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tv   Documentary  RT  March 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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down on the gangs even visited nairobi this week to support the deal after the african countries. high court previously blocked the initiative. the haitian prime minister also recently agreed to hold general elections next year. he was supposed to see power to a new government last month, but refused to do so. and that for the fuel that the civilian outrage and haitian say they can no longer tolerate the devolving situation. i find myself dragging my things for the streets. the prime minister has to do so. you must give us a chance to live in peace. i'm 62 and i can take it any more. i'd like to take care of my family, but i can't do it anymore. i can't even go home. i'm waiting on the street to do so . the situation is becoming catastrophic. i've been here since 1986 and it's never been like this. we're surrounded on all sides. it's upsetting. haiti is the most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere. it has long,
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separate from gang violence, made the economic insecurity. a, according to you and estimates 314000 people in the island nation are considered displaced. about 5 and a half 1000000 residents are in need of humanitarian assistance. all right, let's get more on this now and cross 5, the haitian journalist kim, i was kim, hades, prime minister has been trying to get, can you have to send a 1000 police officers to crack down on the games? why would that kenya want to agree to that as well? they're getting money from the u. s. a router who has a lot of money problems in the us is some offer on the ordered $600000000.00 of us is putting up $200000000.00 canada is putting up $80000000.00 and so it's mainly fund of money there a, a police force for higher, but the high court in 10 years has said that it is illegal, it is unconstitutional for the police to be said. but um,
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just like the us and israel arriving roughshod over the world court's decision against israel's genocide and palestine, the us and kenya are running rough shot over the hard course of time. yes, decision and are planning to deploy the troops anyway. and then us has been pushing for kenya to send those forces. however, polls show haitian civilians are afraid of foreign intervention. why would they be worried about that if the scale of the game violence is already such a big concern? they don't want it, they've had a tool for and military interventions in the past 30 years, and 1994 and again in 2004. and those interventions were marred by rape and massacres, and all sorts of violence visited upon the history population by those occupation troops and the canyons are renowned even the un as
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a flag them as an employee, a slate, corrupt and brutal force. they have their own death squads, and plus the fact bringing a 1000 kenyon cups. he a country, they don't even speak. the language is just a recipe for disaster. and this is not a force that is under the ages of the un security council. it has simply been deputized by the un security council. both russia and china abstain from that vote . so it's basically a us sponsored, a force mercenary force i could say to come in and try to quell the rebellion a vacation key. what do you make of the unwillingness of the haitian prime minister to leave his post in a timely manner? do you expect him to, to keep you keep his promise and allow elections next year as well?
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he's just been given an open ended mandates by the us and it's a live embassy is a group called the core group, which is basically been governing haiti for the past 20 years since the last us a sponsored military intervention in 2004. when the us, how over throw the government to shop after an hour, steve. so the core group put him in power through a tweet and he has essentially felt no real compunction, no real urgency to restore elected government. he's doing fine is getting his money from the us and is uh, you know, happy to stay that are but um his so on popular, so illegitimate, so illegal and just such an arbitrary appointment that the people are set up with him and it's not going anywhere essentially,
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this is why we see these sectors in it should be said they're putting it is it's a gain takeover of the country. no, this is again, part of the framing of the us. they want to call on groups in haiti gates. in fact the, there are, i could say neighborhood protection groups vigilante groups if you will, which are trying to testing keep crying out of their neighborhoods versus criminal gains. uh so uh, all of these groups um, nonetheless, are um, uh for, for you uh, had been fighting among each other. uh and um, what uh, jimmy sherry ca, the head of the, i can say anti crime coalition is trying to do is have all the armed groups point, their guns not at each other, but the government, which has been oppressed and the entire nation for the past 3 years does the ation
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prime ministers in action contribute further to hades and stability you think? oh yes, i mean, it completes negligence on his part to say the least. but i mean, he, they know what they're doing in a sense because they're letting the situation come to such a critical point and create such a desperation in the population that they're hoping this will open the door, open the window for them to come in with their totally illegal legal by international law, the legal by the haitian law and the legal by turn me on the law just for a 1000. i mean, they're getting other countries now, i mean, has signed on, i think, bangladesh, they have a few other formations who don't pay money to come in and act as mercenaries.
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but at the end of the day, i don't think that he should. people, however desperate they get, are ever going to welcome is a force into the country. all right. hey. tion journalist kim. i think you the many had bullets in their heads. that's according to the policy and in you and investors. comments on the latest mass killing of guidance. at least 115 report, a late died with over 760 others wounded after an idea of assault on a crowd that was rushing for food supplies in gaza city on thursday. this upsetting footage shows some of the victims. survivors tried to help the wounded so they could be taken to nearby hospitalization, extra of cards. palestinian officials say that that's what was expected rise as many people remain in critical condition. the palestinian envoy to the un has criticized the world body for failing to condemn the latest killing of thousands rule according to the information that we have. dozens of them have bullets in that
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head. it's not like, you know, fighting in the sky to let us today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing this out through. just, you know, massacre is a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies in vito's, cost it then it is costing the palestinian people their lives more than a 1000 people seeking aid were reportedly at the scene when the incident occurred. video from the same shows terrified people running away as the idea of the tank approaches. some of the survivors share their emotional recollections and the aftermath of the devastating attack. we went to collect a like normal people, then a tank showed up, and trucks stopped as the tank in front of them, but the firing broke out randomly was next to the car and fell on the ground. a
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young boy came with me, then escaped to another place as a tangle showing us. we got shot by 2 bullets, one of the hands of the young, and was blown away. the other boy penetrated along with capt cole and fell on the ground. some people went to the coastline. well, others escaped to the north east, really army brutalized us fight to gas for bullets or the airplanes rated us using all forms of killing the even shell. the google fuse warm and themselves and why of choir? to return to the to body parts. so people who are a mess, it was a warning here is more shocking footage, a pile of corpses, palestinian authorities have called the attack a cold blooded massacre. we spoke with the director of control on one hospital which admitted wounded yesterday. he strongly, strongly believes it was a deliberate attack. we'll say new people who arrived and come all odd one hospital
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had directed injuries from gun fire. all the injuries targeted the upper parts of the bodies of those killed and injured. and this can reflect that the intention is to kill, not just to cost injuries. i saw some farming videos and heard some of the stories of injured people in the hospital. they were saying that the is rarely army was directly targeting them. these hughes were targeted as they were heading to a place. they go every day to get some flower. why did con fire break out today? it is very obvious that the goal was to kill people and i consider this a trap. they did not intend to drive people away, but to kill them. the is really military has released satellite footage and the incident that appears to show a huge crowd surrounding a humanitarian aid. consul, i, i the f as claimed the troops opened fire on a small group. they saw as a threat but cannot confirm the best tool is realized also blame the stampede by aid seekers as the cause of the analysts will lead say,
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i'm told us the video does not prove any of the as rarely explanations. there's a, it is we're trying to provide any evidence to distract on throw smoke in the eyes of a, at the end, the eyes of the world. and unfortunately, it was then that the evidence they shared at. and that's what the edge on the proves is that what happens was a massacre. because according to the foot this shit and there was no danger to impose or effect coming from those civilians. and they directed towards basically the soldiers and there was nothing there. and it also eliminated the claim is that it's with the loading or the truck drivers that we're trying to protect themselves and stuff. the, the ad, i mean go over those,
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those civilians in the for this did not the support they say the k. and we cannot point at any fact that from inside the coming from the thing inside, as there is a claim that there was an understanding of minutes and group and fighting, got them. that's why they have to defend themselves. that just came, does not exist. if the on the it is no good, i'm to it, it's so it's all done with the intent of targeting civilians to india. now where tensions are running high and the country is north, as local farmers push for a minimum support price for their crops, they say they will keep protesting until all their demands are met by the government. our twos, runjun charmer reports from the same den shoes remain high in the punjab. hurry on a border. now the india, this is with thousands of farm was, was stopped on they, we do new delhi. this has now become a net present total thoughts of this protest,
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the shamble bar, though some 200 on kilometers from the nation's capital. this is just the latest and a series of samo protel's going back more than 2 years. this diamond to run up to the national elections in india in which prime minister no means more the 6. so do feel ring on was the police of barricaded all the major roads that lead to new delhi bought into that services. also i've been suspended in at least 7 districts in punjab. and how do you all know the saw most of standing from on the demands such as the legal and the speeds for all the crew ups. and for india to pull out of the war trade organization? a saw monita is liam that the www is objective was to end farm subsidies. and if we can do a follow date would be suicidal or the full and farmer policies are made of the world trade organization like using form
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a subsidies. now given form us medium support is also alternative. you know, as ation policy is the more the government is pro forma, it should create the world state of united zation or else the fall most in india will be finished. to now there have been full rounds of talks between the government and the protesting formless. but new solution insight pharma said that they want or, or nothing else. they want pauses of tax and she does full of supplies. that's going to loss them for months. one thing is clear, they are not going anywhere. pharmacy the, despite moody's promises of doubling their income, their revenues have shrunk, putting minimum support price in place, gifts, private plans, opportunity. we don't even on what we haven't invested into harvesting or crop. forget any profit, minimum support prices on old crops is really important. to know this, the media continues, so how long?
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1000 to know we're going to insure ma shampoo board open job r t v is really our economy has taken a nose dive for the 1st time in years submit record high government spending on the war and does up the pockets of ordinary is riley is are being hit hard as our middle east bureau chief maria the notion of reports, the wars are expensive. these really offensive engage them is not an exception. in january bank of a 0 estimated the 3 months of fighting against him. us costs these really national economy, about $60000000000.00 making are and sort of the most expensive military campaign in the country's history. and the war has raised on for another 2 months since that's right for which was published. government spending is skyrocketing, not only to pay for bullets and bonds, but also for repairing civilian infrastructure, damaged and have mass attacks,
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supporting tens of thousands of executives from 0 south, whole compensations to disrupt it as rarely business. at the same time, revenues a dropping 2023 reports came in at around 3 and a half $1000000000.00 is below forecast with a record number of reserve is recruited in the beginning of the war, around 300000 people. the country last around 8 percent of its workforce. as well as d. d. p. drops by almost 20 percent on an annualized basis compared to the july to september, quarter. israel's economy, the number of se is separate. one of its worst advert declines, but you will not hear that from the countries leadership and it's on your own smokers rather than coming up with a message to the public. we are in crisis. no, they said we have a lot of money and we have the world's best economy. as a result, we are not functioning in crisis mode or the way one would expect the leadership, the are particularly the all economic leadership is not irresponsible.
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off to the u. s. raging agency moody's lloyd is really credits rating and downgraded outlook from stable to negative. israel's finance ministers landed as lacking serious economic arguments in moody's announcement on a downgrade, does not include c, so you cannot make arguments. and it's entirely a political manifesto based on the pessimistic. and i found a geopolitical view, which reflects a lot of confidence in these real security and national resilience, as well as in about and lack of confidence in the right just in this of its past in the face of enemies. the development sector has found itself among the most affected with construction size across the country stain frozen. after around $150000.00 palestinians. the workers from the west bank were blocked from entering israel and move that many x rays find a rational. this is really a really
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a really dramatic issue. on one hand, you do not lead the posting has come work here because people are worried about having 1st thing in the states. on the other hand, if the 1st thing is do not work, they don't, they lose their lives here. so this is that very explosive, when people are not working, they sit at home that devastated the list that there is. but at the same time is really construction side such as down the road from my house. they're just frozen a. so it's an interest for israel and the palestinians to allow posting is to come into as well and work. the state has been able to soften the blow for the public with subsidies, but it's might start changing. first date is the last day before gasoline prices all across. israel will go up already at the maximum, around 10. the last 20 months, usually subsidized by the finance ministry. prices were kept stone last year, but due to war time, budget codes know most states support. the new price is set at $7.00 and
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a half seconds, which is more than $2.00 per liter. and that is just one of the examples of how the war in guys has said the average has riley's pocket. people noticed they now spend more on essential goods and services than before the war, even though they can still afford it due to israel's highest standard of living. the city market is busy and crowded. but fears and concerns feel their. the people don't really uh, notices yet, but the budget is like in the back, you know, everyone is going to send it out cuz everything's gonna be unbearable. but people don't seem to say it, you know, it's, you know, to service things like, like normal and revise things and stuff. but i said, you know, the politics going to of to, and i think a lot of people who are struggling because they are in the, in fighting and they don't have a job for me personally, i'm quite comfortable in my financial situation. certainly the war has been hired
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has had a severe reframe, some of the food prices went up. that's what i feel on a daily basis. people stop working prices are going up. so i'm not sure how they can, will continue leave here to bring the money home to their families. the more in guys, it has become a growing version on these really calling them and something the forces seem unprepared to recognize, articulate or care about. perhaps the thinking is that when an award is less expensive than losing one, and that they need victory at any cost. maurice, emotionality from jerusalem. participating in voting is supporting war. that's according to the lot van justice minister as russia gears up to hold presidential elections. the russian embassy enrica has denounced to the statement calling on lot, being officials to support the right of russians to express their freedom to vote.
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are to correspondence. charlotte dimansky has the story. this is a message for any russians living in the bull taking nation of lot fia, supposedly. if you vote in the russian presidential election this month, you know, supporting more regardless of which books you check. well that's according to lot fee is government. ready we can't prevent russian citizens from entering the embassy. well, they do that. and why they do it is their own business with the state of which they are citizens. we have, in essence, notified that order will be insured outside the embassy. but those people entering also support the war. and she went even further suggesting anyone who actually cast the pilot could be breaking life in, move in justifying the rule. so what are they going to do? set up an interrogation based outside the russian embassy in rigor. and demand to know what business people have been there on the russian embassy has been quick to
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react. we regard this statement by the official as an attempt to exert pressure and intimidate the russian voter on the eve of the upcoming vote. preventing the free expression of the will of our citizens. this kind of unacceptable public rhetoric, which comes from the mouth of a high ranking official, can be qualified as interference in the internal affairs of russia and an encroachment on the constitutional rights of our citizens. that is going to loan and looking at ways to penalize russians for being well russians. sonya is drafted a little which if passed with the noisy russians who live the utility to vote tale is suggesting that they simply copy trusted. this would disturb the internal and external peace, territorial integrity and security of our country. of the republic of a sonia comprehensively has no way to guarantee fully that the aforementioned,
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foreigners are free from the influence of their country of citizenship. i'm sure you are yes. so i mean, the move is discriminatory. we will keep an eye on the situation, making sure that the relevant international institutions condemn the openly racist plans of the estonian authorities and prevent them from being implemented. let me just remind you that sonya is a full mustang. the country, almost a quarter of the population is made up of ethnic russians. who should in see we have the right to participate in local stone in elections. bonding would be in direct confrontation with the e and show it to a fundamental rights. every citizen of the union has the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at elections, to the european parliament in the members state in which he or she resides under the same conditions as nationals of that state members of the european parliament. shelby elected by direct universal suffrage and
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a free and secret ballot. and it's not everyone agrees. it's tony, as social democratic policy has expressed concerns over the move district, those voting rights. what is the message we are sending russian citizens? course tony and patriots, and one to vote for country right. maria, you for eva square and tom sky, or christine to call us in the next elections. the state has no specific accusations against you, but there was an element of doubt. the associate logically astute, are also aware that the outcome could be the opposite because group punishment based on an external characteristic. as the target group will undoubtedly interpret this step, resulting in reverse mobilization in defense of the group. it started here as how defensive made due to the opposition. it's having difficulties in bringing the legislation to fruition. but the countries prime minister isn't giving up with fresh plans to push the idea of fluid
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a. she believes the numbers are on her side. counting on my fingers, so to speak. the calculation indicates that we'd have the votes. so what cal us just a few months ago was emphasizing the importance of open and resilient democracies that seemingly only extends to the people she trusts to vote. i'm russians, regardless of the views, not in that corner. do stay with our to international. i'll be back in just a few minutes with more of the day is top news stories by the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best. in most all sense and up the
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must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the 72 question, did you say stephen twist, which is the general us from the bottom all is see me where your most of all of us with you
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sooner legend, but by the escrow lines for this or for, for your interest with frontier you through. great. and how's it going? good. a good one. you said 3. so just to introduce, you've got the proxy publishing page of you definitely have it for you just to make sure you got the 3 that are in the the the, the the, the new deal at the resort
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law to click on the stuff i'm is the the the united nation says at least 576000 people in gaza,
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or one step away from famine. meanwhile, 2 volumes is seen using about a potential ceasefire while enjoying an ice cream coat. this is the state of play. this is the policy of jennifer. hi, acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the,
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the breaking news on archie international a bombshell league. it shows german generals discussing the bombing of the crime in bridge for being a transcript of their conversation in just a few moments. although germany refuses to comment on the issue, russia's top diplomat circuit law problems says it's obvious. natal powers are directly involved in the ukraine complex. they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges. someone says, luckily that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pie. and at least $115.00 pallets to the end 7 mass occurred as they were rushing to receive aid in gaza city. the idea of insist they only fired a warning shot.


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