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tv   Going Underground  RT  March 2, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EST

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at this point, as also stated that it would freeze all negotiations with israel following the attack. the militant group blames as well for those are the top stories this our check out our website down to come for more. i'm a nationwide josh going on. the ground is up next to stay with us, the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm action or 10, seeing welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the u,
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a as 1000000 space starvation in palestine. today protests to being held all around the world against the u. k. u. s. you nation on genocide in palestine to tens of thousands, mostly women and children have been killed by nature, a nation weapons. it comes up to the fatal demonstration of one u. s. f. for the soldier this week are in bushnell. he set himself on fire outside washington's is really embassy shouting free, palestine with his dying breath says he's ready. security and the gunners him all. this is joe biden, but just more billions of dollars from the usa to israel to carry out the genocide . one journalist who tries to hold us to account inside our cab, washington bureau chief of our codes newspaper. he joins me now from washington, dc, to thank you so much side for coming on the show, millions demonstrating as i said, all around the world today and against this war in palestine. and tell us what it's like to be in that state department briefing room. people gonna watch that on the,
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on the answer that your questioning of biden's representatives. i mean you're, you're asking questions of representatives of alleged co conspirators in genocide. what's it like as well? thank you for having me. yes. and i'm honored to be with you on this program at 1st of all, i mean i, i do i go there every day basically, cuz i need to my job. that is my job. the state department has always been my be i used to go to the, to the white house at one point and i stopped doing that because uh, i get a great deal more uh, from the state department than i would otherwise have from the white house. so, and you know, 1st of all, i go there because i need to do my job and i'm focused on us foreign policy security policy. and of course everything else us related because to be quite honest, i'm a one man show here for my newspaper. so that's number one, i go there with this mindset. you know, i need to know what are the
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a dynamics for the day or for the week in general. so i can approach and see where the us stands on these issues. i don't go there for showmanship and i definitely don't go there to score points. i quite simply go there to ask my question and be able to write about it. but of course you are there with the other journalists and you witness. when you talk about showmanship, jo john cubby was there. uh, i think um, i say a month ago giving some briefings. he's now moved onto the white house, giving them. and you see matthew miller and you've seen, i don't know whether it's showmanship. i wonder whether it's genuine, the pain in the faces, as they talked about the events of october, the 7th. how do i compare that to the pain they show in their faces when we're talking about, well now millions, obviously facing famine in gaza, but before then the 10s of thousands,
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mostly women and children being killed by americans. weaponry. yes, it is the difference of day and night, no doubt about that. you know, i was a spokes person for the united nations and the rock. so i know it, this is not an easy job for any person to sit and basically be a mouthpiece for the, for the, for someone and more so for the government, the united states of america. and it has a very aggressive policy at all throughout the world. it has 700 basis also out of the world that the number of boys that are ongoing. so they are, they have a plateful of priorities eh, of, to the good to do the bidding on behalf of their government. that their doings everywhere. everywhere for me, for the tossing. any issue which i, i focus on the defense did, and i states of america is complicit in this war. i mean it. so it never shies away from say,
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then we are 100 percent behind as well. they supply them. and what ends with them, with money, with the munition, you know, they ensure that as well as you know, from the addition to continue committing and stop in genocide against the palestinians. and they provide them with political color. as we saw when the united states is basically vetoed and i've called for a cease fire. so the, on the one hand, as you, as you mentioned, there is a very strong and paddic and very sympathetic that i saw on, on behalf of a rep. and there is always almost dismissive of fostering as towards the palestinians. we saw this that when the president himself and his spokespeople all throughout, whether in the white house or in the state department basically dismissed the numbers of boston is killed. you know, they said this is exaggerated so that is a total dismissal. the attitude towards the life of 1000. yeah. and so, you know,
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you, you, you have to approach it with an open mind because, and you want to see what works in the back of their mind. but what's going to happen this, how long was a nice day to keep that it's support. it's a, you know, unequivocal support of this is randy genocide, the policy. so, and that is the motive behind that. my question then that's how i read what they say back to me. do you think other john lives in the room? believe it when far from my, your, your view of, uh these, uh, these actions, the representatives of the, by the new ministration say, no, no it's we the one piece is we the one the palestinian 2 state solution. we want to with that using leverage for negotiations to save the babies of gaza. do you think uh, i mean, can you hold on tablets way to buy that, but other people in that room that really think that that's the case as well. my
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colleagues of the state department are well informed that they travel around the world, a company, the sector of state on all is at chips. many of them do every, each and every one, a trip to exactly so they know, i mean, you know, they are aware they know what's going on. they ask the proper questions. and sometimes they have that they work for different organizations with different priorities and different policies. and you know, so they are, and they are aware for sure, you know, when there is something that is solid rages of narrative being said by, let's say this both person, whether on and not, not buying or not that and knowing whether an event a particular event is true or not when it comes to the palestinians like that. well, i can give the incubator tubes from babies and so on as we have seen, and many a hospital and guys up a casting down on that. and then you see that the, my colleagues actually had to stand up after this, both person and they point out to
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a different sources. that's because of that. but you're right. i mean, the united states of america support this world has supported it from the very beginning. i just pointed this way and also out, and i've always made that, you know, excuses for it and doing what it's doing. i mean, as go back to that killing of that and the past in an american journalist really in a box and well they have done through basically cover for his with. so this is a consistent policy, but they don't get it and get away with that. the a great deal of the time we, you know, they all their fee to the fire, myself included. and we tried to show that, you know, the discrepancy, the gap and between what they say and where they actually do. you see there was some 1234 months ago that we were hearing about people not happy with the state department. uh, banking state department and they would resignations within the department of
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presume you're reflecting what you're saying that what is the state of the state department right now that all the people who are opposed by these policy gone now as well? i tell you what, i think the state department in general uh, career diplomats, a career that people that work for the state department, especially those who focus on and they have that warrant piece issue in the middle east and so on. they are fully aware and they know there is a great deal of the, you know, bitterness among an employees high level employees in the state department. they want an immediate cease fire. many of them do. we've seen hundreds of them expressed and looked at submitted to and that's the state them south. we saw that the 2nd state. yeah. but after that blank and responded to those employees that we see this in the white house. we see this in the democratic national committee, for instance. we see this in the usa id and we see it everywhere. we see it in 22
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different federal agents who basically locked out of the job to protest, added the ongoing war and to call for a seized by so that feeling asked and still there, it is still and it's getting stronger. and there you have restrictions feeling the need to have and we saw and yeah, on the tuesday, the 26th fine. since during the primary, on the 27th of the of february, we saw that that and the primary in michigan and the non committed a vote grant or something like 25000 level. it's a lot more that was expected about 50 percent of the boat. so the, by the invitation knows that if it continues down this path, it is actually in trouble in terms of re electing the president. so they know all of this and the feeling is still there and i in fact isn't getting stronger. yeah, i'm not sure about usa. i be in the tweet from samantha power, but here's the, hey, as you say, please, you're going to the ball or not samantha far enough was standing. you know,
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with the michigan primaries. i mean, do the, if, i mean, is it, it'd be lost already. i mean, you're saying they're maybe they're slowly beginning to understand, but do they don't realize that the actually, the nail in the coffin of buttons re election johns is, isn't, isn't guys in jersey that absolutely, i think gather is going to be a major issue in this election, i know americans a vote, their pocket book. they bought the, their economic situation. this time around the, and the american public, especially young democratic goes under 30 with every poll after poll. it shows that, that a guy that matters a great deal. foreign policy matters a great deal. they see, and in fact, the older ones. yeah. they see that us their policy, whether and i've got to stand the way and yeah, they pulled that the and that he will need to kind of withdrawal as they say we, they see that, that the folly and a brain war. and definitely, and guys, uh guys, uh and they're sort of an engine does
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a great deal of emotion and we see it everywhere. i mean, it's every event, every event that by then goes to every like election event that he goes to, he encounters put testers that call him genocide. joe, that qualified immediately expired. so this is an issue that will continue to be there for months to come. even if there is a issue as far as that, the problem suggested. now on monday, the 26th, when he said that we might have a ceasefire in place and by the following monday. so yeah, you know, with all the. yeah, still, yeah, one proceeds and again, as we've seen a whole that was actually published on wednesday that the 28th and that way that showed 70 percent 70 percent of americans. all american republicans included the ones and immediate c spike. so yes, it matters. they got what is going to play,
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and that the going to be big in the $22040.00 election. well, as you say, uh the pressure binding with an ice cream uh, on a late night talk show. no one really understood what he meant. these really governments that and he didn't just have before we go to the break. good. tell me about the atmosphere in the state department briefing room as you knew about an hour in bushel who set himself a light outside these ran the embassy down the street in washington, dc with his dying words being free, palestine. i know it was sense that don't cnn, bbc of the nature of nation media saying he just burned himself outside the embassy, but without mentioning why, as well. and in fact, they did the absent and the both the new york times the washington post. and in fact, cnn, other news agents who they like and especially yeah,
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so they did the as an especially after at 48 hours had elapsed on tuesday, the 27, a lot of this stuff was said they showed they've pointed to the cost. so why you belated himself and so, and i certainly find it, there was a great deal of sadness. i mean, you know, people are horrified by such action that is really an extreme. and yet more of a protest as, as in the bush themselves said, vibe before he. yeah. you know, this is towards himself as a sort of speak. so. yes. and in fact, and it with the asked about and they as the state department on tuesday, i believe after a couple days had the labs and yeah, yeah, the spokesman said, but you know, if you said the details for his family and so on and all these things, but without a doubt this is a sad thing of it much shift. i remember i was wrong when the to the asian, how much was easy, the same thing on spark date revolution basically. and to the,
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to the i remember i'm old enough to remember and what has happened? well, what was happening during the war. and so, and with the, you know, buddhist monks on someone, this is really an extreme load. i scream the expression of put this down to the leaves and i'm, but the feeling of sadness and everybody's a mouth side are kind of, i'll stop you. the more from the washington bureau chief for our codes newspaper after this break, the the, the,
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or the the,
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the welcome back to going on the right. and i'm still here with the site. eric at the washington bureau chief of how good news by side we were talking about what it was like, what it is like to be in that state developing press briefing room and the bite and administration. the dying days of it is there is knowledge in that room about matthew miller, who us questions from every, every day used to work with bulb. and then this response to the us act that said anyone trying to, boy, god, israel could be said it's up to 20 years. we know bowman end is ended up uh you know, in a career and done for corruption, of course. and that was miller's boss, matthew miller used to work for him. and now he's the one answering questions about the lead jet aside. anyone trying to stay clear about in effect matthew miller, the by the blinking breast above and spokespersons involvement in previously
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covering up corruption and his bias gaily on the palestine issue as well. the spokes person in general is treated as such as the spokes person. it comes in, we see him as the person who's gone conveying to us where the government stands. we pose to have that question that we think of that matter. he either knows a lot of these issues and tells us exactly what the american position is or he comes back to us at what these positions. if he's unaware of it, we don't sit in judgement of what people do. we see what they are doing now. what they're doing at the moment, what could they can say at the moment whether he gives us the access that we need to have. whether he's that the cooperative and, and be up because because also the spokes person. and it definitely speaks on behalf of the government and but also he's like the, the link between the journalist and, and that and the scape, the secretary of state. so that's really what focus that we have focused on. we
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don't look at his background, that is a personal thing and, and all my days and my as decades of going to the state department and really ever i saw a personal issue comes up in this and these beeping, my colleagues and myself, i try my best to, to maintain a professional level. i, we keep in mind, i mean in a, in my case when we say that i don't pay anything for granted. i know that calling on any drawing list as a courtesy, it does not arrive that we haven't read the spokes person and many other countries don't have that situation. i have very many advocates. yes. and so it is the, you know, we sit there and you know, i must, uh, also admit that i have been called upon every time. there was not a single day in which i, when i called the upon to pause my question. so that's, that's what i uh,
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focus on i and i don't know how i would feel if i'm not cold upon. i'd probably be a little upset for a day. yeah. but it should be getting a bit more later way. i mean this week we had uh, had a few miller say they don't order or other countries about and it took um associated press which, which is not really covered itself in glory. uh, give me and recent complex. then of course, one of the thing will and this you invade them and then as often, but of course there are tens of millions of them being killed wounded or displaced in these recent us invasions over the past decades of yep. yeah. well, we all appreciate it. okay, a colleague, a and matthew lee who's a very good journalist and ask for a lot of good questions and so on and those issues. and by the way, i'm going to look, we know that the government is going to as the government then i think has always defended itself against that. the aggression, i mean,
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i remember doing the iraq war and the spokes depot with the voucher are and many of us, you know, and what, what come on mccormick, they would, they would come and defend this whole rotate crime. it was an awful crime, or you any, there is a live yeah, bombing and all these things. so in the us of the, an aggressive nation, it has an, a huge interest. it's a huge, long practice is a journey all over the world and, and then relief for sure. it has so the fleets and then carry a task force, a rolling load around it is always threatening and black mailing and other bad countries and so on. so that is, the spokesman is going to be on their behalf. i mean, the middle one, let me say on ukraine, this phrase that mila uses and is echoed presumably and all the tools you point unprovoked. invasion of you. great. when does any know john listed in that room, believe this phrase unprovoked, which echo is out of european capitals as much as it does. right? congressional bull additions. i mean, it's katie,
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it would designed to misinform yes, that is, you know, i tell you what that say, i mean the issue on ukraine has been raised many, many times since 2014 says before that and says before, then, i mean i, i'm old up and i've been going there day after day that and i pulled a lot of questions on a grand in the past when i had the opportunity went, oh, i mean, we know and that the russia, for instance, try to avoid a going yeah toward they did they. and the many times we asked about the point that brushed up, but right before the war began in in 2022. this is the things that were basically dismissed and thrown in the trash can buy at the american administration . and so, and we know that there were many efforts we are aware of this, the i a, a opperation and your grant and no way before this more and began in 2022. so no, i mean they don't get away with it in terms of what they, they say,
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i mean there was always, there's always a people that are willing to challenge them, journals that are willing to thousands of on these points. and now i understand the american corporate media is that basically is a, you know, some subscribes to the adage that differences stop at the water edge, you know, the, the old american accidents on. but you know, some things are. so start and that the, they do get approved and they do get no pointed out to the spokesman over yes. except that's a well, they don't really talk about the big headed babies, mass rape and all the propaganda that came out initially off to the october the 7th . a resistance attack. is that because they know that all of you will go hang on the evidence isn't there, even though they did so in november. i mean that they would just like, i mean it,
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all right, the timeline and in fact, when i said listen, this has been a different story. time and time again. they say no, no, it's not a different story. when we say about the hospital that task of the hospital and, and guy that with our ship, our actually, or any of the other hospitals. and they say, well, you know, and how mass using the human shields and so on. and they don't really, i mean the, and these are just step above the words that the, there is rain and the point the end, the past. they don't know what the human shield is. it really includes an invention of those rates. they don't want. they used to strap the past and it gets in front of the jeep to prevent the other kids from focused on. so this is an old is randy tactic. so, but it's really, it's a color to basically say it's ok to kill civilians develop hospital to go in and all of these things then we have seen and one and the case of the hospitals. one is the and one hospital after the other that it's all lines. i mean even though the decapitation, it's a lie, the mass rate is a lot. i mean, you know, and they stick to it for a lot of them, you know?
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and they hope that by not talking about it, it will just go away. and by that time the lives are already out there. but then give me a sense of what do you think it is? the israeli government running the state department or the state department running the israeli government because clearly as they look uncomfortable, sometimes when you ask them about them uh, obvious and clear violations of amy principal of the 1945. is it these really government running entity blinking? no, i don't think so. i think it's the other way around the united states in this partnership between then i'd say it's an issue with america is the bigger partner america will take whatever it wants to, what it out of a job, a and job because it's interest. it says the headman is, you know, israel is a american baby, they will protect it until the very yeah, you know, there's a great deal of problems will influence in america. there's a very powerful,
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as really lobby many in fact, the 2025 deal with that again is around a, drains out have a packet as long as no, no, no but, but that is a absent that is only allowed because the united states of america wants it a lot and if i didn't want it that i should see despite you can do it immediately. i mean, we all remember what and 1982 when the reagan, you know, picked up the phone and called as really gone club. and i beg and he said, we're not gonna stop this now. and he stopped it now in 20 minutes. and so, and we know that by them himself, back in 2021. for instance, a called the and the nothing yahoo, you know on i think that was made in on may 12 and a 2020 the one in the last war. and he said that, that you run our runaway enough is enough and he stopped him. so we know, and this partnership is red, really lives on an american umbilical cord, whether it's the by, by within, by money, by low to support,
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by every which way. okay, just fine. that. yeah. now that now then i'd say, may not be willing to use the leverage, but as a great deal to remember, it will just finally then i'm speaking to you from the you a doesn't, don't care about what the saudis, what the, you a think as view a being a co sponsor of this is fine, the initial you at and security council resolution demanding as he's why before the us and i think then the u. k. the veto did then. okay, well inside the arabian, the you ey. thank and then i say it does not have outlines then i say it's a consider whatever, you know, the, those countries that it's quote, it's like basically our clients, the state will be provided with protection and so on. so that they feel that they can impose their will and they have, we have seen them in the past. and when they are convinced that this, that the policy is it failed policy. because 1st of all, it did, this whole war has not a given is where the ability to achieve its goals,
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which is you know, the gap in taishan, of how mass the hunting of leadership and the reading the hostages by force and changing their gene with all pill, so when the u. s. is convinced that this is actually is a failed policy and of course the policy, they was isolated as a result of this as their license. but also the united states of america is totally isolated, i think only then at the left side of our god. thank you. thank you. that's it for the show. i'll continue condolences to those very by uga. you as you on bombing in palace, 911 in yemen, syria and iraq will be back on monday with full the trump communications director. now, did these kind of move to you until then keep in touch with all that social media? if it's not sensitive in your country and have to our channel going underground, do you feel normal? they'll come to what you new and old episodes of going underground. see monday,
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the a. what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to save house and engagement because the trail when so many fund themselves will depart, we choose to look so common ground. the fully need to be to need is low temp on a team. also productive relationship to create a motor and to the west and the new train time pressure and so involved in taking sides or they need some tightening signs and co pics, which is actually one of the big problems that we face in terms of our credibility
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is international kind of too much, the situation clearly indicates that the poor camp in europe is still very, very strong. foreign minister as their deadline for upsets, there is no western appetites for peace and ukraine. after a leaked coal between top german generals reveal that plan to prom rushes from me. enbridge to is kindly get hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. this is that center res, refuge for those people who are evacuated from the town of dave kind of far away from the nets at the moment this temper, refugees,


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