tv News RT March 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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the, the polished pharma is reportedly break into the national parliament during a heated protest against you about my, to a policy that they say of tripling their industry. also ahead does not need any push up from risk and board does not seek any certificates or dictation from the rest of the board regarding it and other type of drug shop or any other country fault. that's my job. as called spot southern for india is routing potty says in that interview with our to use that his country was of its rights to independence and sovereignty in defiance of profession on the west or
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us court side with best buy apple and all the tech companies rejecting claims that the support todd lieberman cobalt mines in africa. invariably, when there is a surge in the supply, what birds they tend to find the way to our region. this is why we've always been concerned about the proliferation of small arms and light woodlands. nigeria as foreign minister express those concerns in response to a question about don, from the trade conflicts getting into the hands of terrorists and offer. got nigeria is now seeking to strengthen this ministry. go operations with russia. the trouble continued all copies of the latest drains, shaping the well dried. now welcome,
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the arts international. i a my club project that will begin in poland. farmers protest dig in. the national capital have reported the broken into the parliament building some of the demonstrators with seen caching with the police. the the has been a wave of protest by our control workers throughout the european union in recent months. of the outrage has focused on new environmental regulations that fall, my say are crippling. the industry follows demonstrate. those are also seeking a bad on cheap imports of grains from nearby ukraine. my colleagues, my colleague just shouted to basically spoken the studio with our the correspondent, bargain of co server, as well as steven guides, professor of the institute of european studies in bel, great situation has definitely seems to have reached point them. points at all.
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started of course, an awesome of last year and not as when polish all former started blocking the board that with ukraine. and their main issue is of course that cheap ukrainian grain is entering their market and is being sold at for lower prices. and then they are so right in a polish farmers off for suffering and struggling for this. so they want something done now fast forward. so february of this year. and that is when a published protestors took things a little bit further polish farmers for our protesting, i should say. and they started blocking border crossings, which of course escalated things even more. and everyone seems to be looking for a solution here. but no one seems to be finding that we have ukraine, that is constantly complaining that hey, we are suffering here. please allow our agriculture of products to be sold in another country so that we can make money so that the grain goes somewhere. and then you have you countries because it's the only poland by the way, we've seen protesting various. so you countries, degrees, we have france, belgium,
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germany, the netherlands. they're all complaining about the crane in chief agricultural products, flooding the market, and they have less business. so, let's hear what a lot of his lensky have to say about this and the case he's making them put them forward. we must finally find a solution to the situation to supplement parties pulled. i don't mind just going to be on both equal makes, and morality alone go. that is simply impossible to explain how the hardships, the bank, the country can be. we understand domestic, political and strong, crazy. well, of course, a lot them or is it lensky is always having a difficult seat to see the other side of the story. and in this case, the other side of the story is of course, opponents, farmers to kansas, sit there and continue to healthy crane at the role and expands. and this is what a lot of them are. zaleski fails on the sun time and time again. yeah, that's a nice exception is looking for you in to the conversation at this point. how much
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of a problem has this been across europe in terms of this sheet? great and coming in and, and the cutting the farm is with the farmers protest. so is a problem that was brewing for some time now, even before the escalation of conflict in eastern europe and the 1st it started with the dutch farmers and then, but the end of last year there was a huge protest from the german farmers and the french farmers and now we see the polish farmers have joined because at the same time, while their governments are cutting money and are a tripling basically their own agricultural industry, the grain from ukraine is coming in and it is dumping the prices, which is why the frustration is so high end of the same time, the people, the general public, but also farmers as part of it are being constantly told that they should be saw a solid that they should show so that everything with ukraine and that therefore
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they should be against their own interest. marina and take you through what the polish government is responding to this. because i actually heard that donald task has been a huge proponent of creating a huge support that has suggested that he may actually book the roads between post and a new client. absolutely, because at the end of the day, he has to listen to his own citizen, so you can support the crane all he wants. but at the same time he needs to be needs to be seen support his own citizens 1st. and there is no way he can do that unless they do something about the street, the cranium, grain. and right now he is even considering closing the border. we're talking with the ukranian side about temporarily closing the border and closing trade. and i will also talk to polish farmers about this. and such a solution would be temporary and mutually painful. we are the most pro ukrainian states, but we also have the biggest problems in all of europe,
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resulting from the russian ukranian war. the price of free trade with ukraine is too high, and we can't pay it back. so there is all done. all task says at himself said the, they are the ones who are being affected by this the most. so something needs to be done. and in order to avoid these constant protests with which turn violence, as we're seeing already today, he needs to be at least be seen to be doing something, perhaps a temporary. the closure of the border is nice, but wedding to see what happens, especially after today when things are clearly heating up there. and stephen, do you see this as being a big flip flop from donald to us, given that, you know, he's being like, go wrong. you crating the whole time and now he's like, well what this is very difficult is a hot potato politically in poland. i'm perhaps need to do something i think don't ask is buying time and we should know that his government is really a shaky one. it is standing on very weak legs because if we remember
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the contain, none of the sides really had a huge lead. so that is why task has to be very cautious. and he has to show up at least some level of protection on the national interest. where as i think, generally, as i said, he's buying time because the task is a diehard made the supporter. and i don't think he's likely to change his voice. a marina. um, just want to bring you back in. how about the you? they oversee the, the proponents of this policy. they introduced at 2022. basically when you create conflict started, they scrap the tariff saw new queen goods that would transiting to the not was this accumulation. as you described, the see we will products flooding the market and the cutting the local farm is price is causing these problems. how is e responded? there is also the green deal, the european green deal, which is also not helping form or is that also there are a lot of issues right now when it comes to the agricultural industry in the u. but
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we're seeing from the us time and time again. the person. yes. we'll see that there was a problem by and i hang on because ukraine needs our help. so yes, you might be suffering now, but it's all for the better. good. but people, the farmers, there are not seeing the changes that just see that their livelihoods are becoming worse and worse and not there's fewer money and that they have produce less that they cannot sell. because again, the oldest ukrainian produce the spot in the market. so one of the solutions that they're proposing is to find different avenues for the ukraine, ukraine's grain. but again, where are they going to find it? but at least that is one of the solutions that they are proposing. elections for southern to will do the best way would be to support you creating tribes. the tense run support to see ports and sun products to countries where ukraine has always traditionally sent its products and sort of what we need for this is a positive approach from ukraine and some corporation name oh ukrainian partners.
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most of this town, the situation to fall, fall moses, i know market's kind of boost stance. such a level of supply increase. and like if they say they are what we need from them is a positive approach from ukraine. well, i doubt that he will get it because as we just heard earlier of a lot of our zalinski is just constantly asking people to support his country and understand that they need the most. so please, we understand that right now you're suffering, but just hang on the line a little bit longer. and he seems to think that this is going to fly and that people will do this at their own expense. moving to india now stable and friendly. that's how india is. foreign policy chief has some dump relations with russia in the context of a warming ukraine. everyone conducts a relationship based on past experiences. if i look at the history of pipes, the independence india, russia has never heard of our interest. we've always had
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a stable and very friendly relationship. and our relationship with moscow today is based on this experience to western powers have been urging new daily to change. it stands towards russia. but india has stood firm and its neutral status. despite the difficulties of balancing financial interest with its international obligations, other spoke spots and now the ruling b. j. b party outlines the current stance a rush, appreciate his student and know, you know, face all kinds of lives. and then there was a rush. yeah, we did it for india and he asked me do it for us? yeah, the halls, stick to the starting from defense starting from investment and i drove bottles, a start date, strong investment in boy starting the up into a way from the ship. the important point in this is the foreign policy. you may not rush she all the way, mary, in boston, please not be any pressure from listings or india does not see any
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certificates or dictations from the rest of the work regarding it's at a time with russia or any other kind of default that might be able to continue to engage with russia to explore further affective o n n d. all i will call them also truly of defense, which has to be got really for long, but one will i some i saw on corrected on that. it's just that sometimes one of the she does come across headlines, you see west and politicians check, new tally to put pressure on must go to end the conflict. but i do specifically want to ask you about a new daddy's position. ah visa, visa ukraine, conflict. i mean, we feel that we're reaching almost a dangerous point. we've got president my problem saying that would not ruling out sending west and troops to ukraine with hair and taps of them. and officials
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talking about helping ukraine, low up russian infrastructure, new daddy says we want this conflict to be resolved. do you see resolution coming before escalation at this point in time? it isn't the trust of the global piece. the resolution of the conflict is a team of people use. this is not at all for any a nation without leaving any specific country to 5 due to the bias. rather, this is the dog, the buyer to control the fire, the country, which is a steep border this conflict of the wall to the device or cause metrics so that both sides not on the d and b. so that you got this little while google has expressed regret to the indian government and admitted that it's of artificial intelligence, intelligence platform is unreliable, and that's after the program branded from minnesota. and they're under moody's
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policies as fascist. a spokesperson for moody's political party again denounced those accusations as to me i can pay in the has never be any, he's on vacation. do these reports. awesome. this is all products color based, and propagating off of it. you drive by forces. want to store, the beast is a do these yet. i will give you one last example, the force that the journalism is slipping in india and the scene before that, oh god, i have found a higher than the empress, pretty good. the varieties, the ssl certificate, all state of democracy. i strongly believe that the best on the company is dominated to run by you should see is the word back here because of google dees. no
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one who will follow the order. oh i see where the ball service gets to be in the prime the the, what the cost to would be to say 2024 is a full for an extra year. we're more than 63 countries. the election. he was the biggest do democracies or any of the guns and this was for next year. so yeah, all the plan to do with on a nice to base your instructions that can be potentially qualified and got all the devices better. hold on. are so ready, a lot of integrity and our dual credit process is off sick, you and see from this options. oh yeah. a don don brandis and there is more the is a committee to engage in a dialogue and gone to a solution to bomber prices. and problems under prime is today. and the movie,
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the fall of the guns has started in new hikes, bottles in the value of the water bottles on getting a higher price for the use we have going toward we have club so it would be nice to protect our members' state bottles. yes, walter, see if anybody to sectional a society is unhappy with the particular disease rather similarly is the disability problems in order to use the use a con city directly the account of the people of the 60 percent of the population? see, i have no doubt that the bombs will soon be going to copy via the duty and india. we solve the problem they would use the u. s. federal high court has refused to hold several major tech companies liable
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for allegedly supporting child labor in africa. the case was against the firms tesla apple, google, microsoft and dell. it bought into a cobalt mining operations in the democratic republic of congo. the question is whether the tech companies purchasing an unspecified amount of cobalt from a supply chain originating and d. r c mines. plausibly demonstrates participation in a venture with anyone engaged in force labor in that supply chain. we hold that it does not. according to the contains of the defendants had a specific knowledge of from public reports that the dsp cobalt that they were buying with in the vases, with a pin pool. you me pool as well as other sources was mind, is significant parked by children's performing hyper does work for $2.00 to $3.00 a day. and remarkably, in many cases and even less than that, it's
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a missing details. you are really quick and painful stories of, of children who have had no choice but to work and not to the no minds with in the dsp using very primitive tools, but, and to be a bit hands a to search for rocks, continuum kobolds. if they are also tasked with a cleaning the oaks before it is sold, not only all the also being exploited, but also if they face greater risk and save time over. many have lift a t old and when questioned about these pacific practices and their obligation to uphold certain standards of these company is attended. really, i'm pointed to, didn't every come on so such as corporate social responsibility statements only in the cases? did they seem to recognize the need for greater due diligence and in both cases? no sense of urgency or create a commitment to to apply checks this through the entire supply chain was expressed . whose did they continue to rely on the fact that they purchased from licensed
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exporters? if we understand that delta not use one of the companies in this case, um, you should a statement saying that it was committed to upholding human rights of where, cuz to out a supply chain with has the um, google um apple microsoft into slash having vd provided a comment regarding of the issue at hand, and this is a very critical mitchell use the in the manufacturing of band fees for electronic devices and electric vehicles. and even when supporting the results for the 4th quarter and 2023 apples ribbon, you were standing at 8 to 9500000000. a continued drops off of 4 consecutive porters and not so long ago apple clips did to clean up. it's called the supply chain, but the company said it wanted to avoid hurting the company's mine is by cutting them off and it would also only use recycled cobalt and batches by 2025 as
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a part of his input to make or is the uh, products a company youtube by the end off of this decades. and while the court's decision may close this chapter of legal action to gaze, these companies that it highlights the ongoing struggle to ensure human drive a safeguard in the quest for full prices of resources. the mid tools within the african continent to buy these wisdom kinds of companies. russia, stop diplomatic figure law prov, says that the un security council, the stews, fact in favor of western powers. so we must be reformed to i took with we represent the global majority. commit this commons after a meeting in moscow with his my jury and counterpart, the lease of the church of jesus. we confirmed our focus on promoting the formation of a more equitable poly centric world order. russia reaffirmed his commitment to fully reflect on the interest of developing countries, including african ones and reforms of the united nations security council. the
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security council must be reformed by increasing representation from africa, asia, and latin america. western countries are already seriously over represented there. and this injustice, of course, needs to be eliminated. well, the 2 men discussed the relations between the 2 countries and said that they would take place, but on an equal footing. so the guy live role described nigeria as a priority country, as russia develop since relations with african nations on the global styles, mr. to god, the nigerian foreign minister praise those long standing relations between nigeria and russia, which he said started in the 1st months off. the analogy of your secured independence in 1913, as i spoke about these relations on the ministry and economics phase, but they also spoke about education. probably overriding message was one of the
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some shed will vision. there was a lot of talk of multilateralism and multi polarity and they oversee like child support and international issues. the both vend shed the vision for a cease fire in goes up, but also a permanent longstanding solution to what's happening in is that in palestine, mr. lever of science, mr. to go. i'm not j. v. a full is understanding of the roots of the ukraine complex. i spoke again about africa itself. and both, ma'am, was speaking about the situation in sit on and the violent say when they supported an old, a cold for support for the african union initiative to bring the situation that under control without a gain now gave you sits in the whole region of africa this is a reason it's played by a g, how this insurgency is played by instability. now last week now jerry is defense. when is the said that the company simply doesn't have the weapons to flight the on
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group. so when it caught even by any, because so much of defense expenditure and defense exports is going towards a ukraine. so i managed to almost came a little bit about they said about the possibility of cooperation. but it's the co pays cooperation with russia in terms of the owns purchase and also counterterrorism. here's what you said with regards to a global conflicts or conflicts, even in other regions. invariably, when there's a surge in the supply weapons, they tend to find their way to, to our region. and this is why we've always been concerned about the proliferation of small arms and light woodlands. we saw something similar happened with the collapse of, uh, government subsidy as much in, in libya. there was, uh, all of
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a sudden, a huge size of, uh, of, of what plugins or the even fighters. and this is something that we are very concerned about. and that we seek to address with our partners with the overriding message was a positive one. the over riding message was about the shed. well, vision on multi point a lot collaborative multilateralism. as russia strengthens its relations with african nations and the global south and global ext. and it's not been cold. the flour mastercard, details and the visuals quote, direct involvement in the depths of guys and civilian seeking humanitarian aid last week. human rights watch dog. yeah, you're a med has release the report highlighted amount of the evidence, including eye witnesses testimony and spend munition that were left behind and resulted in hundreds of casualties. several recent developments confirm israel's
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full involvement in what has been done. the flower massacre, many victims of the massacre suffered injuries from 5.56 by 45 millimeter nato bullets. this is a type of bullet fired from is really army weapons. a sample of 200 dead, an injured victims, revealed that they were indeed hit by this type of bullet. last task. today, a 115 policy indians were killed in more than 700. but when that when gone, fire rained down in the crowd near a gas, a city resulting in this dump it away from the side. modest union authorities blame the idea of for the quote harbor effect. massa against those who just wanted to obtain food and aid. now that you were mad monitoring organizations has that they have started the spend bullets and the fragments that hit and miss civilians and the incident. and they found that there was an exempt type of mutation need, specifically compatible with. and this old rival used by these really forces and he
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added that is often important from the u. k. and his life is by the country's defense ministry. now i'm with the allegations these ready prime minister, special advisors still maintain that civilians were killed and this them pied laying the blame on the truck drivers for way. delivering aid, however, he was fact checked in real time and then tried to dismiss the claim by saying that these ready forces opened fire on the scene and in a quote, separate incident. how about since then, the incident of people storming the trucks and the way the truck drivers bite and people getting squashed and pressed, and apparently bit of it being a mass casualties. they use what was not there on the ground. ok, but they did open fire and people were killed. so i'm completely confused by what you're saying because they admitted the box and set it set it on our at that then they opened fire. that's as that's
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a separate incident. okay. not connected to the tragedy with the trucks. away from that now that now well, you've pharma is wrapping up in solving dr. president, vladimir, putting his current li, delivering his speech at the event of next week. unless we can actually live with you. yeah. it's as much, it's the, he's new stuff with store, nothing. you need me to do something with the other way. it's still pretty for you to go look at the textbook. he's not the mover, literally jump spine as well. just such that the some of the different model, if you reduce the financial motors, when yes, what's the cause of most of the, with the show got no use needs to stuff down the stiffness. that'd be the united states. then we've seen you, would you move caea when me and
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when i see that i ask myself, how do you manage to go police all of this. but probably this is like as low as something brings us to give up. and this is what we call traditional values, despite the fact that we little different despite the skin of our car, still this something that brings us together. we goes viral, human. i use the most do it. i will need to know yes. so immediately before you put the new book, the cheap with the new book is click utilities. yep. yes. so we need a couple when you're sure while we're still going, you've got see if you were letting him come to us lloyd's, i think you schedule him. the point of view is richardson. it's nicole. but then you build and we have oh you cool. and since we are all equal, there's no place in the world for any exception in this era goodness o segregation based on any trades or feature, most yet or when the semester or some. i mean,
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i'm not sure what we're all on the cool. so i'm, i'm in charge of them like, oh yeah, like i said, yeah. so let me set it up like go there in the move. see me. so what am i mean? it's like i've done my blog or they don't mind me, but yeah, i email it to you later to see what we're doing. the zip a little girl spotsylvania success stories that is a pretty good thanks to our mother and our father. when we come into the world, because there's no other way, even despite the technology. so no,
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so should we stick with the were square in skin that you and the team is such a good a score of i'm like it's the nature is not only since you do popular due to zation and deal with them the by the way across the world to celebrate the international women's, the so around the bills to, oh, we meet on gumbo. not a good memory with names unless you know up what was i strongly made is the way i'm assuming we're avenue so we'll pull the equal. but the question is whether we grow up in equal condition to get because there's really in your yeah, around the 1st lady's immediate lets you use your story. regrettably, they authorize know the right know equal conditions for everyone in the world. the as a globe and then he's pretty.
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