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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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still assistive remained on the onset so many years, watch on archie. the russian troops, the de moines, rose, and se fonts against retreating, ukrainian forces. b, u and special and boil and abuse and conflict says that all reasonable grounds to believe how mosque committed sexual violence during the 70s of october attacks. and israel thoughts admits yukon. yeah. to provide any evidence i did not meet with any survivors of sexual dot, as we looked at sexual light, is pretty much, you know, vacuum, google's laughter, red face softer. it's our finished a live chat, bought goals, the political scandal in india. and while the text john hands punch eyes,
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new jenny says it won't let the maps up like the day here in the russian capital round the clock fly from where h q. we are here to bring you the very latest and welcome to the program. let's get started this. so let's talk about the role in ukraine. russian forces all said to be advancing towards cook county. that's in the hall coast region. ministry engine is currently helping to clear on to tank lines of sometimes we walk 15 kilometers of the union and the military engineers are needed to make passages in mine fields so that
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our infantry can enter. and so that vehicles can pass through and not be blown out . so if we don't have engineers, who will make the passage cool, remove mines and force debris, we are doing a good job of it as well as recap, process strategic advances in recent weeks on the southern front, trips have capped to the town of queencreek. and what that does is give them access to the yep. river. meanwhile, in the done yet, were public. the town of las search canal was secured off to the city of updates that came on the russian control last month. well, i mean it's current and too crazy and retreats the car in the country is that the president has put the blame squarely at the feet of western sponsors, so that lack of support. some of the china squad, tips, projects. so because the stream, the difficult was these losses, this is pain waiting for vital supplies. and specifically for an american decision, the support is crucially needed. the key is the political will to implement
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everything to provide exactly the level of supply the will help. if this does not happen, it will become one of the most disgraceful pages in history. if america or europe are defeated by a radian chevy, drugs or russian find to jack wouldn't stop at all for the war here. crane has received more than $170000000000.00 from the u. s. and e u countries. but all taken trip to rachel miles and now questions whether any physical alaska, enough for presidents or landscape. a straight up begging for weapons hasn't really produce the desired results. so now the ones case switching up, and if the lation tactics telling the west or you just goes down there and take it like some kind of woods from russian and iranian drones. or are you going to fight like a real man? because the lensky says that he's just tired of waiting around to get all the weapons he needs for victory, implying there's the wes fault that rushes winning. all that's needed is just a few more weapons. even though in that lead to intercepted audio of senior german
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move twice, officers talking about sending long range tours missiles to ukraine. and also who came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge. and the east is hard to reach, it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. they had to admit that the so called game changer, the taurus would actually be any kind of magic bullet for ukraine at this point. kind of makes you wonder why you crane didn't have every thing that it needed from the west before it's counter offensive. oh wait. overall through the contact group led by did not, did states nato allies and partners have provided and presented support to ukraine . more than 98 percent of the con, but the vehicles promised to ukraine have all the being delivered. they've got it. armor, artillery, air defense, immunization, including just the reason package. not to mention the training we've done for
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multiple brigades of ukrainian armed forces outside the country. so it's not just the stuff. it's to know how, how to, how to use that stuff in the field for what we call combined arms maneuver, which is what they believe they're going to need operating and open terrain. integrating mechanized infantry and artillery and air defense all in the, in the field. so we've done everything we can, i think dean crane is very well prepared, as you know very well the united states and other allied countries in europe and are really around the world and providing training and immunization and advice. so if kids had all the western weapons needed for victory, and why does the wind ski make it sound like his sugar daddies are just a bunch of dead beads who never paid child support to the perpetually winey dependent? well, russian president vladimir 14, did say right from the outset, that one of the main objectives of russia's military operation and ukraine, along with the notification was the militarization guess he wasn't kidding. it turns out that ukraine was about, as quote,
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well prepared to handle those weapons and preserved their existence on the battlefield. as a cheesecake factory would be to preserve its desert supply. what a fat kid walks in, looking to straight up, demolish it. western officials are now saying that, hey, they may have been a little over confident maybe the technical term i believe is getting high on one's own supply. apparently the ghost of ch yeah, of and the heroes of snake island just couldn't translate their victory on social media over to the battlefield. all of this is a real let down for the very grounded and novel delusional nato brass. if we give the ukrainians the munition and training they need the when we have to be careful not to be overly pessimistic in 2024. the sheer fact that ukraine is still a sovereign state and that the ukrainians have taken back 50 percent of what the russians took in 20. 22 is remarkable. russia has learned a lot of lessons and it's also producing more ammunition and equipment than we
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collectively can provide. we need to be as innovative and flexible as ukrainians on the ground and start looking for equipment everywhere. so what's next? nato just moving into your brain to produce weapons for them. well, that's actually what zalinski has started asking for more recently. fine, you don't want to give me weapons, then just give me more money to make them myself. actually, germany's ryan metal and britain's be systems are all ready me king weapons and ukraine. talk about a license to print money, having russia blow them up as they rule right off the assembly line and german weapons production and ukraine has the added bonus of not having cut itself off from cheap russian gas to stick it to put in using russian gas to make weapons in ukraine to fight russia. sounds about right. anyways, some western officials are fed up with the whole trade. we believe we shouldn't give military support to ukraine while we are unable to defend our own country. the
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position of my government is that the immediate cessation of military operations is the best solution we have for ukraine. the european union should transform itself from an supply to a peace make up. we are no longer transferring any weapons to ukraine, because we will now arming ourselves with the most modern weapons. the europeans made $33.00 of the $50000000000.00 they transferred to ukraine as alone. let's make it alone. i spoke with trump this week about turning aide to ukraine into alone. i think people are going to be sitting in a recession and they're not going to write a blank check to ukraine. they just won't do it. it's not a free blank check. it was senator lindsey graham seriously things that key of is going to be repaying loans. what he actually means is that the western military industrial complex is not going to be out of pocket for you, prayed. just ask this, you commissioner, underscoring that all that european artillery that zalinski thought was donated isn't actually free. where did most certainly don't. yeah,
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3 ality is that in march, the 2070 u member states decided to deliver 1000000 shelves to ukraine in one year. i said, deliver not transfer. you know, so can't ukraine make weapons of its own? well, that's not really the question. nobody seems too interested in that answer either, but rather with the west. even let you pray, make weapons without stuffing its own pockets. first and foremost from the opportunity, sounds like chev is about to discover that the big downside of being so dependent on someone is the ultimately they call the shots by away from the battlefield. president the landscape also facing flock on the home front, knocked off the key of may of the full mouth book, saying a champion of a toddy, flint sco slammed his decision to sac ukraine's popular forces had, is quite a big mistake. his elbow into that story hadn't gone to our website, auto dot com. the bottom,
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the bottom is lensky is not just venting his spleen at his western back. us about lack of support. he's also taking a swipe at post farm is. so relocating ukrainian trucks from entering the 3 we must finally find a solution to the situation on the postage board, which is going to be on both economics and morality alone go. it is simply impossible to explain how the hardships of a bleeding country can be used in domestic political struggles with columns as potent as follows. have brought o 6 road crossings between poland and ukraine of putting to cranium, border security protest as the demanding of russell's councils regulations allowing ukrainian and pulled into the gulf to 5 pulse terrace. farm is in all the states, including belgium, from france, vein boots, are joined, protests, accusing here of, of closing a price crash on your market. well, that's across size. now, to george,
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somebody's senior research fellow at the global policy institute. always good to hear. you'll hear one things, george, thank you for the time. i mean, we're seeing office the, these protests ramping up from spells from spain, like i mentioned before. it's in the as well. i mean, the does seem to be on distress. do you think that they are going to feel bound to make a concession at some point to keep the folks at home happy a well, i have to because these formulas and you don't joke around with palm is, are in farmers basically whole. the city is in the grid where they produce the food, and it's clear that the they will, they will, we will have, will have to be concession was made to the foam, is when the us go to stuff into this a terrible mess. we need to essentially lifted the diary ups that are supposed to protect your ups mom as they did last year on the grounds and all you prayed, come to export, it's green through the black sea. but since then,
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this has changed. in effect, your brain is now able to get is great. now through the black sea manufacturer, the exports via the black sea of the same as they were, the full, the stop at the circle, especially with the trail corrections. so what's the justification for continuing to allow ukraine to bypass the terrace? well, the justification is that much of a new brains, farmland has been pulled up by giant american corporations and they intend to make some money. and that's why they have to continue to get an import load. there's good grain of poultry from the ukraine because there are big agricultural concerns that the need to make money. i do want to also mean poland and ukraine, obviously a well a to, to put it lightly, you have had to check could cost. and that was missile goodwill between the 2 nations may seem to come together really only out of
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a joint hatred of russia. but it looks with these problem is protest, but that so very superficial union is now beginning to afraid to think it's on ruffling. well, i don't think it's own raveling because um, but essentially the total is, uh, you know, a hatred for russia. uh, supersedes uh everything this is being driven by the farmers it's, it's not the government. the government of the donald tools is very supportive of the ukraine. these, these very much in with the use of the presence of the european council. so he's using good stead with everyone in the leadership of the e. u. this is not, this is being driven spontaneous. it's a spontaneous movement on the part of the farm is and he doesn't know what to do because he also has an election coming up later this year. and if he doesn't play
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cape the foam is he could get an absolute hammering in in the election. so he's kind of at the tone as to what to do, but i don't see the boat as governor is going to let go of this policy, which both it's absolutely committed to. i'm trying to stick it to russia as much as possible. i'm finding very quick. yeah, i do want to ask you, i mean, we know or it sounds like the opponent hungry on suboxone. unlikely to defy the you, you know, that you know, that should expand this bound on ukrainian grain impulse. i mean that's a wrist, is it a sign of why it's uh, disagreements? yes, i think of that game when it comes to the farm is because this seems to be a your, a wide phenomenon. and then you mentioned that in your report of that this is happening. my french farm is like as gentleman from his on the wall unanimously protesting as to why exactly ukrainian rains allowed to infiltrate
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the european markets. at the time when you're a swarm is already hosted securely with an energy prices soaring and with the tax was being raised against them. and so is a why exactly are we being hit like this? because the whole point of the you with the common agricultural policy, but it protects your ups farm is. these are small pharmacies of family funds. move in, you know, the past of from generation to generation. they have very tight margins. so suddenly they did, they prices of, of green collapse, then they could, you could just simply go out of business. so think of this very upset and said, well this is a major your avoid phenomena. well, it, destiny looks like cub. that determination is not waiting as always, we appreciate you having on that was that you or somebody senior research fellow at the place of policy is to thank you, george. thank you for neighboring savannah. the country is a prime minister,
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has elapsed out out the u. k. by step, i'm not softer. the did not criticize the sebastian government for not supporting the western position of ukraine by not acting like a member of nato. but you. i was also shocked by the way, the british ambassador to the slovak republic nigel baker spoke about the policy of the slow back government. imagine if our ambassador were to speak in london about the british government's policy and the british prime minister. i am amazed at the ambassador is surprised by my comments that the west does not support peace in ukraine. perhaps it would be better if he explained to the citizens of the u. k. the role played by former british prime minister boris johnson, shortly after the start of the war and ukraine. the influence of the ukrainian political leadership, not to sign the peace treaty with russia, which guaranteed ukraine and e u. perspective and military neutrality. b u. k. um boss of the state to the west. it and countries want peace and ukraine,
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but claim that's about to oppose it. if follows prime minister robot feats those comments about you does not want to send soldiers to ukrainian battlefields. he added that 2 years ago, a p still between kilburn most of could have been reached, but needing western states actually undermined it while to discuss the topic that's bringing now foreign policy on this, on advise a to a member of your a pen palling on our end doris, thank you very much for your time. i'm fast off. i mean prime minister feet, so expressing shop of the way the be the total, the u. s. u k, on pasta address brought to solve with do you shop out shop a yes. so that's the rest of it. it goes to a prime minister, which is directed to the mainly to his audience, domestic audience. because at 1st we can, we can divide it to 3 levels for a level a is uh okay, but there's nothing to say there are can say of what his government thinks. okay. second level is how he did it. it, it, it showed a video on the social media it's,
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it's very unprofessional waste. uh, he has some concerns. okay. he good, uh, ask for some, uh, meeting and to for some discussion if uh, if he has or read this comment uh, has some concerns. and uh yes, governmental slovakia has full rights to to react on this declaration and says ok, this is your opinion. we accepted by the we have different opinions in this in this in this topic. ok, so that's the situation. i mean, a lot of the by claiming the about to isn't interested in peace, but i mean, feet so, campaigned office you on a propane platform, he was pro peace talks. i'm so it's a bit confused on what grounds, because of the u. k. makes out obligation to saying i really don't know. i said i fear so in this. so the corporation of the british empire say they're like some
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kind of pressure on the government and central europe, these weights in, in slovakia. and the main reason what i see behind this is the ability of united states congress to, to provide or sense and under billions and billions to ukraine, to, to mr. that landscape. so they push to through europe and stays, uh for tech to them. uh they, they will be able to provide their money that are weapons and so on. i see the lights on my kind of soft father games like, uh, like a diplomatic games. i mean feat service are not the only uh, you're a pen need to to face pressure. the french president, the money to a lot. cro partner backtracked on his statement. the western trips more not to be sent to ukraine. he said no, no, no, it's just part of why did the discussion as a possibility. johnny wasn't best pleased with that. um, what do you make of my crow? see me doing a one a see?
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i see. it's a just like to the, to give it to some topic to the media. i think, uh, the most of the countries of europe in countries are not in accordance with, with this idea. and every one is not and used by this, this idea also i missed that i had make it on. maybe he wanted to make some headlines before before elections to your work in parliament because the political party missed that i'm on. well, micron is declining could really, really quickly, and me smiling, let them is rising and falls. and so maybe that's, that is the reason why he want this to be popular. now i also do want to get your take on so your why we have that needs for quoting of the job and defense stuff discussing potentially helping kids blow up the crime in bridge. and yet,
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on the other hand, we have a members payment, but they are the one piece in ukraine. how. how does the action and the was put together in yes, it's good. it's going to be really confusing to this. this only examine the reactions and acts of induced by the german government and other governments in europe. yes. as the, it's the in other rules. this government who supports this, this for a, for sending money, sending a weapons to this, to this tragic war on decline. and mister schultz, the government is, is proof of it. for example, when we see falls in germany before you appear in the elections. so we see amazing rice of the parties seed, you know, and to a, a, be a super user rising in the west of the gemini and a and b in the east of germany. and so he could,
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we could see in the original original elections that's know from the coalition parties, currants government coalition factors would not get it to, to the parliament, to a threshold of 5 percent. so that's the, that's the think of what they do, how the people react on this impulse are, are proof of its while i think she will quite right. those elections will be very interesting cuz that will show what the people of thinking ross and what the government is dictates and we appreciate your time and your professional insight, your experience that was uh, marianne doors foreign policy on list and from 5 to member of european partner by tomorrow and a thank you the, the united nation, special and boy on a use in conflict has accused from us of committing a sexual violence during the 7th of up to about tax and his role. saying that i'll quote, reasonable grounds to believe it happened to me about statement while presenting a report to the one. we also found that they are reasonable browse to believe that
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conflict related sexual violence including rape and gang raped all could during the 7th of october attacks in at least 3 locations. and in most of these incidents victim were 1st subjected to rate and then killed. and at least 2 incidents relate to the rate of women's courses. however, one quizzed by john and this about these claims. so come off carrying out a mass campaign of rate. she had mentioned that she was so fond unable to provide any evidence. have you met the survivors or victims and you said that the some of the bodies were shot and or maybe was subject to was sexual violence and then they were killed. after that. have you seen these bodies yourself? i did not meet. we've any survivors of sexual a lot of the 7th of october with that's the always of to month we try. we
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tried but we received information that a handful of survivors were receiving very specialized for my treatment. and what to, to my goal is to, to speak. the objective of this visit was to gather analysis and analyze verified allegations. and yet it's not an investigative nature the what is the nature of this? it's, these are not investigations we looked at sexual light, is pretty much in a vacuum. the way an investigation would collect and analyze evidence of such violations and crimes perpetrated. we collected information which is which is completely a different class. so we, we did not record or preserve information documentation and evidence, including interviews with this testimony and forensic material. we, we did not identify those responsible with a view to and showing that perpetrators of violations are held accountable. the
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grains or media outlets, carriage it's own in the investigation into the home us rate payments all 20 finding no evidence to support them. it's the editor in chief marks blumenthal, but he is that the you and envoy is just recycling. there's really propaganda. there's already made its rounds in the west, a medium, a trip that has no investigative mandate in which she was not collecting any evidence. by one point she said she's not even collecting information. so what was she doing there? yeah, she was there to simply validate the demand so many of the claims by israel that have already been discredited the bunk and blown out of the water by independent outlets like ours at the grace own. and by is really media itself as to what formula patton, as proceeded to do in her press conference under enormous. so what are you pressure and intensive questioning from members of the media? so didn't was to dissemble smile and basically acknowledge that there was no clear
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and convincing evidence of any systematic sexual assault on october 7th. and that in fact, she had not even been able been able to meet with a single victim brooding 1st, which is real, hasn't produced a single victim. and that her entire trip was guided in her own words by his railey institution. so this is not a credible finding, but from prefer israel's propaganda purposes. patton, achieve or goal. details of this report do not verify the as rarely propaganda. that's featured in the headlines in western media about familiar patton's presentation. and once again, she said this is not an investigation. she was not collecting evidence. she's produced nothing new here. they're just recycling propaganda. that's already been seen in western media. and what we need is a real independent un investigation. i was under pressure by as rarely civil
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society and what she means that she was under pressure by cut outs of the as really government and is really intelligence the u. n. was under pressure. and that the israel lobby may have been incentivizing her trip. i mean that's, that's something we can take away from that kind of statement. so this is a politicize the actual visit to israel in order to deflect the kind of pressure that, that organization is getting. while israel has refused to cooperate with the actual un investigative body that could deliver a thorough independent investigation into sexual violence on october 7th, on the grounds that the experts who comprise that body are anti semitic. so it was actually refusing to cooperate with the real investigation. and special representative did also speak about the mistreatment of palestinians, which among other things included the section i felt as i was in the middle of
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a one day. and we were able to meet, we full, uh, recently released the detainees. i did not receive a, but i didn't go to, to gather information again. i mean, i, i stressed that i did not go to, but i met we've, we've them, and i got a very disturbing information from, from them with information about cruel in human and degrading treatment of a lot of students, men and women in detention also under the admin administrative detention, including sexual violence in the forms of evasive body, searches, sweats of rape and prolonged force community. i don't have to go to occupied policy on territory to collect data information because i received you wasn't verified information. it does demonstrate a lack of interest in the plight of palestinian women. and what we're, what we're looking at in the gaza strip is not just the abuse of palestinian women
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who have actually been abducted by israeli soldiers and subjected to abuse. including at the bare minimum threats of sexual violence. we've even documented this with our local partners at the great zone. through interviews with women who've been abducted by israeli soldiers off the streets. we're talking about the industrial slaughter of palestinian women. this is 400000 indians have been killed in the west bank since october 7th. so she's not really interested in the obvious, easily documented, live stream of abuse of palestinian women. and finally, a google has been forced to say, sorry to india after it's still along to development a i platform describes the policies of prime minister and run from o d as fascist. but if the tech john is hoping not the end of the month, so it will be left one thing as officials and new to any responded by saying that a simple apology and just what suffice. a hi expectation is certainly not for platforms to come head to the wrong thing and simply expect to get away with the,
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i'm sorry, i apologize. i think there's a misreading by some of these platforms that because of this size or because of the jurisdiction that they can get away by glibly sort of talking that way. it's kind of a problem, which is certainly not what the law says, and this is not really how that all works well for a man citizen. the indian government influence pet from the state must now obtain consent prior to any public distribution of quote, unreliable ae tools. cyber security has so essentially ready i believe that the technology still lacks any sort of safety measure. the most important aspect about b a is that it relies on the bid that bank, it has to do a prediction about the gender it and of don't interesting the i'm not even debate. i said to me is biased or cut up. they're getting really produced a biased but whether it is a biased towards the attendance of be or whether it is.


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