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tv   News  RT  March 6, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EST

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says smith of the yard at the in invincibility the just days off to causing a stone by suggesting nato booth may have to go on the ground in ukraine. the french president, again putting his allies on edge and seeing how with this of european countries of the world as kind of sydney and children begin to stop to death. the idea stopped. the 14 humanitarian trucks from entering mouldings gall that fall is rainy . protest is also block support the crossing to prevent desperate need of food trucks from guessing through as far as i'm concerned, the only people that have gaining from the supplies of going in is the some us and i don't need to explain why they shouldn't get this fake the hosted beck, and you will get all the better since the year of these poorly
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is that a drugs be allowed into golf or drug liter gorski? are we why can we make sure that the women and children in gaza have something to do? a phone in the government side, just the notorious and see establishment figure had george galloway as one into the bridge parliament after a long side by election victory. something the prime minister themes to stopping the hello and welcome to our, to international we our lives for most good. it's gone a 10 and it's good to have you with us is wednesday, the 6th of march. well, getting us started hot on the heels of suggesting that the west may have to one day put boots on the ground and you prayed the french president to money while not chrome has once again weighed into the conflict. and his love seemed to be pushing
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the job and defense minister on edge. is that the whole don't? we are certainly approaching the time in europe when we must not be cowards. we never want to see the dramas to come. the fact that war has returned to us soil the powers that have become on stuff people are extending the threat every day. attacking us, shall we have to be meet the challenge of history and match the coverage. it implies who can offer more, who is more coverage, as of who is more, whatever it is, not about them who wants to do more. you have to focus on that. this is what ukraine really needs the most. we don't need to really uh, from my perspective, at least discussions about boots on the ground or be more to having more coverage or less coverage. this is something which does not really help solving the issues we have last week and money. well, knock on raise more than a few eyebrows when he said nato could send its troops into you, prayed, lot,
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send to alarm bells ringing, and the capitals of many of fronts, his allies and rapid tools of the clarification. washington too, was quick to try. what was on that is a pot us and then attempt to prove passion, problems by words. and then he certainly has every right inability to, to speak for himself and his views. all i can do is speak for president by the commander in chief and the president has been clear. we have been extraordinarily strong and leading international efforts to support you crenza last 2 years. he's also been very clear since the very beginning of this war. there's not going to be us troops on the ground fighting inside ukraine in the meanwhile, debate over germany, sending its long range towards miss solve to ukraine, has still not been put to bed. and that is despite the child says, refusal to supply them. but the nations for administer see me contradicted him saying that strong consideration must be given before you rejecting the option
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the we must carefully study all materials that could be used for the defense of ukraine. from my point of view, the actual situation there is very, very clear. the tourist miss saw was joint a developed by sweden and germany has a targeting range of up to 500 kilometers the projectiles will head is designed to penetrate and destroy deep, clean buried targets. and a non binding resolution that also member nations to provide more weapons. the parliament listed the system as one of those that could help ukraine against russia . well, this all comes against the backdrop of a linked over here. you might remember that expose to john minis, minute treat, top ross discussing how to help ukraine attacked russian targets. well, in response activists from the german free sacks. any party filed
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a lawsuit against those quotes on not tape a choosing, and we're trying to carry out and then legal act of aggression with the tension on the story just not dying down. it seems like it's beginning to get to on the job and defense minister snobs. i guess that's the telephone. i mean, the reason that the phone call could still be recorded in the range of the air force is due to an individual application error. not all participants adhere to the secure dialing procedure as prescribed. according to current knowledge, data was leased from the participant in singapore. he was connected via in an authorized connection, i. e, virtually via an open connection. this is exactly what putting wants to achieve over the course of several months, or at least several weeks. he steps the agenda for what we're discussing here in germany. whether it is support for ukraine in one form or another. how successful ukraine is, whether it can win the war or not at the time and time again. this is an agenda imposed from outside by certain events. i am very angry about this story among
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other things because we have been dealing with only this topic for 3 days here because yeah, i guess for my us all me resolve a scope. bennett believes which i'm going to specials are trying to distract to the public for what actually matters. and this story i think we're watching an implosion of germany and an implosion of nato and it's reminiscent of that claim matic. final scene in the film, county shack, when the golf course starts exploding because of explosives, set off by one of their own gardeners. in this case it's angelina, very bach and it sholtes and its golf course. others like vitamin reissue neck. and they're, they're coming to part of the seeds and they're engaged in all sorts of distraction, operations and distraction articles from the revelation from some far east singapore defense minister about f, 30 fives as a distraction to somehow. busy lower people away from the current leases like topic,
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which is germany's admission of pre planning a act of war against russia by attacking its infrastructure and the cry mean bridge . and then when that is exposed and they start eating their own, the 1st one they eat is the scrawny levels on the old off. schultz who looks like a shoe cobbler. and they start positioning natalie and a very bach to replace. and then she becomes very military and is the george soros puppet she is. and they plowed bobby and that she is, she's tries to say become more military and give their, give everything everything you great and we can to gaza. now what tests brittany needed a remain stuck in. number 14 trucks, caring vital supplies, have been blocked by the idea from entering the north of the enclave. humanitarian organizations say that even though that has been recent, at drops of 8, it is a matter of life or death. this calling for gets through and drops. our last resort
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will most of us and we need to empty boys to know and guys, and we will allow us to leave with enough food for half a 1000000 people in desperate need to me while i is ready, the protest is blocked and it's on a border crossing between as well and egypt on tuesday trying to prevent any aid from guessing through, even though the police pushed them back the trucks lots of hours before. finally managing to cross over into thoughts that demonstrated the watkins in sale. on the right side. i came here today to stop the law is with the human amatory christians going in and we don't think it's a human is harry. i don't think it's taking care of who it should be taken care of . it's hurting us soldiers. i couldn't of people and it's also hurting the people of gauze off as far as i'm concerned. the only people that have gaining from the surprises going in is the from us. and i don't need to explain why they shouldn't
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get this very simple. take that hosted and back and you will get a minute to very soon for us for its part is judging to maximize every possible means to ensure assistance reaches those in need of to the national security council spoke spots and no to that as well. despite claims, obviously that it's doing everything to ease the situation on the ground is actually putting up road blocks to prevent the transit of 8. so there has been some obstacles to get some the ayden data organic to the effect that we're talking about a war zone. but also there have been some energetic obstacles thrown up in some cases by some members of these really cabinets that i've made it hard to get that aided of this footage shows the 1st to us the humanitarian angel in southern in costa mesa. 2000 meals were reportedly delivered, but just so that we understand the context. 1.5000000 palestinians,
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a car and sheltering that according to local store to some supplies and develop landing and see while the remains is in sufficient force to feed the number of people facing salvation and as the number of deaths due to hunger and mel nutrition continues to rise, washington's continued support for israel has come on to hoss criticism, with officials having talents as i'm pretty tough question. the 38000 meals that like point 07117 to each one person. i mean, that's a very small amount to the best way, obviously is the ground and the u. s. can send in trucks. i don't think that's the issue is which would or would fire on, you know, american controls for a trailer trucks. and so i think you're who you, number one are missing everything i just said both in my opening comments and now this, this, i don't, please don't interrupt, i didn't interrupt you, nor was i dropped the thing. i realize that it's, you know, it's an effort,
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but it's a very small effort. there are other ways and even even by see, i mean, i understand the us, me that they have these wonderful causeway they can roll things in. doesn't even have to have a hardware and so, but that is still an efficient, i mean, it's kinda high states and you can so the very, the political decision, you know, to, to ensure, i mean, to basically force, since we have to allow trucks. and i believe that they will prepare, you don't think that the us can prevail if it pressure is, is rare to allow these trucks. and we are making clear that more trucks need to come in from the senior most levels of this government. even they usually find and for new cnn news, travel, condemned washington's efforts to manage the conflict and also pulling it immoral. we got the take of lawyer on found of muslim legal. that's house on shipping. the result is that american policy on the garza war now appears hapless in effective and immoral. the american position is laughable. i mean basically it's they,
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they are providing weapons that have massacred tens of thousands of civilians made hundreds of thousands destroyed the lives for over a 1000000 people. and then they want to criticize the lack of aid that's being sent and they're raining thousands of bonds for every piece of bread that they send over . they are, it's like an abuser that is beating his children, beating his wife, and then giving them a small band a while he continues to be. it's laughable. it's embarrassing the united states right now, and by doing it ministration is complicit in one of the worst. genocides, this modern world has witnessed, we are enabling it, we are funding it. and i think uh any, any discussion of sending aid is, is merely the tricks and optics to try it is going to send in a better life as we have lost the, the more around in the world. it's, i'm at
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a loss for work. where does an american, i think a lot of americans share my sentiment. we've never been so it seems to be americans . as we're witnessing, i will government enabled israel to star children, the star elder, elderly people, to death. people are literally dying of thirst and dying of hunger. it is for read what we are witnessing, and that's why you recently had a us servicemen, a member of the us air force light to solve on fire in front of the is really embassy and protest to the heretic, crimes against humanity. we are shamefully witnessing our government complicit, and so america's acts of air dropping, you know, uh, one parcel of 84 for every thousands of bonds that they provide is real. again, it's an your, a tokenized active humanitarian aid. if america really wants to fix this problem, it immediately cuts off military is real and it demands an immediate cease fire and the pressures israel to open the board is to allow the many countries of the world provide the emergency manager and either so desperately need it. on the ground
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right now to the young man who stays claim they have struck to us navy destroys in the red sea, the groups folks pass and reiterate to the such. attacks will not stall until peace and garza is reached. the many of the many armed forces have carried out a qualitative military operation which they targeted to american worship destroyers in the red sea. the operation was carried out with a number of naval missiles and drones. the many armed forces will not hesitate to expand their operations against all hospital targets. the many military forces will not stop until the end and the siege on the palestinian people in the gaza strip is lifted or pulls. also say that global internet traffic has been disrupted due to damage in code to at least 4 on the same data tables, transiting the region, according to a phone call in the telecommunications company, 25 percent off the traffic between asia, europe,
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and the middle east has been impacted the whose team group, which has of course been exchanging fi with us and that full says in the red sea, since the start of the year has denied any involvement. meanwhile, these who feed minnesota in charge of communication set their own ships entering, you have any voltage from that one must obtain permission to the terminal. the piece for him to stop the war in yemen, says it'd be how many people have every right to respond to british and american aggression of the system based on a and you have and we consider british policy to be colonialism which still exists and has a significant history of colonization, we hope they would change this, but they pursue cobra colonization. the many tools serving them in the region. they still have them visions and a clear agenda in the region and are part of the quartet in yemen that has been besieging the nation for years. today they're waging a direct war and you haven't with air strikes lacking any legal justification, or even any official approval from the security council united nations,
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or even the many governments. therefore, what is britain doing? we in yemen, consider blatant aggression and gym any is have the natural right to respond. the british and americans today are in the same trench, whether in the events in gaza, german or the red sea. they would have sought the escalation and gaza, which i would also cast a shadow on the escalation and the red sea, the major countries of the general policy towards their world hardly changes and may only be slightly moderate. therefore, maybe the current prime minister has proven that he stands alongside design is the entity and alongside the killing and blockade. we consider bridge and stance very bad up to this moment. we hope that it will change during the prime ministers term, but i believe that the british prime minister will not last and will fail as well as the american president. he will fall in the upcoming elections and they have ended their political lives on a very bad stance of killing women. children and standing alongside the extreme is
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design essential. well, there is now a lone voice and the british parliament who believes that would be best to reach an agreement with young men nearly sworn in m p. george galloway says that he is ready to sit down and talk in order to stop causes from dying of starvation. of course, i'm ready to share a bridge on this legitimate, the judge about national interest. i dive, we have a legitimate national interest in solving during the ship and if i can be of any help, then of course i will give it. i wrote to. ready david, come running to british font executor in just this moment, saying that i've seen these reports. i know nothing about them that i'll go, i'll just aging with me a quick distress. i've seen these reports and if there is anything i can do, i'm ready to do it. it is not possible. they appears to project international shipping. in the ridge g from the z ever the ducks. but given the year my day is
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only dom i'm is that it drops be allowed into gaza work during winter. bushy are we on. c the level, why can't we make sure that the women and children in gaza have something to get? what's wrong with that, and what's wrong with a government that will refuse that? got away again, nearly 40 percent of the vote in the land slide when last week on a bi election. it didn't hold back during the campaign. all i the slamming the lead to the both the warning consumption donald position lave apologies for backing as well. he's previously branded for my prime minister, tony black, a must not drink criminal for persons role in the rock. will you also attended on people protesting support of the syria? and once the games, london's official policy by states and the russia is winning in ukraine, you might also remember that got away once hosted his own ship. so right here,
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not to downing street, was quick to cool his victory beyond alarming. how was his elections that just seems to be a points of contention for a number of the sports fish and ministers. some are considering finding the political activity of officials. they say, oh, well, great thing with pro palestinian an activist group. one of them is a palestine full adar to campaign which is called for refugees that were detained by the idea of a release. we had a chance to speak with mr galloway who said his diesel car and you paid for the last of course i support a c spar that is not nearly enough that must be a c spar. that must be a complete withdrawal of occupation forces from god's which i remind you is internationally recognized in legally occupied territory. it has no right to be the legal day and following on from the withdrawal, then we can have an
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o 4 o exchange of hostages prisoners call them one. you will, there are thousands and thousands, so published in hostages or prisoners depending on how you want to describe them. and then there has to be, as uh, prices of food to themselves said many times during this crisis. that has to be an immediate, the immediate establishment. all the info is the new state. you know, i supported the oslo agreement, but i've been supporting it for mold. i'm starting to years. where is it? where is the so called to state solution? now if we don't get the, then another prison break up from guys, it's kind of deep. uh, more bloodshed on both sides is got it. i would all be by having this conversation
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all over again. i found a lot of media. it's not just a r d a they found press dvd or any of the national broadcaster, even the chinese d v. z tv is no longer available in bristol, they didn't make a political binding older on it, but they just managed to lose the application for the renewal of that license. so there's china, russia around the maybe all those because you're in south america, they you just can't get it right. and then the reason is pretty simple. if you think about it too many people were watching these television channels too many people were watching audi. not just in for them, but even more so in germany. that's right. are the was closed started because committee of the public were watching it. how's up for free to the
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job? i didn't add donald trump on needing in the suit, but changed a primary vote full by respective parties as according to preliminary polls, just to be upset and see what you say is a big dates in the us election calendar. because all day americans from 15 states and one terror tripping costing the pallets for the last 9 campaign is super tuesdays successfully minus 2 identified who eventually becomes the party representatives in the race for the white house. that's because roughly a subs updates from both the democrats and republicans all cost on this day. however, the picture you can say is inside the plan for a while now by doing this, actually no rivals. well trump made opponent, is to make us some positive. the un nikki haley, but she's reported me cancelled pounds, but any farther campaign spending promote prompting money to believe that she will now throw in the town. i was i went back to school costs through american politics
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for those who don't understand the intricacies. i'm joined now by spotty now hughes host of course of the 362 i mean spoke to just like just to go through it. i mean, results coming in, trump seems to be out in front. could he secure his position as the republican count of it's not a given now, what is it given but not necessarily following the electorate. the delegates that he's going to be awarded today from super tuesday, that usually really never happens, especially when you still have a content are still in the race, like the republicans are having to deal with with nikki haley and congratulations to nikki haley because tonight she won her 2nd state over the weekend, she actually one washington dc, which is never a compliment for republican to be the most chosen republican, from those within, inside the beltway. but tonight she won from vermont and she won overwhelmingly, all the delegates from vermont. so she has 2 states right now, ty,
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vermont gave her 17 more delegates, but even then she's still a valid equivalent. it's not a little bit less than rhonda sand, just one before he actually suspended his campaign. so now donald trump probably doesn't have enough to officially secure the republican nomination. it's pretty much well in the bag for him as well as joe biden. and now we're just kind of waiting to see how long it's gonna take nikki haley to actually officially suspend her campaign. which like you mentioned, she's already done with her schedule. i mean, if she does suspend, how come pain, how do you rate her chops of inducing trump a very low. i think any credibility that she was trying to gain with the never trump for never trump crowd, or even the democrats for re next professional move would be completely lost and therefore, she would definitely have wasted the last few weeks of staying within the race. the key is nikki haley right now. what does she do next? is she become a political commentator? does she write a book just every time i go on a speaker, 2nd, the one thing that's guaranteed she's not going to do is run as
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a 3rd party independent candidate that very rarely never works and has not worked yet in american politics, at least in recent times, but it will still continue to push for somebody like a robert f. kennedy junior has a much greater chance if any of be able to actually pull those away from any candidate to actually accumulate anything more than just a few delegates when it comes time to vote at the, at the voter box in november. well, we know about nikki haley. you also mentioned the scientists to trump that well, those, of course trump has faced quite a lot of opposition. but jo bites and seems to have had no competition. is that no move for us sitting present, especially one who's posing so no. here in america, it is pretty much normal that you expect to be an encounter because he basically is running a running against himself is on policies. but i think that is why he continues to lose. i mean, when you look at right now, donald trump populated, and these keys rings. if you want to give your audience some numbers that have just come out when you look at actually what he's actually been able to accomplish and
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you'd be fighting every spring state prompts of 2 points. and it michigan, 3 points in arizona, wisconsin in north carolina and georgia, nevada of 6 points. those are key stays that trunk loss to bind in 2020, which ultimately handed joe by then the oval office. trump is hoping right now to continue to get it in game is the engagement to have people show up at the polls in november. and if he does that, then it's going to be a complete reversal of what we saw in 2020. but as you find a job, i didn't only run against himself and wasting time and time again, based on a large part of his foreign policy, which we saw when people uncommitted had such a large showing against him in michigan this past week as well as his foreign policy at the, at the southern border and having, having an, and basically a very poor southern border makes him not very popular with many americans right now. so biden is more running against his own agenda to necessarily trump and trumps. ok. with that, i do want to ask you about bites, and i mean,
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you talked about his foreign policy, a lot of his policies, domestic people took them out, the folds of pools formed policy as well. ukraine of not being particularly popular . there being complaints about declining economies as well. so concerned about his health. but the democrat party still seems kind of convinced that by doing his caseload of winning is not just rhetoric, i'll be trying to put off the show of unit, see where it's behind plays tools that scrambling a little bit worried about what might happen in november. well, i think you are very, very kind and your description of what's going on in america today because the reality of it is, is that we have less money in our bank accounts. our gas is higher. we are obviously into, at this point. so foreign involvement evolving our soldiers, we are seeing a very porous border and the crime is running even more ramp, but in the american street state and probably with even being reported the mainstream. this is 5 to that democrats continue to stick with terabyte of mountain because they're afraid if they look like that,
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there's that they are trading horses, mid race is only going to make their prey look weaker. and while they're not necessarily, i know they would like to keep a hold of the oval office. more importantly, they want to keep a hold of the senate right now. hands by states like california and texas are very appealing to them and getting probably awards into that. you would see that a student raised in there were seeing come out coming out of those 2 states. so, democrats right now are actually trying to put for this look where they saw back in 2016. 1 of the reasons why they last is because it was very obvious that they were divided between bernie sanders and hillary clinton. that did not work well for them, ultimately helping donald trump if you don't want to create that same mistake again, may. but once again, realize that your binders is a 3rd time on the 3rd term of the obama administration. and if they can continue to have that kind of presence, it will be very interesting if they don't, besides it, don't try, continues to gain in the polls. i would not be shocked if they decided to change at
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the dnc later on in the summer. just very fine, it's good. what's the production? they found the 24 by control they. i didn't say there is definitely a bite and trump and i said the election was held tomorrow and everything was out straight in there. you will definitely see the donald trump, voters are a lot more engaged and by then at this exact moment, they probably show up the poles much better. no, it is going to be a fascinating election for us to watch from across here. that was the scotch, and now who's host of the 3? $62.00. thank you so much. go to you for your insight as always. thank you for having me. that is when you've run down to this, our coming up next hour into the program, we sit down with the guys from politics, culture, economy to this time we're sitting down with george got away. he's got lots to say, sit tight and enjoy the the,
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the, the, what do you think is the reason behind your electoral success in research though? why do you think the vote just chose use this.


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