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tv   News  RT  March 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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liaison loosely from the because she's wrapped in east jerusalem is the idea prevents, many muslims were mentoring the lines mock. i'll ask them mosque. on the eve of ramadan, i meant to wait and getting gone south africa's presidency as an opposition policy requests for the us to receive the upcoming elections in the country calling it's an attempt to engage democracy. and as the final comes down in russia, the citizens do rep to vote in the 1st presidential election since the outbreak of ukraine conflicts and president western prussia, which followed wait for the exclusive coverage of the build up to the we 10 main event. the
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a very well welcome to you. you're watching all the international with the late as world news update, as a pleasure to happy with us as always. now our top story, as the muslim, well dentist, it's holy month of ramadan, is where the forces have violently prevented. worship is younger than faulty from entering the our acts and most skin east jerusalem. the dramatic stage on the scene shows idea of truth pushing back a crowd of muslims of the gates to the world. renounce travel a number of women as well as young guns. all the arabs were beaten with by tongues as they attempted to enter is radio thorns. these came the working to ensure freedom of religion while providing for charity as requested by the nets and yahoo governments from the down that has not brought peace to gauze either the leader of
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mass is blaming as well. failing to secure a satisfied deal full, the monks long this law make fast national. so the 1st we have a stablished 5 principles to achieve disagreement that we are striving for, which will be reflected in a comprehensive cease fire ending the war and gaza. the complete withdrawal doki by an army from all gather territories, here full return, no refuge is without conditions to the places of residence. well and also military issues for our people. until now, the enemy has been a vague and given queer assurances and commitments, especially regarding the cease fire meaning dispensation of aggressive warfare on cause. this means they want their hostages to return and then resume the world in our people cabinets an hour in place where we don't shuttled with say 5 talks apparently on ice phase of grow into the regional violence could spiral further. ortiz, middle east correspondence. we re offend ocean that is in jerusalem and can tell us more, as well as far from the store as many expected for the holy month of ramadan. and
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how may i send these ro, we're supposed to sign a deal before monday brokers via agents and cats. are but tourist, as you can see, is nowhere inside with both sides blaming each other. and now here is mountains that we might see for the installation, not only here in jerusalem, but more dramatic and gaza earlier eas row threatens to in the rough and gas of south. that's now house is at least 1200000 displaced gallons, who fled, but his suicide is up north. if i'm asked, doesn't degree to deal well? have my statement and the idea has already prepared, then presented plans for a ground operation in the southern parts of the gaza strip. so we might expect anything, despite rising global concerns over the dangers and large scale offensive, and such a densely populated area might pose earlier in the presidents of the country that these really warren guys are, would not have been possible without the us that supports israel financially.
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militarily and politically made it clear and that to more innocent das would be at red line. there's no red line, i'm going to cut off our weapons so they don't have the iron. don't protect. they don't have puts those red lines that if you cross is and they cannot have $30000.00 more palestinians, dad, he must, he must pay more attention to. there's a lies be lost as a consequence of the extra stake he's hurting my view is hurting israel more that helped me to 0 by making the rest of the world as the country. and what is your stance? what about a israel? well, it seems to be determined not to totally intimidate, takes 5 words about the red lines send from washington on sunday. the idea of heat, one of the largest residential towers in rough up with air strike stepping up pressure on the southern part of the gas as 3 frontiers with prime minister natania a homes on a certain device. and so i don't know exactly what the president man,
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but if you meant by that done and pursuing private policies against the majority, the wish of the majority of israelis. and then this is hurting the interests of israel. that he's wrong in both count them on these are not my private policies only their policies supported by the overwhelming majority of these rarely as well as really probably going to start payers confidence speaking on behalf of the entire nation. recent polls indicates that a selections were health today, and it's an yeah, how would most likely lose the former defense minister been a guy who is now i remember all these rails were a cabinet with a majority favoring guns for the position of prime minister. so why the confidence from b, b or nathan, yahoo, one possible reason harsh words from washington enough, exactly harsh and the us is sending rather conflicting messages from one hand by them. criticizes medium. yeah. who say he's hurting these ro molden helping he's roland, calling his actions a big mistake. but at the same time,
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he says he wants catch all lessons through each room. and we know that over 100 suffered for a military sales, unprecedented number. have been approved and delivered to israel since the war and gas would begin and october the 7th. also washington supplies weapons complaining about thousands of palestinians killed in guys, including with american weapons. and at the same time, sense troops to build the fords for delivering humanitarian aids to guys. also by who says he wants to see a cease fire, but the us, we chose un security council draft resolutions calling for an immediate truce, promising to offer its own document for our vote, which has never happened so far. this policy has its cost for washington as well, or their buying was interrupted during his speech by protests or who called him out for washington's continues supports of israel's war on him as in the gaza strip,
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branding him genocide. to jo, it's hard to get the the room says the president biden was close on hold to mind, talk to his state of the union address, saying that he and the to the whole here referred to is really prime minister by his nickname, baby i going to have a come to jesus meeting explaining later that he meant a serious conversation. while the country perhaps the only one in the world, that is a boy right now to stop israel's bombardments all the guys. i'm actually supports a 0 guns off to mold and fetch you 1000 lives last thinking about the serious conversation, while many would believe it is time for red co actions. instead, the international route over the will in dallas, and we're seeing some new j, a political alliances in the well previous loyalties on tested. that's the topic
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down for discussion and that they just episode of going on the grounds. i've seen what times the story today by a full my palace city and a national authority advisor college. oh didn't they are you can watch the show in full here on. 1 to threw out monday. so what we have then is a mass, perhaps more popular in the context of iraq, afghanistan, syria, libya, a, and to the reputation of these major powers that keep talking about a rule of it's based order because clearly they're arming. what's happening in gaza and we have israel now the most dangerous place in the world to be a jew. so this is, this is where they situation is at the moment. um, i suppose uh, i mean that was um, i mean its not exactly how i would characterize it, but don't tell me how you would because i'm telling the global south does not support the well. yeah, but i mean there's that there's going to be kind of sort of the united states
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there's, there's no question that a, the so called rules based order has taken a huge hit. i don't know that it can recover. i don't know that the credibility of the countries and states who have claimed to uphold that. ready is based order in places like you crane, and i don't know that there credibility can ever really be restored. address with the global south. i mean, certainly with the global south, i think it's not a coincidence that south africa was the country that took up the case of the for genocide against israel in the international court of justice. and it wasn't an error upstage. it wasn't, it was the majority country, it was so south africa and, and so yes, the global south is, is not only the solution, but quite angry. the 10s of millions of russians offer pairings and votes for that. next president's
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this coming weekend, going off the international. we're bringing you our special coverage of the nation's a keynote event. the i'm a visa is the cost of votes, russian service, men, station to the countries, new territories. these images that form these apples, the region of russia, the voting procedure is exactly the same as at the ordinary election stations with soldiers showing that possible settings on the then being able to check them off for a ton of data on the list and also candidates so in the running for the countries talked jobs, the incumbent and flat demand person is taking another 6 the time. he's up against a political veteran on some 1st time content. this one, the country's main office ation parties. i tease a my, my h, u,
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i takes us through their agendas and was at stake. a rush as president puts in is facing a national election that will test the public support for his leadership with the ukraine conflict in particular focus that issue is of such importance that one bloody reports and presented the reasons for the military operation. in a recent interview with americans role as tucker carlson, the video racked up over 200000000 views. up until now that has been the approval and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all. in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition. it is never going to happen pretty soon for fill out of bricks. countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world
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economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising, you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions, pressure bombings, and use of armed forces? when you put into words propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. russia has remained defiant against western pressure and mid the conflict, and it's threatened its size with china, india, and other nations of the developing global south. we appreciate the fact that our trade is shut down all the time high. we have crossed $50000000.00 done over the last year. we expect to exceed dot this year. and what is important is that this trade is small, balanced into sustainable. and it provides for fair market in texas,
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that is the spite western powers seeking to isolate russia as much as possible after the start of the military operation. those attempts by the west have ended in failure. current russian presidents pro, as, as a leader through this challenging period will be put up to public scrutiny in the presidential election. as the face is off against top candidates from the normally popular communist party, the nationalist l. dpr and the upstart new people movement play on its slootsky serves as both duma statesmen and the leader of the liberal democratic party of russia, which is one of the largest parties in russia. and whose programs slootsky pay special attention to the importance of the role of many wages ended developments of the country pointed out that russia will prize if it's regions drive. he promises
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to ensure fair living conditions. and it cool guarantees for all citizens rushing strong with its regions and they must become stronger. and people should be proud of the fact that they live in a unique country, which today is the central attraction for those countries and peoples war against a unipolar world order. where decisions will be made only in washington on the basis of some rules, rather than norms and laws. now to nicholas had a son of who is representing the communist party in the 2004 presidential elections . he came in 2nd behind vladimir puts in his party. his goal is to build a rough shot based on the ideas of renewed socialism or socialism of the 21st century. but what did he exactly suggest in his campaign? in our program, we clearly stated we have played with capitalism, and that's enough. program answers all the questions. many people received free
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apartments from the state, then why was it possible then? and why is it impossible? now? the largest love dev on cops the youngest and final candidate on the list from the saw named the new people party which presents itself as a liberal one. last year he ran for mayor of moscow where he finished in 4th place as part of his current election campaign. the bunk of problem is, is to focus for dominantly on the future. i have a clear program of action which will guide the country into the future and provide the groundwork for development for decades. i offer russia this alternative piece and negotiation, but on our terms, not a rollback more funds to cities and regions. freedom of speech and opinion, openness and pragmatism, instead of looking for new enemies. but still it appears that according to pre election, paul's vladimir puts in remains. thirdly, in control of the russian political arena. races survey said that 75 percent of
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alex totally active russians intended to vote for vladimir, put in another popular pulling agency, said they would be rather difficult to compete against the long time incumbent. we'd only 7 percent of respondents disapproving president for the executive. it is well as much as a to percent approve. his popularity extends beyond russia to, according to a survey on the social network x, as compared with other global leaders, ludovic puts in, is the top pick. the russian president garnered 35.6 percent of the over 800000 votes has form across the world with this presidential election coming up at the height of international tensions. it will definitely be a vital one for russian voters. while all t has you covered for all the key developments surrounding the upcoming vote, the presidential balance will be held across multiple days for the 1st time. we've
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got something special plans for the big weekend, so do stay with us to find out more soon. you can also follow the build up on our website r t dot com on the attempt to sell a solid thoughtful country where the powers, that's how the country's president has lost it. the main opposition policy off to it off the us to oversee your elections in may. his was house still obama pose. i have to say in his damning response to that request. we say to com and monitor. but now for a nonparty, the non state drive that model state entity to do something like that is basically say, we have more gauging our, our democracy to either i don't really, it doesn't matter to me who those uh, we do with regional organizations,
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continental organizations, and global organizations and we invites them so. busy busy we think it's priced in this in g s, and there seems to be another agenda that i'm the pin so that those are the words of the president of south africa. so, and i'm a plus, i'm responding particularly to the mainland position party. the democratic alliance updates in a letter requesting support from the united states as well as several foreign nations to ensure a free and fair election as they say, come voting time on between to 9. so it may print that so that i'm a post that claims that the d is replaced as puts of africa sovereignty on a silver platter. and that, that data a basically says we of sending our democracy and this is all coming as the country becomes increasingly nervous, that if the election day could be mod, by violence between condo receives the uniform political party,
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as well as the economy creed inside to the and is the party members as well? what the d a is decision is, is senior waiting in listening to that they have a chance of winning, but not in the united states. it does not intervene. it also points out that so that's because peaceful transition to democracy. 1994 were supported by a countries throughout the world. the states progressive vision and worked very hard just to defeat racial nationalism and political oppression. but the kid what is being argued is of african countries that the d a avoided the word a pottage and it made sense. and instead of the phrase at that period as the racial nationalism and political oppression that's on its own, that is a sending sylvester because it's on a frenzy considering the fact that the democratic alliance, the parties did not even exist during the countries for us to democratic elections
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in 1994 and so that's it because it's now say this clearly indicates that should be democratic allies go into government. so that's a will be subjected to the bullying of the united states. and additionally, the letter is asking for taking the logical resources to come back to miss information and this information from a foreign model i'm, i'm back to basically, but she has moved from the atlanta with the full appeal to our government to recognize the high stakes for south africa in the lead up to and of to month all the 2024 national and provincial elections. it is in this context that we know a form of the request all putting us in democracy to engage with consequence in the run up to the election. well, and it's similar to that one was also seen to 2 of the foreign ministers around the world, particularly in europe. um aust, getting for helping ensuring that there is absolutely no foreign interference instead of africa's upcoming election. and that lisa, as well,
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was also seen by the democratic alliance, but so that's tends to reject all of these moves by the d. a saying that the d h has seen how the us into feelings in other countries. solvency has resulted in absolute destruction in k us, but still choose us to go ahead and write this to be a to, to the you is that is to try to, i'm quotes for, for the d a to wanting to, to intervene. americans over c o elections, of which we never intervene in their own elections. so i don't think that is a very is a very good. i did 40 synthetic with most. so 100 percent. i feel like it's on sale on so that we can citizens because i don't understand destination between the, the political parties and our political parties. i believe that as i saw that there's not enough. we can put a citizen, i'm supposed to have my c as well with regards to the polity, political industry and all that. they don't reside. yeah. so difficult to to be.
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that's good to see with regards to that. so that for to the citizens the saying that they don't need to use observers because what makes them right just to observe that african election. so with all the scandals that they have under, they balances even the amc has said that the da's need to amounts to nothing further stating that they don't even know what the base is. off these tensions of off the d a r. but also they say that this is not surprising to them. what do you expect from a party that wants to have international relation powers? what do you expect from a particular needs? i'm done. student hasan talks about the war in guys that by saying that one means genocide is one means of freedom. those are the places and sent him. he was coming to an advisor reading party d. c. we had exclusively from the spokes person of south africa's willing african national congress. ponce, my lady, thank
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a month. siri here sized. the opposition is essentially attempting to seize power in the country and its citizens who will suffer. and we don't know what the suppose will be or has been from the us. but we do know that there and we are going to, and we always expected that there would be an attempt at regime change the democratic a lot and said the police come and put us to positions that they stand for would drive very well with those in the go button, not that do not want to see how about the new quality eradicated across the world. and particularly in the countries of the south, including south africa. if you look at a, as an example, if you look at the level of the property and inequality in the western cape, the only problem is governed by that, the way that the ac where the government, the government will. but to go and have a look, they have a look at. they lashed conditions under which the minority
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needs and going to look at the state of townships in, in cape town and the outside areas of the wisdom keep going and have a look at the pipes that way, you know, refuses not clipped it in what is predominantly known as split areas and color communities in of can communities that gives you this story of the university of inequality that is not going to be raised unless they different government takes a lot of the, the wisdom k b. so. so if you think it's a question of those that want to maintain and sustain, so the new customer will stop at each fedramp. i must say that to comfortable you in that we have strong internal controls in, in, in the country in terms of robust and independent of these issues that are meant to safeguard elections in the you see. so,
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but also working with the bodies such as the sub tough in human rights commission in many others. and we are comfortable with that to be that was easy and so far is the solution. we wouldn't be able to protect disability. all 5 of south africa, you can be assured that a we will look any attempt at imposing a when i say u. s. so any of the, you know, ally, we would look, it's a not just as the in see the people so overcome. we fill up any attempt interfering with our addictions. the golf with the health care system is intact as as 5 months of war has devastated most of its hospitals. committed, critical shortage of age. many wounded palestinians are forced to undergo operations on the house of this condition. sometimes even without an ascetic that's chronicled. next, as we look at the human cost of the middle east conflict, the we are calling is the
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civilians to leave guys that go selves. some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on like the or civilians. and one of the we were in our house when it was bombed. this is my niece. imagine i had to amputate her leg in our home. what in chest is, what soon? have we committed? i'm working on a kitchen table without anesthetic cutting off a 17 year old girls. like, where is the mercy?
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god have mercy on us. the option of putting up a dodge while we weren't time the tanks were right. it's hard to steps. i went out to the 6th floor to try to get a signal, so i could talk to my dad who has been away for 6 years. my sister nice all the time. it was huge. so i told my sister to go to the living room while i placed the cottons so that the tank would fire to us. i went to set on the couch and i was hit fast. i didn't feel anything. suddenly, everything around me turned white. i thought i instead my mom left the shop turned off me and had my cousin and take me down. while he was going down the stairs,
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i saw that part of my leg was gone. unlike such was just hanging by my skin. they called me to my house and put me down on the table, which already had done when it, as we had been making, they remove the dial and put me on that. and it said, let me pull it up. unfortunately, i had no other choice. there were just 2 options, either let the girl die as a martyr or trying to do something amputation of the leg was necessary. could i get her to the hospital? obviously, not because we had been besieged for 15 days. the a live gym to shunt that the check my medical bag, but there was nothing in it except a pair of scissors and some cars. i know. and every surgery, the doctor asked the nurses to prepare everything. but for me, my nurses were my nephews. i looked around for a threat to tie the artery and i said, wait, i can't see properly. i didn't have my glasses with me. i told my nephews to look
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for a threat and tied the artery with an ordinary thread. the one you use to fix torn close the total because if up shows they kept the phone in my phone so he could see my own tree. the smell is unbearable. i kept bleeding out her full days. the pain was so strong, i was hallucinating off to full days. the time suddenly left the area. now let's say i gave myself 5 days to save the heat. i thought that would be the maximum limit for her to endure the pain, but she handled something, no human can handle, having an amputation with no anesthetic, the,
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the sites every day, a palace to me and dr cries because he can help patients, but lacks the resources every day we perform amputations, not because we want to, but because we lack the means to treat them. i mean, we're not butchers, but we have no other choice. every day a post and the doctor dies a on when he's in the hospital reception and sees a mother, a brother, a sister bringing a dead or wounded person and fighting for a hospital bed. the .


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