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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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and the breaking news from his and bob blay, as the country expelled the usaid mission, according to the state department in washington. the scholars more sanction us as imposed on the country is that government officials at least 5 people are dead in does the city the result of the power suit drops of humanitarian aid? a move made necessary by the as rarely blockade of border crossings. also ahead. one thing was quite clear that president fighting doesn't get he's out of touch. us republican lawmakers slammed. she'll bite instead of the union address when she kicked off by focusing on that ukraine instead of burning issues on the homefront.
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the i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital. this is r t international and by the way and authorities have expelled a mission of the us agency for international development from the country that reports the us department of state of this comes as us has imposed sanctions on the countries government officials adding to the extensive list imposed over the past 2 decades. all right, let's cross live to r t correspond to know who you can get another for you. what are the reasons for the usa, usa admissions removal from the country as well? so, so for it, so we understand that the united states has sanctions and bob is present, give me something and god bless its 1st lady. and as a government officials indeed is within the government on that side for the
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electorate involved meeting corruption and human rights abuses. the non gaap, while the president is accused of protecting gold and diamond smugglers who operate is involved with directing government official to facilitate to the state of golden dime is in listed markets and taking bribes and exchange for she's um, services, among other offices. and among other things, and all of that has now led to the presence of the united states to sign and executive board of the team. and they said then bob was national emergency and votes, as in bob with specific sanctions. and right now we've just got a hold of a statement issued by the united states, stating that the last 2 months as involved with the change and deported officials from the united states who were in the country to conduct an assessment of governance and democratic reforms that the united states says that this was unjustified and unacceptable, but also the president office has had his host to respond to these allegations. and
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this is what they had to say. and bob way takes great exception to gratuitous slander and defamatory remarks by officials of the biden administration, against the sanctions and bob way, leadership and its nationals. what adds to the outrage is that these bold and damaging accusations are not backed by any type of evidence. we condemned these malicious statements as completely uncalled for as defamatory, provocative and as a continuation of wanton hostilities against him, by way, by the us government to the statement states as well, that the government's offices and bible has said it wants to pursue international re engagement and democratic reforms that it's a x is undermine those claims. however, according to the united states, but what's also very important is that the census the which will block in the u. s . based property and block any i'm official, travel to the united states, replace a border to decade or census program against them,
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but we have what is also very much as founding is that's the one of this, the disturbing fact that wisdom countries for all the political brittany i have yet to come to terms with the fact that there will be no reversal of the land before him and be said to him in program, which is of course, the source off of this whole predicament and the source of the imposition of these i'm sense is that because we talking about you? all right, are to correspond to no avail. you can gain live while you think. thank you. a holiday. so 5 palestinians were killed during a failed humana train. a drop in the north of the enclave footage. it shows the administrative by air as people flee, the same sailing power suits are believed to be behind. the accidents or drums have become widespread in the onset i'm in the is really blockade of border crossings, blocking trucks between mandatory and deliveries. we spoke on the phone as a journalist from also tarry and ross, i who told us more about the incident during government ended up getting
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a new release assessment surgery that they will not the ones who are in charge of that idea. i'm not just went to them for the the, for those and some stuff to be done with me. they have been already here in the room and they are trying now to learn to receive them. they are not, are they? i'm not the one to the back so there must be something called me or some story behind that. and they should also be held accountable for doing that and are getting back next to them. when you consider the position when it comes to the distribution of those are the drugs and we'll pick them up there and sure thing i've looked at from her and the past due until the end, the see and the other end for them, then somebody them and draws are in clear, the earlier bargain, each bar the check, the mike uh, natalie or the dues are leaving that needed to the, to the people butcher's. in the case of also of how the whole laptops, i think organizing the entry of the place into the conversion. aerospace is much
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more complicated than just allowing the text to enter from the is that it seems to be continuing whatever it's doing. and the measurement community seems to be a way to hold them accountable for the 3, but i think that's it. more info. thank you. pay me to commit them to accept one regular and safe way to deliver the food and the like 30 to apply for the people will scroll down to the international community coming up with different plans and different approach to and yet they all changed by the is at least with the patient that is not just one day of work and for any of the initiatives to serve the pennsylvania, do have to tell for i'm who's suffering is excessive. right? to buy that is that need to jump simple thing atlanta. i'm with the people, i mean solve the policy and in today attrition says that simulating for both palestinians and the us to be choosing to air drop aid. instead of simply forcing israel to open existing ground,
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the core doors. if you look at the border crossings, you will have hundreds of trucks seen with humanitarian aids awaiting the transmission of the day. because the in the army to get through and people are really dying from hung up and got stuff with no explanation and city there might have states. if that's a suggesting to drop the humanitarian aid from the skies from the plains, which is very humiliating. not only for the palestinians, it's very humiliating for the us. the president might then be unable to, to make 2 gifts at a reasonable, so use and simply by asking is there any dog in the bought that crossings and to live the many tent in 8th, which has been binding up at the board of daughters for, for the for
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a few months now, it is a shame act sweetie, for the civilized countries to allow such situation to happen. or as israel blocks humanitarian deliveries via the roof of crossing and bombards the besieged on slaves, its folder and stuff full has already surpassed the 12000 with the most vulnerable newborns. and especially premature babies, most at risk are many have to share incubators med extreme shortage of, of equipment and medicines, and gaza children of the enclave. and also started to die from malnutrition, with mothers frequently given for us to underweight baby. this we don't want to, as we've noticed, that since december there are no babies of normal weight. most of them are from $2.00 to $2.00 and a half kilograms. we have stop seeing babies waiting 3 kilogram since october, as there is no nutrition for mothers. there's no meat meal, eggs,
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fruit or vegetables that beautiful and um, so that i'm a mom who lost her son due to mel nutrition due to the circumstances we're going through in gaza. we live in a school inside of 3 meter, 10, right in front of the toilet. what are you expecting for a sick child living in such conditions? how can he get better? meanwhile, a new maritime route for a deliveries to palestine has been announced by the european commission in partnership with the us and u, a. e. the new court or will link the island to cyprus and gaza, but has been criticized asthma, attempting to divert attention from israel is consistent blocking of assistance to the starved enclave. you know the difficulties faced at the land borders in ga that'd be it through the roof. of border crossing all through the jordan road. how are you doing? and that is why 2 days that we probably go cypress, the european commission, the united arab emirates, and the united states, of course, supported by other critical partners,
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announced our intent to open the maritime carried on to deliver a much needed additional amounts of humanitarian assistance. bye. see, the cypress is the closest you member state to guys that with ships able to reach palestinian soil from the islands in around 10 hours. the pilot operation was launched on friday with the you expect in the court or to be fully opened by sunday . us initiated project intends to build a temporary part in gaza. president biden has promised to the plan will not involve any american boots on the ground. tonight, i'm directv us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean, on the coast of gosh, i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temporary shelven. no us boots will be on the ground. a temporary peer will enable a massive increase the amount of mandatory assistance getting you guys every day.
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israel has officially welcome to the western maritime route initiative and it's foreign ministry spokesman says it will boost humanitarian aid deliveries. but he added that it will be implemented only after quote a security check. according to his rally standards. and the british foreign secretary underlined that it can take months to fully set up the planned quarter. so the analyst, when they say um, says chances are high, the new maritime route will aggravate the face of palestinians rather than improvement. that's uh the $1000000.00 question. how can such caught it or avoid what has been happening before? and there are 7 crossings that is it a and have direct control of for 6 of them if we want to exclude that of both of which is directly connected with kind of thing as institutions alone. so it would be more, it would be more easy and more feasible to make sure that this a breach is causing this though to out those 6 crossings the, the ground and it could be done with, is it a, the supervision?
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i see it must think of the them if of this, the stone done to improve and enhance or basically publish the image of the americans. they will be on sundays, eighty's as one, and it is unlikely to be practical on the grounds because even if the medicine, colorado is established, that's the easy part. the difficult spots would be once the age reaches the soil or the shore, how would the with the distribution be conducted and who is going to be responsible for that? and that is a palestinian field from such a maritime caught, and thought that it could be used eventually as that out to that aspect kind of stands into cypress. what advice is that a alia goals that has been, uh, numerous, it has been numerous times of a group of cousins, displacing them for the eighty's uti stuff in scottsdale. ahead of the us presidents annual state of the union address. on thursday evening,
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several 100 protesters blocked to jo biden's motorcade, as it made its way between the white house and the congress. demonstrators are demanding hands off gaza. the a footage, those protesters unfurling a massive palace and in flag near the capital, demonstrators lined the street from the white house to the capital building, holding signs depicting bite in space and reading, genocide, jo and waving banners. same to face to joe and biden's legacy. as genocide, capital police forces surrounded the peaceful, proud, so called press the star and an end to these really occupation of the us. and the speech itself, president biden was expected to focus on domestic issues like inflation and the border crisis, as well as the war in the middle east. but yeah, the unexpectedly kicked off his address with a nod to your brain. the
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far more i go home, the if we stay with ukraine and provide the, the crate is asking, the
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must be honest. the threat to democracy must be defended. the
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biden's message has been praised by his allies former house speaker, nancy pelosi says the speech was a master class. the president joe biden state of the union address was a master class, vigorously presenting his bold vision of progress and possibilities for all of america's families. if you look at it objectively, it seems that you know, the big concern here is joe, by his cognitive capability. this is always going to be about, you know, how he said things and have you performed much more than what he actually said. it seems that this was deployed, you know, a korea graft attempt to make job. i'm look freshest, sharp as a pin that he was bouncing through the crowd high fiving people use them and then they find real pops there. there was a little bit of cringed with. a more interesting is how the pro joe media feel like reported on this incredible performance. he's almost a teenager. the guy is, you know, fresh as a daisy the presence delivered and he delivered huge tonight. i mean,
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the just me energy, the vision he was fired up, he was shouting, he was angry, and anger sometimes has a way of looking energetic. any really leaned into that. everybody knows if this was a great space, joe biden delivered what has been describing the presto, far as, as the price. the fiery heated supreme crunch rep, i'm sorry. so you can see, you know, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this message was sort of, you know, let's, let's make sure everyone thinks on this is great. joe isn't 81 years old. it doesn't have any problems. remembered things. he never confused the egyptians and he is right. and he's, he knows what date is. he knows what week it is making. you know, it's not confusing, isn't it? makes it disbelieving what you're actually seeing and thinking yourself as so how do you see this media coverage? is it an attempt to convince people that biden's fits a says yeah, well it seems that i'm particularly again, as i say in the pro joe media, there's a lot of correlation in the messaging here. we had people like at tucker carlson at
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watching this following it in great detail the minute by minute in a live sort of recount. and we've also had americans taking to social media uptake the on to twitter to suggest this car is completely out of touch with the reality for ordinary americans. there's a lot of problems in the united states. 40000000 people living in poverty, families are struggling to get their bills paid. people are still going to pay their rents as well. so let's have a look at poker carlson's response and you got to say she holds a dozen whole back. he gives them both barrels and this, and it's quite, quite a tool for response from took across if that was possibly the darkest, most american speech ever given by an american president. because it wasn't a speech, it was a rant entirely lacking in decency or generosity to his fellow americans. button quickly explained that actually as top priority has nothing to do with america's top priority is sending billions more to ukraine, not ending the invasion of our own country by drug cartels not are degrading
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economy. you experience every day that are collapsing schools. there's no explanation of what the goal is here. there's a lie after lie to button doesn't care. there's no upside for you in any of the things that he said, as i say it was the republican response to the address being like, well, it's been predictably, almost angry and it's the response. i mean, the republicans have suggested that white is a completely out of touch. mr. trump, of course, came out and said that this was the angriest, most bad humored state of the union address in history. that may be the angriest, least compassionate and worst state of the union speech ever made. was an embarrassment to our country. like so many families across america. my husband wesley, and i just watch president by the state of the union address from our living room. and uh, what we saw was the performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for longer than i've been
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alive. the one thing was quite clear though, president biden chess doesn't get it. he's out of touch quite cycling. this a smiling lady delivering the rebuttal of a speech unusual. but suppose to take away nikki from a bite of speeches, is that if the only good thing about the speech really was, i mean, he did mention you in ukraine in the speech 1st. the 1st thing he mentioned, the speech with ukraine, of course, which is also telling about dividing administration's priorities when it comes to the united states. if you find comes 1st, if the only thing but not to do is not fall off a stage, not forget somebody's name, not make a catastrophic mistake as he's doing and many, many other forms of this century important american speech. and thought was the only thing that it was the real success here is that he didn't make a complete fool myself in many ways. at that says a lot about the state of us politics. us talk show host and commentators staples
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bird told our to use you know, neil that joe by the look or sound presidential during his keynote speech. first of all, he started the speech about 18 minutes late, but he also did something else. at the beginning. he jumped the gun, usually the speaker of the house who sits behind him. during this speech with the vice president, the speaker of the house announces officially, ladies and gentlemen, the president the united states, and they apply it again and then he starts his speech. there was no announcement because the president didn't wait for him to be announced. yeah, ukraine was the, the opening at topic it is an election. your leaders tend to talk tough at doing that on the ukraine war. i suppose it's good territory for that. what do you think americans were listening in on that stephen? just thinking of who's the only minute is this the state of the union address and key of, or in washington were shocked that he started basically with ukraine with everything
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that's going on in the country. when you look at poll after poll after poll of what topics, what issues are most important to voters in all the states that have bought it in the primaries? you had it, right. it's immigration, it's inflation, it's the economy. and it starts with, with ukraine. it was definitely a campaign speech without a doubt, he was combative and, and you know, when he finally got to immigration, 40 minutes into the speech, 40 minutes, the number one issue in america right now. any way to 40 minutes to get to with the cups of 6 months out or so from the election? no. will this speech willis have help to his re election at shawn says, or by dent of, of donald trump at not being mentioned by the incumbent leader? can he just sit back and watch his numbers rise even even more? know the reference dim 13 times or more from what i gather,
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but he never mentioned in by name book. the media is already saying, wow, funny, this shows he, his age is not an issue. he has the stamina. it was funny. did you tell he was come back to take it, do it. wow. that's like, you know, what? it's march the beginning of march. we got to go to november. a lot of stuff is going to happen to donald trump, to joe biden, to this country, to the world. and i don't think when push comes to shove, this is going to make that much of a difference. the julian massage has been made a martyr to free speech despite not having stolen any state secrets. that's the opinion of outlander. so it's a former harvard law school professor who has represented both assange and donald from the entire interview with option with tunzia and going on the ground errors on our to this saturday. there's a quick preview. it's hard to use the injustice department of trying to get julian assigned to the united states despite the opposition of will. john lewis all around
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the world, the australian government, the german government. i understand that you defended daniels bugs the late den. elizabeth is being on this program, things worse than the 1970s given what's happening to julian hassan. his health as he was tortured in britain, the going to be you in special are up to it is much worse. i was one of the lawyers on the pentagon papers case, and there at least people were treated with the degree of decency assigned has really been made a horrible martyr to free speech. and i'm honored to have been part of the is legal defense team. and if he is extra guides the united states, i hope i can help him avoid prosecution. i think he has a strong case. remember he's off the one who stole any secrets like daniel ellsberg good. he's more like to new york times. he publish them and the new york times wasn't even prosecuted. ellsberg was, but eventually the case was one. but i don't think our son should be prosecuted for
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publishing material that other people provided to have. the real question is, will we be confined pending a resolution by the grand jury and he's been to find far too long. already i met him in england before he was confined and he seemed to be in far better health and spirits. then he was after he went into the ecuadorian embassy and then in find and he's likely to we can find in the united states and that would be too bad. i mean, he comes as close to being a political prisoner as we have had in a long time in the united states. and so again, i've represented many political prisoners in, in my life, ranging from nelson mandela to not tundra for ascii. and i'm honored to continue to defend political prisoners of, of, of every stripe and background against depressive government prosecution. the current in security
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services have rated the house of an orthodox christian, clara guthrie openly called cabinet for us as of brigade members, nazis authorities have accused metropolitan art priest, forest brodsky, of spreading, quote, russian propaganda. end of the kremlin narrative to russia has drawn attention to the case calling at the latest and a string of crackdowns by yeah, of on the canonical you printing orthodox church. this is a priest have been arrested over the past 2 years, including the leader of key habits, oldest monastery. a current in parliament is now preparing a bill to ban the traditional church and replace it with us sensibly or politically backed organization known as the orthodox church of ukraine. to my colleague, michael quietly got the reaction from dublin based journalist jason michael, who compared kids correct down on the church, the actions of a notorious 20th century regime in the whole. what does this say about the state of the country itself? it says that it's model leave model buttons. i'm very similar to the process that
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we saw happen. ready in the sun device in germany, in the 19 se, an effort to buy the state to suppress commandeer at coopt uncontrolled with church as in an as an independent voice of critique of the state. this we have seen happen again here in ukraine with an effort to fill classical roles and possessions in the church with right wing extreme nationalist voices. and yes, the evidence is there. i'm has been there for a very long time. but the, as all the in particular has demonstrated extreme right wing leanings and is a duty. it's a model obligation of the church to speak truth on to condemn this as an extremely dangerous ideology. we are seeing very similar things happen in palestine at the moment. we see some of the most historic churches in the world being destroyed by
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our united states all lie in the middle east. i'm religion and religious institutions, particularly when the co opted by the state has become strategic and assets to west of the military power, which has shown itself to be quite aggressive, an expansionist stick, and the actually part of the the 21st century. if you stay with archie international, i'll be back with less for news coming up in 30 minutes to see the the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the we are in control, the land of fire breathing volcanoes. volcanoes vividly capture the imagination and they define our lives much more than you would expect. so what are they capable of and what makes contract as volcanoes stand up the is unlikely. any one knows more about volcanoes here, then alexi,
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or he's the chief broken ologist income, chuck the collection. thanks for coming up here with us. this is a fascinating issue that it, for sure. so here in contract out there about $300.00 volcanoes, they say 30 of them are believed to be active. why such a concentration of volcanoes here and contract that you see that kind of jim categories. one of the most effective places in the world is to media. and yeah, there are 7000 big small and medium sized volcanoes. here the 2 roughly ups of 300 of them are big cones. and so t r active volcanoes that they're renting. now you've got the food around or have her up too long ago. that's a come chuckle. also has 4 super active volcanoes that are guaranteed to interrupt every yeah. like all of them. see them. ok knows they all 6. if you look at the whole car and the clips have going volcano, i've got the whole gun one still stored as me on the over the. yeah,


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