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tv   Documentary  RT  March 1, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EST

10:30 am
free and secret ballot, and it's not everyone agrees, as strong as social democratic policy has expressed concerns over the move district, those voting rights. one is the message we are sending russian citizens. course tony and patriots, and one to vote for country reich. maria you for eva square, and topsy, or christina callous in the next elections. the state has no specific accusations against you, but there was an element of doubt. the associate, logically astute, are also aware that the outcome could be the opposite. because group punishment based on an x terminal characteristic as the target group will undoubtedly interpret this step, resulting in reverse mobilization in defense of the group. it started here, that's how defensive made due to that opposition. it's having difficulties in bringing the legislation to fruition. but the countries prime minister isn't giving up with fresh plans to push the idea forward a she believes the numbers are on her side, counting on my fingers,
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so to speak. the calculation indicates that we'd have the votes. so well, tell us just a few months ago was emphasizing the importance of open and resilient democracies that seemingly only extends to the people. she trusts to vote and russians, regardless of the views, not in that corner. those are the top stars. this our to check out our website out to come for more. i'm a day show why josh. i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest to stay with us or the
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. ready the by board quote
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compare these other each, these are so you might also find out where the what is the possibilities you was unsure at the, at the moines. yeah. then. so the one you have is good for me and i'm sure you're gonna get it. come up on the something that is correct as little as a linguist girl, as well as or dr. young. right. and if you still think i say that are great in this house, the museum alice is these kind of also strongly surface for me. yeah. cover flowers and i thought i had coverage and try to get his less because the level of list of special are going to that one of us or from man i don't know some of our each other in the industry to do but the valley. but the only show of a sudden and thoughtful and then we'll talk around for, for, for everybody because it was enough food to ship. it said the 1st not yeah. for
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instead of you to control what's the deal to submit it? so i'm going to use your opportunity, but i really do because we cut off the pitch of the machine right by d to the provider. um which is the flow volt, federal phone, central drawings. and we're very live in a very yes, thank you. with it. i'm going to is getting the, the we should still have the release of those for this was yours was i was before it was in july visit. and so i listen to
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me as a we've great expenditure to mislead me. believe it was a kind of strong good the union of those invitees come like, oh, but you see the did you hear the blow too much you have the christ. jacob whitlock thank by the this most they called the seed still must just be so i just get on the what you have seen the culture. i mean, if you want you to look at the grading and that is viewing these and
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the place is sometimes come with the busier and come home when the shadow and the physical. she was stuff to get ahold of a neuberger, the area of, of the gulf, both of them, the levels, but most of them for really know what the rules are through knowing front. susie is, here's the key and if you need them on savannah with the coordinates of sodium and it doesn't look good enough where those. okay, but yes, you are a show, a search, it is of us unless cannot them. the good word come of me is good. i mean to meet this the mostly phone, but
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a lot of that come up in the middle of the issue. but to whom am i supposed to be able to use the wireless? i serious refer you to that is a very dear or no issue. thank you. yeah, you like i can starting monday of this month, may or may go espo me. turkey will not use the q for the sheets and just the of of my flight for going up me see what was new somewhere with my supervisor for the other off marshall for, for the city. so it would have been something i wanted to keep the photo at this
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moment. you're the only place i have to say that the thoughts we have on the sort of gift of a thing to some feasible group. but most of the princes on this is done the bunch of arrows assume you have the most capital vigorous and get an insurance guys the going to do this because it was the system. now those come, but when you will know what i find, you know, for the new for the, was it a little of the deals fargo bustled them through the book? i do, but some of it will show them for more. i need to point out the drum model because i have one level area just deal scrubs of inform share for those other level of
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visual as i'm going with the officials. i'm wondering if i can with that there's no premium or teaser we just go in with my best friend. yeah. yeah. yeah. or you don't, don't worry about the variables for 4 of us or is else little bit of most immediate about them for the common 0 period. you have to walk up and give me the uh, the, the 3 literally in the near future. just says that usually a new mazda and finish the visa to them
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cause you to issue the is we'll send the thoughts and i didn't know what that was, so it's not the point then
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you see a much more submission. yeah. through or do you mean each tournaments from the bottom all assist? you see me over here for some officer getting shows on you got when you said things are going to do is to go to prompt you publish it for you while i did super. who you myers the yes. mm hm. do do. do to move into to the for wonder and for me, my son, it's
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a vision. there's no change due to the new business to move them. you gotta get your tickets for the for whoever the email portion. but i can, you just click submit your more smith. you should be clicking on the let me know what it is is waiting. so when you see me in the devices that i use, the to frontier didn't use the software for you. the now the, the split the secret are to them. to reach the yeah,
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the show it up now. hold on say for sure, for most of them are more of the store when you 1st part of the more it just broke. i'm finding the image it folded and saved if which one i'm on. so let me move, bringing besides the chest of originals. that's for you to do the formulas on your
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phone. do you see the video experience, the june, 2nd much february and then is it usually take you through to this one really set, but the goal is to still students come this with us. we've always done the off know how i thought i'd like to you hope you're based off of that was simone. it was so much more good news aren't sure of the surely doable you the snake across the street do this before they see the
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northfield, sort of those rocky gardening and see you and you will not show us and give you that full grass will. most of the more attractive history of the news that is now to fill a single marcela volume in v. c. the display when i spoke with you, i think with keep the capacity to see if the t shirts as to where i am in. 2 virginia senior was real quick on forget drove of publishing it. yeah. you just on flush the solar that's very simple. right. if it was more you weren't for the little, i'm sorry. one thing, like i said, it was one of them, very big a folder with the
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on the other side of the view as well. if you use your eyes, let me let me. but this is josh from ocean city echo from the store yesterday. the unit was on the spot. a lot of the most of them photos listeners, really? i got for it. that might be such. i'll do
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a little get you over to another chemo. they're going to, the deep isn't going to have to go to know. i bought some of them under chilly for the one that's kind of why i want to follow that. go see, that was just just delia from now you have a pull back and forth. it usually pull, got them all the guns and was going see me. there's a guy here with all over the country, one on who off the boy. and that's why i'm bringing more that look see most of the deal in the computer with a 100 over the hills. all she has your part of the and you're just kind of georgia or visit us on march of the visit. someone with a few this party in come on the park, both of those on the
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course for him to let you go. good. but by slowing the quick, let me do yours. mr. phillips, you gave me the to the new level. so let me send you a policy with the assemblies plumber for did you? did you submit issue? indicate this x ray or on super crazy? does that mean? it doesn't mean it is a curse device, new website, the senior on the solutions
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because it isn't just the way to sort of prose instead of going this way and just allow for. but i'm sorry for the test on the piece of business. i thought you said it was the hope is, but it was not available. don't worry about him. said in 3 source deals or the units configuration for for, for a couple of refresh, alabama, which is the largest 0 as the most logical thing on this quickly. most of you to the bottom one is the yeah, what's the do to see what else to slow the some before when come up there the more government going to let you know. oh yes. and it's like us to list and usually if it's with us and so i'll try to confuse you with some of you all's facility. so we to to, to a little from the bus doable. it shows why am i this is
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the yeah. do you know that the header with a washer and bullshit and oh, it's me doesn't need your body to reason associated. it'd be free of it is level that $10.00. you put your deal and believe that out to the users that are tail rules and it to a lot of people to thing the 5th. so 1st of all, to pull the letter for the assistant for those, the only legal to choose from me personally, we don't know what is the 2nd step or excuse me with that i'm so the still that you've chicken them football isn't pick any cause it isn't the, the, it's a little to do to show you to listen to a little slow leaf was so to let a completely new local level appeal to the new set, the movies you long for the low. some of her tickets butcher doesn't mean you find,
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you know, see what the process place to the new user, set it up with this list of all you close to so much you and you find you must choose to sort of plays with football, which is limited to them is the closer to the newest version of the news or something you asked me to mark this thing. that's what we want to take up or ship. your last post falls on each one is years ago. we should also have the sort of w great hold most of the streets and full time.
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you might want to move a couple of them are there? sure there's my show. i for for getting yeah. singled us for more so i'm wondering when john you've got to setup an appointment to come on. yes ma'am. how long is my go? and shoot. all of the thought is only okay, so i, you know, i think worries for both of them are for moving for a storefront the
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existing function for you in the true story and for 1st 5 seems to me just on the level 3 months so far it seems like the yeah the, the new now for me to bring in and do this and because of the, to the hours i have them on the forecast you there's, you're fortunate during the sugar to forego research any different videos. and then you have you ever see the deal with people who move forward and you
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probably wonder if there's something else as a little over go to power just i'm not sure it's a nice pretty sure most of the market is just choice photos. just show it to someone, just a pretty name isn't as low as possible, but it's all way around. well, that was ok after that, the order for whatever the case, which is i said i was kind of old friends. remember, we're kind of a little upset, isn't that possible just told her some home with more info. so yes, you're going your own the north. it's a will come by placing for the both for the approval so it will charge you to so nice to yourself. don't want to use them on your system running fine most of us, but i want to assume if it, sir, like i started off with us, all that additional students are starting to do it. the significance of the the
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other one is no. that's only for some of your children. so for roman she would need fertility for further workforce frustrated refiners, although she was under the important resilient teacher for them. a rough oscar gonzales my below one in the gym for the other. so to we can go through the folder on this listing for some reason, postponing still for the leasing an increase. there was also wondering if i changed all interested. i need to bring it on. the slide show is fairly simple, covered and the colors are usually useless. so as always, colors full length of sydney. and the more modern a couple rooms on, on those are the most of the initial meeting facilities available as well as your renewal jr. you can still solar totally single
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hour and it's all good to do. so let's well do to use the see where it says because it is in the lady to to see this way. and it just means it's almost a large system of us. it's just looking at, there was an issue especially if i get some stuff from the physically on the furniture, but it's not pulling through and thank you. good bye to them. i'm good this bill my goal is to flip
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this around the the bullying of the sea news. yeah. it said, you know, system of the, the she still goes for the little guy he says, or did or the pieces she knew on the sort of thing. destruction of us that full $98.00. yeah. doesn't you pretty much in as low as i'm probably on the spacious vision associate, just beautified also the 2nd day. well it was more of them. yeah. it was because all the sort of
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like a pick on stuff i'm yes, very sort of stuff. nauseous. theme bubble off by these are the most of the off most of the
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mortgage to so just want to in lots of their lives as the cause of border brothers printer was, are up at one of the sons of just so please papers with me. the last thing was news read, it comes to movies too much, and we have some more or some movies. this, we went to the, the,
11:00 am
the breaking news in our, to international a bombshell league shows. german generals discussing the bombing of the crimean bridge to bring you a trust break of the conversation in just a few moments. at least 112 palestinians have been massacred as they were rushing to receive ating, gaza city. the idea of insist they only fired warning shots while bullet points show the opposite, says pa, the signs you an invoice does not apply to the sky to let us today and people if there was a confusions and class policy that they want on nothing else. they what, how does.


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