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tv   News  RT  March 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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as far as we know that it's going to be worth the journey. the south africa lays clear out why these really and game is as per jury, as fact, new legal charges against calibri bolstering it's genocide case. and it comes as the red cross as ad dropping 8 on the guy's a one to resolve the major and price. the thing with the address is that the are inefficient. sustainable supply requires quantities of, in turn gave me the food to the vast majority of the population in the conduct to rescue operation. to save $21.00. people from chicago vessel in the red sea, this stuff with a direct kids out to be targeted by who would be
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a fighter and red lines be down. the french president says this country has no limits in its support for your trade. on the top of washington security office all did meet you and i did. it takes a month. the pledge scaling out the ramifications for friday. the right is midnight in moscow. this is odd international i have mike called fortunately now. so don't forget, has initiated the more legal proceedings against the user. all of the united nations court do say it or not facilitating committees here and aid for gaza. so the advocate believes that these are all this committing genocide against positing and civilians
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in an expensive interview with auntie. so i'll think of presidential spokesperson, vincent mcguire and has reaffirmed his country is commitment to bring the crisis and gather to an end. we would like to see the country and as soon as possible we would live to see is royal, comply with the provisional measures that have been ordered by the court. that is why was going back to the courts to us for this threatening off of those borders and so that we prevent what is now imagine as a segment crisis with
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a lot of people projected to die from starvation. we would live to see the association of hostilities. we would live to see the opening of humanitarian corridors to those who are in need of, of, of humanitarian bait. that is why we were always as a country and this is something president. remo for so little court, do you need to check your to use every legal means that instrument to ensure that we see an end to the genocide to that strategy and taking place in guys that we see and, and to the brutal punishment and the team of people who are seeking aid, like we saw recently in russell a back in january, the us international court of justice found that it is possible that he's role has committed acts of genocide in gaza. a provision no order said the easel must ensure
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that it's forces not to commit any of the acts prohibited by the genocide convention. meanwhile, upon a student, american doctors have called for immediate assistance for civilians in gaza, fighting the dire situation to be fulfilled in order for it is tragic. i've been in different missions. this was for the most terrible and terrific that i've seen in my life. and i believe that the humanity of each one of us to do something to stop this every minute signifies the loss of a life the starvation of a child. and so we need an immediate and permanent, not temporary permanent ceasefire. now it on a time to mitigate big amenities here in crisis down to the middle east. the nations of egypt and the united arab emirates have dropped 38 tons of food and medical aid into gaza. and that's after several western countries for the funding
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for the un agency, responsible for providing assistance upon the screen is easy. while i had a cues that agency of having staff members too closely involved in the policy and inside of the conflict we hadn't heard from gathered residents who say it's impossible to survive without more help from outside. gonzalez, we demand the underwater to increase a during the month of ramadan because the flower they provide is not enough. i did and we have children who need milk government, and they cannot stand on their feet because they suffer from low blood sugar. but we're not provided with anything except flower. now what? but sometimes we only get flower discipline who do not get a usable food, a baskets such as neat cooking, oil, sugar, and milk theater. all these things should be included because of poverty. people sale the allotment of flowers in order to buy other things, such as cucumber, tomatoes, onions and peppers. because people want to eat different things as we cannot always consume flowers alone. just by the outcry spokesperson for the use ready,
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prime minister's office has bras, decide the widespread reports that various currently humanitarian prices in guys that are you doing about reports of children starving to the very 1st let me just say that the number one humanitarian issue in the gaza strip right now and since october 7th day is the flight of a hostages. right, i made starvation, guys, our residents are also dying from these really admitted tree attacks. reports are coming in of at least 15 civilians being killed over night. and he's released flights that hit dial, blah, in the central part of the entry medical teams, i've taken the dead 2 of the nearby ox, the hospital, and that's according to god's as grim dest, full as the war. and as it fixed month, as it is now, the policy in health ministry says that over $15000.00 palestinians have been killed since the war to stop in october. and more than 12000 of them were children
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and another 72000 people have been reported. one day and he's really attacked now spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross as a regional. the region is in the state of disaster. distinguish the addresses that the are inefficient here on sustainable. they cannot supply, state acquired quantities of intern paid me the food to the best majorities, all of the nation. the needs are definitely too large to cover by a line of air trucks that you're going to be a 7 and databases they take. they are time consuming, and people, the gallons of demand control is about 3, it's time kind of to provide large quantities as needed and it just, sometimes people even put people to the risk of trying to reach there. some of these are just for benjamin c. so if possible, get, what's now need to be focused on is to double the efforts as start reminder that
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all the efforts must be pursued are just to come pick it up, take a little vacation that are now more of more imperative to allow the civilian physician to have access to the basic services that are essential for their own survival. i mean, there's different prices across because of the trip in the north side of the south for different reason makes people the, the vast majority of the conditions and trinity displaced south of gases. check over 1200000 people at the space. and rough governor has done and raised the true presents only 20 percent of the total space of cost. yep. they can have access to with items, but they are extremely expensive. that would be average family doesn't, cannot afford to buy who was already your basis. but it's on the table, there's even no table as they the, the most the live in tents on the streets and the sidewalks now distribution up so quickly towards the end, bernard is due to the availability document attorney and cannot reach it as it should as a robust lifeline to the board,
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the i mean and b as the ice here. so you have not been able to access the not for some template for, for a long time. now to be that sense of the necessary events to it's guaranteed special for. ready tech emissions. we have wasn't that some of the boys got to open fire hat and this is not the working environment that's going to try and scan cheese and i'll give you 10 response. so as usual continues, it's offensive on the guys that india is, defends ministry has released the footage of a rescue operation after who the rebels attacked accomplish ship, and that in the gulf of aden. about 3 saying those were killed and for others where when did in the attack, and that's according to information from the us mandatory. it is the 1st naval attack conducted by the who, the citizens pensions board over in the region, the following. israel's invasion of guys that i know who these came, that they targeted the ship and they will continue to do so until the siege on gas
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that is lifted down on the targeting operation came off to the ship's crew. rejected warning messages from the many naval forces. the you have any armed forces persist in upholding the religious, moral, and humanitarian duties in supporting the oppressed, palestinian people and their operations in the rage and arabs. seas will not stop until the aggression stops and the siege on the palestinian people in the gaza strip is listed above the water bill. all of us officials revealed the washington did not know the full capabilities of who these because of the intelligence gaps. while us senators express skepticism over president dual biden's approach to the escalation of the escalating the pensions, the washington says it will continue its military operations against it who the fight is in. the united states will continue to hold the cookies accountable for their attacks, which have not just disrupted international commerce,
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not just disrupted the freedom of navigation in international waters and not just endangered c fairs, but now tragically killed a number of them. so we will continue to hold them accountable, and we call them governments around the world to do the same. but less for us now live to a political analyst and it's an option to let the advisor are the young. yeah, joining us live from be rude. ali is good to have you join me right now. now, how would you assess the effectiveness of previous strategies employed by the us to get to who the activities and the reason so well, thank you. mike slosik invitation. what actually i thing. so i suggest that they can uh, change the name of people, spent the value of pollution to uh, the sun and fish. a got an a pollution because they fade in the target to both
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take the money can throw you into usb. the sun now in is you for you to you funded the can request my in the, let's see. and instead of a look back thing, dish the dish with the they became a target to the hosting this mr. ad instead of course, of course, toning and manufacturing the means to pollution in the out of the a planet. they lost the coin food, and therefore the reaction reacting as a reaction and instead of a, instead of open lead me think it helps the attack. who attacking on duty, one attacks in every 2 days now attacking every day. so i think that these coordination said in the apartment right now, it is,
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seems that the who the tax off it hits a mess with the recent time seeing more actual strikes on ships. what are your thoughts on what the future will bring from the assessment of what's going on to uh, well actually uh the house is unknowns. uh that. ready what's happening in the west see, when stop, when the war on guns, the williams stop showing the link and the situation and the rest, the to the situation. and i guess the, uh, the health is now a know clearly that they will not stop whatever. because ition or the costs, the technician will uh do. and i think that a uh, this will not stop. and if you said
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a week, uh, because of uh, housing laptop and also the coordination of loans on and washington will not stop and do that. i seem to help me see now a benefit is from the will that started the showing me that coordination rules are started in 2014. and the benefit date from these are the lactic of the amount that i'll benefit from the outside of has the benefit from. we shuffled. okay, when you get the benefit period, uh, by the, by the lives of, of the full amount on me. beth was led by a bill of charlotte, doctor, i'm a resident of young men and they became more stronger and well effective in what are they doing? and i think that a useful stuff a in my flush. all right, we have to leave you here. now are the guy yeah,
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a political analyst and international affairs advisors. thank you for so much for your insight. a process president mark on says that they shall be no more limitations or red lines in the way of providing support for your grade. he met those comments ahead of probably been 3 debates. next week i made the wave of discontent against his policies within funds, as well as the e. u. in general. a real new law in the government and the president of the republic are clearly telling the french people for the 2 political forces. frances position has changed. there are no more red lines. there are no more limits at present because you don't live if you get the president of the republic is ready to give unlimited and it seems all out support to ukraine because i made it clear what the national rallies position was. namely that we had to support ukraine, but we had to ensure that france did not itself go to war with russia, which has a need to their power, in which case would have
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a repairable consequences for peace in the region to plant in the world. and i told him that the various positions he had taken over the last few days were causing concern the country among the french people. and that this position was isolating france on the international stage. if i don't get a statement provoked theory in france where the leader of the party, the patrons, even. busy waiting for my client to be ousted. last week, the french president raised more than a few eyebrows when he said nature could said its troops into ukraine, and not sent alarm bells ringing in the capitals of manual fondest allies and dropped the call from flatter vacation. then later, the french president once again weighed in on the conflict, comparing e, you nations, the cowards who said, but what do we have? certainly approaching the time in europe when we must not be cowards. and we never want to see the dramas to come. and these, well, the fact that war has returned to us soil. we sent me the powers that have become
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on stuff people are extending the threat every day attacking us. we have to be, meet the challenge of history and match the courage at implied sooner to a sudden of the deputy head of russia's national security council for my president, dmitri mez did have responded with an appearance stretched towards funds. he said that if paris is removing its red lines in regard to ukraine, the moscow will also remove its own red lines and we got the funds. the macro has said, there are no more red lines. there are no more limits in terms of supporting ukraine . lamond, then that means russia has no more red lines left for france. geo political on the list serial de la josh says that the most such rhetoric from the west is to induce fear by demonizing russia and therefore boost their own military industrial complex . we all understand that to see if the power can not go out for one each other
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otherwise. but it's the fragile russia use as always be an opportunity. this is, it's the west that doesn't want to negotiate and everything will be my knowledge. and to my analysis, airport, things will be done by the west to make sure that we do not find any useful. and to that simply, they are trying to improve the not even the books up from where ever can to make sure that everybody understands the rush or wants to go a floor after your brain with developing states and why not be your up in front of whatsoever so they need this an example so they are both purposes because by feeling. ready they are hoping by just happened like it happens or it into us that they will restart. the needs are already in just in this way all from weis in front of the europe, which is completely down. and more rhetoric from a novel,
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you'll lead to a lot of souls of jeremy calls a peace treaty. a russian propaganda of the transfer of the said in the early days of the russian, the trade in conflict that they never, that was such a document degree agreed upon. and that news reports where the basis for cutting off negotiations with moscow. so there has never been a draft peace treaty between russia and ukraine. you know, that's the russian propaganda. it is alleged that a peace agreement to the great and russia was finalized, but bodies, johnson or joe biden prevented it complete nonsense. the truth is that and go see ations between ukraine and russia were interrupted because russia move it suits and launched a large scale offensive in the east of the country and use of atrocities in massachusetts and boots. it became known this illuminated the basis for negotiations at that time . all of sophia is putting his reputation as a politician on the line and by the fact that he is making such unequivocal and
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very blunt statements. while he's leaving himself no wiggle room under these statements so that there was no agreement that russia sabotaged the whole process. they look a little bit weak, especially when we've had the russian president actually show the very document that was in discussion between 2 negotiation teams over russia and ukraine. in the early 2022. at the break. the draft of disagreement was initially by the hand of the negotiating team from keith. he put the signature there. here it is. it is called 3 d on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for ukraine. when used to motor over there are also applications for it. they also apply to the armed forces and other things. everything is spelled out down to the units of military equipment and the personnel of the armed forces. this is the document,
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and it was initial by the key of delegation. it's worth finding. but after we, as promised, withdrew the troops from key the key of authorities as their masters usually do. through it all into the dustin of history, i would understand those who might have reservations about the clip that we've just shown that the russian president showing the document that was in discussion. but what because of the rules that i'm approved, he's the russian president. so by design and by definition he will doing, of course, everything that is in the interest of the country that leads a but to believe that everything that was said about this document to believe that it didn't exist to believe that all of that was just russian. propaganda, well, it's a very interesting line, because then that would mean that one of ukraine's very own members of negotiation team must be in kremlin, spoken to, along with the former prime minister of israel to keep him company because they both actually confirmed that that was indeed
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a document that was very close to being signed bloomfield, when we return from this dental forest, johnson came to key. evans said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just find the item for them. it doesn't let me. my strategy was creating contact with both sides and trying to mediate. i knew that the trust i had formed recruiting was a rare commodity. i think there was a legitimate decision by the west to keep attacking poor lives. and so they blocked the gym basically. yes, they blocked it and i thought they were wrong. the downside of the war is the casualties in ukraine and russia. it's a very harsh blow to ukraine is a country there will have to be a huge restoration of its infrastructure to follow. mister schultz has a logic here, they must be on the kremlin payroll because they completely what they are saying is goes incomplete contrast with what the german chancellor has been saying. and also, by the way, mentioned to see how the german lead or how he suggested that it was russia who the
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rail, the piece to process by actions on the ground. while in reality, in even according to the brain in to the print and politicians, according to this man, the v that i find you who is a ukranian politician, according to him, it was actually, it had nothing to do the stoppage to the peace, thoughts had nothing to do with any particular events on the ground, but rather was the result of pressure that was sets it onto the ukranian authorities by boris johnson. now, what best out russia, ukraine, and even east will have, have proven that shoals has been inaccurate as far as best is concerned. now, is there anything the west the media is saying, commenting about this? well, the western media, actually they have been one of the main spill. how does all this whole story like the most be journal. they actually claimed that they had laid eyes on the very document and in the piece they just gave
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a complete breakdown. as do they just one bullet point bite bullet point as to what was being discussed, what russia's position was, what you crane wanted, invite to and then they even went and discussed such my new details as how many tanks ukraine was supposed to have as a result, of a peace treaty with russia, and by the way, they did look round these numbers of fig, a very, very precise figures. so again, to follow german johnson is logic here. all of that, all of that was devised and bus within the kremlin rules, and then said to the john list. so some of the world's most respected media outlets, the tedious otherwise node us from. but do range been sent from has effected the main street and media and the us after super choose the saw donald trump take from control of the republican nomination. the head of the elections later this year have
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a lesson to pundits losing the minds. we have no choice. yeah. okay. you know it's, it's, it is, uh, okay. i will say that it is a decision that we revisit con, constantly in terms of the balance between allowing somebody to knowingly lie on your air about things they've lied about before. and you can predict they're going to lie about and so therefore it is just, it's irresponsible to allow them to do that's some balance between knowing that that's irresponsible to broadcast. and also knowing that as the defacto soon to be defacto. know many of the republican party, this is not only the man who is likely to be the republican candidate for president, but this is the way he's running. well, here's how it onset. so why don't we stop check the hell out of him? yes, and we do that after the fact and that is the best remedy that we've got. it does
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not fix the fact that we broadcast it. wow. for more on this less cross live to legal and media analyst, nono lotto. i know you've been watching this. kelly, i assume a lot of things would have gone through your mind though, but my goal is talking about balance. how do you think the mainstream tips this kills when it comes to equal opportunity and said reporting of democratic and republican sites? like, where do i be getting, sir? first, the progressives it. and by the way, she has a progressive imagine being a regressive. imagine. but that will look like this is progressive products. they speak all the time, a misinformation of this information. mike meet no information, not information. not only, not only is this the worst journalism you've ever seen, but missing bio is able to anticipate, to, to predict,
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to know telepathically. she's, she's vatike by phonics reading. the entrails of the media be knowing what trump is going to say. cut this off now because based upon what he has said before, and my ability to attempt, i don't know if you saw this, this was called, as we say, the business adding, trying as she could, cox the settings is to hope that maybe there's some glimmer of logic and, and somewhere i think in the control room is some, i don't know who's director looking at these limiting readings saying what are you doing for them on the trash and how about it, but don't, don't cut him off before. he speaks not out of any kind of journalistic integrity, but because of what our vision con programming, all we do, this is the same one mind kind of, you know this. but she and her colleagues laugh,
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laugh at the number of americans who consider as one of their main of political concerns. the board or the porous border, the, the evaporation of our sovereignty. and they laugh at this, this is a woman who makes listen to the spending millions of dollars a year. it is reported. and worse, what one day a week now, and not only is she a good journalist, she's a mind reader. she knows we're going to go and like kids in your illustrious career . have you ever seen this? have you ever seen somebody not running is one of the thing. if you don't run it while we're brampton by canadian high school girls football, sorry about that, but at least you can pretend that you're really good. but to have it start and then admit, remove all a suspicion that you're not letting him speak because you know he is going to like, that'd be say the business is my. you only take
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a flack when you're over the target. so a lot of folks who might have said, i'm not too crazy by trump, might say, you know what i want to hear with this guy has to say letting me go to one another and that work to hear what it is she doesn't want me to hear so from a crow where i mean part of it's just pure logistics and programming. don't send your minimal dominion his audience to a nother, and that work to hear what you would let them hear is really baffling. in fact, we saw this and we, we're still, we still in the media business now for i don't know what this is, right. so to share your thoughts with us on this, so called trump do raise been center. how fear is it for those who suffer? if i have to put it that way, mike, i can only speak for myself and my immediate friends and family. we have lost friends. i want to say what used to be family members by listen to this, be
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a radically a spa losing support for resident. let me say this again. president trump, who many people believe will when 3 times. but that's for others to decide spike either supporting him or might not denouncing him or not. trump derangement syndrome is there is no known. sure. and what it is, is it gives people a reason kind of a rational and that's where this is. this is the only time they've ever known politics. and it's not in favor of a particular ideology or world view. it's this absolute hatred for anything that is donald trump. and if you asked him or you got, what did you vote for any democrat? anybody? let's assume, and i always ask somebody, let's say there's a democratic candidate who is that actually declared that but.


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