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tv   Documentary  RT  March 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, what do you think is the reason behind your electoral success in research though? why do you think the vote is chose you specifically over the more established kinds of it's the, as well. this is my 7 bottom entry, big j which means i've shopped more time. ready the, the. ready the vast majority of my boss and farm or more done combined,
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the prime minister should not come to the door of the opposition stop by. so it's probably the people see me as an experienced paula ventura, whether it's such a gift for the job. and so they keep collecting the dance walk through, she's your dock finds beyond up all the ways actually beyond the folding is 1st of all that the government and politician bridge i didn't even come 2nd was lucky to come start and gone onto only a tiny have full of books and equally alarming beyond alarming, is that the official opposition game, i think for maybe 6. well then even smaller cub full of books. what that tells you is there's a crisis in branch of our country is being steered by people almost
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draft or public support. and when someone comes along with the, the ability to credit blue when election, people choose that option or they, the, i've described the governing body and the opposition is to jake's, of the same backside of when people get the opportunity they give both cheeks are good kicker you touched briefly on what i want to ask you about, and this is uh, purchased by mr richie. see, not describing is the goal democratic election is being beyond the law of me. i mean, it's incredibly interesting that assisting british prime minister has taken the time to address the nation about your election as an m p in roach. to why is it, do you think that not to see but the whole of the establishment feel threatened by your election as well? the fear me the 1st of all because as by the grades a book, i know how to do this job in football, jobs, one on one against
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a bulky bar. i almost always score to go. so they'd be of me, but more important than feeling me the v are the power of example. they are that on the whole other country, people don't agree with me on the basic things, whether a my ball do the work of paul to brenda r, as in the event of the they will come forward now and cottage to stand and a judge when and if not to when to decisively influence the outcome of the election. so we are, we are the, the wave upset, the apple talk to use an english say we have, we have sent the apples spilling everywhere. there's no one quite knows where it's all going to. and don't know the stall and they have 4 generations of the the people would vote for 3 d or tweedle dum, wouldn't. marchmont,
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or which each would have their turn in their turn in government. but nothing much would change as a judge to the world as a judge, to the economy, and so on. nothing much would change. no, it's entirely unpredictable because i do want to stress the audience that i did just when i went. i love the slide and the man who came 2nd was an independent the no one in the country i have ever heard of before. and between the independent sacred plays candidate, i mean, we got 2 thirds of the votes, which means that the government and the opposition and the other 5 days shift one start of the votes. so this is pretty remarkable result. there's no doubt which is alonzo. i the election, you took almost 40 percent of the vote. i think it was a 6000 vote smooth and the nearest person who came in 2nd. i know that you've been
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somebody who has upset the apple cart for nova. some people suggested that you grabbed onto what's happening in gauze and use that as a platform. but i knew from your background, you've been a prominent supporter of palestinians and that cause since the 19 seventy's. why do you think that the moment there were so many u. k. politicians who are trying to stop the mass pro palestinian protests? we're seeing in the u. k. people supporting the palestinian cause and demanding an end to the war. the violence and cooling force, the spot roy is a. so again, state it is remarkable. i wish i knew the answer to that. uh if, if this was the united states, i'd say it wasn't about money because money is very, very big. and the american politics and the supporters of israel give very, very large sums of money. i'm talking hundreds of millions of dollars, but in bridges, money,
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it doesn't affect elections quite so much about election may be cause you have a bigger spending limit by $100000.00 pounds. but in complimentary elections, we're only allowed to spend about $14000.00 pounds on a pump test. so unless the terribly cheap, these politicians is probably no money. whatever else as i've struggled for more than 50 years to walk up. it certainly isn't britain, this national interest because britain is national interest, does not require us to become the 2nd dog the most paid to the country in the world . and having completely burned all of our bridges, which were once considerable by the way, as an imperial power. in the hour of the muslim world. you know, the british above was so boss, the sun, never sick though, as my irish grandfather used to say, that's because god would never trust the british in the dark as he was right about
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that. uh the uh, the truth is, i don't know the reason why all i know it's the almost everyone who ever makes it into power in pressure is a member of the friends of israel. very few are members of the friends of zip, by the way. are torque managed? uh, or even gonna uh bought the almost oh oh, most obligatory. have to be in the conservative orlando, friends on israel and uh it is most perplexing. uh, because it's a model. uh it is obvious to anyone with eyes that the great crimes that are being committed in gaza right now. i'm not something that any decent person should be supporting, but it's also politically mystify,
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because all it does is make the politicians here hated by larger and larger number of their own voters. and hated even more by more and more countries around the world, the entire global shelves, the time out of been released, the entirety of west asia, south asia, how these days are not to mention the eastern europe, try the restaurants, or we make our shelves the bad guys, for our country of 7000000 people live by someone like benjamin netanyahu. it doesn't add i. mr. galloway, you were elected in the bi election of the u. k. a by know, we'll have to have a full general election at some point during 2024. so this could be a fairly short mandates. you may be re elected in the time that you all the m p for watch though. what will be your priorities as well? my number one broward is. ready as i good, you may have
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a similar smoke and before to make rockdale drink again. rosedale was one of the one of the most prosperous terms and the thought was one of the products uh its how has been taken out. so my 1st priority is to uh, get rochdale back up, the leak to use another uh, footballing balance um, but obviously in the midst of this emergency, my 1st parliamentary intervention will be good with him tomorrow of prime ministers . questions. when i'll be talking about the plausible a describe does general side that's going on in gaza when the highest court in the whole world sends you for trial on genocide. having concluded by a landslide, majority of the judges, that it is perfectly plausible. the what you are doing is general side. well, it doesn't get much big about that. i want to talk about goals
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a specifically. now i'm on the 5, the possibilities of 1st a ceasefire. and then a long last thing piece. how do you think those can be achieved? well, 1st of all, i see as far as necessary, but hopefully in sufficient as you rightly say, i've been in this cause since the 19 seventy's, that's a long time by anybody's reckoning. and i have seen more ceasefire. then i could possibly count a ceasefire, particularly i campbell, i had a ceasefire for 6 weeks, is merely the breed casa a 2 arrows. i'm sure of violence on, on both sides is merely a 3 gosh, or more. she won't talk on both sides. i'm sure was of course i support a seatbar, but it's not nearly enough that most b a c spar that must be a complete withdrawal of occupation forces from jobs. i would try to remind you is
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internationally recognized, illegally occupied territory. israel has no right to be the legal they and following on from the withdrawal, then we can have an all for all exchange of hostages prisoners call them what you will of the thousands and thousands of brothers been in hostages or prisoners depending on how you want to describe them and then there has to be, as the prices of putting themselves said many times during this process, that has to be an immediate. i mean it may be it establishment. all they publish them in the state. you know, i supported the oslo agreement. but i've been supporting it for mold of 30 years. where is it? where is the so called do state solution. now, if we don't get that, then another prison break up from guys,
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it's kind of gate more bloodshed on both sides. is guaranteed i will, i'll be back having this conversation all over again. i want to stay in the region now and talk about the, the, who's these and that involvement in this. the fight is, is the fight isn't yet men. they've demanded alachua as guarantee from the u. k. apartments. so wishy so not the relief trucks would be allowed to enter garza, but apparently they believe that they will only believe the latter if it's also signed by you personally. what do you make of fans? the house was a little surprised to see it. um, i didn't particularly welcome it. uh, but of course i'm ready to shar bridge on. so legitimate the judge about national interest, i dive, we have a legitimate national interest in solving during the ship. and if i can be of any
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help, then of course i'll give it i want to. ready david, come run the bridge phone executor, and just this moment a saying that i've seen these reports, i know nothing about them. they're not coordinating with me. i quickly stress, but i've seen these reports on the if there is anything i can do, i'm ready to do it. but the main restaurant i draw from this is that the so called are my job. the job i don't, i 7 booked a to quote the uprising of the people of gm. i'm in support of the women and children being small to didn't gaza. doesn't appear to have worked very well. first of all, hardly any countries joined it. some of the countries that joined it have pulled out. it is not possible they appears to project international shipping in the ridge t from the z every day attacks. but given the year and is only dom i'm,
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is that a, the trucks being allowed into gaza. why can't wait or bushy are we all that down there? why can't we make sure that the women and children in gods have something to get? what's wrong with that? and what's wrong with a government that will refuse that i just want to move on to a different conflict down. talk about ukraine. um, is there any chance? do you think that you kaylee does at some point would be interested in settling the issue over ukraine? the conflict, the roles of impact provoking it. i hope so, and of course i'll work for that early signs. i'm not great. the father of the house of commons, who led me into the chamber to swear in yesterday, very purposefully or a tie, which was in fact a your grand in black and on in the shop. i live know just already,
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but i know it just the image of it. so the designs on not that great. um, but the again, you know, the track uh get in the way of political rhetoric and political and vision the which does not become the reality. and the wish rusher i should be defeated in the proxy war over the dead bodies of ukrainians. waged by nature does not in any way got a victory. indeed it has uh been the pro you do a complete defeat. so the door has been the comprehensive way defeated, i would argue, humiliate, in this proxy war. the one thing you can say has been proved is that rush of will not be comp cupped. it will not be a balkanized, broken up into pieces. the better to be feasted upon and explore the turning one
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piece against the other in the interest of the american lead need to a lot of we can say for sure though, that is not going to happen. so you know why being forced failure or as my mother used to say, was it all good money after bad? we've already begun condom is in pursuit of this full how the mission. i know that we know that it has failed. why keep sacrificing young? i say young is older and older. ukrainian, man, i know even women are in the graveyards in uh in, in your grade. why keep sacrificing more and more you pronounced? why keep bed getting more and more about it? problem is, job is the industrialization brittany general session, the, the, the self harming effect of sanctions on russia is such that you might to
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think that somewhere in government there is a pragmatic voice say, you know, we need to call our losses here. and that certainly will, i'll be project foreigners, i always have done. do you think that the phone, the purchasing department is step 4? stone, some should be held responsible. not just for as we say, beg during the economy of the u. k. and potentially other countries in europe, but also for sabotaging the piece talks back in 2022 or that much so and he's lucky that he's no longer in this building or i'd be giving him that piece of my mind right directly into his yeah. the, the reg cried the bonus junction, committed against the peace of the reach of the danger to the peace of the world and the material economic damage, which he has done there by not just to europe as a whole, but to his own country and my own country, the united kingdom to these are very considerable tribes and he still added,
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you know, i don't know if he charges the topic that he offered to caution in which he offered to give an interview to doctor caution. in exchange for $1000000.00 as a fee, i don't know if he's getting fees anywhere else, but he's still accurate. war mongering seeking to rec and a possibility of a negotiated political agreement. a negotiate to be so they do the blood shed on both sides and the data including money, money for a national full. how do you know to go? they are as motion. that is, i'm sure there's a whole lot blood, you know, those are the new part of blood. it, there's conflict and much of it is on bought as junctions hands because you are acting on the board for job item. you went to have and wrecked any possibility of a negotiated piece. that's
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a pretty serious charge. staying with u. k. politics though, the leaders of both major u. k. policies of the conservatives and labor all reported to be considering binding m. p. 's from participating in gauging with groups like the policy ending solidarity campaign. uh, this is a report that they've just had on this, which sort of talks about maybe rolling back to the engage and why all they trying to do that. what are they trying to achieve? and do you think that they'll be successful? and that may be the 1st to tell you and like you and your program be the 1st the unit. there is no absolutely power that will stop me from engaging with any legal, british, political or campaigning organization. so if they imagine that they are going to pass on law, which will proscribe the activities of an elected member of parliament like me, well,
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they've been to prepare the dungeon. not because i simply will not be bound by any such law. i am very conscious of the political privilege that i have probably meant very privilege that i have. i am a free man. ready elected by. ready a free people in a free and democratic election and no government will tell me how i should conduct my activities as an elected member of them. i don't know if this law. ready is just uh for the, for the headlights, for i don't know perhaps part of the election campaign. but if they're serious about it and they want to happens, i have no engagement with they published on charlotte or the campaign. and not with just stop by. i don't even support them to my to just stop by, but if they pass,
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the last thing i come to gauge with the the 1st thing i'll do is go outside this building. i didn't gauge with them. okay, well, thank you for that. um, it talks about things being done that i think that brings us quite nicely to the situation that we've adult see find ourselves in you've previously hosted a show on oxy cooled sputnik orbiting world. what do you think of this sense? the shape of russian media in general in the west and of course, dot found that was very quickly enforced by all common u. k. without even a report having been written back in march 2022. these people are hypocrites. things like democracy, human rights rule of law, rules based international. all the and all of the bologna is just lipstick on a big uh, the was the lipstick off whenever they no longer feel the need to look print to.
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and the, uh, the truth is, there's not, there's nothing i should ask uh, speech outside number 10 on friday about my election makes clear. it's not beyond them even to capture elections, to invalidate the right people just that far elections. it's all just window dressing and the finding of a media sort of just a r d a. they found press dvd or in, in a national broadcaster, uh, even the chinese tv, sushi tv app is no longer available in britain. uh, they didn't make a political binding older on it, but they just managed to lose their application for the renewal of that license. so that's trying not rush off around. uh, maybe all those kelly, sure. in south america they you just can't get that in front of them. the reason is
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pretty simple. if you think about it too many people were watching these television channels too many people were watching audi. not just about done but even more so in germany. that's right. ok. ready closed started because too many of the public were watching it. how's out for free to too many people free think is um you'll receive speaking to us. hey, on oxy, today we're delighted to profit sent stitch i've spoken with so many different issues with you about. do you see those that that could be any repercussions for you appearing on all to you again? i've just been, i've just been thinking about the door behind me being bar store, but i look i, i give interviews to everyone from the state bbc mouthpiece to the chinese to africa. ready stations i give interviews to everybody. i have
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a free mountain i'm elected to prima. i have the right to speak and i'll go on speaker to them. so whoever wants to hear me because you know, nothing is solve by, by covering things out. nothing is solved by denying people access to a different point of view. are you used to have a slogan? i don't know if you still do, but it was a good slogan question more and that's what we have encouraging people to. ready do so i don't know if it will be any implications from this interview. i don't care because it's my duty dues because to show up i will listen to me about what i think needs to be done to try and get some semblance of stability, normality and peace in the. ready world and i'm very happy to do it with you today . well, we certainly are still questing more have on asi international. i just want to ask you, we've touched on a little bit of the free speech issues,
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perhaps in the west and in the west coast. the lectures, other countries about free speech, about free media. what is your overall opinion right now of the state of media? freedom in the west is a good friend of mine is like uh, in the dungeon nobel marsh, a job security breast. his name is julia and i saw, well he is, he is convicted of no problem. and yet he's being held with mass mother. i was a general, rich in the worst prison for the worst people in england. and for walked far telling the truth as a publisher for publishing stories, not a single one of which ever had to be able to attract it because it was wrong. no, there was no ended up in the entire country, but could even dream of being able to say that. but my friend julian or son can see
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it and he is facing extra dish on it. a monstrous production of the extra edition 3 d that we have with the united states and disappearing for the rest of his whole life for telling the truth about british america. the walk tribes at the. ready war against enact? 20 years 21 years now. i go. you will disappear. you'll never see him again. you'll never hear a word from over again. his wife and children will never guess his face again except through our glass. doctor. that's brenda's attitude to freedom of speech, to freedom of the press. the far of our talking about journalists that get into trouble in other countries was actually imprisoning the world's most famous political goods. now the world's most famous journalist, joanna search. yeah. mostly always just one final brief question. um is this the
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new office that they put you in the house of parliament? it's terribly b. u as a, as of his day danger would good yet. uh, but it has a beautiful view. i love this building. i love the bridge palmer but i love british democracy. i love my country. i want the best for it. and if only we have that govern felt the same that we'd be in a much better place. i'm sure he'll make it very cozy. george galloway, member of parliament for roach, 10 in the u. k. thank you very much for your time here on the international pleasure. thank you.
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the the a pattern and has a merge. the more the west panics over its failed ukraine project. the more he is willing to escalate the complex, the same conflict that they say they're not directly involved in. the last thing
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they are considering isn't negotiated, settlement was a major. there's been us to bring it to you. sure. you can certainly by giving the credentials, initials, notify me, appreciate the code and because then we should simply went through because you will get to the subject has asked, okay, so should the cases i chose goes look at them and then i just need to spell the name just you put them on the, on the road. lemme you know what that was returning your customer simply didn't do some of the scriptures to the point is this wasn't able to sony successful who wants to build some of the treasures to go additional for the lead on up and forward to for so more from the 2 main drain. so when
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the, this is in the, is between the job and also the countries for a minute. so the delivery of a long way to weaponry. do you think it comes off the russ intercepted in store missing or do they believe of the fund team towards closing his out in boston infrastructure during a visit? the problem present back on urges is allied to the quote to the northeast. howard was sort of thing peeve and comes off, but he won't find that name. so putting a good look around trying and given that to the ever the supposedly is that a different drugs should be allowed to go to the drug liter dorsey?


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