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tv   Documentary  RT  February 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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is this the 1st 10 you see through there illusions, going underground? can the well, interestingly enough, that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do was question, shall we say these ukrainian prisoners? because i wanted to get inside their minds. i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile? i wanted to study them in very deep detailed ways. i am that american i see, pardon me, officer. and i've come to ukraine to try and understand and take the understanding back to americans about what has been happening here. so i'm very
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glad that you will sit down and talk with me, and i'm very glad that you speak english because my russian is not good. i my searching for the regiment as old i la combo a girl and won't have girl on want somebody to read over it. you want us of my name is dana hodges. my son is hunter, and my goal sign was that i had. and what i found with the 1st prisoner who was a very bright historian, economic minded individual, was essentially no one in ukraine really wanted to fight. they were pushed into what they were and grabbed off the street. they were captured by zelinski, they were threatened and they were so he didn't want to die. so he followed orders, but he'll have to pay the price for, for crimes that may have been done in those orders. so he was, he was also a little light because he said he had been told that the zelinski government had
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said, you know, america supports us, america, alarms us america and i told them no, that's wrong. the people in the united states of america have over thrown their congress and gotten rid of the democrats and the rhino who were pushing for this war. the american people do not support zalinski. the american people do not want to continue financing or providing weapons to ukraine. that's what to do and what i see the vicious kept out of the ukraine in mind. so what we've seen is a a pseudo pagan, brainwashing of the craniums that often is reinforced with tattoos
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of teutonic viking swastika bend there. a hero ideologies. and then that is amplified by drug inducement. the for the, for the, for
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the russian weapons, i think are the best weapons on earth. i think they're wonderful weapons. my, my father always described the a k. 47 is the best rifle ever made. uh, they preferred the was in vietnam by me partial to that to life. i've had an a k 47 personally and i think it's a wonderful weapon that endorse everything. very powerful and essentially cannot be
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exhausted and cannot be broken during the school. the for sure. cool, funny because i was a special operation soldier myself in the army and i see in their eyes the same discipline professionalism, stoicism, and i think they're also loved by the people in the civilian cities, of,
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of russia, the mothers and fathers, the neighbors, the, the general family of the russian people love their soldiers in uniform again to fit your last for oh yeah. so it's not quite as good without the both the the good for them. they will know what is the fucking i can fix it. yeah. what's going on with us? i'll send you the file for you. the . okay. i gotcha. okay.
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yeah. like it's amazingly quiet. there's no sound whatsoever. it's just the winds whisper this. you can't hear anything. and with an expert pilot like these guys just being able to control and it's, it's amazing what they can do and it's so small it can't be shot out of the ground . no one, no one can shoot at it. so i don't know any calendar measures other than uh, maybe m p or electronic or something like that. but that's a great technology. well down the scope as well as to see a conflict, we should be able to get that. uh they didn't still uh show movie didn't fuck on and you bought it through a problem with a system as soon as you started live, watch a lot. are link startling without watch or simply me. and if you want i must cut
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one in. but stoner, at the deal, i will assume through the show. i know if i had my manual, i thought that you'll pass you to that stephen all steadily and have more talk principally thrown more to senior chimney. but it's nothing that applies to my step . what some stuff that are you mean with national? i mean yeah. i mean, i don't what's no much you know, but the most i've seen us. oh my, my daughter was full. so i just woke up with football. you know, the 1st. yeah. you know that about the battle. yeah, yeah. well, which is listen, i knew more look world model was a good type. know what you is ellen musk providing star link for these drones to be used against, you know, some kind of smart guy and stuff like that. so i talked about the that was, it is so eel on mosque is providing star link, the technology to use these drones against the russian soldiers and kill russian soldiers. that's terrible. yeah. they're supposed to assume a severe, it's in
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a similar them boss of n. v is drones or bombing, also civilians civilian targets, schools benya for this. yeah, that's news to me because deal on mosque has been selling everybody in america. he's not providing starlight to ukrainian army you on mosque is providing star link capabilities to these drones. i'm thinking, well, he's told us in america he, oh, i'm not providing star link. that's a lie. and i get animated off because they're, they're desa creating my name and my country's name. you're lying to the american people telling them star links not being used to provide drones, drones or killing people. and then i see the high mars kidding schools. and kindergartens, and you're telling us all, hi maurice are going to be used only for military talk targets. that's why the,
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where are you from? and why did you come to russia? i'm from south korea. so i'm sorry is so and so yes. okay, how have your russian patriots, compatriots out, you know, soldiers and arms? how have they treated you and trained you actually, the only, i guess the problem is only leg is yes. go to the good thing. the now i'm under training for jerome. mm hm. so our team speak english. uh huh. because the curriculum on the platform was also in english english. okay. yes. all right. no problem. yeah. yes. what other nationalities and people or have you seen here?
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there's another base. he's from germany. germany. yes. also he totally, i'm italian or columbia and columbia and spanish, spanish and south korea as a rental. japanese japanese. yeah, yes, no, scotsman or irishman, i never see. oh man, that's a shame. well, that's good to see. so there's a lot of different people that are coming to help russia and how, how, how long do you think it's going to take before rush it completely defeats ukraine? i believe we finish with the next year. all of these troops that i spend time or for common in their volunteering and they're volunteering for the purposes of finding fascism because they'll realize this is the next, a central spiritual war between the side of light and the law in natural ness and god in the side of darkness demon has them in every form of perversion and corruption. i think you'd see
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a lot of americans come to the side of russia as well the and settling in for the night. the spartan military must be in the old days in the american army the right to be the lord my strength which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to
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fight. i shall give the tongue. i'm enemies cannot gain say, nor resist. the lord is my shepherd. i shall not want. he leaves me besides the still waters. he said of the table before me in the presence of my enemies. my cup run this over. surely goodness and mercy should fall on me all the days of my life. and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever. i'm sure done that for friendship between america and russia. god bless the russian people. the
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the strategy is the closings, as i say on the site is configured. certain you start to do it to you because he is not here. he doesn't. yeah.
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that's what it is. my 1st name instead of them. yes. good. okay. what was the name of the, the single, the, the, the, the, this is the, the, the the, the the
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model, the phone, right? mm hm. so that's all okay. so the, the, the, with the movie clear, the very moon to have catch nice stuff with the thought that there was somebody with his or the oh okay, thank you. all right, now the very good part, fat the
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in the nation. go see if it's, if that that's true. dominican see what a big run back to what they to potentially get towards it, but also it. so i'll go to the one. yeah. that one does provide you with the
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so it's called a high to full battle gear. we're going to get rid of some interest at a time. if i might lose the game here there's i know. so my name is we don't believe the very nice tomato sauce. every one of us to do it is you're good to know when you use all like well solar. dar was right on the front lines and you had mine's
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going off. that had been laid. you had constant barrage is of artillery fire. you had the ruins of uh, town and burnt out vehicles. we also found a lady that was living and sold dara, one of the last inhabitants who was refusing to leave her home and the ukrainians and you know, tried to kill her and target her. but the russians came to the rescue of solid r and she remain there. so she was a very interesting person that we had a conversation with. and she was standing strong and i think is emblematic of what all russian women are. they are fearless, they are standing to preserve their home, and they are not bowing to the, the fanaticism of fascist the ohio. if i make the children
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that each lot of beautiful patawsee i already to come remember on the highest my assignment when we should that statement or use my decision most receives back again, we should be go to the next door. pretty very device and i'm really chapman stomach . i can still bear with me if you're not ready to go for the bus, stop, get the bottom. would you just i think that there's to push the able to be stuck on the deductible. give during the summer. did later well, i think the woman, a solemn daughter who lives alone with her, a cat, sent her dogs in her memories in her home, packed with cushions, with the little mice that come through the broken windows. is both a story of sadness and a story of hope that if i looked at the, the, the,
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the what the, the so it's going to be in full body armor gear hustling running. takes me back banning . but the devastation is horrendous. i haven't seen anything like this plan, right. so we've got splits knots, special forces covering our bags. no, no, no, no, no, no, no grievance, stuff on the truck or
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something for the one where we are with a wonderful staff and nurses and doctors of this medical facility taking care of the wounded soldiers and is an american veteran. i remember people we most love are the doctors and nurses because they're so invaluable. so feel free to slip boys flow. shanella yang. is this the glove for the tumble experience as was virginia for which was the one that was because you got the new video chevy. so blue book is not just the loose beam is going to invite you to go through the same design and just dump in to this kind of into his bush as if i'm yes, i'm also a good one signal. this is the grandmother
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of law. yes, that's the one place and he lives out. no. yeah, no, no, no, it was. but she's the been lovely. no, yes it almost feel to look the my phone is not yours for the, for the guy that for me to send the movie should lead me in the snow is this is oh, it says off for that. i've been this which doesn't frustrating for this as quote to ship some stuff sort of gets hit on financing. what americans are not giving any more money or weapons to zelinski? americans are against ukraine. we are on the side of russia. we are in our own
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revolution, but no more zalinski, no more ukraine, a level receipt. yeah. i can only apologize for the american weapon that wounded you. i'm sorry, but it's corrupt governments and weapons makers that make money on the war. that's what this has been. the
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what country am i on? what's happened? the western society and we were supposed to be the liberators of the oppressed or supposed to be the captain america right. going around with a shield and helping people. and i discover when i've come here, we are a frankenstein monster. we've created a frankenstein monster. there's roaming the countryside destroying the lives of the russian people in demands the
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or the motion of the nuclear above seeing the muscles do if you look on the initial, do want to pull up significantly post on zillow while it be almost getting used to put value when you, when you do origin, but y'all,
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tested was done the supreme only belief systems to good lou do what i see these the buses. the little gear limitation says this to the 28th on boston, the 1898 of the united states won the war against spain and gain control of the philippines. the people of the philippines held that the americans would help over throw spanish rule and the grand independence to the country. but the united states was by no means willing to give freedom to the philippines and side as just another colony. the 1999. the filipinos began armed resistance to the new occupied
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american troops were barely able to occupy the territory of the philippine republic . but that base 3, it started desperate. the rail of all our washington was forced, as in new reinforcements and triple the number of its troops on the islands. the u . s. army suffered heavy losses. the americans took 8 out of the population, general jacob smith, in revenge for the gorilla attack on the garrison in the city of bile on ega. porter to kill everyone over 10 years old. the monstrous gulf of terror, according to the most conservative estimates lead to the death of about 200000 filipinos, the americans managed to suppress that guerrillas only 14 years after the beginning of the war. but the united states was not able to stop the national liberation struggle of the filipino peoples in 1946. after the decades of the dramatic ordeal,
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the philippines was finally able to achieve the independence, the gathering parliaments, a peace regions of nato, a session bit, that's nearly up to 2 years of negotiations, effectively ending 200 years of neutrality. the bombers throughout europe take to the streets, urging your funeral authorities to address the issue of ukrainian products to put in the market. we have from some protesters from door to door, a very long ally. and there is no income because our products happening here is too much for your ra, proceed to to the country and active duty member of the united states air force.


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