tv News RT February 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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in the is also is this house is the 2014 why that includes us crime death. i didn't, i didn't service as in presence in the ukraine, walking along the roof is going to provide kids in some of the enter the lessons and fighting that's going to have long show report released by the new part of the full. just take another phone line town on the battlefield, find this was the company sort of of the of that. now it's pushing things further back to the fans on regional the time before. and these years echo us and live sciences info. malia the process comes off of that fee of nations present, visited the
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from of the, the well, this is all to this good to have your company today. my name's some on some of the news of this out west. the media have exposes to washington supply games shining a fort life on the sea ice presence and you and ever since 2014 and the pool. the new site says that the american peasants agency have have a 1000 secret basis. and the russian border are those that impulse and that you're creating force is a part of a c, i a support network of spite basis constructing the policy tiers that includes 12 secret locations along the russian border in the ca also help training new generation of ukrainian spice operating side, russia, across europe and in cuba and other places where the russians have a large presence. the new york times states. many details of this intelligence partnership are being disclosed for the 1st time. the bombshell is that the c i, a and other us agencies, provided intelligence for targeted missile strikes,
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the tracking of russian drones and troop movements and support forced by networks. now in over 200 interviews from current and former officials and ukraine, united states and europe, they describe this partnership that was literally built initially from this trust. they weren't sure. and then uh, built up to a very key intelligence hub that surpassed more communications from russia. then they could actually handle now, according to the article, the united states intelligence apparatus said they did have some red lines that ukraine ended up crossing. the new partnership started producing so much more intelligence, but prussia that it had to be shipped to language for processing. but the see i did have red lines, it wouldn't help the cleanings conduct defense if lisa operations was a distinction the grid on the ukrainians. now, because the us and nato never admitted to that, they're fully fighting a war with russia. and the idea is that a proxy war has
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a hands off practice meeting that they can provide info, but they never are behind pulling the trigger, so they have to follow certain laws. now such an incident occurred in 2016 when lieutenant colonel boo down off at the time, let commanders across a narrow gulf and inflatable speed both that landed in crimea out in the middle of the night where a russian commander unit was waiting for them. the ukrainians and fought the russians, and a uh, a russian supp fighters actually died, including the son of a general, then they, uh, the ukrainians swam back to shore into your brain and control territory. now this was a p r nightmare for the united states because it was a disaster, and president put himself a two's ukrainians of committing a terrorist attack, and then promised to events the death of the russian fighters. meanwhile, obama, who was the president's and joe biden said this cause more problems and made things a lot more difficult. now there was another case. one of mysterious explosion
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happened in john yes. occurring in an elevator carrying explosives, exploding, and an elevator that carried a senior russian commander named arson. powell, who was known as motor roll. uh, let's hear a little bit more about that. a serious explosion through an elevator, tearing the senior russian separate, this commander named arson, powell of noble, he's known the garret, much roller, the ca, some learned that the assassins were members of the 5th directorate, the spikes they received ca training, some of them mister obama's advisors, were furious, but the ruling ducks, the presidential election speeding donald j trump against jewelry. while him clinton was 3 weeks away and destination has continued. this goes back a decade under 3 very different presidents. you have president obama, then president trump and bite. and now donald trump, of course, did include anti russian hawks and key positions including a mike pompeo, a c dies, c i, a director, and john bolton, his national security advisor. now it's crucial to point out that the new york times claims a c. i a partnership and ukraine can be traced back to 2 phone calls at the night
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of february 24th of 2014. during of course the might onto the key of supplement news by chief went to an office and called the c i a station shape. and the local head of the and my 6 and ask for help in building the agency from the ground up. and therefore this 3 partnership, 3 way partnership was established as the partnership. different of your 2016. the ukrainians became impatient with what they considered washington's on due caution and against agents as a nation. some other legal operations which while aided the terms the white house bought the ukrainians, had agreed to if you read officials in washington threatened to kind of support, but they never did. now this of course was all part of the victorian newland, jeffrey piatt apparatus during that time. that of course removed victory an accomplishment power and then of course, initiated the might on cool. so this indicates a lot of the people that said that the i was involved at that time. now another point to mentioned really quick is in 2016 to see i a to begin training and elite
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ukrainian commando force known as unit 2245. they captured russian roads and communications gear, so that the c, i could actually reverse engineer this information and crack most because encryption system. they also then went onto train a new generation of ukrainian spies who operated inside russia, europe and cuba, or other places that russians had a large presence. they train ukrainian intelligence officers out of spies and assume pay for soon as in garner information. this was called operation gold fish. we've seen a shift in the sentiment and us americans on the economic status of the united states while giving more money to ukraine. we've also seen russia succeed and it's military tactics of d. f got. and also on the deal political stage. so what we're seeing is that, why is this happening now? perhaps they want to distraction. perhaps they're trying to distance themselves from another failed proxy word. the new science of what reveals washington. a cube
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is not only the roots of the whole new but this, that the c i a has also had a hand in keys policies. today on c, cause one cable then means us one. well, the new report confirms what russian officials have been pointing out from day want that the us intelligent services are very entangled into the ukrainian forces and into the conflict in ukraine. the new re. busy it says that when the special military operation was launched by russia at that time, the c, i, a officials that were in ukraine, were operating out of a hotel. and every day they met with contact at this hotel and carried out their operations. uh, got reports about contacts and networks that were being built bite and what house authorized by agencies to provide intelligence support for legal operations against russian forces on ukrainian soil is senior us official set of the c. i a sizable presidents. are they pulling, triggers? know, are they helping with targeting? absolutely. now the new york times report goes on to explain how us the central
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intelligence agency as well as m, i 6, the british intelligence agency. they both operated in ukraine and the lead up to the special military operation. building networks, training them to recruit source is to gather information, as well as build plan, dest, dine, and part of the networks. and in southern kiersten, these words has moved into action. murder and people that were accused of being collaborators with russia and helping target russian positions along with ukrainian for. busy us now it's also important to know that according to the new york times, uh there was a meeting convened in the hague, a secret on which the us, the central intelligence agency coordinated with other intelligence agencies throughout europe to kind of launch an anti russian front. the representatives from the c, i frequence m, i 6, the a true off the dutch service, the critical intelligence l i and other agencies be great to start pulling together
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more of the intelligence on russia. the result was a so good coalition against russia and the ukrainians were vital members of it. now it's important to know that the new york times, as well as other mainstream media outlets in the united states, are generally used by the sky it or what they refer to as limited hangouts, where they reveal certain information but not all. and with this report coming forward in the new york times, we can assume from this that this is just the tip of the iceberg. they deal with need to at least acknowledge this much activity. there's probably quite a bit more that has taken place. the timing of the report is particularly interesting as well, right? we have the a package in congress for ukraine that has failed to pass the market. republicans and others are holding up the aid package for ukraine requested by the us whitehouse. and this comes on the heels of information that former c i a director william burns, paid a secret visit to ukraine on thursday and was hurriedly reassuring ukrainian
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officials that american aid would come through. they would get the aid that was promised. however, not all of them found his words to be so reassuring. the question that some of you creating intelligence officers are now asking their american counterparts as republicans in the house way, whether to cut of billions of dollars and aid is one of the ca will abandon them. it happened and it's getting some before. and now it's going to happen in ukraine as soon as you're creating officers set the acting us deputy secretary state victor . a new one said that she has a strong confidence that the aid package will be passed despite the disagreements in congress between republicans, democrats, monitor republicans and others. we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the us economy to mix those weapons, including good paying job was in some 40 states across the united states. so it was, that's the beginning of the conflict. russia has made clear that this is not a fight between a solver and country and russia. this is rather
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a country ukraine that has lost its sovereignty and become a vehicle through which the united states and its allies can antagonize and threatened the rush. and the after such a long period of these antagonisms, russia felt it had no choice but to move in with its special military operations. this is what russia has been saying from the beginning. and this has been pretty much bully confirmed by this new report from the new york times. by now a very lucky now to be joined by full us intelligence officer at post of the show, the whistle blows. junk. have you ever done? thanks for joining me today. thanks for taking the time out. i place you on according to this new times on really it seems the c i a as been in ukraine since the 1314 why that includes something. russia has been saying for years. well, she'll take on this revelation. i mean, are you surprised this is out? i am
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a little surprised that this is up and i would know to that even though the new york times is one of the c, i is go to media outlets along. ready the washington post, if, if you look at this report of the, the authors say that they interviewed more than 200 people. so this is not a single source report where somebody told a fantastic story about the c i a. this is 200 different interviews confirming what we all suspected all along. there was, there was nothing in the, in the story that particularly shocked me. as you said a few minutes ago, this was largely confirmation of what we've been saying since 2014. what did surprise me was the detail that it went into, because usually this is the kind of thing that the c i a wants to keep quiet. and that led me to think that, that perhaps there's some domestic political message here. that this may be
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a warning to, to maggot republicans from the white house to say, look at this, look at this new york times article. it's taking us 10 years to build this presence in ukraine. it's taking us 10 years to cultivate this relationship. look at all we've accomplished and you want to throw it away by not a by not appropriating money for the ukraine fight. i suspect that's why this was leeks. and if i could make one more point to oftentimes when the new york times the washington post create uh, or pre relationships with intelligence officers that allow them to come up with these big stories on major cases. if the c i a or the white house complained loudly enough, the, the new york times and the washington post leadership will killed the piece. and they didn't kill this piece. they've published it. so i think there's several messages here. i don't but quickly. oh, let's see, i a offices, i'm saying,
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i'm guessing these are soldiers at the end of the day and does i'm on closer to is boots on the ground. the american forces in, in uh, in ukraine, actively participated in this, in this conflict. because they're, they're not seen as boots on the ground, the c i a has, it has an entity called. ready special activities division, it is entirely civilian but entirely made up of former special forces. so once people have retired from the navy seal. ready and the army rangers in the green berets. then some of those people are brought into the c. i as civilians as advisors, more than anything. but in terms of, of shooting russians, that is a red line that even the c i leadership is not willing to for us. all right john. so im basically told a little bit about that 5 or you think this is i signed off by the white house
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perhaps to generate more money and move funds for you plain but of the day. is it gonna have any buy flash? i mean, are we likely to see western media taking it a different way or with a different spin on things? i should hope so. i should hope so. you know, i say this, this all the time, the american people have the right to know this information because they have a right to know what the government is doing in their name. and if they don't believe that the c i a and the white house should be provoking the russian government or putting americans in harm's way by putting them in a front line state like ukraine. they should have the information necessary to make that decision and to inform their members of congress. we don't want a to ukraine. and the only way to do that is through these uh, these revelations and these intelligence weeks. all right, so before i let you go, natalie also goes on to say, ukraine is worried. i, i read the article,
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it is long. the don't say that he finds why it is a c. i might do that or i as it did is ask them partners. i mean, it is probable thing. i think it is because the ca, yates them, and most americans don't even understand this. but the ca is not a policy organization. it's a policy support organization. it does as it's told by whoever happens to be in the white house and if the decision is made, let's say. busy donald trump is elected president again, if the decision is made to end military support for ukraine, the c i a has to salute and say, yes, mr. president. and then that's the end of it. i think that's what a lot of people in washington are afraid of. right. so it looks like it's a little bit deeper. you know, according to the story again, this guy helped select targets the paintings, dislikes. however, those you creating the site, as you well know, as we all know, routinely targeted residential areas. i mean, to what extent is
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a c r a complicit to this? well, i think this guy would be complicit any time a civilian is either targeted or even killed or wounded. this is, this is a, a war crime that meets the definition of a war crime. and just because we've convinced ourselves over here that we're, the good guys doesn't make it any less of a work product. so i think you're exactly right. whether the c, i a, is just advising the koreans or advising and helping to implement the tax on russian targets along with the ukrainians. then the c, i a has to take it to the responsibility from these attacks, especially when, when they're on civilian targets, accidentally or purposefully. yeah, they like to use the word find the file, not the they so oh yeah. and i also, when i read into the all, to go into a lot about how the c i had been involved in ukraine since 2014. and we thought
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about what we thought about the special moves overnight. and that started now coming into the, the, but the see i have been there for a long time. clearly, this would worry russia anyway. i'm sure they knew. they didn't really want so much, you know, influence on the board is, isn't this a red flag for any country? a listen, you recognize this as a problem. i recognize this as a problem. i have no idea why i know understanding why not everybody in washington recognizes this as a problem. it's like there's this inability, not just an unwillingness but an inability for anybody in a position of authority in washington to put himself in russian shoes to understand why the russian government would be upset by this kind of a policy. and then one thing is lead one thing leads to another and then you have
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a c, i a presence in ukraine for 10 years. you have c, i advisors on the ground helping to choose targets. you have the us a needle military's arming and supplying the ukrainians, and for the life of them here in washington, the policy makers can't understand why the russians are upset. it's a mystifies me. one last question before i know you guys, i know you're busy mind. do you think uh, how do you think that the, the american public is the actual will react to this uh, new york times article? i think we're probably more likely to see reaction in congress than we are among the public. the public for the most part has walked away from this conflict. you know, at 1st it was all gung ho for ukraine. i think people are both. busy and tired now, and they don't so much care anymore. it's the policy makers that care about it. on the one side, you have the democrats that want a blank check for ukraine. on the other side,
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you have the republicans that just want to walk away and pretend it never happened . it all depends on who wins in november. yeah, one to watch for sure. appreciate your time and john carry out the so the list of was, i'm formally us intelligence officer. thank you so much for your time. my pleasure . the letters update from the russian defense minister. you say it's a key but attempted to carry out a terrace attack using to guide the files over the block c, l minus the either the they were taken out and 5 button at defense is before reaching the top. now meanwhile, motion the forces are involved as seen on the by foot and have captured the strategic point in the head is on the you know, that is according to the nation's defense minister. in the report to president puts a hacker and competition. the village of cranky has been cleared. our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed, they're operating at maximum efficiency,
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and some individual enemies soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that they are being offered a chance to surrender that something's just days off. the rush to announce it had captured the upgrade and then the rest of the public. a city that had been under the control of kids folders for almost a decade. the by hold for the key location to many months before ending in a k off in feet by including forces. the rushes for ministry hasn't slammed a lot of them. is it? as the the saying, i didn't use confidence that only so 2000 and few clean troops have been killed in the conflict. the fact is, the lands keys lying is realized by every citizen of ukraine festival, but every ukrainian soldier early as the president did not consider the russian speaking population of don't boss us. people now he has stopped considering the
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population of the remaining pulse of ukraine as people, threats. it's not 31000 ukrainian troops have died in this war. so as guilty as i do the crime, i have information on the as counter revise of over. i was laid on his table before it ever the guy, but those words were the only ones untrue attention. he's going to want me to add to the i'll tell you frankly, i'll counter offensive operations last thoughts and were on the kremlin table before the counter offensive began. little maxim was lou in the most live with little we're doing everything possible and impossible to make a break through. the 2024 plan is already in place. we do not talk about it publicly, is powerful, it is strong. it gives not only hope, but it will give results in 2024 and i might disappoint you. but what we do now is that he actually died of a blood clot,
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answer to the look of being at a key at the cl number. your mike they don't have them. this is all false. although we spoke with international consultant o arrives and he is and he says that is an estimate is not in touch with reality, hunky is most likely off, much more germany. it's counter offensive alone, or maybe a little bit yet woken up, yet from a dream. so he's obviously delusional. perhaps the need to just drop the 01 the numbers or flips off the notes from russian cash to least ukrainian casually. clearly now we, or maybe it's a budget issues, so i only claim $30000.00 killed in action. so i only pay a pay out to the families for $30000.00 soldiers. so it's a clearly, it's misplace, letting me know we had more casually than that just in the, in the recent counter offensive. so which is the complete the bottle. so it's, uh,
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yeah, it is. it's, it's the least. it's, it's, it's for political purposes solely and, and he knows as the numbers are already very low. if he actually provided real numbers, you'd probably be out next week probably a better line saying before the counter offensive that they had 100000 soldiers last. we have a us assessments anywhere from $70000.00 plus the russian assessments, obviously around the what $3.00 to $400000.00 intelligence sources, some more reliable for intelligent sources. clearly do not support the numbers the most is the one steve saying, i'm not sure where he's getting numbers from or maybe he's him together to get them themselves. but it's, it's clearly is a, he's lying to the training public. we've got the age limits, have been expanded, we've got women being brought into the service and, and we've got the just rounding up another 5 that works well. i don't think they're
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going to be able to get 500000 but and we're asking countries to send back to the port ukrainians in that in their draft day, just back to ukraine. so why you have these measures? if you've only, if they've only lost uh $30000.00 sold, minus sizes out to the applicant, come to that, be a cool, awesome google. worse off with insights, has lifted sanctions against malia and looking at fonts. it look like similar concessions, and these, at a while, leaving some restrictions in place, it goes off of the tree of nations, threatened to leave the lights. people in the jazz capital was seen cheering echo us as decision routing will take effect immediately. all little correspondent timothy a visit. with more details. the authority of heads of state and compliment of that court said the decision to the lift economy expanse was imposed on these. there was
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based on humanitarian consideration, siding the hoss imparts of assumptions on citizens and regional economy. and for us to spend that the closure of light, an airport as between its members states. and these are the freezing of assets and all service transactions, including utilities and for travel ban on government officials and their family members and reversed the suspension of new share from regional financial assistance and transactions. for the region of upsets target, individual centers and political centers, lights limited access to f, west summits and minister assessments rolled firm politico sanctions has not been lifted. border proposals have been lifted. the commercial sanctions have been lifted. but the target to sanctions, as well as political sanctions, that to remain in force, of course,
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also called for the immediate and often based on all release of all said missouri and president mohammed pursuing the ordinary summit from space off a general public gall one. my curious former head of space and one of the founding fathers of the regional block, made of lead to the block to reconsider its measures to restore constitutional order in the region for the sake of regional integration. but the fees on the lips, the band comes at a critical juncture, for it posts on january, the 20th, the newly formed allows us to hell, which includes molly and these are and $14.00, across the announce, withdrawing from the blow on the grounds at airports had viewed it from its founding ideals and was found to reach the far inside was airports, denies these allegations by 2 and presidents, while at suitable who also doubles as eric was to set the commission is put in its citizens 1st and said mazar molly and also also with not perceived the commission as the enemy. democracy is nothing more than the political from work on
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the pads. so addressing the basic needs and aspiration of the people. this is why with moss the exam in the course to approach to request for post solution uh for that info of our name by states as you have for each in total cost is add the division of these 3 dishes, the lexia. oh, i'm not sure by steve, i've got a nice ation. as the n e l course was traded in 1975 to promote economy prosperity among member states, but it has been struggling to deal with a wave of schools in recent years. the blog was criticized for being heavy handed
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on. these are off of the july also president assume. last week, the alliance of the house, they said it was working to create a confederation and may soon welcome a new car and see no one asks us a house. but for now, it is not clear what may happen next or with lifting sanctions can restore the trust in the regional block, which may have been broken. timothy a piece or 2 of whom john, my dear washington spends most of the money advocated as aide for you, clint, all weapons productions at time of the thing. us devotees, negative state victoria, in minnesota, and an interview with cnn this week. now you can read that story in depth on our website and see don't com. i'm really back of the top of them. the
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