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tv   Documentary  RT  March 3, 2024 3:30pm-7:01pm EST

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connected to lectures, discussions, cultural events. and of course, one of the main themes about this world youth festival is to allow the use of the world specifically and focused on the multi polar world to build connections and build a brighter future based on when, when cooperation and fairness. but there are actually a lot of people in part participating here. not only people from countries right now integrated into the multi puller world, are enthusiastic about really building closer cooperation between the youth of the world. but also the young people and professionals from the west as well, who unfortunately, their governments have taken an unfriendly stance towards russia. but as always, we have to understand that that doesn't always corresponds to the feelings and ideas of the people living under those governments. so it, this really is a world use for them that encompasses the entire world. and it's going to be a great opportunity for the use of that entire world to become more cooperative within with one another and build relationships that will stand the test of time.
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now we spoke with an indonesian ministry of foreign affairs, official law, the festival who shared his impressions about the festival. first of all, it's my 1st time in russia, russia, in general, it's, of course, strong winds, very cold, but warm people can be, especially for is, i don't know it in and co rich, more youth corporation in the future. for indonesians, they are pursuing peace that'd be suing innovation order. we are active in terms of multilateralism and friendly neighborhoods or i all to those comments where you can get for the details of the stories will fall in right now. i'll see you again in about 30 minutes. the the, well,
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interestingly enough that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do was question, shall we say these ukrainian prisoners? because i wanted to get inside their minds. i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile? i wanted to study them in very deep detailed ways. i am an american i see army officer and i've come to ukraine to try and understand and taking the understanding back to americans about what has been happening here. so i'm very glad that you will sit down and talk with me, and i'm very glad that you speak english because my russian is not good. i'm my surgeon to pull the regiment as old. i live combo a girl,
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remarks that girl almost a bunch of the old version with us of my name is dana hodges. my son is hunter, and my goal sign was that i had. and what i found with the 1st prisoner who was a very bright historian, economic minded individual, was essentially no one in ukraine really wanted to fight. they were pushed into what they were and grabbed off the street. they were captured by zelinski, they were threatened and they were so he didn't want to die, so he followed orders, but he'll have to pay the price for, for crimes that may have been done in those order. so he was, he was also a little like me because he said he had been told that the zelinski government had said, you know, america supports us, america, alarms us america and i told them no, that's wrong. the people in the united states of america have over thrown their congress and gotten rid of the democrats and the rhino who were pushing for this
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war. the american people do not support zalinski. the american people do not want to continue financing and providing weapons to ukraine. that's what they're doing and what the fate of i see the vicious kept out of the training mind. so what we've seen is a a pseudo pagan, brainwashing of the craniums that often is reinforced with tattoos of teutonic viking swastika bend there. a hero ideologies. and then that is amplified by drug inducement. the
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for the, for the, for the
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russian weapons, i think are the best weapons on earth. i think they're wonderful weapons. my, my father always describe the a k 47 is the best rifle ever made. they preferred the was in vietnam by me partial to that to life. i've had an, a k 47 personally, and i think it's a wonderful weapon that indoors, everything very powerful and essentially cannot be exhausted and cannot be broken. the school, the
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for sure. don't cool funny because i was a special operation soldier myself in the army and i see in their eyes the same discipline professionalism, stoicism, and i think they're also loved by the people in the civilian cities, of, of russia, the mothers and fathers, the neighbors, the, the general family of the russian people love their soldiers in uniform
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pictures of us. yeah. so it's not quite as good without the both the the good for you. what's the, what's a good idea? yeah. what's going on with us all the time? is there any way you oh okay . i gotcha. okay. yeah, apply. it's amazingly quiet. there's no sound whatsoever. it's just the winds
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whisper this. you can't hear anything. and with an expert pilot like these guys just being able to control and it's, it's amazing what they can do and it's so small it can't be shot out of the ground . no one, no one can shoot at it. so i don't know any countermeasures other than uh, maybe m p or electronic or something like that. but that's a great technology. well, don't get the credit score appraisal, it's still see a conflict. we should be able to get the uh, it didn't still show movies and bucket and you bought it through a problem with a system. as soon as you started live, watch a lot. are link subtly and without watch or somebody me. and if you want, i must come on this one and plus the owner of the deal, i will assume through the tomb. i know if i had my manual, the positive of the student all steadily and more talk principally the one more
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thing is you have any, but it's some of that approximately step or some steps that are you mean with gardening? i'm actually be doing. yeah, i mean, it's on what's know much, you know, but the most of the students who makes what total a full size is look, of course, for the 1st. yeah. yeah. that about the got that i believe it should be. yeah. well, what's your solution? a new more look what metals at the moment you is ellen musk providing star link for these drones to be used against. you can have some good. there's not going have something that's i've talked about that is. so eel on boss gives providing star link. the technology to use these drones against the russian soldiers and kill russian soldiers. that's terrible. yeah. they're supposed to come to me. i can hear me to them by suff. and these drones are bombing also civilians civilian targets schools find? yes. my friend is yeah, that's news to me because deal on mosque has been telling everybody in america he's
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not providing starlight to ukrainian army you on mosque is providing star link capabilities to these drones. i'm thinking, well, he's told us in america he, oh, i'm not providing star link. that's why i get animated off because they're, they're desta creating my name and my country's name in your line to the american people telling them star links not being used to provide drones, drones or killing people. and then i see the high mars getting schools and kindergartens, and you're telling us all, hi mars are going to be used only for military taught targets. that's a lie. the
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. where are you from? and why did you come to russia? i'm from south korea. so i'm sorry is so, and so yes. ok, how have your russian patriots, compatriots out, you know, soldiers and arms. how have they treated you and trained you actually the only i can, i guess the problem is only leg is yes. go to the good thing. the now i'm under training for jerome, our team speak english. uh huh. because the curriculum platform was also in english english. okay. yes. no problem. yeah. yes. what other nationalities and people have you seen here? there is another base. he's from germany. germany. yes. also he thought william natalia and columbia in columbia and spanish, spanish and south korea because i feel japanese japanese. yeah, yes, no,
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scotsman or irishman, i've never seen. oh man, that's a shame as well. that's good to see. so there's a lot of different people that are coming to help russia and told her how, how long do you think it's going to take before rush? it completely defeats you. great. i believe we finish with the next year. all of these troops and i spend time or square common in their volunteering and their volunteering for the purposes of finding fascism. because they'll realize this as the next, a central spiritual war between the side of light and the law in naturalness and god, in the side of darkness demon has them in every form of perversion and corruption. i think you'd see a lot of americans come to the side of russia as well. the and settling in for the night. the
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spartan military was made the old days in the american army. the right list would be the lord my strength which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight. i shall give the tongue line. enemies cannot gain say, nor resist. the lord is my shepherd. i shall not want. he leaves me. besides the
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still waters, he said that the table before me in the presence of my enemies, my cup run us over. surely goodness and mercy should fall on me all the days of my life. and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever. i'm not sure if or done bass, for friendship between america and russia. god bless the russian people. the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best,
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most all sudden set up the in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you see a request, which is the, [000:00:00;00]
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the grant? there's the closing date, as i say on the site. so something is considered special to certain students, different styles, the fact that there is no give the so spin out here and so he goes on. yeah, that's what it is. my 1st name instead of just going to the death of me. so that is because i'm going to say that because you know, the, this is the most part. yes.
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the time on the phone. right? mm hm. so that's all okay. so the, the, the, with the movie clear, the
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very good to have catch nice stuff with it. the thought that there was somebody with his or the oh okay. thank you. all right, now, the really good looks at the initial goal of the ship that you've done. that's true plus projected to america and see what updates it went back to what they did. you get towards what else sort
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so, so go to them. when you know that human diversified your, the so it's called a high to in full battle gear. we're going to get rid of
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some interest. then it gets tiny by mice. looks like it was here. so my maybe 3 die, 3, the very nice tomato sauce. that ray was through, right? so the reason is you're good to know when you use all like close solar door was right on the front lines and you had mine's going off that had been laid. you had constant garages of artillery fire. you had the ruins of uh, town and burnt out vehicles. we also found a lady that was living in solar dara, one of the last inhabitants who was refusing to leave her home and the ukrainians. and, you know, tried to kill her and target her, but the russians came to the rescue of solid are and she remained there. so she was a very interesting personally, we had
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a conversation with and she was standing strong and i think is emblematic of what all russian women are. they are fearless, they are standing to preserve their home. and they are not bowing to the, the fanaticism of fascist, the couple i i make the carrie carrie can. each one of us are ready to go mass uh by the highest my assignment. and then we should best thing for you and his name is regional associates. i can be in, we should be going to the next door. pretty. thank you. bye. assume somebody. chapman stomach. i can still bear with me. you know, if i skipped work by stop, get around with you guys are best able to meet your deductible. get
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this the best time to get my utah as well. i think the woman a solemn daughter who lives alone with her, a cat, sent her dogs in her memories in her home, packed with cushions, with the little mice that come through the broken windows. is both a story of sadness and a story of hope. that if i looked at it and see what the so it's going to be in full body armor gear hustle and run. it takes me back banning but the devastation is horrendous.
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i haven't seen anything like this plan, but i do the we've got sweats, not special forces covering our bags. no, no, no, no, no, no, no grievance, stuff on the truck or something for the one where we are with the wonderful staff and nurses and doctors of this medical facility, taking care of the wounded soldiers and is an american veteran. i remember people we most love are the doctors and nurses because they're so invaluable.
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so frontier should really get the slip boys fluid. schneider again, has this devolve for the convoluted science as was virginia for which was the one that was because of the video shortly. so blue book is no just the beam is going to invite you to go through the same design and just dump the kind of into his bush as of the ones i know this is the grandmother is still as long as i still here to the one place and he lives out? no. yeah, no, no, no, it was. but she's the been lovely. no. yes. what almost smoke to was the my phone service is not just was not go for the guy that for me to some of the movie should lead me in the snow. is this how it says off for the business,
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which doesn't procedures for this quote to ship settings that sort of down to them was americans are not giving any more money or weapons to zalinski americans or against ukraine. we are on the side of russia. we are in our own revolution, but no more zalinski, no more ukraine, slab would receive. i can only apologize for the american weapon that wounded you. i'm sorry, but it's corrupt governments and weapons makers that make money on the war. that's what this has been.
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me of the what country am i on? what's happened? the western society and we were supposed to be the liberators of the oppressed or supposed to be the captain america. right. going around with a shambles and helping people. and i discover when i've come here, we are a frankenstein monster. we've created a frankenstein monster and there's roaming the countryside destroying the lives of the russian people in the next,
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the, the garage, elizabeth, and assisting with the findings. probably the most can do. i just need to be with key at the washington state, the bruce, the money to complete the rest of the guys just to phone up, send this to you to professional and city and to keep the list of all but huge because they use
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the the as a street is positive and information was put in is waging the german defense minister claims moscow is waging, get information war against release and it comes, i'm at the bottom show league of high ranking job, and many of the staff nodding to age you creating, destroying the crime in great ukraine's presidents demands more money from his tap, child western patrons, leaving them about the field losses as russia advanced with a cold blooded mazda accost. best help us to know specials brad, the killing of more than 100 people. after each ready,
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troops are accused of of yeah, opening fire and proud surrounding, and 8 and void in central gather almost $800.00 people with the but at midnight in moscow, this is our teens, an optional with by called port. you're welcome. now what makes conversation is evidently, this information of the german defense minister has said the results of i need total investigation regarding the lead audio, military offices, conversation about a strike on crime. you may be made public early next week to have different the incident is clearly more than just the interception and publication of an air force conversation. it is positive and information for the putin is waging. there is no doubt and that's all. it is a hybrid attack of this information. it's about division. i don't for the spot, the job of defense menaced escalade another needs audio was russian. this information,
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but need to verify the valid duty of the tech's. german officers were also reports in the overhead. this cost and the delivery of long reading and taras myself to ukraine. berlin is currently the 2nd largest provider of military equipment to keep the only trillion behind washington russians, for administer, commented on the review. ready page said that they demonstrate that the pro war movement in europe remained strong. we were recently with us the facts that have come to light counselor, shoals, confrontation with the buddhist. some evil intentions of the industry, which became apparent due to the publication of audio recordings about how carefully they were prepared in the tech on the crime, in the bridge and other targets, especially the ammunition depots. and the main thing is how they want to deceive everyone. into thinking it's not on them, but on the americans and the british as they're already there. well, there's just screaming self disclosure. the situation clearly indicates that the pro work camp in europe is still very, very strong. if anyone has any doubts, there been
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a lot of analytical materials over the last couple of months that seemed to begin to realize the point systems and futility of continuing to co x ukraine into military action. well, the latest papers by mccall and austin and the conversation of german generals, they all said that their pro war party does not want to change its course, the strategically different russia on the battlefield. we realized that of germany seems to be still in the state of shaw ca shocked. so i guess so over the fact that their secret got out as soon as this came out. so they'll official comments, was no comments and then german price was all over. it, and as we're about to see from some of the headlines and the german media, they are sites in several soldiers who are assuming the confirming that linked all the other confirming that it's itself and 6. and also what they did was there was a way to to satisfy ship according to during the media, because they started trying to book the several accounts that were sharing that link, the audio and the link transcript on x,
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formerly twitter. so that's what happened on friday as soon as this lead came out, and there were also claiming that drum and counter intelligence supposedly right away wants to probe. and so this and now we finally have confirmation from the drum and chancellor that indeed they are looking at. and so it does start, but fluid is being reported. there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly. and the very latest we are now getting reports that apparently one of the main channels in germany is confirming the authenticity . all of that least audio and they are sites in germany's ministry of defense. so this is huge. they all started on friday when our cheese editor in chief migrate system, one young posts that 1st the transcript, and then the audio ultimately conversation. the lead conversation was between 4 people, so that had all the germany's the air force, the branches, the deputy chief of staff for operation as well as a, to other military personnel. and it was
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a 38 minute conversation and it's they are discussing the operational and targeting details of those tourist crews themselves that germany was supposed to sign ukraine . the west was as a mountain pressure on germany to send those missiles, but it hasn't done yes. yes, is this leaks conversation. these people are discussing that as a done deal and they're not only discuss it. they're saying how they can use it. they're strategizing how they can use those missiles to attack russian infrastructure, primarily the bridge and crime. you can reach them all. so who came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets? the bridge in the east and the ammunition depots above the bridge and the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work.
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and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month what, what a tourist attack on the bridge look like from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. this conversation, apparently the so called place on the 19th of february, and then they later gone also to say that actually sending those massages will not change the course of the war and ukraine. they admit themselves that it's only necessary to send these missiles because they have the brits and the french have already signed so long range missile, so germany must call forth as well. so that must seem to be doing something we know that you crane is losing and they know that by sending those mess solve it will not
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again, their words change the course of the war there. and they also emphasize, and this is what's interesting there, emphasizing the importance of covering off their tracks. and they're saying there is no way that they can have the drum and the military being associated with the crane. but how are they going to do that? well, they say that the communications, all of them have to go through the manufacturer off of themselves on the tours. this house is not the kind with us. yeah. hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. i am exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. is totally moreno. how those this then stack up against off shows the state made about refusing to send those tours, missiles a to ukraine executive this, this is what is bizarre because we know that germany's parliament. yes,
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it did approve additional military aid to ukraine button. no, it's when it comes to those 4 is cruise missiles and all the shows himself said that he was out sending them because he's afraid what ukrainians will do that with them that they might target moscow. and then drew many will be considered party to, to the war would function and that's something that they want to avoid. and in that statement, all of salt said what the british and french are doing, in terms of target control. and the company and target control can not be done in germany, so by that he out of their presence in ukraine and that led to even the u. k. was statements there where they have to admit, yes, we do indeed have a small number of personal supporting the armed forces in, in ukraine. but that shows this comments are wrong, that they are irresponsible and a slap in the face of allies. now again, in the slicks don't deal, we have these german officers throw in someone else under the boss. this thomas of
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the brett's is not the price as the americans because they reveal that they're also there. know, monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves after all, they have all the satellite images. so all of us talk about russia, supposedly planning to attack europe for europe to get ready, and now we have them covertly applied and the tax on russians toilet seems. so this just goes to show just how much nato is actually involved on the ground. and you cry. so with this cross, the latest with do not bank called german politician and member all the european parliament for the alternative for germany party. he's all build opinion that jeremy is just trying to shift the blame onto russia. it's a major embarrassment. so that trying to make the best of it. and the,
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they now tried to put the blame on russia. but of course, the fact remains that without too much difficulty, russian intelligence managed to record this called the station, which was supposed to be a confidential. so it's an embarrassment and they just tried to shift the blame, but it's not a convincing to salt that are coming to my mind. first of all, it was a surprise. they obviously didn't expect the russian intelligence to monitor the calls at conferences with such eighties. that's the 1st thought, and then secondly, is obviously better say what they were discussing. they be at the job a bit of track with activity planning an attack,
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an attack on major russian infrastructure. so i suppose the job is what it'll put pad in startled and didn't baptist to the ross at all mean makes advances on the bottom of the field. the ukraine and president lot of means the landscape has said that his wisdom partners are playing political games while he demands more aid from miss patrons. okay, now your grand ask for nothing more than necessary to protect lives when lives are lost and partners are simply playing internal political games or disputes that limits or defense. it's impossible to understand, it's unacceptable, and it will be impossible to forget the world will remember this in the just now there's not a new package of just under $700000000.00 euros has been put together, enabling us to provide further immediate support to ukraine on. that's, i wanted to tell you that we was a part of green,
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no model that pays the price to pay that to we will be with you in the achievement of your aspirations to be free on silver in countries that besides its own destiny, as a member of the family, the simple duty i conform to the ukrainian president that the typically public was donate more of that kelly cope. those do you claim on hundreds of thousands motor lodge kelly, but it munitions in the coming months? they take republic. we'll also help you clean with violet training, including training for f. 16 aircraft, and we will supply ukraine with flight simulators. so that training can take place not only in the west, but also in ukraine since february, last year, sweden has provided ukraine with 2.2.2000000000 euros and blocked by latrell support. we've continued to provide political, military, humanitarian and financial support in close dialogue with you and our common
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partners to make sure that you crane's needs are met for as long as it takes. and on the other hand, the prime minister of slovakia roberts fit, so is one west and official who comprehends the consequences of the west, directly engaging in the conflict back when it's for what i did. finally, after the meeting and it was confirmed by several participating politicians, especially the french president, ukraine needs modern air defense systems more than anything else. otherwise, it makes no sense to think about expanding the production of weapons or large training centers directly on the territory of ukraine. without air defense, they wouldn't be an easy target. and here the dog is buried. the west cannot supply such systems to cream without western soldiers operating them. this is just one of the other aspects of the escalation of tension in ukraine. the west sees that despite massive financial and military aid despite sanctions, ukraine is unable to resolve the military conflict and is getting the short end of the stick on the battlefield. the change could only be caused by the entry of
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soldiers from the countries of the european union and nato into ukraine, with the most modern weapons. but then we can all just sit on the balcony, have a cognac, a cigar, and wait for the world apocalypse to come. it is good that there are several world politicians who see the reality and all the risk associated with direct involvement of the west. and the mutual killing of slaves and ukraine, although they strongly supported. we spoke to a blogger and political analyst. i likes rebuttal, fee, who says that it's very doubtful, but ukraine will get new launch some of 8. i don't know if there is enough money left in the world for it. mister zelinski. he's already managed to burn through about 250000000000. interesting. i think, you know, the americans are trying to get funding through, but that is tied to, you know, uh, potential republican candidate running for the united states of america, which would be trump, which trump is saying, absolutely not,
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no more money going to the ukraine. so once again, i think mr. zalesky cap in hand desperation, he's throwing everything he can add it. will he get more money? this is very, very doubtful at this time. at this point, i don't really see much of our survival of ukraine period. i feel that the country or what is left of it will be pretty much uh, you know, territory open even for poland or romania to take parts of it. i think this is the final stage of ukraine as a country, as we know it. so the while a hundreds of friends protest is taken to the streets of paris to condemn president . my call is policy towards the conflict in ukraine. my crimes remarks on sending troops to ukraine in cost an officer or among the citizens of funds to in their own . busy i'd say that they are not ready to dive with nato and my quantity that, in addition to the protest does tend to be slogans and coal to withdrawal of for
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the withdrawal from the european union. the i meant the dissatisfaction with the policies of the european union, the leader of the french patriot, spotty, tore up the un nato flags to make clear his sentiments. people in france, fear that mcqueen's leadership moves may lead to the outbreak of the fed world. here, here's what locals had to say, that we have a president who decides to go to war with pollutants for whatever reason. i sort fronts and europe, we're about pace, but we were wrong. we don't want this in europe, it's not peace fronts has no business in ukraine since the middle school grievance, which were a real betrayal for russia. i understand that certain things have happened. but instead of choosing the pos of diplomacy, a childless president has decided to wage, who ever since i'm a crime, made his statement threatening to send our soldiers to send our children to die for the neo nazi regime. and key of, we must say, just one thing,
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know that phone on some people keep the fire of war alive, they add the necessary fuel dreaming that it will turn into a world war 3 inferno. the arsonist this week has a name. his name is emmanuel, i'm a chrome, let's not beat around the bush. what my chrome proposed was the outbreak of the 3rd world war involving nuclear powers. and everyone knows how the scenario would unfold. so with this cost of the mass of with the director of the silver all the institute alexander macklin fix that he says that macross preposition is sending troops. the drain is more evident. all the use is fashionable. thus for my call statements are just another price for the current uh one longer inc, and then send it to you. i'm going out from the european union to the rest of the world to me they miss you. so what do you basically, um, as the poses as direct to military intervention in ukraine since the ukraine itself,
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despite the western mercenaries and all that wisest is not able to turn the tide of the war. so he obviously believes that's directly military intervention. we'll change these costs with events. i think on the one hand step, this is totally insane. there is a huge anti wall movement in front, and also not only in front spots in the whole of europe. and basically now in, during this situation, sending european soldiers, um, so you're craving audits or fights, russia, what's maybe not only mean um, huge social unrest in europe itself, but also maybe to start of nuclear war. so yeah, it's basically insane what he's proposing. and i guess he has to do this in order to strengthen his thoughts, insights, um natal insights the european union in order to in the front of the usa assume leadership which try many thousands wants to take it the moments which is good. but unfortunately, there seem to be enough maniacs in front. well,
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willing through. um, yeah. do this next step in, escalating the war against pressure. but while in the north, all the enclave of guys, more than 100 people have been killed in almost 800 wounded with idea of troops accused of opening fire on crowds had swarmed on a convoy this graphic footage circulating online. she. ready the aftermath of the slide survive us trying to help the wounded by taking them on the costs to hospitals. while the scene in the forward ease of condemns the attacks. granting it as a cold blooded masika that according to the information that we have, dozens of them have bullets in their heads. it's not like, you know, fighting in the sky to let us today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing this out. 3, just, you know, massacre is
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a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies than vito's, cast it, then it is costing the palestinian people their lives according to palestinian reports. the idea of opens fire on a crowd of palestinians who gathered on the sheets, treating guys a city where they have been waiting for food distribution. the palestinian house ministry blames israel for the deadly attack. mass also reacted. say these assault is paul to a vase rose efforts to fully displace palestinians from the land and quote, obliterate the palestinian cause. the idea of release a statesman, the initial idea of investigation revealed the militants open fire on humanitarian aid trucks and the resulting russian trampling. many gas ends were killed. the idea responded by firing a warning shot as guys approach them, believing they were endangering our forces. many of the wounded were evacuated to
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the chief of the other hospitals. those few that was still functioning in the north . all the probably seen and, and play including come on at one hospital from which we received a confirmation and a video of the injured and killed. here's what the victims have to say. we were on algebra, c street and certainly tank store and us. they were the parcels packed with 8 people who don't have food. look flour and aid had it to the sea. it was chaos. there were crowds of people, but the occupation kept fire in the task. there were so many martyrs and casualties . i am one of the wounded was on our sheet straight. we were there from 7 in the morning in order to get food for our children. they elias, they said, we rotate, but we paid for that site without blogs. my nephews went there to bring flower, but the fired on them were under siege to be on us remedy on this coming soon.
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people should look at us pdfs. humanitarian crisis in gaza continues deepening with numerous human rights organizations reporting that few a trucks crossed into the in quite recently, blaming israel for delays and for blocking the fake health carrying food halter and medical supplies. at the check point, few or emissions were also able to reach those a need. those organizations also reported that almost no age is distributed outside rough, all the major city and guys of south. we're now around 1500000 people proud the doctor. they had to flee the hostilities in other parts of this trip. the food that people were waiting for at the time of the attack on saturday morning was brought by a rare convoy the that's reached. the north has same claim is really official said the 1st major delivery in a month to the devastated, isolated area of the un says a quarter of guys is $2300000.00. strong population is one step from famine,
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including thousands of children, while literally everyone the organization says, is in desperate need of food and all that comes well on the wall. a case you many carrying a provider and guys of that, almost half of all function and relief organizations have been relying on even before they swore that it has been forced to pause a deliveries to northern garza. meanwhile, the probably the student health ministry says at least assessed 2000 people have been killed in the gaza strip since the beginning of these really offensive on october 7th. the ministry has also stated that this 3 medical facilities are not able to cope with the current wave of the wounded due to of course, for a slack of medical supplies and medical personnel. and the governmental body has urged the international community to put pressure on a 0 to open. she went to turn in quarters and stop the atrocities in guys, a global average pushing for a c spy. also grow as you know, but so far we see that he's ro seems to be determined to continue this devastating
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war. i don't what the poland now where pharma is continued to protest against cheap ukrainian grain flooding the markets. more than 2000 trots, remain blocked at b l. u. create in portland border, according to officials and key f as follows. demonstrations early of this week when polish agricultural workers blog to sort of like this little book here. and it's the way the crossings to check for wheat. and we've heard from some of the activists that have basically the mass imports from ukraine, switching to the local industry. the so it will simply cannot be that our farmers have to produce less in that ukraine by the fact that there is a war imposes its prices and its screen. our people wants to live to. what is the impulse of grain from ukraine has a negative impact on us because it distorts all markets. we have large stock, some grain in warehouses, that we are able to exports. and if all market is this to buy the imports of rain
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from and all of the country, we cannot even sell all grade to all mills or field processing plants. the 10s of thousands of demonstrators also to, to the streets of warsaw on tuesday, protest as demanded this softening of your green rage regulations, as well as more subsidies for that recall travel sector. throughout the week, pharma is also rallied and even priced with these and several other european countries that are being affected by the same on the prize. the korean food up,
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the met, the rising wave of mass protest of the u commission has are key up to consider the position of european farmers and stopped exporting grains the out, the countries outside the block. it looks in small southern the best way would be to support you great in transit. it tends to run support to see ports and sun products to countries. whereas ukraine has always traditionally sent its products. what we need for this is a positive approach from ukraine and some cooperation, o ukrainian partners must understand the situation a fall fall, most no markets kind of stand such a level of supply increase. and dr. vista kens nielsen shared his perspective on the issue. he says the europeans are becoming more aware of the issue and are
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taking stand against the onset you regulations a very asleep and do not know what's going on. but on the other hand, people are waking up and uh, most of the farmers, most of the people and most of the travelers are starting to grow. work is this, it, these, it's a sort of savvy and things going on. people. we're going to guess these uh, sanctions these uh, regulations come to you, which are demanding them to sell their things for the g d u standards, whereby the premiums and for all the foreign countries can send things into the european countries and, and thereby a big in or to it's more accessible or more affordable. so people are starting to wake up and the farmers have songs away from last year in
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denmark we had to, we tried to chose to own a country because we knew that the 17 so called sustainable development goes by the united nations. we're going to just oil countries, and by now and then more people are starting to understand about the 10 to 21 in 5 nations. and the so called 7 seems to sustainable development goals is all about. and it's not about making that move. farrah world is not about making people free or maybe making people not poured or something like that. and this is sort so terry and i year to try and so being forced upon us the european citizens while navy, inside us say about the u. k. and they put one of its 2 across the carriers up for sale. speculation is running rampant after it was revealed that the british state
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budget will not include an increase in defense spending. for what else might be on the chopping block r t. c sweeney filed in this report. it does break down, you still will the waves, apparently not in a major environment, the royal navy was recently able to send its newest aircraft carrier. the prince of wales to the red sea define who sees because of a broken propeller shaft and crew shortages. there is an awareness in the group that the navy is struggling to maintain operational commitments and it has to expand the fleet as rapidly as possible. the 2nd carrier is an asset that is held in reserve and is a very expensive piece of rarely used equipment. so if we want to address the balance sheet issues, disposing of her or sharing her with an august ally is an option. the car struck navy as opposed to be put the shit was an i will thing. 3 point. 5000000 pounds up for sale. britain is main at golf carrier. the queen elizabeth is not doing much by
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3 the the 3700000000 pounds ship was recently forced to pull out of the largest 90, so not even exercises since the cold war. when a problem was discovered with this propeller routine, pre sailing checks identified an issue with a coupling on a tms queen elizabeth starboard propeller shaft. h m. s. prince of wales will take her place on nato duties and will set sail for exercise, steadfast defender as soon as possible. the county is the same as the game with at least one planned to be sold by 2020 i. why? well there is simply no money in the budget for maintenance and very nice a point in keeping hold of ships. the remaining dry dock on all fit for purpose is not just the aircraft carriers that are in trouble. britain submarines, a full part of the so called nuclear deterrent, a seemingly unable to find themselves in february. the try didn't miss all dramatic
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. the misfired, crushed into the ocean. in a box test, the defense minister ground shops, or whatever he calls himself these days was on board at the time. with the missile landing very close by. the british government issued a swift responds to test the rest and effectiveness of the you, case, new good settings in which the government has absolute confidence on this occasion and a normally due to cure. but it was event specific and there are no implications for the reliability of the why did china missile systems and stuff files? the government has absolute confidence that the u. k. is determined, remains effective, dependable, and for minimal. what time's the nuclear combine has a curious a government of covering up to 5. yeah, the 2nd in a row. the government can try and spin this, but nuclear weapons are clearly useless, as well as being a colossal waste of public money at the expense of vital public services. it's time to stop the waste and get rid of these weapons of mass destruction once and through
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the fight. it is also the dots of the american military industrial complex with the product besides least of ration from the united states. the submarines have to return regularly to the us by using kings by georgia for the maintenance and replacement of the missiles. president pays an annual contribution of 12000000 pounds to was the cost of the space in november, the partition that unity sunk a nuclear submarine junior training exercise when a crew of maybe 140 people dived to the so cool thing is i'm of the technical failure, a, according to experts, the worst roll navy dissolved since world war 2 was only a birth date at the last minute. on top of this, in january to british destroyers come on, i did invoices off by writing in an environment in gulf. which expert said, could home operations in the gulf at the critical time,
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putting the item espana out of action. despite this person has threatened the who these who are carrying out the tax on ships in the red sea in response to isabel's massacre of palestinians and gaza. the gay alongside allies has previously made clear that this illegal attacks are completely unacceptable. and if continued the who fees will bear the consequences. but despite telling reporters to watch this space, whose things are unlikely to pharaoh, once my teen navy, that is unable to get out of the docks and is coming upon us at the seams. moscow mules as next week che bose. i'll see you again in about 30 minutes. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the russian states never as one of the most sense key and the best not can hold a saw something set up the, in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission the state on russia to day and split the r t. suppose next, even
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a our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request, which is the, [000:00:00;00]
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the well hey everybody, welcome back to the most cool news on shaped bows. and i'm joined by meet you, our star producer is going to help us navigate through some of the numbers and videos as we take a sideways look at some of the stories that the mainstream media may prefer. we're kept silent. and tonight we're going to start in the big apple. now the big apple is in some ways now the rotten apple. it's got a lot of problems. vast immigration crime is on the rise. but certain parts of it seem to be that little bit more rock than the others. i'm talking about the new york times. now this is quite a green story. it's the story of the alleged rape, one of the victims of the october 7th attack by how much this lady dow bush has become the cost of labor in the western media. and the story that was written by the new york times alleged sexual assault by how much,
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what are finally have come out to complete me. deny you know, why is this such an interesting story? it's interesting because the mainstream media who you're meant to rely on for your news are telling lies us not just need it saying that it's her, find me this girl, this victims find me, her brother, her sister taking the social media to say this stuff never happened. and we've got some video meet you at of who a of the actual top investigative reporter in the new york times. and he's got something to say about the whole thing. ok. yeah, let's see if this is mr. goldman, who is an investigative reporter replying, why there's no why wasn't there any evidence to your story? let's take a look, check it out. because that is almost like the people that suggest you're trying to improve. but that's not my role in my role is to document is to for science information. and so there's
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an investigative reporter saying, let's go through the evidence thing that's like turning up at a hospital right, with every bone of your body broken. and the surgeon saying, let's skip the x rays and the scans, the, you don't need them. that's a bit to medical. so this guy is the top investigative reporter and the new york times. he is just the story. color is just the shipment. and so it's, i mean it's not a record. yeah. no more interesting. he probably is the story about his co author, a lady called, i'm not schwartz, i'm not sure what you would say. who is this woman who gets her 1st printed, publish story in the new york times onto the front page? me to tell us a bit more about i'm up towards just as brilliant a, you know, a dynamo of journalism or is there something else about i'm not sports that people at home should know about. i think there is 4 turns out she never worked before, never wrote a piece before, but what she did is, was part of this really army intelligence part. you can just imagine the sharp
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department in new york times to pay for records. good. oh, experience is really just the front page, straight onto the front page. well, you know, it seems to me that you know, once you're in your, it's very difficult to get out. but this whole manipulation of truth really, really, really tells us a story about how the whole reality around what happened on october 7th. and what's happened since it's been weaponized by the mainstream media. and they're not the only people who liked tell stories as well. and when we moved from a states side back into europe, one of our favorite friends, mr. my crohn, the little napoleon himself has also got some stories to tell us. well, apparently mr. mccall now has decided that the french military would like to go back to russia maybe because the last time they went to law should remember 600000 . and i got a one way tickets and didn't managed to make it back. need to change. and the polio, the world, the grand army. yeah. the ground army. so mr. mcclung, he likes a bit of drama, you know, he's a man who likes his women like is wine, old and sweet, but he's also
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a guy that's protest of storytelling. and he's been telling stories, and the not that, that, that is sort of plausible that they beat you. that's, i'm look at a video to take the book is this was the menu. could you do that you liked? you can see. so what we'll do to offer you the many of us, or facilitate us to make the on the see the tool disorder me on the meet the field is with x, x crew. of course a manual. well, a isn't short of a few stories himself. he likes to make things up, you know, and assume you know, fun to seize about the french army there times during world war 2 did have more than one gear reverse. but in reality, nowadays differential, i mean, isn't a lot of trouble. this is the french economy. the government's not just fully farm is actually doing things all over government feelings across front,
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front sensor. trouble and defense aren't scared to go out and fly over to up when things get pretty bad as you can see a. but here's the reality. there's a 10000000000 euro code regime being implemented in the army and in the public services in front of my college babies thomason before the french post colonial sort of regime is in trouble and a spin and a lot of trouble, particularly jeremy jim. yeah, well my god, i have the pull in complex, right. he thinks he's still the emperor. oh, but yeah. so i think keeps promising. think for example, after the coup in these areas is what he said. i believe i hope i want to see is the correct one. it's based on the courage of president bedroom on the efforts of our diplomats and our investor, the images. yeah. who will stay despite pressure for them to lead us. we do not recognize them. we support the president who's not resigned. you know what happened? he didn't stay handbasket reading and i won't even work. oh, gone. yeah. but a bill every for us, they say, or a wall. and the other thing i wanted to show you is one more amazing diplomatic gesture. i d. s. man from mr. macross. this has something to do with the middle
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east. triple quite a policy puts us a good look. good if you want it done this for another couple of days, don't look at all that. i can some, as long as you do a little bit strong, you can see the pre through to sequence, hold it on us. the purpose and the button is i've done this, you know, geneva, the glue summit now going to be soon, but ceiling quite destroys. you're not allowed to on this from the political to at least a few minutes to didn't happen. you know, how many people take join this coalition? how many, 0, beautiful mega repeat, the laws, the whole, the whole of grand. i thought you can say, look, gurani's the great in the pony and once said, when your opponent is making a mistake, never interrupt him. so the boys up the road in the kremlin k, i g to just leave these boys to screw the whole dish up themselves. correct? me? yeah, well,
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i don't know if anybody's taken you seriously. yeah. yeah. okay. so we're moving on to talking colonialism and the end to colonialism, of course, forensic great colonial power. and it today as the british where there seems to be a new appetite for colonialism and has come up with some very interesting places. most notably, vx theo, and founder of black water nature. that's all listen to this dude. and if so, many of these countries around the world are incapable of guarding themselves, then, then it's time for us to just put to just to put the imperial hat back on to say, we're going to govern those countries if you're in capable of governing yourselves . because enough is enough, we're done being and beta, you can say that about pretty much all of africa are incapable of governing themselves and benefiting their citizens. yeah, so this is the ex head of blackwater. blackwater have an absolutely atrocious track record. and they're kind of like the east india company on steroids. this is absolutely remarkable to meet you. and it's not the only thing that we've got a track record in place of like a rock as well. right. it was just to thank you,
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julian assigns, and a bunch of the journalists, we found out what black water was up there, and i rack. exactly. cool. so this is dan basically enjoy variety to the streets of executing. this is just the way to look at the word it was or to of, or is the massive contact. and it's basically home. it's an understanding is the, for the us state to do this, the guy who run this show now wants to go to africa and bring this round of us the pharmacy to the ground for real meet you. yeah, i mean the efforts and you know, this is what they need and it's eric prince, the govern. you know, so what's shocking about this is the fact that somebody like eric prints now a very, very wealthy man is at liberty. he's not in prison. like, like some very notable people are in jail in the u. k. why not for talking and telling you the story about this man's murderous escapade in place like iraq, afghanistan,
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i'm now on the legally they want to do it all again. now interestingly, if you want to commit the crime of regime change, you want to overturn the democracy. you need mosul, and you need man that are willing to do very bad things for money like mr. prince's crew. now you also need people to influence the population and we've got a walk our brewing right now. boys missed not advise and i all we knew before. there's 2 things we knew. first of all, we knew that she was the wife from the raleigh. mm hm. and 2nd, we found out from mr biden, that her name is yolanda. yolanda is going to, she's going to continue to fight anyway, very unusual and this is her name is yolanda. is it? no, no, no, it's, you're not, you know, if you spend your last night, she said, you do. but now she's a star. she's a big star. she's, let's take a look. let's check it out in a cowardly way. they're hiding his party and not showing to his mother,
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not giving to his mother. they're lying there waiting for the traces of another of put in snow, be chalk to disappear, which is called, maybe not according to buddha. know of not according to the head of ukraine's, the defense intelligence unit. check out that a logo, you know what it is. it's a ford piercing russia of these boys aren't any funds of the boys up the road here the kremlin. but they say that the volley wasn't killed, but, and i'll be chucky died from a blow come meet you. let's take a look role. the video you got to building the issue in some your, to such a star as me is a warm, cozy kind of guy. he's the kind of dude, i bet your daughter would love to bring home to the wife. you know, most of us will, should have what the visual them to go more than that. on the top it says that you mentioned because of the muslim august, the jump to visit the come schedule, a live event for you. such a lovely character. jay, why do you think he said, well,
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what is his his, what do you mean? interesting. what is his deal? well, listen, you know what this is this, the reality here is and there's lots of rumors circulating. ok. i think the reality is, is there's a very high probability that ukraine maybe walk them, they've got rid of them. why? who knows why, but there's a people, how could the ukrainians get access to the prison? there's also some interesting facts about that. what you're not going to see on the mainstream media media, there's actually video released by this sort of russian pro ukrainian mt. a put in group who been operating in belgrade killing civilians. of course, very brave these guys that drive them, give a few kids and a car and pull out after a mass of victory. these are real tough guys. now, what they did reveal video from, with in the prison when a valley was, and that's quite remarkable. so think you get the video. maybe they could get him to catch you, but never mind. your grade is not a big fan of no problem. well, shirley, shirley is why fi a you, you would have seen all this when she went to visit him in jail along. she never
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went to visit him and joe, who would also listen to tucker carlson at talking about his time and rocher talking about what happened to the valley. meet your listening, listen to what he said in relation to. so i think this is absolutely fascinating. there's a lot of interesting ideas about if he was killed, who killed them. uh, yeah, cuz it could be put in. it could be somebody in russia was not doing. yeah, it could be ukrainians because it would benefit the war. they kill deacons, daughter and moscow. so yeah, as possible. now, another element of this, of course is how did you clean respond to tuckers monster a interview with, well, over a 1000000000 views. now, you know, decades of, you know, tortuously paid for and implemented western propaganda collapse in 2 hours. how did they do it? they roll out the big guns ballade mean zalinski. he went on
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a little tour talking to anyone that would listen when it kind of time to bid. i think you've got a couple of 100000 views at the max, but he's absolutely sure that everything is going to go his way. the more he's going to fly in. and he also beach. i had a, a little interview in a, in a bunker situation very close to the front lines where you couldn't hear any bombs dropping bullets flying or anything whatsoever. right? yeah, let's take a look. i mean, it's very, it's very, her look. yeah, it'd be their role as time miss present. thank you for the time. so here's a few collab reality here is that zalinski is actually so desperate to portray what he's done with ukraine on the that's a $100000.00 people. it's an absolute tragedy. a generation going onto the ground. he's actually still talking remarkably, get this about a milder counter offensive or counter flop counter flunk. whatever it was they tried to do, which oh, the only thing that i actually did was was put a lot of money into pocket to the undertakers in western your claim. he's actually thinking about doing this. again, this is absolutely insane, right? well, maybe he just wants to money for it, right?
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because if you have no chance of winning, why do you keep fighting? no, you can understand his difficult situation. and of course, when you're given all these high profile videos, talking about your new big budget movie, which they're going to make in hollywood about you, what you're going to. so it's pretty tiring and this is exactly what a tired guy looks like. it is. let me just kind of go to say, this is not what somebody stone elder membrane looks like. this is somebody who looks tired, meet you. let's take a look. i think he is pretty tired. is rather just return from several areas along the front line in the south and in the guest and soldiers. they're told me they have to ration their munitions. they don't have enough weapons to advance, they can only defend themselves. in some cases, they're losing territory. what happens to your country if this american aid
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doesn't arrive? will lose a lot of people where you will lose or share. there's probably serious of the serious, of course, joe biden can walk in a tight rope. so lensky is in stone and there's only $31000.00 ukrainians have died in this conflict. there you go. hey, anyway, look, i think some people think it's unfair to make fun of old president, joe biden. sleepy joe, the self tail grandfather, whatever you want to call him well, this week he's really surpassed himself and they've got a bit spooky, actually, you know, somebody asked him, how does it keep going? how do you look? so young heidi looks old. great, how are you so sharp, pressing a button, how are you like us the head of a pin? well, it's all the occurred sex life. we just walk the name of jesus is going on with this is even donald trump is one or 2, you know, taken to the, i mean,
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this is great though the truth is the truth is great tool is good at. this is good at this stuff, right? he's good at this stuff. i mean, have you seen trump at doing the sort of impression level on the, on the, on the podium walk and sleepy. joe, you're talking to the fair because the people, it's a 2nd answer today, focused, etc. since right away, i mean it's just, it's not even a testing. okay. you know what, i find amazing that all of biden's administration continuously new needs to say he was present. he could hear us. he was there present. it is very aware, never misrepresented anything. the president is very much active and passes a cognitive test every day. he gets it understands what's going on, right. he has never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never misrepresented anything which is in the same thing to talk about your president that way. um, uh, i mean, look there q and up as well. now they smells blood in the water. the sharks,
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you know, kamala saying, you know, i'm ready to serve. she's ready to serve, serve what sort of dinner. i mean, i don't think, come out. i mean, look, if it's a task. so between nikki haley and kamala, your, you know, at least, you know, nikki, makes it, come. i look smart. i mean, this is probably the only positive thing about it mean, but it's 340000000 people in the country and that's the big fine. that's the cream rising to the top right there. come off democracy, nicky, and trump and bud that spoke you say, so that's it from moscow for tonight. we're here,
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we're present. we hear you. you hear us. i meet you and i will see you next week 10 pendulum. look, we can do it for us all day to 2 days, 2 days to the most of the more expensive and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't watch my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time,
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but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the wayne state the, the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 1885. in the very heart of the african continent, states under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared. since the beginning, the congo free state was total may him for the local population and function as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children, were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their quota were beaten and mutilated to keep the congo these people under control. the
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king set up the so called forest bleak which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country and its inhabitants varying that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals. the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet used, and as proof presented a job hand of an african. it was not uncommon when trying to justify the use of the munition. the collin is to have your date of the hands of not only those who were dead, but also of those who were kept alive. the atrocious exploitation of the congo turned into a real genocide. you know, late 20 years, the policy of the belgians lead to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust. the genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the greenest pages in the history of mankind. in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general pole with
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a arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa, the, to the towers. we have more than shot the funny, i mean you stuck up some issues with all the cars and just showing the list to the content of who they on the east one of the most horrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent or somebody, i know the question, richard dental and i'm philosophy followed there to do so. they put the national most likely multiple villages with devastated on numerous members of resistance groups. what the headed on that department is in for us to get the financing. i moved to a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on the journey to africa . the traces general who with eyes,
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blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the continent. so my name is center and i come from england and i'm ready to find out more about the mission of willy. um on base grew up in the region, the hello and
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welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the the, [000:00:00;00] the business to dispose of information was the kitchen is waging adjustment defense minister claims moscow is waging an inflammation of war against. but the, an added comes amid the bomb show leak of high ranking jet, and very few staff dining to age. you're creating, destroying the crime in rates. as russia advance as ukraine's president
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demands more money from his stop child. why student teacher blaming them full bottle field loss of cold blooded mass. okay. that's how policy and officials brand the killing of more than 100 people also use really troops are accused of opening fire in the crowd surrounding an aide, convoy and central guy that almost 800 people were wounded. the kind of the, what comes on a team to national reaching you live from a new center with moscow? i a michael, quite sure with the updates a link to conversation is evidently this information that the german defense minister has set of the results of i need total investigation regarding the leak audio of military offices, conversation to bother stripe on crimea. they've been made public early next week to have default, and the incident is clearly more than just the interception and publication of an air force conversation,
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which is positive and information for the putting is waging. there is no doubt and that's all. it is a hybrid attack of this information. it's about division. i don't, i just bought the german defend diminished best came the meet the audio was russian . this information. but in verified the validity of the tapes, german officers were also reported the overhead. discussing the delivery of long reigned taras, myself to you trade. but name is currently the 2nd largest provider of many tree equipment to key if only training behind washington. japanese free, such as any party has filed a lawsuit with the nations onto the general, demanding the all aggressors be held accountable. for according to section 13 paragraph to sentence one of the german criminal code for international crimes, anyone who was planning, preparing or initiating a war of aggression or any other type of aggression within the meaning of paragraph one is liable to prosecution. germany is not a belligerent in the conflict between russia and ukraine,
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the least according to the german government. and it's not going to cry me in bridge, carried out with german participation, even if the cruise missiles were fired by ukrainian soldiers. but the buddhist fire played a major role in the preparations represents the start of a war of aggression against russia and possibly the pre lead to a 3rd world war rush as foreign minister commented on the release audio saying that shows the pro war centered mensa, europe, remain strong, and we were recently with us the facts that have come to lights, chelsor shoals, confrontation with the bloom, despair, some evil intentions of the windows, which became apparent due to the publication of all the recordings about how carefully they were preparing and attack on the crime in the breach and other targets, especially the ammunition depots. and the main thing is how they wanted to see if everyone into thinking it's not on them, but on the americans and the british as they're already there. well, there's just screaming self disclosure. the situation clearly indicates that the pro work camp in europe is still very, very strong. if anyone has any doubts, there have been a lot of analytical materials over the last couple of months that seem to begin to
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realistic point systems and futility of continued to co x ukraine into military action. well, the latest statements by mccord in austin and the conversation of german generals and they all say that the pro war party does not want to change its course district physically to feed russia on the battlefield them. but as we realize that of germany seems to be still in the state of shaw ca shocked. so i guess so over the fact that their secret got out as soon as this came out. so the official comments was no comments and then german price was all over it. and as we're about to see from some of the headlines in german media, they are side things. several soldiers who are assuming the confirming that links to all the other confirming that it's itself and 6. and also what they did was there was a way to to satisfy ship according to durham and media. because they started trying to book a several accounts that were sharing that link,
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the audio and the link transcript on x, formerly twitter. so that's what happened on friday. as soon as this lead came out, and there were also claiming that german counter intelligence supposedly bridal way, wants to probe. and so this and now we finally have confirmation from the drum and chancellor that indeed they are looking into. it does start, the fluid is being reported. there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly. and the very latest we are now getting reports that apparently one of the main channels in germany is confirming the authenticity . all of that leaked audio, and they are sites in germany's ministry of defense. so this is huge. they all started on friday, when ortiz out as friendship migrate to someone young posts that 1st the transcript, and then the audio ultimately conversation. the lead conversation was between 4 people. so that had all the germany's the air force, the branches, the deputy chief of staff for operation as well as
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a to other military personnel. and it was a 38 minute conversation and image they are discussing the operational and targeting details of those tourist cruise themselves. that germany was supposed to send ukraine. the west was as a mountain pressure on germany to send those missiles, but it hasn't done yes. yes it is. this leeks conversation, these people are discussing that as a done deal and they're not only discussing it. they're saying how they can use it, they're strategizing how they can use those missiles to attack russian infrastructure, primarily the bridge and crime. you the commission also who came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the munition depos above the bridge in the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work.
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and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month. what would a tourist attack on the bridge look like? from an operational perspective, i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. this conversation apparently so called place on the 19th of february, and then they later gone also to say that actually sending those massages will not change the course of the war and ukraine. they admit themselves that it's only necessary to send these missiles because have the brits and the french have already signed so long range missile, so germany must call forth as well. so that must seem to be doing something we know that you crane is losing, and they know that by sending those missiles it will not again,
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their words change the course of the war there. and they also emphasize, and this is what's interesting there, emphasizing the importance of covering off their tracks. and they're saying there is no way that they can have the drum and the military being associated with the crane. but how are they going to do that? well, they say that the communications, all of them have to go through the manufacturer off of themselves and as far as files really kind of get hot, it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. i am exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. is it totally moreno? how those this then stack up against off shows the state made about refusing to send those pores, missiles a to ukraine, executive is,
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this is what is bizarre because we know that germany's parliament. yes, it did approve additional military, a to ukraine button. know it's when it comes to those 4 is cruise missiles and all the shows himself said that he was out sending them because he's afraid what ukrainians will do the with them that they might target loss go and then drew many will be considered party to, to the war with boston, and that's something that they want to avoid. and in that statement, all of salt said what the british and french are doing, in terms of target control. and the company and target control can not be done in germany so far that he out of their presence in ukraine and that led to even the u . k. was statements there where they have to admit, yes, we do indeed have a small number of personnel supporting the armed forces in, in ukraine. but that shows this comments are wrong, that they are irresponsible and a slap in the face of allies. now again, in the slicks don't deal, we have these german officers throw in someone else under the boss. this thomas on the brits is not the price as the americans because they reveal that they're also there. know,
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monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves after all, they have all the satellite images for that. so all of us talk about russia, supposedly planning to attack europe for europe to get ready. and now we have them covertly applied in the tax on a russian soil. it seems so this just goes to show just how much nato is actually involved on the ground in ukraine. now with this cost of the latest was do not, bank had german politician and member of the european parliament for the alternative for german party. he's all the opinion that jim niece just trying to
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shift the blame to russia. it's a major embarrassment. so they're trying to make the best of it, and the, they now try to put the blame on russia. but of course, the fact remains that without too much difficulty, russian intelligence managed to record this come the station, which was supposed to be a confidential. so it's an embarrassment thing and they just tried to shift the blame, but it's not. they convincing 2 thoughts that are coming to my mind. first of all, it was a surprise. they obviously didn't expect that russian intelligence to monitor the calls at conferences with such ease. that's the 1st thought. and then secondly is obviously about a 6 month they were discussing. they be at the job a mid
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a tray. it was active for the planning an attack, an attack on major russian infrastructure. so i suppose the job is what it'll put pad in startled and didn't baptist. and as the russian army makes advances on the bottom of the fields, and that the training and president lied to me is the last key to set of the his west and partners play and political games while he demands more aid from his patrons. okay, now ukraine asked for nothing more than necessary to protect lives when lives are lost and partners are simply playing into an old political games or disputes that limits or defense. it's impossible to understand. it's unacceptable, and it will be impossible to forget the world will remember this. the just now is a new package of just under 700000000 euros has been put together, enabling us to provide further immediate support to you, craig, i just wanted to tell you that we was
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a part of creating nobody pays the price to pay that to we will be with you being the chief man of your last relations to be a free and silver and country that besides its own destiny as a member of the family, a simple duty i confirmed to the ukrainian president that the typically public will donate more at that kaylee cope does to ukraine and hundreds of thousands motor lodge kelly, but munitions in the coming months. they take republic. we'll also help ukraine with violent training, including training for f. 16 aircraft, and we will supply ukraine with flight simulators. so that training can take place not only in the west, but also in ukraine since february, last year. sweden has provided ukraine with 2.2.2000000000 euros implant bilateral support. we've continued to provide political,
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military humanitarian. i'm financial support in close dialogue with you and our common partners to make sure that you crane's needs are met for as long as it takes as a prime minister o. slovakia, robots, fitz, so as one west and official who comprehends the consequences of the west, directly engaging in the conflict back when it's for what i did. finally, after the meeting and it was confirmed by several participating politicians, especially the french president, ukraine needs modern air defense systems more than anything else. otherwise, it makes no sense to think about expanding the production of weapons or large training centers directly on the territory of ukraine. without air defense, they would be an easy target, and here the dog is buried. the west cannot supply such systems to cream without western soldiers operating them. this is just one of the other aspects of the escalation of tension in ukraine. the west sees that despite massive financial and military aid despite sanctions, ukraine is unable to resolve the military conflict and is getting the short end of the stick on the battlefield. the change could only be caused by the entry of
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soldiers from the countries of the european union and nato into ukraine, with the most modern weapons. but then we can all just sit on the balcony, have a cognac, a cigar, and wait for the world apocalypse to come. it is good that there are several world politicians who see the reality and all the risk associated with direct involvement of the west. and the mutual killing of slaves and ukraine, although they strongly supported. we spoke to a blogger and political analyst alex report toffee, who says that it's very doubtful that you create and will get a new large sum of money. i don't know if there is enough money left in the world for it. mister zelinski. he's already managed to burn through about 250000000000. interesting. i think, you know, the americans are trying to get funding through, but that is tied to, you know, uh, potential republican candidate running for the united states of america, which would be trump, which trump is saying, absolutely not,
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no more money going to the ukraine. so once again, i think mr. zelinsky cap in hand desperation, he's throwing everything he can add it. will he get more money? this is very, very doubtful at this time. at this point, i don't really see much of our survival of ukraine period. i feel that the country or what is left of it will be pretty much uh, you know, territory open even for poland or romania to take parts of it. i think this is the final stage of ukraine as a country, as we know it. but while hundreds of friends protest as of taking to the streets of paris to condemn president my homeowners policy towards the conflict in ukraine cons, remarks on sending remodel trips to ukraine cost and oper law among citizens of friends who in their role would say, they're not ready to dive when they do a muscle on either my in addition, the protest of shopping,
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p slogans and coal do with the for the withdrawal from the european union. i met the dissatisfaction with the policies of the european union. the leader of the french patriots party tore up the you need to slugs to make clear he's sentiments. people in france, fear that microns leadership moves may lead to outbreak. august said, world war here is what locals had to say. the whole of we have a president who decides to go to will with pollutant for whatever reason. i saw fronts in europe, we're about pace, but we were wrong. we don't want this in europe, it's not peace fronts has no business in ukraine since the minutes could agreements which were a real betrayal for russia. i understand that certain things have happened. but instead of choosing the pos of diplomacy a childless president has decided to wage will ever since i'm a crime made his statement threatening to send our soldiers to send our children to
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die for the neo nazi regime. and key of, we must say, just one thing, no thoughts on some people keep the fire of the war alive. they add the necessary fuel dreaming that it will turn into a world war 3 in for a no. the arson is this week has a name. his name is emmanuel, i'm a chrome, let's not beat around the bush. what my chrome proposed was the outbreak of the 3rd world war involving nuclear powers. and everyone knows how the scenario would unfold. how would this cost that match what the director of the silver all the institute alexander my clevic says? he says that my clause, the position of sending troops to ukraine is more evident will be used as possible . fest for my call statements are just another price for the current uh wall mom grant and and send it to you. i'm going out from the european union to the rest of the world to me then miss you. so what to basically um, as the poses as directed to military intervention in ukraine since the ukraine
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itself, despite the western mercenaries and all that wise, is not able to turn the tide of the war. so obviously the lease that's directly military intervention will change these costs with events. i think on the one hand step, this is totally insane. there is a huge anti wall movement in front. and also not only in front spots and the whole of europe. and basically, now enduring this situation, sending european soldiers, your craving order to fights russia, what's maybe not only mean um, huge social unrest in europe itself, but also maybe to sort of nuclear war. so yeah, it's basically insane what he's proposing. and i guess he has to do this in order to strengthen his thoughts inside um natal. inside the european union, an audit to the front of the usa assume leadership,
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which tried many thousands wants to take it the moments which is good. but unfortunately, there seem to be enough maniacs in france. well, willing through. um. yeah. do this next step in escalating the war against russia? i mean, while in the know for the enclave in gaza, more than 100 people had been killed and almost 800 wounded. with idea of troops accused of opening fire on crowds had swarmed on a convoy of his graphic footage, circulating online shows the off the mass of the strike survive. us tried to help the wounded by taking them on cots to the hospital policy in the fall with the use of condemned to the attack, branding it a cold blooded masika according to the information that we have. dozens of them have bullets in their heads. it's not like, you know, fighting in the sky to let us today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing this. i would say just, you know, massacre is
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a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies and vito's cast it, then it is costing the palestinian people that lives according to palestinian reports. the idea of opens fire on a crowd of palestinians who gathered on the sheets, treating guys a city where they have been waiting for food distribution. the palestinian house ministry blames israel for the deadly attack. my soul, sir, we acted say these assault his part to a vase rose efforts to fully displace palestinians from the land and quote obliterates the palestinian cause. the idea of release a stage when the initial idea of the investigation revealed, the militants open fire on humanitarian aid. trucks and the resulting russian trampling. many dozens were killed. the idea of responded by firing a warning shot as guys approach them, believing they were endangering our forces. many of the wounded were evacuated to the chief of the other hospitals. those few that was still functioning in the north
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all the probably seen in and play, including come on at one hospital from which we received a confirmation and a video of the injured and killed. here's what the victims have to say. we were on algebra, c street and certainly tank store and us. they were the parcels packed with 8 people who don't have food. look, flower and aid. had it to the sea. it was chaos. there were crowds of people, but the occupation tipped fires with us. there were so many martyrs and casualties . i am one of the wounded was on our sheet street. we were there from 7 in the morning in order to get food for our children. they elias, they said, we rotate, but we paid so that's a without blogs. my nephews went there to bring flour, but the fired on them were under siege to be on us remedy on his coming soon. people should look at us pdfs. humanitarian crisis in gaza continues deepening with
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numerous human rights organizations reporting that few a trucks crossed into the in quite recently, blaming israel for delays and for blocking the vehicles carrying food halter and medical supplies at the check point, few or emissions. we're also able to reach those a need. those organizations also reported that almost no age is distributed outside rough, all the major, 16 gases south. we're now around 1500000 people crowded officer. they had to flee the hostilities in other parts of the street. the food that people were waiting for at the time of the attack on saturday morning was brought by a rare convoy the that's reached. the north has same claim is really official said the 1st major delivery in a month to the devastated, isolated area of the un says a quarter of guys is $2300000.00. strong population is one step from famine,
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including thousands of children, while literally everyone the organization says, is in desperate need of food and all that comes well on the wall. a case you many tearing a provided and guys are that almost half of all function and relief organizations have been relying on even before they swore that it has been forced to pause a deliveries to northern gaza. meanwhile, the probably the student health ministry says at least assessed 2000 people have been killed in the gaza strip since the beginning of these really offensive on october 7th. the ministry has also stated that this 3 medical facilities are not able to cope with the current wave of the wounded due to of course, for a slack of medical supplies and medical personnel. and the governmental body has urged the international community to put pressure on a 0 to open. she went to tear in quarters and stopped the atrocities in guys a global average portion for a ceasefire. olsen grow as you know, but so far we see that he's ro seems to be determined to continue this devastating war. now, one of these roles, war cabinet administered,
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as many guns has tossed down into us for a visit with a number of washington's political leaders. the move has report at least spot the fewest reactions on these ready prime minister been given. and then, you know, according to reports, nothing yahoo didn't sanction guns overseas visit and has instructed these ready embassy in washington not to facilitate meetings with him. despite the fact, the war minister is struggling to meet with high ranking us officials, including vice president, camilla harris and national security advisor jake sullivan. guns is also expected to make a stop in london before he returns political analysts. i mean, we are in session of the war minister may be a moderate east ready voice with whom the us can dialog, the american officials from president biden on down through vice president harry secretary blinking then all the rest,
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they are desperate to see some more rational is rarely leadership with a home. uh they can have a dialogue, apparently, nathaniel, because or for position by bank beer in the smart reach to a more moderate depaul. this is, nathaniel, how does not conform to the american views of what has to happen in gaza and the guns could be the moderate voice in these relatively the shape with whom the americans can talk and hopes fully, that these really public we'll come out in support of him and guns and soft periods to go to washington and make sure that the american cello is kept open. because nathaniel is obviously on the collision. cost was the buyers in administration, and the war rooms the most of these really public support. i'm not going to tell you, i was liking that, then you all would like the war to be prolonged as long as possible. well,
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most of these really public, along with guns won't that hostage deal in which doesn't something's relatives have buy from us, will be released from the previously. there is an internal rates in the property. let's say it's a rough estimate, this and y'all enjoys only the support of one quarter of the public while you 3 quarters of dead set, the guys team. they want early elections so that the new leadership will reflect the new mode following october. the 7th and guns apparently seems to be enjoying leaving the public opinion polls about this long to seize in the cabinet. he assures responsibility and accountability with this danielle. so he wants to
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make himself quite distinct from the 10 year old. and this is perhaps a 1st thoughts molding from the government and told, scolding for elia election tens of thousands of young people from around the world are in russia right now for the well you festival. it's day to will be event which is being held on the block c coast. it's billed as a meeting of minds where the next generation is going to discuss building a come on the future. and throughout the festival week our k is bringing news, special coverage of the event, the yeah, the 2nd day of the festival spotted but majestic exercise. as we can see, the will need the energy of course, because a rich program awaits the participants master classes. are there contests of all kinds meetings with celebrities discussions and much more in one of these workshops, but it depends learned 1st aid using a training manic in and
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a full 1st aid k r t is donald cortez. is that the festival? now that brings us this latest report, while the world use festival here is continuing, it's turning out to be an amazing event. we're already on day 2. we've seen a lot of interesting stuff connected to lectures, discussions, cultural events. and of course, one of the main themes about this world youth festival is to allow the use of the world specifically and focused on the multi polar world to build connections and build a brighter future based on when, when cooperation and fairness. but there are actually a lot of people in part participating here. not only people from countries right now integrated into the multi puller world, are enthusiastic about really building closer cooperation between the youth of the world. but also the young people and professionals from the west as well, who unfortunately, their governments have taken an unfriendly stance towards russia. but as always,
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we have to understand that that doesn't always corresponds to the feelings and ideas of the people living under those governments. so if this really is a world use for them that encompasses the entire world, and it's going to be a great opportunity for the use of that entire world to become more cooperative within with one another and build relationships that will stand the test of time. now we spoke with on the rocky journalist who shared his impressions of the festival and his stake on international politics. i can hear so 1st of all, on the i said minutes because i love russia on the russian culture on this the best of all. uh, especially because i was here before uh for years. uh, 6 years in 2017. i loved the russian people on how they are lovely people on real time people at the american army or income that came through. they came on mix,
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there are more sounds, i've done the same on the they make a lot of systems to enter. consolidate ok. now we don't know if i to us, they make a lot of problem on the look, the lords on the, i think it's really close on the good on i was on, they make viruses on, they kill us in all situations. so what they do in iraq, they do for and syria, they do in turkey and they do that to a dollar and who cannot talk with them. and we have a whole the russian government on china. they just done a phase this, the devil. first of all is all about building the future together,
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and that's all from me. my colleague more on him now me will be with you at the top of the with more updates by now the of the joseph conrad ro, hall of darkness. and the height of units colonial scramble, facile is about the search for a mysterious white trader. old mister cuts, he's become a monstrous, cannot cut symbolizes a type of savagery at the hall of western civilization shops of african heads for fun. the 1st red joseph conventional was studying at oxford university. i thought cooks was
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just an operation. a twisted from to see of comrades imagination. he had summed up to see a judge to her. i didn't really get it. but the more i learned about colonialism, the more i realized it always started with men like cuts. and that fixed link to this day. then i made a discovery that changed everything for me. at the same time that comrade was writing his book, life was imitating out. in an astounding way, a french army officer was leading an invasion of west africa and whose true story was even more terrifying than comrades fiction. i began to plant
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a journey across space and time in search of this real the job. so i can move in both of my parents come from nigeria and west off for a little bit. when i go into opposite the old a tony ends in my year, some black students like me, but it was here. i begin to research the imperial history that made my was the history they didn't teach at school. the i discovered a heart in london slights incumbent with joseph conrad said, his story. a country, the size of western europe. a slave plantation collecting robust a european bicycles.
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the mutilation, this punishment for refusing what a belgian king leopold to say the domestic. he's upset. c e o goes 700 feet. just lying there is a father, looks down each a nation is punishment. support the was not so shocked as you most think. i had expected to see a know of of, with the, you know, there it was. black dried sun, couldn't with closed eyelids ahead that seem to sleep at the top of that pole. and with a shrunken dry lips showing a narrow white line of the teeth, smiling to tell him to pray dismissed.
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since it was just a word to me. i did not see the man in the name any more than you. do you see him? do you seek the story? seems to me, i am trying to tell what are you thinking a vain attempt because no relation of the dream can convey that notion of being critical. which is the becoming obsessed with finding my realize there are a few candidates and a tori is jim and compton in the media to 1000. i the reason he's in the imperialist 6 of the roads. we stopped just on the ice
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as a student attempting to bring his statute down because i'm going to meet the light cooks rhodes beside africa's land to its people. and then i came across a less well known french army officer, cold, cold, too late. he's mentioned in $1899.00, in the very magazine, with the fictional cuts for us to pay it. the comrade wrote that, oh, you went into the making of cuts. he was the ultimate amount of culture, but he was also an outside. so it was due late and so for that much, by the way,
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that is everything. everything the animals want drains the water, the wells of stuffed with corpses. the further we go, degrees to the sides, become more frequent and more horrible. it's clear this man valley has lost his way. he is leading a mission that is a little onto itself. the lamp session is beginning to keep me awake at night too. i used captain poles. he li, you said he 2 years old soldier of the 1899. from humble beginnings,
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headings at the top. just like the mission was to beat the british to make the chat. that should be the last part of africa to be invaded by your you went to create a hub for francis scott with african colonies. if you shovels its empire rested on his own shoulders. the you with your team. timing your conquests. almost exactly a year to the day after this picture was taken you with that you thought yourself so civilized? so culture. so cultured you into africa with a vast library of books by your military heroes? julius caesar and napoleon. and yet it came to face. just like cuts the
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income of some of the africans almost as the same with your story too. if they could speak, what would they say about you calls or like more about the people that now? how did they deal with what you've started the i want to track you down? do you agree that the edge of the doesn't the, the use, the real mr. types the i'm coming after you, captain coles. the this is the land you want. friends is just north of nigeria, where my parents come from the today. it's
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called and they say to you and says it's the world's least developed countries. you invasion, create to dispose of the, the, the feels like the 1st time i've been in a place where everyone looks like me. why is it strange to be? so my way i food want is blocked. the i don't see and i belong
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here is in this hotel sort of like business. where are you pool? i'm desperate to get signed. but if i do, when i find out about myself, the 23rd of july 1898. confident from the instructions to captain willy, from the foreign minister. your task is to show the unknown territory between the re venetia and lakeside, and find a way to connect our african possessions to the north on. so the list of tools, i respect the from chair. listen to great,
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we think that i cannot pretend to tell you how to explain but you must above or avoid angry. consider this mission of the, of the good side of whole trading company. they had a force of 2000. let me just go to a meeting and assign them to help me for these x rays. they of course
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they're going to want to see people for 54000 once. they can pull it up in easy to see it goes to the sun shows and even though we're good, we don't want to do that. come on sunday. i mean you see the capstone issue, right. it does do really addicts showing the list to the ted. so tom sit tube, i'm here to clement on 0. so no thoughts, dental facility that of you on the different costume, hold on one second to visit him under require them opened. so what, what the total of that off one chair, a lot nice focus around did you have just having group in some is for kidnaps and my success team goes down to get a box in the local language house, a vocal around means western education. so they didn't know how to think or they get maybe by the by said, it was not going to buy the latest from of the power items from is that one?
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in fact, from a village, this right on our road is approximately 100 meters outside of the village. enemy forces attack the team with small arms, fire directed at the rear of the convoy a team members to a smoke or need to conceal the team's movement. 12 us soldiers, a company 30 troops from the share on a routine meeting with village elders, lama young l. i told them you need a new deal with that visa, health and the prospect. the whole region. the cars are expensive and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions
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that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want myself to stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the more i see what's going on in his and i'm wondering if i'm relieved. i mean on this, on sorted out. yes. the soldiers on my
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age, if i'd been born, i could be more and then they tell me that because i'm english, i mean is what we want the name to mr cox.
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the one who seems to tell him from means of ever seeing here is very satisfactory. the hour drive that that nobody's doing is this is lucas holmes will protect the hope them inside the were coming in to judge you 200 miles down the road. the 1st place you faced, the serious resistance, the and the minister told you avoid angering the natives, but you wanted them to see what kind of mine here was
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the one that i'm worried the people may have forgotten what you did or his after a 100 years it means more to me then to them. i do sunset. i'm wondering my phone, the infinity accent, or i see that exempt or state when you, when i do back you can. so i think like, i mean i, you to say i see your the i've is looking for things that the difficulty see visual . she, i found the super low so my name is sam. can i come from england? and i've come really to find out more about the, the mission of lee and the history of colonialism in, in the region. what do you feel? the impact of that fateful day in 1899? i mean, there's some sort of business. what do you,
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how do you feel that kind of remains in your lives? is someone who wanted to go. i just want somebody to record it and i didn't even hear good each yet bedding and no, no continue with us. because according to the video, let's look at this as a minute ago when i was writing this way, he didn't know what somebody to go, the of the just jumping the gun. how do you, how to move this along with that it has to be for swap, even if you have it in the recent government, isn't it? what is some blind sion did? we know that they planned to put a few minutes develop us. could you see yourself and so they couldn't,
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some of the no data they put into parts. you made the dental a. i'm plus a, i'm plus you put a new deal to do. so they put the actual most likely c, b, c, producing left for us to get the blessing, i need to be company, ways of going on developing solution. i'm asked to look to see if the shows get us to grab it and look up some cool odyssey dot com. so i think a lot for us and i see that comes up, but i was unfortunate to should i be in it is best grades. it is 11, please continue and continue. passcodes would be good enough for us continuing, especially the course through but i want it to everybody off. what i let me ask you about are for uh, i know it was, i know pulling out of my social don't go. why did it do the way i should do this
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out on june to do well the one days you guys watching my phone be fine. she one of the most up to date method. uh, i do see do this, then we is on the list under 5. i think it's the 25th for me on the the this is old. the remains of the towns most cool. it's just as you left it to parading your troops across it's ruins . friday. to do that, pull. did you think you'll create a fire power made you morally superior to in fans? we are used to regarding blacks as mediocre in terms of weight and intelligence.
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they seem to as little as ready to accept the europeans as as to barriers that they have to, to, in quite the opposite. yeah. europe and prestige fantasies when the natives a thing themselves, some of the for i was told this was amazing. the specification that's just for light explanation and really to deceive a complete new kind of hard or easy to get and then not know how you're going to need to move in on the going to you to guide you to i went in the clinic, you and didn't know drunk like this um, what time she has done with the identity within your identity and she is a well, anybody here that i knew i am well had. i'm just because and then boom, with any and no cause to me i might have to have to know what the name i knew i wouldn't need to pull the car and i've been in with dining doesn't i hear about the class?
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that's what sort of feeling i got. she started seeing that she minded me. i could send it to you in the email and what else to do it that i'm really into know what is she mind the minute? no wonder if i wouldn't make up and she's been in the dining room because she's got to be there. we're going to use the she's about going to looking at a lot pretty lot. people are late and i'm going to have it going to the one you allow me to much the do and this is a new sure good job. who knows? you're not the one of the, not the been to the told me. no one had come before to ask about the history,
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the terrible diamond the i'm disgusted by what you do to people who look like me call. i'm disgusted to this almost forgotten any or the but i signed the cons. share my feelings with the others the at exactly the moment you would you sing? judging from ripple, joseph conrad was writing in hop darkness. what the code has been about you had grabbed what they could get the sync. what was to be got was just robbery with violence aggravated mode or on
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a great scale. conquest of the switch mostly means the taking it away from those. we have a different complex, you know, slightly flats and noses and ourselves. it's not a producing. when you look into it too much, the because you profit to supplement them because i need it because you, you could potentially put in the simplest if um, less than to say to replace the most of you could have missed the visa. most of you said there was nothing that is calls to let people in your and you want me to swap . this includes a pretty of, except me, you still cannot complete. this is just reveal it has to do with this. i don't want to talk to one of them. that's what i'm sending calibus to the worst case. just let me sick ya, me time,
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do my 2nd my guides tell me this wrong. the national highway photos, the exact route su, lays massacres, village after village. what kind of country is this, where the main road drives over so many parties, the simple matter of changing the time. i don't want to end up on the side of the road in one of those mound cos and the something about this puncture the seems.
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anything august the and that it was, it was a good. it could go to like a go to like a go to a lot all my little bit about this because she tells me how the rogue was built in french, colonial times. she worked on it when he was my age too, but some of my goodness the guy just had been because you will do is you go then configured oklahoma, google compliant the she tooth that they go to because i was calling to see if the leads in an image is concrete, original religion not to spirits. he said he's always resist includes include his
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like you pull. hello. i'm a lot much, i'm gonna tell him of the why is the screen witness? and i would like, does it remember the 1st european income to, to, you know, the, unless you're not gonna get the whole, you're going to total it. and that is a boy and you get to do a security and i'm headed into this one and i'm working my laptop and the only one in with the who may not come from cs. oh, go back on my phone. how can i mean? cuz that's cool. so say doesn't say don't show mine is in control to get done. jonesal. bob, what does the above, what's it been done with? i know it doesn't cause i'm going to, i can, i can look at you in for guy. yeah. and then i'm also only going to be able to do
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to go. so could you through the details. i'll get you set up on the 09. 0 not 10. go on by go. you go. it doesn't cause you the, the welcome to cross the full board. here we discuss the wheel in the fifty's tons of information for the tutoring is waging. java is a diff, as a claims loss code is wage in information war against his nation and comes amid and audio needs of high by humans to office funding to 8, even destroying the crime in bridge. as russia devolved, as you credit for the more money from his less than peyton's claiming them for 5 to
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fill gloves of cold was how house and innovative the driving the killing of more than a 100 people house is ready to from the close of the open fire klaus new in a convoy insightful garza, almost 800 of those. those are the laces head by the shape leading on dying feet enough. i long all. so come next. i will be back to the top of the out. but literally just the hello and welcome to prospect bullhorn. john peter labelle. here we just got some real news, or nato countries foolish enough to send troops, you crane, don't put it, passed them. also, should russian now considered germany to be an official enemy? to discuss these issues a more i'm joined by my guess george, send me well, in budapest, he's a pod cast or at the goggle which can be found on youtube and locals. and in marrow cash,
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we have martin j. d is an award winning journalist and commentator. i gentleman across stock rules and effect, that means you can jump any time you want that. i always appreciate it. all right, let's get off with george in budapest, george, you know you to all 3 of us and our viewers have covered the well checkered career of the french president and manual and the chrome. it's very difficult to discern what he actually means about anything, particularly when it comes to foreign policy. and the last few new cycles, he came out and essentially said, sending troops, meaning french troops. and this case is not out of the question into ukraine. of course is counterparts all through europe quickly disagreed with them, particularly the german chancellor. sergeant schultz, but we'll get to him later in the program here. what do you make of this because i'm could titling this program. a son could some file a see, cuz that's where we seem to be getting into. they've invested so much into this
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project. they're having a very difficult time seeing their way through or to, or maybe even out of it, your thoughts, george, the data. that's an excellent summary because i think that's what's really behind this that um, they chose the idea of pool long has been to continue to double down on what it has done before. it gets a bit hesitant. there's no plans for ending this uh are booked up, so the project. and so you know, they can, they move and we've seen this path now for over 2 years lately. let's say, well, let's send this list some time. so like, i well know it was and more advanced things were yeah. what about cluster munitions, personal not only of us that the competitor to escalate take. okay. well, it's 10 plus the munitions, you know, let's and depleted uranium shows, and they've been doing this for a long now. it's f sixteens, you know, low. yeah,
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we're going to be on the train them on the ups explains all the page. good miss are they are going to do that and below and it's like we would just doubling down and that, and there's never any plan to extricate themselves. so now they mean nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing has worked sofa. so right, well look, look this the, the next stage as well as introduce um, uh, forces. so right away. all right, let's do that. absolutely. i, i really just in the 1st think wow, yeah. what do we already mean? so you don't mind for those, you know, helping now middle medical, you know, just to do some supply logistical stuff, not the again, the case would be enough. advisors advises yeah, yeah, yeah. another things here is, but we know the way they they operate is that yeah, they gonna escalate to the next step. i'm calling fact blood at this hour when he said, hey, you remember at the time when we said we're not sending anything more than a 100 seats in the pillow case as well. and you know, hey, and we've, we've gotten a long way from that. so i think we have to take this very serious beverly because again, a very dangerous escalation mountain. georgia is absolutely right. i mean, on the face of it,
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it sounds absurd. but given the track record of the last 2 years, maybe even going back 10 years. let me think about it. this seems very possible. what's interesting that what george described is that the, the project is to, to we can russia, they just didn't fill in the spots on how to actually do that. because what they're doing, instead of what we're getting russia at the destroying ukraine and their reputations and their own domestic economies. martin. yeah. and the last point, the domestic economies, i think is key that that's really the, the suicide pill that no one seems to realize this happening slowly. but very ms. bennett, ms. nicholas effectively. i'm i think too much on the whole mat, from the box or in the last week or so when he made the statement, i think is quite extraordinary for a number of reasons. but it's, there's definitely been a, an internal debate within nato countries. and he is certainly fighting the majority of them off with this idea of nato troops. but is there a plan b, a plan?
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see, is there a compromise of that plan? is it, could it be most summary is, could it be phone faxes? could it be more troops, surreptitiously, where in various uniforms or onto various guises, and that's almost certainly a possibility which i think it must be. it must be being kicked around now because only its own ministry. experts agree, the ukraine's real problem from the ministry sites perspective is numbers of troops have been talking about rockets and tanks all day long, but really the fundamentals all, they haven't got the numbers on the battlefield, infantry wise. so for macro, the site is very interesting, but, and then also, i think mac chrome is very polemic. very media savvy guy. i mean, i think, to say those little comments and to bring 20 member states around the table, which you did very recently. i think that's all part of his big a plan to project himself as an independent a you need. so what she's trying to develop at the moment. you know,
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i'm learning this thing time and i think it and we'll hang on. hang on, hang on. i'm getting some b is having some success at the end that he's getting the attention of every body and he is getting his paper on the table, whether it will actually happen or not. you know, we, we, we, we don't know, but this idea of, you know, a new and a europe and they said pillar on him running it i think is gaining ground. the thing is getting momentum. george george, you jump in there. i mean, i'm being media savvy, a getting attention. that's not a policy. george really isn't the policy. um, but i think that's a he is probably getting the green light from the americans. because again, when, when we think about this as a weather balloon. yeah. it's a good hope it doesn't get shut down. yeah. literally. yeah. um,
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but that would be an easy. it's all just a matter of well, let's move on to the you know, this was a little bit of this idea before a few yards. i mean, is there's no, no one has ever really denied for some time with their own nature forces present in ukraine. i mean, we've known this one of the various leak slip that came out last year. and we, even though even from sergeant schultz has comment on earlier this week, which again, no one denied you, said that there are, you know, essentially the british and the french have forces left. so then if that is no one is really denying that winded by chrome, bring this forward as if this was some new ideas. well, obviously they want to do something additional. what i, i think what he's trying to do is to put in some serious forces, not with a view to fighting. i mean, i hear you're able to say it doesn't want to get involved in a, in a combat operations. but i think to shore up ukrainian morale and these are, hey, what we've got a full says, don't worry. uh, you know, we,
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we've got your back that we're here for you because i think that that's really what they're trying to do. they're trying to lately, trying to make sure ukraine doesn't collapse. and i think he, he said a thing later on in the week that, well, if we have a french full nature of forces that, that should act as a deterrent. it's a rush or that somehow get there. that's not clear. what do you mean? how that would act as a deter and why that? why if they're helping with the fighting why his roster would hesitate to kill them . but nevertheless, the thing will let the bits of the tear. and so it by saying is that the tyrant of this, again, is a way of boosting ukraine's moran. i think of the weight that you need to use the term ambiguity, but i mean, i think you've already hit upon it, george. i mean, it wouldn't be ambiguous to russia. ok. so again, this is a very quick and that is, i don't know if it's intentionally not well thought out. maybe that is the intention here. but, you know, martin, it seems to me this is also stage of panic. i mean,
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everything else they've tried has in work, so the more they panic, the more they escalate. i think that's a fair statement to martin. i was going to say that was exactly what i was going to say. it is another stage of panic. and um, you know, the, the idea that nicer can even be, can contemplative. now boots on the ground, a new crane is a level of desperation. i mean, well, we are entering a new phase now in the will where the west, as i think your knowledge that it is losing the war. i'm your friends, losing the wall and it needs to be a new strategy. now do you, do you strategize your gentle and gradual retreats and build a huge pale campaign around the make yourself look as though you're actually the when, when you are the loser. as we've seen in history many times, the west has done this, you know, fit. now is good, very good example, but um, you know, where, where is leading now i think, i think it's, it's, it's, we're, we're reaching a point now,
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where are the options become much more binary on the escalation level becomes much more intense and puts in the russia connell sustained this provocation for indefinitely. that has to be a breaking point. and i think that a lot of the troops that we know that are in ukraine all the probably for the wrong reasons. a lot of spooks. it's about training the infantry. they don't find to, in the case of british, i know from my and i do so this is a little of them of the, just to keep an eye on why on the kids. because so much of his kids being next and re sold. but you know, you know, it was the see i have direct, so just lost it flew in just to say, does that so landscape look, you know, i know, you know, it's ukraine. i know you, one of the most corrupt comes in the world and i know i taught understand the color shingles that but can you just not steal quite so much? yeah, i think some of the is going on with british. so yes. so does there actually that keep an eye on the equipment but some way to own it?
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so yeah, well, i think that's baked in here. um, you know, george. um, okay, so let, let's, let's t this up. um, nato. maybe on a bilateral bank. so, you know, the brand sheet of the polls, you know, bilaterally they go to ukraine, that's the fig leaf. you know, that's not nato. it is a friendly country. okay. so what happens if they become engaged, maybe not willingly, but in, in, in um, hostilities and they get killed. so what does nato are individual countries? what's their next escalation? because of the way it's set up is that they wouldn't dare to do it. well, they will do it. so then what do you do when you have in these nato countries brought them so involved themselves directly into hostilities and there are casualties. what's the going to be the reaction i think is it's an excellent question. i think even though i, it is hard to know what the answer to that is that because it really is just and just as you saying that the assumption is, well,
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russia wouldn't that. and these bull is that the way they do is continued the step by step escalation. it has been on only the basis of thinking that russia is afraid of taking on later. the roughly just will not take us on rushes knows we have much stronger than they are. they did they, they gonna keep away from getting it in, gauged in the flight thing is they do. but what do you think? don't what, what does it do then? um and then, and they just simply had no answer to that because the alternative would be, well they, are they gonna have to stop the, you know, shoot or fighting the russians themselves. the problem with that is that of course, there was absolutely no public support for it. i mean that that's a problem and they, they, in the beginning, step by step of getting involved in a war without actually securing any kind of what we, real quick before we go to the right martin. i mean, edwards wed, say france wants to send troops. do you think french troops would actually go? it does, it does
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a bit is not just the way they would go when they would fight. so i mean, i was in brussels in 2000 and there was a skirmish on the charge border and the french troops was sent. there was a long brands and it was hilarious. it was a joke. the moment the local rebels, the find, live rounds of the may scar, put and complained to the you with the answers. why point gentlemen? i have to jump in here. i have to jump in and we have to go to a break. and after that break, we'll continue our discussion on some real new stake with our team the
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same wrong. i just don't have to shape out the application and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look so common ground the the the welcome back to across like boulevard design, peter lavelle to remind you were discussing some real news okay, george, that's it. switch them gears like i, i mentioned sergeant schultz just briefly in the 1st part of the program. obviously in the context of disagreeing publicly with president macro and about sending nato troops to ukraine. but a lot more is going on in the it with the germany than just says, reaction to mccallum. it's been released by r t. the, the editor in chief agreed to someone young age of a transcript and later a recording of, um, well, what are 2 t it up for?
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is george because it's very interesting considering we're not involved in the war, but george. yeah. so, so what was release was an audio and a transcript all a conversation among basically german top brass drum and chiefs of the local alpha and discussing the transfer all of the tours, mr. house to ukraine. now sergeant shoals has ruled out of sending the tours. mr. i was on the, the reason he gave was what we discussed in the, the 1st opposite. well, that would mean sending the german soldiers to ukraine, helping the ukrainians target the targets and russia. we didn't. but as of the british of french steering and we germans and i'm going to go down that path. so now these uh, these, this i can talk to job and to abrazzo is talking about that and talking about
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targeting you particularly talk about the targeting of the crime in bridge. and then they, it was adult about the targeting is, where is the ammo depos. now, it is not clear exactly from the conversation whether this is they are planning this and they just going to ignore sergeant schultz altogether, or whether schultz has actually already passively signed onto the scene of the country to what he said. he may say in public. but it's a very serious business because they off talking about targeting the crimean bridge and they're talking about helping the ukrainians because it is a quite a sophisticated operation using these stories myself. and um and talking about plausible deniability. well, how do we make sure that we, we are involved, but as far as the world is concerned, we're not able to, we're not about the to the company and then of goals. we go back to something we've talked about before. there it was in the 2 plus 4 agreement. signed is september. the 12th 1990 henceforth,
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only piece with emanated from german soil. and it really is become quite disgusting and quite outrages that we are putting up with this. the german, these flagrantly violating the commitments in paid and 1990 the only the condition for the well signing off or german reunification is that you've never, never again, will it be involved in waging works good. he's been doing this in ukraine and again, you know, in nature when no one really brings us up. but you know, all the other countries really should this with this, this cannot go on that kind of the, well, you know, george, i was just thinking maybe angelina, a bad about the form is suicide, doesn't apply to me because i wasn't born then. okay. i mean, you know, i don't know what her rationale is here, but you know, i'm a martin. i mean, you know, again, this is really huge credibility gap. and i think of sergeant schultz, germany has no idea of who blew up the north stream pipeline. and, and of course, we're not directly involved in the war and you can create, i mean, what you believe from these people. i don't believe anything. they have to say,
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okay whatsoever. and also this is an intentional lead coming. this didn't come out of nowhere are so, i mean, the russians are, are saying, you know, high in my opinion, at least as we, we know exactly what you're doing and we can tell to read, okay, but i know that you can speak and say, do not speak straight or not, i mean, this is almost kind of be a reality to go ahead man. yeah, you said you said it was an intentional leak. i. i know i'm not so sure about we will have to wait and see where the bluff is being played. or whether this is genuine, what the germans haven't denied the authenticity so far. yeah. yeah. but does this, the timing of it, and how does it get leaked out? um, you know, it's, it's no secret. if you have an intelligence, there's a bit of a joke. it always, always has been. i mean there are reports in the 2nd level of i'm pretty spies in london. just literally going into pups. interesting german double agents because the exercise strong in a german intelligence has always been a joke. and same as media. i'm a say and the so i think this is
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a massive intelligence failure on many levels. but 3 things strikes me about this story is a remarkable story. i'm, you know, 1st of all, how stupid the drums of the think that, you know, the pitiful challenges attempts to distance himself from the war. can full russia, you know, this idea of sending their own agents to, to speak loudly with the american accents in public. you know, what the whole get seemed getting the trains to formally ask them to send the real kids as though that were full russians. you know, we got a memo from the opinions unit. so that's one thing that i find really hit or is most of the gemini believes up an isolated attack on russia. just one, a one show attack on the bridge will be such a deal breaker in yourself that will make, but it will be attending points in the will. that's what i got from the transcripts . you know. and i think certainly the interesting thing from a journalist point of view is how wisdom media haven't touched the subject. they haven't got anywhere near it with the exception of the news week,
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which is aligned with the call on group and unintelligent services in america. but say these 3 things that strikes me as quite old, but uh, you know, i think um, germany has come so far from the days of we're only gonna send them home is to now, you know, we need to talk about how we're going to strike. and how we're going to throughout the bridge and the and really interesting, which also came through for me was how they didn't have any confidence in the trans themselves to do this job. so they would have to get involved that have to send that people that well, i mean, it's interesting, you know, george and me get up at the curts bridge, cramming and bridge. however you want to call it. it is important. it's really quite impressive to but how in the world could it be a game changer? okay, actually, i mean, it just seems to me, you know, this is this, you know, it's, it's a, a visual that will give gratification to many in the lead class, but that it's not a deal breaker. okay. george, this other deal breaker, but it's the, the,
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the thinking behind is the same thinking that prevails in they. so in the same thinking that we're continually being expressed by nato secretary general, again, show them by which is, well we do this and then we do that and then, and then we do the search thing. and then bolton will magically comfortable negotiating table so. so how will you know it was some something will reach a critical mass, and rockville will come to the go changing table. so i, that's the, that's the pro ration now. the thing is of the concept, get also this, uh, the, the strain i mean here is i'm sergeant schultz going around in public saying, no, no, no we, you know, we, we can send the doors missile because this, this is somehow, we know a red line for us because of the week of december, the germans are going to be involved in targeting the targets in russia. that, that's, that's what i'm think about. and here are these german senior officers discussing just about a country to the public claims. so it's the gain, is this go the continuing escalation because they don't know any to the what,
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what that will say can do that, and that's what it was somehow magically built in. what acts as the one responsible doesn't we contact responsive really in a way where if you with don't later response, which is like little children playing with the guns and mess up but built in will act response. it was oh yeah, right guys will work. let's, let's all get around the negotiating. they've come to a solution, but that's, and that's it then that, that, that's the, that's the rationale. and it's obviously crazy and escalation benlaw's those as well. yeah, but we have plausible deniability, so that's okay. they do, you know, we're not doing any. yeah, but that's not going to have much impact on rushes reaction to whatever they do. i did that, it's, it's, it's just for the domestic and in group consumption, i learned, it seems to me that to this panic, and this desperation is that essentially what nato and washington specifically is embracing. and they have one a heart and the heart getting back to some words that victoria knew and said recently, surprises for mr. poodle,
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meaning their don't going to rely upon basically terrorism. that's what they want to do to. yeah, it's delusional. thinking at best, and i go back to my own the point about really bad intelligence. i mean, how poor can your intelligence be? how, how bad is of to be when you don't do any contingency investigation, a tool into what russia would do? what is the crime in a bridge might have been hit, there's nothing in that. you know there's, there's just assumption. but between these air force and go senior officials that to rush, it would just be a sitting duck. couldn't have to take it, you know? and there is that um there was so some of these guys are talking about not enough. you'd need some like 20 tours. missiles really do some serious damage the bridge. and how would we do that? how would we, when we already penny pinching. i'm being stingy about sending them 2020 towards me . so i was one of the guys said, you know what, we can send a 20 or 30 bucks from the brits also some, some as well. shouldn't be that. so i'm next. you know, this is how far we've dealt with the war. it's penny pinching now is becoming
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ridiculous. you know? because when you fold it in the light did but hang on, hang on. but then this idea, you know, it says if you want a real joke is that we send a friends raphael flights objects to do the job for us. so what do they think the russians are going to do with his friends just buzzing around the wall? shit. like, you know, he's like, like you watch them, you know, ducks fly entrusted w golden, you know. cool. so going to shoot it down, and then you have a massive, massive level of escalation. you have a huge problem from the west to in the one of our guys it's been taken out on that possibly could be a level as that goes back down cuz they wouldn't dare do it. i just, i don't know where that's coming from. george. i said in my introduction, is germany now and official enemy of russia. i mean, it seems to be, this is, you know, and i asked them to because i know you're a historian and it seems to me that there is a missing history here. this is not
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a good idea, i mean, seriously speaking, ok of all countries to want to avoid being an enemy of russia. it should be germany . exactly as and again, it goes back to what i, what i was saying is that the only reason germany was permitted to re unify was the soviet union go by people running foolishly night. we signed off on something that he didn't have to do. it absolutely didn't have to that, that doesn't matter what the british people want, the americans wonder, the french whether the soviet union was the key blade or, and all of this and soviet union signed off on it. but it germany then have to make that pledge and of course i won't go full 00. ok. and then the, the hands will piece will in the end when they were doing so, but that's it. but it's very, it's clear out in, i mean it was clear, you know, fairly on the, on the, in the, the, in that off of the reunification of the drum and he wasn't going to abide by these commitments. and now essentially, drum to me is it, i'm back, you know, waging oh, of effectively
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a war against russia. the rhetoric that's coming out of germany today from the german ball edition from left to right. you know, all the other than you know, the was or alternative with deutsch, send them this new left blodgett. but within, within the bonus tag, it's below the hostility. then hawkins back to a kind of the, the pre will era. and, and so have a judge, judy will end on this, but this, it's been, this has been made permissible because of washington. yeah, they exactly is, everything has been blessed well and the brothers and the happy all over the country. they continually berating the drums for being to be sufficiently, the sellers in pursuing this war against roughly about the british, i think what, what, what, what's wrong with the gentleman 0 and, but again, yeah, you go, you know, step up all your finger out and then, and get get with the program against russia. so it's a, it's, i think it's a dentist and i liked the video. he sends out the tweets saying, you know, symmetric process. the depth of the process, you know, is a type of the old will, will to slogans or yeah, that's a good, that's, that is
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a very dangerous situation. so what we've learned gentleman from this problem program when in doubt and when in panic as right. that's what the rule is here. very dangerous ground that we're watching unfold in front of us as all the time we have. i want to thank my guessing. in budapest ending verification, of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time, remember across the rules, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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more expensive, and i'm here to plan with you, whatever you do, do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change. the wayne state. april falls, 1899 tabby. although i skipped in valley, this entire area is that of spice. take all families get cheese,
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santa fido said as a scouts from east to for east tennessee. when you get chance to review these 2 corporate tags, you can fill out any of those higher to the source of the state, the, the weight, the window, and go with it. i'm going to attend the quick. oh, well, she'll get to us. welcome with the blog i was told over time you get into what we need and if we take your time, thank you. good, good. so where did you put the uncle waiting? the jimmy, i want to have come to know. we didn't go know what do you know? not do a 100. that means that you just,
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you done me doable. i to go to city wide. i don't want to go with you about it. go through to with, with their go with the one with one would up they tie us with like i also with them with the, when the being the guy she read about the football. but i have a quote without the
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because i get you on the numbers. okay, now what do you have and then the others when you pull the summer cushion within the hour? no. okay. uh why not come uh when, when say the and the bomb i'm like this in the up the, this is, i'm the only disease it cannot be. so go to nothing. 12 can do a prostate by cutting a picture of that. a little boy with what thing cutty, they say see a group onto the zoning lift in 1200. their zone is i'm going to underneath
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a put on your phone. stapleton consist of getting close to 4 pump in it, and that's a kid of 12. and this is a school bus. you know, the dish was what the city of thoughts for swipe left home to me. it's in the pool . yeah. and it is a show the most direct route to make sense is going through the british to find more that, that he's been expressly ordered to avoid it. yeah, the whole time it means crossing hundreds of miles of business the uh you know, the month of the season, the cost a month is that it is really good. so our captain usually so the sizes became a attends anxious. so 10 how to proceed. he stayed inside is 10 for 3 weeks doing
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nothing. finally, he decided to break off communication with paris. i seemed to see touch for the 1st time. it was a distinct glimpse and no white man turning his back suddenly on the headquarters. on the thoughts of the independent, the supplements me, my sex, let's get to that task. i see a press i for the see some of the to the, to day i cross my route because we enter for the didn't briefly so and,
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and open the route to the east. this be of conquest, but directv we missed employed the prestige of tierra with us. and what was the, what kind of the the do you want to do?
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what i do need me to do with so obsessed with explain you repeat them for speech pull you didn't carry become the prestige of tara this local archives tries to present as old remains. so if you'll harness the, there's not much to see a few seconds change. and then on given this, the, this is the 4797 year old woman speaking in the 19 seventy's you kidnapped at home and house captive stream. or the the uh the,
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the the the okay. all right, uh, by the by the, i don't know the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the the, the, the, the problem the problem uh, the service. mm hm.
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the the the, the, the ups our. ringback the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the, i feel completely overwhelmed. she called us some of your, but i am a sort of your, a, to a beneficiary of empire. so should i feel responsible for you even if it was over a 100 years ago, the classical little cut off at the end and the zip code on one with on the new york, we don't walk around that be okay. if we see it in honest with you. yeah. no. typically find that any 15 the move on you got any teeth clean that anything that the used to both of them defending myself in the any of us to name and level, do you have any see what did you do? what i need to and did a way to what these aren't, the only thing must have to be the deal as soon as, oh me, you didn't,
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you didn't need any help. you may see many more going to so if you want to say is you to attempt to get you on and i want you to have them going to total case. i want to have the book so well, me what you're come with and go 1st convey there's a tool in the mail for to see to reduce the code to work on digital data. loaders. easy left, then i'll go and seek is only the 2 to us. it won't be. so you won't be using the store because you quit me chevy 5 to see detailed, middle of 5th decision, not sutkowski on move on to deluxe to from some push into to move onto office. just if i just get to blocked off on, i'd appreciate it. well, see, to come see, so have to push back. do you see about this call? not by law, ma'am. fossil that's in. that's good to what the into the animal. me only some possibilities. ash. only some positive for these ash we're not increasing so you can see
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a set this on bar to come see see the shows gets gwinnette asia to come to see the shows on the diesel piece of product going on. i didn't presume 50 lives in the parking lot. so yeah, i'm see the sort of the good news. you see what i found? so from break into matthew, jacob, i was just gonna see because i didn't, you don't, you know, the name with whom am i the safest. i'm not that my pull as well. i grew up in the u. k, but i'm, i'm so that's my 4th and then to meet these people. it's almost like a revelation in a way and the end of expressing myself in terms of expressing what i feel. maybe i close myself off. so maybe that comes across as coldness as though i'm just going
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through the faces, but that's no problem. yeah. and then i guess i'll try and show what i feel for you on this bill to see a note in one place. you live in the system because you want us to build a kid. then that is because you all might have simple controls the of the way, the discovery of the new world. at the end of the 15 center there appeared atlantics,
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slave grey. the slave traders from european countries started building for its on the western coast of the african continent to transport the african inhabitants to america, to be forced into hard labor. until the middle of the 17th century. portugal had laid the main role in this atrocious business. then great britain, france and the netherlands took the leadership for this fan of 400 years of legal and illegal slave trade. about 17000000 people were forcefully shipped across the atlantic. not including those who died on the way due to unbearable living conditions. modern historians estimate that for each slave ship to america,
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there were 5 who died while captured during transportation, and cruel obliteration of rebellion. this roof was the full tre practice by the leading european countries. took away tens of millions of african lines. the organization of united nations class advised the trans atlantics slave trade as one of the greatest human rights abuses in the history of humanity. sees, is the biggest act of deep orientation of people ever seen by mankind. the immunizations if i want to touch this history, as i say, i do, i've got to open my eyes to the here, and now she's taking me to me. some work mates of her father's. these men worked for the french state mining company, excavating uranium for 30 years before they had to retire is to collect as a dentist to me. and i thought about this, and i've seen him when i should say me to me,
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the pay me down less when it indicated to us initial injury. i on my i give them my england pleasure to know what i know. so saying easy talk. a lot of really pretty new. now, if you type of thing now, when you look at it, so might sound cation science and social studies into corporate. so the, tonight, the munitions, danish queen, the initial love to ship, to look at just talking to me, look,
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see kind of the most one disappearing 40 is that the cd? meaning things here. i live in new york is one difficult or easy depth essentially what you're telling me. okay. she's the woman. i mean, it tells me the until 2014 this year i was forced to supply friends with uranium tax free. how did they think they got a waynesville? what made them believe new jersey in line for so expend some old one the one on the mode. because it looks
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like there seems to care some of the modem. okay. did she create the underground much? cuz it's sort of a little cubby to increase the company to reduce this year. i mean, can you hear me? yeah, i mean, can you hear me? i'm pretty do for this. i'll talk with you because it, i'm going to find the no wonder this looks present. your legacy polls are late as plays in this land,
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the goose organs about in these it's the compulsory subject to the alarm on your total is imperialistic that you literally pronounce any langley because he did it is of what he can. and of course he did, it is a pretty chemical incentive. pretty meet the fun by making the go to they'd be lenny, so if someone let me show and i said that she slightly so i put a bit of fumbling. lenny so unfit. a few ladies to get in her skilful ladies whom ladies gentlemen, identify with weight as good luck said yeah, that's good enough for those but the better stuff get i knew so little one was it
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when you get a lot but i was a lot but i was like maybe but the but us good food stamp, lima, mendocino, what i was the, what the status of my team. and they bought a lot better and these, you mean, i know it can go the, from a sense onto the west side to do, but its own safety. she does own phone, wanted the exec data. let me see though, for those let the lot that the material and the feedback the that said at the end, these events i sent it to gab is on to you pretty just a 2nd for so did up with the the ssl is on to cuz she saw me something in month. good news. i sent that on it. did you lose your policy? del committees annual, into somebody's annual? i saw you on the part. yeah. and if you have an excuse, you can say say limit you duty of appeal and to come to a concept most indeed can
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only get so sad to say do, lee should do you wish to lane for us is name to value. see if it keeps, it keeps so such as feed from the can see cross and we see on the left with less or, and the frontier of the 70 is a the level of scalars and system on the yes it is. it one does include the info to save a little piece of 3 in one c for the title, montana. yeah, mazda and hayley, my, you know, on the jeep. if i wanna ask,
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is it for them to to 5. truly, you are listed in julia on the bus that's a a cli can on not want to she, i don't want she notes down cause what kind of news news i can much. okay. because i've got a name commercial ration who i paid the money. i'm paid to my dish or instead it needs to that is on my patients you bought that you come up as an incentive to witness somebody and then measuring those some of the conductor newsom security on
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sundays and not all the savings key on and off are these are some busy arrange, a lady, so come to us instead of so why should be moved by the wisdom of these children? i wish i said the face in the power of conscience in the spring of 18. 99, call me. i tried to fix the conscience of us. he just published the final thoughts his honda stockings. but you polls when finished? yes. the nbc excellent. the phones as a building that house has funds is colonial records. and in the depths of its archives is a room containing papers, the state secrets of generations to the very moment conrad revealed cuts his separately and hopkins would go back a few days,
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actions. one of his subordinates was so a portable he witnessed that he wrote to the o 4 it is kept in full. i chose 20 mothers with their breast feeding incense. they were taken into a line of rocks, 200 meters from our camp. they were a mess, i could get you to see with nice and by the next by auxiliaries. the captain had decided to make an example to show the others. how will so be practiced for a minute? the suspect to do like, was not killing for the sake of killing fear to scan was still really wasting time might let the partition reach late to test and prevent friends from uniting african colonies. so an officer was sent to stop his orders with the arrest for late and take control of his mission. this officer was
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a colonel cold club club to the foreign minister, events of june, 1899. i confess i find it hard to believe a french office uh could have ever ordered the hara that is, that alleged i will try to find fully. but whether i can is far from sutton. i don't know where he is. i know where you were. you to switch to town named connie, you said completed the says 36. you please call me if any guns
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from those of google do secure on print to that i was wondering please the and some of the surely you remember the name connie pole? this was the scene of your biggest domestic degree or so what is the present stilton opinion coordinate is the great grandson, his face to name his grandfather who was there was a child told him the story about how much you're going to say to onto a non cabinet $2.00, which i do in the come up when said to get new bus,
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nobody i, when did you want to do? i know who to and i could get up to 6, wednesday, wednesday or 2, which i see the inside cuz the whole so late, i've confused a month and so i'm gonna show it to you end up as well. so if you don't with guys, you guys think of, you know, like i have a, the big, oh my god does have to listen to me knowing that when the kindly low and it's a tv to watch, you know,
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but that is why it's g e o o, on the walls, weights and the opponent rates are huge and silent. we filed 12 sizes of cannon era these twice the default of civilized color. the people see like because flayed from
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a t. m a p a to take as thought cards of supernatural beam to which i know windows. okay. i see the cc me imagine vicky will think of what what would i be on? could someone of the 2 men sat g y, d the by surely we deal noise points of view the view along the the new issue of vehicle currently in
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the motion store slid or the for the money isn't done less seriously and which is see the steel of the
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the same rom just don't have to shape house the kind of get an engagement because the trails when so many find themselves boils, the parts we choose to look so common ground the the fifty's tons of information both the put in is waging cavities in defiance of us. ok, the last go is waiting to the information organizes nation comes. i made an order


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