tv News RT March 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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all those things support the plane project is about the phrase is already the. the asian primary as a resides in widespread and young, violent source isn't. but just to help the nation despite the new role in building its current process from the 1st by sizes on the rise in funding, while the gentleman charles on farm is our nazi heights, ohio, when it comes to sending to the white house struggles to secure link the assistance for frame, so by analysis, $300000000.00 will be sent to us. national security advisor says that it's not in the navy auto 60 day. the warren got the estimate in 55 and with the us in bio stranded in the west pack. because we lost homeless.
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his family members in is very comfortable with it. i used to have normal, simple dreams, but today i dream of burying my family. died in the guys the it's just going to start, but i am here the russian capital. welcome. what ever you catch in the news off from today, this is also story fe tests ruptured in haiti onto the country's prime minister, announced his resignation that some gang wilds bios throughout the caravan nation. that's what groups of demons has gathered in the haitian capital. some button ty is in the middle of busy streets, several protests of spoke out against the regional pro, carry. com. having any involvement in haiti's future reports,
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we want to tell kerry com that they can not choose for us. it's the haitian people, so forward in the street, sort of both prime minister ariel henry will be the ones to install someone at the national palace. the guy, when we talk about caring home, have they even done anything for haiti? all haitians need to work together to see if we can save the country. those countries always good haiti in a situation where we end up finding each other. kind of calm cannot do anything for us. it is like when you run from the rain and end up falling in the mud, the only thing i can say is that aerial henry is out forever. he cannot do anything for us anymore. yeah, guy, hey, shouldn't pm really? okay. do the us to do for the ring to for his reservation announcement area on, but he says he will remain as hate to define. so need to until a new government is for my mom these yeah. after the council of ministers tonight accepted to put into place a transitional presidential council,
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the members of the council will be picked after agreement with different sectors of the national life. the government i am running will remove itself immediately after the stablish means of set to counsel. oh yeah, i'm a callaway, and can i see propose that pays the be led by a file visual council into the u. s. has increased insight package. so the gang pipe island nation given this is increasingly urgent need. i'm announcing today that the united states department of defense is doubling its approve support for the admission from a $100000000.00 to $200000000.00. and that brings the total us support to $300000000.00 for this effort. i'm also announcing additional humanitarian assistance for the people of $8033000000.00 to further support their health and food security. so he's young leaders of openly criticized international
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earlier my so it was full of my, sorry, i know there's a lot of the jobs that he says, the us never takes responsibility if it's failed interventions. haiti stands as one of the prime examples of the failure of u. s. foreign policy. and us strategies for providing 8. it is so ironic that the united states has just been in a panic over allegations of rushing interference in our election. united states has done nothing but interfere with there is actual evidence of interference, no evidence of brushing interference. and this not just haiti. but if you go back and looked at the record of the united states, you know, starting in the 1950s where we are intervening in ukraine of providing girl a training to, to attack the then soviet forces, you know, the united states as
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a visual of fender on this point, they can help itself and it says it has this insatiable desire to interfere in the affairs of other countries, other people, and never take responsibility for the consequences of his actions. you know, he gives hon. i guess if we do, i mean we have to take them to the bank and to hear about how in the in as the very joyful way of hey look, we're helping the haze. is this a quick know that he said we increased military aid to additions up to 300000000 only. oh, the humanitarian aid of 33. many, i mean doesn't about but he's sitting on the side of us in july as well. and like we're doing wonderful, the good guys, it does it the screen mean what kind of the us do really when it comes to intervening? yes. again,
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with another country that i've looked at just underscores the clueless of american leadership. hey, you know, as you rightly point out, were given 10 times more for the military to do what, you know, where is that money actually going? which defense corporations are getting. this has been going on for a long time and it's getting worse. it'd be one thing of us military intervention solve the problem. but it doesn't. all we do is we tend to side with the wrong people and remember, before the justification was to fight communism. that's why we set us troops. we had to stop those comedies from coming in and taking over. and yet though, with all a sudden done, united states has made the situation of, of the haitians worse not better against the backdrop of the escalating violence and hate. see, i'm verify. video has him a, it does and is circulating on social media over ation. gang lead to let you being
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gauging in cannibalism of doing it shows the whole thing done as a barbecue hurt. and so the guy being associated with the video is very so is what is power in haiti and is reportedly behind the recent by the prison break that sent over for 5 minutes. the area on me who had resigned the video is not to be not independently verified them to pause suggest that for that is 2 years old and not connected to the gang lead them and co unrest. just done co and cold betweens against share. is it a massive this information campaign to describe it? why are we seeing a sudden this information campaign for training jimmy barbecue shows the a, as a cannibal. sure was the air is trying to turn haiti into a productive and prosperous country that benefits the whole population. the complete opposite of the disturb you, that us imperialism has created. or is the screws of the story with dial. sure.
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less than that. and kind of being studies, expos says the west stereotypes, asians pushes a negative narrative. this contributes to the stigma is the racist stereotypes that has been pushed by the west for so long. we never hear about 80 in the west unless it has to do with the crew disease or some type of chaos. but what the united states media apparatus has never informed us is the us that has evaded and occupied haiti for a greater part of the 20th century. jimmy, sure easier. used the top dog. some call him a gang boss, some call him a wall lloyd. overwhelmingly. what i've heard from thousands of ations is that they do not trust jimmy barbecue she res year. but i also think that the media treatment assures year has, is not been balanced. um, there are other again, leaders,
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paramilitary, mercenary leaders who have proven to be much more violent. a sinister issue is here . so i think the truth is probably much more dialectical in the middle. somewhere to about tensions, a high in the, in of a sending taurus ms. austin, keith driven charles about our souls, has been insisting that, but it won't provide the web for me. i'm become a party to the columns they well, as for me is i'm in a bed bugs have contributing to them. so there's always an option for um supplies, i'll take on you to run to mazda and thanks apart the story for us. so german chancellor all off schultz was supposed to be meeting in berlin with the malaysian prime minister about trade, something that could actually help the german economy. and lighter schultz is government pushing it off a cliff to impress ukraine and he ends up being asked to clarify his position on 500 kilometer range, taurus missiles for you, frame kind of off topic,
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but not hard to understand why some folks might be a bit confused on that issue, schultz himself keeps saying that he won't send tyrese's for fear of escalating the conflict. yeah, socialist party, approve of legislation for long range weapons, for ukraine that neglected to explicitly exclude taras missiles that could reach things like rushes kurtz bridge. joining the crime in peninsula to the mainland while his defense minister said that he didn't even know what was in that bill because, well, he didn't write it then russian intelligence intercept in week to talk german air force officials talking about not just terraces, but just such an attack on the very same bridge, and rather than taking those plotters to the woods shed for planning how germany could kick off in another world, more shots, the more upset with the guys who messed up working the phone's security. so here is again, just for the record,
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let's design investment system because regarding this weapon system, i believe that given its impact and location of application good cannot be used without control. and that the participation of german soldiers cannot be justified even outside of ukraine. that's why i said, i don't think there use is justified, and that the question is not how to do it, indirectly or directly. my answer is clear. okay, so what he's saying is that there can't be ukranian rodeo. clowns on the bulge, if the germans are not also there to babysit, but the latest reason why schultz is having to keep repeating himself on this issue is because his own foreign affairs minister and only in a bare box. i've been opened, we scheming with a british counterpart, former prime minister, david cameron in berlin, and they were talking about how to get the bows out of the barn. the idea would be to send the taurus is to the u. k. and then in turn, the u. k would give some more of their own storm,
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shot themselves with half of the tourist has range to ukraine. how many, 5, you think the secular exchange is so to speak, a german invent sion. it would be an option. and we have already done it with other equipments, some time ago. quick reminder. the bare bark is one of the bright lights of the green party who's founding principle is pacifism, and also defending the environments 22000000 tons of carbon dioxide are generated by warfare. according to germany's on process. that's quite the carbon footprint. yeah, earlier this month, bareback pleaded for her german government to quote intensive, we consider increasing that carbon footprint with terraces for ukraine and the u. k. is right on board with the plan. wouldn't exchange be conceivable with germany supplying your country with torres and the u. k. supplying more storm shadows to ukraine, we are prepared to look at all options in order to achieve the maximum effect for ukraine. but i won't give any details until our opponents. what we have in mind,
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cameron said that it's totally possible to deploy cruise missiles. well, also ensuring that they don't escalate the conflict. in fact, he says that they'd help achieve peace. yeah, that sounds totally believable. coming from the same guy who insisted on riding shotgun along side front of president need for the south cause he went a no fly zone over libya escalated innovation. changing former president mark adolphe and back in 2013 cameron, couldn't get enough support in british parliament for a direct attack on president bashar allah side of syria that didn't stop him from shaking free enough change from the wall. it's a british tax payers, even the time of government, austerity to help fun western back syrian levels to do the dirty work. obviously in changing aside more covertly, cameron also try brow beating then us president brock obama and other western leaders to get more aggressive with the side. like he was some kind of a job down the local pub, one of his crew to come help him with a punch up. nope,
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no chance of escalation there. in any case, schultz said that he is alternately in charge because apparently he has to keep reminding everyone on a regular basis these days, this company sign dispute is not acceptable to deliver a weapon system that reaches very far and then not think about how control over the weapon system can take place and if you want to have control and it is only possible if german soldiers are involved, that is completely out of the question, i made that statement very clear. i am the chancellor and therefore that applies. well, 60 percent of germans are against terraces for you. brain schultz sounds less like the leader of a country and more like a substitute teacher who is totally lost control of the class. and is jeremy's. how did they couldn't to use present? joe biden does move. fish and have a mouse in new $300000000.00 move a package. the plane us with national security advisor, jake sullivan. i of
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a says the funding was freed up due to an unanticipated cost savings and is not nearly enough for the loan. so this immunization will keep ukraine's guns firing for a period, but only a short period. it is nowhere near enough to meet you, cranes, battlefield needs, and it will not prevent you crane from running out of ammunition in the weeks to come. it goes without saying this package does not displace and should not delay the critical need to pass the bi partisan national security bill apparently. so it was a sofa and those code, right. and so the international action center and she says the all the shipments to give only so to drag out the and this is really just a band aid of what they're planning still in the pipeline. and us and on western weapons have already completely failed along with western sanctions failing. but
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nevertheless they continue piling it on. so this 300000000 is just a little band aid to keep the war going. the weapons coming out and most of this is just the weapons are such corruption and ukraine. there's no tracking system by kind of gone zone estimates more than a $1000000000.00 and weapons have just gone missing on, accounted for re sold. the whole policy is completely a failure by their own admission by even bouncing now, victoria know, and one failure after another in this policy. and it's really shown even in the ukraine. they talk about 300000000 more and some weapons, but 300000 military age ukrainians have left ukraine rather than serv. so they're facing a crisis on every front, including with their own population. however,
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it's very profitable for us weapons manufacturers for the billions that are made and profits on us from worse. certainly, us recently resigned us department of justice. special council robot has confirmed joe biden mishandled classified documents. this person has no face, any charges, disliked his fee, just as a dog from being prosecuted in a similar case. have listened to some of the highlights of the or for defending his investigation for the house. i saw her produce the 345 page report, but in the end it boils down to a few key facts. joe biden kept classified information. joe biden failed to properly secure classified information, and joe biden shared classified information with people he wasn't supposed to go by and broke the law. because he's forgetful old man who would appear sympathetic to a jury. mister her chose not to bring charges. february 8,
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the white house question, mister president, why did you share classified information with your ghostwriter? the president? i did not share classified information. i did not share it. i guarantee i did not. that's not true. is it mr. her? that is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence. and i'm in my report, she has a lies just with regular people would say, right, yeah. all right, so the next one in all the stuff that was in my home was in filing cabinets that were either locked or able to be locked. that wasn't true either wasn't, that was inconsistent with the findings of our investigation. another lot of people might say right at any point in your investigation, you do have any reason to believe the president biden lied to you. as i do address in my report, one response to the president gave it to a question that we have post to them that we deemed to be not credible. you understood when you made that decision? did you, mr. her that you with ignite a political firestorm with that language,
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didn't you? congressman politics played no part whatsoever in my investigative step, as you understood, never the last word should. i do remember this to her. if you cannot tell me you're so now you've as to, to think your words would not have created a political firestorm. you understood that the entry when you wrote those words, when you decided to include those words when you decided to go beyond specific references to documents you understood. or over i resigned from the us department of justice on monday as investigations sizes. emma, the buyer can buy them wilfully held onto a highly sensible information, and to shut it with a goof right to prison by and has denied all the obligations. okay, so i do not share classified information. i did not share with my goal, so i did not guarantee you did not did not say to mr. president, one of the questions that i spoke with total. so steve mobile, he said the hood,
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both of biden's health issues is to justify his decision to not press charges. it is a 2 tier system of justice. donald trump is the only one propagated since 2016. you know, many people have been the nominee use of their parties running for president. wait, i'm assuming for 51 his nomination tonight. trump? well, when it later tonight. so you haven't 16 trump, a trump, hillary. then you had trump fine, and now you could have trump by 3 people. by with is classified documents and one key points here. he was taking documents for 40 years. 40 years as a senator is a vice president. i mean, crazy stop. hillary had a whole bunch of emails that was subpoenaed, she destroyed them to be hammered herself. both did everything, only donald trump, the republican, has charges brought against him,
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only truck. and this is going to help donald trump in the eyes of the public, because now they see all the evidence against joe biden, and nothing, nothing truck who did little by comparison. and he could go to jail. and one other thing, i think some porton for folks understand is present by and had this information everywhere. there were 3 places. those 3 places classified information where it was that is that fair to say? that's correct. the initial transition office immediately after being a vice presidency, the pen biden centers temporary office, and then the pen bite and centers permanent office. okay, so those, and then you have the university, delaware library, c university, delaware biden center. right, so that's 5 total and then you had multiple places in his home. correct? the garage, then the office upstairs of the office downstairs. correct. so what does that? that's like 9 different places. i lost counselor, but yeah, exactly. so did that, does this everywhere, and it was documents over 50 or timeframe. and then by comparison,
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because the democrats want to keep comparing to present a present trumps plus what i've read is home, but secret service protection, i don't know that they're anywhere else where they're quite interesting comments about biden's mental, a bit of these items and the recognition that biden still don't have assessed. i can listen to this for the 2nd my assessment and the report about the relevance of the president's memory was necessary and accurate and fair. most importantly, what i wrote is what i believe the evidence shows and what i expect jurors would perceive and believe i did not sanitize my explanation, nor did i disparage the president unfairly. what city on here? i mean, while they told him about his memory is in the 1st place, why is this important? why is this a place for him to do to build about this? because with this is the reason that that he's giving for saying yes, he did all these things, but no, no charges were filed. why? because it was my judgement that a jury would find him to be a sympathetic. well,
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meaning old man with memory problems and they probably wouldn't convict him. that's why he brought this up because he did up memory issues. did forget things he big will remember when his son had died, all kinds of things didn't remember when he was vice president. he had to ask for help as of the idea of continues of private gainesville, they cool how much was it? some policy is to begin to suffer the list and all the 58 lost his entire family except for his father. when is there any forces of types garza city on the 9th of december? the strike k y r i 58 was stranded in jericho city midwest. by following the 7th of october, how much the tech it wants to shut up itself. marsh on december 9th. so my wife and i were speaking on the phone that she was telling me something a tank shell hit the door of our house. i heard the blast but couldn't understand
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what was happening. she said, often it forgive me. i asked why she said this, my wife repeated the same, and then we lost connection. those were the last words i heard from my wife. when the shell hit our door for my mother, my wife and my siblings managed to escape to my uncle's house, located just 30 meters away. less than 25 minutes later, the house was hit by a missile from an f. 16 fighter jet. there were 128 people inside the building, including my family. but not one of them came out alive. now that's part of this style, feel idea. flights of jobs of delivered as sikes on gaza. city on december, the 9th, as troops continued the grinding operations on the ground, the attacks claimed the lives of more than 100 civilians and reduced in trying neighborhoods to level now on monday. awesome,
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and also follow the last 17 members of his family. only his father managed to survive. ahmed rebuilt, has died in the attack. paula, i. lona, what is ton? 10 and 5 on the 1st of march nozzler. the smallest was not even 2 years old. heart broken off, i had shed memories of his daughters with us was found on the i reached the point where i can't cry from my family anymore. and then i mean, not in front of anyone. special in front of my father is just impossible for me now . but my heart cries all the time. i burst into tears when i'm alone. i can't sleep at night, i think but, but i don't want to cry in front of my father because i know that if i do, he will break down too. i still have my daughter's pictures on my phone, where i used to have their photos as my wallpaper. i would turn it on and see their
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faces. okay, but now i remove them from the lock screen. i just cannot look at the pictures anymore because now there are only pictures. you can remove them from your phone, but how can they be removed from your heart? my eldest daughter, tyler used to draw for me. okay, every time i return from israel i would find the hard shaped note with our names on it. for tyler was too shy to give them to me herself. so she asked her mother to do that while she stood behind the door, picking out and laughing. and my daughter alone, um i used to give her a shekels when i returned home, but she wouldn't be happy unless it was the half shekels. i would give her 510 shekels, and she would say, no, dad, i want the big one. she didn't understand that it was worthless. if i get the chance to return to my city where my family members are temporarily buried, i want to re bury them. and i want to put talos drawings on her shroud lawn. his
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story is this half shekel. i've had this with me since october of all that is one of some 165000 pass. nancy's working is well on the west bank. are full the start of the war, the employed in the construction, culture, hospitality and service industries. off of the 7th of all, so how much time time is there any government decided to buy in fields over a 140000 policy and what this image should details of his experience with us as some of them are doing these people were innocent, ordinary citizens just living their lives. what was their fault? when i got the opportunity to stop working israel, i paid off our debts, started building a house and was planning to see my brother get married. our dreams were becoming real. then suddenly it all went up in flames. my dream now is to return to gaza
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and bury my wife, my daughters, my family members, to bury my mother and brother who has been under the rubble since december 9th. their bodies still haven't been found. with this war going on, we can only pray that the almighty will stop the bombing the famine and the death that fell upon our people. on the children and women of our nation. i wish that all the countries of the world will help stop the war as soon as possible, so that the hearts of palestinians are saved and put it ease. i used to have normal, simple dreams. but today i dream of burying my family who died and got them so that's all from me for now is always a pleasure to have your company. my colleagues ask you to tell me it will show you the top of the hour. i wish you on
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