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tv   News  RT  March 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the haitian prime minister resigns, and in wide spread of gang violence, washington pledges to help the island nation despite playing a role in causing its current crisis in the 1st place. a whistleblower who raised concerns over the safety of boeing airplane has been found that the agent for testifying and a major lawsuit against the company. and despite western sanctions imposed on russia, the country's economy remains resilience the head of the presidential election. voters say they haven't called any impact from the pressure on each of those style . and it has become even better russian manufacturers of thoughts and to the ever
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seen the piece because i personally feel no effects of the sanctions. there's everything i need in the shops, it looks scary or mtv then in real life the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. we're covering the top new stories from around the worlds. the prime minister of haiti has announced his resignation of mid rampant gang violence gripping the caribbean country arial. andre, who's currently in the us territory, as part of rico, says he will de facto remain in office until a new government is formed. my mom's use yeah. after the council of ministers, tonight's acceptance to put into place a transitional presidential council, the members of the council will be picked after agreement with different sectors of the national life. the government i am running will remove itself immediately after the establishment of search accounts. they heard that he wants to stay in position
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until this interim council is set up. this is an interim council that would be comprised of around 7 members, and that would then leave the country into the next elections. haiti hasn't had elections since 2016, so they, you've seen this been pretty crucial at this point. we've also heard mean, well, from the us about more money that it wants to apply in the country. this is to create a multi national security force given this increasingly urgent need. i'm announcing today that the united states department of defense is doubling its approved support for the mission from a $100000000.00 to $200000000.00. and that brings the total us support to $300000000.00 for the separate. i'm also announcing additional humanitarian assistance for the people of $8033000000.00 to further support their health and food security. well, the announcement is unlike to get to go down very well with many haitians who once again,
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possibly feel that being held hostage by the international community interfering in the internal affairs of the country, hate to use a form of french colony than the u. s. and they did it was that for about 20 years in the early 20th century, and it's been accused ever since if essentially being the power behind the politicians in the country wielding its influence. just to give you an example of that wiki leaks, memos mixed back in 2008, 2009 at the us state department at intervened and stopped being an increase in minutes. the wage in haiti a minimum wage that many people desperately needed at the time. just to give you another sense we've got over time over here who's saying he's stepping down. the us accused of essentially putting him in power. he was elected when the former president of the country was short. he had been appointed prime minister a few days before,
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but there were others who felt that they would suit because they had been elected to be the president of haiti. one included the senate president who was told by the us that she should step down and allow only to take over. and it wasn't just the us . it was all the western powers. you are paying countries like fox and germany who also urging haiti's to accept somebody. i've said the death who had not been elected. let's just take a look. now, nicky, at some of the other way use the us in particular, has influenced and intervened in hatred. history,
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the hey, is this still machine, isn't it? when you look back and coming back to the situation in haiti at the moment, what exactly a locals saying about the old way, you'd expect that they would be happy if they're there's less violence. as a result of this transitional government coming into place, the head of hopefully elections. but we have already heard from one of haiti's. main. gang bull says, this is jimmy the ball but you it, she's yeah. who has said that once again. she's unhappy. she says the international community is continuing to essentially, uh, you know, interest in hate. and she says, if it continues down this current boat,
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then it will plunge the country in to even move chaos. and he is saying that it should be only haitians who decide who runs and what type of government there is in the country. and that seems to be echoed by people in the crime too. when we talk about caring home, have they even done anything for haiti? all haitians need to work together to see if we can save the country. those countries always go to haiti in a situation where we end up finding each other. kind of calm cannot do anything for us. it is like when you run from the rain and end up falling in the mud, the only thing i can say is that aerial henry is out forever. he cannot do anything for us anymore. what you're hearing, guys, people saying, look, we want to control our own country. we want to control our own destiny. essentially, haitians of fed up with being treated by as this thera calling me of another country. whether that is fonts was about the us or anyone else being would like to
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salt lake that food feature. mary, i'm a good to a pen, african journalist, and international relations. analysts, as those advocating for intervention and heavy must at 1st ask themselves what people there really need to see us in other countries like friends and the news. i have to decide as a great tool in as far as the instability in change is concepts and not just in case you, we could measure other countries as well. whether such interventions have only left more cares instead of finding solutions. because some of these interventions, i'm all done with the locals in mind, i'm not done with the priorities of the people in those countries in mind. usually the, the interest that pushes them that motivates them. the kind of a cause, a country where there's nothing for them to gain. and so full of a us i think is to notice cape responsibilities always by the history of the asian . uh, you know, just in terms of the instability this as the initials. but you've seen before,
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even before the destination of given them wasted that happened, that should be close to this country to another. tell us, what is the people page? what can be stops on batch before you come into this interventions. and maybe just, maybe we can have a, a jennings of lasting solutions. not just in case each buttons either a conscious that he's seen some of his western powers for you, the costing instability in the name of going you there. and it's a be a former boeing employee who blew the whistle about safety concerns are the companies airplanes has been found dead. john barnett reportedly died of a self inflicted wounds adjust days after giving testimony in a major lawsuit against the company are to correspond that donald quarter gave us the details of the case earlier of the circumstances surrounding the death of his whistle blower. john barnett are quite strain. she was found dead in his truck just
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shortly after he was supposed to attend an important interview. connected to the law suit, he filed against the following company. the coroner said that he died as a result of a self inflicted wounds. even though in days prior, he was actively collecting evidence to bring to the court. because according to barnett, the boeing company has been pressuring its workers into integrating a defective parts into its aircraft. let's take a list o as in charles, pushing by defects or suppliers and what the amount was i'd say to a group of inspectors and actually go to the supplier and inspector product before they send it in. well, i take an insane before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the 41 section before they send its charles. and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant new to the engineering of intervention. when i return to charleston, my senior manager told me that we had found so many defects and he was going to take the next trip southern extra,
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he went on so 2 of my inspectors. and when they got back, they were given accolades as little as on in 50 dfcs, so old as factors, lots of despair really clean up director squared. don't sound right. she was mad. she said, no, said the 2 inspectors were given 2 hours to inspect the whole $41.00 section never kicked out there on this all comes after a number of recent dangerous technical failures associated with boeing planes on sunday. 50 people were injured during a mid flight technical emergency aboard a boeing triple 7 headed to brazil, a friday saw a boeing, a 737 max, a plane run right off the runway in houston, texas. and on monday dozens of people were injured. as a result of an accident on another, boeing $737.00 plane again, due to technical problems. and this is just to name a few of many actual technical emergencies that happened to associating associated with boeing plains. just last week. there were others connected to tyre falling off
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the plane and the engine caught on fire and even a failure of the planes control system. and it's even lead at least one travel a search engine, kayak, to start helping its users avoid following planes altogether. call. yeah, makes it easy for consent travelers to avoid 737 max flights. we've increased the prominence of the max fuel to on site airlines, the open substitute equipment. so travelers should double check before departure on top of that, the new york times recently published an article showing that boeing's 737 max plane had failed. the 33 audits conducted by the federal aviation administration. apparently, there were dozens of problems with the production process, but this isn't actually the 1st time that boeing's production line has received negative attention back in 2014 now to 0, conducted its own independent investigation into the matter. and it found that a worker is at boeing's production plants have serious concerns about the safety of these planes.
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the 15 workers almost randomly 10. so they would not slide on the dreamliner. the 1st part, boeing denies any wrong doing, but with this mountain of problems associated with its aircraft and the untimely death of this key whistle blower. there's no doubt the boeing company has a lot of explaining to do more than $200000000.00 in american tax pare dollars will be strong next year into trying to maintain us to influence and africa. the amount is laid out in biden's requested 2025 budget for next year to combat chinese and russian influence across the continent. well, according to the documents of the $2000000000.00 requested by the government to combat china,
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$220000000.00 will go to the development of important news and for critical investments across africa. another $65000000.00 will be provided to boost africa's digital economy. and $25000000.00 will be given to a new fund to crack down on russian or other so called malign actors in the region as well as improving the responsiveness of security forces and promoting democracy . are there i spoke to former nigerian presidential candidates to add a new garbo. he said, america isn't concerned with the advocates problems as it pursues only its own interest and the region. i think yours is late in africa. i think the in town with us is for the opportunity and also got that done. i believe. so what is happening now will show you how we can use it. distinction also i'm going to put you in the system. that fee will be in decisions and yeah, spatial as opposed to the way some policies i post on the account that we
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anticipate your approach. you'll come with your money just to protect your interest in offer cuz it doesn't. we are on the properties. you'll come in with this one. so if i do want to know that having g b provide this to the platform to ask your your program to find out because they have the site working partnership with the shop chain. i think it was the waste one to be taught initiative without for conditions go on, just pulled it out for comes of what, what are the needs for because i will be just problem infrastructure one secuity introduced excuse me for our young people job creation this organization not some, and you watch tv where you home or somebody to come find maybe 2
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villages. i do think the proposed expansion of a test like dig a factory in germany has sparked the protest. hundreds of demonstrators on the outskirts outskirts of berlin, wave banners, demanding turn. tests are often signs insane. techno paths equal eco terrace. a recent referendum saw over 60 percent of the 1st building against the factories, expansion in their area test was international efforts have not been lucky lately. india has rejected a request for special conditions at the american event. producer has been seeking for exasperation as their indian commerce and industry minister commented on their decision. i government does not tell you the policy for any one individual company or it's interest. everybody's free to make vege a months. but that does not mean that the government will necessarily take a decision based on what you do months. the minutes silver locks common response to
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inquiries about whether the government of india plans to provide any sort of concessions to the tesla for opening up facilities in india. bused oil did not lead to around the boys and made it very clear that there will be no special treatment for 11 months. company. tesla has been your being for an initial terrace concession to balance 70 percent customs duty full costs. price below 40000 dollars and 100 percent for higher one you cars, high level of carrots. so more to where he goes. just cumulate locally production has been a long standing problem of for them. card manufacturers, the usb stevie designs made this concession of prerequisites in opening up a factory in india. this by the we would be test last 6. right? goes on. i am confident that tests that will be in india and will do so as soon as humanly possible. both india and test flour stuck in
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a yard long in thoughts as prime minister in the re, new movies, administration. bush, the us, all to myka to produce cars locally and test. last c, e o l on mosque soft, nor taxes plus to sell, where it goes, both elsewhere, uncompleted to prices. recently in a shift of stands, tesla has large to set top local manufacturing as india has been calling for it. now despite test allows expectations, the indian minister of commerce and industry has made it very clear that in dev open to during all sorts of the me. cuz we are working on several initiatives where we have an intern minutes to read the consultations and the dialect with a stakeholders with potential investors from across the world, from europe, from the united states, from the far east, from japan, from korea. so we have significant engagements going on across the world. mean, like, you know, in mosques,
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india that you could be delayed by resistance from domestic industry plants, telephone motors, as well as my him do are some of the establish call phones good. become a hard speed breaker. has a rapidly growing ab box here in india or trucks, global attention the founder of indian business education platform, i think start ups is the government is looking to create a level playing field for all manufacturers. as a minister has made a fairly sensible and a well balanced statement, right. the, any government policy in most countries is not made to sort of particular private entity. and in this case, it is tesla. bessler qualifies for something, but it's for the luxury right now. the most premium cars in india and this and when we looked in call within unix, so to the number that we are looking at, the top of the federal, it is really very small. right? for test labs are going to be 20000 units for the test last to fight for
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a market share in that 1520000 doing it. now the question is in the luxury car segment to model, most of these will come and say that why not i should also be given a concessional 70 percent for bmw will come on out of the some and they will also off of seamless infection. so it's not in my best lab, but i said for about 3 medium segment with a lot of people would be seeking confession. so any thing that government of india has to do, and i think they have to do, is, is to make an easy policy, which is 11 playing field far and every we in, under the works. russia is gearing up for its 1st presidential election to be held over multiple days and the pulling stations officially open on friday. our to international will bring you
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a special coverage of this landmark events. the the with the start of the ukraine complex. the west reacted immediately imposing tougher and tougher sanctions. they aimed to weaken russia, but had an opposite effect of the country's economy and the domestic production development have only grown ortiz marina customer. eva has more for us on the results of the so called bring down russia operation. in the last 2 years had been nothing but negative press about russia in the why. so many particular vladimir putin as mainstream journalism seems to new lows while its fear mongering reaches orbital levels. if you're a dissident in russia, if you to fact from russia, if you turn against prudent in russia, doesn't matter if you are no longer in russia, he will send a fascination teams anywhere in the world. in 100 treatment has made his darkest and most specific threats yet about using nuclear weapons account against the west,
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the west, west of citizens, to believe that a lot of our uprooting is a lunatic. who has brain loss of options or is holding them hosted. how else can explain his skyrocketing approval ratings? 82 percent compared to 64 percent in 2022 on the eve of his decision to protect the people of eastern ukraine, who had been attacked for a to years by key of what happens? well, when the was impose the strict, this sanctions in the history, it expected must go to crumble the whole falls. the russians would suffer so much that they would take their anger out on the leader of the nation. we will limit russia's ability to do business in dollars, year owes pounds, and yet to be part of the global economy. russia's industry is in texas and it is a training that has put the russians economy on the pass of oblivion. in concert
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with our allies, we would agree a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hold the russian economy operation, breaking down rush, it was an epic fail which only made raso stronger and more independence. well, western partners fail to understand time and time again is that russia is very good at remaining unified during times of difficulty. they don't hit the streets and protests, they get to work. it was tough and to begin in terms of figuring out alternatives for imports and exports. but it proved far from impossible versus economy. one from a 1.2 percent decline in 2022 to growing by 3.6 percent in 2023. that's how quickly russia led by vladimir boots and turn things around for meetings and negotiations of sprang solutions. frushell no longer cares about being
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cut off from western financial markets or the west export band on high tech, or even a price cap on its oil. shines as buying, and in these fine, we'll do it all day one. i would say that every single sanction has failed. most go took the sanction slap and turned east end to the global south, diverge, and it's like sports to countries like china, india, using traders and shipping companies that don't abide by western rules. look at this large land mouse out there. and i think when you'll see the mapping of it, i think that makes sense why india and our shop would work closely together. pressure and chinese trade has hit the historic highs with china becoming a key supplier or russia's car surveillance gear, drones computer chips. you name it, so despite being the world's most sanction country pressures doing just fine. and
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the citizens, as you can see here are not only not concerns by the sanctions, but they haven't felt any effect. let me yeah. anybody else? close? i feel no aspect from the sanctions. i dressed like before, all the brands. i like the car still here and you know, side of things i want to do each of those stall efforts and hopefully it has become even better. russian manufacturers, us tossed into the ever thing. different spin, you cock, i personally feel no effects of the sanctions. there's everything i need in the shops. western brands are still sold here. so no problem look scarier and tv than in real life. so as i am not concerned at all, we're not suffering, you can tell them what i said. russian companies have stepped up and build the import to avoid creating the components and products the sanctions salts a key bouts of russian hands. the input substitution industry literally pops out of nowhere, creating a manufacturing boom in the country, things to the west, end parallel imports. mean many western brands have become pricier,
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but they are still here. conversations with focus group, mostly spence and most school, reveal that some russians expect to the great taken on extreme from the sections that they experienced over the last year. one in the video reports of being pleasantly surprised that despite all the sections rush people through, you know, the participants noted that this spot, this sanctions and the sort of close boulders. everyone's still flies easily around the well through to get. it means that the united states, you, in japan, australia, the major developed countries are unable to sanction a country effectively. brussel managed to turn the west sanctions into a win win situation for itself and its partners as told her being enough money for the conflict in ukraine. russia is planning to spend at least 6 percent of its g d . p on the military for the 1st time ever. the fact that's becoming increasingly evidence is up to wes tried to weaponized its influence over at freight and finance
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. so we tim russia. but it ran into a brick wall when its power was taxed and then increasingly multi polar world is not in our boots inside you. and one of his speeches. all of this was unavoidable, even without a conflict in ukraine who would accuse me for feeling a freaks. countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions, pressure bombings and use of armed forces? that's because global power dynamics have changed. those countries outside of the was become stronger and wants a level playing field. well, that's a foreign concept that flies in the face of western rules based order. but it's
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embrace by ross, right? it's leader and is growing circle of friends around the globe. and while the pressure of sanctions on rushes seemed to be falling short of expectations, the ongoing red sea crisis has caused requests to transport goods along the russian . well way, quarter to serge, one german logistics companies business has increased by 40 percent. according to our recent financial times, reports well the fastest route for western logistics companies to deliver chinese goods to northern europe is to rushes of northern and western railway corners. the companies argue that the southern route, bypassing rushes, only advisable for shipping goods to or from central asian countries like from the capital of as or by john baku. otherwise, this root can take longer than a container ship trip traveling between at china and europe. also the us and u. k. confrontation with you many who sees is leading to a significant disruption of global supply chains. let's take a closer look before the red c crisis started,
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the transport route from china to northern europe took 7 to 10 days since november 2023. that time has increased by 5 times now taking almost 2 months while the railway trip through russia is between $25.30 days. we spoke with american economist and also richard wolf, who says you companies will still return to russia to reduce their transport costs of the problems being created for europe. whether it be by the impact of the sanctions against russia, or it is by the impact of the who, the support of the palestinians. all of this means greater economic difficulties. greater inflationary pressures for europe, shippers, people who have something to ship, who never use the russian railroad system, might now do it and might find it to be an attractive alternative. it is
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always the case that businesses do not like disruption for fear that their customers will find alternatives from which they never return. i think what you're seeing is a recognition in the west that the sanctions against russia did not work. and that therefore, all of the pressure on b, u companies not to do business with rush or not to do business in russia, is probably going to relax more or less. and so i think companies will begin to go back and look for good deals if they can find them to deal with their transport costs. make sure you don't miss any of the key developments as citizens in the world's biggest country. heads of the poles this weekend, r t, we'll be hearing from people politicians and pundents, and you can follow the build up to the presidential ballot on our website and
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social media channels as well. the, let's just say with us up next ortiz exclusive interview with the head of the donuts, the people's republic about the election in russia's new regions. and the major reconstruction weren't there by the need for, you know, they should do these 2 deluxe, which if you were to think what mr. per sheila, in 2024 is a highly significant year for all the residents of don bass and the genetic peoples republic. this is the year of the liberation of our occupied territories and the elections. of course, there is still a lot to be done this year and we will try to talk about with all of this in today's now we'll probably start with the vote. the 1st and russian presidential


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