tv Direct Impact RT March 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EST
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the attacks on civilians waiting for humanitarian aid on says de policing as horses say more than a 100 people have been killed. 10 point the finger, the israel, while the idea accused militants for opening fire fighting, made a u. turn dismissing cease fire as an option at this point from us also stated that it would freeze all negotiations with israel following the attack. the militant group blames as well for the the world use festival has kicked off in the southern russian federal territory of serious on the black sea coast. around 20000 people from either 100 countries are expected to attend. we bring you all special coverage of the week long event the so let's get the details from our correspondence on the quote a he's that,
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oh so for us now, don't get to see you. so let us know how things but looking so saw what if you had some, those were taken pause of the either nicki. well, the world use festival is getting underway here. and this enormous building that i'm in is where the main parts the facilities are expected to take place has been called the world youth city. and as you can see behind me this, there's a facade that resembles an airport gate there. and that's because this is near the main entrance, which has been decorated in the style of an airport because this is where the expected 20000 participants are going to arrive. half of them being from around russia and the other half being from around other parts of the world. and that number is even really dwarfed by the over 300000 applications. there were to participate in this momentous event in terms of what's expected to take place here . the main events are going to be on the main square of the world. you city, where we're expecting to see some lectures, discussions, sporting activities,
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and an entire cultural program. now we were even lucky enough to be joined on this live report by the mascot of the world youth festival. it's name is chapel, oscar. this is a childhood cartoon character icon for millions of soviet people and russian people, as well as a symbol of kindness and friendship and openness, which is really a part of the main point of this entire world. you 1st of all, which is to bring the active young people from across the world into one place where they can make connections and work towards a future world order based on when, when cooperation and fairness not one that's based on the hedge, a monic, domination of one power over the rest of the global community. so for rest of this is really an honor to have such an event here on russian soil. and we're looking to see a lot of exciting events and the coming days, grades and i thought these don't close to that report thing from the wild youth festival in southern mazda. thanks that don't have the we have some some of the
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enthusiastic festival go is, is there a vice that the international airport in salty this is my to show. so i am and in many ways and it looks like a cool opportunity to meet people from all around the world. i think participants are coming from around a 182 countries or something like this. so i've never had an opportunity to potentially talk to people from everywhere in the world, in the span of a week. so that's why i'm here. it's a very read on that and a few minutes for me to be part of this. ask you a lot and i'm so happy that i got set an opportunity to be here. and uh, i'm going to run the boat in so many days, and i'm so happy to be that i shouldn't be, but then that will work, move on, the, the sign how they have, you know,
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me with this saxophones to come to us. and in fact, you are what sources offering you from different countries. this cultural event is very important to understand voice or other to know what really russia is, what 3 other cultures are. not just a believe what may be mainstream media says we have a real chance here to learn more about the restaurant to learn more about other countries in the current world infinity. first century, it's really important to talk to being transferred to other cultures to come from people are all around the world. and i think this is a perfect chance to, for young people to get to know each other in terms of building bridges that will help them in the future to understand each other better. we're so happy to be here to participate on that. well, you festival 2024 and scars. we only have to say the same as rush have for this participation. and of course we have to say venezuela but he thinks the company
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here in nancy international this such day, i hope you're having a wonderful start to your weekend. we'll be back the top of the hour with plenty more season. the. the hey, i'm rick sanchez. i've been doing news now for 30 years into languages all over the world. here in the us. i've interviewed for president's work that uh, 5 of the us has major television networks. i don't like what they do. so yeah, i think there should be honest, it should be direct and it should be impactful and best buy golly is direct impact the so let's start with this question. how does a by the ministration scribe, something that should have been so easy?
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was it tell us so our nation's most important advisor on all matters related to war and defense goes to the hospital and he doesn't tell anybody. but maybe it's just a quick thing like, you know, bad flu sprained ankle, that kind of thing. and he didn't have time to call his boss who happens to be by the way, the president united states. oh way. who by the way also happens to be engaged right now and in active military conflicts in the middle east. what is turning into a disastrous intervention in, in ukraine, as well as accusations of reading china through military exercises right off the coast of taiwan. so yes, with all of that going on, it's expected and a history has shown that us presidents maintain regular, if not daily communications, with members of their defense department and their security council. general lloyd austin is both the sits on the national security council. he's the secretary of defense, and now it could have been no big deal because he went to the hospital one day for
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something routine. been down a buddy. of course, of course nobody would be talking about it if that was the case, but that is not what happened. what austin had was prostate cancer. and he was operated on weeks in advance. and it happened under general anesthesia when he was out. and nobody told a whitehouse, but this is where the store contents really weird. so a few weeks after the surgery, he has some kind of relapse and it's taken by ambulance to the hospital. and again, the winehouse has an informed so what happens when he gets to the hospital, you ask a question. the doctors take a look at them and they're so alarmed by his condition. they send them to intensive care, you know, where they send patients in critical condition. still mister button doesn't know anything about this. monday turns to tuesday, tuesday turns to wednesday and then thursday, and still lloyd austin general lloyd austin is in the hospital in intensive care.
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and the president of the united states doesn't know about it. finally, friday comes and the president is informed. and now everybody else knows. everybody else is asking the same questions that you would think they would ask. how did nobody maleness? we have a guy who's in charge of our war. i read about it today. he's using a laptop from his hospital bed. they couldn't find them secretary of defense and he's running the war with a laptop like a child would do, you know, like a child plays with a laptop. and as you can see, the president is getting a lot of heat for this. and there's something we should probably mention at this point. obviously general austin's illness is very serious. and look, we're not trying to downplay his condition and certainly of course we wish him and his family. well, while he battles what could be horribly and serious disease. so we're not trying to pick on him 10 when he's sick, or when he's down here. but what we are saying, and i think needs to be said,
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is that there are some legitimate questions here that need to be breaking news. now we are learning secretary of defense, lloyd austin, has been released from the hospital defense secretary lloyd austin was released from the hospital yesterday after 2 weeks of treatment for complications from prostate cancer surgery. newly released 911 call is were billing details about defense. secretary lloyd austin's emergency trip to the hospital. last month austin was admitted for complications from prostate cancer surgery without president biden or other top officials. knowing of course, my colleagues in the media have jumped all over the story, but they're covered at the same way. they cover everything else. you know, they turn it into a political so pop, right? said she said the republican, the democrat, bye bye, right? usually what they, they don't ask the right questions, you know, it might take as long as i don't think this is just the story about some elderly president who. busy aren't communicating and didn't know what was going on with
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a member of his cabinet. i think what their lack of communication tells me. certainly makes me ask, is that maybe these men don't need to talk to each other? maybe they didn't talk to each other because they don't need to talk to each other because of decisions that are being made about warranties or not being made by them . or oh sure they're involved. both of them have been front and center with pronouncements, right? deliberate news conferences, teleprompters and you know, like these armando denominate, former general lloyd austin as a 28 secretary of defense. i want to thank you. general, you're a friend, but i want to thank you, general austin for once more stepping forward to serve your nation. it will be my sincere honor and privilege to return to the department and to lead our great service members and civilians and accomplishing my mission of ensuring
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our nation security. let me say this after watching that just because you read prepared comments from a teleprompter, doesn't mean you are originating policy. see what i'm saying. here's the question. we need to ask, how be holding? are these men to those who have the most to gain from these wars that they always talk to us about? start with mr. biden, for example, in the people around him, the right, 5 and foreign policy team, both as president and vice president have always read and still do read like a who's who of wall street and corporate suits. we'll see more connect the big money, and they are to the people of the united states. how do i know this? i looked it up. you could to look it up. what i found is that the same people who set our foreign policy in this country come from institutions that benefit from
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those policies. they come from a hedge funds, they come from private equity, they come from defense contractors, you want names, let's name names, there we go. nicholas burns, in charge of the china policy, his corporate benefactors, the cohen group, campbell, he's on the national security council. his corporate died, the age of group, tom donald, and also for the security council. his corporate dog isn't as big as it gets. he's with black rock investments or the group that was just given essentially ukraine and there's, when does sherman state department or business dies albright stonebridge jake, solve a mr. by the national security advisor, his corporate collection, macro advisory. there they are. so what about lloyd austin? well, i gotta tell you, general austin's corporate connections run deep and wide as well. they include the new core corporation, united technologies, raytheon, raytheon. and prior to joining president barton austin worked together with the us
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secretary of state anthony blinking at the pine island capital partners group, a private equity firm investing in your ready defense companies who offer among other things, access to government leaders. they say like president biden, one more thing about austin that you should probably know about you live comfortably, but not often patiently for most of his life on a military salary. good for him. but now he lives on a mansion right on the ocean in a place called kaya our island and south carolina and iowa. and he's worth more than $7000000.00. so when we come back, i'm gonna play for you the emergency call to police. when they tried to get an ambulance to the general's home, by the way, it's interesting how they handle that. that's going to be funny to a fascinating to listen to. and we're going to be joined by these 2 guys calling
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nixon and michael maloof to get their take on this really weird set of circumstances and what it really means don't go away. it will be right back the the the i bought them back. i'm rick sanchez. i want you now to hear something. this is the call to the authorities to send an ambulance immediately to the home of general austin a few weeks ago. listen, by the way,
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something is interesting. i listened to how they tried to coax the person on the other line to make sure the ambulance arrives with no light, no bubble, no noise. they don't want the neighbors to find out here, check us out. can i ask anyone's mouth show up with like some sirens? we're trying to remain a little settled. yeah, i understand. yeah. usually when they turn into a residential neighborhood they'll turn them off. it doesn't reporting in a chest pain at all. okay. did he pass out or does he feel like he's gonna pass out? uh no. okay. and like you said he's, he's awake, he's alert and oriented, he's not confused or anything. is that correct? correct. joining me now to talk about this former pentagon official, michael maloof, and the host of the critical our garland mix. and gentlemen, thanks so much for being with us. i guess. garland i start with you, does the president deserve to be criticized for this whole thing? you know, absolutely, but you know, it is,
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has been my experience that when someone gives you a litany of excuses, often times maybe one of them is true, but often times none of them is true. we were originally told that it was elective surgery. we were told that no anastasia was used, which would make which that argument would be used to say he didn't have to transfer authority because he wasn't put the sleep. yes. and then it moves, of course to prostate surgery, possibly. so we've, the story is been evolving and i think in law, what do they call that? a creeping admission. i want to watch the biggest thing here, michael. the fact that the president wasn't told the fact that the president didn't need to be told, or that they essentially lied to us. i think the president, it shows that the president doesn't hold his defense chief and highest in high priority. from the policy standpoint, it's blinking who runs foreign policy and national security,
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and you know what it is. i don't know if you, if you listen when i was just doing my intro, but i found out that blinking and, and general washington worked together. yes. in the corporate world. yes. but it's in the administration bleak and has the lead on national security and foreign policy as does jake sullivan. so that's fascinating. you're saying, look, the president, if it had been a blanket in the hospital, he would have called the probably because he needs to talk to him. i don't really the sense of the senate days. well here's what, here's you know what i think. i think he doesn't need to talk to either of them. i think and look at this is not a conspiracy show and i'm not going into a deep state thing. okay. but i do believe that i'm not going to call at the beach state, that there is foundation only a group of people. i would say no government who make decisions who have not elected positions, but somehow are in positions of power. and they have as much to say about ukraine and gaza and taiwan as the president or the secretary of defense,
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or even the head of the state department. then you say what they're proxies are sitting right there in those positions of the administration that re representing the corporate people and, and all the others you listed earlier and in their, in their view points and biden doesn't, is out of it any way. and they, they shelter him a lot so that makes it and, and, and he's not even in control. so it's other people who are really calling the shot . well, n garmon, here's where it gets interesting. i, i agree that in the case of fighting, it does look like because the president is somewhat feeble, an elderly, maybe they do a work around. but i would suggest, and let me ask it in the form of a question to you have, they've been doing that work around through bush and obama, and the trump, and all the others as well. so i think the answer is clearly yes. we know of multiple instances that were reported under donald trump,
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where he gave specific orders to people under him and they just disobeyed the orders in lied to him about things that have happened. and there's been recent stories that have come out that said, people in the pentagon are making preparations, in case donald trump becomes president. so he won't use his powers in a quote dig tutorial way, which i interpret to mean he may actually say, likes like, let's not go to war with some one or something like that. yeah. so if there is an entity, you can kind of of a to write, i mean, you can call it the deep state, you can call it the state. it doesn't matter. but there is clearly an entity of power that pushes an ideology that will, if the president goes along with it, great. if he doesn't go along with it, they'll do what they need to do. let me ask you this here. a military guy right. doesn't bother you that this general suddenly shows up in kite our island living on a private island on a mansion and is worth over $7000000.00. i mean, well how does that all? yeah, he has a right to get
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a job. and if want somebody wants to pay and that don't give you that i'm not a communist here. i'm not saying it doesn't deserve to make money. but is there something suspicious about, you know, if you go to the corporate realm, you're going to get that kind of money because of your, your influence and who you have and who you can relate to in it. and that he's obviously the secretary defect but, but they didn't know, but then it goes back to the see, here's the problem. yes, he's fine. i'm no longer a military person. i no longer work in the government. i don't work at ibm and i get a great job, but that all study goes from ibm back to the white house to do you think he's going to take care of idea of ultimately or raytheon. yeah, he's looking out for great. so yeah, i mean that's why we have 2 wars, one of these words as 5 fronts. so one of the big cheney the master of, of everything we're talking about now. yeah. yeah. but i will, i will take exception with one area when i was independent, god don round rumsfeld ruled. yeah. and he would have major knock down drag out with call. and paul, when he was secretary of state and, and kind of lisa rice was in the national security council trying to keep them
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apart. and then trying to come together to do to come to some compromise between them. i think it depends upon the weight. should we invade afghanistan, 1st, or a rock 1st, because they ended up doing, basically catastrophic that decision was made before. uh before, before. uh uh, some of these guys even came in the office and, and this is, this is the unfortunate what, what your point is, what that, that, that it's worse now. that's actually worse funny, but it was still bad that very little bad. it was bad, but i think a lot of it had to do with the personality drive and, and, and because bush respected run spelled and because of his probably own trustees and you're saying are, so it's not, no rush. so now he's the guy who's solve the exit of the united states military, out of your rock that, that introduce isis. and with all due respect to him because i know he's sick right now we pile on the guy. but but, but, but yeah, we're finding out that there are some things there that make it look like he's,
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he's got a strong, he's not a strong personality. no. and what we're looking at here, i mean that's why the d o j has to protect hunter by because that's the game now, in fluid i have influenced, i can market that in fluids. if my father's the v p, if i'm connected to whoever the game in washington dc is selling your influence, peddling your influence now, and whether it's the president's dawn or whether it's, you know, you're a, you know, somebody's wife or daughter or you actually hold the position that's where the money is. yeah, i, you know, i agree with you. i've heard my republican colleagues and friends often argue that a 100 by has done a horrible thing because he used his. 6 big vice president to get jobs and be paid and stuff. and whenever i hear that argument, i think who wouldn't do that, right? it's a lot of problems with the cocaine and the end, the end, the end, the prostitutes of everything else. but that's it. to be honest, i have less of
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a problem with his own personal vices than i do, you know, because he's a human being and a but he suffers from that. whatever the case. yeah. he's, he's like the, when you get into the other things that are happening, his connections to the bio research labs funnelling money to the bottom. how is that different from, from blinking and sullivan and, and wendy williams, our, i'm sorry, wendy sherman. it's the m m and the people who did it with the exactly the same. and so they have to protect him because that's how they're all feeling there by everyone who is in power. tony blinking or whoever it is, they have a severe of influence around them. and all of their assistants and the people around them are peddling that influence. this is not a democrat or republican thing. this is a, the is a thing in our government that we have to probably find a way to use. lots peddling is against the law. is simple and pure and simple and how do you make it against the law? but they did it that way. that's what he's. that's why they had these congressional hearings now because he wasn't, it wasn't what a matter of just doing all his name do all these people in the bottom of his grades
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who quite a job in corporate world on tuesday. and he was born providing on wednesday because he was bidding, because allegedly joe biden was reaping a financial benefit from it while he was on a government salary and the capital. but, but, but this is not, i don't want to turn to show it to another 100 biden. is it good or bad? is obviously the guys you know, crockett, among other things and problematic. my question is he was an instrument. he's a symptom of yes. yeah, of the problem using the keypad, which of the right is an expression of the problem? yeah, this is what they're all doing. you can see it blatantly and hot in a 100 by them. but when you start looking at jo biden's cabinet, how all of these people came straight out of the think tanks and these think tanks are funded by the military industrial complex and they know this. and then when they leave, they will go right back to think tanks and they will be financially rewarded for the contracts that they were able and uh they were in tex benefit from what we're doing a new claim, for example. that's the problem. you know,
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if they were just making money and it was a bank or something, but lives get lost, prepaid di money is spent. screens don't get new books or whatever it is, because we got a $125000000000.00 a new credit. and another 3 or $4000000000.00 going every data to the cost of situation and another $7.00 or $8000000000.00 going to uh, to, to taiwan. and that's, and they're getting the problem. is that how it works? sure. ultimate, i mean, indirectly in directly, indirectly plus the influence, it's the inflows to the present and decision making and, and, and, and also is that worse today than it ever was. we're down to a minute by saying so i think you do you and your work to. yeah, you were in the pen of the worst i've ever seen it. do you think the situation has gotten worse? i definitely, and you can simply just see the unraveling of our government and the lack of legitimacy of the ruling elite, the capitalism run a mark. no, you haven't, you haven't even, you know, crony capitalism as opposed. i'm all for a capital. as your capitalist. we all, you know,
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i don't like my margin way over here, marginally good. but you know, but yeah, just like everything. right? yeah. but this is, this is when we're, capitalism starts the rock. when you let nothing matter, but how much money can i make off this deal, even if i'm screwing over my own car, i would argue this is where entire starts to take over. and the important thing is to maintain the empire, where the ruling elite filled their pockets. and now we have to be the working class has to be sacrificed on behalf of the ruling elite and the ruling lead is no longer viewed as legitimate. that's a fine, that's an interesting way of putting it. and you, mr. maloof, that mr. former pentagon official, your get the final word and it is what our congress is a blatant example of that constantly. and we haven't even talked about that. and so it's, it's in, into, of the 3 of our branches of government and, and this, and it comes out of ultra, and again, it comes in the form of dark money. exactly. is fed to people and we don't even know where it comes from. and i hate to say it, but you know, from kind of
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a $120000000.00 of it and bite and got another $100000000.00 plus. and they were the 2 candidates for the presidency and they'll probably get even more of this time . and that's a problem as well, but that's another show for another time. gentlemen, you've been fantastic, really a great conversation and thank you for joining us. that's michael maloof, former pentagon official column mixing most of the critical hour on radio. sputnik . he has me on as a guest from time to time. i hope you has me back to 4 weeks ago. i want to remind you of our vision here at simple really. i want to be silo. the world kind of stop living in the boxes, you know, to still live in boxes there everywhere. i'm rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you again right here where i hope to give you a direct impact. the on the
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1898, the united states won the war against spain and gain control of the philippines. the people of the philippines held that the americans would help over throw spanish rules and grand independence to the country. but the united states was by no means willing to give freedom to the philippines and side as just another colony. 1999, the filipinos began armed resistance to the new occupied american troops were barely able to occupy the territory of the philippine republic. but that patriot started a desperate villarille of war. washington was forced to sit in new reinforcements and triple the number of its troops on the islands. the u. s. army suffered heavy losses. the americans took 8 out of the population, general jacob smith, in revenge for the guerrilla attack on the garrison in the city of fall on ega
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porter to kill everyone over 10 years old. the monstrous gulf of terror, according to the most conservative estimates, led to the death of about 200000 philippine notes. the americans managed to suppress the gorilla as only 14 years after the beginning of the war. but the united states was not able to stop the national liberation struggle of the filipino peoples in 1946. after the decades of the dramatic ordeal of the philippines was finally able to achieve the independence. the what we need to be to need is long term committee to most of the relationship to kind of most of us to the west in the new train times or so. and so involved in taking sides that they need some tightening signs and culprits, which is actually one of the big problems that we face in terms of our credibility is this international kind of too much. the
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german military general was the politics he was supplying me. solve to ukraine on the phone, the crime in bridge, according to in the cold when a spot on the floor plan with us. yeah. hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us the top of the conflict. jim and media outlets say the leak seems authentic and is being locked on social media in the countries while most go to mount on says phone. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pipe. i don't know how they will explain this to the public plus thousands look to the southern russian territory of serious for the well do use the.
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