tv News RT March 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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of the, the serious and you list of you, they would know decisions of the un security council, the united states release this jamie from the bottle itself. and when russell began to protect the people in dunbar, why is the same not allowed for other countries? right. they're not putting coles out. washington for it's hypocritical, double standard foreign policy during the closing press conference at the well, you'd festival had all the international law to me about some of the category agencies speaks to archie and said he now has a un monday to investigate if a tax on a couple of those are new plans happened to get his statement comes after his meeting with the government put in in the solving russian setting of searching. did
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that happen now? my reaction would be very different. because now i have a monday to, to look into these 2 task questions to try to determine what has happened. the police bama is reportedly break into the national pot image during the fall and protest against the policies that they say are crippling their industry. and also a head does not need if you put a shop from list and board india does not see any certificates or dictation from the rest and work regarding it and a type of direct shelter or any other country. paul, that's not the us post button for the india is ruling policy, says in an interview with audi this,
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its country is as it slides through independent and sovereignty in defiance of quest than tasha the kind of the welcome to the global news update on our team to national i am michael boucher. now the world use best of all has wrapped up in solven's res southern russia and the closing press conference and russian president vladimir put in, took a month to washington for its double stand at foreign policy. so you understood that the escape took united states failed to cope the burden of responsibility. they created the monopoly and began to strengthen the routing. it leads soon phase of the fact that the vast majority of the countries do not really like it. everyone so that the resistance to the emerging world order was growing problems and failures begin. even the allies don't like it was name,
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but they are afraid to say too much of the ruling elites of the united states decided that they did not need the old system of world relation. the balance in the world has changed and they have decided to rebuild the world order for themselves in iraq, syria, and your list of you. there were no decisions of the un security council. the united states released this genie from the bottle itself. and when russia began to protect its people in dunbar, why is the same not allowed for other countries? by the head of the press conference, the russian president also gave a rousing speech of the festivals closing ceremony. the venge welcome to 20000, the people from across the globe that i seeking to promote global cooperation and put in spoke about the importance of improving the world for the future benefit of all. so let me answer you despite the differences, just a little something that unites the english,
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and we quoted these by our tradition of value. second, this is the foundation of our life. something that we all have in common. we are all equal from the moment we are born, thanks to our mother and father. this is how people are born. there was no other way, even with modern technology, and that's where they were all born equally. but here comes the question. oh, we growing up developing equally unfortunately. no. there are no equal conditions in the world for everyone. and that is the main injustice of today's world. is it possible to secure equal conditionals for everyone to grow and develop? we don't know those and these 3 needs. but what i do know is that we should all strife with even the very fact of striving to make the world more democratic. we need more stable email and in safe, which would probably be at all to start down with the head of the international
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atomic energy agency. half that he met was driving it, put in, in the southern russian city of sochi. bravo grozis, spoke about general security deals. i photos you a nuclear bond and how the united nations has helped prevent additional attacks at the side. adding the he now has a mandates to investigate if such, investigations, all the instances why that happened again. you're just coming here from your meeting with president prudence. can you please give us some details on the issues that we discussed with him while it was a very important conversation for, for us? and for me personally aesthetic the general of the and the reasons are obvious. of course, um, there are many topics the situation around the security and the safety of face approach and cap our grant. which is, you know, at that say top of the security concerns. so tony, for the agency,
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i think in general were white. people are very worried about that. so and i was a just a few weeks ago i was again at, for the full time as you know, visiting the plant, looking at the situation they're trying to have my own impressions of voice going on there. and i had an opportunity in keith to discuss with the president savanski. so it was indispensable for me to come to russia to express my opinions of what i saw. my our impressions from a technical point of view and authority. some from the, from the president, them from the russian government. this is a very, very good moment because unfortunately, i said the promise i must say it or continues. and so for as long as there is a military conflict, the possibility of a new pair accident is still there. and we must make sure that there is maximum
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restraint in these regard. so that we avoid that situation. there was also, uh, i know you said it, it'd be full that there was also a possibility to these guys we can put some other issues on the international legend that does have a bearing on the nuclear nonproliferation gene, for example, of which the i e, h, this guardian, if you want a issues where russia has historically played an important role, for example, when it comes to iran and the new cap program over there, and other things and in the middle is so it was a reach discussion. as i said, i need to spend simple one for me. so let's start with the process. can you clip all plans? as you mentioned that it's really press pressing issue nowadays. so this is that was your full visit to the nuclear power station. uh, what is the main difference between the situation there?
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do you and your 1st visit and what do you so now when the 1st visit was in september 2022. i'm at that time if you remember, there were still direct pete's attacks on, on the side, on the plan. so the situation was quite dramatic and, and reaching a point that would be unthinkable and having a nuclear power plant as a target in, in military combat. so, and of course we were confronted with a situation that we didn't know how we would have all i was trying to establish a permanent presence, a by the agency from the agency there. so there were many uh, problems to solve for the to kind of bureaucratic technical so that. busy like opening the gates for us to be there to try to start a work,
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which is basically one of the support technical support on why much say it to a sense of extent deterrent of something bigger and more grades and more serious happening there. so that was in and, and now of course, the situation has evolves in the sense that, uh, we have established these presence there. uh, many things have happened in terms of the technical situation of the plant. the plant is now complete, shut down, which means that it is not operating or producing energy. and it is also, there's also a new situation because pressure has establish a new structure around it. and so we have to deal with these things in a different way. and some times colleagues of yours in other parts of the world ask
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be, well, do you think that we a better now than we were back then or, or not? and frankly, you know, i don't, i, i don't avoid questions i, that's not by style. but what i say is that it would be very difficult and perhaps even improved in for me to say, well, better now, because that is, i mean, instead of conflict going on. so what do you say? ok now, 10 hours later or 3 hours later or 2 minutes later i could change if there is a minute. i hate this, the shelling or if that station looses external power supply, it doesn't get quoting function and then you can have a cascade of events. uh, going into the area of an accidental and we are where to stop in each there. there are channels of diana, which are way to stop as i, as the head of the feeling that i have the attention of,
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of the government of ukraine. of course, i just finished my conversation with the president of the restroom for the nation. so as an international organization trying to have time to contribute to the seventy's ation of the situation. i think we are very solidly there to from that to say everything you sign. i wouldn't say it, but there are good elements. we are able to, to our technical work, to have interactions which are concrete, very concrete. and not only at the plant with the management of the town, but also here today i was having before seeing a prescient value. me 14 i was discussing with, with uh, a we did that inclusion on of uh the estate company. rosa told him to be so alex, a good shift and his team or so we the presence of an important litigation of the
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ministry of foreign affairs, of the residence of the nation. the russian nuclear regulator pro sticking up sorta and also have it represent that piece of the ministry of the fence. so we could go through the entire agenda and these are indispensable. so i can raise with them the specific issues i'm get. they are views. so we are working, we're working hard. so as for the i a, a, your position. what are your suggestions regarding the safety of these nuclear power plant? what should be done as for you to guarantee its safety at this turbulent times that 2 limits that 2 levels. one level has to do with the physical integrity of the plant. let me put it in very, very, very simple terms for your audience. never talk a new cap. our plant, more importantly, don't turn a new clip, our plant into
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a military base. it thereby making it a target. this is something i brought to the united nations security comes back in may last year. establishing the 5 basic principles i mentioned, the tool, which are the most important to us now. and i think these by and large is working because the international community, not the only most call and, and keep or whomever the, the national community has a very clear sense of what has to be done or not very clearly. so that is one day mention prevent the worst, and the 2nd is more dense, perhaps less attractive in a conversation like this. but it has to do with many technical aspects of what is going on there. how we insure the according function. you remember that there was the blow up of the nova kickoff got done in june last year. if i remember correctly,
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there's all these old tarts complete key, the levels of the deeper river from which the blonde was thumping out for the cooling. so there's been a lot of work there. the agency is interacting, i mean, a number of things which are indispensable. so that we have a relatively stable situation. but we see we see the ceiling, ongoing ceiling of the nuclear power plant. and since one k, if you do one, for instance, the landscape person a few crane about the potential consequences of bullying the nuclear object, if you will find a message, i think everybody's aware of, of a forty's at stake here. and my function here east can tenuously, control the attention of everyone about what it, what is at, at risk. we know that in, you know, in a war situation, the,
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the unexpected may happen simply because he's not a conversation. the russian of a conversation between 2 people like you and me. now, this is a physical confrontation of wheels, not for waste. you will find this ration of space and things can happen, but i can assure you that i am very clear when i speak with everybody about about this. so i am confident that they are, that they are hearing us. but of course, until this ends and it ends without an accident, we keep a, you know, our prudence and we keep our efforts alive. a and to months ago you said that i a has not collected enough evidence to state who was conducting the shilling, also to most of the experts. the trajectories, at least are quite old verse. but so what data i a is still missing. what about
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the data provided by the rest and whether it's all day on day? so let me tell you something which is very important. first of all, that since we established the mid 5 basic principles at the un security council that has been a direct showing on the prompt itself. i've seen close the case before. so if that happened now, my reaction would be very different. because now i have a mandate to look into this to ask questions to try to determine what has happened before. that was not the case because the i use the caps or how that simply a new pair safety security remedy to which was more, which was narrower and more simple. now we have said the i a is going to be looking into the 6 and to the extent possible to indicate what has happened to have been
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some mine or episodes. dangerous. i would say in terms of perhaps some cro drones heating and medical dar, which is the village near by the plant might on those we haven't been able to gather at, you know, we are apart from any of these. we are a group of inspectors and when we pronounce ourselves, it must be on the basis of our own independently gather information. if i don't have enough, i can have a hypothesis. said i do have like many people have, but i cannot say this has happened or point fingers when i don't have all the elements in my hands to say, face is clearly the source of the attack. i think here at the end of the day that is clarity on what are the consequences of something like this. and these is what i keep saying. what do we have information, for example, as it happens just
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a few days ago, for those sort of we, what do we have been saying? when do we have the information intelligence information or any of the information that that are meaning that the possibilities. but there could be need that a movement we, we ring the alarm bell and we say attention, we are watching. nothing should happen. and we are trying to play a deterrent role in these, we are not perfect, maybe a much better than nothing. i cannot help asking you about the equipment for it's uh, 8500000 euros that you provided. i a provided to this, i promise. can you put problems? are there any mechanisms to ensure that these money actually goes to where it's to go? yeah, indeed. as, as, as you write the mention of, 1st of all the desktop, keep money. this very important. what we get from countries that are willing
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to do so we get equipment normally safety equipment for nuclear power plants, not it, not as operators you but the other end are even as of all of the nuclear power plants to exactly the they are no get probably the best, i'm sure, no. okay. which because of the war and because of the alteration of the, of the supply chain, which is not flowing as in peace, time is not in short. so we are channeling these eh, into the facilities where they need one or the other thing so at, and we as an international organization, the have heavy, i would say efficient all the system to avoid that. there is any abuse. we are very careful about these things. so from what we know at the moment, there is a shortage of employees as a, as a promotion nuclear power plant. have you discussed the plans of depression
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situations to high a more personnel for this new clip whole time we have, we have looked into this. and of course, my impression is that the situation in terms of this stuff is relatively correct. and that i'm more of a recruitment ongoing, but then again, i should say that the situation is, or let's say, satisfying for us, so long as the plant is in this shut down situation where he's not generating power electricity. if people where to start again, then perhaps the needs in terms of uh, the technical personnel would be different, but this is something that about reaching we still need to see what, what's going to happen, the demand of minutes. so if you credit or energy of fuel crane, who said that is important to withdrawal russian troops to ensure the safety of the
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nuclear power plant? do you think that these moves would ever really secure the safety of the nuclear portfolio plant will have completely opposite the results? well, i wouldn't put it in those terms. i think that this is, of course i need to go statement that has to do with the conflict. now why their sense? i cannot imagine that there would be such a isolate, to move uh from the russian federation, without a wider agreement. we own, you know, i'm at the pretty much i'm on that word. so piece. i hope that we will collectively find the right path towards that was a charge with the i a you chief right there and to put it on now where fall most protesting in the nation's capital, reportedly broke into the policy. been building some of the demonstrators, we're seeing classroom with the police. 7
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has been the wave of protest by i will control what goes throughout the european union in recent months. the outrage is focused in new environmental regulations, the fama se on tripling their industry. how these farmers are seeking a bad on cheap imports of grading from neighboring ukraine. here is what some of them have to say. yeah, me, that's good either. something has changed or it has changed for the worse. the us started to impose its ideology on us and today it's the farmers. this applies to farmers, for example, the climate revolution. this climate package, green energy and green order, which someone will introduce unfortunately, will destroy polish farms. personal goals, products not only from ukraine, but also from outside europe, the stabilize our economy, and will lead farm is to bankruptcy. that is why there is such great outrage not
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only in poland, but throughout europe. the pharmacy, a great threat that the farms are at risk and that they will simply have to stop producing enough. i go to die for the area of my colleague charlotte the bass case spoke about the development with archie correspondent myer, and uncle, sorry, of i understood, engaged a professor. i based to do the european studies in bel grade. the polish farmers have had enough, they can no longer uh, take this at their own expense at all. started of course, last year when polish farmers started protesting sort of complaining and saying that, hey, all the c cheap, ukrainian grain that is answering and flooding our market is messing with our livelihoods and we cannot make ends meet something needs to happen. and during this time, there were also complains that ukrainian grain was being dumped from trucks and from frames. even the polar side were cultural minister, had to apologize and justify his citizens action saying, well, they're glass, we're talking on the time. so you have to understand them as well. and then we have
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the prime minister of poland saying that perhaps we are looking into temporarily closing the board. or even we're talking with the ukranian side about temporarily closing the border and closing trade. and i will also talk to polish farmers about this. and such a solution would be temporary and mutually painful. we are the most pro ukrainian states, but we also have the biggest problems in all of europe resulting from the russian ukrainian war. the price of free trade with ukraine is too high, and we can't pay it back. here's what's interesting is that you have donald task asking european partners to understand polish farmers concerns. you know, at the same time you have lot him or is it less the same? no, we understand that it's tough for a polish farmers not only polish farmers. i'll get to that in the 2nd. but he wants polish farmers to understand that they need to suffer for the time being for the sake of ukraine, which of course,
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it's tough to explain to people that can pay their bills. we must finally find a solution to the situation on the postage board, which is going to be on both economics and morality alone go. it is simply impossible to explain how the hardships that they believed in country can be used in domestic political struck race. at the same time, there's only so much that people can go on support and you can drain after all expense, you know your stuff. and there's no way to bring you in to the conversation at this point. how much of a problem has this been across europe? in terms of this sheet going and coming in on the cutting, the farm is the farmer's protest. so he's a problem. this was brewing for some time. now, even before the escalation of conflict in eastern europe, they are very significant because uh, not only voltage citizens, but citizens across europe are sick and tired with the war and are thinking, fired with this uh, they'll delete terry and style a single minded view of the cranium conflict,
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and there are costs of the expected to go with the narrative. that is, that is, that is given and to constantly sacrifice for god knows what. 4 things that they're very far away from their interest as citizens for, for the interest of their countries. and so on. so i do think that this is going to continue, and this protest will, of course, cause a chain reaction in honor european countries. marina just want to bring you back in . how about the you? they oversee the, the, proponents of this policy of introducing 2022. basically when you create conflicts started, they scrap the tariff saw new queen goods that would transiting to the not was this accumulation. as you describe the serial products, flooding the market and the cutting, the local farm is price is causing these problems. how is e responded full so far? it hasn't really done much. well, they are the ones who started this to begin with when they changed their e u regulations. in particular,
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the agreements between the european union and ukraine, they completely removed all restrictions when it comes to ukrainian truck drivers. and this is the, the restrictions for driver's transporting goods between ukraine and the european union. so this is not only effect and colon, this is affecting the whole block, which is why we've seen protest in other countries, not just fall in all these farmers. and the you are saying, hey, we need a solution because something needs to happen. this is an unfair advantage for ukraine in farmers. yes, they're struggling right now, but at the same time, we are struggling as one something needs to be done. this is the latest when it comes to the e. u. there are statements made options for southern the best way would be to support you crate in transit attempts run support to see ports and sun products to countries where ukraine has always traditionally sent its products. what we need for this is a positive approach from ukraine and some corporation. all ukranian partners must understand the situation, the fall fall most no markets kind of stand such
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a level of supply increase for rough shaw this is once again another example of how the wes puts its own interest over the interest of its own citizens. and we've seen this time and time again, and we've heard today from marissa harv on the foreign ministry spokesman, who basically reiterated that and said that this is something that we see from the west, the time and time again with a good idea on for 2 years they talked about food security, about the need to feed the poorest. it was said by the countries of the european union, nato and weston countries, which includes poland payable and now they demand exactly the opposite. products to be slowed down. not allowed blocked and the ukranian ones are not allowed to come to them. but this is not even hypocrisy. this is a possession in the medical aspect of the wood. this is a position, questionable school this what is happening to farmers and the countries of the european union is provoked by the regimes in those countries. but they cannot admit
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this because otherwise they will need to admit, not just the wrong this of the course. this is very important, but the maliciousness of course, when it comes to washington, it's really far away from the place of european farmers. so perhaps it, they don't really care about this, but when it comes to the e. u, again, they should have seen this coming all along. so this is where the question arises. what were they thinking on? what for their plans on either the thought that this would be over very soon so far their farmers would it be affected or that's how well that will be effective, but somehow they'll manage, which is just ludicrous and to india now stable and friendly. that's how the country is. foreign policy chief is summed up relations with russia. mid the you treat and conflict. everyone conducts a relationship based on past experiences. if i look at the history of pipes, the independence india, russia has never heard of our interest. we've always had
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a stable and very friendly relationship. and our relationship with moscow today is based on this experience. western powers have been urging new delhi to change its bands towards russia, but india has spilled firm and it's neutral status. despite the difficulties of balancing its financial interest with its international obligations, the spokes bus another ruling b, j. p potty outlined the car and spends the rest your patient has a student and know, you know, face all kinds of lives and videos. right? yeah, we did for a, i mean, did for us yet the halls of sick to the starting from defense starting from investment in problems starting from the investment in boy starting to up into a way for us. yet the most important point in this is the foreign policy. you may not rush she all the way mary.
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