what are you surprised? i think say that as well,
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having media and festivals. i mean most cool because of the 2nd congress of the national movement versus a 5. and it's a moment as time for me, it's a point of what it was. statement of what flattery to multiple energy. that thing for me, this speaks to what is happening in the west region where we begin to begin having who's voice? everybody's voice matos in this case. so i go back to a question. i'm really not surprised. i was expecting this to happen. the reason is that the course itself, since it's formation of deliver nothing in west africa, in tunnel it's week. and when we talk about the agenda, one of the cutting out and the fact that in africa today, there is a rising voice of new generation of leaders. we just want to think about the people the global see that felt very abundant, especially when corporate came to own our own. when many things happen,
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africa's associate comic and political situation that's going to see that to the 30th of gets west, even in that either with that relationship. the relationship, especially with the, the west ton welch has been largely because it's been exploitative. they couldn't been sending each time. there's a problem like in those regions, especially when we're talking about the most of them friends speaking, friends as well as responded by sending in troops or successfully to protect it for an interest on the interest of citizens. so i was not surprised that these 3 states to the ground and it was this most, i have what the way we those to move. and again, this can be fund military operation. what, when the options 0 option is accept empty size. that's all they do. they realize that they need to visit countries, call them left on the field to get thrown this certain you want to space of the 3 countries that the into the change that lined and stick with us. i think it's just
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a question of changing the minds us thing. we live close by telling the rest of the wall and it was, you got to listen to us story. we've got something to say. there was a reason we just built mind. we didn't just wake up on monday and say, we're taking over the power. the lead is when there uh, seen us before of type video video and fully quotes with the colonial must. as with the, the i've never watched for the interest of the people in west africa has been lift faced in some of the main point in poverty indexes. and did the rich in mineral resources who is taking home in roles and that does this to them that if we, if we can continent every african passed on us to think about, we have a wealth, but dependence, a way of poverty is really something that is beginning to have a very serious discussion in africa. sweet ways to watch play know so we might as well talk about that as well. i mean, we obviously know that it has been approved to unplug the history of your pen colonialism on the continent. do you still feel that although, like you said,
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a sense of the, the days of colonialism have gone, but a new colonialist mentality pervades uh, western government and clauses to this day. it's a truly the new colonialist state is west then of the actual colonial period. because there is this message i see and very evil because it sucks the blad out of the country with a false believe that you can manage your state affairs. you can manage your things and did your conditions ugly, do. but that is not even. this is not a question of say, we can talk last the court, but it is, is to treated like a baby. yeah. and, and even a baby it wasn't a b, b as a child tell us the gift of instruction. so the question of why it was a popular relationship with religion based on mutual understanding of trust. whereas if it goes fortunes continue to dina. even in this facebook and globally, it has been that we tell you what to do. you don't have your own voice said most of
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mostly does enough because i've had a chance to just see what the west once and that there's been, there's a new, like i mentioned the union national frequences. you must listen to us story. we must use our own resources. it's time to tell our story. and they tell me no rooms at this to be what we know said the will in ukraine seem to accelerate this trend of multiple our see. that's why you said that you will hear most go. i wasn't aware of them for i got the told me via talked about this explosive relationship of the west tradition towards the african consent. is that why you think that so much of the global south has embraced decide to open the balance of power and why, for, and it's like the global use frustrated for example, this, it was a file of form, a takes and paste because it also is in a ton of to, to pos relationships that we've seen in the ukraine. quite young has been very and
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found. and indeed, especially with the, the article, the guys over with the policy and one that goes into governance to pre seen them be balance them big, which he and he pull chrissy. but just as a be to him. and i did as a lovely being a single story. nobody we don't hear the other side of this story just one side. and then it flies in the face of what records, what, what we all talk about sobinski and state determination. nobody wants to africa is a we, i've been told a single story when it's, how about this story about that? does that one? nobody's telling that same story. so that in itself, as kind of clarify, put things in perspective. that's what the building is. a very, very critical relationship that we have in blissful. so i mean, we know you're talking about the cause of that. this is obviously on, on the play movies of conflicts that have dominated global attention for about 2 years now. i mean nasa can continent has had its own security on terra troubles for
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decades, and lots of them. lots need to make some of this feel the scramble of after people took out the router and decided without any regard for the afternoon, differences and on tribal conflicts as well. do you feel that that is a lack of attention and aids willing to extend whether it's money or whether it's secure to help when it comes to those conflict? how does that, where extend a false false step when you talk about cause, where are you quite in, for example, right? of because been left just on the devices to study those problems. and also the time of cause gets into that because it is when it is very negative because the media that the what i'm revise, the story is the western media with a buck wasn't as disease. trinity, that is the story of african that is totally to the world, but the positive story, nobody brings it out. and because of the car in the tell themselves agenda, nobody cares about it. we called to do our own agenda, and this is why it has been very,
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very unfortunate. it's time africa is on the water them up is when is stuffing is funded. isn't say the story is it will happen in africa. let it happen because that does this totally, but we have got to change that story by saying festival. let's talk and listen to each other. we've got our own things. it recognizes for who we are and don't tell us being us history because you want a support to achieve your own interest. because at the end of the day, it's month to month, the global interest, it's about interest of a sudden, countries that kind of seem to hold the power that can hold a stick with other people and do what they want to do. so this is a story that is changing, that we've found out that we need to tell a story about doesn't much as it comes to the wisdom was because it's now seeing that to their life that do this to they can do with it. and that's it. i'm finding that i do want to all stairs of teaching a, we'll just say the younger generations and after they feel a bond and they feel that that voice has been neglected. you'll come up there.
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what's the fault for and the idea of imagine multiply, receive a shift to happening in the wild, never a global governing bodies like the united nations, for example, established many, many decades ago, which don't necessarily reflect what we are seeing now on the globe and a re not is it time to change that to adapt it so that it more accurately represents the change in balance of power. indeed, we need to do that. it's should have up in this to the cause of seeing what happens in the u. n. if the interest of the people fund, he who pays the paper closer to him, and that is what has happened of because boys and which is a big voice, has been muted as a new to that level. i think it's more time the people looked at the forms of being involved, voices and in the spirit of what your quote, everybody matches in the world. the voices that concerns localize the what they must find. convergence did global level work and say this part of the was,
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we will need to put ourselves there and address the problem to not be selective in the way we do things as a new generation. i think of that as no bindings or eyes in the colonial past, the colonial collins and hopkins that will not listen to that story because this story is the real story of poverty. the real story of the under presentations and reinstalled he of ways my future beyond what i have. well, can i wish that we could talk a lot more because i feel there's so many issues that are relevant now just but i'm afraid that as we have a time full, but we do very much appreciate you coming here and we will so wish it was a success of pools at about 4, and that was that kind of independent unless can both sarah, thank you, can't you very much and i'm, it is a good buy from us. go for the solve the buy for me today. i will research it will be taking over the top so you can stop by, but later on as me, i'll see you soon. i the
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hello and welcome to was a part of a single gas is a tragedy, a 1000000 death, par statistics. while they also ship, all of this aphorism, is still debated. it does reflect accurately the desensitizing effect of mass violence has on the human side. can't the bigger or longer the suffering the harder it is to relate to it on a personal level, the case in point is the palestinian question on.


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