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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  March 2, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EST

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and so they essentially told us that so holocaust victims are victims and all the others. i'm not victims tool which these assessments are logical and i think that's kind of judgments is this dangerous website. of course we never forget because i knew was against our survivors since the siege. say you regularly have special payments from the president and they have other kinds of supports. but the germans center just tried to get away with a lot of things or was promises of creating it rehabilitation center. and it was a voice in a meeting house, as they said, sure, for survivors of the siege, told meetings with a young generation. those plans were not brought to fruition and i don't think that the current german leadership will make that possible will occur.
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and people detention center or clinic because of course, a good thing, but survive as of the siege. the only lives in the city of letting drive don't sand finish, but i guess it's called today. the country's truth, oliver russian territory. jim journeyed the end just seems that if you're not a jew, then the german state does not feel any kind of obligation towards you. because of a live which pushed through these conversations with arnold german counterparts, showed that they have a very clear conviction that they did not express it directly. but it was clear from the statements. they said it was, it was, it was like this. we, the germans have already paid for the 2nd world who we have already paid our dues for that to, to everyone. and we are not indebted to anyone anymore. and the events
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that's stood of the questions that you post the events that you asked about the we are just confirming this trend. i don't know how the situation will develop to the screen. we have recently seen some effects being uncovered about the conflict between chancellor schultz and i'm going to swear that's a plots that are being elaborated by this going to swear is that you have made a parent of a check to ensure that when the audio recording was published they are preparing an attack on the cry, me in bridge and other facilities, including just that use that as a nation storage facilities and midtown. so we had how they tried to shift the blame on pursue us or british. it
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also says what for the present, the move is the who is this, i'm just trying to avoid being involved was made visible themselves. this is very similar just as when allowed and the michael should thoughts is confessed that they would not get we to implement the mask agreement as, as, as in criminal tori unit. the situation speaks clearly which of the facts we use that some of the war policy is strong in europe. recently, in recent months, we saw many analytical solution to excuse this depressive uptake step showed that there is an understanding that most of it worlds evening. there is no good way to keep pushing you cream. let us know what need to find, but the recent state comes by shots and my crime. and this conversation between the
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german generals showed that the war party is not willing to change its course. and the still trying to, to inflict strategic defeats on russia defeating the battlefield. to give you that you gave me the ones that are soaking. so he's pushing conceptions to get them . i go back to the section one bit. bloomberg and researching conceptual of your mind. you're transferred to the sources, think of gemini from the bank and the european central bank for us to come up with . also welcome to scott, very cautious about the left of seizing or using russian assets because of a few schools. and we more than that's your best response from moscow that's russia can do the same with your pay and assets on his retreat. we've prepared to finance the is russia probably more able to mirror such actions and how will that on the combined impact west and companies and the relations with russian
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companies which are, which still exist to this day? we look at them 30, we have done that have already been comments and thoughts regarding this topic, the minister of finance, and i'm seeing a lot of said that we will respond to such actions. we also have the possibility to refuse the story town, which is the model is only about to get the assets held by the western act as in russia, which have been frozen. this is in response to the freezing of the russian foreign countries us this to be super support from so there is no doubt that such steps will be reciprocated. and it depends on the course of action, but they will choose a country discussions. and as soon as somebody below the store, as far as i know schools and is discussing it and see whether they can see them or
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not, sees the conversations of the stories that are frozen shame uniforms, the receipts and then maybe they can to make a decision in sales or of russia, would you think that's maybe the quotes can for us a little in favor of russia has the rates and people do not ultimately corrupt. can't use lucas? and we use lots of data making up ways to use those billions which weeks they have the rest of those assets and they're trying to use them to get profits. the latest and the profit is made of those assets. those profits will deceased but it's still theft. they're still trying to steal. sions up. there's the gym and i think kind of western kinds of thoughts should swear you give it a sort of. what do you think they should be the same? because again, at the 4th of these leads, just trying to apply this logic did each. you're curious because it highlights the
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principle of the viability of private property. another principle that they have trampled down just through extensive settlement, which is one of their own principles. we will actually use the other the associated as you look at the on of never basis just on a case by case basis just. so they have just been cases for the private property of russian companies in the past, and certainly was seized in the west. and we have acted on a case by case basis. and we will continue to do so instead of foreign minister over switzerland, a set this week, that's part of the conference and ukraine that they're planning is considering a peaceful initiatives by various countries under the substrates. so they've
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got to be creating conflict. what does rushes assessment of these initiatives? well, i have been made aware of that or can i single cass? this is just a statement you will present period. i met him in new york where we were attending a security council events for the bill and use it as well. so shoot, send that back to them. he said that switzerland realizes that the all of these initiatives don't make any sense without russia or what do they, austin? why did swizzle and hold events on the sidelines on the doubles for them to abuse? now is the sort of the copenhagen format meeting. he explained to me that as they must pass it like that, so that is the can see. and now that they must hold
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a peace conference in switzerland, which will be aimed at finding neutrally acceptable when these agreements. yes, because i told him that we don't see any prospect to be honest here because those who actually decide for ukraine and who controls the processes in ukraine is mean yes. there's parking squirrel not to let anyone pretty does appreciate some folks to disobey the court is sort of out. see what i see on the ideas that i sent to p. if some of the circle is a piece of and do this is something that has been confirmed on the top level, which has been said so many times to death. but there is, there can be no compromise. but if the west
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wants to lose face, so we can only encourage that if that is necessary for the peace to be reached, but yet still in use for, for the see to receive the the west must realize didn't you use that? it was a mistake. it was their mistake with the crane file, they must fix it, and we will not cause i was splitting specifically we will not get into the way. it's just that we used to be willing to allow themselves not to lose their face. looks up at the recent statements by the swiss for administer. he's what surprised me. he said that there are about 10 peace plans on ukraine, most of which are secrets. but those i think the statements in itself shows that she is not this very well. certainly means used to be able to assure you,
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he does not understand that the substance of the matter with very well, which is next statement to us that he intends to bring bricks. countries look up to 10 volt them in this peace conference. i expect, even though she understands that it doesn't make it a sense to hold such a meeting without the without russia, they will still hold it. you are schools. and now, so lensky certainly has taught at the eyes when he said that they support via the switch plans and that is for the city. and so they will send an investigator to the peace conference without russia, and they must see what kind of final plan at that conference which must be supported by everyone at that conference. and only after that, they will call russia, but not for took such that you know was reach. and so that means they just want to pose another ultimatum from switzerland. doesn't realize what sort of game they're
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being dragged into the 12th lesson, try so we don't rely on with this on this with services here near switzerland has a tradition of the the platform of the country which helps others to find compromise and find ways to grieve. thanks to neutrality, was made possible, but it has lots of has lost its neutrality. after joins the anti russian sections and the sort of supporting of greenville means at his disposal. and in some cases, even let the ways in the sanctions assets is a little bit against the russian federation. and i told my swiss counterparts in new york, i told him, frankly what i think about it. i hope he understood what i said.
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russia in iran participated in the normalization process between syria and tracking number of meetings, warehouses between a military agencies and a foreign ministers. is there any progress and the talks process between damascus and i'm correct. and is it 40 minutes to meetings planned within both into the russian to run today, the turkish media friend information that a meeting between the president of tuck and syria may be held in moscow with the mediation from prison improvement. is it true? is such a meeting, being prepared to drop many ideas being floated in the media currently. so just as we've of so confirmed that we are interested in promoting normalization between syria and talking to them as a says that's
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a year and a half ago. this process was started at the level of security services and the military. you have the process involved time for the month for the ronnie and colleagues. now the formative syria took a russian to run. so for this format, but i don't use because still maintained of this, we had a several meetings as part of this format, including $14.00 and ministers media. key as though there is an approximate understanding of what other parties approaches to finding a common ground in the normalization process. so this is something we've worked on and we're continuing what lots and concrete steps are now possible that he does it because what's happening in gaza end of the palestinian territories. lexus is having a direct impact on the pool. the participants will sort of get off. i mean,
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the bombings for the division of seals facilities belonging to pro uranium forces initiating by the united states in around syria. yeah, i'm in pretty good. direct the bombings and this is certainly a distraction from a normal assessment process. syria and okay, from a special and this is something that step hinders capability. says that's the capability of rushing around to promote this process. and speaking of bombings, bombings of interior objects, which are the anglo saxon stories of the say, are pro rainy and forced that those, cuz i remember that president biden was asked after the bombed iraq and syria folks
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and said, that's what those, what iranian pro proxies it's a coordinator, which means the method is legitimate targets you're supposedly it's so they asked president biden if they accuse the room. she said yes of course, right? is as a participants in all these for legitimate processes. so those because the supplying weapons to all those groups. so this is very similar to what's happening in ukraine . the west is saying that they only supply weapons, but they're not fighting russia for the food taken by this formula that iran is that direct is directly involved in these processes. because typically it supplies weapons cheating some if we apply this principle to ukraine. this is self incrimination. thank you very much. i missed the foreign minister for this opportunity and my name is wall. and my question is,
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nato is, is still keeping expanding to land in sweden. uh now also natal members. so what's your response to, for the city, it's a rush of security to secure our strength is my 1st question. second is when do you think is the time to end the conflict? where's your tray? thank you. let's look a say it's a few and then you should be able to answer jobs finland in sweden. it was a scuffle. a score of surely surprise, i need to see how quickly they change the trial and see which used to serve them for decades sufficient. remember they put that so sort of him, which provided the reputation of the more than weld will, but they traded it from membership to the native block of young. and that was at the stage when nato took some overly aggressive stance against the russian
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federation. so old, a long decades of good neighbour ship the she gets, it was just as a jeweler said, with 4 in vain and sweetness and less as already agree with the united states pro according to which deal, which leads the forces and she can do whatever they want and sweden, so they can visit with you and the facility they can create their own facilities. you've done this and so on. so we will make conclusions about our own security issue. and we have already made these organizational decisions throughout the moscow military district and the st. petersburg mission military district have been created. the, with some additional weapons, will be deployed the adequate to the threats which may emanate from the territory of finland. and sweden was passed to the question of
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what was the 2nd question to still know this deal? it's the fed up with the 3, and this is like when she conflict, no canadian so about ending the conflict and ukraine. could i use that when it should end, we agreed to cut the spaniards by mitchell. now, if we're talking about ukraine, that will remain in the memory. it's too early to judge so far, but we want to see a ukraine, which this was a bind by human rights. and the rights of minorities service is we declared our goals, the president has reiterated. what's really in his address to the federal assembly of those goals. are when you, it's fully relevant to this day. so we don't want to,
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to see how is you able to explain the fates of russian people living in the central lands being destroyed usually that we don't want them to be banned from living the life, select the ones and the causes would that traditions that religion still that culture have to be physically eliminated. we we are fighting full of these people to vote and we will continue to fight until is a 1st list, because we are satisfied that they're safe solutions and the rights were fully respected. because they have been oppressed, then you'd scroll down the street and killed and ukraine's federal or school in the don't ask him to ghost the people's republic sends up rogia and carson regions. people have voted cisco this of this for the accident,
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this new nancy state and it, it would be a crime for us to leave them in that condition. on the so the question was posed about the sheet for unification of germany, which was not actually your unification. but the german democratic republic actually observed she, let's go, there's a federal, public or germany. we had a friends there in the movement was relatively a free. and when we visited, they said to bring us with, that's the then that these people, though we are their friends, we betrayed them because we luckily he's sweet. let them be absorbed as people without any rides or not in the home. but
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for guests of the west, germans, because dependent on their good grace and the economy is a lag behind. the social sphere lacks behind certain things east germany was how does it? there's problems with unemployment. this can be distributed fluticasone insight to a sooner gustavo ski and ultimately when these germany leaders agreed on that scheme for jim and his future, it could be called the trail. so it could be given different names such we remember how that happened. it wasn't a very joyous though, it's process because the train, the russian, people in the don't bass and novel russia is something that we have no right to do . and it's something that we cannot do. we will never do that.
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especially recently it is riley violence in chris against civilians. what is your opinion, how the situation going to be there? and my 2nd question is serious in gaza. goes in gaza. my 2nd question is a peace process has started in some countries has declared pieces very close in gaza, but suddenly we are not seeing any uh, prospect in that sense. uh, what is your opinion, how this could be developed in that area. thank you so much. you guys have good police with us. the issue that i use is what's happening in gaza. the 30 news in the cancer is a tragedy use which has no end of the youth searching for the most of the staff and
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many initiatives as it can use to put in the land is to review. it's to the military actions automatically for the shooting. you have general to us least connect x amount of terry and seems 5 new gym for us to produce the best. but a permanency spider, which could allow people to introduce those, will come to their senses and to go to a decent living conditions and get some medical aid. what's the statement? supply is really leadership and you mean, you know, so these are both confirmed that they're objective of the dealer which from us. but there's is up in studies. i'm opening up the entirety of gaza. deal with video to get rid of from us is that they still abide by that objective even though you know, you mean it's really experts to say that it would not be possible since we bought this right of generals unofficial. so say that everyone in gaza is
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a terrorist suggest that everyone has that has to be destroyed by that logic. i'm with someone who can said that children becoming stream is by the age of freedom. so according to that logic, that will be no population that's by the end of the operation. so it gets some now to them. and then there's an operation being for bad that's it was a cheese. just before run the done deal is to get through, you know, proration in rough offices in new jersey, which is county housing is a sad because this population who were escaping filings in the rest of gaza. and if they stopped them, they could reach the operation of it in real fast. then the huge numbers of refugees we'll see to egypt injections have said many times that this would be unacceptable. and it was, which was the amount of ethnic cleansing, which is zip, does it go from the weeds. and we also have statements that's the kansas trip must
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become a buffer area for israel. yes, that's the new police skilled school with this with this and this rally leadership has stated that it's not about creating as palestinians. think about insuring the safety of the jewish state for the safety of israel. still let's see. and so this is where it's entirely counter to for you and resolutions to common sense. and to the principle of justice, it means that palestinians can be thrown off the around central land. but is that if she feels such a funding was good and the rights can be disregarded or the please, the zip and the small town, the gaza. the key of them serious events are unfolding in the west bank. she's stevie city. this is where a great spot is rarely, military against the palestinians are on the rise of the ship. so the situation is
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so many times to get this far from being over sleep as to the plants and each of being lifted. the american house stated, receives for one of their representatives while responding to the question of whether russia can help normalize the situation. you most of the issue, they said the trash can not play an effective role because most in the middle east and sacraments, the trash, it doesn't have the capability. and then it comes to be fixed using the conditions . and this back to the question, when did americans make the constructive contribution to the middle east and assess including including the israel relations set this up as long as there's few associates, a contribution to the duties of the that the security council. i recognize the golan heights as, as rarely territory city or that the series and you miles
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a disbanded the in special quartet the which deals with fundamental mathis, which has to be resolved in order for a palestinian state to be made possible. so it was shifted. so what are the examples believe that there are positive contributions? so now when sty, secretary blinking is engaged in diplomacy, is making multiple trips around the middle east. in the last 5 months each. but holding a back stage, meetings, comparison, doha, and other middle associated with involvements. so hopefully, united states that gyptian, scott, the jordan, saudi arabia, democrats, are the defendants best of different combinations. and this has
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done on a long, transparent basis. bunch of the information that is leaking, you have to speak to the fact the dealer with suddenly that it's not about that it'd be just eliminating the cause of the regular escalation of violence and the palestinian lance and in the middle east, in general. the other on the working on a plan score to an act of a temporary cease fire logistics of shooting because the police, steve trying to find a number of hostages to exchange for jail to palestinians. and how much minutes out of age can be delivered to other students. but the arab countries really clear to the americans that they're not going to invest in rebuilding casa, the most difficult. it's so good. she says, the use for this is the creation of palestinian states. the continues to be handed,
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it shows that are attracted the positive and stuff, but it's not as states and other states she didn't mention is that appear to be was favoring the idea of making palestine was an official member of the united nations that it gives a pretty picture that that's a fully fledged member of the united nations with the same rights as everyone else . and that would essentially distract. amazingly, the public's attention would create a propaganda effect of the situation on the ground would remain the same. so if this diploma is the language we see didn't nobody's contribution that the united states wants to make to the diplomatic process in the middle east. it's nothing will change, the situation will remain an explosive. it's like it has been a good 0 plus as.


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