tv News RT February 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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this and hopefully, and the history and the region the we have always supported the formula for african problems, african solutions. and we are ready to assist all countries and the reach and the inputs and outputs. western interference and hubris are jointly rejected by the russian and the modeling important ministers as they need in moscow for tom major chinese car, producer projects you claims that it's rise to discuss post based on the state subsidies that says that he use 6 to protect its own industry from 2 to vehicles and are 2 sources say the us has allocated $400000000.00 to oppositional groups and civil war for can be in our over the past 2 years. the conflict is feeling over and flooding, neighboring india with refugees and arms of parties with former indian investors
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and people would have fixed it by fighting that tried to flee from for the shelter and security. the lot of you guys, activities increase in the form of smuggling human trafficking and also the traffic in the or watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital, solidarity and cooperation and resolving and security issues are key to the russian, malia and friendship is principles for underscored by the foreign ministers of both countries. during their meeting in moscow we, we will end followed by all fraud symbol of the current situation in molly, of all the actions that the conscious leadership is taking to stablish a piece process will hold that the existing problems between the costs face of the
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region can bear results on the principles of goods neighborliness. we have always supported the formula for african problems, african solutions. and we are ready to assist all countries in the region in this efforts monday. so, so the data model remains in solidarity with russia in the challenges facing. we're really appreciate a wonderful relationship. i'd also like to state the rush, always space attention to the interests of his partners and always respects their political choice. that among other things, where uniting with the russians so that our choices would be supported and respected. well, it was evident that ross and molly are now strengthening relations. as of course, we know that most cuz expanded as partnerships in the confidence in molly is seeking effective partners and allies following its departure. of course from echo was just to remind our viewers, molly parked in the fall. so in the chair with the drew from the economic community of west african states in january. and that was after months and months of
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sanctions. and they are now, this free of countries are working to cement their power in the continent through this new allies of psycho states and ultimately in the foreign minister said that uh for so long, but you wouldn't. mission was there in the country, but they didn't achieve much. and as we saw that in recent months, the tree of countries managed to finally remove of french troops. also you on troops and less than troops from their homeland. and again, the saying that now that he's seen the rush and the help was before the 10 years that you ended and managed to achieve much the 2nd listen, you did not turn december last for the un mission. on december 31st, 2023. it left mally after a 10 year presence, it didn't mean the the races of the mountain people as many lost their lives or were injured. the mission was not adapted to the realities of malley that was waging an symmetric war against terry's groups. this mission was suppose to keep
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peace, but there was no peace and malice. i mean, over the past 10 years, significant efforts have been made, but they have not let to tangible results. and the threat has almost pressed further. mally needed to change the parenting and strength of its defensive capabilities and cooperation with russia has contributed to achieving these goals. and remember that russia and molly's c i to i own a number of issues. the 1000000 of foreign minister did note several times that he hates to see external powers creative tales in his country. and also he hate seeing international organizations, institutions being politicized and being used as weapons. and as a change, he sees that russia is helping molly and also he's noted some military successes already in the last couple of months. and also he mentioned that, uh, like i said, so they live rover. did say that it's very important that an african problem requires an african solution. this is exactly what i mean when i say that they see
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i to i and molly appreciates the fact that russia is not seeking to interfere or anywhere. it is just seeking to build partnerships on an equal basis. and this is exactly what molly has been disappointed by by that you went and seeing it's future now going further along with russia. and also we know that for example, russia has just shipped off, it's late, a shipment of $25000.00 tons free of charge of wheat. and this is not the 1st shipment. it's sense so far, we know fuel that was also fertilizer and there is more to come. and also let's not forget that russia and molly are working on building the largest gold refinery in west africa. this will be the largest one there. so there are a lot of issues that they have that they have to discuss and build upon. let's the collective a city it is full, we have consults that's on the issue. so the african constance adds international relations and we have a common position. but international relations needs to be a democratized, primarily on the basis of the strict compliance with the all you and provisions.
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the key principle that the you out is based on the silver and the quality of states is not being fulfilled by all of us than colleagues in any way, not in a single situation that arises and international relations. the vice does not respect the principal. if the quality which is fundamental to the us, and that will be more talks coming up. as of course, the ministers are prepared for the rush to africa, ministerial meeting, which will take place this fall in russia's blanks or resort city officers. he'll be waiting for that in more updates as that happens often. so follow up because there will be no doubt, many changes taking place. representatives from some 130 countries. i've been sitting down in moscow for 2 major events. the 2nd congress of the international risk, the file movements and of the form on multiple arity. the 2 day gatherings this week attracted intellectuals from continents all across the below. busy participants have said their common goal is to counter russo felt like hysteria
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coming from the west. well, fostering multi polarity in a rapidly developing world. larry johnson, former c i, a analyst and verb associates. ceo says special offers a new, a unique blend of cultures and practices. multiple larry and looks for solutions. russia is uniquely positioned to talk about the theme of multi polarity because russia, of all countries in the world actually represents a multi polar country. even though russia is a christian nation, stated so with the rush of eastern orthodox christianity, it has shown its ability to bring in muslims, hindus, buddhist, across the country, across as vast land mass. think rush of offers a unique example to the world of how not to have a, you know, pull or world war. there is one chosen people or one chosen country that's superior
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to everybody else. what you're looking at is for everybody to treat each other as equals to treat each other with respect. i want to quickly turn your attention to also a for i'm a multiply ready because also here held it here in moscow for what's your assessment of the state of global polarity as at the moment. and just how quickly is this process unfolding, and what are its key manifestations? the west made a serious mistake when they decide to try to punish rusher for the special military operation by imposing sanctions. because they thought that they could destroy russia and break it apart. what is, at least as actually i describe it as the dash it was yeah, of the old colonial or the it. so it's me old, you know, pull the world the world that was dominated over the last 6070 years by the united states. but again, that's coming to an end of the year. and so what, what russia option?
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china, india resembles south africa, are creating 2 bricks for russia has created to its other diplomatic efforts. the showing that they're no longer dependent upon the west that they can no longer be held hostage by washington by at the moment that they can move off and enact independence later on. and in doing so by see my actually helped bring some piece to the world as an example. russian and chinese intervention with the saudis. and with the iranians brought an end to that division. that it frankly been fostered by the united states for many years. where the united states saw an interest in trying to keep those countries as enemies, as opposed to working to bring about peace. the chinese electric vehicle producer b y d has rejected accusations from the u that its rise to success was based on the state subsidies. the u has been looking into the matter as it seeks to protect its own industry. our success is not because of the subsidy. it's because we have
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unique technology. and our management efficiency is high, is because we invested in this technology much earlier and much more than competitors. it's not because of the subsidy. they are afraid they cannot offer a competitive price. the circus and brussels is obsessed with at home. a clown car is now for in years european cars were a license to just print money when they conventional combustion engine dominated. but then the brainiacs and brussels decided that their cash cow was thinking up the place and that it would be more environmentally friendly if some lithium could be dug up on a different continent, under questionable labor and environmental rules. so they could sell so called green energy cars and feel like they were saving the planet. and they just assumed that they dominate that too. but it hasn't turned out exactly as they planned with the ceo of frances, who are a no group complaining just a few days ago. that europe isn't competitive anymore with automakers like china is
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b y d, which stands for build your dreams for us europeans. these are challenging times, but are we fully aware of what is at stake? it is very simple, strip out the automotive industry and europe will find itself with a structural trade deficit with the internal combustion engine. our leadership was undisputed for a century. we benefited from our expertise with this technology, and it was a barrier to entry for newcomers to the industry. today, europeans find themselves in a position of relative fragility. but a, you just can't figure out why these green vehicles are so much cheaper when china mixed on the no boss sites over regulation, which is kind of a no brainer when we're talking about the last fall between ursula vander line. european commission president announced an investigation to uncover the big secrets of china success. hey, i don't know. maybe it's because to and it doesn't have to 1000000 regulations
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requiring 10 dies, just bound around each, watching another dude turn a screw. each of those with 5 middle managers supervising them, but the figures that can't possibly be at there must be something else going on here, like china quietly subsidizing its car industry, making european cars relatively uncompetitive. something that china has long denied, including just a few days ago. i'm going to to check the leapfrog development of china's auto industry has provided cost effective products with high quality to the world. everyone in 3 exported automobiles from china is an electric car, which contributes significantly to the world's green and low carbon transition. you mentioned the trade protectionist measures taken by relevant countries against china, just as foreign minister when he pointed out to turn normal trade activities into security and ideological issues. build small yards with high fences and the name of the risking an attempt to trip others up instead of running faster may seem like
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a wind, but is actually a loss of one's own long term development and has encumbered the progress and prosperity of the world. think ultimately the very same globalization that the west has long encouraged, free markets. unfair trade is now coming back to bite them. version manufacturers are also now pressuring their officials to hurry up and get their own inquiry going, so they can slap some tear ups of their own on chinese competitors to green energy experts in the west are hitting the moral panic button as well, suggesting that the solution to combating suspected unfair competition is by organizing a special western brand of unfair competition. the u. k. b, e, u, and the u. s. need to get their act together. the chinese are subsidizing the chinese are ready to flood the global electric vehicle marketplace, and they are ready to dominate and destroy, are entrenched automotive industries,
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like they have done with others. we need to band together whatever the trade deals and trade alliances need to look like. we need to focus on protecting our industries against the chinese under cutting and dumping in our markets. it's not like there are ways around import duties. a y d already signed an agreement to build a new manufacturing plant in hungary, within 3 years. and that could just be bumped up. maybe if the you had spent more time considering the implications of ne capping its own industrial base. by cutting off, it's cheap russian energy for ukraine. then it wouldn't now be freaking out and trying to slash the tires and key the paint job of its competitors. as humanitarian trucks to struggle to deliver and distribute much needed supplies, the gaza aid is also being air dropped to the palestinians by some international groups. but not all of those supplies are landing on solid ground where they can be safely accessed by civilians. number of crates have fallen off the coast of guides
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or forcing. busy close to swim for them. some of the supplies have even sung to the bottom of the sea, making them virtually impossible to retrieve. the hard from some of the palestinians have been scrambling to get their hands on live saving aid to the i was going to con eunice to check on my house and i saw the parachutes defending. i went after it to get my fair share of supplies and found tea. biscuits, milk flower, the oil. we could not get other things because they had sunk to the bottom of the sea, or if the aid had fallen on land, we would have gotten to all this. if not, we saw them throwing parachutes. when we came running to see what was happening, we found that it was aid packages containing milk and flour canned food and biscuits. this war has destroyed our people, even if they drop a several times every day people will remain hungry and leave them from good. in the meanwhile, in this southern city of con eunice, a pregnant woman, a mother and a new born, are among 20 for patients who bennett safely evacuated from the besieged l. i'm all
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hospital. the facility is said to have been targeted about 40 times by is really forces just this month alone. a spokesperson for the palestinian red crescent told us the idea of prevents the humanitarian group from reaching the key parts of the embattled enclave. is really an occupation forces as to target our teams, one be or conducting a humanitarian missions or coordinate to the humanitarian missions. our teams have been a targeted many have been killed, injured on an even with us to do to get these permissions this. this is in team, i'll try to complete the kind of fun or the precedence was implementing i unity and mission to evaluate the wounded people, the critically wounded scheme for the patients of from i'm in the hospital, the palestine of the present. and i'm in the hospital in hon eunice. and this mission was coordinated by a wood shop despite prior coordination. despite,
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is there any alternative have the names of the style they will be participating in this mission? the convoy was, it was passing into the check point or the convoy you'll ambulances, the critically what is patients were inside the ambulances. and the convoy, he was his top and of talk to the for over 7 hours, the staff we're missing the treatment. and the 3 of our products with the one of them was released later. and 2 of them understand and under i asked, by the way, this is not the 1st time. so this, in many coordinator positions the palestine to the crescent where the target it why the israeli occupation forces the international community should have an active role and stop the what is happening in gone. so and goes everyone has been targeted
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including siblings, healthcare, a workers and power. the hospitals have been targeted and we are a human attorney and agencies. we are literally working under extremely dangerous and the boss of and to dishes. we wish to continue providing our life saving services for a would people who are in urgent need for it. and we need the efforts of the international community to ensure the protection and the protection of our medical personnel. so they can continue providing our services while there has been a catastrophic level of destruction in the nearly 5 month long war and gaza. that's according to the. busy health organization, the human agency says it's rarely attacks of either damaged or destroyed up to 80 percent of the civilian infrastructure in the region, including schools, homes, and hospitals. these photos to speak for themselves, pick the rest of locations, have been reduced to rubble. and this was
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a hotel on the coast of gaza. the idea of has been at targeting civilian buildings on accusations that they are used by him aust militants. the ones environmental program is estimated, it could take up to 12 years to clear away the massive amounts of debris the all right, i'm joins now live by a political analyst from does the shoddy adel romano, whose home was destroyed in an idea of attack. shoddy good to have you on with us. we have seen photos of your home. there's nothing left. tell us what happened was anyone inside at the time of the attack? hi, uh yeah, no, actually in my own apartment there was no one because i was already a room that was outside of guns to and uh the announcement they called around building. and that's one great building was the one which was supposed to be targeted,
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but actually the time our building and that's called uh around i think, 8 or 9 uh my neighbors who got killed and uh, some of the drum is also who was standing there. uh, beside the building they got killed too. so uh my, at my, in my own apartment is some supposed close. no one was once as you can see, the said pictures which are looking good right now. there is nothing left in the building. it was like and is 7 story buildings and nothing is left. and you said that you were already abroad with this attack happened. how did you manage to get out of the wars on it? no, i wasn't brought before. i was in, uh, navigation was my family when the war started and i was unable to return back to my own home. i'm only $55.00 or 6 days later when the after dollar started,
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i got the bad news. the sudden use that, my mind holes my apartment, and i think the building was destroyed. and so do you have any relatives who are in does those still and, and if so, how are they managing to co? it might be in government and you know, everyone has elected because we are big families and i have to tell you in this for the idols my apartment and was the complete building. my mom. ready was her a box in my system, most of the apartment, and we are all living in the different neighborhoods, the different buildings and no one is close to the other. the total of discretion at the destruction is so much they were warming it very heavily and they were uh, i'm sure that they were moved to as for the to watch it. they're saying that
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they're selecting their uh, their targets. no. actually it was like a mall started thing for everything, for everyone, for all the buildings, regardless if it is having any thing which is suspicious of law and regarding the relatives. yeah, i have relatives, especially those who are living in the north end of does assume they are somebody a little bit on it. whenever it, like every 10 or 16 days, i get all of a new one of my uncles, he tells me that we are unable to find any food. and if we find maybe we can eat anything, even if it is uh like for any most when we are ready to read the book just we, we would like to find any of the situation of the hunger in northern of dogs and garden city specially is so bad and the same also goals for the false positives, a little bit less about the situation and especially in the north ending golf and
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cities. okay, well thank you so much for speaking with a shoddy adel vermont. he's a political analyst from gaza. thank you. thank you very much. i in the us has allocated $400000000.00 to opposition formations including armed ethnic groups and civil war stricken me and mar, over the past 2 years. as according to our seats, are 2 sources who say, washington is interfering in the southeast asian country is the latest a flare up that's been raging since 2021. our correspondent charlotte dimansky has more. it's the world's longest running conflict. now new evidence, one source is close to the russian government suggests the us has been actively working to destabilize me on more opened as it was known. the situation in the republic of the union as me in law continues to attract international attention as tensions have been rising in the northeastern part of the country bordering china and a number of other peripheral regions. since the end of last year,
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the facts of increasing interference in mind, most internal affairs by all the states, primarily the united states, are of serious concern. according to available information in 2020 to 2023. the united states authorities allocated $400000000.00 to support opposition formations including armed ethnic groups. insurgencies have been ongoing in the country since 1948 following its independence from the u. k. but the most recent source of conflict began 3 years ago when the military staged a crew was thing, the democratically elected government. since then, the country has been plunged back into violence with some questioning is me and will, is the new front line of a cold war between the us and china as me and more civil war takes on aspects of a cold war conflict. the countries neighbors may soon face that exact choice, not just between a hunter and a pro democracy resistance,
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but between china and the united states for washington and its allies. meanwhile, the entrenchment of a military junta beholden to china, would portend diminished influence and greater instability. throughout the southeast asia, most military need is a loan to choose the united nations of trying to we can the country exerting pressure to destabilize me in my rather than supporting the government's efforts, does not help the country. and being more will not accept such acts. but what's happening now, all 2 sources say, goes much further. it suggests the us is looking to expand the volume and range of small arms as well as mine portable defense systems to the country. weapons that would be given to those groups that oppose military rule. these groups me and mostly to say on terrorist signs of caused significant security issues at the board
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is with several countries. the same groups are seen by washington as being legitimate so much so one group made up of those. our state in 2021 has been allowed to open up offices in washington. d. c. was also signaled for some as being a shift by the us towards more enforcement. to me. m o is it's, but my act for this bill is of great importance as it contains provisions for a substantial humanitarian aid support for the democracy movement and sanctions against those persons or entities funding the unlawful regime. that piece of legislation. so, sanction slapped on military designed companies that support them. sanctions, rarely an effective tool and have, according to some list, backsides biden is witnessing that his atrocious plan to destroy the diplomatic, political and economic interest of me in law has backfired. as it ended up
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establishing a strong partnership between me in law and us, his chief adversary, that is russia and china as competition between the us in china heats up in the, in the pacific region. more and more countries including me and well being pulled into a potential conflict that is not a fund making. and it seems that funding and arming ethnic groups is not the only side of us interference and me in march reports say american instructors and private military companies, not only trained militants, but also personally participate in operations on the side of anti government forces . meanwhile, them in our complex dispelling over the border of scores of armed rebels as well as refugees have been processing into neighboring india. my colleague nikki aaron got an expert opinion and assessment of the original crisis from former indian ambassador to me in mart, rajiv. but do you think uh all the uh,
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5 neighbors uh, really affected the people who are affected by fighting the drive defeat for the shelter and security. then the 2nd thing is that when the fighting takes place, so often the shows and of the very 1st would be a make their biggest credit in the neighboring countries with the concept problem. but the term most important thing is that a lot of illegal activities increase in the form of the smuggling, the human traffic. do the and also the director, i think the, the, the us, the support for them in the national unity government, ag, zario. how do you assess the potential western role in this conflict unfolding? tragic drama niema is part of the law to do it, strategic or dynamic. so i'll see in the pacific region today in the,
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in the pacific region which dispenses from eastern coast of myanmar and the rest of both. but the us, so we all know very bad that the china has become the principal role play out in myanmar. and. busy the best particularly the us to have good reasons to try to contest to that. and therefore the navy could do the be a good test in between democracy and authoritarian isn't uh, on the other hand. so we must recognize that the china is an immediate neighbor with as the us and destinations are really the bottom from the feet. and therefore in their one big uh they need to a big beacon woods from indian policy. because because india as part of the region directly here and india, i understand totally inaccurately as to what does i'm forwarding and me and my all
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right, do stay with us. i'm next on our, to the documentary african catastrophe. a history of colonialism by the a man . the joseph conrad wrote hall of darkness at the height of units colonial scramble fast . it's about the search for a mysterious white trader. old mister cups is become a monster as can.
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