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tv   Documentary  RT  February 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

7:30 pm
5 without any announcements, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. ethiopian arms forces bod, courageously. but the roots, ality of the italians knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons, toxic gases. this change the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to a further fastest expansion in the world, and paving the way for the outbreak of world war 2. the
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more you see on the printer, this color touch it. you've got you with you on select that it's near to an identity. okay. to the question, as i've ever got able to put the shot. yeah. read the pitch to send it right now. i see it to chat. i see that there's a little boy that has a go for this now. yeah. so the child started. yes. i'm looking for a couple go solutions for you to find some not some good z up a little tricky. some professional catch, you v, detract 252520 below. if anybody's wishes to provide the trust phone
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sent me to them just to learn them. all i do is less clear pressure for her. she said she was, you know, at the time, is there some way to my usually my name is laurie shuffle. i'm with mark sam. well, chest, the composure, 1st of all of those who did it now so, so 1st of all, it's just this interest of most of the, the officials coverage, the good, but i do know those up with the period would be the most out of can much seem to through yeah, can just the different, the flow kind of felt a lot us can go to the best of luck and you're just into the case. i'm sure the logistical yes. a lot of solutions or the i'm also gonna have access to our to let you know, go over like old logo over there is a, you probably just change the name in the savannah for the additional over the course of that as well. the
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assignments are set up for the commercial proposal. i'm gonna go on a slide 1st, so we'll we'll flush cache with the the so the quest for let me pull them to customer support. can i get on the list for you? i wish that was kind of both only when you get a stitch and the patient of course. yeah, just as this will only show you more that i just clicked on this couple of options here for the last thing that i guess the most comfortable of all these reasons, i'm guessing that i'm going to see your story. you're watching just a lot of scheduled at the study approach as to why? well, i don't use the general even though of some of them the do. you need to sort of see what it does include some of the things as to what i go to just which is just to
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let you know that you tell us the opportunity now is the lowest instead of the, for the single single 5 of the more the 1351 and then go to the thoughts just to run some sort of of the equation and go to the portion of the questions as to what, what it looks like. this of the, of the stuff the, the snow shesta most still provides riley, remember, because i live here. yes, i do. and so there's the warm food show, some muscle it is like expansion planning is that gives us cooking for julio. looks for over in the
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monday we believe in, you know, the watching michelle, we're stuffing. all kind of contrasting go up on our below and you're seeing a national vice that, that will somebody but for, for us to finding a parking lot again. gosh, those cha, portions of production costs is functioning as you've just done, which has been to the
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by delta phillip off by doing so far. the delta i thought it was listed as the we changed that means it's from instead of a book. me i can it, it says i guess to be mature stone, which is a 1st the 1st serve as most of the we're still for some problems. this was me, it was nice that you and you have a bit, but i know my scar for i need says definitely to, for the new year, showing them it was fine. could you be at the of us more suspension or will do is a fracture of notion. so we're part of because i'm not sure there's for
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mr much or just divine up. i'm sure i'm not sure who i can get that here, but i just thought you could do the things again, this prior to for the q, who is your sister? why this labeled sylvania base for your blood? take you out in the field or something and they will take up next to the flush out conception and they're coming across as human systems to by the that was on the previous. see if for you to be more can you what i see for off for the loaner so you want me to know music. yeah. the worst about things that work next to i mean, can you, you know, some good uh, because i to store honest dropped off a little bit to explain your thoughts for me to do the switch up to the kitchen table music change. so i did not go a lot the way she can you go to the doctor there? can you go down or somebody to jamalia or charlie? not because of the progress of the canadian here to show by
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your successors. just as billing and the estimation. shift cost efficient sabotages keeping yeah. show me that the bus is going to the course, you know, so used to the purpose of my private law set up a wells to, to assess this assignment. let's think about the english take that all that stuff. what about the oldest i'm was i showed it to the state of friend that i was before . yeah. yeah. we're just, i'm just not only uh, just to was started almost like changing the item in with, or did you wanna use this new book to ship with another? do you somebody to search on that as no, uh, my style bubbles at a say, you know, probably just the surface, the other, she sort of impressionable in english. this is a ford pay down for
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a sheet or for us in the short stories. and okay, so long to find this girl, i have to wait for expectation from organize or from her daughter to an audio care card that is contained spikes. story from short stories from bush can go go story, cut them in good shape. goals should equal funding you prine book and solo group, and the only story i have read till the end is the 1st one is called a sign of boost, a co pay pushkin's, the nice thing i like the most because it's framing is just, you know, unique and it's kind of like this kind of, you more that i just like youtube, it's quick info. now i've never been to russia, but of course i think indonesia is, are it's most of a g o fresh out from this cartoon. serious go the most. and the battery or the russian much that you, mrs. it. and from there we get an idea of what the rest of the slides,
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although various barrels typical like well, of and i was russian calls. so i get involved with songs by colleen costs and then got and farm. it was 5 young guy and i can do like it. and both of them are like, wow, these are some really nice stuff. and then i saw the dentist, you know, the one from what is called the moist say a valid, if i arrive 1st and last go, i think the 1st thing i want to see is a 43, and square. and for this one she, i just for both places, actually i want to take a walk around the see the and get the face of how the see these. why? because i've seen that is where many of my best experiences and light impressions come from. the visitor for nicholas consort is a see if it's something that's what i'm suggesting to put the new chip foot is. dish provide to them for cereals, for them to find me something the horrible about the window for you, probably because i checked it both on both sides of what come on but i guess but
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somebody come on the pumps, neck a cushion was not done now. so, but now the 4 shots, you basically stuck cuz she's queued about the goodness that i'm the used to deal with it. but i have to type in that, which is the one that just to integrate on of works for programming as to why that would that be with you, the cost of his choice. of course, if is to find out what time to jump for, i will try it because it does so i need to go by the by street. was that with sufficient you're going to come to the future to the law somewhere for going with a big on sports coordinate, golf or is just no, it's no no problem. let me just show up and ask to a customer on the border of done with this just shows when you did it the, the not prior to me that the permanent, you're basically done, the machine that we're doing is clicking through that. it's a fit and i'll probably do matrix, it doesn't funny and i just fell over, you know, probably and lower than what you deal with. and they'll probably make us needs to call a, give me interesting at the ensure you stood a pro,
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but also specifically the folded protein. but this time you have the sub boyfriend progressive officer program, which is to why the email starts giving it to explain this because of which dealership i get on the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how us to, to vision with no real opinions. pictures designed to simplify will confuse
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who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can and the lady forgot all kinds of stuff i school, you know, some of those i need to be new. s a the
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the piece in the woodson for now and the homeowner westbrook learn how to, hey, hey, john, match the lady looked at this, you know, the little file. so be sure you keep the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, to visualize something wrong with it. so that's one of the machine come up and you know, it's enough to go to your particular lot. it will just 200 bucks for an answer. what is the most of those? was a little too low sufficient and that isn't the fuel to, to, to, to mention this what it's a group of show up pushing. anybody will see that for you for the did you some longer distance learning? sort of any person or just the progress, i guess a lot of the the going to when you to step of pulse was put on, put it with the solution. was there still and what was that? oh good. that's good to shut that sir, by a thumb or yeah, just to get
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a label of us to jump off of almost a some you me the bill. last with the customer, the 1st kind of thing to screen just for us to search for. what's the, what's the good thing here, cuz also for to do for could us who, who just kind of go to what is most of the cost of the permanent human and loving control and player sample on the, on the phone on his teacher, not on the small mode on the young e. what on the same and a regular she does less off coming up through the same dumb way. and i'm wondering who's the from the bottom of my team?
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just a moment. let us see when you have a look was my can i see what the point of course on that? so i've given you a funny and want to let somebody know the go back to your go out and then by god's lunch. so do you want me to start? i see it, but i thought something of interest on that. so on lot of what i chose, i mean the volume less sure. but in general about them go ahead and when you're going to continue with a name, what country want you to let us because i'd still love to cross languages unless they're costing us to allow us to cross them windows
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the the by the device. the whole idea of supported was that, see what i chose to buy the ticket. so i'm on a scale of was to some of the media people to do some of the alpha. i see we got the little but it was that as and then was be to opinion was, dose is dividing, we've got always somebody separate or it's got got it set double. so yeah, the c
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d 's divide and what i do is you're not sure what i'm doing. that is the system that i don't know, but i'm slow. so because she wasn't approximately list that i was there was a for the to shows. and so those are the, were you a other go? because when you have available a lot of fun invested, you know, it is not the valuable to, to get a job. doesn't go to the the need is the gloves,
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the motions of sale, which are the so what is the us samples? look a lot of customers put them or see, go on and stuff. see that was let me see. so they were still something i'm going to go for it for is the, the basically was, it doesn't go through this is i'm going to goes off before the school, but i was thinking, well, that's the work simple. so somebody called the 1st slide really
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the the internal the general tab coffee will have a john, the plus was called the chevy, that i remember causing this to do i have this any kids ever can want to shop in to try to see how the monitor the how the distance of the job is i'm a few must go the foot. this shit. but yeah,
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you may not have them. i yes, except to the sound it out of the show up as a ship public. yeah, true. read divide. it showed us how to read it. it's, it's not right. show us that. but for us, his name watkins could try. you have to redo the governor of us. all right, everybody at home, she bubble off i see by georgia to take over. i don't see any government guides natively, the day of, of the of
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the with the, with the the how involved orders. man i've not the choose race or stuff which is just while i did make customs. trish life thing out was your, the question, this a chest to become a model married so she can the liberty age and that i can i do is tell you the if i would i see you a read it arose case a hey trish ways to a to this way, the well being donations for this seems like
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a strong leader that is like sheriff and can have a hold of his country. so, you know, if there's been no disease around this 3, as you know, there are so many scars and even will those side goals. that is where they put like their trash and flexibility. and then so you know, the phone calls here. i like many uh, life cross of order. so for us actually and there are also many indonesians going through russia and they are very friendly. and i know most of them are in a big get old phones because of the streaming university did space university. and also in the end sure, i want to connect my future with russia because, you know, when you already have this initial liking for the countries of people culture and music, i think it would be much more of
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a place that you would like to live in the kind of what. 7 the or
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the show room just to save house because the application and engagement equals the trail.
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when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for the common ground, the a hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable . my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people.
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a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various job. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have so many of the payment the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the in the late 18 ninety's. french soldiers led by general, arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot one or 32 on sunday. i mean, he's stuck up some issues around the cars do. and dick's shown the list to the
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content of who they are least one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. what is somebody i know the question that you download the philosophy followed there. do some people do that? sure. most likely multiple villages would devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed off for us to get the move of nancy. and i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the traces general good ice, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come really to find out more about the, the mission of a and
8:00 pm
a script in the region the, [000:00:00;00] the academy and government says the situation in the nation's capital is now under control. that's up to an attack on the countries of national security agency. that's the classes for the opposition. we have always supported the formula for african problems, african solutions. and we are ready to assist all countries in the region in the south thoughts where students, parents and hubris are jointly rejected by the russian, malia and foreign ministers as they meet in moscow for talks also has problems, schools, hospitals, and luxury hotels, all reduced to rubble the world health organization estimates that is really


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