tv News RT March 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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the, the the, the rug, syria and hugo snob, you, they would know decisions of the un security council. the united states released this genie from the bottle itself and wind rush, it began to protect its people in done best. why is the same not allowed for other countries, but it was a cause i have the washington for it. typically the double standard storm policy during your closing press conference at the will use press, civil change, all of the i a springs to all the same thing that he has a un mandate look into any other websites or moves that are really good. it needs to be a problem. statement comes off that meeting by the inputs in, in the southern russian city of thought that happened. now my reaction would be very different. because now i have a mandate to look into this to ask questions
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to try to determine what has happened. 7 to st. louis almost repeatedly blows into the holland and building of a wasn't they full destructive p u policies. also, it does not need any protection from wisdom board. india does not seek any certificates or dictation from the rest and work regarding its and other dive with russia or any other country for that matter. exclusive interview with of c, this one's of india is ruled in quantities as his nation reserves its rights to independence and solving feet in defiance of wisdom. pressure the screwdriver, the today, the link this global news out of i'm on, hold on me,
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and this is all the international the was used for. so as a rock the top in southern russia at that those, the press conference, russian prison by the put in took a mad washington, but it's double standards in foreign policy. so younger stuff, the united states failed to cope with the burden of responsibility. they created the monopoly and begin to strengthen it. the routing and leads soon faced the fact that the vast majority of the countries do not really like it, everyone so that the resistance to the emerging world order was growing problems and failures began. even the allies don't like it, but they are afraid to say too much. the ruling elite of the united states decided that they did not need the old system of world relations. the balance in the world has changed and they have decided to rebuild the world order for themselves in iraq, syria and yugoslavia. there were no decisions of the un security council. the united states released this genie from the bottle itself. and when russia began to
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protect its people in don't bass, why is the same not allowed for other countries? well, i asked the russian president about relations between the united states and russia . and also i touched on the fact that the tucker carlson interview that he did was very well received. but he came across as a different kind of leader. and that was good for american use to see a kind of politics. and it's different because in united states, our politics is very much about sound bites and gossip. and you know, he has more of a scientific approach to long term strategy and stay craft. and she gave a very clear answer based on how the united states has conducted itself since the 2nd world war. and he talked about nato and he talked about beautiful arity. he talked about how the united states invaded iraq without the permission of
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the un security council and the activities the united states as gauged in various places. i was a very sophisticated answer, basically making clear how the united states is conducting itself around the world and how this is a barrier to having the kind of relations that russia in the united states should have is major countries that have a very big impact on the global stage and he gave a very clear and precise answer. and i really appreciate that. and he was looking right at me as he spoke. and i can tell you who's speaking to me. it is just a high powered, is that i've been doing a lot of live streaming and videos from the of that so many elaborate displays about the technology. so many elaborate uh, you know, after raisins demons, demonstration, advanced parades, many different countries participating. and it just shows the deep roots of relations that russia has with so many countries. i mean, so many latin american countries, so many african countries. um,
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the middle east asia. i mean, it's just so many parts of the world have a very, very deep relationship with russia. and you know, in his remarks to the closing ceremony of the festival where was able to appear in person, he talked about the traditional values that kind of trends and cultures that bring us all together. this is what he sat here, which in europe. so he's probably the one differences. there is something that unites us in russia. we call these our traditional values. this is the foundation of our life. something that we all have in common. we are all equal from the moment we are born, thanks to our mother and father. this is how people are born. there is no other way even with modern technology. we are all born equal. but here comes the question, how we growing up, developing equally. unfortunately, no, there are no eco conditions in the world for everyone, and that is the main injustice of today's world. is it possible to secure equal conditions for everyone to grow and develop?
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i don't know, but what i do know is that we should all strive for this, even the very fact of striving to make the world more democratic, more stable, balanced, and safer. so overall, the festival i think has been a smashing success of the western media tries to for trade. russia is being isolated are saying that russia has been, you know, cut off from the rest of the world. that's a complete delusion. so many countries are here with big delegations of use participating in the best of all russian use are bonding with used from all over the world. they're sharing a vision of development and cooperation. they're celebrating the brakes as an alternative to the west germans and financial system that's keeping so many countries in poverty. i would say the world use festival conducted at the time when russia is also still engaged in the special military operation. uh, you know, the facts. they're able to conduct a festival like this. this shows a real strength on the part of the russian government and russian society. and jeff
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involved future slow, a nice on the sidelines of the we'll use a festival. we heard from the delegate and from the philippines. he says the world is changing and developing nations, specifically those of the global south of pioneering the move. i think um the philippines and russia has already started that the actually engage in a more vibrant, the diplomatic relations as you see the word before was divided into to the us and the rest of the world. but the philippines, i think like the rest of the world, these not asserting that file, we should move away from a uni polar world to a multi color world. and that, that countries like the philippines, we types at sea, unprecedented growth. would like to be heard particularly on where the parents now know. so we start incident started, i'd be with the rest of the world in telling america that it is not just the voice of the americans that we should be heard. but the voice of many other peoples now arm conflicts are happening that z and the sides are happening despite the
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existence of uh, north of art instead of the tech civilians. and we know that these instances of genocide are happening because of economic reasons. like is the one thing now to explore the oil fields of gaza, and that is why they want all the added probably cdns to be basic and exterminate they have not. so they can fully exploit the manual. they put big the size of that stuff, but the for the 1st time, not even if the u. s. wants to dominate where the fears they themselves have to fail israel to stop the genocide. so um, at least attempts to protect civilians. no, i think they can no longer play bip and um, the price of the entire united states that we spend now one as you might see, and not just as individual states in the flooring instances of genocide and other issues of existence. so to the side, that was the head of the international atomic energy agency for the rest of it to be off the he met with vitamin puts in the southern russian society of sorts. you
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know, raphael groceries spoke about general security of zappa road and into a pile fall, but i'm highly united nations as health prevent additional attacks at the side. i think he now has a mandate to investigate if such instances happen again, or you're just coming here from your meeting with president put in. can you please give us some details on the issues that to discuss with him while it was a very important conversation for, for us? and for me personally aesthetic the general of the and the reasons are obvious. of course, there are many topics the situation around the security and the safety of face approach and cap our grant, which is, you know, at that say top of the security concerns. so the only for the agency, i think in general were white. people are very worried about that so and i was
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a just a few weeks ago. ready i was again fit for the full time as you know, visiting the plan through king at the situation they're trying to have my own impressions of voice going on there. and i had an opportunity in keith to discuss with the present savanski solely to us indispensable for me to come to russia to express my opinions of what i saw. my our impressions from a technical point of view and authority. some from the, from the president that from the russian government, this is a very, very good moment because unfortunately, i said the promise i must say it for continues. and so for as long as there is a military conflict, the possibility of a new pair accident is still there. and we must make sure that there is maximum restraint in this regard. so that we avoid that situation. there was also,
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uh, i know you said it, it'd be full that there was also a possibility to discuss with basing put some other issues on the international as in that, that have a bearing on uh, the nuclear nonproliferation gene, for example, of which the i e, h is guardian if you want a issues where russia has historically played an important role, for example, when it comes to iran and the new cap program over there, and other things in the, in the middle east. so it was a reach discussion. as i said, i need to spend some 0 one for me. so let's start with the process. can you clear power plants, as you mentioned, that it's really a press pressing issue nowadays. so this is that was your 4th visit to the nuclear power station. what is the main difference between the situation the do you on your 1st visit and what you're so now when the 1st visit was in september 2022.
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i'm at that time. if you remember, there were students direct pete's attacks on, on the side, on the plan. so this equation was quite dramatic and, and reaching a point that would be unthinkable and having a nuclear power plant as a target in immediate combined. so and of course we were confronted with the situation that we didn't know how we would have all i was trying to establish a permanent presence a by the agency from the agency there. so there were many um, uh, problems to solve for the, to kind of bureaucratic technical. so that was like opening the gates for us to be there to try to start a work, which is basically one of the support technical support on white much say it to
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a certain extent. deterrent of something bigger and more ray and more serious happening there. so that was in and, and now of course, the situation has evolved in the sense that we have established these presence there. of the many things have happened in terms of the technical situation of the plant. the plant is now complete, shut down, which means that it is not operating or producing energy. and it is also, there's also a new situation because pressure has establish a new structure around it. and so we have to deal with these things in a different way. and some times colleagues of yours in other parts of the world ask
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be, well, do you think that we a better now than we were back then or, or not? and frankly, you know, i don't, i, i don't avoid questions i, that's not by style. but what i say is that it would be very difficult and perhaps even improved in for me to say we're a bit to now because that is, i mean, instead of conflict going on. so what he's ok now 10 hours later or 3 hours later or 2 minutes later could change if there is a minute heat is the shelling or if that station uses external power supply, it doesn't get quoting function and then you can have a cascade of events going into the area of an accidental and we are where the studies there. there are channels of diana, which are way to stop as i, as ahead of the feelings that i have the attention of the
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government of ukraine. of course, i just finished my conversation with the president of the restroom for the nation. so as an international organization trying to have time to contribute to the seventy's ation of the situation. i think we are very solidly there from that to say everything is fine. i wouldn't say it, but there are good elements. so we are able to, to our technical work to have interactions which are concrete, very concrete, and not only at the plant with the management of the town, but also here today i was having before seeing a present value. me 14. i was discussing with the we did that include you in on of the estate company. rosa told it'd be so alex a good shift and his team or so we the presence of an important litigation of the
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ministry of foreign affairs. so the residence that ation the russian nuclear regulator cross taken up florida and also represent ethics of the ministry of defense. so we could go through the entire agenda and these indispensable, so i can raise with them specific issues. i'm get the i've use. so we are working, we're working hard. so as for the i a, a, your position. what are your suggestions regarding the safety of this new clip out on what should be done as for you to guarantee it safety at this turbulent times that 2 levels. that 2 levels, one level has to do with the physical integrity of implant. me put it in very, very, very simple terms. for your audience. i never, i talked a new cap. our planned for important. please don't turn no get up our planting to immediate database. there by making it
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a target. this is something i brought to the united nations security comes back in may last year. establishing the 5 basic principles i mentioned, the tool, which are the most important to us. now, i think these by and large is working because the international community, not only most call and, and keep or whomever, international community has a very clear sense of what has to be done or not very clearly. so that is one day mention prevent the worst, and the 2nd is more dense, perhaps less attractive in a conversation like this. but it has to do with many technical aspects of what is going on there. how we insure the courting function. you remember that there was the blow up of the? nope, i got a golf got done in june last year if i remember correctly. so these older
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completely the levels of the deeper weaver from which the blonde was thumping out for the cooling. so there's been a lot of work there. the agency is interacting, i mean, a number of things which are indispensable. so that we have a relatively stable situation. but we see we see the ceiling ongoing shimming of the nuclear power plant. and since you one, can you do one precedence, landscapers and a few crane about the potential consequences of bombing the nuclear object is where my message. i think everybody is aware of, of a $0.40 day q. and my function here east can tenuously, control the attention of everyone about to what it's at, what is that at risk? we know that in, you know, in a war situation, the unexpected may happen simply because he's not
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a conversation. the russian conversation between 2 people like you and me, now, this is a physical confrontation of wheels, not for waste. you will find this ration out of space on things can happen, but i can assure you that i am very clear when i speak with everybody about about this. so i am confident that they are, that the a hearing us. but of course, i'm to these ends and it ends without a new get accident. we keep, you know, our prudence and we keep our efforts alive. and to months ago, you said that i a has not collected enough evidence to stage who was conducting the shooting. although to most of the experts, the trajectory is at least are quite old verse. but so what data i a is still
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missing. what about the data provided by the russian, whether it's all day on day. so let me tell you something which is very important. first of all, that seems we established in the 5 basic principles of the un security council that hasn't been a direct showing on the attempt itself. i think was the case before. so that's happened now. my reaction would be very different, because now i have a mandate to look into this, to ask questions to try to determine what has happened before that was not the case because the i use the caps or how that seem to be a new be a safety security remedy to which was more, which was narrower and more simple. now, we have said the is going to be looking into the 6 and to the extent possible to indicate what has happened that have been some mine or episodes,
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dangerous. i would say in terms of perhaps some cro drones heating and medical dar, which is the village near by the blind might on those we haven't been able to gather at, you know, we are apart from any of these. we are a group of inspectors and when we pronounce ourselves, it must be on the basis of our own independent. we gather information. if i don't have enough, i can have a hypothesis. i do have like many people have, but i cannot say this has happened or point fingers when i don't have or the limits in my hands to say face is clearly the source of the attack. i think here at the end of the day that is clarity on what are the consequences of something like this . and these is what i keep saying when do we have information, for example, as it happened just a few days ago for those sort of we,
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what do we have been saying? when do we have the information intelligence information or any of the information that that are meaning that the possibilities that there could be meaning that a movement we, we ring the on about how do we say attention, we are watching. nothing should happen. and we are trying to play a deterrent role in this. we are not perfect. maybe that's much better than nothing . i cannot help asking you about the equipment for us. uh, 8500000 zeros that you provided. i provided to this i promise. can you put problems? are there any mechanisms to ensure that these money actually goes to where it's to go? yeah, indeed. as, as, as you write the mention of, 1st of all the desktop, keep my, is this very important. what do we get from countries that are willing to do so?
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we get equipment normally safety equipment for nuclear power plants, not it, not as operators. you the but the other end are even as of all of the nuclear power plants to exactly the they are no get up our best. i'm sure nobody had which because of the war and because of the, of duration of the, of the supply chain, which is not flowing as in peacetime, is not in short. so we are channeling this into the facilities where they need one or the other thing. so at, and we as an international organization, the have heavy, i would say efficient all the system to avoid that. there is any abuse. we are very careful about these things. so from what we know at the moment, there is a shortage of employees as a, as a promotion nuclear power plant. have you discussed the plans of depression situations to high a more personnel for this new clip whole time we have,
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we have looked into this. and of course, my impression is that the situation in terms of this stuff is relatively correct. and that i'm more of a recruitment ongoing, but then again, i should say that the situation is, and that's a satisfying for us, so long as the brand is in this shut down situation where he's not generating power electricity. if it where to start again, then perhaps the need seemed themselves. uh, a technical personnel would be different, but this is something that about breach. we still need to see what, what's going to happen, the demand of minutes of credit. i'll send you off the crane. who said it is important to withdraw with russian troops to ensure the safety of the nuclear power plant. do you think that these moves would ever really secure the safety of the
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nuclear portfolio plant will have completely opposite the results? well, i wouldn't put it in those terms. i think that this is, of course i need to go statement that has to do with the conflict. now why their sense? i cannot imagine that there would be such a isolate, to move uh from the russian federation, without a wider agreement. we own, you know, i'm at the moment. i'm, i'm on the works for peace. i hope that we will collectively find the right path towards step 3, sir, it is a being killed and for others wound it off. they gave me the rebels. at times i call those been the gulf of 8, and that's according to the us central come on, the western plains of the ship, it is light burying owned the roof of the vessel was american. i rejected the
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warnings is a 1st leaf. so a tech carried out by the whose he says to this is volva fight israel's invasion of gaza. the rebels say that operations are a show of solidarity with the suffering protest in people and to poland, now with fatherless processing, and the nation's capital have reported the broken into the nation's parliament. while others could be seen crashing with police the, the wave of protest. why i didn't go to this uh the you, in recent months, the outrage has been focused, focused on finding cheap import cleaning grain flooding local market. so as new environmental rules which pharmacy off in the industry. we heard from some of the demonstrators, here's what they have to say. yeah, me,
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that's good either. something has changed. it has changed for the worse. the e u has started to impose its ideology on us and today it's the farmers. this applies to farmers, for example, the climate revolution. this climate package, green energy, and green order, which someone will introduce, unfortunately, will destroy polish farms across the world, products not only from ukraine, but also from outside europe, the stabilize our economy, and will lead farm is to bankruptcy. that is why there is such great outrage not only in poland, but throughout europe, pharmacy, a great threat that the farms are at risk and that they will simply have to stop producing. uh, i'm not sure what the say, well, i'm funny. that's how in this top step in my has this guy relation with russia, amid the thing conflicts everyone conducts a relationship based on past experiences. if i look at the history of paste independence, india, russia has never heard of our interest. we've always had
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a stable and very friendly relationship. and our relationship with moscow today is based on this experience. this slide less than a certain sample as anybody's thoughts, tools, and moscow. india has stood from it as neutral post you. we heard from the 1st verse of the nation, the ruling political bossy, came down to why the 2 countries have withstood the test of time. the ratio page, it has a student, i know you don't face all kinds of lives and then videos. right? yeah, we did for india and media media for russia. the halls sector starting from defense, starting from investment in problems starting from the investment in voice starting to up into a while for us. yet the most important point in this is for india foreign policy in may. uh, russia, old of a very important please. not be any pressure from wisdom board in the does not
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see any certificates or the patients from the rest of the board regarding it's at a time with russia or any other kind of default that might be able to continue to engage with russia to explore the photos, sectors of energy, all i will call them off the cream of defense, which has to be got really for long, but one will i some i san corrected on that. it's just that sometimes one will does . he does come across headlines. you see west and politicians, j, new tally to put pressure on must go to end the conflict. but i do specifically want to ask you about a new daddy's position. uh, he's a visa, ukraine conflict. i mean, we feel that we're reaching almost a dangerous point. we've got president mot, chrome saying that we're not really without sending weston troops to ukraine with harrington the tops of tom and officials talking about helping ukraine. what
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prussian infrastructure you tell me, he says we want this conflict to be resolved. do you see resolution coming before escalation at this point in time? is the interest of the global piece. the resolution of the conflict is a t i, b o is. this is not the for any a nation. uh, without leaving any space the country to be able to do the via rather this is the buyer to control the buyer. so the country which is a, the steve porter, this conflict of the se, the wall to the device or the metrics so that both sides are on the d and b as well. but so from me because of a, as always in spring to have your company, my colleagues social security and it will be with you at the top of the out. so i've been doing a very good the.
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