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tv   Documentary  RT  March 10, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

11:30 am
as many times as you need to do on the road as of what this how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on see the suicide with some other children who are in the middle of a way of basically news mutual expect satellite media. sorry
11:31 am
. it's a possibility of getting your buses for new via feel a couple weeks ago to see the patient's going. that's not going to serve her search for it to appear on it all the see what used to cuz i knew this, but she just from us most of the english might say right. issue for so we need to change and i've used them. jim seed me for a team and it was that was pretty my is a must have yes. yes. unless you can speak. but then you know, your use the sway, the police towards gun use, the scoring,
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but just but you want to initialize the with states show positive show positive isn't in your when you buy a teen or something, somebody good thing says to be in your function when you started so less and you would trust or share a more just corner information know or fox to see when you got the music results on somebody do it for you to send it to the service or do you think you're i understand? well, it wasn't for the agents the, the closest to your trust or someone else for the, for those of the come with the songs are written somewhere born in that place to
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make sure to shut the door to one of the forms of funding or due to the change center or the 2nd part for the non custodial people for somebody to select the needs and wants you to know see what my bill is on so on. let's see. what did you see the now clause inside the see on each side and see if the high did is something you do the last and stuff i'm your thoughts are so much
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or the the other children who are in union put them in american for you and make the toner cartridge a missile difficult unless you purchased this william for, for the not for what the cost of record is so much you're you sent to you single up to you for the month. so i am waiting for the 1st of june. what are some of these, this industry? so for the business, my zip code at the dfcs is progressive. you just submitted the colors website and find out some pulled up for you, just a sec, which is spelled out of it. but when you tend to click on it and get this whole quarter percent, some problems with that too many think about because if we just want that also to
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things of the most of the quote yes. okay. then you have a good restaurant. you can always look that up for yourself, but also you also put them to start sending edi from june the to the tech, but he's always splitting the mention of like i would certainly understand from for the appointment with them. jordan, and i could that i mean the session and send me the with the name of the procedure which are not enough comfortable solution video. but sam, so stand you can just guessing if they don't vote you when you go to share any of the clifton. so others need them, so you have time to clean discussing your class to be of assistance. that was the, the quote for the way, same thing. and it was almost like a shots schedule,
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but now the street is coming back. and if you, especially unless there's no scheduling for the coming at the school, assume that in giving you had to do is needing to annual billing for free at the condition of the same company. you don't live in the new the new home so. so yeah, most of the level florida not just let me pull up the issue for you. it's trust me, the new will uh, good evening and thoughts but things you know, when they send me an idea of some of the specialist, she will remove that he is just over the beach today. the storm water bug room,
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quite short bug, got a message on the voice and that anybody wants to biggest letting or disease, which means i need to play the put in kindergarten. is the why know you need them talk to me yesterday about central show at the moment you just got asking me for as much as you that i'm wondering where she is that i'm sure she'll have the lease was d is what movies you have keys. do that, you'll see have surely mean yes of must be where you can see the forwarding. i want the new still going work. that's good. the guy that i should don't sweat actually show the police of the me now that of most of the use of the 20 big language to buy new meter on the back. just curious. i mean, the, what the, with the support of the for themselves then yes, give owner of shoulders who thought for to be studied. i bought a jewel to my good. we read them odd as usually we would have stuck, but i'm sure yours and the other room you look at as a new logo. is that what you need to ask? but at the motion of the do you, what do you would you build shirts? i need, would you be what communities of what the pros to be to get us to getting be shown users of shim. the studio is langley reduced to the doctor needs to be
11:38 am
the semester as something related to the weekend. i've got 3 weeks to get some quickly with some steps here is do you see the word must be of the rosary drop of the individual on the to pretty much the why not? what's on the, what the year just in the, in the, of the states there's work for them. but usually if it's the most for the grammar and the bodies, you'd see the just be the deal is usable. pause was such as the me, the still a go to the resolution, the city yours, those i see to do is lives. we will reduce the fact that there's this will good. i see we used order signed the escalade in the low some of the year for the city. the blog posts will go check under opens almost where you and the sizes are nearby. move the,
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what's your choice? you're doing studies in place. ok, but you to get out of this do the the of us because all the size of started something able to do it on. that's what she, i don't know and it does it. but the answer to it won't go. so not all that was for the silver bullet, but i'm just i saw where the bill, which i suppose the name was i'm is and i will just use it. so i understand. i mean it's usually the cheapest way. it was to find the,
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the man, the names of the football games by itself, the
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hosting to sit on the what these are, what gap it off for the not the morning. would you go to those offices just so that was the lose of when you come back? let me see and good. what else? um we sideways we saw me could i drop it off the fusion in new york,
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but i'm going to describe that. but uh, do you have the flow cuz i'm so that was the, was kind of what she was the guy sees across the way. so that was the last we really have to go to sleep when you change the i know the weekend. oh, i mean that's weird, this model is your, what is the unit i
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don't see why 3, those would be the that's kind of what of the source. so what i show the solution, talk to somebody to see if anybody is going to do the the the, the, the boys, usually the one you walk out the the,
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or the other way not. right? so see what it was around there. so sounds good. just so basically of course we need your last name was need read, those can, will be used to be you know,
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you mentioned we have some more or someone what was this? we would show new people to the, the, the future, google boards overcrowded. but basically the democrat and the problems on obviously
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if that was the voice, it is not got the flooding similar to mine, that was on the the
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people here who is your shipment goes to the board, the total is available. so if we did, it was the most important just for now on your phone at the old address because nobody
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ever naples the the blue shield. so you're going to have this bill for the yes. the last part in this new localized system, somebody will be able to avoid the
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the the major of the, the by there. some of the
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software is a sophomore for gimme a little smoke. the other one that does not utilize this is just the little small. i was follow up with the me issue the follow up the for the police and the assignment on thank you
11:51 am
so much. there was no for you guys. please got started. cause that sound to you the thing just below the sales. what about that? just give us a call. the website is the part of the one that was done beautifully psychiatrist as well. do you have the uh, the instructions you guys are the shipment is another no guys the shes must push it as an engineer, but you might as well, you know that you have to go with them. you will just know as long as its spot for
11:52 am
the demo. sort of the combined 0 for the glory of the you today also the bumpers there. let me see when she will be at the city the what we uh see should be should be the beds. got what do you know? mean yeah, but you want me to go out of square couple of insurance for the bed which and what about this one? shorter
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storage stuff. couple of steps towards the news meals the bed 3 eager to see should be the same. the
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total. but you see it hasn't been yet because it's on we've learned because cost more of how much money to use the traverse side of the book. but the visual know the them to move the get together start with already let me know as a look. so to settle them 3,
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yesterday to show you what the folks are. when will you be due for service? i'm going to give you to them the name of the veterans by see which with this you see how much is the really this is the guy. here's the secret of the words you bought by the name of the web, the field, but i'll give you a good job of the but what was it? it was like it was by using the just like the idea of the digital magazine mill, the fuel to the world, stuck in a well look. sure. i'm not sure what to get the level. we're still because i think,
11:56 am
i think it was actually still moving as of sure. so, but guess the part of the category for the certainly meeting is length, the movie and the movie just sending the tip is what points are still you know, those additional bringing smoke new quotes for us to get ready for us to get away, put them in front of me, the stimulus continues for cisco, but also do some shows the video of the school from sofa sense music, videos, new exclusive 10 years funding look up. and you would just send you the because the new carpet used to be stuck with us on google. so 30 to the on the gosh, the center partners go to the shelves, obviously, to green support. anyway, so the goal of the luxury of contributions of these could literally just walk with mileage and what are you hoping model is the new model. so source to
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a surface villages to receive my original. so let's see if any questions the solution that way as my life and this is a bunch of interest to you. the the 1834 france invaded algeria and straight away the french started inhabiting it to
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strengthen their position. the column is known as the new wires took the best land from day one. the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited. this caused them as discontent. the people of l g area began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriots managed to induce france to start seize negotiations in 1962
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heavy and the cords were assigned 40 l. jerry on the bass towards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the debts of one and a half 1000000 algerians. the today in the united states foreign policy of stuff, richmond, national security establishment is a weapon. auction person becomes a cloak for our own aggression. it becomes a way of flushing other countries on the back for our record shows that we're not really that much of the democracy that we have on those 3 of interfering in other countries when they produce democratic outcomes. we don't like the
12:00 pm
question was this push ahead of the friends clearing minds left by were tracing ukrainian soldiers, while the french president douglas down on coast to send troops to ukraine as fox controlled. let's see for trying to get nato allies on india say that stepping up trade with russia in defiance of western pressure. we sit down to discuss the prospects with this flux pumps and having to use rooting costing pd not be anybody from list b, b, any part dictation from the last in board regarding russia or any other kind of recall that might be the weeks tops to.


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