tv News RT March 9, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EST
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the, the, the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send the websites to create it all as fresh, gung violence calls as k often hate. see, some locals like choose the us of fueling the crisis this hour. we're all washington santori is track record of midland in other nation also a head in the program. this seems they are commas in bob. we're expelled to you as a mission and retaliation for such on the african countries. and you politicians that prove another your of you really and food and bring the blog chart of 3 outs, despite mass protest by european farmers who say local producers of being devastated by an influx of cheap supplies from you print the
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line from the russian capital. this is our take, great to have your company for the newsletter. we begin this hour in the haitian capital of porto prompts where a local gains have reportedly carried died a large scale of sold on the presidential palace among other targets, where the countries interior ministry on a police headquarters as well. some sources say the attackers have started to retreat from the scene. well, just to note the presidential palace has not been occupied by any haitian leader since president y'all been the most say was assassinated in 2021. but the site was guarded. run the clock as violence rages in porto problems. haitians are accusing the us of dragging their country into chaos. this frontage from friday evening shows a local police station in smouldering route on some vehicles. side side have also
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been burned down by lots officers fired flourish to disperse and patient gun beaters, one prime minister already and on re who's currently outside the country to resign over his failure to handle the security and economic violence of inmates also escaped earlier this week. during a prison break, many returning to the government as the curtis states of emergency under for years want some low cost to the support. what's happening is that it is the haitian government that agrees with the gang since the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send the websites to create it. all. i realize the owner of this country is the one who gives the weapons to begins to destroy our lives and everything we have. he's the one who knows everything. okay, i'll take it seems of the haitian border with the dominican republic. 2 police
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struggles to stop scores of civilians from rushing across the 2 cars in kentucky. sure. and over 15000 patients are said to have been recently displaced in mid the spiraling situation in the country on terms of reaction to former spokesperson for the libyan government. and will say, abraham spoke to the program earlier and told us, washington would prefer to see the chaos escalate in hate to. here's why he's think so this is a trick, an american tech because that does not for me anymore and i hold that it will state and get hair. many more people will be aware of that. again, you would wonder about if you truly believe that's what the americans want, is a stable and 6. your country are you can. but if you understand the game, that's what they want is calles. what they want is a continuation of the weakening of the structures of the country. because when that
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happens, the american companies was very powerful with billions and billions of dollars in there under the command, sick and easy to control such a weekend and pay your take governments or countries structure. so it's in the interest of the americans to dismantle all of this and make sure that k is continuous. and that's how you think doesn't see the light of the day. doesn't have a period of peace and all that in which a popular democratic movement can flourish. and voice itself against the policies of american companies, corporations, under control of the height and economies of haitians aren't the only ones accusing the us of options needing to term orland their country. washington's policy in africa has also been raising plenty of questions to let's have a listen to what was discuss that
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a recent us state department brief. the united states does not support violent or on democratic changes in government, in africa, or elsewhere. and all violations of us export regulations will be punished to the full extent of the law, but that referee the united states is, does afford violence or on democratic changes to government, africa or elsewhere. we do not somebody grab the rest of the day. as the us state departments spokesperson scurried away, the question still hangs in the air. that's because the answer is definitely not so simple. and rewriting history doesn't pass the smell test. us train troops. i've been involved in at least 12 crews in west africa, and the greater so whole region during the so called war on terror as america scoured the globe for the next leaders to gift with a revolution. the places where america has conducted military training include burkina, faso, chad gumby, a guinea, molly, mario tamia,
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and need year to name a few of the doesn't last year. victoria new in the us under secretary of state, a k america soon to depart routine change queen was asked what the us was doing to slow the parade of african officers over throwing governments, which the us have trained them to protect. so some folks involved in these crews have received some us training, but far from all of them, you need to talk to them about why they are over throwing their governments are a message in all cases was that the citizens of these countries deserve to see democracy restored and that particularly in molly and burkina faso, we expect both of these internal governments to meet their commitments,
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trying to explain it all way if you want mrs. newland but washington will have a tough time watching a pounds of involvement as since the 2 thousands. it's regularly deployed small commando teams to advise assist and the company local forces even into the battlefield. but this involvement has led to the stabilisation as an increase in terrorism. the latest to orchestrated by some u. s. trained troops in africa took place and new here just last year, and it's not a topic us senators are afraid to openly admit. it appears that the united states trained yet another to leader in africa. it's a disturbing trend and a sign of how badly mist allocated our national security spending is on the continent. it's a recipe for disaster, and it's part of the story about why crews are spreading all across africa in lots of places where the us has delivered lots of military assistance,
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but not enough economic cooperation. but who can forget the 2011 us sled operation in libya with the removal and assassination of pan african, a small market dollar fee. the k of lead to the, the civilization and privatization of the country, the oil industry, putting wealth into western hands and created what some of called the libyan slave trade. all quote, under the guise of humanitarian intervention we came, we saw died have anything to do with your visit. i'd sure the news or was this is for profit that the bushes and needs the american government, an american needs to send their troops and the agents around the world. i remember
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the case of livia, it's very clear they wanted the oil. libya is one of the richest countries and the commodity of volume. they wanted the geographic location, libya centers, the mediterranean sea is regarded as the northern gates of africa and they wanted in libya's somewhat in funds. these events help these stabilize these nations, which then lead to more us and western involvement, and the more recent military coups, of course, washington, the bloody fingerprints have also been found in latin america and the caribbean. recently, the white house, the night that the u. s. is forcing haiti's prime minister to reside while pushing for new elections in the country. we are not, we are definitely not pushing prime that the prime minister to resign. that is not
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what we're doing, but we have underscored that now is the time to finalize a political court to help said haiti on a path to a better future. and that is something that we've been working on for some time. we've been working that on that with the care. com, so that is nothing new. we've had those conversations and also the haitian partners on the path to restoring democratic order and haiti through free and fair elections, inclusive governance and power sharing. this will give the people of the up an opportunity to democratically elect their prime minister. a reminder that 20 years ago this week, the us government plays paid easy. then elected president, who had called for the french to pay reparations on a plane from guantanamo bay to the central african republic with a full flight plan. after he was relocated, a qu, ended a decade of democratic progress and more information today, points to the c i a 's for wrecked involvement. it took the us 58 years to
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recognize haiti's independence. their priorities haven't changed and today's american policy is more or less consistent with the way it's always been. the crew of september 1991 was undertaken with the support of the us administration and in february 2004 that happened again. since then, haiti has endured 2 decades of a revolving door of us 5 for james. and today the caribbean nation. welcome sit cool anniversary. without a single elected official and office and no elections inside, while most haitian space catastrophic humanitarian conditions. so here we go again . more intervention and haiti, more of the same from america as countries around the globe, sean pass colonial powers, and seek independent homegrown leaders that have their country at heart as russia in china and the global south form of multiplan their world. in the face of former
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us dominance and control the hello related themes and bob, when a socrates of expelled the mission of the us agency for international development from the country, washington, it's called the move on justified claiming usaid stuff oversaw the assessments of democracy, human rights and governance in zimbabwe, the expulsion came shortly after washington slump, sanctions on the african nations top officials, including the president. now his brother, secretary slammed by the administration for making quote on funded allegations. zimbabwe takes great exception to gratuitous lender and defend that your remarks by officials of the, by the ministration against this sanction zimbabwe leadership and it's nationals. what as to the outreach is a big, bold and damage. and accusations are not big by any yards of evidence. we condemned these malicious statements as completely uncalled for as defamatory,
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provocative and as a continuation of wants and has to deal with these against him by way, by the us government. local officials also states it delta r, r. a governments pursuits solve reforms, proves the u. s. claim to be wrong. washington has imposed a series of sanctions on allegations of human rights abuses, targeting the southern african countries financial assets, the number of individuals we heard from a prominence on t sanctions activist in the country who sees the recent restrictions and post by the us are attempt to make an example of an independent thinkings and by on the defenses of a foot fund, the president pulled up like least react in a c. c with started in russia. those we just put, just say, face the americans look want to look like they are being forced by small little country to remove the sanctions. those sanctions can be challenged in court because
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the nation in those 1011 individuals, we couch those individuals, people with forced to try. so i believe that they'll send you the put the american to save face so that they don't look like a single hour. that is be forced to remove it. sanction by a 3rd world, small country where some countries never used to consider the applicants is equal partners. they never even considered the applicant. this human beings, as the united states could impose sanctions on civilians and collectively published yes. the international, you know, and the human rights know that they, the americans and europeans created even before i have to go into spending stage of the collective punishment. people by persecution, of united healthcare education or sanctioning institutions that provide service to human beings was always a crime against humanity. let's turn attention. notice central guns were at least 8 civilians were reportedly killed in the old belie. on friday,
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that's us. the idea keeps up, its relentless bombardment. palestinian officials say the enclaves, death total has surpassed. $30800.00 people since october 7th. that spring you some distressing, flooded showing locals carrying the wounded as well as bodies of a date to a local hospital. some of the casualties of the latest price most and $5.00 are supposed to be traveling. more victims could still be trumped under the rubble of collapse with rescue cruise and volunteers are scrambling system. well, i see you in morton's that some gals in children are still carving to death. international groups are rushing to provide aid to the in buffalo, then type, but one, such are a drop has ended in tragedy, where at least 5 people in kansas city were crushed to death by a pallet of supplies due to a power issued failure. some mature footage phone during the instance,
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scores of civilians rushing to pick up supplies. i was paid for in the sca limited rooms of buildings destroyed by the idea. hundreds of 8 packages were or drop this week by western. but you monitoring groups say it's not nearly enough for over 2000000 display scale since the desperate your so a local civil defense folks person described accidentally, it's myself, hold off, it's a tragedy added to the ongoing tragedies experienced by our palestinian people and guys, i mean these bloody war and the region, so we want aircraft dropped 8 supplies to citizens in the northern areas of the street. but unfortunately, these parachutes fell directly on the hands of civilians. these led to the depths of 5 individuals and the injury of more than 10 people, including critical interest thompson. however, just to point out the pentagon, whose planes dropped on 8 shipments has denied that any people were killed by falling supplies. that's as many a truck. so be lining up at the border with guns that waiting is really experienced
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across. we got reaction to that situation from a children's doctor in the west bank. if you look at the border crossings, you will have hundreds of trucks seen with humanitarian aids awaiting the transmission of the day. because the in the army gets through and people are really dying from hung up and got so with no explanation and seals it might have states. is this a suggesting to drop the humanitarian aid from these guys from the plains, which is very humiliating. not only for the palestinians, it's very illuminating for the us. the president might then be unable to, to mix, to get at, at a reasonable so use and simply by asking, is there any dog in the model that crossings at the many,
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10 in 8 which has being binding up at the board of dogs for, for the for a few months now, it is a shame act sweetie. for this to be lies, countries to allow such situation to happen. okay, another story we are across today, you lawmakers have granted ukrainian food purchasers tax free access to local markets for another year. the moves a slap in the face, se european farmers who'd been protesting from of highlighting her their livelihoods, are in jeopardy due to the insights of cheap projects from the frame years to take how far to contribute or ritual marston inside the bank, top 10 of the european union circus are smaller clusters of both, those take the blocks tre, community, for example. where do you have farmers all over the block? turning highways into parking. lots and legislation arrives from defacto queen of
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europe. first will of andre lines. royal birth date of best jock is of the european commission to renew free trade with no duties and quote is for non u farm products from ukraine that are decimating the use gary on foreigners while you think of it just might be a good opportunity to play the adult rather than to reflexively reach for the red nose and the rainbow wig. but nope, all habits die hard apparently. and that deal has now been renewed from june 2024 to june 2025. there were some suggested amendments in favor of better protection of you farmers, but they came from right wing parties, so it'd be establishment figured they could just shoot the messenger and carry on like cows weren't being tear gassed by riot police or the parents agricultural affair. oh, but they did insist on having what's being called an emergency break, which implies that would actually stop an accident. in this case, it's basically going to be applied after the clown car has already reached the
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average speed at which it's already proven to have slammed into things like, for example, their own farmers, tractors. concretely, that means the terrace on you for informing products could only be slapped back on in the event that imports go above the average import levels 420222023, which for already the same levels responsible for sparking you farmers protests. and that dodgy brake job, it doesn't even apply to all that ukraine in grain that was supposed to go feed the world's poor, but somehow ended up just getting dumped into europe. instead, polish farmers have an opportunity to enjoy front row seats to this or his being right on the board with ukraine and bearing the brunt of the policies and well, the reviews are in the scholar. something has changed or it has changed for the worse. the us started to impose its ideology on us and today it's the farmers. this applies to farmers, for example, the climate revolution. this climate package,
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green energy and green order, which someone will introduce, unfortunately, will destroy polish farms. first of all, the products, not only from ukraine, but also from outside europe, the stabilize our economy and will lead farms to bankruptcy. that is why there is such great outrage not only in poland, but throughout europe and the pharmacy. a great threat that the funds are at risk and that they will simply have to stop producing. now it's worth noting that the full you part of it gets to vote on this next week. but the western process talking about it like that's all, just a simple formality. yes, i figure the odds of enough of them growing a spine over the course of just a few days is relatively low. so that leaves the use most needy child, poland, and it's prime minister over in the play room with foster kid ukraine begging for some real parental supervision. we're talking with ukrainian side about temporarily closing the border and closing trade. and i will also talk to polish farmers about
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this. and such a solution would be temporary and mutually painful. we are the most pro ukrainian states, but we also have the biggest problems in all of europe resulting from the russian ukrainian war. the price of free trade with ukraine is too high, and we can't pay it back. and the spike pulls, getting poor in all this. you create in present volume years. whiskey says the cube of is the victim here. because what was, once it's best friend in the whole you, family is also now getting set up. we must finally find a solution to the situation on the postage board item on which is going to be on both economics and morality alone go. it is simply impossible to explain how the hardships that they believed in countries can be used in domestic political strawberries. so you lawmakers when renewing the self only exemptions for you pray made a point of saying that basically you have only has to keep flooding the block with
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turnover, chicken, and whatever else. if it promises to behave itself, which means no corruption or organized crime or human rights violations, guys or a violation of democratic principles, which hey, let's face it, to be honest. seems like the you have set a pretty low bar for any way, but that bar looks like it's headed for a lower a if some of those ukranian officials are having to entice to behave democratically actually end up serving in the you themselves some day. and as an estimated cost of just this, between a 110 and a 136000000000 euros. so the tax fair over 7 years that's upgrade to a new western think tank analysis with the kicker. be the 85000000000 of that would be in a form of agricultural subsidies, making you freight and the biggest recipient of those. think things are bad. now. wait till there are more miles to feed. and all the kids are fighting over who gets the bigger piece of the ever shrinking pie. now don't buy
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a slope. those are gearing up to cast their ballots in next weekend's russian presidential election. for the 1st time. our tease remind culture it talk to one such enthusiastic voter is being covering the conflict there as a journalist and work correspondence since 2014. to just like it on the wood. it's the glass. i'm with you. soon. the entire population of done bass will be voting for the 1st time in the russian presidential election. i'm interested to hear from you as someone who is defended, his homeland, not only with weapons in his hands, but also in the information space. what do these elections mean to you in general, of their students who doesn't watch the tv, but it looks like the can let me 100 a see are from us. i don't think i need to tell you how people here in don't boss feel about the russian president. this is the man who gave the future the don't best. 10 years of this uncertainty. the bill did not know what would happen
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tomorrow. the decision to recognize it then they ask, in regards to people's republics, the decision to conduct a special milledgeville operation is a decision to make don't bestbuy, the russia. these are all decisions of the code and precedents. i think there is no need to explain how people perceive it. i'll people feel about this mind to make these decisions, to make the decisions, knowing what the consequences would be for the whole country. pressure from the west sanctions. it seems to strangle the country. these decisions were made easy and the the beloved on bus a grateful for that. the metal done boss of wonder that it was a, a, to be full events of 2014. i was involved in journalist. i was a newspaperman, most of my 1st nation was the events of the so called you may down in the, from the beginning of those events to define now and i work as a newspaper non winter still that is in don't bus started and i tried to do some good wherever possible,
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where i sold that i could be of some use morton. while i continued to do journalism as a war correspondent until the events of 2022 in 2022. when mobilization began and don't pass, my colleagues and i have owen seed for a unit to help divorce though battalion. we were given the opportunity to continue doing journalistic activities. so hopefully you know what you have those done. so i'm assuming you have some homework, we've cutie the civilian population, and there was small co much tasks as well. of course, we didn't know stone houses. we help as much as we could. we kept filming, you kept recording everything that was going on. and now i'm still doing a to this day and was, according to preliminary information. they haven't really been civilian casualties, something to tell me of the dentist people's republic give down the
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right now employees of the ministry of emergency situations. and we've done this republic. we're dealing with people here waiting gauged extinguisher in the flat and the residential sector, sales a full and again, you're e, mid village of he's been instrumental in helping out of the locals here in houston, nevada, in goal of the and in other places that were targeted by the creating an artillery fire, we performed several of these a humanitarian fast together. just like today we brought some humanitarian aids for the refugees from of the pedagogy, warm clothing, medicine, food and other things as well. as you can hear, we can still hear shots being fired by you for now. i'm sorry, never the nevertheless, the people here are in needs. and right now we'll deliver this a to them the,
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the big dumb way. when we tell some stories about people who need help mean supported us, we saw how it was supported mean from old russia for known bass, which was not yet bought of the russian federation. and that's a exist gets deluxe is. this is a different region, different stables, but a whole for us, you helped us get rid of people from all region source, responded to the sometimes res colorful sums for surgeries, for children, for rehabilitation. a flight is adult boss is always fail, the support of rush, i play them with the most things i shall stop, but yes, cool, but i see your station until so what does the ration of of the, of coming to you, the flow whole thing got weighted and hoped for very long time for 2 years, relieved like mice in the basement. when we came here to us in nevada, it was like another world. there is lights and some people are walking around.
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somehow the shops are working to move a little more to go from now need of the degree direction troops where people waiting for them is shown here. and of course, it was my birthday when the russian troops entered the street. and it was my birthday that all of a vehicle will remember such a gift. yes, a long awaited one to do. so. there are no complaints. everything is fine. they make me very cordially. the food is good. there's a lot of attention. there are no problems. thank you all for everything that is done for us with a human being. and this is how one of the temporary accommodation centers for refugees from of dave which is in your sci nevada. it looks like, of course, these conditions cannot be called comfortable, but everything necessary to bring people here to resettle them to, to provide them with 1st a to deal with the issue of documents. everything is that the missed ya. how many years have we've been working together and every time i wish it was the
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last time we were doing this kind of thing. but no matter how many more we will do any more constantly, as long as help is needed, because i'm sure the local people were giving this help to them. they'll help others themselves when they've overcome the grief here and what the point is because the people here, they're certainly the best representatives of the human race. it seems to me. so let's help now and then they'll help all of us to, if we needed, god forbid, of course, but let it be. so you do a walk in your sample, not because we did talk about well, that's how the early we can use. and stories are shipping up for now. i'll be back in touch with more of some of these big companies the the.
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