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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EST

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a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically, the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the infamous words. the only good india is that dead. indeed, the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been the majority on the continent, the board being digit, as people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . the united nation says at least 576000 people in gaza, or one step away from famine. meanwhile, jo volume is seen using about a potential cease fire by one showing an ice cream cone. this is a state of play. this is the politics of genocide, the cross talking palestine. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legal and media analyst in to them. we have mohammed mirandi. he is a professor at the university of colorado and in london we crossed the mohammed according to the state as a lawyer and parliamentary candidate or a gentleman comstock rose in effect. that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated my how many random people let me go to you 1st and to that. and i, i want to do a special call out right now about aaron bush now and um, his uh,
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extreme active of defiance to what he deemed as an active member of the military, u. s. military is jet, the us government's pursuit of genocide. so this a story says almost everything we really need, if it was mentioned at all in mainstream media, it didn't give you any idea of what was going on. it was very, very shameful and embarrassing for the profession. mohammed absolutely in the main stream media has been behaving in the most shameful manner since the genocide and gaza began. but when i woke up to the news that he had a cup burned himself alive in front, it is rarely the embassy. and i saw the footage it was for, for a few minutes. i really couldn't think it was very painful. i didn't. i never saw the footage until the very end, but uh,
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he was very clear what he was after. he was very clear uh, with regards to why he was doing this. he did it like a like he was like, he acted like a soldier and it will have an impact. because while the media immediately began to question his sanity and his background, those when you him came out and said that he was a very decent person, the very likable person. and the fact. so the tax people across the united states young people in particular, they are going to be at least most of them, i believe, are going to be moved by this, this act of sacrifice. i would never advise anyone to do this for now. that heat has carried out this act, we should all use this moments to humiliate those who are carrying out
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this genocide to expose those who are carrying out what the president of brazil i guess, said was similar to the holocaust. yeah. and again, the, the media attacked him for that made can, but could it would be resilient president side was actually in context, but the media reported was without the context. that's what we expect here. all right, back to a business line or 2 thirds of americans independence, republicans, democrats, want to permanency spire. the jo jo biden's administration ignores that. i thought this was a democracy as well. well, it's just not a democracy because as you know, we're not a tyranny by the majority and we don't, it's not majority roles. we are technically a constitutional republic. may i just ask one favor just on what you just mentioned regarding bush know if you don't mind, go ahead. i have waited to play this way. this is kelly me. it's funny how we
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select. certainly here rose. remember the monkey in 1963. yep. courageous bobby says hunger striker, cesar chavez. yep. uh there was a quaker who so emulated during vietnam. we love certain people who sacrifice hunger sights and the like. do you know that after this happened, that various baby media reports referred to genocide in quotes that this man referred you quote, genocide, and one particular national outlet said at the end of this, if you're a family member or having ideations of suicide or basically if you're crazy like this guy seek help and here's a number to call you. this is, this is the way this story was skewed. and again, not, not loading a suicide, but did they do they not know that this was in some guy who, who misunderstood a football game or somebody that this is going with this. this is part and parcel
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going back to your question, how could there be a ceasefire? well, there's only one well firing. i don't understand. i still don't under i, i this, this terminology that we use. i'm a lawyer and i'm trying to always find the, the definition. so i'm, i'm at a loss across the board. i'm sorry. well, i'm a line or a, you know, in, in, in the context of, of the united states. and i know i'm and mirandi lived there for a while. i mean, it's not surprising you, you've said week after week the, because of the media coverage, people just aren't aware. okay. because i think that they were aware they would act very differently. but we have a political class and apply it media that wants to control the message. aaron, the voice mail story is the best example. okay, for the domestic car context here. let's go back to its go to my home in in london . one of the reasons what the primary is, why i wanted to do this program, was watching joe biden eating an ice cream cone, talking about the potential of
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a ceasefire. and i, i can't imagine being more toned depths. okay. um, and per se was just thinking about the primary in michigan, most likely, but it's so casual. and so talis, go ahead. mohammed in london, a lot, i think is for a long time, the case a low, many people pay attention to want to buy them. the same is true, but i didn't was fully in control of his own bodily functions. then that would be something, but he finds it difficult to climb up or down. steps finds it difficult to keep hold of where he is in his mind, or many of his in many was interviews. this is very clear that joe barton is lost in control of whatever is going on in the united states. and there's police forces behind him. the proper lock. well, and if i could just an inter tech here, i mean we have, uh, he was a senator. i think he was a senator and the roman empire has been around for so long. he was,
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is known as the most ardent design is in the senate. and now as vice president and as president, we can look at his physical and mental failings, but make no mistake. he zion is through and through. he says that all the time mohammed, so if this is the best, the particular group, people power can pro pop as the front. and then it shows a d. we goes within the power base of that's who isaiah sion. because if you have to pull out somebody who's frankly indistinguishable from his own the, then it means that that's the best you can actually achieve. so i think that the phase in the, the phase in that formal politics is of some of these doesn't really exist. and, and off to we have, i didn't say come off the center stage, then i put and believe that the power but he's be on vice and he's not crested and will be for suddenly
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a little stage of the pronouncements of what reality is meant to be by the design, this will be, is certainly not lending with the public and you mention that the company come where i, i don't believe that's the case. i think in terms of the u. k. and the us as well, a vast majority of the public of very much against the will getting on. and unfortunately, the media powers and the political powers are long to go. so own people. and it took a soldier to burn himself so that he could boom through the want of that, of that bouquets against democracy and the people in order to try and shine a light on the fact of that time of resistance to once he's frankly, the covering of of, of genocide and we've, we've been seeing that these protests around the world have caused south africa as a nation to be galvanized to bring the case in the i c, j. that wouldn't have happened without the will of the people being. so the,
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the all take it to load wide and that quote, which included a requisite proof foot by israel as a judge. he himself, yeah, well, so again, this is drawn on to the line point. so really, there is no more cause for this very clear breach of human rights. this is very clear. the problem is, is that we, we, i think we're all on the same page here, but it's not stopping here mohammed into around. i mean, the line on the bottom brought it up, i mean, when, in, in, in, in an article that he read about now, aaron bush, now they had a identified in quotation. so that's the problem, isn't it? okay. they, they will not recognize what's going on. they refuse to do it, and if you do, say it, you, you are, are shut down, your disappeared, etc. go ahead mohammed and into that. yes, but you do become rather irrelevant gradually the the main stream media, the corporate media,
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the legacy media when they continue to support genocide when they continue to hide this genocide or attempt to hide this trend aside from the public and people are seeing what's going on there undermining themselves in the short term. they are of course supporting dentist side. there are assisting genocide. they're part of this genocide in your times of washington, post all the cnn, bbc, all of them are, are guilty in this, in this the people are most crime, but they are undermining themselves people for, for, for a number of years. now, the media has become increasingly a question by ordinary people is become less respected by ordinary people, but now it's in freefall. mm hm. so they can continue going down this road, but they're just quickening the pace of their own demise. i'm optimistic about the teacher even though the genocide is ongoing,
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even though last night was particularly horrible. when this riley's slaughtered a large number of people who are waiting for aid, the footage is, is, is, is particularly painful to watch. despite the fact that every day it's been painful . but beyond that, i am optimistic about the future. no one believes the western media. i mean, when i speak about no one, i mean the general public across the globe. few people have any respect for the western political establish establishment. and the, the people across the world are increasingly seeking alternatives. breaks the shanghai cooperation organization, other regional organizations. these are all being given a boost. the irony is that we all want a ceasefire immediately for the sake of the people of gaza. but the regime and the
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regimes that are losing because of the continued genocide are the united states this way, the regime, the brake line, and i have to jump in here. we have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on power side. stay with our to the the force emission. yes. the gentleman from see me out where you're most of all of us with you sooner. legend. but by the transfer lives for this or for, for your interest. great. and how strong to hold on. you're going to go in here. so 3. so john, to introduce, you've got the proxy publishing page of you definitely have it for you just to let you, let me see, let me place
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a photo and we'll 3 literally and the the the, the new do at the bookstore, california on the various or in line to can you click on the stuff i'm is
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the the the welcome back across the dock were all things are considered i'm peter little true man. you were discussing palestine the
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okay, let's go back to lajna lajna. you know, we, we, i started out the program talking about i'm the inability of the, the a, by the administration to reflect upon public opinion here. or are they going to continue down the same path? because i think all of this program in our viewers are a bit tired to say the least about. it's really difficult and your work. we're trying really hard. we're trying the media. i don't believe any of it. i think that's a complete smoke screen. okay. i don't think they by the administration is going to do anything whatsoever to hinder. israel's goals, which is genocide awaits displacement and they'll just say we did our best and that will be good enough for some people. but i think as, as our other guests have said, that is going to alienate and in a very fundamental way. but as we move forward line on to, i have mentioned you before peter, that there is a definition of problem that people have in this country. when you say the word genocide, i am saying look, that is
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a term of art from the genocide convention. this is about targeting and holder, and part of people i've seen people have in their minds as world war 2. i've mentioned as cattle cars and the complete elimination of all palestinians everywhere i. i wish i could somehow change the name. second of all, it's not just by the other day though, i saw an interview, you might have seen it as well on online or some platform with with bernie sanders, bernie sanders, the the, the, the grandfather, the partner from alias of, of, of the left. it's whatever and he was ask, what do you, what will you do regarding the genocide and he should have worked for roget. he's far as he had every version of harbor paint, destruction, everything up and clothing. that number is so one that you as well. i know because my,
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my segment should be called light from the fish full because i live in this world of people who sort of know, but also peter, they don't want to be bothered. but you mentioned the word scientist. i could walk to you right with you to times square, which is a half a mile from here. we got off for a $1000.00 to anybody to define what that means in the context of what's happening now. and they will look at it by virtue of this, this regimentation as it being can amount to, to some type of anti semitic slower. yeah. that you're, you're the big. so this is, this is my problem. i'm, i'm sorry gentlemen, i'm, i'm, i'm in this master class of every edition. i am from, you know, the, the, the, the, the, the fish full of people who don't understand this. and we also have, if you just one more thing, you crane to equally confused people as to where it is on the map, who's who,
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and the other day. 11 appears morgan in an interview with john nurse, i'm or was repeating this world war 2. i mean with it, i'm in a parallel universe, there are people who, who overly complicated and oper scabbing model. i think this is very intentional regarding mohammed and in london. this has been intentionally done here. i mean, i think all of us should start talking about the holocaust and guys that just say it, okay. and if it, if it like people it, well, what then say well, you know what, then you would talk about what that really means. i mean, start educating people, start challenging people, and don't be afraid to say the truth. okay. well, how many more than one of the problems is what line? well, just brought up a whole word. zine is, i mean, what it's supposed to invoke. i mean, look what happened to one of your a former prime ministers. he was hounded out of office or being anti semitic which, which is absurd on the face of it all. but they use that word in a very,
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very engineered way to silence people not to make people think. but to silence them. go head mom and in london, he loves the right spot. so like anything that's engineered, it has a certain tourism it. so the phrase anti semitism is now about to suffer from mental city where it's been so over use and been types of shapes. i think it will, it will soon fail in the minds when we're speaking people. and the reason for that is because the i c j, the instructional quote adjusted has been accused of being and submitting the un has been accused of being on smith, a thing time nation or nation. as with most recently come out of a policy which is south africa has been accused of being an semester. i don't run full heroes in the u. k. who's down against the genocide having coolants submitting . so he, you know, we, we, to move up to like governors indicate here. um, so if you send to the company of all these great institutions, then that will, it has a meeting soon enough. and i think that's really where
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a lot of the sensible and clear minded people of the jewish faith have been very vocal about the misuse. yeah. but um, because it actually does cover up for actual services which has existed in europe, particularly expedite you opin problem for over a 1000 years. there's not really one that so later the fee to the of the arch naziism and send it to the movies. it is called issues that were born in your yes answer know things that were in the, in the are of a context. but so that being said, i think those people in the jewish will be the spend all these radio. we rather who have spent so much time educating us what a whole course days. so we things i shingles list have now actually towards us. we own them. a service of tours is exactly what it will cost looks like. and what we see in palestine is exactly what we were told from us. quinn springs on programs i shouldn't as list i wouldn't be. oh, great. yeah. so i think, you know,
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we need to just get pasta rhetoric and remind people of their upbringing. yeah. i think, well, it's good to turn around, i think, you know, if they, if they put a gas chain here and costs and then people to start believing it, i guess maybe that's what has to happen here. you know how many that they think of everything is anti semitic? been what is i would say the most anti semitic thing is zayn. it's a yes i think design isn't as anti semitic because they are the ones who are how climbing the jewish people, more than anyone else. and thankfully, many young jews, as it's already pointed out, have become very, very vocal during the past few months. and in fact, in new york times article that was pulled up lies about rate and the headings and all that on october, the 7th day was exposed by uh, a palestinian lead website in the united states. and the website led by, uh, jewish,
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a friend of your show. so uh there are changes taking place across the board, both internationally, but also locally. and when i mean locally, i mean in the west. uh, i think that as the previous guess, pointed out, these words have been you so much by design this lobby that they're losing their meaning. and i agree that people, many people in the united states in that bubble still feel that way. but the fact remains that every day we're getting, we're seeing more and more image is coming out of gaza, a never ending in genocide and never ending holocausts. and people will gradually see the reality. those who don't want to accept reality never will. yeah . but overwhelmingly, people across the world are seeing reality. and what is really regime is doing is
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that they're cementing this hostility of animosity towards their racism towards the end. those centers ism and as they are, they are destroying themselves by continuing this. they should be the 1st to push for a ceasefire because o, as i said, although apollo city and so being women and children are being massacred on a daily basis, that is randy regime and it's western allies. so what is western allies are being dest? demolish and yeah, because of this genocide across the world, they can never speak about human rights again, make it whether or not they can never even it can never talk about take it seriously. they cannot never talk about the rules based order anymore. okay? because i have no idea what that means, could get it, particularly in what we're seeing going on and causing it, you know, line or it's closer to home to you. the new york times again, is in a extremely hot, hot water. this ridiculous story about a systematic rape on october 7th,
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which has been demolished in israel in the united states and called the great zone there. and now they're looking at who are the co authors of that monstrosity is. and lo and behold, it's a non journalist, and so i wonder workforce really intelligence kind of a embarrassing situation to find yourself in line of embarrassing. if you understand that, by the way, i'm going to steal the line about metal fatigue. that is, in such an apt analogy, if i am on a quote mcluhan, who says that that little that, that a little lies are very hard to keep secret, but big lies are easy because of our incredulity. do you know what it would be like if any of you, a gentleman were to stand up and say, you know this rape story is false? what your denying rape? no, no, i'm denying this. what. what do you, how are you sick? so what happens is, if it's a big story, the incredulity of it is
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a problem there. there's also something which is interesting. the more that we see images and pictures, the more we bitch a way to them. peter, remember in our generation, when we 1st heard about me live and it's side hurt, people's stopped steve as we didn't even see pictures and we didn't even we didn't even say we didn't even say pictures are absolutely right. yes. we did not understood we were, but today perhaps by virtue of maybe our psycho tropic medication because of the fact we've been habituated to this, to this over and over and over. or we're just a completely different. maybe our psyche has been affected by some kind of a social parasite or, or virus, but nobody's reacting to this. and finally gentlemen, what happens is people are told all the time, you don't understand how much is a difference or there you, you, this isn't a, a symmetric war. they don't have uniforms,
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they don't have walls. you have to what you might consider to be over a kill is, is perhaps. yeah, but why not? doesn't this really speaker? let me go to mohammed in in london here. this really speak to just the deep seated racism within western the leads. i mean, it's easy to rationalize what's going on here. they are a lesser people. they're brown people that are muslim. i mean it really plays into that. well, the reason why i bring it up is with the same a leads like to talk about their diversity in all of it. i mean, they're hypocrites, to the core, go ahead and london or. yeah, i mean this, the research study of the idolized the payments that were coming to our lead pacino position of labor costs are you from pro? is honest all these and it turns out that 40 percent of loss china cabinet have received funding from pro design is still good. nice ations. now in terms of whether there is a deep siege of racism,
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show that reduces any study in the west will show a degree of institutional racism across the board. and any institution of more problematic than that re, is, is the issue of being funded by a particular, lo be to have a particular outcome. and i'm sorry i have to jump in here. we have run out of time . absolutely fascinating discussion with all 3 of you. i want to take my guess in london, new york, and into then. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here in our d. c. and next time, remember across that the russian states never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community invest. ingles,
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all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin. yep. mission, the state on the rush coding and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say it would twist, which is the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news on our, to international a bomb cell league shows german generals discussing the bombing of the crime in bridge. we bring you a transcript of their conversation in just a few moments. although germany refuses to comment on the issue of rush this up diplomat circuit. lab rob says, is obvious. natal powers are directly involved in the ukraine, conflicts they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have


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