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tv   News  RT  February 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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the, the, the, for the 1st time president, the names of the number of the premiums soldiers killed in the conflict. but as for the races, questions about whether x corresponds with reality, the thing read over going going down the pool. his house at the same is of an attorney and fire till project, and i forgot to promise that a lot. but it's deliberate and going it alone with western fractions stopping iran applied to medicine. it scientists look to plug, i'd like to say things out by beginning costs of production, especially coming to drugs, the
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lo phone laska for myself, the whole team here at ortiz age to a very welcome to the program. well 1st off this hour, the russian defense ministry has reduced footage of its full since advancing in the hall cope region of east and ukraine. now this footage shows kids driving control positions being targeted and jumped on t across and miss all systems can also be seen in action, protecting against me as strikes new. courtney and president, it's not him, is it? as he has admitted to the pressure is full. so as a facing in the reach these close to the pressure from the russians is quite strong . in other words, the direction of the car, like a piano, where to be honest, go with it. you where you were in that we do a little bit less strong threats. it's not 30. 1000 soldiers have died in this war . and yet it's a great loss for us to be 880000 russians have died. there are 180000 didn't mean that in russia. the unions, i go to one of those, and it's very painful for us to do that. i can tell you how many
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a one put on as russian troops involves on the front lines i discussed the accuracy of those numbers put forward by president the landscape without he has done the quote to oh, 1st of all, what's interesting is the fact that this figure from ukraine's president comes recently after moscow actually gave its own estimates of ukrainian casualties, which suggest much higher losses on the side of the ukrainians. according to russia's defense ministry, key have suffered over 200000 casualties just last a year. well, the total number of ukrainian casualties, since the beginning of russia's military operation, is approaching $400000.00 according to statistics that we have from back in december. so it's already been some time since we had those numbers established. then of course the wednesday says that this all nonsense, but you gotta wonder, seeing all these videos of ukrainians being snatched up on the streets and incentive of conscription offices. you gotta wonder why so much fresh meat for the grinder is necessary if casualties are so low,
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not to mention how large we've seen ukrainian cemeteries grow in recent months. so this is all together, something that rushes for ministry folks woman is saying evidence for why is the lens these actually really just the liar? the fact is, the lens keys lying is realized by every citizen of ukraine festival, but every ukrainian soldier early as the president did not consider the russian speaking population of don't boss as people. now he is tops considering the population of the remaining pulse of ukraine as people reference position on this is really only further backed up by a flip up from the president of the european commission back in 2022 or so of underlay. and when she said that ukrainian losses had at that point reached a 100000 people in a video as it was just deleted as quickly as it was published, it is estimated that more than 20000 civilians and more than 100000 ukrainian military officers have been killed so far so well,
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that's one statement that i can see is what i but the western press. but is that anything else that he mentioned and not pretty comprehensive press conference that you think is interesting? well, now that the counter offensive is over, it's a failure. but the lensky is still saying that this is not something that he should be taking responsibility for. he says that uh, that the plans for the counter offensive were somehow available to the kremlin that in advance, he's going to want me to that. the, i'll tell you frankly, the list of how counter offensive operations last thoughts were on the criminal table before the counter offensive began. that despite the colossal failure of the, the 2023 ukrainian counter offensive, i mean the fact that it's failed to accomplish anything aside from net massive casualties. on the ukrainian side, we still got ukraine's defense minister, promising that 2024 is going to be a new year with new successes may have so much leeway and the much live with lift
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what we're doing, everything possible and impossible to make it break through the 2024 plan is already employers. we do not talk about it publicly. if it is powerful in a strong, it gives not only hope, but it will give results in 2020 for him. so definitely some big plans. there are some big words, but with russian forces now in control of a day of car and advancing across most of the front line. i mean, it seems like a 2024 counter offensive would be even more doomed to failure than the one that we saw last year. international consultant, a ross, and i said, believes that with faith, because presidents lensky is showing that he's not quite in touch with reality. maybe a little bit yet, woke up yet from a dream. so he's obviously delusional. perhaps the need to just drop the 01. the numbers or flips off the notes from russian cash to leave ukrainian cash. clearly now we, or maybe it's a budget if so i only claim $30000.00 until the max. and so i only pay a pay out to the families for $30000.00 soldiers. so it's a clearly,
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it's best place letting me know we have more casually than that just in the, in the recent counter offensive. so which is the complete the block? so it's, uh, yeah, it is. it's, it's believe it's, it's, it's for political purposes solely and, and he knows his numbers are already very low to be actually provided real numbers . he probably be out next week. we have better lives thing before the counter offensive stuff. they have $100000.00 soldiers last, we have uh us assessments anywhere from $70000.00 plus. i rushed assessments, obviously around the $3.00 to $400000.00 intelligence sources for more reliable and for intelligent sources. clearly do not support the numbers the most is the one students saying, i'm not sure where he's getting numbers from or maybe he's him after they get them
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themselves. but it's a, it's clearly is a, he's lying to the premium public. we've got the age limit, set been expanded, we've got women being brought into the service and, and we've got the rounding up another 5. what worked? well, i don't think they're gonna be able to get 500000 with it. and we're asking countries to send back to the port ukrainians in that, in their draft ages of back to ukraine. so why you have these measures is he's only because of only last uh, 30000. so what i, that same conference you claims military intelligence chief said that the recent death of russian political act, besides st. ivonya was indeed due to a black port as state as on it by most cuz officials bought $3.00 was one pound is what many positions in west i might disappoint you. but what we do now is that he actually died of a blood clot. while the subject don't involve me,
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is one of the focuses of the latest going underground episode with professor glen, be some he believes the active as he is just a political approved by the west, along with a number of engineers. if more it's not up to throughout the day, hit on all to head over to our website. and i'll has a quick preview the valley of course, before we started marching with the nazis in russia and was funded by the national endowment for democracy. and you explain in this book up briefly, it in, pausing the way the us intelligence services act in terms of these n g is to attempt to the destruction of democracy around the world. can just go into that a little because the national endowment for democracy is a routine me considered a great to pro democracy organizations, organization in the nato countries, as you know, well, this is one of the, the contradictions of the liberal, a 100 my. so under liberal hedge him,
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under the assumption is that the liberal ideals can only elevate in the international system if it occurs under the leadership of the hedge money, i'm do not have states. and uh, so towards this end to ensure hedge money. and this being to logics, that the corruption of the civil society, because we argue that a true free and open the democracy which, which has to be to belong to the garden. then you have to have a strong civil society supported by and jose, however, that is not enough to have to be international and juice. and then it turns out that a lot of this in san jose are actually not actually non governmental. they are completely financed by government and also and staffed by people, the former part of the, the intelligence community. now when it comes to is national, the, the monk, the sort of the national endowment for democracy, it was actually established in 1980, so $83.00 and entered an opening speech introduction. the speech was given by
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ronald reagan and he was very clear that this was a way of doing things in the open instead of hiding go see, i don't think golf course. it was quite embarrassing and again, this is not really big secret. do you have the that the co founder of the national government for democracy confirming that the and what the c i used to do is what to do now. we have had many, with the lawyers from the c i. it will say that this is effectively a c i operation and it's, it's a great way of a interfering in other societies because once you put all your money or put your money for interference into a n g o, which is allegedly about democracy, you now have source credibility, it's a, it's an institution of working for good values wherever positive, you know they're undermining democracy. so it has all the propaganda value you need . also, it's selected by definition. they only look to human rights and democracy issues in other 0 states. so suddenly,
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all great power politics is framed through the prism of human rights. so goods, good values versus bad values, the democratic west versus the authority or interest. and so this becomes an instrument of propaganda because there's no principles involved. the meanwhile report how is being published in the western press shining russ spotlights on the presence of us intelligence and u. k. a small box is 2014 of the new york times, right. so the c i a person's and my 6 on ukrainian intelligence from the partnership to counter must go. according to the article the by did administration list are i spy agencies to provide support support meet the operations against wash and filters on new quite in soil. purple so shots, light on involved ways of st. credit, american intelligence spaces located along the russian buddha. there was an impulse in the ukrainian forest as a part of
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a c. i a supported network of spite bases constructed in the past 2 tiers. that includes 12 secret locations along the russian border in the ca, also help training new generation of ukrainian spice who operate inside russia, across europe, and in cuba, and other places where the russians have a large presence full on us intelligence officer and had installed the whistle blows, don't carry out, cookies, but it's no coincidence of this damning revelation is coming out now. whether the c, i a is just advising the ukrainians, or advising and helping to implement the tax on russian targets along with the ukrainians. then the c, i a has to take it to the responsibility from these attacks, especially when, when they're on civilian targets, accidentally or purposefully. i think we're probably going to see a lot of denials, maybe even half part of denials, saying, oh this article got so much wrong. you can't believe everything you read even though the new york times is one of the c i is you go to uh,
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media outlets along. ready the washington post, if, if you look at this report, but the, the authors say that they interviewed more than 200 people. so this is not a single source report where somebody told a fantastic story about the c. i a is 200 different interviews confirming what we all suspected all along. what did surprise me was the detail that it went into because usually this is the kind of thing that's a c i a wants to keep quiet. and that led me to think that, that perhaps there's some domestic political message here that this may be a warning to, to maggot republicans from the white house to say, look at this, look at this new york times article. it's taking us 10 years to build this presence in ukraine. it's taking us 10 years to cultivate this relationship. look at all we've accomplished and you want to throw it away by not by not appropriating money
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for the ukraine site. i suspect that's why this was leeks, and if i could make one more point to often times when the new year times the washington post create the pre relationships with intelligence officers that allow them to come up with these big stories on major cases. if the c a or the white house complained loudly enough, the, the new york times and the washington post leadership will kill the piece. and they didn't kill this piece. they've published it. so i think there are several messages here and energy sol, so it's not any good for the product, but also for the for conform those producing it. it seemed too good to be true. science needs to be autonomy and oil tied. any, it was a diamond report into the company's biofuel operations in africa, says that they have failed to deliver on any of that problems. this however,
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the investigations on the ground and the 2 african countries went and he says it has advanced the 1st canyon, the republic of congo, haven't called it a strain of broken promises and on that targets the realities that of, to several years of assets. and these by fuel project has gained very little traction, and that is nowhere near its production targets. so much has been said to as the, you know, regarding the say, you know, all the time in fayette, in fact, those fading and all spoiling the hopes off many east african india has not made to any proper announcement about the status of this project. but this is a project that had to um, generated great interest in can yeah. when menu form is have joined the shade to the however, the results are not living up to the expectations of what the deals are. well below the target states by india for the upcoming. yeah. um and do the investigation that
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we are having to have it all disposal shows that any is failing indeed to deliver on those promises to print to thousands of tons of by a few crops. and this is now raising patients off the over the credibility of the company supplies for many parts of the african continent. and one of this is backed by the time in prime minister, georgia. i'm below need but also be important to note shows that not so long ago below me was quoted for naval blockade along the african coastline. now just over a yeah, into her own mandate that she has some sort of set of ties to disclose the at a summit enrollment below need to create that 2 groups. the kindest ending approach to africa had failed to save from now on each of the would be pursuing mutually beneficial cooperation among equals a fee from the printed feet in positions of the cost in some of your samples tvs and totally if it's possible to imagine. and try to a new page in the history of our relations cooperation is
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a close fall from any projects which invitations, but also from the charity like approach to africa, which is so ill suited to each extra ordinary development potential for holding. this is a to is nature location, a bridge between africa and to europe as a tail end. so we have the advantage of being able to build that breach. not starting from scratch, the try the based on the solar foundations that be great to talent and recon my take founder of a need to have the full side to envisage all those years ago. and all the more when we looked into the details of the prime ministers, much a plan which is named off the end to come and take the found the off the stage oil company in the, the sierra. it becomes that her vision is not really about to call creating new paradigms for inter continental pro corporation at all, but increasing the tenant government if it was over you foreign policy, the program sound a grand and it sounded promising. it would have been very difficult for any african
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countries to object or all the to not buy into what was said. and it was in 2021. when these premises were made in kenya and the congo. we have launched vertical integration initiatives. the 2 countries will be able to produce significant volumes of agri, feedstock, starting in 2023. it's now trade to trade before and even in the mentioned combo and present the phone. the situation is much, much a bit. so we understand the from the investigation that production b as also not even reach the testing stage of incense into the proposal to serve as an energy gateway for natural gas from africa. i'm reason questions about the advertising guess is a stop to us over renewable energy time, which is, advocates at the moment for a focus on renewables or considering africa's potential for solar electricity production. and of course not everyone is in prison. what did you tell them initiate to africa has an enormous amount of so,
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and wind genuine renewable energy sources. and instead she chooses a full solution like biofuels. we need plans that re balance africa's position globally in truly innovative ways. not convening that, keep it at the bottom of the food chain. even the efforts in union commission offered some particularly strong and preservation about the proposal morning, but don't need about promises that i'm not kept to. and that's exactly we, we all coming to the end of reminding her that africa is i'm not digging into those and civil society groups as well. have voice b, o concerns about the nature of the proposal. complaining that the attendance of sofa made to no particular effort to consult local governments and communities regarding the investments. and that should be a no guarantees in place to prevent the exploitation and the safety of natural resources that we have seen as being a feature of costs relationships between africa and many,
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many of these europe in countries and wisdom countries. but what we are seeing, according to the expenses that each of is throwing advocacy on public change and expecting the content governments to expand its proposal without flexible too much on the details of those proposals. but then the question is, does that sound like cooperation among equals of course not western sanctions against wrong, maybe designed to home, the country's economy, thoughts or something. they are really a matter of life and death restrictions on the supply of vital medicine. so how much it prompted some local produces to step in and fill a critical point on tuesdays it should only take some story upon discovering her mother's cancer diagnosis 4 years ago that searching them as for honey, a pharmacist was a rock bottom, especially because she as a health professional herself knew more than anyone else, but certain live saving medications would not be readily available for her mother
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due to us sanctions, whichever one to run some procuring close, old medical supplies, fast forward to the present and she's working with a dedicated team of experts joyfully manufacturing the range of cancer treatments using their want to know how after sang sanction there are no tests to continue for him for patient is for those 20 to you. right. and they've decided to manufacture just products in our country for shot, for sure. our assigned to fix, they were working in r n z in a manufacturing just for a dies by ourselves. following the united states withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal with it was and the subsequent re and position of sanctions on the country to one faced a sudden supply crunch across various industries with the medical sector bearing the brunt bye to the likes of the the restrictions seem to be a blessing in disguise. thanks to our 1st of all, your local companies. many of the section drugs such as dr. robinson hydro chloride
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and cyclophosphamide are now fully manufactured anyone years ago. most of this paradise has been important, but now they're proud that as you're manufacturing these products are new. ron, despite the concerted efforts made into the country, has only been able to partially address the crisis at a local level term for either around 360000 iranian cancer patients. experts have indicated that 20 percent of these patient population continues to depend on for and medication, which remains hard to come by. while the sanctions are not specifically doing that, as well as health care industry. the banking constrains complicated the procurement process and make it impossible for the country to pay for any medical items from global suppliers. despite the washington's claim of exempting humanitarian goods from being bar go, observations within iranian hospitals reveal a different reality. has become what the us has done is not fair with the sanctions on medicine because they are putting pressure on the patients. it's hard for his
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pay. sure. well, i'm heading to time jobs. medicines are obtainable and very expensive. my family is searching for medicine more than me because i'm in the hospital with how did they stand in long queues at the red crest and special disease department to get the drugs that they split up into different groups to search for the medicine in different parts of the city based on the families of these cancer patients and they won't say the audio is shared by countless families as they shuttled between drug stores in search of life saving medications. you know, the death of i'm, it's so painful and with so sad. i'm not alone in this when i wait outside to witness the pain of my son of citizens. all these hey, i can see how hopeless the family. so i us the american policy makers, to refrain from mixing all political affairs with the struggles of people and do not use people, especially patients as tools, cancer patients are not the only victims of the political games played by western leaders, those suffering from special diseases such as him ophelia
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e d f. the seem yeah. how about so paid a heavy price with the laser treatment? having glad to fade comedies, physicians a, these persisting obstacles are not only on ethical, but also wrong counter to establish humanitarian principles. huts month, it's absolutely in human how they're the private person from a medication that can save their life. it's unjustifiable. this is why we, as physicians, do whatever we canceled our patients' lives even for one hour, longer these individuals with chronic conditions, any wrong or not really battling the unless itself would also have to grapple with the side effects. so if he was sanctions, however, health care professionals in their wall and have seen the civil lines, they're racing against time to indigenous be a link health sector for now. they've made promising headways, but at the same time, they urge american politicians to board, jeopardizing the lives of people for political ambitions. usability are 2 to one. well as spanish independent tech 10 garza de is really will and that has approved
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a plan for a minute, treat operation. today's class and rough uh, where of course, moving a 1000000 displaced, pablo stands apparently sheltering. and well they don't to and does pull openings on to 18 civilians from dangerous earns and makes no mention of why the actually meant to go this way. the prime minister times the has been the season me and pace could end to quit t if the rough upon this implement the victory is within reach and you can't have victory until you eliminate come us. once we begin the rough operation, the intense phase of the fighting is weeks away from completion. not months, weeks away from completion. i've asked the army to submit to me a double plan 1st to evacuate to enable the evacuation of the palestinian civilians in gaza. and obviously the 2nd to destroy the remaining from us battalions. if we have a deal, it will be delayed somewhat, but it will happen if we don't have a deal. we'll do it anyway. it has to be done during the weekend. israel has been
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given mixed messages, confirming its intended tramp on military offense against mass after. also having suggested that progress in c, stocks are coming along the media reports say last week's meeting in paris between and is there anything at the beginning of the twos from the us call side. and each of us has been told with further negotiations in the home. so if you gave would suddenly, patient unlimited mandates to discuss the technical aspects of the potential bills . as administrators are still waiting, how must respond to the framework the posing, the reach enhanced, and this has not come associates on the latest reports. however, senior masters official said comments made by benjamin it's in yeah. how sunday. because dropped the color, the willingness to secure a hostage to you. you don't know whose comments show he's not concerned about reaching an agreement. he wants to pursue negotiation on double bond meant, and the blood show the philistines,
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and also for the pay. the framework provides the release of some 40 hostages, including women, children, female soldiers, elders, and even sick of fees may also include the release by is, are all of the hundreds of posting in terra context. thomas earlier said it's with not to lose all of the remaining hostages until as early as it's offensive and withdrawals, as sports has from the territory. pressure has been nothing on this and you know, has got limits to negotiate a deal as secure the release of the remaining costs, which as most of chaos are acted on the streets of tel aviv doing an antique governments riley saturday night with protesters calling for prime minister benjamin, it's in the ours is the commission, the
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new one western support, or is there any is action is place to concerns us national security advisor jake sullivan said the washington within support tele visa and offensive in the fall without a credible plan for the security is protection which is apparently lacking. we've been clear that we do not believe that in operation. a major military operation should proceed in rafa. unless there is a clear and executed will plan to protect those civilians, to get them to safety and to feed closed and house them. and we have not seen a plan like that because she is, are also facing an unofficial. the line of the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan, which and you know, is also due today his cabinet leader this week to approve the preparation of transport action. and the fact that as about 1500000 palestinians are taking refuge in the city as the current situation in the gaza strip with the means unbearable
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and even in payable team. and i just had to create it in 19, where in this 6 months of pool, we keep moving from place to place wherever it's released, instructs us to go. we go, no, no, they're saying they want to enter russell. so why did they ask us to have to run some things they wanted to occupy it? where could we possibly go without children cold and hung direct killing us? life is miserable. here. it is just some bearable. think it is. young people are suffering from trauma. some of whom do most of all, i just want to, some of them bid their children do the psychological pressure and many women from becoming getting divorced. here in rough talk with us, the list was originally displaced from time use of the i was told to go to rafa because your board is safe. we came here is the safe side of it is a disaster. residential square, measuring half of square kilometers, has been completely destroy the person size and the roof has already been submitted by the ideas. and we wait for this week to see what else will come from the
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government. not as our news, but us and for so we will be back up the top 4 associated with the and this for the sake of me, i'll see you soon. the the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered non peter roosevelt, the united states, it as orbit of vassal states or the coalition against peace from ukraine to gods. but it is the fight in ministration. it is against most of the world and historic width is.


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