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tv   News  RT  March 4, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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to hello and welcome to cross the full doors here. we discussed some real in the 70s preparing for war with russia planes. one mo, most goes to the top security officials. it follows a leak or from the name of the secret military. that has the german defense minister breaks his silence on the brewing scandal, which is positive and information for the tutoring is waging. there is no doubt at all. it is a hybrid attack of this information. often ukrainian poses a post that at this huge extent you about the scope by russian troops. sauce correspondence speaks to local super towns that will deal the green and forces considered all those for state here except frontier. they took all of the
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anger on people with graphs motors ever since they could. and when they were looking for small children from those who had them, unit f, $150.00 in children, is now died from malnutrition in garza. and many move could be a risk that says to monetary needs supplies are held up for to the crossings. pins in paris save the situation is but we appealed to the good people to help us with fuel electricity and oxygen, especially as my girl depends on oxygen to survive. and i might loose or if it is cut off the face of the international life. last video as a most ago, it's monday, march 4th. so much to bring you a on the news, our over the next 30 minutes. that's what we get. a saw the with berlin
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preparing for will was most go. that's the claim of russia's deputy chapman of the security council. this comes after leaks conversation expos, germany's plans to get the the involve in the ukraine conflict. no one knows of the political leadership and deliberate was chancellor personally are aware of it. but even if they are not and did not instruct anything like that, history knows many examples of when the military make decisions for civilian superiors about the outbreak of horse or stimulate them. they will come to shoulds and say, hikes counsellor, i me. so what shut down in the ukraine, according to its type and trajectory it was flying towards berlin. what then will sholtes answer? it's as clear as day. so attempts to present the conversation of the boon disappear officers as a game of rockets and tanks are militia slice. germany is preparing for war with russia. the conversation which the phone, the russian president was referring to,
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that was made public on the 1st of march biology editor in chief, migrate to simon young. and it soon senior jim and air force defense stalls, a tweaking about plans to help keep potentially destroy the crime in bridge, the german defense minister late to confirm that the tape was authentic. the full late recording is 38 minutes long, but here awesome t x strikes and also so i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge and the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do it. the emulation depos can also be hit. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us top of the conflict. might i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland and all so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do
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that on monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. of if you want to watch the full version of the bottom folding show of recording, you kind of course visits on website all to you don't come on an online, we've got you covered and i have to say it's well with the machine. meanwhile, the crime scene has reacted to the leak tape questioning whether the german armed forces all under the control of chancellor schultz. the tool must go also stress. the conversation effectively reveals the direct involvement of the west in the war . following the revelations, the german, i'm back to the, to most of the was someone to give an explanation of 5 the bridge attack plan. although the own boy remain tight, let to increase by doing this,
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i see that the meeting was the russian foreign ministry. on sunday, the german defense minister finally pro, cuz his silence over the leak branding at the high board attack of this information by russia. that's despite german officials and the media confirming recordings authenticity. the full effect of the incident is clearly more than just the interception and publication of an air force conversation, which is positive and information for that put in is waging. there is no doubt and that's all it is a hybrid attack of this information. it's about division. i don't mean the full load from the leak and buildings continues to food for t. as many people in germany, i've taken to the street on how to jump from an process. demonstrate is we're seeing towering fine is reading the one waving martial slides and say to mon didn't
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end on. suffice to fight on a peaceful resolution to the conflict. we heard from some of those see a little precedent issue, a new it's a gated from waste toll money on arms deliveries in the billions and on people who are just they need money and health care or even in schools and categories. so they say we have to save money, it is a we've done has the money. and that can be the case old is this has lots of other chief moment. anything that can go wrong is going wrong at the moment, especially the energy issue with the nuclear power plant, which is the main tabio, and then of course, the so called ukraine quantity and the keys in america. further in case switch a cd you politicians said that the ball must be brought to russia. it's such a known since we need peace negotiations. we need a peace told spikes on a small scale. and understandably, on a large scale, people always say that food and doesn't want to talk festival, that's not true. well, recent polls showed that
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a slight majority of germans quiz favor an end to the war through negotiated peace over a prolongation of the conflict. meanwhile, activists from the german free sacks in the policy have find the lucy's against the middle. if you still feel a cotton that leaks conversation, it accuses him of trying to carry out an act of a question. according to section 13 paragraph to sentence one of the german criminal code for international crimes, anyone who was planning, preparing or initiating a war of aggression or any other acts of aggression within the meaning of paragraph one is liable to prosecution. germany is not at belligerent in the conflict between the russian ukraine, at least according to the german government, and attacking the crime in bridge carried out with german participation. even if the cruise missiles were fired by ukrainian soldiers. but the vendors for played a major role in the preparations represents the start of a war of aggression against russia, and possibly the pre lead to
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a 3rd world war. well, as the ball michelle revolutions spread around the world, the german cabinet has been scrambling for way to dow stone, the flames. archie contributor rachel marston, has her take on the unsettling scandal. so it's real. the german government tells the western press the half hour long tape of germany's air force chief, plodding with fellow military bras to deliver long range torres missiles to ukraine and blow up the crime in bridge in a way that gives chancellor off schultz plausible deniability is indeed authentic, they got caught wanting to launch themselves down the slippery slope towards direct war with russia, but ended up hitting a snag ripping their pants and now their butts are hanging out for the entire world . the sea and the opposition. christian democrats are not keen on tossing. everyone involves a bathrobe for modesty. the reports
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a strange in 2 respects. on the one hand, security related conversations are obviously being overheard by the russians. on the other hand, the chancellor may justify his rejection of taurus deliveries with a misrepresentation. the federal chancellor must explain himself to the bonus tag. in this situation, the committee of inquiry cannot be excluded so much for all that plausible deniability that was being built up in the boonies died recently with all that theatre. where shaw says government voted down and opposition resolution to specifically give ukraine tours missiles only to then introduce their own motion instead that more vaguely specified long range weapons. without explicitly mentioning the key word, defense minister boris his story as didn't even know what was in that motion. he said, because well, he didn't write, it may be, it includes torres is or maybe it doesn't. who knows? not the german defense minister in any case,
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not that anyone with stopping schultz or pin stories or their government from explicitly outlined the transfer to ukraine of german missiles of exceptional 500 kilometer range, capable of doing what it's french or british calendar parts couldn't. that is straight deep inside russian territory. apparently, they just couldn't be bothered explicitly writing it in. and now german politicians are spelling out why perhaps they showed us to the top towns of legion boned to sweat offices with the german crews. me solves taurus and russian territory on the compatible with basic laws, no with international law. these madness must be stopped immediately from despair. generals are said to have made an assessment that the crime in bridge could be attacked with the german taurus, missiles. the symbolic acts would drag germany deep into the war notes of torres delivery, the week effectively underscore as an unexplained discrepancy between army brass
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and what they're saying. on one hand, i'm what schultz has been saying publicly about not wanting in our school asian with russia over ukraine on the other. now the chancellor is demanding answers, is just not very clear what exactly he's demanding answers to sort of as to what is being reported. there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated. very careful and very intensive and very we know what that is also necessary. what's the more upset about the fact that his own military was parting against? what he claims are as explicit wishes not to deploy terraces and even more explicitly contemplating a terrorist act against russia or the fact that everyone now knows about it. the bonus dog, special commissioner to the military, eva whole goal from schultz, his very own social democrat party sunset. the week itself is the real outrage and that it's the guys in charge of keeping military communications secure that need comprehensive training,
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not the high ranking german officers whose bit balling about blowing stuff up risk getting germany into yet another world war. the events of the last few days, once again, 2 houses, lot of them are poor doing is trying to have a mess of a negative influence. are now open society, especially in germany, through these information, the stabilization and spin us. yeah. maybe after they finish looking into how put in for part of the we blew up his own gas supply right in germany. then they can tackle the big mystery of how it puts in, hijacked, the mines of german military officers for a plot to blow up his own bridge. the well, on the front lines of the war itself, the russian army is continuing to advance, gaining fund strongholds and a number of directions. and as the troops move further west from the recently captured, sent to you about the africa, locals who remained the now saying that they hope for a more peaceful future. all tease women,
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caserta reports as we have arrived in the city of dave, kind of far away from domestic. our mission state is that to find civilians who have been hiding from ukraine military in basements can have this down blue cross. i'm showing this area in a. candles matches, so water, some canned foods, as well as the city right now is in dire condition. there's no electricity there. it's no more structural loss. i thought it was tough and we ran away and tried to hide shells were falling and we didn't know where to hide. just to let you do these most to see lives and need to have a showing you. we've been down to the basement. otherwise we stayed in our rooms possible. we tried to repair something. okay. water. there was not a gas, no water. well those who didn't have gas slate breaks on the street and cooked on the fire. we were afraid because the green and forces cedar told those who stayed
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here separatists ever since the duration of the town of dave called the russian armed forces had been instrumental in helping out the locals. cole, with all the disasters that have been happening here. the older house is this house, for example. he's asked the minute 30 to help him rebuild the roof. oh, it's a curve where you're glad that the russian troops are here. we feel relief now. the silence is unusual. we are out of the habit of such silence. we are already used to shells and the walls shaking with window fragments flying out of the tides should be what i was just to ensure that there was a brutal bombard most in all directions. and from all points, mostly would grab one of the keys troops where purposefully burning the city here and there were killing people. i never saw this complex, which should the city of the 6, the been bothering us from all sides. and you have a kind of emptiness in my soul because of all the stress, worry and anxiety. i can't say anything. we waited until the russian troops came
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wrong. they treated everyone well. i never expected that the ukrainian forces could do this to people. i spoke to a number of civilians here have dave and nearly every single one of them has told me that the ukrainian ministry has used civilians here as human shields. and as they were retreating for chrome of days, they were wiring as anything that moves and anything that doesn't move to right now, we are in a church that was damaged before you create an armed forces. don't have to be lost here. the 1st way for them the age of march and told me that the gun was destroyed, the 2nd shot and was on the 14th of march. the whole thing was still intact,
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but the roof was torn and be here before the queen, on the 4th this retreated, everything was blown through p. you can see everything has been destroyed too, and we've learned to live somehow as we hid. and we went to help each other. here we were shelled, everything exploded. it was hard, of course, no light, no water, but we made do what you did. it was very hard for us. we hear that they're shooting now, but we still realize that they're not shooting that to us. there's still a lot of destruction for the last full days before the russian troops and dave guns, you can in forces destroyed avarice. cindy could, when you crane had some problems on the problems and the pressure during now do they took all of the anger on people with grab small toes everything they could when they were looking for small children. they from those who had them according to multiple testimonies that i've heard from local residents here in of the
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ukrainian ministry employed scorched earth tactics as they were retreating from this small town nearby to the next course of both of the city looks just like this at the moment as the most of the local civilians had to evacuate. however, how the people here have days cuz they live in private houses, have decided to stay the whole thing. the peaceful times will come very soon. remark offer of archie the next republic for russian soldiers have signed us president joe biden for supplying our brims tanks to crane and encouraged him to sunday with more that. so if they manage to destroy an app rooms, which is one of the most viewed tanks in the world, it fits this for the 1st ever time. and you can read more about math on all websites. all teeth don't call less 10 to southern goals and now we're at least 7 people have been killed,
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including women and children. often alleged is really strongly kicked a residential building on sunday night. that's according to the west. the news agency, the several were injured and the others were main missing locals, helping emergency services to dig through the rep. let's see that to just toying for anyone who was trapped the need at least 3 people, including the charles with, thankfully, rescued from the wreckage. meanwhile, in central garza, at least 12 killed, including 5 women and 2 children in the parent is where a new cycle in the new throughout the rest of the camp, the dead and injured with taking the out. so 1st, because that's one of the very few remaining medical facilities that is still able to operate in the bathroom regions of annoying people with chills, with homeless others wounded off to the idea was accused of striking in
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a truck in the out. the law is that's again, according to the west, the news agency, and with humanitarian aid supplies being held up by the idea that border crossings . unicef says 15 children have now died from mountain nutrition. in one of the hospitals. in goal is a city and it's moving, but the numbers could be even the highest of the hospitals as well. so it's age 12 and the newest of garza shows babies receiving treatments in india, pages, and in hospital beds, a medical facilities in the palace. and in old place have been suffering as we've been reporting now for many months from an acute shortage of medicine and fuel. but also that facing quotes and showing parents and medical personnel unsafe the situation. is dawn. she has severe infections in her lungs and
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it's difficult for her to breathe. there is a shortage of everything including food, milk, and diapers. and there is no medicine or electricity. as you can see. we appealed to the good people to help us with fuel electricity and oxygen, especially as my girl depends on oxygen to survive. and i might lose her if it is cut off. the name was and my son has been an intensive calf of 5 days, suffering from malnutrition. before he was born and off the he came to this life due to the fact that the mother had nothing to eat, to feed the fetus and how we moved during breast feeding. and the electricity in the hospital is often cut off. as you can see, there are no communications. there is no life. i can't tell what will be the sight of my son. may god be kind to me and my son. we are the only department that provides this service in northern goes there and goes to city, which means that we're covering about $700000.00 people. born in garza garza city in the old and garza recently we receive children suffering from severe dehydration
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and malnutrition. and yesterday, in particular, we witnessed about 13 that's due to mount nutrition. besides, we receive children age between $2.00 and $3.00 suffering from chest infections due to the contaminated environment and shelters, which affects the health of children. pregnant women and breast feeding women within the limit, the daily struggle for life saves with children, has wound up the hardships that palestinians go through just to meet the most basic of the needs or the reports immersion or beyond. terrific, thank you for live 7 food became a lineup for death walters, and they're dying from lack of food. their parents are dine trying to get let's get more on this now. in cross lives to speak with unicef smitley as the newest africa regional communications officer celine with selling. thank you very much for taking the time to speak to us. hey, on all the international. i just wanna start with the allegations we're looking around regarding sunday. i mean, id ask,
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who's accused of striking of those who are gathered around in a distribution truck is where the courses didn't know i. there's a risk fixings where people desperately trying to get food found themselves clunk, bring for the lives. do you think we are likely to see more incidents like this if there isn't a ceasefire? well, unfortunately, these reports are very tragic. um they uh has already called for an independent investigation to, to better understand the 2nd assessment. the situation is desperate people in, in the guys trip on this, but on the bottom line here is 8, should be delivered safely to the people people should be protected while getting day that's. that's the reality on the ground right now in the other. that's no place in the state. now, people are not safe to get the 8 that they needed
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a and this is really how big enough drop they've been on children and families. and i think that's what our i should be focus now is i understand and gets a way to help those. uh, this puts the okay, we're going to come back to the aid situation in a minute because that happened developments in the last few days in regarding that . but it just want to ask you, 1st of this is some disturbing cases have just been revealed by european mediterranean human rights more and this, which is talked about the fact that it's got cases, it says what is re tax, have been seen crushing policy opinions in the in by region, we know that this is something that the idea has done in the past when it's looked at going to crush orange only of cloves, etc. and people get in the way that they didn't seem to be both that about that. do you have so any more information regarding these specific fresh allegations about what's happening right now?
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i don't have any anymore information. however, we don't have the tools and it needs to be respected by all parties to, to the or to the conflicts. and until now unfortunately, during the past 4 and a half months we've, we've seen a lot of respect for, for, it's a nice evening and it's a little we've seen a civilian as a stop to children and in the places that they run for with used to being attacked and not being safe. and so they're not getting the protection that they are inside of 2 according to the national. so the goal now is actually as long as this will continues. so we're gonna remain seeing the children suffering from this. and that's what we need now, that's what children and their families mean, uh, an immediate cease fire and access to a, a unconditionally and in
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a safe manner. you talk to her about the suffering of children. we know that's thousands of children of already died in this conflict. we've know having very disturbing report suggesting that 16 has died simply due to celebration and that is just in one area. apparently this could be much wind to spread. do you think it is the tip of the iceberg, and what do you think is the future for not just the children, but the rest of those who was suffering in the gulf and old 5. unfortunately the yesterday morning we received reports of over 10 children dying because of the hydration. i'm not interested in and as i said, this is only one hospital in one a. i'm really afraid that this number is only part of the story and there are more in other hospitals, more in other areas. and they've done historical scores this uh,
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this issue is more present in the north where a i didn't make it through as much as the so i but however, throughout the got this trip 8 is not the now. and we are, we, we've been asking for 4 that's 418 to 2 bits and unconditionally and, and then unlimited, a minor and a safe matter. so far we didn't see that and we see situation of how much h coming it. and this, if this continues, we are one of course, we are jeopardizing thousands of lives of children, but also the different i think the needs of the community because knowledge vision is untreated, this is really affecting the needs of the children. and that means especially under 5, under the and under 2. and if that happens, that means it will, it says that the or a really see in the governance,
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it will strict faster and that's not only dangerous for children, but also for the community. so the whole, the whole issue is really a, an issue of high concern to all of us. and we need to take steps now. whatever steps one that we are taking now will dictates the future of these children and the future of the people in general. and also it talked about more age being needed. one of the areas that more aid is needed is in the medical facilities in the policy new role play for me is that having to handle this huge influx of patients, they've got this massive shortage of medicine. they also the fuel to be able to drive the machines that they need. they're also wanting to close the rest of attack . what can be done? and i will simply more a to come in because now really hospitals are talking about is only 12 hospitals.
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after our latest information out of 36 are functionally functioning and those hospitals are a lot of essential medical supplies. medicines, a fuel, of course, to run that interest young's wrong destination rooms and all the facilities and life support and machinery all this will of course, in fact, thousands of children and civil lives in the surf. and we know that now hospitals are not dealing with your normal patients. a know you're talking about patients will really need a medical care injured people. and now more than ever a manager should children and, and this will only increase estrace and continues like that. so the only solution was the only solution for the whole issue as far as the fire, but with the absence. now we need
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a full access from full crossing points to get a to every job and every area. that means that we're almost such a times and just very briefly, the u. s. has dropped humanitarian aid, it seems very piece meal. so late into the conflict, how much do you think this helps and does it solve the problem that we're seeing? and garza, when we see similar countries member states of doing the same thing. while any additional aid is really wilco. um, we don't have any, any edge. all so then distract us from the need and the, the mississippi for full access on the god. because that's the only way, so i'm able to come and ask him that is needed and and even then a is, is really a small i might not be sufficient. so i mean we're gonna have to leave it that.
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thank you very, very, very much for your time and for taking us through the very vast and project situation is unfolding on the grounds that is unit assess, middle east and north africa regional communications officer setting louis well, that's it from us here on all to international we were back, so we more news and views the in previous to us of duty. i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the gulf war. soldiers were pieces and is often seen on military chaperones. was stuck in my head, which is a mean really i was wondering what the soldiers are like, what will they do and how they handle.


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