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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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bloody conflicts, watch on. see the masses sites out for kids coming. assessment of the idea of operation in gallons of those pretoria and levies. new charges against israel over what it calls the genocide of the palestinians. we talk to the countries presidential subaltern person to always as a country. and this is something president obama for us. i will continue to tempt you to use a re legal means that the instrument to ensure that we see an end to the genocide, to that's currently taking place in gaza. distressing footage from the southern
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gals house, dozens of all these are buried in a mass grave after being rich burden to the in buffalo, the enclave. by israel, we break down that story. also this one was quite clear though president finding as he's out of touch us republican lawmakers. slum joe biden, states of the union address, which he kicked off by focusing on ukraine instead of burning issues on the homefront plus government decision that gives alter, also to excuse the privilege known to bear with for the for the army is valid until the end of march this year, a wartime national conversation, a ropes in israel, a summer. it's the authorities to review legislation that exams full truck orthodox jews from military service. we hear from a member of that really just the, the 2nd of people says, well, you know, of the spiritual,
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whatever you want to play, you can come from playing the idea of the just after mid day in moscow this friday i'm, you know, neil on your welcome to the our team, use our south africa has initiated more legal proceedings against israel, of the international court of justice, accusing it's of not facilitating q military and a to goes up. according to pretoria b is really military is committing a genocide against the policy. ready
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and well, in an exclusive interview with archie, which you can watch right the day and on our website in fact, and around 25 minutes time here. so as african presidential spokesperson, vincent mike, when you emphasized his country's commitment to ending the assault on gal is a, here's a snippet we would like to see the close to end as soon as possible. we would like to see is royal, comply with the provisional measures that have been ordered by the court. that is why was going back to the court to us for this threatening off of those orders so that we prevent what is now getting matching as a segment crisis with a lot of people projected to die from starvation. we would live to
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see the association of hostilities. we would live to see the of the name of humanitarian cory dose, to those who i need off of, of humanitarian aid. that is why we would always as a country, and this is something president, remo 4, so we'll continue to chat with you to use every legal means that instrument to ensure that we see an end to the genocide to that's currently taking place in gaza. and we see an end to the broad to punishment. and the team of people who are seeking aid like we saw recently in russell will less delve into proceedings on the grounds to central got 7 or 6 people helping polls from the rubble following an idea of strength that claimed the lives of 16 civilians in the aisle by law, according to local officials,
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footage from the same chosen must have crater where a farm lea, home a large 1. 1 stood nearby buildings were also heavily damaged for children and 5 women are said to be among the fix and solve nowadays, really bombard a look. the rest of insured his hardaway experience of the after the defense of 16 people's crew. some i buried them with my own hands sitting on their way wounded in most of them, there was about 8 or 10 people left under the rubble of them. this is in addition to the out of 4, we're actually 6. we pulled out and i'm a to where life and full with judge and some of the fact that on the let's take you to the side of gals or an idea of strikes. and multiple raids have completely devastated nestor hospital, which was one some of the biggest health facilities in the city of come you this a number of homeless, the place palestinians, though they're still sheltering inside the smouldering ruins. further
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saw the bodies of 47 locals. we simply returned bias, really, authorities, the gals that are being buried in a mosque ray, even rough up the heavily decomposed corpses, were sent back to the and bustled and saved through the crime shalom crossing by the idea of israel seized it initially took the bodies from gal said to try and identify any hostages among them. paula, spinning and officials, same some of the corpses were stolen from hospitals, and symmetries or pulse the strip. they added that the identities of the victims remain on the or the war now into it's 6th month has already claimed. these are the figures at least 30800 palestinian lives according to gas and officials, over 2000000 people. that's virtually the entire population of the enclave. they are said to have been displaced as well. all dots, meaning there's nipple, cause for celebration. there is the world marks international women's day. this march the you don't have that 100. now we're going through. it's off situations.
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women's thing guys are as would phrase the course of bombings and you harsh conditions, intense and soft, perform extremes, where the living no, rufus liberation come. now one time a woman who was denied due to bombardment, were constantly being relocated from 110 to another. moving from one region to the next. do you know who the displaced here they have experienced the lowest of the homes, you know, children who were killed. everyone here has suffered the same thing. my hope is to one day celebrate women's day. you know, a hometown under normal circumstances, check this. how do you send the bread big by polish, teen and women we bake on the surface is made of plastic paper, an island via will discuss, so was convince for plastic and other discarded items from the trash or just allied to the gallon. health officials recently reported 20 civilian dance from malnutrition, and d hydration. the number of victims from dots is expected to grow as well as the u.
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n. stays a quarter of the strips population are on the brink of funding. however, it's really government spokesperson, those dismissed the warnings about a humanitarian catastrophe. in gasser. what are you doing about reports of children stalling to their 1st? let me just say that the number one human. it's very an issue in the gaza strip right now. and since october 7th day is the plight of the hostages. well, we also heard again from south africa's presidential spokesperson on this and on how the war is being covered by western media. you do have as some international media outlets, particularly worse than outlets. that as a chosen to present a to present a sort of more up tool is riley aspects easy. the coverage in the 1st notification that we made to the international court of justice. some of the most
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prominent global worst and media outlets chose not to provide coverage. and i have coverage for that presentation to, to the court. and we observed that the next day would be as well presented. it's adams, and they would have floated low to all of coverage if you lot. and so those i saw most of biases that involves this research and you observed that and the kind of treatment that is given to the part of sitting in story, particularly by worst and media houses is not the same uh, treatment that you see elsewhere where these where they is, the conflict, the media houses you've had to back track, for example, on the coverage that days as provided related to some incidents that are led to
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have taken place. been guys and, and as a result, both of those biases. so we're in cartersville that you have the lives of punches here, and this will continue to add, reflects the situation as it is on the ground, disturbing and painful as it is. we still have those cottages, journalist, men and women of the news room that are committed in relating the tools and in the name the sites as they are with respects to what is happening. and yeah, just a reminder that full conversation can be watched right here in about 20 minutes time . no. as washington double started on support for israel. the nora to doesn't always appear consistent state department spokesperson matthew miller. he was the latest figure called, attempting to juggle really some mixed messages. as he was brill by journalist
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during everything. what we said, there's been a, a policy in an effort that has failed. i mean, people look for the time as with somebody else, they look at 30 years of effort due to arrive at the resolution that the united states assigned to and in fact, sponsor in 1993 now. and it has gone where we see the settlement expand. we see the occupation that become a more violent against the palestinian people are more imprisoned. and so, so if people continue to look at the past and only the past that has happened for decades and decades, without being willing to sign onto a positive decision of the future, we will never have a peaceful way out of this conflict. that is a distinction you called for in every saying that conflict around the world, there are to be accountability for things that have happened in the past. and now you're saying, well, just note about that. no, that's not my point is there has to be at some point a record on political
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reconciliation problem. in the past 10 years past, the present is the present. i mean, the president of the past and one of the same, the past 2 years had been living the same nightmare for 75 years. and it just goes on day and day out. was it the assistance and with the aid of the united states of america? 3, we just found out yesterday that they us, i sent 100 shipments of arms to israel. i have your edits used, you know, what money longer is used to hide their money if it uses that to hide it, either from congress, for instance. now that reported to, so the us of not only the probate and the of the data side that is happening. but it all, it's also, you know, very compose. in fact, it is empowering. so, you know, when, when they talk about this they, they, they basically dismiss the cost in human history. they dismiss the fact that the
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past 10 years had been approved to from their land. they dismissed the next, but that is ongoing now and guys of the elsewhere in occupied pastime. so it boggles the mind, but it does to their narrative. and i stay in washington d. c, because i had to be us presidents annual state of the union address on thursday evening. there are several hundreds protesters blocked to buttons motorcade. it made its way between the white house and congress in this friday, just from the seen, a mazda its paula sent me, an flag was on referrals onto the street. those protesters. now there are some old so held up upon our reading by the legacy is genocide. i made the calls for a c spar comfortable police guard presence on all sides. and then the speech itself, president biden was expected to focus on american issues like inflation on the border crisis, as well as the war in the middle east. but he unexpectedly kicked off his address
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with this if we stand with ukraine and provide the what the cruise is asking. but there were many not plumping, in fact, critical reaction to mr. biden's speech immediately port in from republican politicians, including from alabama, sen, katie bridge, who said the democratic president needs a reality check. like so many families across america might have been wesley. and i just watch president biden's state of the union address from our living room. and what we saw was the performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for longer than i've been alive. one thing was quite clear, though,
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president biden chess doesn't get it. he's out of touch, like a reaction from us talk show hosts and commentators, steve mos burke who's safe joe biden, didn't look or sound to presidential during his keynote speech. well 1st of all, he started this speech about 18 minutes late, but he also did something else. at the beginning. he jumped the gun, usually the speaker of the house who sits behind him. during this speech with the vice president, the speaker of the house the announce is officially ladies and gentlemen, the president the united states, and they applaud again and then he starts his speech. there was no announcement because the president didn't wait for him to be announced. yeah, ukraine was the, the opening at topic it is an election. your leaders tend to talk tough at doing that on the ukraine war. i suppose he's good territory for that. and what do you think americans were listening in and not stephen, just thinking of who is the only minute?
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is this the state of the union address in care of or in washington? i was shocked that he started basically with ukraine, with everything that's going on in the country. when you look at poll after poll after poll of what topics, what issues are most important to voters in all the states that have voted in the primaries? you had it, right, it's immigration, it's inflation, it's the economy. and it starts with, with ukraine. was that it was definitely a campaign speech without a doubt. he was combative and, and you know, when he finally got to immigration, 40 minutes into the speech, 40 minutes, the number one issue in america right now. any way to 40 minutes to get to it the guts of 6 months out or so from the election. no, will this speech willis have help to his re election at shawn says, or by dint of of donald trump at not being mentioned by
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the incumbent leader? can he just sit back and watch his numbers rise even even more? know you referenced them 13 times or more from what i gather, but he never mentioned him by name. look, the media is already saying, wow, funny. this shows his age is not an issue. he has the stamina. it was funny. did you tell? he was combative it could do it. wow. that's like, you know, what? it's march the beginning of march. we got to go to november. a lot of stuff is going to happen to donald trump, to joe biden, to this country, to the world. and i don't think when push comes to shove, this is going to make that much of a difference. the right back to the middle east, the is really present in service, has recruited 12 ultra orthodox jews, known as hall, ready for non military duty bodies. after the service men said they wanted to contribute to the gas and war effort, but it is,
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it devices move for the religious community that has traditionally been exempt from the tree service or middle east bureau chief, re if an option to picks up the store as well, is rapidly growing 1200000 strong to orthodox community or head ready form in almost 13 percent of the country's population is at the center of in tends to be historically exempt from mandatory military service to prioritize religious studies . however, the community now faces rise in discontent and make the war in gaza. while the religious leaders emphasize the power of prayer in face and enemies. not all her ready supports that stands during this t i'm q. farber is one of them, raised in a devout environment. he challenged the status quo and tradition by serving in the army and fulton the 2nd 11 or more. this is why do i say you will 2nd, now? you're going to fights. we don't want to just, we're going to play to some of the people except that after the 7th of
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a 2nd of people said, well, you know what is spiritual, paying whatever than him you want to play, you can come from playing the idea if we need to get a do we believe that the feed plays you so i also believe, but they also believe that when they come up, they need to bring into fines. so all so the 2nd one to $5.00 and get to the religious. i'm going to stay i'm, i'm play. it's not fair. a. it's a clue. the 1948 when the head ready 1st receives exemption, only 400 boys qualified today there are over 65000. how many men aged 18 to 35. who could contribute to the country's defense beyond prayers, including 12 to 15018 year olds annually, who don't attend to shavers or state funded religious schools, but still retained the privilege. in 2017 israel's high court ruled that they
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already exemption law violates equality practices. the quote gave the government one year to pass a new law. 7 years on. no progress has been made. now the government has until the 1st of april to either extend the current decision post on drafting alter, also talks you into the military. increasingly, more politicians are addressing the issues last week for my defense minister benny guns, who is now a member of these really were a cabinet called in the heritage community to join the military town on the site. all the people of israel, all the parts of his rarely society who should take part in serving the country of all of us. the challenges ahead of us are great, and it is impossible to look into the eyes of those who serve and tell them that whatever it was before will remain with her ready to not listen to secular politicians. they listen to rabbis, yankee says those remedies will never officially encourage the youngsters. conscription in fear of losing control and voters. this is one of the important
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things they know going to vote for the default is because they go to joined the idea of the going to have different opinions. listen, they're going to meet goals in between. the going to meet gave the, going to, we less view the going to meet this one, the premiums when it goes to election. you're going to say, wait, i don't want to vote for a policy with the people like to build a society lady policies. we're going to be much we cool. they're going to have enough money. they don't, they're not gonna have enough power in the good moments. so they want to make sure that social everybody vote for them. second, the old things, school brother, religion. and they don't go to the idea because in the idea is to get different opinions to young. he believes that if religious mentors fee or losing their children to the secular world, they should reconsider their approach to education. so i'll tell you another thing that i would never say is on these really tv, 18 years or even 20 years. you'll pitching the children through the study to kick somebody to be religious. and i'll take a lot of the 20 is. he's
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a big boy. he's going to be the idea of what intent really to go to full and what's the value of funding for 20. you mean you can receive up to 20. you said to me that the way you been a teaching um, the way he was educated was, was the whole a to community. and they don't educate their children. they trained them. they, it's like a dog, you know, take a dog and tell them what to do. i mean, does it is a lot of found was doing. and once they leave, they finally from the way to see the community. there are ready men in the army. this find we and exempted from the draft. they still can enroll the 1st 10 weeks of the war. so a real boom and at least went with 2000 ultra orthodox man seeking to join the forces. double the usual annual number from the community idea is ready and he's in the idea of we made team during she them, it's additional jewish, 7 day period of morning over the seized family member. his older brother who also
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was in the army combat to union, died in the last week gas station attack. shocked by gunman audio, says there was no problem for religious people to be in the military. he also claims the idea of doesn't need a lot of hair ready. it is not interested in turning into a religious army. well, the reason politicians talk about it serves a different goals. but it's politics. the i d. f doesn't need the already. they only want to create a mess of last week on the launch came and said we needed to do something with the radio. and we'll say now say what he did was to silence the noise that exists because of the gaza war up. and the leadership's failure as to how they did most of the heard is still would like to keep the military service exemption on sunday, in protest of the conscription, la ultra orthodox demonstrators blocked one of these rolls key highways. if the government decides to change the decades loans status for the army could come, for most of these men,
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the public even within the hair ready is divided. assembled um, uh they have a rabbi and he tells them what to do. they want us to study the tourist, so they don't go elsewhere. and if he says, go to the army they do. if he says, don't go, they don't get whoever sits and studies, let him do it. whoever doesn't, should go to the army, especially in this time of war and whoever conduct should help the soldiers by either giving donations or studying the torah. the rabbi says that the torah protects the soldiers as a government decision that gives ultra, also to excuse the privilege. know, to bear with for the, for the army is valid until the end of march this year. if new legislation is north advance taser, i will see a new generation health, the religious community obliged to join the military. the outcome is hard to predict now, but the heated debates, this now unfolds and in his riley society,
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shows that whatever the result is, once that is fine, everyone wears the ocean all to you from been a brook is around your wanna fit in the story as well, around how's a 9 to the confiscation of cargo from a seized oil tanker calling to move retaliation for us. sanctions of the ship was carrying its payload to texas the vessels, cargo worth an estimated $50000000.00 is not reportedly being unloaded by remaining . assorted seized, the country's navy captured the tank our last year, as it was heading from 28 through the gulf of hold on. time to run said the ship had collided within the reading vessel and then tried this through the sea for the seizure of the ship's cargo. follow it on there, really in court order to recover damages caused by decades of american sanctions. in particular, it really is suffering from a rare skin to is a sub initiated legal action against the u. s,
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saying the punishments have prevented them from obtaining crucial and medication. since the atlantic revolution in 1979, washington has slipped multiple restrictions on 2 of those measures targeted the country's military in nuclear sectors, as well as trade relations, among others, binding penalties of laughter. unions unable to legally by products from some countries, including medical supplies are really an academic, political level aside mohammad. but on the season, many innocent civilians are being impacted in the united states has been doing everything possible to kill ordinary iranians over the last 15 years. ever since the maximum pressure of sanctions were imposed by obama and then reimpose, by trump, they're not only targeting medical supplies in medicine, they targeted ordinary people. they force factories to shut down. they may
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make life much more difficult. they make life more dangerous. of course, over the years of the writing, as i've learned to become self sufficient and to find alternative supplies and also to be able to make their own spare parts for a host of different and industries. that the problem is that the united states and this western allies have a complete disregard for human rights and human dignity. and a maximum pressure of sanctions were designed to make ordinary people suffer. so that the americans could bring people to their needs, needs and hopefully force them to rise up against different governments. the americans have been using this against a host of countries. they helped with the star ration sees in the admin for a decade. they impose sanctions on syria, devastating the country while they are occupying it. so it's like war is just silent. no
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r t early or south dawn for an exclusive interview with the spokes person for south africa's president. the conversation focused on the countries efforts, the stuff, the blood shifting cancer. unlike pretoria shows the international court of justice to make its voice heard the phone interview with vincent. mike, when yet is showing next. the, the divide administration has words in only words and contradictory words, and that that when it comes to a cease fire, we are told a must enter gaza at the same time, arms flow into israel to hinder the same age. the blue one and the balloon
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float to more than what they should up to the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so, i guess it will show the great deal to build on it suddenly, a little bit as little as you keep on monday, but you know, mazda thought this meant noon to one of up from the sale. i remember, i've wished enough. i've got to wait on you, i know you gave him some more or less than
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a j o side of the discount, then why the party bill? because you cannot push the couch. so that's good to go with a 0 to want this on this to should buy a new on it. hold on site can send me 7, won't get to the you're not on the ticket, but i got the the the
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