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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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for every single day, and that's important for us cuz there's a lot to say, i'm here to tell you that after being a journalist and a news presenter for, for the biggest television networks in the united states. it's time for context. it's time for some choose telling, you know, and in that vein, here's what we're going to be talking about today. number one, america's top political community and wants the president staff fired, fired for daring to disagree with the president. number 2, why is the us power shooting box lunches to the people? it is helping to kill? think about that. number 3, the pump says it's time to negotiate, but zalinski says no, it's not. why the saying that? here's the most important story of the day about and it's the one that makes us ask this question. just how bad have things gotten for the ukrainian military these days. and the reason i'm asking that question is because something is being reported by forbes, that just happened over there. and it's pretty bad. it really is.
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you see why it's bound then based on that story to have. it's a direct impact. the okay, now that we've set the table, let's get started. do you remember when donald trump was in the white house? and we often heard media reports from reporters and from talking heads on television, about how important it was back then for the people in the white house, the people work for mr. trump. to push back on the president pushed back. it seemed like you could not turn on your tv back then without hearing somebody saying that a trump staff or should be celebrated for taking on the president. ever even defying the president. we should celebrate those people. after i was hearing that
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all the time, i think you probably would say, you remember hearing that too, by the way, the right all of us, including the president of the united states, should have people around him or her us. who can tell us when we're wrong and say, look, i'm sorry, but i know you're my boss, but i got to tell you you're wrong. but apparently, that's not what these 2 very high profile commentators in the united states think. take a listen. 2 weeks ago, members of the white house staff protested against their own president. we are congressional staffers on capitol hill. also. we are no longer comfortable staying silent. will your staff or she's supposed to stay silent? what are you talking about? yeah, my boss is doing a job and i thought i'd go public with it. i mean, this is hundreds of people inviting staff and on an congrats, democrat, congressional democrats that for publicly going against them because they're not supporting homeless enough. you fire them, period. you fire all of that, stay reuben,
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on the bill maher show, did you hear that? what does he say you? you fire them right there. you fire the you filed them all and then you are people yea, applauding. fireball, how they are. they disagree with gotten to that point in this country, disagreeing with the president's is a fireball offense. what, what is the a king? i mean, they should, they also not be allowed to, to, to look at him when he walks in the halls. how big of a question are foreign policy out there? they question the killing of some 30000 people or so the
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right you see that right there? those are u. s. military officials. you just watched dumping dry up packages of food out of c, one, thirties over gaza, so that the starving people of that bombed out city can find something to eat. ironically, what are the parachutes failed to the play and the food instead landed on top, is a horrible story, landed on top of a group and started college citizens and it killed 5 of them. the food that was
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supposed to save them killed them. the fact is there are about $2000000.00 palestinians in the gaza area and the food drops while impressive looking are barely enough to supply one meal per week per person. and that is why this move on the part of the united states is being called hypocritical. and then on the same story, there's also this overseas now the u. s. is ramping up efforts to get a, to the serving people of gaza, logistics that so now heading to the eastern mediterranean president biden has ordered the us military to build a floating peer off the gaza strip. a little louder, leaf and supplies to be delivered by sea. yeah, it's a, it's a floating dock. it's going to be used to deliver the critical humanitarian aid by c to gaza. the by to ministration says it may take as long as 2 months to become fully operational. we still don't know if israel will actually allow in the food convoys. but the more important question here that it seems most of the world is
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asking. and if they're not, they have to be asking or should be asking is just think about this for a minute. stay with me here. why wouldn't you supply israel with arms? and then both allow and in fact help the as really military bomb and killed the palestinians. living in gaza, why would you give them food? why would you try and give them all these food? try and support them. humanitarian would be on the humanitarian terms and then give israel bobs to kill them while you also want to make sure that they are fed. you also want to make sure that they are bombed. there's just something horribly macabre and weird, almost on press and then did about this scenario that i just explained for you. what it makes me ask if you want to help them. if you really want to help the palestinians stop sending the bombs that are killing them, isn't that
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a much better solution than me getting a ton of a shower? which once a week, i mean, i bet that's what this guy would say. my kid is okay, a 240 a quite ok. the the i see this here on the bad side of both portal quarter. i had you did have i knew that back in may go see that. so told francis making those comments some time ago, expressing his desire to have peace between ukraine and russia. and he suggested that the most courageous thing to do with a situation like this is to sit down and would negotiate with your enemy. he did suggest what has become wildly reported worldwide, and that is that ukraine is being defeated. he actually expressed that and that's why it should raise the white flag. francis said that when things were going badly, one had to show the quote,
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courage of the white flag sounds like something jesus would say. he's suggesting that there should be a negotiations presidents, a landscape for his part, shut down the pub suggestion, seeming to imply that francis this message is not welcomed. yeah, job hole boards. the will. greens can look up a lot of use out of me. feel like a little on the v. v shows the guy who didn't used it through my email. we put euros, moiz bravo, or shut the get, set o'clock. so you might but here's the problem for a presidential lensky. is that whether he likes it or not, the pope seems to be telling the truth in this case. never before have more news makers, world leaders, even media outlets been more direct and their descriptions of ukraine situation being dire right now. maybe even more like a lost cause, according to many of them, you pay for example, this story, the story broke over the weekend and i find it. i found it fascinating. it's
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reported by a prominent u. s. media outlet, not a russian media outlet, not in a radi and media outlet. this isn't for look at that. there's a headline. it says a russian drone spotted a ukrainian patriot air defense crew. a convoy near the front line soon a russian hypersonic missiles street down. fascinating story, you should read it the way it tells how exactly this all came about. now, according to the article, this is what is happening in ukraine's patriot missile launcher system. and apparently that they used it to shoot down the russian missiles. but those patriot systems that are so important, obviously they're being taken out. they're being picked them out now by, by russians like what was reported in this piece. in fact, like this here, watch this.
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see that right there? yeah. according to forbes, this is incredibly important because ukraine doesn't have many patriot launchers left in the u. s. will not be sending more any time soon. and it's not just the loss of the patriot launchers, but also the crew who know how to use these patriot launchers. these are the things that show that the missiles and knock them down, right? there's not a lot of ukrainians who know how to deploy these high tech. the missile systems says the article, by the way, the patriot launchers were discovered by a russian drone operator who just happened to be looking in that area. and he spotted them ma'am, by and so what the article seems to be saying is that without a way to threaten rushes of missiles, the situation for ukraine is only going to get worse as. busy really of russia establishes air superiority the story well well told, and certainly worth
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a read is not unique. for the 1st time since this conflict began, at least as far as this reporter can tell, news reports are appearing all over the place in western media. have you noticed what's going on? i mean, i certainly have seen all these reports everywhere that seem to be suggesting that ukraine's situation, militarily, politically, economically, culturally, is to put it mildly on extremely shaky ground. all right, so here's what we're going to do with all that said, why do we come back? why are we seeing so many reports like this right now? and what does it say? that they're not writing all these stories, but they never would have written by the way. a year ago. we are going to be drawn by military expert and author andre martin, the off as well as biometric and war correspondent, elijah mon, yet. we're going to be right back gentlemen. we'll get to it,
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stay right there. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt above the government of southern vietnam. in 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side, due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese during this war into total hell for the occupants. unable to cope with the guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and naples, which burned to all alive the village of my lay, where he 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians,
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including $210.00 children, became a tragic symbol of this war, all and all, during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on via more than $6000000.00 tons of bonds, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam, and only 2 years later did the puppet regime. and so i got involved. however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 vietnamese people became the victims of american aggressors. the hey water back, i'm rick sanchez. so much to talk about joining us right now is andre my john off. he is a geo political and military affairs expert,
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as well as the author of the book, losing military supremacy, losing military supremacy boys. he's a perfect guest to talk to on this also, elijah mon, yay. he is a geo political ad list and a veteran war correspondent, gentleman, thanks so much for being with us here. um, by the way, i noticed this trend over the weekend let. in fact, i'm going to do something here. i'm gonna open my computer and i'm gonna literally do a search. and i'm going to put on here. ready. i'm gonna write something down and i'm gonna show you something ukraine of losing. i'm doing just a little search here on my computer on youtube, just to see what, what pops up. because usually on youtube, you don't get these kinds of storage. number one, ukraine, about to suffer a catastrophic. the fee number to law must say, no way in hell that russia is losing this war. number 3, russia, ukraine, war all is not well between vitamins lensky number 4. i'm just reading these in the order and they appear right now. here. law ready?
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zalinski knows he's about to lose russia. ukraine war p. peace talks, comic. what i'm reading are stories that make it onto youtube, and the only stories that make it onto youtube are stories. it's written by western sources. other words, you're not allowed to be on youtube. and they're all saying roughly the same thing at the situation for ukraine is putting it mildly, not good andre, your take on that. i'm praying was the war one and scobee and the contact references and the all the tvs are from the get go starting from the 24th of february of 2022 when the restaurant actually forces and the territorial to your brain and on the dunbar, republics, or for middle almost operational initiative on the front of me. but of course good sir. how can i show strategic matters which do not make march again to the media? are which lots to concentrate on their tax to buy a new firm, you know,
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blowing the banks here and they're blowing the some that bought $3.00 a year. so the more my garage door to brand, it was over there. it was just a matter of how far off from forces will go and the terms of the surrender for the spring. sorry, and it's for the a. it's just a matter of if your brain will continue to exist, this is the space. and if it exist, there's the state to what are wrong, so to speak, it will be passed. now you said of just doing, do you, you said often times a media till aids people with uh, meaningless stories about a tank that was blown up here or something like that. but i just showed some video there of a patriot systems being taken down. i found that story and forbes this weekend, fascinating does seem to me to be something which is significant and is worthy of a story. tell us why, you know,
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because of their dramatically for your patient. oh, damage which uh you know, talk to offer and the last name, ballast, and exaggerated what the uh, military machines kind of being. yeah. and um, what is your plan? obviously, you will also want to wrap on systems being just kind of hard to give you a call about that for us to be dropped our system incoming, it's most of the bar to which is already done and all can pro machine so to speak. i have been discharged on the march or in the march last year except a year ago. some of them are unique to the quote much, or was russian what it's called uh, air force and i was looking at the air force, especially on the sound forces. are you able to see the stuff that the number of those uh, i have different systems which have been uh, it dies as the best in the world. they kind of simply wiped out the, the magazines will be the printer or if it makes small,
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do for those systems on capable to infrastructure ever. sonya grab us and him on the phone for performing a song such as a russian t h or the tool and even solve all the software and they can use as a supplemental design for that. and that's what they begin to meet the most competent for a year at least, elijah, let me ask you a question on this is do you think that the media, southern frenzy on reporting stories that seem almost and to ukraine, which is really weird because everything that happened there 2 years ago, it was a pro ukraine story. and now we're seeing stories that seem like they're almost anti ukraine. is this being caused in some way by friction in the white house? are they getting their, their, their signals. they're talking points from us foreign policy experts from the think tanks from the white house. what is what is sending them in this direction or
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giving them the permission to write the stories in their heads. that was kind of nice to a certain point. as long as the reality is, not that obvious, know all that, particularly after the failure of they've gone through a sense that the hold was, was waiting there that said the mock the end of the war in ukraine. so it is very difficult today for 50 countries sitting on a run, the staying german planning and executing and supporting a war. busy against russia on ukrainian, sorry to accept to defeat, particularly when president biden is running a presidential election. now if the media is going to acknowledge the reality a and say ukraine has loss,
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that would be unfair because it is the west has lost the all 50 countries that have lost, including all the nato country, which doesn't give any sense to the presence of nato confronting russia when they've tried already in your brain for 2 years. and they have said, even if you grain was not stingy in presenting. oh and it's a man and woman all the infrastructure and was ready to sacrifice everything to become bob of the western club. the budget has faded and bowed. the 15 nations have faced we can no longer hide it in europe. and in the way, that's interesting, the way you just put that because you know what you're making me think as i hear you saying this, you know what i'm thinking? i'm thinking of a man who goes to a playground and gets a 5 year old boy. and says to him, come here, i want you to go beat that guy up and puts them in a fight with the, with, with it with a big,
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strong guy who's 25 years old or something and says go over there. i want you to find him in and i'm the and if you don't beat him up, i'm going to be you or it's almost like it's not the ukrainian. what you're saying is ukraine is not the blame. if the people who push your brain into the situation who are to blame em, i missed reading your words. absolutely, it is on paper 2022. when our prime minister buddy jumps on, went to ukraine and took the zalinski to send him that you can not stop the whole. and we went back to up and we all forward in. so is it in ski just to be part of the e u. and to be promised to become part of nato. not only that, because even in europe, we were told by the americans that russia is going to 4 in different pieces. we're going to divide dresser in $10.00 to $7.00 countries. and we're going to do because
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this is what we have done for the last decade, is new thing, other continents. we're going to lose all the russian natural resources because it is not set for rush. have to have all these natural resources on his own. so today we have realized that all that was a charade that we've put all the money on the table when we don't have money. and we have inflation going up why russia is doing much better than the. busy of the nate to and you, you'll be in union. and so, yes, it is. exactly have you, i've described, you know, i'm wondering, andre, you are a military expert. is there enough information for presidents to lensky to know if he really wanted to know that the situation is dire militarily for him? or has he simply convinced himself that he's not willing to face that?
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what, what, what, what, how do you read him? eligible for the information is there it is especially considering the fact that nature, right, advisors on the for all things you surrounded by all kinds of people representative of their special services such as somebody said, so c i a me so they, they, they, i found a few, but then again, you have the longest time that you put everything on the line and for himself from his family to over spring and the rich himself dramatic creative. and she wants to have this gravy train running again. the only way she can do it is the settling, which key origin was doing for the last 2 years. selling this picture of this successful brain, you know, resisting ross and sam to winning them beating them. well, actually the light bulb was that it gets tired of dealing down doing the let me push back on you and defend him a little bit here. do you really think it's almost a character flaw with him?
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or could we give him the benefit of the doubt and say, look, he's a proud ukrainian and he's just defending his country and he's going to try and fight to the very end. and it has nothing to do with his greed, or is corruption or any of those other things. could i make that argument for him, or how would you defend the she's, you know, if you psychological, i'll be disappointed or bears. you drop a big deal if it's so basically psychology 11 is perfect for those who know what your brain has become in the last 40 years along the span of the world dryer scheme . i think i forget if she is a comedian for you as well. for space on a couple of views of the space of insurance, someone to use basically a bob wrapped over the last few around. so i don't want to think which feature of oak is on this as already disappeared, or if it was selling, just be triple. do i have to have the gravy train running are going to solve menu, you will see if as of right now, that's item for
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a point of view including you might not be solved. there you go. that's very much explained for everybody who need to know payment as you file some sort of sole wage in your phone. so what for the seat? it largest, so you know their code probably will be leaving it. so, now you make a good argument and i understand eliza last question to you were only down to about one minute, but i'd like you to finish this up for me. how big our viewers want to know the it is russia's military advantage. right now. rational makes more ammunition any yet, then as the whole of the united states and europe must divide by 3 times. and this is not a fair wall because 1st of all, russia has every huge army. second has the patience to. busy on the base as this one, we've seen how it is conducting the war and ukraine. because restrain from going into
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a nuclear war with the separate provocation that were offered by the west to provoke restaurant. and we didn't see that russia doesn't have emissions to go beyond the subjective. do you not if you cation and make sure that ukraine is not part of nato . and that's, it. sounds like we're going to have some kind of deal here very soon. judging from what i hear you gentlemen say it's really been a pleasure talking to you about your very smart and i appreciate the wisdom that you shared with us on this day andre elijah. my thanks to you about. thank you. so again. all right, so before i go after hearing conversations like this from people like this i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm left thinking that it's really important for us to follow our mission to kind of de, silo the world and just go for the facts. you know, troops don't live in little boxes, truths are everywhere, and that's what we're trying to achieve here everyday. now for you, i'm rick sanchez. and i'll be looking for you again where we help to provide a direct impact
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the who, what i would show seemed wrong. just don't have to safe house to come after kids and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years,
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ensuring the interest to from the dead. the government isn't in a new sense, including his foster ladies. chestnut goods was dumb so strong and the more appropriate after the death of a one year, a new lead to long combat. the ball came to power and i'm ready to double, for example, we have curious to know if we're picking up from the was it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one that passes into the bronze to meet, usually deemed good luck. boeing enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of war from 130 to the other 2 voters of mortgage. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from? he is
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a bloody conflict. watch on. see the primary resides that made widespread and getting violent and wasn't invited to help them either the nation despite playing a role in these classes the 1st but such as are on the rise of the then whether german charles, the i'm form is a now seeing i to i, when it comes to sending to you on as maybe a 160 days avoiding the destination and tie it probably is a tossing it lives funded in the west by law school. most his family members in israel vs. i put it. i used to have normal simple dreams,


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