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tv   News  RT  March 9, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news, at least one person is killed and several wounded in a shootout in the haitian capital, amid escalating gun violence in the car to be in nation. the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send a web us to create it all. some locals are accusing the us off, fueling the prices in haiti this hour. we recall washington. so the toilet track, record of meddling and other nations. the scenes there come as in bob way expelled the usaid mission and retaliation for sanctions on the african countries. officials,
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us humanitarian aid are dropped, ends in tragedy and gowns that several people are crushed to death. while the pentagon, the nice results of the life must go every hour of the day. this is archie international. let's get into our top story or under this breaking news where we begin from the haitian capital, at least one person has been killed on several more wounded and made rump that gun violence. they're a large scale assault on friday. so the presidential palace targeted as well as the interior ministry and a local police headquarters. gun shots have been reported throughout the nice forcing civilians to see show. the guns are not a said to have seize control of large parts of the haitian capital, as well as roads leading to a nearby cities. as the situation deteriorates, authorities have extended
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a state of emergency for at least one more month. we heard from a haitian woman, lost her husband in the latest by 1125 here i saw a crowd of people moving around. i immediately worried about james and when i reached house number 4 to be, i came across the body of my husband's line in the street. the change had never been in contact with anyone. she was a single secret salesman for a company on to motorcycle. she was simply struggling someone coming as well as violence ranges in porto products. haitians are choosing the us so dragging their country into chaos. let's go through that. this footage from friday evening shows a local police station in smoldering rooms about some vehicles i'd cyber also towards by mobs. officers fired, flourish to disperse and retry the haitian young leader is $1.00 to $5.00 minister already out on re who's currently outside the country to resign over his failure to
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humble the security and economic crisis. violence of inmates also escaped earlier this week during a prison break, many returning to their guns and by the governments of the curtis states of emergency unexpected. here's what some locals told us about what is on the field. a hey, that is the haitian government that agrees with against the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send the websites to create it. all of you to realize that i want to discontinue, to use the one who gets the weapons to the dentist, to destroy our lives and everything we have. he's the one who knows everything chaotic scenes of the haitian border with the dominican republic, 2 police struggle to stop scores of civilians from rushing across the to card of being country sure. on island territory. over 15000 patients are said to have been recently displaced and the despite the situation in the country for former spokesperson for the libyan government of new se broham spoke to the program. earlier we ask them about what's happening here. he told us, washington sees,
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and his views, benefits in on risk in here says russia. now for that accusation, this is an american tech that does not fully me anymore. and i hold that real estate and get had many more people. will it be aware of that? again, as you would wonder about, if you truly believe that's what the americans want, is a stable and 6 you or a country of how you can. but if you understand the game, that's what they want is calles. what they want is a continuation of the weakening of the structures of the country. because when that happens, the american companies was very powerful with billions and billions of dollars in there under the command, sick and easy to control such a weekend and pay your take
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a government or country structure. so it's in the interest of the americans to dismantle all of this and make sure that k o is continuous. and that's how you think doesn't see the light of the day. doesn't have a period of peace and all that in which a popular democratic movement can flourish and voice itself against the policies of american companies, corporations under control of the how youth and economies. haitians aren't the only ones of choosing the us of options leading to turn moral in their country. washington's policy, and i forget, has also been raising plenty of questions to let's have a listen to what was discussed. the recent american state department briefing the united states does not support violent or on democratic changes in government, in africa or elsewhere. and all violations of us export regulations will be punished to the full extent of the law that the united states is eligible for violence or on democratic changes the government, africa,
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or elsewhere. we do not somebody grab the rest of the day as the us state department spokesperson squared away. the question still hangs in the air. that's because the answer is definitely not so simple. and rewriting history doesn't pass the smell test, us train troops. i've been involved in at least 12 crews in west africa and the greater so whole region during the so called war on terror as america scoured the glow for the next leaders to gift with the revolution. the places where america has conducted military training include burkina, faso, chad gumby, a guinea, molly mart, pania. i need year to name a few of the jobs in last year. victoria new in the us under secretary of state, a k america student to depart, routine change queen was asked what the us was doing to slow the parade of african
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officers over throwing governments, which the us have trained them to protect. so some folks involved in these crews have received some us training, but far from all of them, you need to talk to them about why they are over throwing their governments are a message in all cases was that the citizens of these countries deserve to see democracy restored and that particularly in molly and burkina faso, we expect both of these uh interesting governments to meet their commitments, trying to explain it all way if you want mrs. newland but washington will have a tough time washing of the hands of involvement as since the 2 thousands. it's regularly deployed. small commando teams to advise assist and the company local
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forces even into the battlefield. but this involvement has led to the stabilisation as an increase in terrorism. the latest to orchestrated by some us train troops in africa took place and new here just last year. and it's not a topic us senators are afraid to openly admit. it appears that the united states trained yet another 2 leader in africa. it's a disturbing trend and a sign of how badly miss allocated our national security spending is on the continent. it's a recipe for disaster. and it's part of the story about why crews are spreading all across africa in lots of places where the us has delivered lots of military assistance, but not enough economic cooperation. but who can forget the 2011, us fled operation in libya with the removal and assassination of panama for can a small market dollar fee. the k off lead to the,
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the civilization and privatization of the countries oil industry, putting wealth into western hands and created what some of called the libyan slave trade. all quote, under the guise of humanitarian intervention, 3 came, we saw, died. have anything to do with your visit? i'm sure the news or was this is for profit that bush's and needs the american government, an american needs to send their troops and the agents around the world. i remember the case of livia, it's very clear they wanted the oil. libya is one of the richest countries and the commodity of volume. they wanted the geographical location, libya, centers,
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the mediterranean sea is regarded as the northern gates of africa. and they wanted in libya's somewhat in funds. these events help these stabilize these nations which then lead to more us, i'm western involvement. and the more recent of military coups is, of course, washington's bloody fingerprints have also been found in latin america and the caribbean. recently, the white house deny that the us is forcing haiti's prime minister to reside while pushing for new elections in the country. we are not, we are definitely not pushing prime, the prime minister to resign. that is not what we're doing, but we have underscored that now is the time to finalize a political core to help said haiti on a path to a better future. and that is something that we've been working on for some time. we've been working that on that with the care. com. so that is nothing new. we've had those conversations and also the haitian partners on the path to restoring
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democratic order in haiti through free and fair elections, inclusive governance and power sharing. this will give the people of the up and opportunity to democratically elect their prime minister. a reminder that 20 years ago this weeks, the us government placed haiti's and then elected president, who had called for the french to pay reparations on a plane from guantanamo bay to the central african republic with a full flight plan. after he was relocated, a qu, ended a decade of democratic progress and more information today, points to the c i a 's for wrecked involvement. it took us 58 years to recognize haiti's, independence. their priorities haven't changed and today's american policy is more or less consistent with the way it's always been. the crew of september 1991 was undertaken with the support of the us administration and in february 2004 that
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happened again. since then, haiti has endured 2 decades of a revolving door of us 5 for james and today the caribbean nation. welcome cit. cool anniversary. without a single elected official and office and no elections inside, while most haitian space catastrophic humanitarian conditions. so here we go again . more intervention and haiti, more of the same from america as countries around the globe shawn past colonial powers, and seek independent homegrown leaders that have their country at heart as russia in china and the global south form of multiplan your world. in the face of former us dominance and control on a related themes and bob will start to use have expelled the mission of the us agency for international development from the country. washington has called the
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move on justified claiming usaid stuff oversaw the assessment of democracy. human rights and governance in zimbabwe. expulsion came shortly after washington slop sanctions on the african nations. taco officials, including the president, his press secretary slum, the bite and administration for making quote on funded allegations. a zoom above way takes great exception to gratuitous lender and dissemination remarks by officials of the, by the ministration against the sanctions, him by way of leadership and its nationals. what as to the outreach, is a big, bold and damage and accusations are not back by any yards of evidence. we condemned these malicious statements as completely uncalled for as defamatory, provocative and as a continuation of wants and has still tease against him by way, by the us government. local officials also states felt that however, are a governments pursue different forms, proves the u. s. planes to be wrong. washington has imposed
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a series of sanctions items of bob weight over allegations of human rights abuses, targeting the countries financial assets and the number of individuals. well, we heard from a prominent on the sanctions active as the ends involved, way it saves the recent restrictions and posters simply end up demonstrating american power on the defenses of a foot fund. the president called them like liskey action, a c c, which started in russia. and those we just put to save face the americans did look want to look like they are being forced by a small little country to remove these sanctions. those sanctions can be challenged in court because the uninsured to those 1011 individuals, we couch to be just be quick, swift quarts and try to i believe that they'll send you. but put the americans to save face so that they don't look like a single hour. that is be forced to removing the function by a 3rd world. small country with some countries never used to consider. the
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applicants is equal partners. they never even consider the applicant as human beings, as the united states could impose sanctions on civilians and collectively probably so yes, the international, you know, and the human rights know that they, the americans and europeans created even before i have to go into spending stage of the collective punishment people by persecution, of the united healthcare education or sanctioning institutions that provide service to human beings was always a crime against humanity. all right, let's turn attention to central guys that were at least 8 civilians were reportedly killed in darrow, below on friday, as the idea of keeps up, its relentless bombardment. palestinian officials say the enclaves, death to have surpassed $30800.00 people since october 7th. distressing flooded shows, locals covering the wounded as well as all these of the dead to a local hospital. most of the casualties of the latest strikes in that area are
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said to be true that more victims could still be trapped under the rubble of columbus buildings, which rescue crews and volunteers are scrambling to as well as the u. n. warrens that some guys and children are starving to death. international groups are rushing to provide a to b and baffled in favor. but one such or drop has ended in tragedy with at least 5 people crushed to death by opponents of supplies in kansas city. due to a power should figure. so i'm at your footage film during not instant shows. scores of civilians pressure to kick. i'm surprised as they fall from the sky amid the ruins of buildings destroyed by the ideas. hundreds of 8 packages were, are dropped this week by a number of countries, but to monitoring groups say, it's not nearly enough for over 2000000, display scouts and some desperate need. here's our local civil defense volts. person describe the deadly and how much the affiliates,
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a tragedy added to the ongoing tragedies experienced by our policy named people and g as an estimate, these bloody war in the region. so we went, aircraft dropped 8 supplies to citizens in the northern areas of the street, but unfortunately, these parachutes fell directly on the hands of civilians. these led to the depths of 5 individuals and the injury of more than 10 people, including critical interest, comes to wherever the pentagon, whose plains dropped out a shipment has denied that any people were killed by falling supplies. thus, as many a truck sabine lining off at the border with guns that a waiting is really clearance to cross. we got reaction to that situation from a children's doctor in the west bank. if you look at the border crossings, you will have hundreds of trucks seen with humanitarian aids awaiting the admission of the biggest in the army to get through and p for
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a lot of really dying from hung up and got so with no explanation. as soon as it might've states it's, it's a suggesting to drop the humanitarian aid from these guys from the plains, which is very humiliating. not only for the palestinians, it's very illuminating for the us. the president might then be unable to, to mix, to get at, at a reasonable so use and simply by asking is there any to up in the bought that crossings and flip the many tent in 8th, which has been binding up a bit more dollars for, for the for a few months now, it is a shame act sweetie, for the civilized countries to allow such situation to happen. well, that's not across to canadian, palestinian journalist monster,
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a schuman who spent several months covering the work from inside gas or for r t. before leaving the intake for guitar, he's now in doha months are good to see you. you are in the in buffalo, the southern gals and city of con eunice on until recently. can you give us a sense of the situation there to connie, when this, when it comes to infrastructure and the civilian buildings, schools, hospitals, clinics, it's mostly destroyed. and i notice is on it. cuz it's in, in, in, on it. you cannot live in how you want us anymore, because that is a tool deluxe infrastructure to, to nickel any kind of buildings there. anyone understand unice has most one of 3 areas either further south to offer further west to milwaukee area, which is on the beach for further north up to the middle region and get them back
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up to us. kind of eunice it's, it's towards ending of the storage. as i said, i was mentioned, we spend san month speaking a bytes, the developments on the ground you were there in ga. so you, you got, how did you manage to make it to door in um, uh, on the beginning of november, uh, the canadian government todd range to, to put myself my wife and my children. uh, on an approved list to leave those districts to uh, to via the border to egypt. so i was on that approved list for the, for the last few months. and when i basically lost phone access, any safe place to work from you and is to serve my people. so i decided to to connect again with the canadian costa looking all my life. and i thought
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that i could add more value to the people in palestine from the outside versus inside because especially during these, the staging times and successfully, you know, i passed through that off on the board. there took a few hours. we were given a 72 hour visa image to stay in egypt by when, by which my dish with a temporary canadian passport was mine, was about to expire. and i decided to come to door basically because the political landscape, theater is much motor listing and friendly to allow us to continue to work. we stopped it because in addition to that, i also accepted the job offer, which was given to me before the war, started the consulting firm for trying to re establish my personal life together with my wife and children, and my mother understood for weeks, months or you knew where the focus of fronting speculation i was to at what
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had happened after communication, what was lost with you. and on one side, you had the people saying that he was maybe apprehended by the adf. other people said he had to go underground because of the, the relentless attacks by israel. some of those really people were calling you a uh from us. i said, how did it feel to be in the midst of that, of that media storm, not reporting about the story being the story. yeah. so 1st let's, let's talk about being a, how mass us it is in any way i was a message. is really wouldn't have up to me leaving for the board. any person that leads the board or even if now is national bus sports, they need to get 3 approvals, waterfront bursting, one from israel and one from egypt. so the matter of fact, i got approval to leave by the is really forces shows the fight. nothing that's. i'm not an assets off uh off for from us. i'm trying to be tough to put
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a scene in people to peaceful ways and to a social media to networks, microsoft opportunity projects on the ground and being the focus of the media. so when, by the way, when, when, when we went missing, we were always there in time you want us, it's just that we didn't have internet connection. so we so afterwards, next later on when we weren't able to come back, see if you join us or hospitals more to milwaukee. so we learned to yes, there was a lot to focus on finding really mature. and i have mixed feelings because i want to focus to be on the 2400000. other students are billions for suffering and not just on, on, on the, on, on, on a person, but at the same time. so i felt that this was how to push our story more in terms of the month sort of an example also, but
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a cdn was trying to help the cd and pause and we need to utilize his voice and his brand in order to ensure that you know that, right, so the students about returns. and so i have mixed feelings towards that. and i am thankful for everyone. well, me for, for support to those 12 door of different ways and means that as we went through this journey, i just want us to, we're just getting started. yes. we're physically and also in gaza. so let's, we're just getting started and we need to continue to support the students. and it was a to always you, you mentioned the, the people right now on the front lines and more than 2000000 gallons. nearly the entire population of the in see of are not sheltering along the border with egypt at things are clearly reaching a tipping point. that's the idea of envision pushing on. do people stay in gals that will be addiction? border open. do you feel another i'd come as more likely after such
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a extensive experience in the region, months or and so the ship sion border now has like 3 or 4 different layers of physical fences and walls. and a lot of the high scale technology to ensure that, you know, people, that there is not a peace of mind. 71948 where he's left forced to leave. does this trip anymore. however, i really believe it's up to the americans. the americans agree to what is there as trying to do in terms of expanding the student population to egypt and to go back into hundreds of split up to build supplements they have control, you know, the area like it was a few years back then the this is one united i hope that's not the 2nd. see now it was, i think what is happening right now,
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which is that americans together with the allies, are trying to find, you know, someone else to deal with the, the, the, from us go through that off the border. they're trying to do the air drops, which are like not really how think they're like most of your songs. they're like maybe a dozen trucks for worth of aids that has been dropped over the last few weeks. they're trying to avoid any kind of relationship with the school. they're talking about the sports that they want to build for the next 2 months to try to help. but passivity. so he wanted to just about a senior people. so i think that the 2nd scenario is more likely where students are going to remain in gauze or in the safe areas in the off of milwaukee for example. and while they try to establish the new palestinian authority in the us up the wind trying to keep the humanitarian house up to a minimum,
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to ensure that the for mass group does not get stronger, as they say in before. can i also touch upon the short to medium turn as well in terms of, of a cease fire? last thing to something more at last thing i'm permanent. do you see that coming if it will not happen that will, that have happened for the months of problem? unfortunately, it seems that there's really side, very stubborn and playing with words. they're seeing something to their own media, saying something to the americans, saying something about us damian's saying something in english. think something in a blue. i mean their words change all the time. i don't think that they are serious to have an even a temporary cease fire. unfortunately, i think the to the war will go on during the month of ramadan, what was the short term answer. i hope we speak again and perhaps tell us more in depth into what you saw,
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what you've experienced during all those months that you were able to report on the front lines for us and for others. it's good to see you though. at monster, she mind canadian published and, and journalist live on our to thank you. sure. no, i must go is representative of the un security council has said that the west strategy of using ukraine to hold back russia is feeling the diplomats also spoke up the situation on the front line. as regards the delivery of leave for a to kia from western partners, a possible card, was it the same thing? what happens is obviously not enough. as we've seen. we simply the much hyped adams tanks are good and just as well as the gentleman the pods. almost the same as the previous test so. so the tie goes and tom says in ukraine a 2 years ago, it is obvious that no arm supplies can stop the agony of the key you've received. it is difficult to interpret the french president. my cross was about the need to
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send the allied troops, the crane to prevent the fall of keeps res seem differently. it's a shame that we didn't hear how the site is, could lead to a 3rd hole in the fresh representative speech. it's also shame that they usually active gentleman representative express, no desire to speak. it will be interesting to hear comments on the leaks call between the high ranking german officers discussing how to help ukraine destroy the coach bridge and cry me up in that same call. but have a confirmation that the american british and he were p meal to advise us all in ukraine, helping ukraine's military jews which targets the hits. so we confirmed something that we have talked about for a very long time that each use of western long beach by punch against civilians makes the supplies accomplish. this is the last case and he's cliques, violations, often international humanitarian law. it's for you to put onto ukraine. colby, un security council meeting after a missile struck a building in the port city of odessa. on wednesday,
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the delegation from greece led by the countries of the prime minister, was there at the time of the incident rush. as soon as a high precision strike hit a drone factory there, u. s. radio host and political commentators, steve gills, things presidents and landscape being attempted to food western delegations by claiming he's a target. i'm also guessing the part ineptitude, and it's part of the intent. again, i think that when western visitors go there, they want to make it seem to give us under a task under a software that's really they're getting hit by their, you know, anti aircraft and anti missile defenses. more often than the russians up as well as targeting keys, the battlefield is a long way from there for they have to keep fooling bows that. com and look into thinking that's where the fight is taking place. like i was in the don bass regions on this guy very awful in september and, and i saw no u. s. media i saw on the european medias stand in wasn't there. you must have dc


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