tv Documentary RT March 1, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EST
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year, but due to war time, vices, cods, know, most states support the new price is set at $7.00 and a half shit goes, which is more than $2.00 per liter. and that is just one of the examples of how the war in guys has said, the average has rarely is pocket people notice the now spend more on essential goods and services than before the war, even though they can still afford it due to israel's highest standard of living, the city market is busy and crowded with fears and concerns. feel there. people don't really know to say yes, but the button is like in a bad, you know, everyone is going to send it out so everything's gonna be unbearable. but people don't seem to say it, you know, it's, you know, to service things like, like normal and revise things and that and stuff. but it's, you know, the policy is going to, um, to, and i think a lot of people who are struggling because they are in the, in fighting and they don't have a job for me personally,
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i'm quite comfortable in my financial situation, but certainly the war has been hired has had a severe effect. some of the food prices went up. that's what i feel on daily basis . people stop working prices are going up. so i'm not sure how they can continue leave here to bring the money home to their families. the more in gaza has become a growing version. all these really calling them is something the or forces seem unprepared to recognize, articulate or carry about. perhaps the thinking is that when in a war is less expensive than losing one, and that they need victory at any cost. maurice motion to all t from jerusalem. and to india now, where tensions are running high in the countries notes as local farm, as bush for a minimum support price for their crops, they say they will keep protesting until all their demands are met by the
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government to ortiz rangers, from a report from the c, the tensions remain high if the punjab hurry on a border. now the india, this is with thousands of farmers, were stopped and they, we do new den. this has now become and at the center of thoughts of this protest, the shamble bar, though some 200 on kilometers from the nation's capital. this is just a need to, to see these, the samo protel's going back more than 2 years. this diamond to run off to the national elections in india, in which prime minister no means of moody seeks to do filtering on glass the police of barricade who to all the major roads that lead to new delhi bought into that services. also i've been suspended in at least 7 districts in punjab. and how do you all know the saw most of standing from one day demands such as a legal and the speed for the crops and for india to pull out of the world trade
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organization. farm would need is claim that the view is objective, was to end farm subsidies. and if we can be a follow date would be suicidal or the goal and to follow policies are made of the world trade organization. like using form a subsidies. now given form us medium support is also alternative innovation policy is the more the government is pro forma efficient between the world trade organization or else the farm, as in india will be finished to now there have been 4 rounds of adults between the government and the protesting from us, but no solution insight. pharma said that they want or, or nothing else. they want pauses of tax and she does full of supplies. that's going to loss them for months. one thing is clear, they are not going anywhere. thomas said that despite moody's promises of doubling their income, they revenue strong john to get 40 guy on off putting minimum support price and
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place, gives private players opportunity lose the that we don't even on what we have invested into harvesting across to get any profit minimum support prices on all crops is really important all along. you know this, the media continues for how long? 1000 to know the engine sharma shampoo board open job r t into east africa now with thousands of ugandans who have signed up to god us government facilities in conflict zones over the past 2 decades of filing a lawsuit against the former employer. they said they were underpaid by the americans for their work, leaving them deep in debt. i signed the contract. we should stand at 5692. i was raised that the money i was paid $400.00 under $400.00. busy 57 and 92
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or one day. and indeed my mind is because i was way over $700.00. i know what i mean, they're comfortable, but now i'm available one year before they transfer to buy that is available. and from the union contract, our mind was deducted from say that i'm going to see some or, i mean you got those ones, essentially sunray as g for a long way from frame availability to doesn't fully be going and the kind of thing to the right of it so we'll by way more to have his own re, doesn't look like sensitivity on those which were supposed to be paid full hours. we are sharing a different way here in the 1st place where i need to restore which was showing the dresser 1st
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forces. same and do for me for somebody the government of uganda has supported some of the former contractors that's asked that they provided document or approve of the initial agreements with employers. the governments had helped provide security newest facilities during the so called whole ontario in iraq and afghanistan. but the ex jobs now say they can't even afford to pay their medical bills or rather than their summary. the report goes down just missouri there was most of them uh mostly gary gary most so we have a lot of problems on suicide watch because of the discipline ration.
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so i will look like on the phone on uh, the, the media nose is for the seats is government and the name of the congress. but the cost of this month to really come up and find out what, how we can do it less than for a solution for our little guidance. really to try to say that to you that you competition. like for me, i've worked for present, it's a lot to mental illness, which is the, their budget. they give me a ritual money which comes through to me. i have a funding. i have a problem, but i got to get to treatment again because i to tell them money. i was find the page. that's why we go here. we want this simple to give us on monday was the millions of arabians are taking to the polls to elect the members of parliament and the assembly of experts which picks the country's supreme leader of
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correspondence use of july. the reports from one of the pony stations and car ron, i suppose, opened at 8 am local time here in the capital one and across the country. and voters have been, we're going in here in hosting here at of shaun's, one of the largest holding stations out of 59000 voting stations across the country . people have been coming out here as well. so i need to add fraud to cast their ballots. and choose their next members of parliament. of course, it's a major political event any around. 15000 candidates are buying for 290 seats of the runs parliament known as the match. as here in iran and around 120 different political factions, coalitions and parties have been competing get, but all boiled down to 2 major political fronts or accounts in iran. the camp of the reformist and the camp of the principal, as the principal,
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as are classified as conservative politicians. anyone for the reformers who are also make up a big chunk of a ross. political scene are significantly this time around our numbers by the principal as candidates, and the reform is politicians. anyone complaining about? the fact that the guardian council is disqualifying the 8th grades, sean, can a great portion of the reforms. politicians here high turn up is advised by many or want in a leader since the start of campaigning for the parliamentary election and for the elections regarding the assembly of experts iranian elect tourette's. um, i'm given the fact that yvonne is under severe sanctions by the west leaving the country's economy reeling from the impacts of the sanctions leading to a staggering inflation, skyrocketing inflation that had 40 percent this year and also depreciating the iranian national currency,
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which recently stood at around $585000.00 against the dollar in the open market in a while. and this has led many to believe that the candidates, the parliamentary candidates, even if they wanted to. they cannot live on their, to their promises to their campaign promises. because of the iranian economy is under severe restrictions by the west me. in the meantime, there are still many who believe it, who looked at the elections, ideologically saying that the elections could be, could play as a means to show public support for these promises. as long as establishment and for mobile elections are a public and national duty, it is true that there are some shortcomings in deficiencies in our country. but if we do not go to the polls, we are basically betraying ourselves in the election so far, every representative has only talked and made promises. you can see the state of the people's economy, all these candidates should be responsible with all of this corruption. no,
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i will not participate in the most audrey casting model when they foreign countries or participation. they will realize that they cannot treat us like many under developed countries, which do not have a political system. they must treat us like themselves, like the way they treat their own people. as if this of the it's the more the candidates should fix the economic and political situation as well as the international relations and social situation of our country. the whole change i'll do going on i will participate in the election because i am a citizen of this country. will establish political figures, have been disqualified to the younger ones, have the opportunity to come onto the scene and suggest proper ideas for their country. participating in voting and supporting roy supporting well, that's according to the left being just those minnesota on the eve of presidential elections in russia. the russian embassy in riga has denounced the statement, calling and locked in. officials to support the free expression of the will of russians. archie correspondence, charlotte dimansky, has the story. this is
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a message for any russians living in the bull taken nation of lot fia, supposedly. if you vote in the russian presidential election this month, you know, supporting who, regardless of which books you check, well, that's according to lot, fee is government. we can't prevent russian citizens from entering the embassy. well, they do that and why they do it is their own business with the state of which they are citizens. we have, in essence, notified that order will be insured outside the embassy. but those people entering also support the war. and she went even further, suggesting anyone who actually cast the pallets could be breaking life in, move in justifying the rule. so what are they going to do? set up an interrogation based outside the russian embassy and rigor, and demand to know what business people have been there on. the russian embassy has been quick to react. we regard this statement by the official as an attempt to
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exert pressure and intimidate the russian voter on the eve of the upcoming vote. preventing the free expression of the will of our citizens. this kind of unacceptable public rhetoric, which comes from the mouth of a high ranking official, can be qualified as interference in the internal affairs of russia and an encroachment on the constitutional rights of our citizens. that is going to loan and looking at ways to penalize russians for being well russians. sonya is drafted a little which if passed would deny russians who live the utility to vote. tale is suggesting that they simply copy trusted. this would disturb the internal and external peace, territorial integrity and security of our country. of the republic of a sonia comprehensively has no way to guarantee fully that the aforementioned, foreigners are free from the influence of their country of citizenship. washer is
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they were yes. so i mean, the move is discriminatory. we will keep an eye on the situation, making sure that the relevant international institutions condemn the openly racist plans of the estonian authorities and prevent them from being implemented. let me just remind you that sonya is a full mustang. the country, almost a quarter of the population is made up of ethnic russians. who should in see we have the right to participate in local estonian elections. bonding would be in direct confrontation. would they even show it to a fundamental rights? every citizen of the union has the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at elections, to the european parliament and the member state in which he or she resides under the same conditions as nationals of that state members of the european parliament. shelby elected by direct universal suffrage and a free and secret ballot. and it's not everyone agrees, it's tony,
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as social democratic party has expressed concerns over the move to strip those voting rights. what is the message we are sending russian citizens? course tony and patriots, and one to vote for country reich, maria you for eva square and tom sky, or christine to call us in the next elections. the state has no specific accusations against you, but there is an element of doubt. the associate logically astute, are also aware that the outcome could be the opposite because group punishment based on an x terminal characteristic. as the target group will undoubtedly interpret this step. resulting in reverse mobilization in defense of the group. it started here has how defensive made due to the opposition. it's having difficulties in bringing the legislation to fruition. but the countries prime minister isn't giving up with fresh plans to push the idea of fluid a. she believes the numbers are on her side. counting on my fingers,
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so to speak. the calculation indicates that we'd have the votes. so what cal us just a few months ago was emphasizing the importance of open and resilient democracies that seemingly only extends to the people she trusts to vote. i'm russians, regardless of the views of notes in that corner, all the election front and russia early voting for the presidential elections has been held in remote parts of the russian far east. and here is a video so changed from a helicopter, carrying the staff of the election commission traveling to the south island region to hold the early polishing voting stations where a set up at a local hotel complex and a tape print in the south western those point of the island, there is an active lighthouse here monitored by the military, due to the secrecy of the facilities. pony station was operated right on board,
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the helicopter, the. and now let's hand over to the games of the future where hundreds of competitors from thousands of countries have gathered in central russia to face off in both the real and virtual worlds of sport. the south korean team one, the drone brace, which is part of the positive technology is disappointing. the teams drawn pilot main chon, came share his impressions about the re present race with us. i think this is like most biggest race about your racing and you see history. so i'm really excited and you know by this race is a little bit different that we used to do. so we know a lot of like are thinking and calculate about like ourselves. i also saw a russian guys flying yesterday and they were fine, really great. even in our country is kind of like hard to growing the support job, but i think groceries doing really great stuff in here because like in some of other country because these hard to do like drugs stuff because of the drawing room
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wrong because of the like it's kind of hard to flight and sell me or something like that. but i think after these rushing like rush after this race in russia, i think the other 2, i really hope the other country also trying to make like a big race like this in the future. for german, for it gets sent to the red sea region as far as the operations, it goes with these up in fi on a new way be that later turned out to be allied and the drone was targeted and fired upon. it wasn't immediately evident which nation it belong to, or if it had ties with any allied countries, the situation resolved itself. it was not a hostile drone, but that was only determined afterwards. the drawn turned out to be the u. s. m to 9 repub drone, the german ship intercepted of meat and fired 2 missiles, acted run, but both missiles fell into the sea due to technical malfunctions. we spoke to adel
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all hoss nate chapman over piece for him to stop the war in yemen was asp. busy is a that is a quick case show in the chaos western powers of brought to the region. now the idea of this indicates anything. it shows that american and british interventions and the military reservation of the red sea have resulted in chaos. human didn't need all this chaos, this military presence, this blatant intervention with fleets tankers and aircraft, led to a chaotic conflict, to the extent that the western powers mistakenly tried to shoot down their own drone. the sole reason of this chaos is the western intervention. there is no need to militarize the red sea, the u a v was american, and it was the germans who tried to shoot it down. this shows that there is no real co ordination. all that exists is chaos. as i said, all this could have been easily avoided as humans,
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only condition was de escalation in gaza. and allowing humanitarian aid into the enclave. and now to chat with the state prosecutor has confirmed the death of opposition. party leader. yeah. do you know, the head of a socialist party without borders was killed during an exchange of fire with security forces? the country as in violence, flashes between forces loyal to the transition of government and opposition groups that allegedly attack the headquarters of the national security agency. a local journalist brings us this report from the chat in capital. you may find some of the following images disturbing is not that on wednesday night, february 28th in the capital of chad in japan. the building of the national agency for state security, the country's powerful counter intelligence agency was attacked. several people died. the government blamed the supporters of the socialist party without borders. led by opposition leader. yeah, yeah. dillo. he has also died. the republican prosecutor has just confirmed the
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fact of his death saying he died from his injuries. what to do better than show a group of armed men, 11 vehicles, attacked, and national site security agencies resulted in dozens of people being wounded. there were also deaths among them. yeah. the low, the head of the socialist party without borders. he passed away february 28th 2024 . where you early on tuesday morning, heavy weaponry shots were heard near the headquarters of the socialist party without borders where yeah, yeah, zillow was hiding. the situation escalated after the assassination attempt on the head of the supreme court, severe adama nor on february 19th. and which he dillo was involved according to the government. the attack took place the day after the presidential election dates were announced. the 1st round, the scheduled for may 6th, with neither the incumbent president or yeah, yeah,
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zillow hiding their desire to be candidates. on wednesday, the government issue to communicate saying that anyone who tries to undermine the country's democratic process will be arrested and prosecuted this morning. the situation is relatively calm, but the internet and cellular communications are still disconnected, which contributed significantly to the complete confusion that is gripped the city . with back to the investigator of the republic of tried to rochelle, stressed that the government was taking measures to restore civil order and security. this is just sick, the victim, i guess, to be sure the city is safe and to be sure that the, the spot, the admitted them with not the the situation. and he said about maybe to stupid or something like that. it's all about that tells us about the question about associate like, not assess the nation us, isn't it something, what do you let me see? oh, i've a shipping label. that was,
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i think he was he heavy. that when it does, he wants to ignite the commander of the i think that not that the, the government forces. so it see that he says he can find the challenge that going on. if you was to be a non you mobilizing your force on defining the government forces, i know what what so on that one to obviously it, some of he's really done. he was uh, really some by force. that's what happened. the top stores, the ssl i had to our website are to to come for more i'm i, they show on josh, i'll be back on the top of the hour with the latest stay with us. uh oh the, the
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. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people. the hold on bass of the front lines, the square, the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the go. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the, the, the,
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are presenting my time to indonesia and the world news 1st before the 1000 and before the good solution for you to find the truth. nice. some professional catch track to try to solve for small kitchen chairs measures property shape the the, the little for my guys to be, wait for us to send him some words what each thoughts, a joyous music eyes of those of with you period. i am very excited for it. i must and i am looking forward to meet all of us, all the participants from all over the work and the rest of all the cost be smaller. dish the dish guy stays the
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hi. i'm acceptable and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what can i please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general to boot i arrived india with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. no one on sunday,
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i mean he stuck up some issues around the cars and dicks shown the list to the tent, the unused one of the most terrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody, i know. do i pay for them to pushing it to download the plastic, bought a new deal to do some paper electronics. i could have multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups. what the headed off that apartment is in front of it, the move of nancy, and i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on the journey through africa. the traces general good eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come really to find out more about the, the mission of lake and the history of in,
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